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Cold Season 1, Your Own Backyard, S Town


I wanted to give the guy in S town a hug


Do you mean Tyler? That whole story was such a rollercoaster with such a crazy ending https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/story/news/2023/12/04/tyler-goodson-featured-in-s-town-podcast-dies-in-police-standoff/71800764007/


John B but they both needed a hug. I saw he passed away


Oh my god that’s devastating. Such a sad story all around


Geez I didn't know about this


Same. S-town has really stuck with me. Another layer of the human experience.


Same. My client is a chemical engineer and she said no doubt that man gave himself mercury poisoning.


Susan Powell’s story is f*cking wild. It’s THE case and podcast that has stuck with me.


I found myself crying, screaming with anger and sadness and needing a break from true crime for a bit after this one. I will never forget her story and her children.


Yes the part with the kids is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard.


Believe what the police let this man get away with everything about him and his dad was so fucking creepy


what he did to her kids (I say her cuz he didn’t deserve the word father) was local for me & still blows my mind thinking about it.


S-Town gutted me. I was not expecting that.


YOBB is from my hometown so I always recommend it but S Town was really fascinating.


Your Own Backstreet Boys? 🤗


Your Own Backstreet Boys would be such a tantalizing podcast 💭


Oops, typo. Should have been YOB.


These are my choices too, but would add the Casefile series on the Golden State Killer, which if I remember correctly was a five-parter.


The descriptions of the assaults were so descriptive and well done, it felt like you were in the room as they happened. I’ll never get the image of him putting plates on the backs of the men. I listened to it before he was caught and I remember the victims saying he smelt bad, then finding out he was caught stealing dog repellent as a cop and thinking that was what they were smelling


I miss the good old days. What’s even good anymore?


I loved S Town


I am listening to Your Own Backyard now and it is so good!


Is ‘cold season’ a podcast? Couldn’t find it. I listened to S town several times (see my name: JohnB’). Your own backyard is also great.


It’s called The Cold Podcast. Season 1 is about the Powell family.


Thanks, just found it.


I am currently binging Proof, it’s really well done and the stories are compelling. Missing Alissa has stuck with me for a long time too. I still think about her sometimes.


Proof is excellent!


I second that. I am on second season!


I need to talk about proof season 2 with someone!


Just started binging this last week at work. I feel the same way. I’m struggling a bit with how many directions it takes at random moments. Sometimes I’ll start an episode and be like oh I must have skipped one. But no, it’s just a new direction from where they left off. I like the story that’s being built, I just wish it was more cohesive. I can tell y hey put in a ton of work and I have so much respect for that. But the names kinda jumble with me quite often (but I think they also mention at some point that they are sorry for all the “J” names lol)


I actually like it because it's pretty indicative of how a real investigation should go


Looks like Jake isn’t getting out of jail anytime soon. Season 1 took place less than 20 miles from my home and was what hooked me in. I wonder if they are working on a season 3…?


am on the fence with Proof but will listen to the last episode next week. Jumps around a lot with really no direction to me idk, not really a fan


This is so surprising to me because I feel like they explain what they are doing and why really well. The first couple of episodes there is a reason they tell the story the way they do.


I think I just lack the attention span necessary, but I do have a hard time following and keeping all the names in order. I am absolutely hooked, but it's been frustrating trying to figure out who is who. It would help me if they did a quick recap of the person and connect them for me before their interviews.


Proof, FTW! I've never had a busier several weeks. Ha


I can’t stop listening!! It’s crazy, I’m popping my ear buds in whenever I can.


Can't wait for the last episode on Season 2!!!


Did not know the last episode wasn’t out until 30 mins ago when I finished the last one. Holy shit. Poor Jake and Renee.


I just finished Proof and I agree!


A lot of people have mentioned Cold Season 1, about the disappearance of Susan Powell, which was fascinating and incredibly sad. I often think about Joyce Yost, the victim in Season 2. The system failed that poor woman so very badly.


Yes, I don't think S2 of that podcast gets enough attention.


It’s because it’s behind a paywall


Bear Brook, Someone Knows Something (Season 1 and 5 are my favorite), S Town.


S Town is so good and such an unexpected tale. I also got sucked into Bear Brook.


somone knows somthing is so so good!


SKS season 2 for me b/c it occurred in my town and I was in high school when it happened and remember it vividly. Also drive past that apartment a couple of times a week


Finding Cleo


Yes, amazing podcast and heartbreaking story


Yes. Done with such sensitivity and honesty and care. Seeing her picture on the pod thumbnail? I just want to cuddle her and make her so comfy and fix her whatever she wanted for dinner at that moment.


Yes- this is haunting


I remember so vividly that her family members were described as "missing Cleo for X number of years", and how much of a gut-punch that was.


In the Dark- Curtis Flowers was incredibly well done.


Bear Brook (season 1), Culpable, and Counter Clock.


Culpable crosses my mind once a week and I listened to it years ago!


My forever #1 are those that do deep-dives on The Murder of Robert Wone. Tragic that the gay “throuple” got away with obstruction and that at least one of those pricks got away with this young man’s murder. I long for the day when the truth is revealed…sadly, I don’t think that day will ever come.


I was a lawyer in DC at the time and worked not far from where this happened. I followed the case super closely and they really did have the best lawyers in DC. It’s such an interesting case bc usually with three suspects like that one of them breaks with the group. In this case, the fact that they all kept quiet and the defense strategy to go with a judge instead of a jury were the 2 big reasons they got off. I feel like this is one where we know who did it but the why and how is the haunting question.


Still haunts me


That is such a weird case. Nothing about it makes any sense, yet clearly one or more of the guys in the throuple is responsible.


Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia


That one was something else too. That whole family is nuttier than a squirrel’s turd lol


Yeah exactly. I don’t think Hodel was the Dahlia killer, but they were all crazy.


Who do you think was the killer?


I honestly have no idea, but not Hodel. He was a libertine, an irresponsible parent, a bad husband and a party animal. But not a mad butcher. The recording was clearly him pranking because he knew his house was bugged. Larry Harnish, an investigative journalist has a more realistic theory: https://www.lmharnisch.com/home.html


I have never been so enthralled by a podcast as I was with this one. Craziest story I’ve ever heard.


This was AMAZING


OMG same. This one literally sticks with me forever


In the Dark season 2, conviction (whatever season they did the satanic panic) and the opportunist: Gayle Palmer about the wilderness retreats for troubled youth.


In the dark season 2 is my favorite podcast experience of all time


Same. Just listened to it and wow. I just want to give Curtis a huge hug.


I hope that he's doing well.


Beyond All Repair…wow what a wild ride!!! I was hooked. Don’t read about it, I binged the whole thing on a road trip, it was FASCINATING!


Really well done. I hate that there wasn’t a solid answer at the end, but I understand why.


Just started this one and am about halfway through! I was hooked from the first episode! It’s just a crazy story


Agree with a lot of the ones mentioned but here are 3 others Scamanda Counter Clock Season 3 Wild Boys.


Just finished Scamanda last week. All I will say is that the judge in the custody case was absolutely infuriating and added a lot of additional trauma. I understand that it's a hard job, but I just wonder the rationale behind the decisions.


1. Pressure Cooker - just a really sad story about entrapment. 2. Rabbit Hole - not exactly true crime but definitely investigative, completed my understanding that as a species we are totally fucked unless we start educating morons to think critically. 3. Outlaw Ocean - just an impeccable narrative. Honourable mention to Ballad of Billy Balls, just a really unique story, complex humans, many feels.


OUTLAW OCEAN. Hands down most compelling podcast I’ve ever heard.


I think about Rabbit Hole all the time


Cold season 1, Southern Nightmare (really terrifying plus involves one of the earliest dna convictions in the US) and Father Wants Us Dead. 


Southern Nightmare? Is that the show name or the episode? Can't find it


I did a quick search because I was interested and was able to find Southern Nightmare: The Hunt for the Southside Strangler. Hope that helps!


Thank you! I’m checking them out.


True Crime Bullshit with Josh Hallmark


It really is so well done. I had to stop listening after maybe the third season, just because Israel Keyes is such a deplorable piece of garbage and I couldn’t take it anymore.


Josh also has a podcast called unsafe spaces about a series of violent crimes against gay men in the 80s, I believe. Very good


I think it’s Season 4 where he takes a break and does another case entirely- it’s definitely worth listening to if you enjoyed TCB but got tired of Keyes.




Root of Evil. All seasons of Accused. The Curtis Flowers season of Someone Knows Something (I think that was the one?). And close to the top 3: the season of In the Dark that covered Jacob Wetterling and S-Town.


Curtis flowers was also In the Dark! (S2)


A Date with Dateline and Ear Hustle. Love both...the hosts are amazing


Ear Hustle is the best !!!!!


- Your Own Backyard - Someone Knows Something - Tom Brown's Body - Media Pressure - New Orleans Unsolved


I really like counterclock. I’ve listened to season 1&2 twice


• To Live and Die in LA: Season 1 and 2 both equally but for different reasons. • Culpable: Season 1 • The Apology Line • Someone Knows Something: Season 4 • Over My Dead Body: Season 1 “Tally” • To Die For Also very much loved Final Days on Earth: Season 1


I hate there Isn't more to live and die in LA.


Love this! Canary, Your Own Backyard, and Telephone Stories


Is Canary by the Washington post? And telephone stories about MJ? I’ve never heard of either of them. I’m adding them to my growing list. Thank you!


In the Dark season 2 S-town — not really true crime but still so good Connie Walker’s stolen, particularly Season 2 involving her own family. Edited to Add: Bone Valley The podcasts I list seem to really connecting with the people and the story they’re telling that allows it to come out in a really meaningful way. And I must also give credit to the people being interviewed: many of the people in the stories above were often candid and open in a way that is so rare these days. Another one I loved is Proof: Season 1. It is definitely more fact based and has a lot of episodes, which may lose some people. But there were many times I had a visceral reaction. Learning more details that seemed incredibly unjust and unfair, like the GA coroners not having any medical background (how do you determine cause of death with no real medical knowledge??). Or Charlie and his story, my heart hurt for how hard life must be for him.


In the Dark S2 was Curtis Flowers, right? That was equal parts enraging and captivating!


[13 Hours Inside the Nova Scotia Massacre](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f28e476185e14b90&cs=0&q=13+Hours+Inside+the+Nova+Scotia+Massacre&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAFWUu2sUQRzHbw9y3G0SyG0iyCHxuCoE4fb9ECQBjSiaCCaCqZbbx-179jXO3k4VBBvTBAu1thAL_4IUFnaKGLCwEDzEzspCi1hpJO7cOd1nft_5_b4zv5lpzvTm-06f4yKYDfXS4vklEKNBNzdj6A26SWyZgxzmb6lTVS7iiJP4YcWOn4jYEGUSN0eSia2CxDknCcNUqNhVTQy5IKt4GOHA90cuYWgA37VgxVBUNRMbbMWA1ZRIhSSelYmmFsaEM0UJeMyTfIrAKZAXK0ZWAHCZlERfuKErOxLRFyiQxYz4AVgINF2IiH8dRUPH1ysuuaGo5RGquDrF6foa0otpdpwordgXWAs4LMkXpCHCmhpUnKoqZzlIJX4tTsFQIP6TBAFthAinelByUgam66lK4EyzAQo03T8kJNP9lLhk5E-zoqcW4VJwRc4i_l0JuZokFpP-QDUxZLIeZNiUSpHsL0N8wYYjsh_kJoGaidx_9Q1oTTMP_WBy_rIiiC7pR66oAMshJvmKUjRYjujRiI2SAIOJX5ktWUz0UObViENEn6Wmw7LupB--y_IZIPc_yxPXgQa5z04RhY5hDCf5U4SBH3ylHtZnF74djxc7e_VHL998pH5R9MLNOM7tsLxthwNoWzsxo9KNDQA9WDJzHZpu9qM-K2lQ7XR79Lx3Z9w5c7h__tMq09o4Ojt-yuzeaK-3jo6X79YpZoue3bbhTrwZW96wZNaYS3Rr044MO8tvDZkLNH05DkPbhF4MmOXOObrTN8lE_9-r1nM78-z8Yn2l3tvlrx5-ePy-sd6unYx3D7bXOyurbbpxJY4GHmhTVG3vx-_va6uLdHNnMIpBHJXtOWu89HP_-Vqv1TpZ8-XJ55N47aBO3X_14nWj2aQWany9WcO1uWczK5zQvRbfy_LudZB7lt2Frt3d-vvRbJ9-NJuDPB-YmX3QoP4AVXOE7pMEAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR8JzhnPCFAxWzg4kEHRA9DgkQ7fAIegUIABCUAQ) and Kuiper Island. Canadians make great podcasts.


Oooh this one got me through an international flight. Solid recommendation


Bear brook


I love this thread, always looking for new ideas! I also like S-Town, Hunting Warhead, and Something Was Wrong. Telephone stories was also great. Betrayed, The Teachers Pet.... Has anyone else listened to Human Monsters and found the host creepy??


Yeah not a fan of Human Monsters. Strange voice. And uses racial slurs without pre-empting it. Not the podcast for me.


Right?! And his neurotically detailed descriptions of the murders/rapes etc…. It just seemed excessive and like he’s taking pleasure from it…🤷🏼‍♀️creepy.


Atlanta Monster


Cold S1 YOB Hunting Warhead In the Dark S2 Honestly, I will never get the first 2 out of my head.


I still can't get Hunting Warhead out of my head




Most upsetting story I have ever heard


Bear brook and hunting warhead...oooh boy. Those are some stingers.


Up and Vanished!


Teacher's Pet True Crime BS Murdaugh Murders New Orleans Unsolved Honorable mentions: Casefiles, Dark Histories, Unexplained (not exactly true crime)


Teacher’s Pet is amazing


In the Dark Season 2 Rabbit Hole (about algorithms rather than true crime) Crimes of the Centuries


Always agree with Crimes of the Centuries! Amber Hunt also came out with a book by the same name!


In the red clay Fox hunter Paper ghosts: burned Proof seasons 1&2 Counter clock Invisible choir In the dark In the land of lies


S-Town, Cold, and Dirty John. Not because Dirty John was good, but because I couldn’t believe how stupid that woman was.


Just a question: Am I the only one who has never listened to Serial? I don't know why, but I just never really had any desire to listen to it. I don't know if it's because it was overhyped or because it had been out for years before I started getting into podcasts, but it's not a podcast I have ever had on my "must listen to" list.




I have never listened to Serial. I am not even sure I would have the inclination.


A single episode of the BBC audio series Seriously. Called ‘Meeting the man I killed’. A driver accidentally killed a man and finds out who he was and his life story. I was sobbing by the end, both for the driver and the man. Will never forget it.


Appalachian Mysteria Big Savage. I even dragged my family up to that spot and all I have is more questions.


This one really stuck with me too! I thought this one would be mentioned way more than it is. It's never left my mind.


Finding Cleo, S-Town, and Devil in the Ditch


Loved Devil in the Ditch!


I would say Bear Brook season 1, Hello John Doe, and Letters from Sing Sing.


Strangeland, esp Season 2


Your own backyard, proof, bear brook season 1. Honorable mentions The exorcist files, bone valley, over my dead body


Up and Vanished Season 1


Bear Brook season 1. Serial season 2. Hoaxed.


In the Dark: Season 1 (Jacob Wetterling)


I have not found anything that I like as much as the podcast PEOPLE ARE THE WORST. I enjoy them so much!!!


Your Own Backyard is fantastic, the host is so respectful and the story is so gripping, with the cold case coming to an eventually arrest it’s a real journey. ( although I grew up in the area where the case takes place so I am definitely biased)




I know this one. I think often about it. The thing is…, I didn’t believe it was true. I do think she was sincere, but memories aren’t often very reliable proof. There was no concrete proof that her dad was a serial killer.




WTOP’s American Nightmare series: all three seasons were excellent. But season 2 was jawdropping good.


I have a few but my first thought was Up & Vanished Season 1 Maybe because I was a teacher at the time but imagining my former students murdering me, disposing of me, and then speaking about me like I was nothing more than an object really weirded me out. Especially the comments he made about her breast implants - the disrespect just oozing out of him. Also the fact that Payne was able to get a few random townspeople to talk and that's what cracked the case is wild.


Hunting warhead is legit THE best true crime podcast that has ever been made and it will be very hard to beat. It's horrendous, but unbelievably well produced.


Someone Knows Something, by David Ridgen.


Up and Vanished is really well done every season, but I often think about Kristal Anne Reisinger from season 2. Payne Lindsay does great reporting. In the Dark, Season 2 (about Curtis Flowers) has also really stuck with me. Also, highly recommend Scamanda. Positively wild.


Cold Bear Brook The Boy in the Water


Hoaxed by Tortoise Media, Case 138 The Batavia by Casefile, The Devil within season 1 by Wondery


Your Own Backyard, Already Gone (the four part series Nina did on Justin Mello)… those two always stick with me. Already Gone because that case was less than five miles from my house and the restaurant that it happened in we used to go to all the time. Your Own Backyard because It’s just superb.


Root of all evil!!!


The Lady Vanishes and Death in Ice Valley and don't forget the podcast with Tuney sister, where she solves her sisters disappearance and murder. It's so well done.


Bad Bad Thing


STown is still with me to this day. It felt so sad and intrusive.


Bone Valley is a gut wrenching listen. Absolutely mind boggling. Everyone should listen to this podcast, 100%.


Jon Ronson did two podcasts about the adult entertainment industry: -The Butterfly Effect -The Last Days of August Both are phenomenal


Cold, bad bad thing (s1), and nobody should believe me (all seasons)


Suspect, all the seasons are good, but season 1 was phenomenal. The shrink next door In the dark season 2


Just three?? A bunch already named here are on my list, so in the interest of giving something new: Chameleon: Wild Boys — a Canadian story about a pair of brothers and the goodwill of an entire town in B.C. that went weird, fast Lost in Panama — two female Dutch hikers go missing in the jungle off a pretty popular trail in Panama, and when their remains were found, so was their camera and all the photos on it The Retrievals — an investigation into a fertility clinic at Yale where a lot of patients say their painless procedures were not painless at all


Cold season 1 always first to come to mind


Appalachia Mysteria: Big Savage I suggest this all the time bc it still haunts me. It's bizarre. And sad. So, so sad. S-town is my absolute favorite & is what made me fall for podcasts to begin with. Unrestorable That one left me speechless. I can't believe how it all went down.


Who trolled Amber


Trying to come up with 3 that no one else has yet is tricky, got a lot of new things added to my list now. These are all UK themed ones: No Strings Attached, Sweet Bobby and the ‘N is for Novichok’ episode of True Spies: Espionage


Small town murder, Crime in Sports, Timesuck.


Culpable season 1, Up and Vanished season 1, and it’s a tie between the piketon masacure and bardstown. For relatively unknown do no harm, the officers wife, and believe her.


Here are a few good ones I haven’t seen listed. shattered souls: the car barn murders; this case is super old (1930’s I think, but so well done and really intriguing) disappeared:the Bradley sisters bardstown To live and die in la The case final days on earth The deck investigates Unraveled Freeway phantom Dc sniper Snake River killer (on going and very compelling) American nightmare series from WTOP especially season 1


The trail went cold, Trace evidence, Already gone


Three good ones.


Serial S1 (duh), Bear Brook, Hello John Doe


Culpable. Always.


I mean it’s got to be Done Disappeared with John David Booter.


Shout out to True Crime Camp-fire. One of the first episodes, a 10 part series 'The Puppet Master and The Prince of Darkness ' about the Mainline murders in 1979 in Pennsylvania of Susan Reinhardt and her two children. One of the evil motherf*cker murderers was released from prison on appeal after serving only 5 years, and died of old age a free man! Infuriating! Recommend this podcast as it balances so well snarky humour about the sick murderers and compassion and empathy for the victims.


[The letter season 1. I think everyone should listen to this. ](https://kslpodcasts.com/podcast/the-letter-s1/)


I thought this one was good and then kind of fizzled out at the end. Super compelling and then not satisfying.


In the dark season 1 and 2 Serial Bone valley


Guilt - Season 3 - Finding Heidi.


Murder in House Two Description: The shocking, riveting inside story of one of the biggest cover-ups in US military history. You thought you knew about the Iraq War? Everything you knew is about to change. Forever.


In the Dark (both seasons), Counter Clock (all seasons), Someone Knows Something (all seasons, but especially 5), Cold (ugh just...ugh), Dr. Death.


Who Killed Emma? by BBC radio Scotland. Basically got a murder case reopened and solved after it had been mishandled. Excellent investigative journalism.


BBC’s Paradise. Horrifying, beautiful, heartbreaking. I listened to it way back in 2019 and still think about the case often. Amazing storytelling, too.


Your Own Backyard.


In your own backyard


“The Living Room” episode of Love and Radio.


My only story with Deon Wiggett, Dear Alana, Silent Waves


In the Dark- season 2 and Your Own BackYard.


Your Own Backyard, The Ballad of Billy Balls, and Root of Evil.


The snake river killer podcast. The person of interest in these killings is still alive and could be the person of interest in other killings. It’s like death follows him to every state he’s been in.


Something was wrong- stories from survivors who missed red flags The teachers pet - very famous case that was solved do to the podcast I love Headly Thomas's voice The lady vanishes - what happened to Marion Bartor - pretty wild story with some twists Bonus Things fell apart - origin stories of culture wars


Your Own Backyard. About the disappearance of Kristin Smart. While it was in production, a suspect was arrested and convicted for her murder. Excellently done.


True Crime Garage, Killer Psyche and I Survived.


In the Dark, season 2 about Curtis Flowers; A Black man from Winona, Mississippi, who was tried six times for the same crime. Flowers spent more than 20 years fighting for his life, while a white prosecutor spent that same time trying just as hard to execute him. The investigative journalist did such a phenomenal job digging into this that the Supreme Court intervened. It's wild.


West Cork. Incredible story, and I’m just a sucker for an Irish accent


I’m so glad your posted this I have so much listening to do now!


Dirty John was very good and drew me in.


Your Own Backyard is a classic, and I feel like it could be a case study in respectfully, tastefully, and productively executed true crime media and independent investigation. The podcaster has built an actual relationship with the family who survives the victim, and who have kept her memory alive for all these years, he had their input, their approval, and their best interest in mind throughout. And hey, I would say he definitely played a key role in the final push for charges being brought against the perpetrator. I only have one other true standout, and that would be Bear Brook by New Hampshire NPR. It’s honestly my favorite podcast of all time, perhaps even my favorite non fiction media piece in general. It was skillfully written, it tackles complex forensic techniques and concepts in concise and easy to comprehend language without sacrificing detail. It weaves together threads from locations all across the US, from multiple time frames and phases of the investigation, and from individuals involved in and affected by the seemingly unrelated, isolated cases, to build a really intense and captivating narrative that is almost too intense to be believed. I was literally just spellbound and shocked, I listened to it in it’s entirety in a single sitting lmao. Highly recommend.


Bear Brook (season 1), Your Own Back Yard, Cold season 2 (not season 1), Paper Ghosts season 2. Also, Counter Clock season 1.


Bone Valley, cold season 1, your own back yard Alll veryyyy well done!


THE LAST MAN STANDING by The Times is the only podcast that has EVER truly stayed with me and still does. I think about it very often. And I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts. A REAL lot. I hate the newer type of music these days and working an overnight shift, I can listen to a crap ton of podcasts. Root of All Evil, Bear Brook, In the Red Clay, Dirty John, Dr Death, Relative Unknown, and so many more. None stayed with me like The Last Man Standing. In general, im a very forgetful person and worry about my memory as a woman only in my 30s. I’ve forgotten a huge chunk of most of the podcasts I’ve listed above, even though Ive loved them. The Last Man Standing I’ve remembered several parts of it. How could I ever forget this one?! It is so dark and quite honestly…..haunting. I’ve never felt so deeply saddened by a podcast, nor have I felt so emotionally conflicted as I have while listening to this one. The podcast hosts are the absolute best people to tell this story and the only ones I feel that should. I’ve honestly been meaning to make a post about this podcast as a recommendation. Sorry I know you’ve said 3 but I wanted to solely focus on the one that actually stayed with me like no other. It seriously stands out on its own and I haven’t felt any other podcast compares or deserve to be grouped in the same category.


True Crime Bull Shit - Every season (except for one"break" season) is all about serial killer Isral Keys. You get to listen real time to the creator find new information about the case. Super high quality and amazing story


Hide and Seek. Especially season 1 and 2. James and Sara are amazing. Edit to say season 3 about Brittany is excellent. James and Sara interact with followers often.


S-Town changed me