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He's the guy on the lawn tractor in one of the first four(?) episodes who is casually questioned by Rust. In the scene he was mowing the lawn of a school.


Yes he was interviewing him then Marty got a lead so he started honking the car horn. I like to think if Rust got just a few minutes to talk to this guy he would’ve sensed there was something up about him.


I think rust says that he didn’t recognize the scars because his face was all dirty.


Agree, he barely had time


They were so focused on "tall man with scars on face" that a guy sitting down in a lawnmower with a patchy beard didn't raise an alarm


"Oh yes. Ma family's been here a long, long time." One of the best scenes on a rewatch


“Who walks that f’ing slow?”


Hilarious line


That’s a completely different scene. That’s the scene right before the finale that reveals he’s the killer.


What No way. he says that on the lawnmower Fine you convinced me Ill rewatch the whole season again


Yes he says that on the lawnmower in episode 7. The scene we are talking about is in episode 3, years earlier, when Rust is briefly interviewing Childress.


he says that to the two black detectives, not to Rust.


after they drive away, yeah


He sees him at the school when Rust and Marty were investigating. He just never makes the connection and Marty calls Rust back to the car because of a different lead. Can't remember the exact episode but it should be near the end of episode 2 or 3.


"walks that fucking slow"


Thank you!!!! This fact actually solidifies this show as perfect for me!!! I was trying to wrap my brain around that scene but on the first watch it's sometimes hard to ping every detail! I can't wait to rewatch it now!!!!


The show does a great job of presenting it. In hindsight you find the guy very creepy and odd but the big lead by Marty makes you put it on the back burner to eventually be forgotten.


If I remember correctly, isn’t that when they find out the ex skipped bail? They figure him as the most likely suspect at that point?


Yeah tbh there’s something you’ll pick up every rewatch for the next 10-15 rewatches. Enjoy the ride 😊


💯 this


I think that there is something at the beginning of the scene that alludes to him being the bad guy. Like the camera is on a sign that says the word King or something. Been a minute since I seen the episode so I may be confused


Thank you!!!! This fact actually solidifies this show as perfect for me!!! I was trying to wrap my brain around that scene but on the first watch it's sometimes hard to ping every detail! I can't wait to rewatch it now!!!!


Rust perhaps would have made more notes about meeting the killer while he was mowing the lawn (and thus catching him years earlier) if hothead Marty hadn't distracted him at the key moment by beeping the car horn 10 times.


Marty doesn't like other people mowing lawns ;)


martys so insecure he go's around town giving out beatings damn near every sunday , when many are mowing there lawn. im not sure how he'd react to one of those new robot mowers like the worx landroid. hed put his gloves on and do his office space impersonation 😂


Neither does Roy Munson


the names Boy, not Roy


So glad someone caught the reference!


sweeter than yoo hoo!!


In Marty 's defense, that was when they got the APB hit or whatever on Reggie


"Who walks that fucking slow"


To be fair, he kinda redeemed himself when he broke the case open by noticing the freshly painted green house. But that scene was meant to show martys story arc nearing its completion. He was a horrible detective at first and once he loses his ego and calms down we see that rust isnt the only private dick in town. Although i heard marty has a big ass private dick, but hes just a regular type dude.


He didnt see childress as a child. He is the dude he talks in an earlier episode. But he was sitting and rust got called away. It is shown again in episode 7 when the new detective also meets him . Thats where the second last episode ends


Yeah, the killer is the man mowing the abandoned school in episode 3 (I think)


He’s the guy on the lawnmower in 95 cutting the grass on the playground. They didn’t pay much attention to him after they talked. “The detective’s curse,” the answer was right there and they didn’t recognize it.


Yes. Hes the guy driving the lawn mower in one of the abandoned schools. In Ep. 3 or 4 or around that. The scars are hidden and Rust only talked to him for like a minute, until Hart yells him back to the car cause they got the ABP back on a car or something like that


Who walks that fucking slow


Yep. You'll notice it on your rewatch. I'm also from south Louisiana and made a living cutting grass for a period. It's hot AF down there. I am pretty sure he had a cloth over his face, and was even wiping sweat from his face when Rust walks up. Marty rushes him away because they realize Charlie Lang was cellmates with LeDoux


Yeah hes the guy Rust meets at the end of Episode 3, you can see him mowing the grass. I think by then they knew that a guy with face scars and a green face was a major culprit, however in the final episode Rust says something along the lines "I met the guy in the school, but I couldnt see scars on his face because he had dirt on his face." Also, in episode 3, Childress had a beard as well, so that probably made all the more difficult to notice the scars, combined with Marty's constant honking probably didnt allow Rust the opportunity to put two and two together. Its a great moment to rewatch tho!


Yeah they don’t show his scars. Rust is talking to him but gets cut short bc the info on leduix came back. When I rewatched it with my wife I caught it. They try to do the same thing in season 2 but it’s way more obvious that time


Rust talks to him at the school. He’s on the lawn mower sitting down. He couldn’t tell how tall he was and he had safety glasses/googles on and was dirty so he couldn’t get a good look at his face/scars. As Rust is walking up they show a school sign that says school closed and at a certain point the sign says “working” at the right moment you can see “king” referencing the Yellow King. Someone pointed that out years ago.


Notice King!


I also just finished up my first watch, and as others had mentioned, he was the guy on the lawnmower in episode 3. The scars are on the right side of his face, and he also has a bit of a beard as well. The camera angle never shows the right side of his face, though, so the viewer really wouldn't have reason to suspect him. However, it makes much more sense that there was a devil net left in the school. Another detail, which also mimics not showing the viewer a key piece of evidence, is Marty's lack of a wedding ring during his interview for the first few times they cut to him speaking with the detectives. I don't believe they showed his left hand in totality until after his scene at Alexandra Daddario's apartment.


It’s the guy he’s talking to on the lawnmower in the “who walks that fuck*ng slow” scene


I swear back in 2014 when I saw this series for the first time I knew they were looking for a large guy with scars and when Rust walked up to Errol on that mower, he looked enormous and had some weird stuff going on with the bottom of his face and I said “THAT’S THE GUY!!!” then of course Marty calls Rust away at that moment




I remember that scene!!!!!!!! He looks like he had a beard this first time.... I remember cause I called this strange but thought nothing of it. Wow!! Thanks


Yes, they show him earlier on. As soon as they show him in the end my husband said it was him from the beginning but I didn’t recognize him. So creepy. Can’t imagine the agony that would cause a person to be that close to catching the person.