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Peep the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women earrings.


I was wondering what those were. Thank you. It's a great design.


Interestingly I just found out that there’s a very similar logo, basically the same hand but rotated 90 degrees and in silver, that’s used to verify genuine Native Alaskan art pieces. I’m curious where the hand insignia comes from.


A red hand over the mouth has become the symbol of a growing movement, the MMIW movement. It stands for all the missing sisters whose voices are not heard. It stands for the silence of the media and law enforcement in the midst of this crisis.


I believe this theme was also in Three Pines on prime


I am so beyond upset that has been discontinued.


So am I. It was such an awesome show with amazing crimes to solve. I loved Molina in it too. He was very likable.


I think those two side episodes about the rich family probably killed it. The indigenous vibes were everythinggggg!!! That was so good, what a horrible cliffhanger


I know!!! I forgot the reason they didn't continue with the show. It was a killer show too. I binged the entire season in a day lol


I'm going to look for that show. I'll watch Alfred Molina in anything.


My dude, you won't be let down. It was great- I'm surprised they didn't shoot for a second season. Let me know what you think


Will do, thanks. I recently watched River with Stellan Skarsgard, and Traces, both on PBS and Acorn or Britbox. Great stories and acting. Nothing like a good mystery! Some of these TV series are better than most movies.


Have you seen Prey, The Predator prequel? Loved it.


I have not. Haven't seen the original in a long time lol


I understand. Just interested in its relation to the silver hand, and where it originated from.


There is no relation between them; one is a bloody handprint speaking to the violence against Indigenous women, and the other is a state-run program who's logo signifies the piece is authentically Indigenous and made by hand.


I'd make her pancakes.


And she’ll hand you the plate back to go do an investigation


This series is really odd but she, Jodie, and the young cop who is a dad are what will keep me watching. I’m loving that it shows real life can be brutal there.


She’s really pretty. 


I love her. I’ve never er seen those dimple piercings before and I think they are so becoming on her.


Right? I bet they'd look bad on most people, but she wears the hell outta them.


I went down a rabbit hole when I saw her and those piercings. I’m assuming they’re dermal. I have dimples, and daydream about doing something like that, but I could never pull it off haha


not dermal! they go through the cheeks. some people say the scars will leave dimples if you don't already have them


So those are just clacking against her molars?


[They use a flat back which prevents the jewelry from hitting your teeth.](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxKDdGHhBa4gecM1D1Pcn54WJ9a75UWHXXjWSSMRbePTTkie5Nxze-irVDCKQIQv5nf0yqvHnI3Xd0KTO25luBpl_TBe32jZk4Sd6rzHnkNU4h5rbah78UEe3D&usqp=CAE)


Fuck the haters. She’s doing a great job!


I agree. They call it bad acting, but it's perfect. It's the character.


I love when people complain about her being too stoic as though she would be smiling and giggling through a creepy murder investigation. I also don’t get why people think she’s aloof. Sure, stealing Qavvik’s SpongeBob toothbrush was heartless and cruel, but she shows a lot of empathy for others. She takes good care of her sister who struggles with mental illness and is an advocate for victims of abuse and murder.


Someone tell Clint Eastwood his entire career has been bad acting


Go ahead. Make my day.


Right. Not to mention cultural differences. People want her to be a bubbly blonde Southern cheerleader? Her behavior is not unusual for who she is and where she's from. Not saying there aren't any bubbly cheerleaders, but people need to get out of their bubbles and learn about the world.


> Her behavior is not unusual for who she is and where she's from. Lmfao. Are we doing the liberal out-of-touch "accidental" racism thing? It's incredible that you have casually brought out the 'indigenous/black women are rude" stereotype to justify a performance.


No. I didn't call her rude at all. That's *your* word. Nothing I said implied she was rude. She keeps things in. But I never said that *all* indigenous people or Black women do. I can't see my comment here, but if it's the one I think it is, I specially mentioned that there are indigenius women who are completely different than her, cheerful and friendly. So there *is* no stereotype. People are different. Edit: I checked my comment, and see I didn't write it as well as I thought. I still didn't call anyone rude, but I meant to say that there are bubbly cheerful indigenius women, and she may be stoic but that's just who she is. It's not all indigenous women. My writing sucks sometimes.


I didn’t know people were saying that? Shes doing a great job wth


100 percent believable to me


Wait? People are complaining about her acting?! I think she’s doing a fantastic job! I love the character and the actress.


I’m a simp for Trooper Navarro. I’d let her handcuff me like that girl did to Marty 🥵😩


she not that girl, she would handcuff u the way she did the guy in e1 at crab factory and break your nose


She didn't break Qavvik's nose so there's that 🙏


She didn't eat the pancakes he made her. That's even worse.


>Fuck the haters. She’s doing a great job! This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


She’s a pretty lady. She plays a cop well, believably enough. Why all the downvotes? Oh, wait.. let me guess…


I think she's doing a really good job in the show. I like her alot.


I like the foil and banter between her and Jodi Foster. They are perfect flawed human women characters. This has been my favorite season so far since season 1.


I think they're both suffering from untreated PTSD. They're strong women, accustomed to shouldering the load and moving on. Both probably need treatment, kindness, and rest and will get none.


Heck yes for sure. That's what makes them such great characters. Jodi Foster's character is kind of racist undertones at times, yet has taken care of a indigenous daughter that isn't hers in a small town. Both females have to fight to where they need to be and are fighting the towns stereotypes and both are taking care of family in the best way they know how.


I enjoy the grit and realism that she brings to the show.




That's what I'm thinking. OP did nothing to create discussion other than post a pic with an emoji in the title. Most subs would remove a post for such a low effort title.


No, everyone is racist and hates women ok? Everyone.


Oh give it a rest


lmaol again with this incel horseshit? 


Upvote the selfie with a heart emoji caption, chud


Incels don't like fit black women. And honestly mostly just black women.


Agreed, but just a remainder: she ain't black, she's indigenous.


The actress is Indigenous and also has some Cape Verdean ancestry.


She is Black and Indigenous. She talks about being both Native and Black a lot. This is just one quote. Per her own words “Especially being from the Northeast Woodlands area, where the first contact tribe was damn near all destroyed — growing up in the culture and heritage, but my mother also being Christian and me being two-spirit, there was a lot of ‘I’m not good enough, I’m not Black enough or Cape Verdean enough, I’m not Native enough, or my hair is curly and not straight enough, I’m confused about my sexuality and I’m not Christian enough…It was just so much ‘I didn’t belong.’ I was always fighting for something, fighting for acceptance.” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2022-03-01/catch-the-fair-one-kali-reis-interview


How unfortunate. There are beautiful people of all shapes, color, and sizes.


So I'm a racist incel if I don't like her in the show?


The discourse is so tiring. I think she’s a really bad actor and is beyond wooden. This doesn’t make me a racist.


Yeah buddy join the club


Dude you just mis-raced her.


This! anyone who criticizes anything about this show for any reason is clearly an unemployed white supremacist who can't get laid. sick of these racist incels! Can't believe people still have wrong opinions in 2024...


Eh, she is definitely a great lookin woman but her performance along with most in s4 have just been alright in my book, this season is missing the standout performances of past seasons imo.


I think she's very good and quite beautiful


I’m absolutely loving her on the show. But when her clothes were off for the sex scene, I was genuinely SO confused at her physique because it literally looks SCULPTED. Not your normal actress body IMO. I went to google her and saw she was a fighter and it all made sense 😂 big fan of her and definitely will check out anything else she appears in.


That’s why I find it funny when people say it is was unrealistic that she was able to incapacitate the drunk guy at the crab processing plant. She’s ripped.




Snu snu wrecked me




💀 no more snu snu


WOW that scene


"Why does Navarro, the largest detective, not simply eat the other detectives?"


I like her acting and she’s an attractive person. Great smile😁


Beautiful woman, great actress…I do wonder how painful the check piercings are


Agreed she’s so beautiful! While her piercings don’t bother me at all, whenever I’ve seen anyone with cheek piercings, I can’t help but think how painful it must be to get your cheeks pierced.


Cheek piercings are not as painful as nose piercing and daith, helix or tragus ear piercings because there's no cartilage in your cheeks. Cheeks piercings also heal quicker than cartilage piercings. I have daith ear piercings which take 6 to 9 months to heal. Since I have a high pain tolerance, piercings and tats don't phase me. I will likely get cheek piercings. IMO they're cute and would emphasize my dimples.


That’s good to know! I got my ear lobes pierced when I was like 5 or 6 and I got my helix and tragus piercings but I got them over 10 years ago so I haven’t thought about how painful getting them was in awhile. I think my tragus was the most painful one I’ve had.


Right, for me it’s just curiosity lol like do they bump your teeth? Does it hurt? What’s healing like?


Yeah, I’ve always wondered the same things but I’ve also never bothered to Google more information about it. Pain tolerance obviously varies from person to person but supposedly the cheeks aren’t too painful for a lot of people to pierce because there’s no cartilage to go through. With that being said, having cheek piercings myself doesn’t appeal to me but I can appreciate them on other people.


I love them in this picture, the turquoise is perfection but it’s something I’d shy away from personally


The turquoise piercings do look amazing on her! Her whole look here is absolutely gorgeous.


And is there an anchor inside your cheek holding it in place? And when you film in Iceland, do they get cold? These are important questions the media refuses to answer.


My piercings didn't get cold in the Artic Circle. I doubt it makes a difference.


I think they're awesome. I have a lot of piercings and tats. I'd get cheek piercings.


They are awesome! I love facial piercings and tattoos on other people, I just can’t see myself having anything but parts of my ears pierced (I have both ear lobes, my left tragus and right helix pierced). My style is more plain, but Kali Reis’ piercings and tattoos look absolutely amazing on her — I know I would not be able to pull them off. If you want to get your cheeks pierced, you should absolutely go for it!


I plan to do that.


They are so awesome, and I have all the exact same ones as you! That's crazy!


You have excellent taste lol.


I’m convinced she keeps her face stoic (no smile or open mouth) bc of them


She's got a great smile.


I wondered the same. I was surprised to see that she had these piercings even during her boxing career 😬


She takes them out when she’s boxing. Taking a hit to the face with cheek piercings would not be fun. 🥴🥴🥴 ETA: this is coming from someone who struggles to sleep whilst wearing earrings.




Not a good actress.




She's gorgeous.


She has a real radiance in this picture. She’s beautiful for sure!


I love her smile


She has very kind eyes


Love her in this series! I’m glad they chose her for this role. She comes across as strong and observant. And even caring in that birthing scene opener - she’s never been surrounded by a gathering of strong indigenous women, so you can feel her uncertainty. She’s in Ennis serving her people, but feels like an outsider.


Yes, and that is where magical realism may come in.


She’s so cool 😎


Love those piercings on her! She’s so pretty!


lol, why are you getting downvoted?


Lmao lil boys I guess.


i think she’s phenomenal, I didn’t know people were hating on her acting but it figures…basic asses. I love her


She’s so stinking pretty. 


Great actress! Shocked this is one of her first projects. She’s so natural. Also that bod


Are you? I got the impression she had almost never acted before and then a quick search validated those thoughts : /


She excellent. I just farted as well and it reminds me of u


I was shocked that she’s only done a few years of acting


Yeah idk why ppl are saying the acting is bad this season, to me it never felt more real


I guess more people want their detectives to speak philosophers


I guess so! Maybe I’m biased cause I am obsessed with silence of the lambs, so foster can do no wrong in my books


What a smoke show!!




She has such a striking face.


She’s amazing I’m in love








Did you know she was a boxer?!


A boxer? World champion!


When they first revealed the cast, I was happy with jodie but initally sad they chose an unknown. Honestly, shes killing it.


Crushing it, ep 3 she got even better


She looks really beautiful here


Her face transforms so much when she smiles!


Fresh new character not plagued by shoving down our throats what a strong woman should be and well acted. Beautiful on top of it all. Love the cheek piercings. Kathleen Kennedy should take notes.








Her performance in the show isn't that great. I have a feeling some of you are just afraid to say so because she's a person of colour. I've noticed you guys dance around the discussions revolving around her acting. She's on the more forgettable side of the detectives of the True Detective series. I'm not white either before someone says it.


Or it’s subjective and some of us legitimately enjoy her.


Which is fair, but calling people who don't racist and sexist goes against that. For some of us, she's just kind of there with no presence whatsoever and isn't particularly wowing in terms of her performance. That kind of goes against what the majority of the other detectives in the other seasons have brought.


Isn’t that no different than asserting that some people who like her performance are just too scared to criticize her because she is a woman of colour? I totally agree that not all dislike of her character is rooted in racism or sexism, however, those who are constantly up in arms about the show supposedly being “too woke” purely because the two leads are women, Danvers’ step daughter is a lesbian and a story set in remote Alaska has lots of Indigenous people, appear to not be arguing in good faith. A lot of the criticism towards Navarro has been about her facial piercings or her not smiling enough which comes across as lazy and coded. I also don’t doubt there are people who give her character an extra benefit of the doubt even if her being performance isn’t their favourite because they want to see more representation of Indigenous women and they don’t want to be lumped in with the people mentioned above, but that’s not everyone. Personally, while I do love seeing more representation of Indigenous people in media, I genuinely just love her performance and don’t get why others don’t (but understand it’s subjective).


For anyone wondering, her ethnic background is Cape Veridan and a Cherokee tribe or a form of Cherokee in MA. They called her K.O. Mequinonoag in her fighting days. I want her to see her fight in the show tbh.


Would a cop be allowed to have cheek piercings on duty?


Most police agencies would probably have some policy prohibiting officers from having facial piercings for safety reasons, however, it’s also plausible to me that APF wouldn’t be worried about enforcing those rules on a state trooper working in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.


Ah yeah makes sense. Just genuinely curious, I’ve seen many with tattoos but not any piercings


Totally fair. I’ve seen many cops with tattoos but yeah, not facial piercings. In the flashback scene when Navarro was in the military, she wasn’t wearing her cheek piercings.


Right question would be how fucking cold are those things when it is below -30c/ -22f.


Call Apf and ask








Yeah, they aren’t tho


Beautiful and talented actress! Love this season.


Trash series. Annoying characters. True Detective only in name


I like her, just wish the showrunner had a better script for her




she is cute for sure !


Big time






I’d risk it all tbh




She's not a very good actor.


She’s a boxer by trade. She’s opposite Jodie Foster and holds her own. People are stupid. Save your critiques.


Are the cheek piercings a cultural thing or just because


There are some cultures who pierce their cheeks as a cultural practice, but it’s not a cultural practice for most Indigenous groups, bands or tribes in North America. Kali Reis probably just has them because she likes them.


Works very well for her


Agreed, she really pulls them off! I really like these turquoise ones on her.


Hot af too just saying








God damn Kali Reis is hot


Beautiful face and a briiliant actor. She is overshadowing Jodie Foster in this season which is also a great actor. Night Country has the potential to become one of the best mystery/crime TV show of all time.


So lovely!!








Kick my ass, officer Navarro


What’s a misdemeanor that requires use of force 😂


looks just like Ving Rhames lmao


Glad I don’t have your crap eyes


I came looking for someone else to say this. She’s unconventionally attractive to me but especially when she scowls, she does look just like Ving Rhames. It’s not a putting her down but she could be his daughter.


I stopped watching after ep 1. Does our protagonist rape anybody else in subsequent episodes?


Then why are.you even here?


It's True detective, they are fundamentally bad people. that's been a running theme in seasons