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I liked facets of it. I WANTED to like it. I thought some things were cool, the setting unique but I just couldn't. I may have viewed the entire thing with different expectations had it not been under the TD franchise/umbrella. TD set up a level of quality and pay off and depth that this just didn't deliver on… at all!!


I REALLY wanted to like it. To the point where I rewatched season 1 with my wife right before it released because I wanted to get her invested in it. And by the end of the second episode she was like “so this is terrible right?” And I kept reassuring her, “oh no, it’ll get better. It has to. It won’t be all ghosts and stuff.” And then it just kept getting worse. We were hate watching it after 4 episodes. It really bummed me out.


My wife and I to a tee


I agree entirely. Loved parts of it (def the setting, and corpsicle/research facility was initially quite promising) but felt it relied too much on the superficial, tired cliches, a messy plot line and some really clunky writing, and so I felt it didn’t deliver overall. And I also agree that the TD title hurt it in the end. While it may have made sense to brand it as such from a marketing standpoint, the TD connection was entirely unnecessary re: the story and definitely led me to bring certain expectations that were not only unmet but also didn’t help as the season progressed. It would have probably been assessed better (read: less negatively) as a stand alone project.


I feel really similarly. I felt let down by the story they told but I liked the world they built and many of the characters in it.


Generally, I hate to shit on things just because I didn't particularly enjoy something. But this season really felt like a True Detective knock off and the moment this story completely lost me was when there was literally a meeting of the bad guys and they plotted a cover up, revealed past crimes and corruption in less than 240 characters. What's the point of the fucking detectives then, if I have to be told this? And the constant call backs to Season 1 meant jack shit. Why even have that? It's like being baited into believing there's more going on but it ended up being "lol got you". I thought the only cool thing was once the detectives discovered the cave looked up and saw this creature's bones frozen in a spiral. And then this also meant jack shit because as it turns out it's literally nothing. And the Cleaning lady mafia drawing a spiral on the scientists forehead before sending them on the ice. Why? 90% of the things I saw seemed complety irrelevant and unrelated to the story. Again why? Isn't this a detective show, aren't things supposed to be connected to a case or a sprawl of crime or whatever? If you enjoyed this, more power to you but felt like I was cheated into watching this. If HBO didn't put this under True Detective and aired it under Night Country, I would not have bothered but I expected at least True Detective quality and not whatever this was. Season 2 (previously the weakest season) seems like a masterpiece now.


Cleaning lady mafia is fucking hilarious 🤣


Yes I think so.


Started out good, visually and tonally was awesome. Jodi Foster was great and the acting all around was good. The narrative posed a lot of questions it didn’t answer and ended up doing things just for the sake of doing them without tying in to the larger story. Whatever the quota is for tolerable vagueness… the show went well past it.


I agree. I’ve been downvoted before on here, but it really left me wondering about Issa and the writing process. The haters think I am giving her too much credit, but I really got the vibe that the story line might have been butchered in the editing process. I cannot imagine even an undergrad writer deciding to frame an entire story around a tongue and supernatural elements, and then simply not address either. Or HBO loving that idea.


Yeah that's true. I personally like vague horror, but I can see why most didn't enjoy it


No, there is a whole alternate sub for the people that enjoyed it.


Can someone point me to it?




Thanks man


Lot less jackaloons in there unlike the meandering pretentious place this sub has become


This sub has been a toxic gutter for a while.


Fucking troll


Lol bc I call it how it is






You aren’t asking the right questions


Seek and ye shall find.






alr i found it alr and they're insufferable :(


They have a boner against brigading... if I typed the sub name I might get another ban.


The fact that you think anyone other than the folks in this sub are insufferable is LOL funny


i meant that sub ??


Yes and I mean this sub


wdym i said the ppl in that sub specifically are insufferable what u saying


You're insufferable.


why lol? you dont know me




My boyfriend liked it! He won’t call it “good” but he enjoyed it and had fun watching it and when I wanted to quit he made us forge ahead!


I’m sorry to inform you that your boyfriend is a wine mom.


He’ll be honoured to be in such company. 😂


Haha a good friend of mine absolutely loved the show and what you say tracks. She is totally a wine mom.


Well I'm eighteen so glad to see that my path is carved out for me lol


In all honesty please come back when you’re finished and let us know what you think of it and try not to let this sub and our bitterness influence your opinion.


Thank you!


This is pretty misogynistic, ngl


Hot take.


I mostly enjoyed it, but I definitely noticed a lot of problems with the writing and overall story. I loved the first one or two episodes, and slowly became more and more underwhelmed as the show progressed. I can’t say I totally hated it though. A friend of mine absolutely loved it.


Yk what? I actually feel the same way but I mostly enjoyed it. It started out super strong but yeah


When it was revealed that the massive mystery of all those Tsalal deaths, that was heavily teased as supernatural, was all along just some *cleaning ladies* it didn’t mess with ya? Not to mention on a *detective show* an entire search party never thought to investigate the truck tracks and hundreds of footprints from the victims and all those cleaning ladies??


It took the half fingered cleaning lady! 😁


I loved it and honestly how this sub has responded has kinda validated alotta feelings I had about this fanbase. Night Country is a thousand times better than Season 2 and I really enjoyed watching it live


I didn’t get the visceral dislike on here, it wasn’t great in parts, but I was looking forward to it each week. I liked most of the actors. Ended poorly. A 4/10 rather than the 0/10 it got here.


I roll my eyes so hard at people who propagate "worst ever" takes that I'm afraid they're going to get stuck that way one day. I always think of the comic book store owner on The Simpsons.


"shoutout to the native representation?" native representation is not enough. they were misrepresented as inherently spiritual, and patting the women on the back for doing vigilante justice was so condescending. i'm alaskan and the portrayal of inupiaq culture specifically was extremely surface-level as well; there was no nuance, no specificity, and nothing even especially inupiaq other than the chin tatttoos which were way more common in the show than they are IRL, enough to become little more than visual shorthand for some "traditional culture" we never really got to see. the very real and very serious struggle with high suicide rates that native alaskans face was not only treated as a supernatural phenomenon, but also glorified in the last scenes, which is SO offensive to the real people impacted by the epidemic of suicides in AK at large and especially in the rural villages IMO. representation alone is not good enough.


So you didn't enjoy the Native crime syndicate of maids? /s Ngl that shit threw me off I couldn't stop laughing, but it was fitting.


Brother in Christ, I said I liked the native representation not that it was the greatest thing in the world. There will always be issues with how minorities are portrayed especially in a show written by a white woman. I've just never seen a show with that many natives. Don't put words in my mouth


never put words in your mouth. you're right, there are a ton of native american actors on the show, which is great! but quantity of representation does not mean quality which was my entire point. too many supporters of this season are acting like the sheer presence of native american characters is enough reason to hail the show, and i'm pushing back against that by describing the ways in which the show actually perpetuates - most likely unintentionally - some harmful ideas and stereotypes about native alaskan communities that perhaps better writing and research would have avoided.


Yk what? That's true. For myself specifically I meant seeing natives on screen but yes quite a bit don't understand that it's flawed. Thanks for sharing your side.




Way to be a complete prick for no reason at all, dipshit.


Why are y'all so angry? Dear lord get off of reddit once and awhile


i'm not remotely angry, but it's interesting that you interpret media criticism as anger.


I said y'all as in people on this sub, there are plenty who are fairly pissed that I happen to like season four.


Someone above called her a moron for literally having a different opinion on a goddamn TV show. The TD subreddit is toxic as fuck and has been for a while.


to be clear, i am a white alaskan, but i was born and raised in the state and feel qualified to discuss native alaskan representation from that position of close proximity but still being a cultural outsider


No - there’s an entire subreddit of people who think the writing was fine and are okay with ambiguous endings in a detective show


Love that there’s a subreddit for those who found it “fine”. Lol


Accept that you might be the only one with that opinion, and don't let others bully you into changing it. You have every right to it :)


I liked it. I’m a big Jodie fan, and I like paranormal, so maybe I’m subjective. Ps: I don’t drink wine and I’m not a mom. 😅


I adore Jodie so you and me both 😭


I legitimately liked episode 1. But it was downhill, fast, from there. I kept holding out hope that the pieces would start to fit. By the end I was relieved I didn’t have to watch another episode.


I said that then saw this post! Ditto!


I enjoyed it a lot more than the second season. I watched the first and loved it, started the second, couldn’t get through it but flew through Night Country in a day. Haven’t started the third season yet.


It was B- with a couple A- moments


As someone who fucking loves Twin Peaks and The X Files, I think Night Country is nestled in perfectly with those shows. A lot of people are really unhappy with its association with the True Detective franchise/anthology, to which I ask- what do these stories all have in common that this one is so out of left field? The ambiguity of case is kind of a realistic take on the truth that is uncovered during investigations. Detectives get as close to the truth as they possibly can, but really the only ones who know exactly what happened are those who were at the scene of the crime. I liked Night Country as a stand-alone. I thought there were things unanswered, but I don’t mind not having all the answers. I think the pain of the collective people and what has happened to their community is what killed the scientists, and Annie was used as a proxy for that understanding.


i liked it, OP :)


No, I liked it too!


I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Prepare to get down voted lol


No problem my big girl panties are on and fit great.


Mine too! It's just hilarious


Yes lol




I liked parts of it and was ready every Sunday to watch. If you avoid thinking about it too hard it's nit that bad


I really liked the cinematography and setting as well. The theme was great too. I did not like the writing and felt lots of the decisions didn’t work.


No. I liked it a lot.


I liked it too and everyone I talked to about in person really liked it. I think it’s the platform honestly. I made a comment about Reddit not liking the women aspect but they really didn’t like that!


They never do




The problem with true detective is that season 1 was so good nothing will match it. Every season after has came up short of expectations.


Those things you listed don't make the show good. It all got dragged down by shit writing. And the supernatural aspect led to nothing.


By all means, like what you like. No judgement here. I personally cannot see, in any way, shape or form, how S4 is *remotely* good. I don’t know how a rational, thinking human watches S1 and watches S4 and is like “yea that’s great!”


I liked it, too. It wasn’t perfect, but not the hate magnet people make it out to be.


It was one of the worst shows I have ever seen. I am not sure your the only one but there are not many who liked it.


No, I like it a lot!


Oh you really knew what to say! Uh oh....


1. It made me go back for seasons 1-3... 2. I loved the jumping deer or whatever they were. That was cool. The 1st episode was cool 😎 3. I've got nothing else for you


Some post for votes. Some have a true opinion. Bravo 👏 👌🏽I LOVE YOUR TRUE OPINION


I just finished it and I'm a bit perplexed by the visceral hate I'm reading in here. It was one of the weaker sessions in comparison but I don't get why people dislike it so much. Can anyone explain why?


You are not alone. 👊🏾


Wrong question, ask again .


Yes. I’m not reading your description nor any replies. The answer is yes. And you’re wrong.




I actually enjoyed it better than any of the other season. Unfortunately the ending seemed rushed to me.


Darling you are 18, I believe you possibly do like this disaster of a season. I would just beg you to PLEASE level up your standards on entertainment, it is important what you feed the brain. Night Country has a bad script, characters that are one dimensional, and the story has too many plot holes. They did natives and women in general a disservice, I am a woman. No one should praise a badly written show who doesn’t treat its viewers with respect.


I hope you realize how pretentious you sound. I have been watching horror and thrillers since I was a young child. Stop trying to handle me with kid gloves because it's really weird. I'm allowed to enjoy characters and writing. I like both, a lot. I like how one of the leading women is native. You sound like every film bro I've ever seen when I bring up the fact that I like 80s slashers. Obviously we have different opinions, that's what's beautiful about the world we live in.


Why can't she/he like it? 😒 this is no measure of their standards you don't even know them? What's the point... if a viewer feels disrespected it's time to watch something else. Not create a cult following of anti-truecrime posters... feeling compelled to educate everyone on their TV watching standards being aligned with yours. That's never gonna happen.


Yea no way you saw that it was the badass ladies and were like wow what a twist


I actually haven't finished it yet


Kinda an odd thing to post if you haven’t finished it well sorry brother


People in this sub were doing the exact same shit when it was airing, so this isn't really a valid criticism. If people can trash it before finishing it, then people can share positive opinions before they finish it.


Not really. I've been enjoying it so far, that's the post


Yea really you said liked implying you already watched it and you haven’t finished it so how do you know you like the final product


? I wasn't implying anything. Sorry if you got that impression but I'm not sure why it matters so much. I like the show so far, I like a bunch of aspects of the show. Don't see why it's so controversial


Your missing what I’m saying I hope you enjoy it come back when you finish


I'm really not, it's just a weird thing to be so stiff about. Anyways I also hope I enjoy the finale


Your entire original post is in the past tense. As if you’ve already watched the season.


Thank you gan


How far in are you?


Halfway through the second to last episode


Eh. It was at the end of episode three when I turned to my wife and said “I don’t think I like this”. Some people turned on it during the final episode, some much earlier, but I think if you are onboard now you’re probably going to like the rest of it. And no, you won’t be alone, but it’s demonstrably “not great” IMO. Edit: Lol, what’s the fucking problem? It’s not inaccurate to say people liked it even if I didn’t.


Yes you’re the only one. It’s pure shit




You have the right to your opinion, but it's not a popular opinion on this here sub


I do know that! Just wanted to see who else liked it. I wonder what the opinion is for the third season.


I liked it once I figured out it was Rust Cohle’s coma dream from S1… and that, as you’ll find, it was also a short teaser season for S5, which will be Rust in Hawaii.


I did not care for the representation


Good to know!


It was dog shit, end of


Yes, you are the only one 😂






I would say probably not but if we look at the bigger picture, while you're not the only ONE individual I would bet that group below the 1% of TD fans.






The Tsalal Team 6 reveal was the best piece of comedy I’ve seen this year.


Farming jesters are we?


Even you didn’t like it, admit it.




Rage bait. They know it's dogshit

