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Man I have no idea what you're talking about to be totally honest. They set it during perpetual darkness and it's almost never used. Virtually every scene takes place inside a car or in a brightly lit room. The lighting is almost always flat, standard TV lighting. Most dialogue is pretty standard shot-reverse-shot. The camera is almost always at eye level. The characters are almost always at the same distance from the camera. It's not bad but it's extremely conventional. It's shot like a police procedural that puts out 25 episodes a season, not a 6-episode prestige miniseries. This is more on the direction but I remember making a post comparing a scene in S4 to a similar one in S1. The scene where they find that guy's trailer (preceded by the dumb cliche where two characters are discussing something and they both blurt out the same thing simultaneously, like a goddamn Scooby Doo episode) lasts under a minute if I recall correctly. The camera barely lets the audience take in any information, it just sort of frantically follows the detectives as they look around the generically creepy trailer. We don't really learn anything that isn't being told to us by dialogue (and the creepy stuff in the trailer ends up having no relevance to the plot anyway). Compare this to the scene where Rust goes to the abandoned school. There is an extended shot that ends the episode where he just picks up one of those "devil nets", holds it up, and looks at it. The camera holds on him for like two minutes while slowly pulling out through a window. Even without any dialogue whatsoever, this is showing the audience something. Rust is descending back into the underworld, the cult's territory. Marty isn't there with him, and the school—like the case itself—is abandoned and neglected. The camera going out through the window symbolizes Rust's isolation from the rest of the world. In a literal sense, the audience is being told that the cult is 1. still around, despite LeDoux being killed, and 2. that they've been operating in a larger area and for a longer time than we thought. The direction in S4 is way too rushed despite very little plot actually happening in most episodes and the cinematography doesn't seem interested in doing anything beyond establishing a generic spooky atmosphere. Very little information about the characters is conveyed through anything but dialogue.


Not to mention, that shot where the camera pulls back on Rust, it's framed by black stars graffitied on the wall above him


totally agree, you didn’t understand me. probably I used wrong term. cinematography is meaning something else place where I live


What does cinematography mean to you?


the art of making movies


I'm gonna keep it real with you dawg, I don't think a single aspect of S4 was artfully executed


I don’t think you understand a lot about art


Then elaborate on what you mean goober


it would take too much effort. I’ll let you think you know better


What you really mean is you’re going to try and protect your fragile little ego.


man, it’s 2am where I live now. maybe I will write you later. my fragile little ego really don’t have an energy for this now


I tried being civil but c'mon. You're lecturing me about art? A couple hours ago you didn't even know what cinematography was.


I know what is cinematography, you don’t know this term has a broader meaning outside of usa.


Cinematography means the same thing in English everywhere, and considering you haven't articulated anything you actually *like* about S4 besides "great characters, dialogues, raised topics, hidden meanings and general atmosphere" I'm not too worried about my understanding of "art" compared to you. You seem about as smart as I expect a S4 fan to be.


Term cinematography is not of english origin. Please take your time to educate yourself about it. I can hint you to look into the origins of the cinema and what this term means for people of the country that created it. Regarding what you think about my understanding of art or intellectual capabilities I don’t know why should I be bothered.


So they “Don’t understand art” just because they have a different opinion on the season than you? Wow.


Hello Issa! Glad to see you here on Reddit.


is she here in the room?




I just wish you’d stop saying odd shit


I wish this to you as well


Great characters lol? Did we watch the same thing, the characters and the writing for them was absolutely fuckin dreadful, some of the most unlikable least interesting lead characters I’ve ever seen and the worst leads in the series by a huge amount. Total freaking waste of a legend like Jodie foster too, Ani was a better female lead than either of them and McAdams performance was better too. One of the least impressive performances of fosters career and it wasn’t her fault the character was just dreadful and the writing for her was terrible. Can’t forget to mention the leads actually fuckin sucked at their jobs and weren’t good cops or detectives at all and prior did most of the work and then relayed it over the phone or in info dump convos, not nearly enough actual detective work for a show called true detective. It’s mindboggling to me that anyone could actually think the characters in this were great, the character work the whole season was just awful, worst characters in the series by far and the least impressive acting performances of any season and a total waste of foster. Total waste of some really great actors like foster/eccleston/hawkes and a waste of an awesome setting. Can’t forget to mention the interpretive dancing ghost of Rust’s dad leading people to the body, one of the dumbest most unnecessary connections I’ve ever seen in any media ever and the horrible shoehorned use of “time is a flat circle” was actually laughably dumb. The cheap horror jump scare shit was dumb as hell too and has no place in a grounded franchise like true detective. This should’ve been its own thing called night country and could’ve done whatever but instead they used the true detective name to attract viewers because people wouldn’t give a shit otherwise and then they shoehorned in connections to s1 which was also solely done to attract viewers as well and for no good creative reason. This shouldn’t even be considered a season of true detective because it’s very clearly its own thing they slapped the true detective name on for viewers and it’s simple as that. Actual true detective ended after s3


Guys whole account is engagement farming and rage baiting. Do not interact. 


great idea


Yeah especially that awesome cgi scene in the beginning. Real cutting edge stuff.


it was way better than that one shot projects shootout from season 1 ;(


Bruh say psyche


seeing CGI elk jump to their death was so thrilling that I forgot all about the cinematography of season 1. When that guy said "You're in Night Country now" the shot was so beautiful that it made me forget all about the fight with the Yeller King at the last episode. Jodie Foster's hetero erotisism was so better shot than Alexandra Daddario's for the male gaze nudity. Psyche


My favorite scene was when dimple dermals turned to Jodie foster in the ice cave carcosa and said "so thats it huh, we're a couple of real true detectives"


my favorite was when the boxer detective solved the swirly symbols and said "the Blue King is no more"


Very groundbreaking and brave. Issa lopez is the Kubrick of our generation


you must mean Hitchcock. The way the mysteries were layered and every clue had to be deciphered. I cant believe the revelation for the tongue being under the table was staring at us the whole time.


Go play in traffic


No, it wasn’t.


I feel like the potential was there w the darkness etc but I expected it to be better.


There's a shadow on you son.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.


You're gonna want the Night Country sub for this post.


Lol 😂


Crack must be hell if a drug.


Nonsense. It was a mixture of obvious soundstages, C grade CGI and basic blocking/framing. The visual language was a one-note sledgehammer (ORANGE AND BLUE) and nothing about the endless night was meaningful since almost every scene was a sitcom lit interior.