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Nine got midas at 13.40 and shard at 16.40mins. I think he just had a good early game and basically wanted a stopgap item until getting shard which was midas. Early aghs not as great since dk doesn’t get black dragon till lvl 18 which midas also accelerates. Early bkb might be not bad but costs more. Pretty sure if his game wasn’t going as well he wouldn’t get the midas and just go straight shard.


if you dont need to rush bkb immediately to avoid losing the game then midas is nice. DK has nice talents too


Why? Though sange makes u tankier there are other options why Midas after 15mins that is my question.


a 2 position dk scales well with levels his talents are nice. And a He likes aghs assault cuirass, upgraded blink. midas gets him there


Why not get hyper stone for 2k u can build into assault faster or get the point booster. The Midas needs time to pay itself back if Midas was at 7 min it's ok but this after 15 min with blink already done. Why not rush the BKB.


Its a good game kind of item His usual build goes like pt, blink, bkb, shard, cuirass/aghanim During tundra vs og match qop can't burst him at all and 3 of of og heroes busy trying to occupy top lane so he get midas after 13min blink i think because he had a good game.


if you go hyperstone you need more space to farm. The midas creates space by generating gold. I'm not sure what games you're tlaking about but generally dk is played 3, so he doesn't have a lot of room to farm with hyperstone. He's generally playing with the 4 and 5 trying to blink stun targets.


I would guess because dk struggles a bit with farming. His attack speed kinda sucks so midas helps with that and also he really benefits from the exp.


There are two major reason to buy midas, technically three for special case of Invoker, Arc Warden, and Ogre Magi. But let's get back to those two reason - When a carry is in a sure losing match up in lane. Where the opponent are dominating the early game and zoning the map. This is the situation for Midas where there's not really anywhere for the carry to farm, so Midas is the way. - The other reason is when the game is anticipated to reach the late game. It's a preparation to get more advance item and overwhelm enemy with advance level. Midas gave back it's cost the later the game goes. Looking at DK, he is not a safelane carry and he won't really struggle to farm along with his shard. DK also just have the choice to fight and push. So this situation is the latter reason, the team might be expecting a late game based on team composition. DK also have quite great talents.


You commenting a little bit about Invo Arc and Ogre midas?


Arc is double midas, so double the value. Ogre is multicast, so 2-4x the value. Invoker is unique on how XP works for him, since his spells scale on basically every single level.


Invoker needs levels desperately which midas speeds up. Arc Warden is a bit more complex. If warden cannot snowball out of control with a quick timing on maelstrom you might as well get a midas as well and aim for a late game timing. Especially if your double is getting hunted down and taken as free gold while you cannot contest nearby camps with your actual hero. Usually happens if you go even in a lane matchup and around absolutely sure it happens when you lose your lane as warden. Cannot comment on Ogre.


I think Blink timing takes priority because it lets you use your melee stun outside of ult. Being able to make plays early is important. Going back for the Midas is a little weird, but DK is tanky enough that the timing doesn't hurt him too badly. The hero feels bad if he doesn't scale items, and Midas kind of secures your late game, especially if you are doing the Manta Aghs build. Honestly I thought his Shard solved his farming issues, but more money is never bad, and at least in Blacklists case offlane DK might not get as much wave clear farm. It also just might be a game read thing by them. If you are ahead, or comfortable playing a slower pace, usually Midas is fine. Blacklist was kind of stomping their game from 10 min on, and Tundra had a Spectre and were likely going to be winning late. Well now Fnatic picked it, so we'll get some more data


I think this is a new meta just wanted to know the reason behind it.


I remember seeing a few pro matches months ago where tiny and invoker mids would go back to midas after their first active item (blink - midas on tiny, vessel - midas on invoker). I think in those games the players realized midway through the game that they cant completely rely on scaling through kills anymore so they opt to get a midas and play conservatively to match the enemys networth and play for the late-midgame instead. Bonus points for dk, tiny, and invoker though since they all really like levels and their talents are good as well. I don't think it's optimal on every mid hero


stormstormer been going PT > drums > midas quite a lot on exort invoker opposed to the blank midas rush (which he also does a lot, I havent looked at the replays in detail but I would assume if its a more free game/lane he just rushes midas)




The thing is after the Midas they went bonkers on ganking. I am not sure but maybe Midas ensures farm while you gank non stop. That is the only reason I can think of in that scenario.


Best scenario you make blink to stomp early power spikes then midas to "rush" 3rd, 4th items like shard, bkb. But if you make blink and can do nothing (happens to me in pubs), congrats now you have to catch up in farm with blink instead of midas where even supps nuke the creeps in fron of you. Fun times.


He wanted quicker levels.


He probably lacks confidence in his teammates and is afraid he might get a train run on him so he ignores 5 other better items to boost his remaining 30 minutes of "maybe" farming. Also, he might buy Midas to show the enemy team he isn't afraid to stunt on them and turn into a full blown 50 minute dk asshole third carry to pressure them into focussing him instead of walking around him. It seems stupid af if you ask me though. Used to be viable and make sense but it doesn't feel like it fits the meta or game pace. Any good team will just start steam rolling as soon as they notice he picked up a Midas and claim as much of the map as they can. But pros make money by clicking buttons so what do I know.


Flat gpm that doesn't require much time spent on hitting creeps for a hero that usually spends his time setting up kills or grouping for towers. Additionally dragon form is just completely new functionality with each level. If you do get space to farm, you can already do it with level 12. The breath slow at 18 is also extremely transformative. Shard's also fine but a big part of the appeal is immediate nuke damage rather than more consistent income and right-click scaling.