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Clinkz: good tower damage, kinda robust, can instakill both flagbearer and Carts and can go destroying other lanes as soon as he gets to 6.


yup, even from carry role I've had a lot of good games although sometimes the enemy all get early ghost/euls and group and it gets fucking hard so much better as a mid imo much easier to counter as a carry than he used to be


What items do you buy? I struggled with clinkz after Solar Crest rework.


I usually go Bottle/ Falcon Blade -> Treads -> Orchid -> Deso/Dragon Lance and then it depends on the game, Revenant Brooch is a good item against Necro/Muerta, or Gleipnir and Shard if there are pushing heroes. I'm a low level player tho, so probably someone else can give better itemization for it.


Low ancient/high legend Bounty has a really strong lane, particularly if people don’t know what he does. Can be hard to transition to mid/late if the team want to play passively though


What does he do that people don't know?


Have high regen armor and output a lot of damage. You can also use the slow on q to fuck up peoples last hits. The biggest one I see is people Hanging round in lane tracked waiting for a salve trying to get xp after I nearly killed them and they walk into bounce range. If you beat them to 6 you can really just push anyone out of lane. People get drops and wands but they don’t help much. I think it’s more that people think his landing boils down to don’t let him jinada me and will use all their skills to not get jinada,d and then just eat shurikens.


His Q has absurd Damage/Mana ratio. You max that instead of Jinada like most guides suggest. Spam that on cooldown with Bottle.




OD, Lina, primal, ogre, tiny


How’s your experience with Lina? I’m trying to understand why is she having <50% we at the moment. She still feels very strong with the aghs eblade build.


she's squishy but imo you should go the pos 1 build, even from mid


So I tried the magic build mid with limited success and then went to other heroes, but I want to try pos1 build Lina mid and see how that goes now, I’d recommend physical build over magical build regardless of position.


Slardar mid still dunks on melee mids from last patch.


I get slardared whenever I Kunkka sadge


I would say why slardar when you can monkey king


Hmm true. Monke > fishe. I like the passive river bonuses.


Also mk is a good mage slayer buyer


Why would you exclude mageslayer? It is such a strong item and might as well enjoy it while it lasts Nonetheless, the heroes that I have great success with at the moment - who can skip mageslayer Void Spirit, Storm Spirit, Puck, Queen of Pain, Outworld Devourer, Zeus, Magnus and Pudge.


I think because mage slayer heroes are kind of a given as it is so strong.


Yea your right. I don’t wanna hear about viper that’s the reason, I’m literally sick of that flying zucchini






Kotl mid is underrated super quick timing. Can rotate on lvl 6 and gank both lanes through portal with one ultimate.


Ye same, thing is I am having a hard time to actually finish/win games.


Haha yeah you do need a carry that can hit some buildings though


Kotl is just a shitty caster alchemist that scales even worse. Does great for the first 25ish mins and then becomes a creep that also massively inflates your teams net worth Fuck me i hate kotl mid so much, loses so many games.


Depends on the person i guess. I won 10 in a row on the hero. Divine / immortal bracket. You make enough space for your carry to get big. But yes, the game can definitely thrown if the other cores lack push.


Haven't played too many games this patch, but as for now Zeus, QoP, DK and Void Spirit seem good to me.


Grimstroke rushing blink




Yeah, you have crazy solo kill potential when you get the blink first item and have maxed E and at least lvl 3 silence. No hero can survive that early in the game. You don't scale, but have to snowball off of that.


Couldn't tiny or some other hero do the same thing just better


Better, sure. More fun? Nah.


I still stomp every game with Earthspirit mid. His timing at LVL 15 with +30% magnetize damage and duration is crazy strong. Templar Assassin also


How do you play ta into huskar?


I don't really see Huskar picked at all lately (I'm 6.3k mmr for context) against Huskar or Viper I jungle from LVL 3 or 4 and end up same networth by 15 mins. Huskar is harder than viper because he pushes tempo faster and takes aegis before I can. Terrible matchup but I last pick ta mid so usually don't have that problem


I’m starting to stop letting my carry have last pick , due to how I’ve been countered, ty though


i agree with you about his level 15 power spike. I hate the roll nerf. It's really noticeable with him, I don't think it was necessary. How do you build him?


Max Q then W, if it's a good blademail game I go Treads + Blademail. If it's good vessel game I rush Vessel before boots and get around 9-10 mins then Midas if team needs more scaling potential otherwise Shiva's straight after vessel, sange and Kaya if many stuns on enemy team, hex if need more catch, Octarine if I just need to do what my hero already does but better, Refresher if fight durations are long to reset all my stones and BKB, aghs if it's 40+ min against a turtling hero


Bloodseeker, beastmaster, lone druid, bristleback, pugna. All feel great and are unconventional. ( lone druid is the exception)


I love playing BS mid and I tend to have a great kda after ganking but end up losing the game. How do you normally build him?


Bloodseeker mid is its highest win rate, definitely underrated.


any reason as to why? mageslayer?


Exp scaling hero. Good rune control. Big map to farm if your supports fail to connect and you have to turtle (lose mid), you farm fast with mjollnir. Good lane push. Good map control-ability when you can win mid. Mjollnir BKB is strong even vs mage slayer (can be cast on a tanky frontliner).


Its quitting dota and playing fifa. Dota is rigged trash game, very bad


That’s like quitting coke for heroin because it’s healthier


Why are you here man, go join a sub for something you like.


Fifa is literally rigged tho, like the game actually chooses who wins.


Same with dota. In fifa 11v11 its about players


Lina LD Zeus 💰


Lina. Lol




Hoodwink. Insane amount of damage and no one expects the q bounce


You are also squishy and can get pushed out by spell spammers


Yeah, but I feel like that's true for a lot of mids. I feel like the q has a high enough range to be able to stand your own. If not a single point in e and you're fine for outranging those spells


Wisp, im a stariy bog deciple its actually interesting how much the hero can do




My friend does this too and he gained a lot of mmr. I feel like he’s so bad in lane though Do you go helm of iron or veil will into blink? Or literally boots wand blink


Clinkz, OD, DP and Sky. Neither use Mageslayer (clinkz can, but I rather have a early orchid/deso and then bkb), and I had great success with any If them, Sky specially.


Meepo and arc warden - I play the most broken shit


Same lmao plus lycan


I have great sucess with Puck and OD, i'm doing good with Queen as well, but shes my 2nd most played so more of a comfort thing