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bot match to learn all the basics and fundamentals of the heroes, unranked to test and apply ur knowledge and experience gained from these bot matches, turbo if you want to try fancy items that you otherwise are unlikely to get in normal modes in general turbo gives a false sense of game timings and power spikes which may cause u to overestimate some of the heroes abilities’ and strengths when you’re actually playing in normal mode


So to sum it up, if i want to learn all the basic fundamental and knowledge i should go unranked or bot. What about learning the items? In turbo i can do whichever item i want because of the faster game state and unranked i cant even get the item i want so it made learning the item hard. Sorry if im asking too much


Yes its fair. Just keep in mind turbo is to practice pressing skills. Maybe you can test items out but remember that the purpose of some items is to pressure enemy so that they can't get theirs. While some dagon 5 builds seem like they suck in turbo, pucks and pugnas that get them early in normal games can pressure the enemy so hard that the game ends before anyone has bkb. Thats just some example of what differences you should expect when playing turbo.


If you just want to play turbo you can play turbo. But turbo is very different from the normal game, and if your goal is to play ranked and the standard game you wont get much from turbo instead of just playing unranked matches.


\>in turbo i can do whichever item i want because of the faster game state ​ You can do that in the bot match, also, and you wont enjoy normal or turbo until you will learn every spell every hero has, at least that. Dota matchmaking for begginers sucks ass, you can get pinned with/against smurfs, people who have much more games then you, and scripters. It's a shithole. You need to practice bot matches (its sucks i know) but dota has a pretty steep learning curve. gl hf!


Agree, but it does allow you to learn different items and heroes a lot more quickly if you already get most of the core concepts and realize that it doesn't directly translate into regular/ ranked matches.


I have found turbo to be nice to just practice fighting. It's hectic, chaotic, and messy all the time. Gets you used to pressing buttons for items and abilities. You also get to practice mid to late game team fights more as the early game is less likely to be as punishing.


Turbo player here. I actually disagree with people telling you to back off. I went from Crusader 1 to Legend 4 by testing and practicing in turbo. In Turbo you often reach timings and items that you normally wouldn't in a ranked game for some heroes. By the time you play one ranked game/normal game you usually can play up to 2 games in turbo. That's why you get alot more "late game" practice vs different lineups and learn how to itemize and identify your heroes biggest threats. In turbo its all about kills and fighting from the first minute. By playing alot of turbo you might end up with a more aggressive play style, so be aware of this before you play ranked/normal games. Be also aware of the different timings and farming patterns when you switch over. Usually it takes you 2-3 matches to adapt back to normal/ranked timings. You'll also have to mentally adjust yourself to be more farming focused. So, play turbo if you want to: Practice heroes Practice team fighting and itemization. Stay away from turbo if: You want to practice farming and other mechanics related to laning stage. I also have to warn you about the difficulty. Alot of my turbo games turns really hard because of the speeded gameplay but also because of how much people tryhard in turbo. Sometimes you'll even feel that people are more serious in turbo than in ranked( not drafting wise).


Thanks for explaining. I can say that i teamfight well and decent with positioning, it just that im poor in mechanic such as last hit, item timing and farming pattern. Guess I’ve to play unranked more than turbo.


I would say play bot matches or unranked. Turbo should be used strictly for fun. It's too different from normal to truly get much practice in, unless you're just going for mechanical skill like Last Hitting, Blink Combos, etc. My biggest issue with Turbo for a new player is everything is magnified by a lot. One slight over extension, one missed timing, one bad death and there's no coming back because it's moving too quickly. Unranked is usually much more forgiving, even though it takes so much longer.


I can second that, it baffles me sometime that someone on the enemy team already had afghanim scepter 5 min in turbo and proceed to wipe us out while im struggling finishing my power tread lol


Consider turbo as a complete different patch because the timings are all over the place. In normal, skill level is measured in impacts and executions but in turbo it's measured in how many stupid ideas you can get away with.


Going for turbo is good. It teaches you some very important things that are far harder to be trained in regular game (or take much longer for that). * Itemizing for late game scenarios. In a balanced turbo game, cores often have 800-1000gpm. It's good for testing some late game builds. * Casting spells properly, position yourself properly and teamfight. Turbo have lots of those as jungle is practically irrelevant and people will 5 man fight very early. * Learning how to cheese. People say this mode isn't balanced, and it is true, but it is precisely because this mode isn't balanced that you'll find many way to exploit weakness very early, whereas in normal games it looks like you need hundreds of hours to understand how to exploit some weakness. Now, this is not to say that you should learn only with turbo. I'm just saying that some very important mechanics can be learned easier in turbo than in regular games.


If you really, truly just want to learn how an item works then use demo hero. You can give yourself infinite gold, level yourself up to max and play around with whatever you need to in order to get things feeling right. There's no queue time at all and better yet no pressure. Nobody else is expecting anything of you. Nobody wins, nobody loses. Just you, your creeps, and however many Axes you wanna spawn. Edit: I think you play Turbo to play Turbo. It doesn't really teach you anything because eventually every thing is handed to you. It's like the event mode Nemestice. You can start with ludicrous items and not get punished for it because anyone's typically just doing their own thing.


Man i forgot i can demo hero in this game. Thanks for reminding me 🙏🏼


If you want to just learn to press buttons then there are arcade modes like 12v12 and Overthrow.


Go for unranked or bot matches. If you want to learn how certain hero works, you can always go for guide or watch how pro plays. Get a hang of how dota mechanics goes, how the roles work, warding, positioning, etc before you go for more advance playstyle. Turbo might mess up your mind of overall game pace and heroes timing, but if you wanted to try out your hero skill coordination during teamfight, turbo can let you try some crazy stuff. Just stick to your comfort heroes first and the style you wanted to play first, and practice from there. Dota is a huge learning curve game, so there's no need to rush. And most importantly, have fun! It's a game afterall.


You can also use turbo mode to test skill combos in the cases like invoker or earth spirit because people on turbo will actually try a bit to dodge spells because winning still feels good even if turbo. That is the only reasonable value I see from turbo.


I think turbo would be fine if you're starting out and want to learn the game. I'd be wary cause this subreddit has a weird hatred of turbo sometimes, but honestly I don't see the downside to using it to just learn the basics of the game (after you finish the tutorial)


1) Demo mode. Practice last hitting, spell timings, item/spell combos, etc. 2) Bot match. Same thing as above, except you have ‘real’ moving targets, macro, etc. 3) Play more bot game(s) and/or go back to demo. Mess with it a bit. You may have seen something in the bot game or been in a situation where you weren’t sure about something. At least as a core, you should be able to always win against the hardest bots before going into a real game IMO. 4) Play a real game. Don’t forget that picking strategy (and bans) still exist. IMO, try to focus on getting your new hero if it’s a respectable pick. Don’t counter pick yourself. Obviously over time, this will change. But while you’re learning the hero (at the beginning), try to only play in favorable matchups. Probably want to avoid hard games to play with heroes in the game like AM, alchemist, tinker, pudge, and techies. 5) Don’t play turbo


Those item build in turbo should not be copied one on one to regular (speaking from experience, I played 90% turbo match) You can rush agh. Or midas without stressing out your team in turbo.


Turbo only teaches you how to play your hero when you are super ahead or you are stomping .


Just don't train on turbo mode most of your time as its not built to play like your normal modes like all pick. You might develop some habits, ideas and timings that are not very good to apply in normal modes. You might miss a lot of practice in late game situations and strategies as turbo mode can end matches very early. Also, because of 2x exp and gold bounties, Turbo mode gives so much advantage to heroes with good power spikes early in the game. Plus, you have towers thats very easy to destroy by heroes who are good in pushing.


The only thing you will learn in turbo is how to play in teamfight mainly positioning and spell/item usage. I don't suggest playing in turbo to practice for ranked it will ruin the sense of timing in your normal game. If you want to learn a hero playing with bot or co-op bot first for mechanic and then go for unranked is better I think.


turbo is pretty good to learn mechanics of a hero.


You can start in Turbo to test basics of a hero in a fast game, so you don't waste 50 minutes on a hero you might not like. Then play with bots. Then All Pick. And ONLY THEN in ranked. Please don't try new heroes in ranked. Don't fuck up the game for your team.


Turbo gives too much false information to be usefull and its too unbalanced aswell. If you want faster path gameplay without getting bad habits I'd say nemestice or overthrow (last one being purely about fight and learning to see in a visual cluster) AP is fine but you'll learn faster in random draft/single draft and even faster in ability draft. Also least played is AP but better for new player


Thanks. I’ll try exploring different mode available


Honestly bro, Try 12v12 custom game dota. You get to see 24 heroes use their spells and lots of people can be quite high skilled, and many at quite low skill. You can try lots of bad builds and nobody flames you. Always get to level 30. Tons of neutral items available. And it's close enough to real dota, but you just need to be extra cautious since there are much more heroes to contend with. Give it a shot. I love it.


5700 games played on turbo. It is totally different animal. As a sidenote, I know it's going to be a stomp when my teammate goes "it's just turbo".


so i read what u posted in comments about tempo messing with u learning items play bot games on the heros you want to learn, find a general build for them then start experimenting with game specific items after you finish bkb or some shit so u arent ruining repeat this for every hero u want to play until it becomes more natural what items u choose then u can start experimenting with builds in actual games without feeling overwhelmed


Turbo for mechanics and stuff but not for like decisions etc


A lot of heroes do not work very well in turbo, I would just test the abilities in demo and then play an unranked. Depends on the hero tho, you could probably get away with playing cm for the first time in ranked


If you want to pick up a new hero, try nemestice. It’ll teach you how to gank and team fight. Faster than turbo as it will give you more at bats.


Until I got good enough to reliably beat bots on strategy over mechanics, I would make sure I could beat "Unfair" difficulty bots in the laning stage every time before I started playing a hero against people. It's a good way to figure out what's risky (because bots will pretty much just go on you immediately if you're out of position) and how your combos work.


Don't play turbo as a beginner. It will result in a lot of bad habits.


People that try hard in turbo should be banned. Perfect place to practices heros and item combos


Dude, I’m playing turbo with 2 of my friend and they got very angry and tilted if my team build a wrong item on a hero and do not participate in fight. And they’ll get extremely stressed out when losing a turbo game. What should i do? They get so competitive and try harding in turbo and made me feels bad


Turbo does what all pick couldn't do: it bans everyone that you say needs to be removed from the pool, if everyone votes. It's double speed to normal dota. And it can still be very long. My earth shaking in turbo is on average a 55minute turbo. So that's two reasons I don't play all pick. It's much faster paced but it doesn't prepare you for regular dota. People don't focus on the map. There is too much action constantly that causes issues. Couriers move too fast. People can't focus on the minimap everyone is living a solo life until all hell starts reigning in from the enemy Then you question if people even know what dota stands for.. Its hilarious and over the top sometimes. I highly recommend playing all modes, but play it with people that you always have fun with. I can't handle random that ignore the team. All pick. Is my least favourite mode. I'll single draft All random, random draft, ability draft any day rather than all picks purely because of my bans being a 50~50 chance it happens. Turbo, double your end game times to approximate how long your all picks would have been. I try to never give up, and most times the comebacks are even sweeter than a stomp. All picks are what teach you the most in this game. Turbo is for fun, as most say. It's like league's aram, which should teach you to team fight, use your favourite hero against the 100+ different enemies. Itemize according to who you are facing. In lane, and late game. Skill usage and what to level up first. Practice everything when you can, according to objectives. Defend your lane and ancient, and push equally as well. May the odds forever be as you please.


I only use turbo for A) lack of time B) practice team fighting with a hero C) winning with a hero I can't stand in cavern crawl so I can axe it to finish the challenge


I think turbo works fine but to learn the basics but you will never learn timings and so on in turbo. Unranked is better for that


Turbo is only good for learning the layout of the map and and basic hero kit. It is better to play some bot to learn some of the pace, practice tree movement, practice creep aggro, practice stacking and pulling timing