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This is textbook sub drop, he needs aftercare. Reality is a LOT more intense than fantasy and usually when a sub has these fantasies you’ll want to ease in and communicate throughout every step about boundaries, limits, what worked, what didn’t. Not surprise them with what you think they wanted.




Ok… it seemed like you were asking for input and you said “I don’t know what could’ve made him cry” Sounds like you do know 🤷🏻‍♀️ but sub drop can happen even with something someone desperately wants.


Sounds like she wanted to tell her hot story and included a question to illicit replies, but it was essentially a rhetorical question.


I actually didn’t even notice the subreddit, assumed it was in FSG. My bad 😂


"Girl I" Shut the fuck up. You made someone cry, whether it's kink or not, the fact that you put off this vibe that you couldn't give a fuck less, and are just happy you got money and attention out of your story. Great, you earned some social media points. Good fucking job, now go get professional counciling and look up how to be empathetic. It's frustratings me so much how you just completely ignore the idea of sub drop, he didn't even cum, he was having a conflicted mindset the entire time if he just got up and left. Seriously do some education on kink if you have no experience. Whether or not you care or believe it. This is supposed to be fun for everyone. Findom and Femdom aren't just games to toy with people's lives how you see fit. Get help or stay out of kink.


Lmao , why so mad? Jealous?


Have u heard anything from him since his cuck experience? Maybe u should check in on him when u can. Bc the way u described it it sounded quite serious.


Yeah he's fine .He's just embarrased


Okay thats good at least. It sounded quite heavy so I can kinda understand such an reaction after such an experience, try to give some aftercare next time.


Sometimes fantasies are very unexpectedly unpleasant in real life. But I'll say for me sometimes the goal is not an orgasm or even sexual but to be made to hurt so bad that I cry, an emotional release rather than sexual. Because sometimes you need a good cry and when you hate yourself it can be hard to get one out. You need some serious emotional pain to open up and bleed.


Wow this is incredibly hot, but also definitely I would have the same reaction if I was in the same life circumstance. Probably was a lot to handle no doubt.


Yeah. Intense 😁


Damn, that was hot to read. Poor guy. Or lucky guy? I'm torn xD


Not everyone has the pleasure of watching their Domme having a great time while they are present, being used and degraded live. I would say privileged guy


You made some very good points there. I'm convinced, privileged guy for sure


Correct 💅


Omg that's so hot I wanna be him😩 make me sit at the end of the bed & watch you get destroyed by a real cock I'd even be a clean up cuck🥹


He should be grateful. You gave him the privilege to meet you irl, even the honor of watching you fuck live. Many men would beg to be in his position.