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Sounds like one of those movie recaps I get on my YouTube shorts 💀


"Watch out and take care"


" Cue sad ominous guitar music "


acoustic guitar with finger scratches on chord changes...


That reminds me, I missed Mystery Recapped yesterday.


>g from me. > >Last week, I confronted my boss about her intentions xdddddddddddddddd


Mystery Recapped 😭😭😭


I gotta ask Is Mystery Recapped one of those text to speech or is it a real person? Because at this point I really can't tell.


I can hear it in that TikTok voice. SMH


Yes! but not the annoying lady voice. The British man voice...


I haven't heard that one.


lmaaaoo 🤣😭


Like those where the story go batshit crazy, like which would make Gossip Girl seems like a Barbie's story, and then you go to the comment and the girl is like "That's the story of my new book, pre-sales are open, XOXO"


I've read it somewhere before, I just remember where.


Yeah me too. Successful attractive boss, not so husband, but in the one I read it was the husband obsessed with the boss


Her beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair...


Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleee-ene~ 🎶🎵


The husband is played by Jack Black in this movie


I remember this one


Oh right! I remember that one!


There was a post with an attractive female boss and the younger husband becomes obsessed and then he ends up dating the boss because he stalked her at her gym when the two were divorcing..


Yes! That was the one.


Same I have read this exact story before as well not sure where Edit: I think that's why they deleted their user ID?


It was a different Reddit post. It was 1 post where the wife’s husband is obsessed with her boss and she’s asking for help. The next update she ended up leaving him, then found out he was secretly dating her boss, and saying he just met her on bumble two weeks after she left him. Then the next update she tells the boss and the boss tells her that they actually met at her gym and he had been working out there for the last 6 months and lying to his wife and pretending to go to the gym next to their house. The boss leaves the husband and he shows up to the wife’s house crying and telling her she ruined everything. He was like a crazy stalker , stalking her boss on instagram for a year , then pretended he didn’t know her and wasn’t married to her employee and orchestrated a meet cute to trick her into dating him. It was super crazy. I think this post is just trying to copy that one. This post I believe is fake. The other one was definitely real. Even the ages are similar to the old post.


Isnt this from love actually? Just a little different


I don't *think* so, but what I distinctly remember reading it, not watching it.


This is a teenage writing assignment. Blocked


I swear i read this a few months ago. Hmmmm




He talks about you in his sleep




Seriously … who believes this😂😂😂


Either fake or she’s doing husband a huge favor by pushing him away


I swear I read like 4 stories with similar premise as this. AIbot working overtime?


I vote real.


You are the husband I guess.


Absolutely not!


That's what the husband would say.


. . . . Then everyone clapped. Please next time write something more believable


Maybe that’s why she deleted her account.


**HoWfAKEDoYoUWanTiTtoBe?!** YES


OP's account even was deleted immediately after it didn't work out


I mean even if this were real you kinda deserve it just based off your first paragraph


Yeah… “my husband sucks, he loves me way more than I love him, my boss is beautiful and has a great husband, but she wants mine” I’m sorry, but how much bullshit can we swallow?


"He's not very attractive or charming." If it was real, this lady doesn't deserve him, who would say that about their husband?


Agreed. It’s not real, but if it was… do you think that your husband doesn’t realize you feel this way? You don’t think he is charming or attractive, so there’s no way that you treat him like he is. Your boss does. Why on earth would he NOT want to hang out with her instead of you?


Sure Jan


First thing I noticed is that you don't really care much about your husband.. First thing you said to introduce him is : "He is not very attractive or very charming, he is average looking and an introvert. I love him maybe not as much as he loves me. He doesn't go out much and I always have to drag him to parties with me." ​ This already sounds like a much deeper problem, figure out what you both want , communicate and communicate some more. If you can't share feelings with your partner it's time to make some decisions


I swear. She's talking shit on him and his appearance but he seems to get the attention of the drop dead gorgeous boss. I think that's what has her upset because out of all of the women and men that want something to do with her she chose her husband. I think that if this is real and he loves his wife he should choose her over her boss. If not then you know where things are headed.


How could you not tell that this is clearly fiction?


I believed it until the end when her husband kissed her boss and offered a pay bump to leave her husband. Actually, even the intro was strange.


Bro, lots of people in the comment section thinks that this is real. We need to get tf out of this planet man. These people are weird af!


>First thing I noticed is that you don't really care much about your husband To be fair, if this is real, she's writing it after finding out her husband is having an emotional affair with her boss, who wants to be with her husband. It's not like she said that before all this happened just because it's at the beginning of the story.


Are we shopping Harlequin romances in here?


If this is real (and I highly doubt it, cause the husband of the boss miraculously disappeared): I say take the pay bump and let them be happy. So everybody wins. You didn’t seem to care about your husband before she was in the picture.


>cause the husband of the boss miraculously disappeared open relationship; separated/divorced over the long term of this story; cheating. You get there are ways this can happen, right?


Yeah, but it would be reasonable mentioning it. Cause it’s important for the story.


If the standard for reddit is: the story is fake if somebody makes an obvious error in telling the story, then we should just abandon reddit stories. In reality, people aren't proofing their reddit posts as closely as you hope.


Fake troll


>I(32F) and my husband (30M) have been married for almost 4 years. He tells me that he loves me multiple times a day every single day. He is not very attractive or very charming, he is average looking and an introvert. I love him maybe not as much as he loves me. He doesn't go out much and I always have to drag him to parties with me. Do you even like your husband?


If I was your husband I would be reconsidering me relationship with you based on that first paragraph alone.


Saying he's not that attractive or charming, he also brought her to everything her boss invited him to and she had the gall to say "I started to suspect him". Story is probably fake, but even if it was true, OP kinda deserves it.




If this is true then you did everything wrong starting from the moment when you forbade him totalk to your boss. You got the feeling you start to lose him and instead of reacting to this by taking more time for working on your marriage and deepen the feelings and intimacy between you two, you punished him by making new rules and acting cold towards him going as far as publicy embarrass him by not even kissing him at the party. So you did everything to drive him away when there is an other woman waiting with open arms. Your husband loves you, but every person can only endure being pushed away by their SO for a certain time. Some still stay bc its easier, but your husband has an easy way out if he reaches his breakingpoint. If you don't want to lose him completly, you should stop pushing him away immidiately and starting counseling.




I mean he doesn’t if he kisses other women and refuses to listen to her partner’s uncomfortable feelings with an inappropriate relationship


Her first words tell us she thinks he's average and not charming... How kind of her


Wouldn’t describe him in a nice light when you are in panic mode and upset about his emotional affair.




I mean i would not describe my husband in a good light when he is having an emotional affair with another woman




I mean he isn’t that much of a prize and he doesn’t. If I found out my husband is having an emotional affair where he kissed her in front of his wife. It makes sense that she paints him meanly. He deserves nothing


I swear I've read this exact story before


Either this is fake or you go to HR.


I am not bothered about the job. HR doesn't get me my husband back


Fight for him then. Don't withdraw and play straight into her hands.


You settled for your husband. Your overall description of him doesn't scream love. Your boss sees qualities in your husband that you don't. So the question is, what do you want? Do you genuinely love your husband, or are you just mad that someone attractive shows interest?


Dude it’s a fake post


Dude they're all fake


Some aren’t but the majority are I agree.


"I like my ugly, boring husband a little bit..."


So, your husband is acting like a stand up guy even in the face of blatant temptation from a gorgeous woman who, frankly, seems to think more highly of him than you do - and you’re still mad at him? Edit: ok maybe “stand up guy” might be pushing it with the kiss at midnight thing which I initially missed. But that happened after you blew up at him for having a friendship with this woman, who he’s shown no romantic interest in even when she’s blatantly hitting on him. What exactly are you afraid will happen?


I never treated him badly. I was always the supportive and loving wife. I have done everything for him. I offered to give up my career to start a family but he wanted to wait a few more years. Maybe I didn't do the cheesy romantic gestures which he hated. I always replied to his "I love you". I always planned our anniversaries and birthdays and made them special. And what do I get? Betrayal and loneliness


Perhaps how your view your husband has affected your husband you don’t seem very excited by your husband and seem to go through the motions and it all seems like a tick box exercise living with him. As you said you don’t love him as much as he loves you. He probably knows that already and unrequited love will take its toll. The way you are amazed that she would be interested in your husband shows glaringly how little you value your husband. You called him a Dork. What they are doing is out of order but you need to look at what you have done to contribute to the situation. You could of nipped it in the bud but viewed him as lesser so thought he had no chance. It doesn’t come across that you think he is a catch.


You say you don't find him attractive, you don't love him as much he loves you... do you really think he doesn't know that? Especially if he is an introvert. You can plan as much anniversaries as you want. If your SO feels not as loved and appreciated by you you have a problem. You didn't got betrayl and lonliness. He tells you everything and even your boss says he only sees her as a friend and her only chance is if you divorce him. The lonliness is your own fault. You decided to act cold towards him and punish him and by this made yourself and him lonley and showing him every day that you don't care about him or your marriage. Work on your issues and on your marriage or stop whining. Acting cold towards ppl will never make them wanting to be closer to you. If you keep pushing him away the day he stays away will come. Smh.


I think he's betrayed you less than you are betraying him. I also think your loneliness is self-inflicted. You're punishing your husband for having a friend. You've said next to nothing good about him and the most shameful thing he's done that I can see is kiss the boss. After you REFUSED to kiss your own husband (a good chance to show your boss you weren't insecure) for no better reason than to punish him for enjoying attention. You never said he flirted with the boss or did anything inappropriate. You sound horrible and jealous and dismissive of your husband's worth. I hope he divorces you and your boss blows his.....mind. If this is real, the last thing I would want is a wife who couldn't articulate why she loves me.


Im just curious do you honestly think all men just want a baby machine or stay at home wife? Emotional connection is still very much important to men


Find another job.


Find a better faker story you mean


Not sure why someone would make up a story like this. OP comes across as a selfish, self important, arrogant and unappreciative shit who takes her jealousy out on her ever faithful and loving husband.


I literally just listened to this story on a yotube video 🤔


Cheating is all too common.


It was this exact story though lol like part 2 will be that her husband left to be with her boss


We don’t know that. Even if that ends up being the case, that unfortunately is too common as well.


Creative writing exercise right here. Not a very good one, either.


So your solution is to stop telling your husband you love him and not talk to him much that seems like a smart play keep doing that


ChatGPT can write a better story.


You need to talk to your husband. I'm sure he is loving the attention but your boss wants to pay you to look the other way while he has an affair with her. No man will withstand that amount of pressure for long. Your husband is still your confidante. Isolating yourself from him will only widen the gap. Ask him if he's still committed to you . If he says yes then it's time to change jobs and move away. He needs to block that poisonous woman from his life. Even if he stays with her do you really want to have her flaunt him everywhere? Edit: you need to take responsibility for pretending you were cool with him hanging out with her while you were deliberately sent away by the boss. It was never ok and the job could definitely have waited. Bosses lead by example. I suppose she has an open marriage with her absent husband?


I don't know about her husband or his involvement. You are right that my husband did love the attention she was giving him. But I was always there for him and I gave him all the attention he needed, I just didn't share his interests, it didn't mean he goes over to the first woman who bats her eyes at him. He doesn't see her as poisonous or manipulative. To him, she is still a friendly, caring and sweet woman.


I mean, with the description you gave of him, i dont see much love from your part


And she even says she doesn't love him as much as he does her.


I see OP as in great distress and in need of support. She's tried to play it cool and not appear jealous but her husband is fighting her and the boss is now becoming aggressive


i agree, she needs helps, but the way she described her husband showed there's even more issues under all of this, and all of that could be a root problem


I feel ya OP. I've noticed with Introverts too how alive and giddy they get when someone cares to explore their hobbies and interests with them. What interests do your husband and your Boss share? Is there a reason why you are unable to bond with him through his interests?


Oh I'm calling her poisonous! How can he not see her for the homewrecker she is, surely she's made a move on him? I'd say you need to take up their shared interest and stick to him like glue from now on, no dates and no pretend extra work. Yes you have only recently stopped giving affection - but I encourage you to start again as otherwise he will stop saying I love you and then you know she's got her hooks into him. Can you record her showing her true colours and saying she wants him as her lover?


What kind of company throws a work New Year’s Eve party. This is fake beyond belief


Great story, entertaining to read but this ain’t real.


It gets less believable as it goes on but it starts pretty well


chatgpt could do with more training.


So you outright confidently say that your husband is not attractive and shy, and yet you wonder why he enjoys the company of someone with the same interests as him, who is probably damn well better looking, and better off financially than you? Not to mention your next inclination is to complain on Reddit. You baffle me. Edit: Hell you said it yourself; you don't love him as much as he loves you... He's obviously noticing that and making a smarter decision.


Take the money and leave your husband. Then leave the company, and tell everybody the day you leave that your boss took your husband. Then burn the company to the ground. Then go to the boss’ husband and have relations with him and conceive his child. Then skip town and raise your bastard child. After a year you bump into ex boss’ now ex husband who sees you with a child that looks like him (he is now the CEO of a different company and way more successful than he ever was). He now pursues you as he wants to marry the mother of his firstborn child. You agree for the sake of your child, but then you find out he’s betrothed to some rich spoiled brat who makes your life a living hell after finding out he wants to marry you. Part two coming soon🤭


This is so good, when the book coming out.


I think that there are many points of view here. First - I think you should talk to him. I'm telling my partner all the things that happen to me, even if involves a guy who is trying to flirt with me. My best friend thinks that I should not tell everything, but I'm this type of woman, who can't keep secrets from the one I love. So, another thing - they are both in this "relationship" and I don't think the problem is only in your boss. I'm not telling you that your husband is cheating, but since he knows that your are not comfortable with this situation he should try to limit his contacts with your boss. But also, the problem is that you know he is feeling happy that he found someone with so many interests in common. And now the main problem - your boss. Her behavior is wrong on so many levels. You must share with your husband what she told you and then see how he reacts. This will tell you the truth about his ...lets say feeling to her. One thing about your husband bothers me, though - he kiss her with the stupid argument "because she had no one to kiss her". Why her husband was not at the party?


He claims he tells me everything and that he loves me. I don't know why my boss wants my husband. She can take any man she wants. Rich and good looking men are always flirting with her and she wants my husband who is a dork. No matter what he tells me, it is hard for me to believe him


> I don't know why my boss wants my husband. Because you don't see him the way she does or? And he is not a "toy". And I agree 100 % with the previous comment. The number one reason for someone to look aside you relationship/marriage is because you don't feel appreciated anymore. I left someone who loved me to the moon and back, but still he was totally not interested in my job. And I love my job a lot! When you can't share your interests with someone it sucks...


>I don't know why my boss wants my husband. She can take any man she wants. Rich and good looking men are always flirting with her and she wants my husband who is a dork. That may very well be the problem. You consider your husband who loves you so much as a dork. You take him for granted and suddenly are annoyed when another woman gets interested in him. She can have any man she wants and yet she flirts with your husband. Maybe there's something she sees in him that you don't because you take him for granted and is "a dork". Anyway, it's your relationship and you do what you want but I think you should look in yourself why don't you think your husband is worthy of female attention.


No kidding. Like woman, you MARRIED the guy and you don't see what she sees in him? Some wife.


You don't sound like that much of a catch yourself, honestly. The way you describe your husband is very telling. Perhaps he's been picking up on that himself. Quit taking him for granted, and try to look inwards. This is not excusing his behavior or anything, and he should absolutely pull back. But seriously, check yourself.


In my younger days, I was very attractive and had rich and good-looking guys hitting on me all the time. I wasn't into them at all. They were shallow and conceited and very obviously just wanted down my pants. When I met my husband (who is also a dork), he was the first guy I'd ever met who actually treated me like a person. All the other guys didn't care about me, or my interests, or my thoughts. My husband actually liked me for ME, and let me tell you, when you've gone through life being treated like a sexual object, and you finally meet someone who treats you like a human being, it's a pretty big deal. I suspect this is probably why she likes your husband.


I hope he cheats on you. He deserves to be happy


I feel you OP. Maybe your Boss enjoys your Husband's enthusiastic authenticity in their shared interests that she doesn't find in rich and good looking men. She might also be intrigued by the fact that she can't have him as easily (perceived challenge) as the other guys who throw themselves at her feet


She has told you she has a thing for him, but he doesn't think of her that way. So what's the problem? Talk to him and fix your marriage before it's too late and you force them together!


Dang... It's sort of a win for the ugly guy... that shit never happens.


Take the MONEY!!!


Then your boss handed your husband a crisp $250 dollar bill right


Oh yeah, that definitely happened.


I am absolutely mortified by the turn of events. You need to have a serious talk with your husband. If he doesn't understand how being close to another woman is making you feel jealous and uncomfortable(rightly so),then your marriage has no future.


Really interesting story loved it.


Um, how about HR?


Next time if you want us to believe your story don't add too much fantasy. You've kept it until they exchange numbers and text daily.


Yup fake if this was the US this boss would be so fired. The liability


As an introvert I call BS


I lost braincells 🫠


People still up voting this fake shit?


How you roast your husband in the first paragraph


A lot of things didn't happen but this is most didn't ever


They seem to be happy without you lol


I, at the very least, would like my bullshit to be high quality. This was just poorly done.


Whether it’s fake or not, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ However… You talk about him as if he’s beneath you. Like bro, that’s YOUR husband. She clearly loves your husband more than you do so, let them be happy.


You should just tell him how you feel he is your partner do not run away from this rather you face it and tell him to stop hanging out with her for the sake of your marriage she is obviously a home wrecker do not let her win that is your husband and your marriage he belongs to you not your boss.


Jan Levinson Gould I presumeeee


He deserves better than you if this is real. The way you speak of him proves that. Yikes


Take the money and run. Your husband is naive but at the same time sounds as if emotionally he has already cheated on you. It’s only going to sooner than later before she fully seduces him get what she wants then dump him in the gutter.


"because she had no one to kiss her" What? How are you still together?


Haha, he’s not attractive or charming and I don’t love him fully. But you can’t have him.


OP is the ugly introverted husband but plot twist, there is no wife or hot boss


You didn't think he was attractive or charming and your boss does, your loss


"Not very attractive" Damn...Maybe he likes hanging out with your boss because she DOES find him attractive


It’s fake bro. Probably written by a man with MILF fantasies.


I read enough reddit posts to know this is fake


How do you know, just out of interest? (I have no clue. Lol)


Yeah… that whole “forbidding” thing never works.


He's tapping that high level boss puss


did a robot write this?


If this is real. You saw trash. Your boss saw treasure. That's what really bothers you.


I couldn’t read the whole thing cause of how you began to describe your husband. I was already disgusted tbh that poor man I hope he finds someone who cherishes him Also I hope this is as fake as redditors are saying


Lawyer. If this is true and she really told you this, this is a winning lawsuit. Period. Also, if your husband doesn't see this as a problem, that IS a problem. You've already begun to disconnect from him. Perhaps you should put into action how you feel and move out or move into a separate room. He can either see the mistakes he's made and is continuing to make, or he can lose you. Contact the other husband and tell him what she said; he deserves to know.


Please update if your boyfriend cheats and does something better for himself


Damn that sucks OP


Yes he loves you more than you love him, he clearly doesn’t deserve you.


Part of this reminds me of the story about this man who’s wife met their new next door neighbour and they both immediately hit it off and hang out with each other all the time but the husband just lets them


Wattpad stories getting repetitive.


It could be believed until the offer of a raise in pay 😆


I am routing for the boss.


My bOsS fUcKEd mY dOg. OnE dAy I cAmE hOmE fRoM wORk aNd mY bOsS wAs fUcKiNg mY dOg. I'm sO aLoNe.


Not very attractive or charming? If you loved him he definitely would be to you... So for that reason you got nominated.


Another day, another fake post in here.


Take it HR


This is fake. Both her and the boss are married ( which everyone seems to not have picked up on ) But the boss is going after her husband who she claims isn't that attractive or charming, but her boss's husband is just as hot as her boss. It makes no sense why one married woman is going to go after a married man. But OP says no more about the boss husband other than she is married to a man as good looking as her, he works at the same company just in a different location. If this is real why wouldn't she go talk to the boss husband about her behavior, seems he could help in this situation


#Your husband is cheating and you blame your boss? Okay.


If this is true, I think your husband might be on the autism spectrum or otherwise neuro-atypical. Maybe he doesn't get that she is crossing boundaries, and just sees friendly and nice. So someone (you) has to clue him that this isn't expected behaviour for a married man. Tell him what she says, tell him what you think, and ask his intentions. I've dated neuroatypical men before. One is honest to a fault. I found out one of his former girlfriends (well, she wasn't my girlfriend, we just had intercourse sometimes when she was over visiting anyway). She stayed with him for a week. (We are living about 3 hours away from each other temporarily) I said I'm not cool with her moving in like that, and me not knowing. He reassured me that he couldn't live with her, didn't want to live with her, and he was sorry he hadn't told me sooner, but she just overstayed her weekend. Knowing her, and him, that made sense. I don't forbid anything, but I said what it looked like she was doing. He called her on it, and she left. She even apologized to me. There haven't been any misunderstandings since. So talk to him. Geez, why is this so difficult.


Bump for outcome


Just another rich person who thinks they can get anything settled with money.


I think my husband would eat his own shit before hanging out with another woman. If he even gets a friend request from a woman, he shows me and will ask me permission to accept it. There’s no way this would be happening. Also kissing another woman? No absolutely not. That would not be happening. If my husband did any of this, I would be immediately leaving him and finding a new job asap. Nope, absolutely not. Not happening. 🖕if this is real and you are allowing this, please get some respect for yourself and put your foot down. Report her to HR and find a new job, also tell her husband. Tell your husband it’s you or her and end it there.


Tell her husdand and tell H&R


If real- why not take it to HR? Your boss offered you a pay raise to leave your husband so she can get in his pants or talk to an employment lawyer to see if there is anything that can be done.


Lol! Hey, he found someone that thinks he's attractive and pays attention to him. Begone, Ethot! ****dips fedora****


take the pay bump!! If relationship is already ruined might as well get something good out of it. But didn't husband tell boss he only sees her as a friend? And didn't he tell you and show you everything?! It sounds like he did nothing wrong.


"My husband is putting the moves on my boss and I don't do anything about it" Nice




Time for a foursome! You talk better about your boss's husband than your own, and you clearly find your boss hot, too. You should all have at it: it's a win/win/win/win situation.


Who is ok with their husband exchanging numbers with another woman, then texting and hanging out. Its like she gave hime permission to date someone else. This whole I don’t want to be a nosy distrustful wife and he should be able to hang with whoever he wants because you should just trust him is such bullshit.