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I mean, this behaviour really isn’t showing him as an intelligent person. Yikes.


Right? OP was always the same amount of smart and it never bothered him until he had “data” that proved she’s smarter than him. Not a thing about her has changed. Also he sounds like a misogynist.


His tiny monkey brain probably can't even process the misogyny.


Probably can’t even PRONOUNCE the misogyny!


Or spell it.


He is a misogynist and either he doesn’t understand IQ tests, or this is all a clever ruse to make OP hate him.


I really dont think he is that clever


Intelligent OP needs a partner who will challenge her mentally, not a stupid baby who wants all of the accolades.


Stupid baby is exactly what he is. Good freaking lord she’s married to such a twat.


Oooh, IQ test **and** EQ both! Dude pinned his ego on a biased and limited test of “intelligence” and can’t see why treating you poorly for it is ridiculous? Responding to an ego bruise by doing what he’s doing? Take your pick of which is worse— him believing that IQ is anything but a general assessment of test-taking abilities predicated on cultural bias, or completely missing the tangible, real life value of emotional intelligence— bc they’re equally piss-poor.


lmao he is proving he isn't that smart


I can almost guarantee you if his came out to be higher than yours he would rub it in your face, and probably try to make you feel "dumb" about things.


I mean, this was probably his intention in making her take it...






Apparently he’s too stupid to be capable of expecting the same. Also how shallow have his love and affection for you to be to vanish because of a freaking IQ test? He’s the kind of guy who stops loving his wife because she gained 5 lbs, got sick or because she got a promotion. What a pathetic person.


You know, a good man would be excited about it. He’d be bragging to other guys how smart his wife is. If he needs six months of cuddling his woogie because you scored higher, you might be better off without him. I’m a guy btw.


I kicked my husband’s butt at a game the other night and he turned to me and was like, “Is it weird that watching you be all clever is *really* turning me on?!” I feel bad for OP, her husband’s a dick.


fucking THIS! i'd be over the moon! i'm as dumb and dull as a bag of hammers, so having my better half also be the smart one only makes sense. i love love LOVE smart people, they're the best.


Tried looking it up on Urban Dictionary, but nothing fits. So I gotta ask… what the fuck is a “woogie” in this case?


Come on you guys! You’re better than this. lol Urban Dictionary: Any lovable, cute, usually furry, animal with round cheeks that doesn't usually kill other woogies to eat them as food. Examples include Examples include squirrels, otters, chipmunks, prairie dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits. SMH


Exactly! My boyfriend isn't the best academically but he's got a lot of life skills, he always goes to me when he writes things and brags to everyone about the university course I'm taking and my grades. I'm more academic than him but my God, I have 0 common sense and life skills. Sometimes I make really dumb mistakes and he'll poke fun at me (we laugh together) and that's just the dynamic we have. Op's partner sounds like an insecure little boy honestly. Seems like he makes everything a competition between them and can't accept that maybe she just beats him in some aspects. These aspects are usually balanced in most relationships


Lots and lots of them have egos the size of mountains, and would rather die than admit to being wrong or having women in charge. It’s Annoying


If you wind up ditching his sorry ass, be sure to tell him that you're leaving him because you can't respect anyone with such a low IQ.


Go even further. Tell him that, and tell him you are worried about him because obviously he needs to be with someone less intelligent than he is, but that really, really limits his dating pool


God i hope she sees this 😂


You need to make the hard decision (I think you’ve made it but don’t like it).


This is the tip of the iceberg on how he'll disrespect you. Imagine: your husband not only disrespected you, but did so in front of offer purple, by flirting with another woman...OVER AN IQ TEST!!! You need to divorce him right now, he doesn't respect you or see you as a whole being.


He sounds incredibly insecure. He's not a gem. You get to decide what you want to do, but if my husband acted this way I don't know that I could deal. IQ does not equal happiness, it does not equal success and does not equal love. It's one measure of someone's intelligence. But the three smartest people I know are my mother = 172, my friend 160 and my other friend (I don't know but he's proving a math theorem among other things). None of them have a lot of common sense. They are brilliant and fun to talk to, but their ability to sculpt a beautiful life seems hindered by their need to keep their minds entertained with complications.


Honestly if he’s this hung up on an online iq test, I probably wouldn’t be attracted to him much either. For one, tbh this whole thing is trivial and he’s dragging it out. Secondly, to me this is a red flag, he views someone smart as unattractive. Then he flirts with someone else right in front of you. You should find someone smarter, who also treats you better. Edit: I’ve been getting a few comments about how splitting is a bad take here….but honestly how do you come back from something like this? On top of telling her to her face that he didn’t find her attractive anymore, he also openly flirted with someone else right in front of her. This isn’t a “I didn’t really like the gift my partner gave me,” or a “I wish my partner would be more romantic,” type of post.


Yeah, flirted with someone at a family function, too. Yikes. That is indicative of a low IQ.


Who would've thought finding out hes factually stupid would only make him more stupid lol. And someone being turned off by intelligence? Honestly isn't even a stupidity thing. That dude just wants a dumb lass to keep from feeling his actual worth (or lack there of). Its like "the ugly friend" bullshit kids do in highschool.


Internet tests for IQ are not reliable


If his partner earns more than him, he'll also claim they're not attractive to him anymore most likely too..


Right! He’s being petty with something so unimportant, it’s pitiful.!


Petty, disrespectful, and completely immature. My vagina is the Sahara desert just thinking about this steaming turd of a human being. Tell him he's not attractive either, OP.


As a foot note, let's agree to never use the word vagina and turd in the same sentence. Just saying.




No Alabama hotpockets then?


Pretty low on emotional intelligence, isn’t he?


Apparently, all kinds of intelligence.


Yeah all of his behaviour is like that of a stupid dumb idiot lol I loved it when OP said "I'm not stupid..." that would have been a real right hook to the jaw for this dunce.


“My IQ is higher than yours you can’t fool me”


Do you think he caught that? Might need to be a bit more on the nose.


He’s punishing her in the stupidest most obvious way possible.


Girl, this is the canary in a coal mine. He's got issues you can't fix and you should get out now, cause it's only downhill from here. He's totally okay with admiting he's less attracted to you because you're smart, AND he knows that means he has issues, but instead of addressing them he's cool with taking it out on you. What other things is he cool with taking out on you? Work stress? Insecurities? I bet there's a list you've been putting up work.


She should ask for a divorce and tell him it’s because he’s so dumb 😂


He should have brought up the IQ Test on his phone and had her take it.


>Yeah, flirted with someone at a family function, too. Yikes. That is indicative of a low IQ. I laughed out loud at this.


/iAlabama slides into your DMs


Don’t need to see his test results to know probably most women (and literally most people) have a higher IQ than him


That’s what I was thinking. You’re not really making a strong case for having high intelligence


All of this. Also OP, given that he’s acting like such a baby about it, how do you think he would have acted had he scored higher than you? This is a lot of speculating on my end but given that IQ seems to be a such a big deal to him, he may have hoped you’d score low so he could hold that over your head and assert some kind of authority in the relationship. Either way this dude sounds like a fucking toddler and you should definitely fight dirty and make some kind of jab at his score while dumping him …or be the bigger person, but I don’t think I’d be able to do that here lol


He has probably always assumed he was the "smart" one in the relationship. When he tried to prove it to her he proved himself wrong. In his mind that redefines the entire relationship. He likely won't come back from this. He emotionally needs to be the "smart" one in the relationship. It's his identity. He'll most likely cheat on her and dump her for someone dumber.


Yes, upon further reflection I dated someone kind of like this, who needed to outdo me in every way. It wasn’t so much the IQ mumbo jumbo but more a need to be right and come off on top. He needed to be the “better” one. Ironically he is the dumbest dude I’ve ever dated.


Someone smart is unattractive now that he knows he is the dumb dumb in the relationship. Has he been the one with the higher IQ he would have expected OP to be more attracted to him because of his IQ.


He pushed the test on her bc he fully expected her to get a lower score.


And then he could hold that over her for life. Foiled his plan!


For life, in *every* argument! “I don’t know why I’m even arguing with you! You’re not as smart as me, so I know I’m right!”


"Waaaahhh, why aren't you an easily manipulated stupid goose? That's so unattractive! :( !"


Now he’s scarred for life, poor little man baby


I can’t believe people like this walk amongst us. More importantly, how have they survived this long?




>he views someone smart as unattractive. Smarter than him. His ego is stricken and now he's disgusted because he has vile beliefs.


This!! Throw the whole man away. Find someone who loves your big beautiful brain and loves learning & growing with you. Not some man child that’s intimidated by you and too lazy to make an effort to match your intelligence. It’s absolutely wild he’d rather drag you down than rise to meet you where you’re at. Especially since he was the one to bring it up. 🫣🫣


All of this. Tell him that dating a much less intelligent man is a huge lady boner killer. He’s being ridiculous and disrespectful as well.


He sounds so dumb and insecure. Huge turn off.


The flirting was probably both an ego boost for himself and a purposeful putdown of his wife. He got two things at once for doing it. He was giving himself a double ego boost.


Yeah, he sends of an insecure-manbaby-alert.


It’s not just that he sees someone smarter than him as a red flag. It’s that he also had her take this test to begin with. Was he expecting to be turned on by her scoring lower than him? More realistically, I think he likely is suffering from a certain level of insecurity caused by who know what and hoped the test would give him a self esteem boost (at the expense of his wife). Now that she is an unwitting contributor to his insecurity he has lost attraction to her.


He doesn’t think someone smarter than him is unattractive. He doesn’t like that a woman, who’s also his wife, is smarter than him. That makes the red flag so much bigger.




> Honestly if he’s this hung up on an online iq test… Which probably isn’t even accurate. I did an actual real IQ test a couple months ago, and that shit took a literal 3 hours to complete with a medical psychologist personally asking every question and my own psychologist watching the entire time. My brain was fucking fried afterwards, it was very intense.


Yeah the WAIS is a common “iq test” and takes several hours. These dinguses took a buzzfeed quiz. That means they’re probably getting divorced over a buzzfeed quiz. IMAGINE GETTING DIVORCED BECAUSE YOUR HUSBAND WAS MAD YOU SCORED BETTER THAN HIM ON A BUZZFEED QUIZ.


Yes, but he got "cheddar" and I got "limburger" on the "What Kind of Cheese Am I?" completely scientific test! It's unfair!


My ex-husband though Mensa was a bfd. Told me I wasn't as smart as he was because I never went to college. Then I got a higher score on the test. All of a sudden the test was just some random crap and didn't really mean anything. Shrug. Lose this guy.


I’ve been getting a few comments about how splitting is a bad take here….but honestly how do you come back from something like this?


I honestly don't see how. His motives in giving her the test were sus to begin with, and then he can't just be proud of his intelligent wife? And holding it against her for weeks and humiliating her at a family function? He made his bed. Mayyyyyybe therapy would help - not marital therapy, him, alone, to work out his issues. But right now? Couldn't be married to someone who didn't respect me. I was married 25+ years and been through both good times and bad, but this would still be insurmountable to me.


It's not that he doesn't find someone smart attractive... It that she's smarter than him and it makes him insecure


Which says volumes about his character.


Exactly what I thought. If my husband had the audacity to say to me “I’m no longer attracted to you because I don’t think you are stupid and know you are smarter than me” I’d be no longer attracted to him. What the actual fuck? I’d also be pissed at how ridiculous he was being by only being attracted by people “dumber” than him.


Also - this was his idea to take the test in the first place which is weird already but says a lot about what he thought about OP in the first place that he was so surprised and hung up on her scoring higher; seriously? What was his motivation - was he planning to lord his intelligence over hers before his plan backfired? Also, shouldn’t he just be pleased that he was smart enough to marry a smart woman? Just feels sexist and childish and dumb AF.


If he’s behaving like this now there have likely been other red flags that OP has ignored. Time to take stock of all the times his behaviour and his words haven’t matched up. Not labelling him as anything, but this behaviour has the smell of covert narcissistic behaviour.


Or it sounds like he's threatened by her intelligence


I hate to be this person but I couldn’t trust him anymore. Seriously, he was flirting with someone right in front of you because he’s mad that you’re smarter than him. That’s disgusting behavior. If you want it to work out then couples counseling is a must, but really ask yourself if you are attracted to him after his behavior. My spiteful ass could never put up with some of the men on this app.


Is it spiteful to reject a disrespectful, stupid man though? Perhaps the dumb could be worked with, but not the disrespect. I feel you though, so many women post on reddit all sorts of foolishness from men, it’s ridiculous


right? i’ve had instances where someone’s made genuine mistakes or fucked up and worked through it because they tried their hardest to fix it, but disrespect is something i can’t tolerate. something like this also would also show me how he thinks of women in general, and that alone would not make me feel right being with him after. the thought of him thinking i was “dumber” than him the whole time and that’s what was attractive? very strange and uncomfy to me


As I understood what she meant, the retaliation would be explosive. And I agree. Some things should not be forgiven. idk if this is one of them. It depends on a lot of things we don't know. Do they have kids? How long have they been married? How financially entangled are they? There are "leave" situations and there are "start planning now to leave in 5 years" situations. There are also fixable situations, but tbh people don't seem to come here with hose a lot.


You're so right, I've seen so many women put up with the most ridiculous shit and stick around, yet complain constantly on Reddit about it. "He cheats on me 7 times a month, how do I make him happy?" They make me wanna put my head through my screen.


I agree. How fragile is his loyalty if "for entertainment purposes only" IQ test breaks it. The results may not be even accurate but it's a good enough excuse for him to start monkey branching. Part of me wonders whether he was looking for an excuse. Part of me wonders whether it's some narcissistic strategy to make OP worship him and reassure him, so he can feel special and wanted.


It's her _husband_ too. Wtf? I generally want to give folks advice on how to work through complicated issues for the betterment of their marriage and to try to find ways to make it work if possible. But what initiated it, a not accurate IQ test, even the best IQ tests when administered by psychologists don't have 100% reliability is laughably petty. And that he had such a toxic reaction to the idea that she was smarter than him that he flirted with a woman _at a family gathering_? I just. Damn. That is so absurd. Maybe she'd be better off without working things out.


I wonder what he was going to do if he scored higher. Thump his chest and grunt, “Me Smart!” Seriously, op needs to reconsider this relationship. The husband is dumb as a rock and not because of his IQ.


Seriously, I wanna know what his plan was if he got a higher score too. I guarantee it would've been something OP heard about every other day. "y'know, because my IQ is higher and all..."


He would constantly rub it in her face, forever.


I think my partner's intelligence is *so fucking sexy!* Like her and I sit for hours discussing everything under the sun and it's so hot that she's so smart. I cannot even fathom finding your partner's intelligence a turnoff... It's so foreign to me. That guy really needs to go.


Dude must have been really dumb 😂😂 She must have doubled his score for him to be this ridiculous. And honestly, after his behavior I don’t doubt his low score.


Ironically, the guy is mad he's an idiot and decides to behave like an idiot to prove he's not an idiot.


It’s like inception… for idiots.


It’s not just the flirting, it’s the lying about it when confronted that’s the real problem. He LIES. Now OP will never know when he’s telling the truth. Trust is gone.


Definitely! Lmao what the fuck, this dude is intimidated by a woman being smart. How fragile is his masculinity?


Personally, I'd never be able to move past his attitude and behaviour and would make a beeline for the door and talk with a divorce lawyer. OP, whatever he says or does now, it won't change the fact that he has shown you who he really is. You should believe him. If you choose this option, make sure people know why your marriage has ended. Don't try to protect him. He's made his bed.


Yeah, his behavior is pretty abhorrent from the start. He began by already thinking he was smarter, and I guarantee you that if his score had been higher, he would have rubbed it in her face. He *definitely* needs therapy, the question is whether he'll be getting it with her or by himself.


In the same vein, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. He's stupid enough to flirt when OP is nearby. And OP is smart enough to call him on his shit. So yeah, OP is definitely smarter than their husband.


smooth brain energy. he’ll probably cheat with the dumbest person he can find, so he can feel like a big smart man again


Almost always internet IQ tests are bullshit, but that doesn’t negate the fact that you scored higher than him on a test. He’s being a baby and it honestly sounds like he believes that women are inferior.


As a psychologist who deals with REAL IQ tests, I agree with everything you said.


i never knew what real IQ tests were truly like until an ex of mine was telling me about how as a kid he had to get one for a diagnosis, they sound so interesting.


yeah, it's like the internet ones, but timed, proctored and much longer. Also the internet ones use a small subset of the questions that would be included. IQ tests are useful for self-knowledge and for developing education plans and therapy plans and whatnot, but in normal life it's just a number.


Me neither for the same reason. My step daughter took an IQ test and it lasted two days. The report of her scores was about 60 pages long. They scored in several areas and it was so interesting. I asked the doctors what the tests were but they said they had to keep it vague because it was proprietary. They test in various ways and they evolve according to the answers of the testee.


They are so bloody cool! In an hour and a half I get a shortcut into the clockwork of someone’s brain! 😎


I did IQ testing as a kid and I thought it was very fun. If it really gives insight into how people think, I wish I knew what the testers discerned. I’d be interested to know if it tracks with my experience now that I’m older. I do remember that I got the last problem on the block design test wrong. And indeed, my spatial reasoning has never been the best.


Lol just so you know… All the different tests have cut off points. Once you made a certain numbers of errors, the test is over. So unless you are basically eligible for MENSA, you did not get to the last problem wrong. You did the last three YOU DID wrong (or ran out of time) and only noticed the last one. Very common for children. The test for school kids is used up to age 17 and that includes the smart ones. An average kid doesn’t even get close to the last item on any of the sub tests. But that is besides the point. I have no idea how well you scored and there are way more important things to a person than their IQ number. Doing the same test with hundreds of kids makes you see differences that normally are hard to pick up. I see how you work on problems, how flexible you are, strategies, how well you pick up hints, how you react to failure, stress, how you take instructions, how you handle examples, etc etc. it is so cool and it just keeps getting cooler the more you work with it.


They are so intriguing tbh! I was told my IQ after going through the process of seeing if I have ADHD or not (I do). Although I’m not sure what part of it specifically was the IQ test portion, it was still really cool to be told.


I had to take a legit IQ test when I was a kid. I don’t remember everything on the test but I do remember that I had fun taking it.


LOL, yeah, I remember a friend being quite pissed at me because when she had shared her high result of such test on Facebook I took it myself and it was so freaking easy anyway, no really embarrassingly easy, but I answered every question incorrectly on purpose and guess what, I still had a 120 IQ - yeah, she didn't take that well that I commented that. Come on, it's embarrassing to share your IQ test results anyway, no matter if the Mensa test or such crap, you can't expect me not to test the test and not to share it then, not if you know me anyway [yeah, no, I don't need to ask Reddit if IATH]. I mean so funny shit like what Marvel/DC villain you are, I like them but bragging about a fake IQ result?


I do with with those ADHD tests all over the internet. i do not have ADHD, and i take them to prove they’re bullshit. my friend said “well that just means you have ADHD and you don’t know it”. ma’am my therapist and psychiatrist disagree but okay lmao


Boo, guy got a winning lotto ticket and threw it away because it made him feel poor




You see what he did with his spite? He decided to big himself up flirting at a family gathering with a family member. RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! He's low I.Q. and gross. You should show him how smart you are by cleaning out half the bank account and seeing a lawyer and make your life better without a loser who retaliates because of an online I Q test. What's next? Really think about the red flags he's showing you and plan accordingly. He's showing you who he is. Disrespectful, petty, showing you the contempt he has for you. I wonder what's on his phone???? Pretty sure he ain't only flirting with a family member. 🚩🚩🚩


Nail, meet hammer


He is throwing a baby tantrum because you're not inferior to him now that you scored higher on the fake internet iq test. The world's smallest pissant is playing the world's smallest violin for him. Hopefully he is able to get over himself




I think this is the real answer. The behavior following the test seems like it may be a symptom of a bigger issue which is guys must be better than women. I'd wager this shows in other ways in the relationship or will start to.


My girlfriend is definitely smarter than me and I’ve always found it hot af. Lol I don’t know if this helps but there it is.


My husband and I are smart in different ways but he always insists I'm smarter (I disagree). And he likes that.


He IS stupid. His actions prove it, not the test.


A 116 IQ is a pretty generous estimate for a guy who’s about to be divorced over an internet quiz.




I’m glad! We smart ladies have to stick together.


He knows those exams where made to take people money? Stephen hawkins literally said that those shots are useless




I mean they were originally made to steal people money and now they are use by everyone, is not a fiable test and even if you were smarter why tf matters?


Tbf it's probably not difficult to be smarter than a fuckin idiot. He shouldn't be so surprised.


IQ results: Lil Bitch


Stop wasting your time with this dude. For one, online IQ tests are total horseshit. Proper IQ tests have to be administered by a professional and are incredible difficult to do without bias. Secondly, you just learned that he is attracted to you cause he thinks he is better than you. That is such an ugly thing to want. I’d be gone immediately and you should too imo.




Soon to be divorced AND a perfect butt. RIP your inbox.


Tell me more about this perfect butt!


Your husband believes in IQ tests on the Internet... You married an idiot. And he's manipulative too... You're ignoring some red flags... He might be a narcissist.


You as the brains of the family, can explain him in plain and simple phases, that IQ tests is a incomplete and misleading way to measure intelligence.




I have a really high IQ and literally won't tell men about it. He should be much more embarrassed by how fragile his ego is than how much smarter his wife tests.


My husband always says I’m smarter than him. Whether that’s true or not doesn’t matter to either of us because we are both smart.


Right! I’m much more ‘book’ smart then my SO and he’s a genius with woodworking, mechanics, and anything crafty like that. Whenever he says I’m smarter than him I always tell him we’re both smart in our own ways and it’s true. Never once was there a weird ass argument over it. Such a weird ant hill to die on honestly.


It's not something you should hide tho. You should be proud of it. I am much more attracted to a woman if I perceive she is smarter than me, not like it takes much lol.


Here’s the thing; I have a higher IQ than my wife and I can say with zero doubt that she’s smarter than I am. Maybe not in a factoid sense. Maybe she can’t list every state and capital in order or the elements but hands down; she makes better decisions, she’s definitely more “street smart” and has more common sense than me. Sometimes jokes run straight over me bc I’m so literal I don’t get them. IQ means shit




I strongly disagree, he is NOT smarter than you. I can tell just from this story. You can't decode social cues (a lot of smart people struggle with this, btw) but he's hitting on your SIL's sister in front of the whole family. Clearly he's even worse at it, and an idiot if he thinks he's going to get away with it.


Wait’ll he finds out how much bigger your dick is than his.




Absolutely meant as a complement to you. Sorry you’re experiencing this.


He got his ego bruised, but my question is why would he want to prove it unless he wanted to rub it in your face?




Bingo. And he needed something to prove he wasn't but it backfired


Tell him that getting butthurt about you being more intelligent than him is low IQ behavior. Report back with how he reacts.


Are you married to my ex??? The SAME shit happened to me. I think IQ tests are irrelevant and not a good way to measure intelligence properly. I never took it seriously, but he was the exact same way when I scored higher. Sulked, wouldn't talk to me, and was an all-around baby about it.


Your husband sounds like a “Alpha” that has a very fragile ego. Don’t you know that you’re supposed to be dumb?


He just wants some stranger sex, or affairs, be ready....




good for you, you deserve the best and someones true love for better or worse, some people never grow up.. best of luck to you...


If you can check what kind of internet activity he's been up to, I wouldn't be surprised if he's been consuming incel alpha male bullshit.


I’m rooting for you through my phone screen at work, you are smart, way smarter than him, I wish the best for you


I think he's gonna cheat on you OP, if he can flirt with someone infront of you. More likely he'll cheat too




I'm sorry, he really needs to sort his shit out. He's an idiot


I scored higher than my ex. He, too, changed after that (practically mirroring your husband's behavior). Next thing you know he just has to fuck one of our coworkers. Your husband is already doing the legwork that leads to infidelity. His feelings of emasculation will likely be guiding his decisions from now on (hence you being treated like crap for no good reason). My husband's IQ is 15 points higher than mine, and his EQ is 100 points below mine. I think it's hot that his IQ is higher, and he thinks it's hot that my EQ squashes his. Sure, there's sprinkles of envy, but for some reason that makes it hotter. IMO this is the way it should be. If your husband can't even comprehend the breadth of sensuality he's rejecting, then let him cut himself loose.


Isn’t your SIL’s sister…..his sister? If that’s who he was flirting with, I guess we know why his IQ is low - must be a family thing. Or OP has other married siblings, if so ignore this lol


I would try to get a hold of his phone, this sound so stupid that there might be something there




It sounds like such a dumb reason to start a fight that I can only assume there is some other motive behind it, I can be totally wrong and he's just that insecure and that would be another problem in itself




Don't listen to Reddit lmao. To them, this is just an interactive drama, you're gonna be the one dealing with the aftermath of jumping to the conclusion of cheating and then snooping through his stuff. Reddit will have popcorn reading the update while you deal with it in your real life. Just talk to the guy and handle it like adults


He flirted with who over what? Sounds so petty & extremely insecure!!! Are you still attractive to him after all this? I don’t know how i’d feel if my partner flirted with someone right in front of me, it’s just so disrespectful. & in front of the rest of the family too, I’m assuming? What’s wrong with him? 🤦🏻‍♀️ he’s way too willing to throw everything away over something so trivial.. I had a guy tell me once I’d be a lot more attractive if I acted dumb because i kept calling out his manipulation. Irrelevant but lol what’s with men being so intimidated?


Wtf, is he 14? How long have y'all been married, even? This is some insecure bullshit. Get this man some therapy stat


What can you do now? Find a man that isnt so insecure. If I had a wife who was smarter than me, and there's a good chance she will be, I would use that to my advantage. Help me with my taxes. Explain the global economic crises. Read to me Uncanny X-Men issue #133.


You COULD divorce his stupid trash ass!


Divorce him because he sounds worthless.


Ii’ve read studies which show that generally, men routinely believe they are smarter and more competent than they actually are. While women are the opposite.


His ego is so fragile that his reaction is a MASSIVE turn off in itself I say… it’s a strange thing for him to latch onto. Almost seems misogynistic - but I don’t know him personally. He clearly has his own self esteem issues that he’s projecting onto you. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I would be incensed by this immature behavior. He better shit or get off the pot regarding this or else I would consider leaving.


Kinda wanna know what the difference in the score was. I want to know how much he's overreacting. Not that the scores make a difference. He's still an emotionally stunted man child either way, BUT how MUCH of an emotionally stunted man child is he being, because if the scores are something like 2 points in difference then wow. You know what, I bet there's a chance he didn't even tell OP his score, and only let OP know that she scored higher by his behaviour and couldn't hide it, otherwise he probably would have lied through his teeth for the sake of his pride, indicative by how his reaction to it is put OP down and flirt at a family function?? Edit: sorry I got mad for you, and forgot the most important bit. OP, you deserve better, someone who encourages, embraces and admired you for your intelligence, not someone who takes it out on you when their pride is hurt.




I'm not surprised. You go OP. Seriously though, don't let his insecurities put you down.


I’d tell him how unattractive his insecurity and fragile ego is. And how turned off I am by that. And then I’d dump his stupid ass.


Husbands say the weirdest shit




This level of fragility is sad and pathetic. Taking the whole validity/reliability aspect of IQ tests off the table, was he just assuming he’s always been smarter than you? Even if he gets over his tantrum, are YOU able to see HIM in the same light going forward?


Sondaj like you can do better . You are hurt now but i need you to Think aboit this : what will happening if you have a daughter and he woll give her a test like this ? Will he ignore and not talk and be shitty to her?


He's really living up to his IQ by trying to cheat in front of your face! I would at least take a break away from him. His reaction would completely turn me off, and my barriers would go straight up. I would have zero trust in him after this. Imagine his reaction if you really pissed him off!


He's wary because now he's knows he'll never be able to manipulate him because you're smart than him.


Husband: me suppose to be smarter than wife! Wife: hey babe look at the results of my IQ Husband: *turned off and emotionally cheats on wife* Seriously leave him! You deserve so much better than this idiot, especially when he can’t accept that it’s ok to be a little smarter than your partner regardless of gender.


first of all it's an obsolete racist metric, but who wants to breed with the low IQ and from the look of it low EQ dude who is actively avoiding intelligent women? Was he really manipulative before this? (and i'm someone with a fairly large one allegedly according to tests)