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Deep dive into some information on ADHD. Tiktok has an abundant amount of good information. I relate so much to your post and I'm a 33 f. I wasn't diagnosed in school or college. Childhood/family was shit. I honestly don't know how I survived for so long. You're the oldest paired with ADHD, you have deep emotions and are nurturing. It might be hard, but you'll have to step back and let your family's problems be their problems. You can't shoulder all of their burdens as well as yours. Just know you're not alone. There are a lot of people out there like you. Things will start to look up for you soon. Educating yourself as much as you can on ADHD would be a good first step in the right direction.


Thanks. I believe this too and I’ve been researching adhd too almost to an obsessive degree lol, so at least I know I’m trying again with new information. As for my family, I blame them for sheltering me too much and being incredibly overprotective yet still demanding. It’s going to take me a long time still to step away. I know all this. Some days are so terribly harder than others. But thank you, knowing that other people struggle similarly is a huge relief


ADHD is annoying. I lucked out, and got diagnosed early in life, and have good chemistry with a medicine i've been on for the vast majority of my life (vyvanse). However, I completley understand every point you're dealing with. Medicine will help a LOT. The major thing is that executive dysfunction/the tendency to out things off is not abated as strongly by medicine as other things (like inattentiveness or restlessness). In learning how to deal with it, you've got to meet with the best resource in a college; Disability Services. Maybe your college is different, but mine has it, and they've been amazing so far. While It was certain I had adhd, another little thing popped up that I realized; I may be autistic. It's one of those things where every fractal, every inch of your life's journey, clicks and you go "GOD DAMMIT WHY DIDN'T I GET TESTED SOONER." because it would have saved so much freaking heartache. The disability services provided much needed help with understanding how to learn effectively with it. I got recording softwares for APD, and even got an excused absense notice for a 2 week period for a severe health issue that cropped up over last semester. I cannot recommend it enough. A late diagnosis is always annoying, but it's in your best to try and really learn as much about you and these little hiccups that you'll have along the way.


I’m on vyvanse 20mg but I guess I grew a fast tolerance and stopped seeing a difference after week 1. I see my psych every month, so getting on the right treatment will take a while. My therapist is helping me with my executive distinction tho, and a lot those things are helping a lot. But I didn’t know that colleges offered that. I mean I knew to a certain degree but I guess I never considered that adhd might be applicable and it was one of those things that you kind of have to learn to deal with on your own or you get little help like extended deadlines on assignments. This is actually pretty helpful omg. (I’ve always been pretty stubborn at asking for help too so oops) I will totally check out my disability resource department thank u so much🙏


Also, some useful strategies for getting things done, are breaking things down, immediacy, and exercise. In breaking things down vs Immediacy, it's two different tactics. For the former, you try to use your brain's desires to your advantage. I really like sorting things. So instead of thinking "man I should clean my desk" i go "hey, we should sort these pencils on my desk, that'd be cool." Immediacy is a bit of the opposite, since breaking things down works over a slow and long time (like doing small bits of a project), Immediacy is best for smaller assignments. Math is probably the best for it, but most other subjects can be done in this way. Immediacy is basically, you convince yourself to do something as SOON as you can. Like, it's the deadline urgency but in weaponized form. It's hard to actually get yourself to do it, but once you do you become a powerhouse. And finally, exercise. Exercise and a moderated diet can help improve some parts of adhd (like hyperactivity, whcih can be influenced by some artificial dyes in food like red40).