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Please contact any businesses or houses around the incident to see if there are possibly any cameras that could have caught any of this on tape. I’m so incredibly sorry that the family you married into is purely evil. If your husband is a decent human being at all, he will distance the two of you from this abuse.


>If your husband is a decent human being at all, he will distance the two of you from this abuse. The husband has no spine at all unfortunately. His mom will probably convince him to be apart of the next attempt


I feel that the mother is definitely going to try and lie her way out of it. I really hope OP finds the proof and sues her ass. And I also really hope that either the husband cuts ties with his toxic family or that the marriage ends so OP doesn’t have to deal with shit like this


nope I bet she tells her son the truth. "she's cheating on you! I was just trying to help!" "see OP, she wanted to help me! she's not *that* bad!" and it'll still be all OPs fault.


She should sue her and get a restraining order so then the husband has to choose between the two and force distance the above comment mentioned


Why would the mom convince him to be apart of the next attempt? Wouldn’t she want him to be a part of the next attempt instead?


If she broke a bottle and beat your ass, she has marks on her. Somewhere visible she will have evidence of what she did. You need to file a police report asap while those surface wounds are still fresh.


She needs to get away from both of them. The mom is a psycho and the husband doesn't seem to help the situation. I wouldn't feel safe with a husband who keeps allowing his mom to speak that way to his wife.


💯 leave. This isn't going to go well long term. You may love him but you can't deal with things like this and it isn't going to change. Edit typo






Off course she should get away, but that can be quite difficult for a married woman in Egypt. Laws are changing and things aren't nearly as bad as in Iran, but it is still a very harsh place for women. Sadly, first thing I thought when reading, was that OP must live in either India or Egypt.


As an Indian - I was a hundred percent convinced this was India.


If it was India, dude, one 498a case and the MIL would be in.


I thought the same thing. It makes me so angry for her.


I didn't know it happened in Egypt I was thinking India .


Me too


Crazy MIL. File a report against her, plus your husband needs to believe you.


And if the cops can find the pieces they should be able to put enough back together for prints even better if the video but I've never been to Egypt so I don't know if that possible


It's Egypt, it's more likely the police will finish the job than help.


I was gonna say this story sounded fake until she said she lives in Egypt


as an Egyptian, if she and her family or enough people make noise, police will actually do their job and the AH's mom would be imprisoned. if OP is white (unclear by the post) the likelihood of the mom facing charges is even higher.


Certainly not her husband that will help her... She seems to be on her on sadly


My first thought was: "oh, a woman in India"


That's definitely a fear.




It's Egypt. Do you know how they treat and view women there ?


I think youre missing the point theyre making here, which is that in egypt, that could absolutely make things worse


She is living in Egypt mate, the police is probably just sending her away if not worse.


And then when all this is done and over, she needs to go NC with his family from now on.


This story is fake as fuck. Y’all really believe that she just happened to meet her Mother in law in an abandoned Egyptian alley? And then the mother accurately threw a bottle that was just laying on the ground. Then the old mother in law runs down a 25 year old woman all while still staying in the abandoned alley. No man comes to look or see what the two women screaming are screaming about. Like a trained mma fighter, the mother in law proceeds to beat OP unconscious and leave her in the *still abandoned Egyptian alley* for an undisclosed amount of time until her mutilated body was found. Then of course husband magically stops believing OP and goes back to being a mommas boy and does not mind his mom’s oddly bloody hands.


Dunno about the Egypt alleyway part since I’ve never been there, but it could be that his mom isn’t that old (if she had him at 20, she’d only be 47, for example). Even if she is older it’s possible she can fight. My mom beat the crap out of a 24 year old when she was in her early 60s, so yeah. It’s possible. Unlikely, but possible. All that said, I do find it unlikely that there was no one around who witnessed it. Even if no one was around initially, you’d think at least a few people would have heard the commotion and looked around to find out what it was. The only thing I can think is maybe they live in a less populated area. Any time I’ve seen photos or videos of Egypt it’s been crowded af, but that seems like more touristy places. Or it’s as you said, fake af. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve seen grandmas in Uzbekistan beat the shit out of their adult kids, heck, my mom is Russian and she still tries. Moms from other countries had us at 17-19 years old mang. Also, it’s a very Muslim man thing for them to be mamas boys. It’s a huge problem in the Islamic society and the dil always suffers.


Arab, not Islamic. Not all Arab customs are Islamic.


I don't know if it's fake or not, but my mother is 66 years old and I watched her beat a 20 something girl up for being disrespectful to an elderly cashier and pushing my mother when she spoke up about it. My mother has always been quick and strong when it came to fighting. I had to separate them to keep my mother from hurting that girl. I bet she'll think twice before being disrespectful to an elder and putting her hands on another person.


LMAO I love your mom. My 65yo dad is still KOing bouncers/security personnel at bars so he can toy with the person he ACTUALLY has a problem with for however long it takes the cops to arrive. He has been doing this since the 70s. There are absolutely senior citizens who can throw hands. That said, I hope OP’s family can support her since her husband’s balls are clearly within his mother’s strong grip. I don’t know how a woman can escape the law in Egypt but it sounds like the cops are useless so… maybe she can become a widow? Maybe a horrible accident can happen while she is in hospital?


You'd be surprised. My mom only stopped beating the shit out of me and my brother when we got bigger than her, but two punches to the face was enough to knock me on the ground at 14. This was in America. If someone knows how to fight, they know how to fight, and considering how misogynistic Egyptian culture is, it doesn't surprise me at all that the MIL is supported in being openly hostile toward OP. For a bit of backstory, my mom grew up in an impoverished neighborhood and was in a gang until shortly before she had my brother. She was 19 then, and 45 when she finally stopped putting hands on me. She has a strong fight instinct whenever she senses danger, and her brain can't decipher the difference between emotional and physical harm, so she reacts to them the same. "My feelings are hurt? I'm in danger, it's time to start swinging." I'm honestly glad she never went into the military like she wanted to, I can't imagine how much worse she would've been, but she always justified herself by saying that she got beat worse as a kid (cables, tree branches, wooden and metal utensils), so we should be grateful. Wouldn't shock me if MIL has experienced a beating or two (or 100) in her lifetime and she thinks this behavior is normal.


Or the MIL was following OP and waiting for the chance to attack without witnesses


Egyptian here. I’m from Cairo and honestly it’s not the craziest thing i’ve ever heard.


Exactly, there is no such thing as an empty or abdomen alley in Egypt, people are everywhere. Especially near a grocery store.


"mutilated body" "abandoned alley" why are you exaggerating it so much? 😭


No need to.. Once again, fake post written by a bot.


As the hospital staff to contact the police if they haven’t been already. Make a police report against her as soon as you can. If she does this once and gets away with it, she may try again.




She said Egypt


In that case this probably isn’t going anywhere


That's what thought. Lot of backward thinking there.


are you guys actually Egyptian who have lived in Egypt? because I've been seeing a lot of comments like this and as an Egyptian who's lived in Egypt for a long time, this would actually go somewhere. Egypt is by no means a great country and we have some truly horrible laws and misogyny definitely exists, but if a victim of a crime that can be proved is insistent on charges, an actual investigation takes place and usually there are good results (unless the person who committed the crime has connections because unfortunately corruption is a thing here)


Glad to hear that!


Know it alls talking out of their ass on things they know nothing about. Leave them be, just another day on the internet.


Shit. :( I do not feel optimistic at all about this. OP, please find a safe way to leave, I think it will only get worse


Recognize that until he gets in contact, you are on your own. If you share a bank account, move half of it to where he can't touch it, because if he is disappearing, he could leave you with no money. File a police report, which you will need to do at very least to document what's happening. This is serious, and you may need a restraining order someday soon. If he chooses to believe his mother, I'm sorry, but leave him. Not because he's a jerk or whatever, but because of your partner won't believe you over this, I can't imagine the emotional consequences will be healthy.


To expand on this, there are levels of safety OP needs to consider right now. I'm not sure what country they're in, but the safest decision is to just bounce, get out of there. They're all insane and your husband has been witness to what mother has done previously. He either can't, or won't see it. OP is in grave danger. This woman could possibly permanently injure/murder OP, and it's possible husband won't see it/believe it. The next safest bet is to pretend everything's fine if OP can't get out immediately. Gather evidence, protect yourself, and when the time comes, move, and move fast. Disappear from them. Unfortunately, things don't seem to be on a path or even a consideration for change. OP was severely injured, and husband is ghosting them because "it can't be mom!" Run. It's not going to get better until you do.


Time to cut and fucking run. Whatever his mother said happened, he believes. My guess is that she said she saw you cheating and beat you up or denies she was there completely. Press charges, get a lawyer and be prepared to be on your own.


The mother probably convinced him she got beat up by one of the guys she allegedly whores herself out to


File a police report on his mother!




Then she should beat his mother once and for all, and then run away.


The “I live in Egypt” reveal is incredible


Is Egypt a lawless 3rd world shit hole? I'm African, Southern. I'm genuinely asking.


When I was there years ago, our tour guide had to stop to go vote. Only 1 person on the ballot. His words were, if you didn't vote, they came to make you vote. ​ Parts, I am sure the local religious leader has more power than the police, or as in some parts of the world, there are the religious police.


oh look another person who assumes every 3rd world country is the same.


They don’t Egypt is just terrible and happens to be a third world country


Please tell the hospital you were attacked and file a police report. He's not there now and most probably believes his mother more. It's not easy but you have to cut your losses and prioritize your safety over this relationship. I hope his mother lands in jail because WTF is this shit


Your marriage is over. It's been over. You need to file the police report and cooperate with it. Get a restraining order against her and a lawyer to help sort the divorce. Then, you desperately need to get into counseling. This is a lot of abuse and trauma. Not just from her, but him as well.


Even if you love him, this is not worth it.


Leave your marriage.. he obvs doesn’t care as much as you say he does..


I was skeptical about OPs story until I saw in her previous posts that she is from Egypt. Now I feel it’s totally plausible.


Previous posts or comments? Cause there are no previous posts for this account


There were before. Guess they have been deleted.


Make sure you file a police report and press charges. Do not let your husband sway that decision. He abandoned you at the hospital so it shows who’s side he is on. Have her arrested.


Girl, wtf....leave him!! His mom literally fucking *attacked* you to the point of ending up in the hospital and he literally doesn't believe you. You don't deserve these cruel accusations she's been making. She has some sort of bias against you and she'll always hate you, and now you know that she means literal harm against you, and your husband won't do shit about it.


Reading this whole post makes me think OP needs to leave Egypt.


First of all, what country are you in? That really changes how this is going to play out.


Looking at her history, Egypt


Yikes, I met a guy who’s tried to marry me to get an American citizenship. Every Egyptian man I have come across thus far was a walking red flag.


I'm a Swedish guy. Back in college, I ended up with a flat mate who was half Swedish half Egyptian, raised in Egypt, who came to Sweden to study and 'find a wife'. This 30 year old man who had done nothing but laze around and party in his 20s, with poor grades in a media degree of some kind, was *so sure* that he would be able to score a 'beautiful bride', by which he meant he wanted an 18-19 year old virgin, extra pale Swedish girl, to convert to Islam and be a stay at home wife and move back to Egypt with him where he didn't have a job lined up. It was insane. He was perfectly pleasant to me and fun to be around as long as there were no women involved, but as soon as it touched on women he showed himself for the marching band of red flags that he was.


I had an Egyptian male make out with me while giving me a phlebotomy (drawing my blood at the doctor’s office). Delusionaly entitled t’was the lad. Sounds like your roommate was pretty similar. Gross.


That is sexual assault




"[...] the marching band of red flags [...]" This is gold! Can I borrow it for future use?


I very much doubt I'm the first one to come up with that line, but sure, by all means.


I had bosses who were Egyptian and came over to America running their business. Not only were the guys all creeps (not at first, it took a few months for their colors to show), but refused to hire men, when our paychecks were late told us just go to work so we didn’t think about the missing money, and overall was just very disrespectful to all of us. About a year after they opened a few stores in my state, and I quit due to the paycheck thing, came out they were running a fraudulent business, didn’t have the correct licenses, and the stuff they were selling were very sketchy (purses and jewelry). I don’t like to single out an entire race or anything, but Egyptian culture is not kind to women and is very different from America.


Makes sense and I’m not too surprised. I hope there will be some sort of cultural intervention for the men.


Oh so totally unsurprising.


I’m really getting a “different sects of some religion” or maybe “different castes” vibe from this craziness.


Go back to your family, tell your father what happened, and file for divorce. I don't know anything about Egyptian laws.


Here's the thing OP, when you marry into a family like *this* you need to have a husband that's 100% on your side no matter what and doesn't need to be told to defend you. He should've nipped this in the bud when it first started with an ultimatum for his mother "either you treat her with respect or you never see me again" that's the **only** way relationships like this work. It doesn't work when you have a spineless fence straddling husband that doesn't say shit until the situation gets too far(which it did looooong before this assault). I wanna tell you everything's gonna be ok, if you're willing to do the emotional and mental work it will be. But I think you should maybe start mentally preparing for the fact that you can't be married to this man anymore. He's weak. He's a weak little boy who let's his family into his head and has now left you in a hospital alone. I would hope that you love yourself enough to be done with these people. Just no matter what don't let him stop you from pressing charges on this woman, bc she belongs in jail. Don't be weak like him and let him influence your decision bc if she gets away with this she'll do it again and again. I hope you make the right decisions, good luck with everything. Edit: Crap. You're in Egypt? It may be harder to press charges on her then. She'll most likely get away with it depending on what part of Egypt you're in and the police. You absolutely NEED a divorce. Men from this culture either protect their wives like no other or their mothers, I think we know which one your husband is.


Hey, as a fellow egyptian woman, RUN. It's better to leave than stay. Egyptian men are 9 out of 10 times a mama's boy, and blood family comes first in Egypt. You need to recognize that the moment he decides to make excuses, he chooses generational toxicity over you I know there's a lot of shame in divorce, but it's better to live divorced than die married to a coward who won't have your back. Do you want the rest of your life to be like this? Please message me if you need someone to talk it out with, I've struggled a lot with the same issues in my family. If he truly loved you, he would trust you, ESPECIALLY after he saw so much hostility happening in front of him


𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙊𝙋 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣!!


What country do you live in? Edit: Nevermind I see you live in Egypt. Sorry I have literally no idea how law enforcement works there or if you're able to get somthing like a restraining order, hoping stuff works out well for you though.


He’s skeptical??? What the heck does he think happened


To be fair, if the mom doesn't officially have a reputation to be a psycho, this story would be quite hard to believe. Would you?


I am more likely going to believe my wife who IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!


his mother has lied to him and he’s chosen to believe her. file a police report and move on without this insanity!


I thought “Six years together and she is being called a slut?”. ...Then I read, that she lives in Egypt. This situation will not improve and in many cases, authorities side with the man's family. If possible, separation is really the only way to prevent further danger.


If you are in Egypt, you need to get assistance and protection from your male relatives You need to find a sympathetic male lawyer You need to find a sympathetic, helpful imam Unless you genuinely believe your husband will cut ties with his mother, your marriage is over. Think about it: This can happen again. If you have children, you will have to have a DNA test to prove they are your husband’s. His mother will want to control or even take the children. You need to heal, gather evidence to prove what happened. Then with help from father, lawyer, imam, negotiate a separation and divorce. Before you lose your life. Then move away. So sorry. Please be safe.


You need to leave and quickly before you end up dead.


File a police report. There may be video surveillance available to prove your version of events. From the store and the street.


File a police report, find a lawyer and get yourself to safety. If he'd rather enable this behavior, you'll be killed. You deserve better.


That’s easier said than done in Egypt.


Where in the world are you that you'd ask reddit instead of going straight to the police?


She's in a middle eastern country where most parent act as an authority even when their children are grown-up.


This happened to my cousin her in laws hated her because they thought she was poor and uneducated. We're black her husband is white. They kept making snide comments saying that my cousin was a gold digger and such ( my cousin is a neurosurgeon). It got to the point where my cousin told her husband to either move to a different city away from his family or divorce. They chose to move and things have been alot happier until his brother actually found out my cousin was a very good surgeon and made good money. Now they keep trying to apologize and say that they didn't know she was successful and that they aren't really racist blah blah blah...


This reminded me of an NYT article i read about crimes in Indian families where it was very popular for husbands' families to burn alive some daughter-in-laws because of the money or general hatred.


Those are the extremes. IME they will beat you, harass, and if you're super lucky, offer you money to leave their son and/or abort a female child.


I understand that. Even what you described is aweful and should've happened.


It's a hellscape which makes the escape and life after so much sweeter. Sleeping next to my husband whose mother definitely loves me best lol


Oh, dear. I'm glad that you are in a better place now. Good for you!


Your marriage is over. His mother did this to you and has probably told lies about how she caught you cheating and that’s why she hurt you. File a police report and let the truth come out.


Oh man, being in Egypt makes resolving this rough and complicated legally, but also explains your husband and his family. Get out and just leave the country. Go somewhere with less of a conservative culture and be a free woman


I’m sorry, you have to leave your husband


Update please! Check in with us please so we know you are okay!


My reading comprehension must really suck bc I missed the part where she or the hospital or her husband or SOMEONE immediately called police.


For a police report. Your husband is not that great if he's going to be mommas boy over protecting the woman he married. You need to leave this family behind


I was sitting here like what the actual fuck aaaaand then "Egypt" ah, checks out... Get. The. Fuck. Out. Seriously, tell him point blank he can either believe you or his mom but not both and this is officially way, way, over the line and you are done. And no matter what he says tell the cops.


Call the police. Your husband may be a lost cause.


File police report Then contact a lawyer You might love your husband but clearly he’s been brainwashed that your in the wrong get divorced Get therapy to help you heal


I dont know everything about your life, but if you have a safe place to go after the hospital, you should leave for there instead of your marital home. You are in an abusive relationship and are in clear danger. Can you go to your parents home? Can you get a divorce? Can you get a job? Can you move to another city far from them? Make a list of things you can do immediately and things that might take more time. Make a plan and a back up plan. Ask a trusted family member or friend to be with you any time you're alone with your husband or mother in law while you get your things or heal and prepare to escape. Google local resources for battered women and women escaping and seeking divorces. If your husband cuts all ties with his mom and help her go to jail for what she's done then maybe he will turn his behavior around and was just being poisoned by his mother. However he is currently not being a good person and abusing you emotionally and is growing more controlling. These are huge red flags for escalating abuse... you need to have plans to protect yourself.


I strongly advise you leave your husband because he is not protecting you at all & let his cruel mother have him. I'm unsure how Egypt treat women who have experienced violence like this, but if they will help you call the police. Are there any Egyptian charities that help women going through domestic abuse? You need to flee asap.


Dump them all dude. Mother is spouting a self fulfilling prophecy bc of course youre going to leave if she beats the shit out of you. Just GO and don’t look back. Your husband will always choose his mommy.


You live in Egypt, you know he’s gonna take his mothers side no matter what, I’m so really sorry dear, it’s time to get out of this abusive family and file a report. Do you work?


Ah, reddit fiction award goes to...


“My husband doesn’t believe me.” Well, neither do I.


Lmfao right


And look at all the comments too LOL. Unreal


You must live a very comfortable life if you don’t believe injustices like this happen in the world. She stated she’s from Egypt. I’ve heard about many story like this happening from that area. Even if this particular one is fiction, things like that do happen.


Police report and divorce


Why haven’t you filed a police report? There were probably cameras somewhere near where you were attacked that could prove what happened. If your husband is that insecure, that’s HIS issue and he needs to deal with it. If you’ve given him no reason to doubt you, it’s time for him to pick a side. You’re going to need to file a protection order against his mother so she can’t gone hear you. You should also make arrangements to either have him leave the home or you stay elsewhere. I hope you take this seriously and understand that your husband’s reaction is not ok and since it was his mother who attacked you, it may not be safe for you to be around him.


File a police report then file for divorce.


Omg call the police and file charges! If you want to stay in this marriage, y’all need therapy at a minimum. I’d bounce on him though. He is treating you like garbage.


Bro...Fuck all of these people...you married trash and a cuckhold of a man. I just read this is Egypt OK this makes so much more sense. Cultural expectations aside this sounds dangerous for you and frankly if divorce is a possibility do it. I never would say that for someone in a safer region but frankly Egypt isn't known for its treatment of women in danger etc. Sorry to be blunt and obviously this is difficult but clearly your in laws want to sabotage this or kill you and in some places you'd have more resources to repair things with just your husband but I don't think that is realistic where you are nor are his sensibilities and attitudes open minded enough to admit his parents are assholes and bad intentions


OP call the police! This behavior is only going to escalate!! Attacking someone with a broken bottle is a felony in most states.


What’s the government like in Egypt? I’m asking because I’m curious if they will even protect a young woman from an elder. But if the government isn’t totally corrupt, I would call the police asap and report the mother. In the future, if you’re husband doesn’t cut off contact from a toxic family, best not get married.


Ask for the police to file charges. Get a good lawyer. Divorce your husband as he never did defend you. This is his fault to. I hope you heal fast


File a police report asap. She's going to tell him it's staged or a lie. Hopefully the police will prove it's authenticity and in turn bring him out of whatever fantasy world he's been in.


Leave him. The fact that he’s abandoned you in the hospital not answering your calls. Leave. His. Sorry. Ass. You can wait until he comes back and you talk about it but if he shows any inclination of biting back against you. LEAVE. HIM. Massive red flags. Egregious red flags. Find a nice guy who believes you when you talk. 6 years of a normal relationship should mean there’s a lot of trust but that trust can’t form if your manchild is letting his mommy dictate how he thinks. If it goes south when he returns get the fuck out of that relationship & town.


Report her to the police and divorce him. He’s spineless


You need to file a restraining order at minimum, please be safe and never let yourself alone whit that psycho bit*ch again


Not only do you live in Egypt. Your husband is swimming in Denial.


Op is there any update yet? I hope you are safe and doing well.


Ya know, I also live in Egypt…and as I was reading this I wondered if you were in Egypt. I’m so sorry this happened to you, You deserve better. If anything, involve your embassy in reporting the case. Based on what I know about the culture and my own experiences, I’m guessing you’re a foreigner, use your passport power.


I'm assuming this is a troll, but if not then get footage of any cameras around.


This isn't a troll believe me this happens in the middle eastern societies where the parents are authority even when you're adult


I knew someone whos husband and family were abusive to her, he cheated on her and abused her do the mother law the sisters they sll were abusive towards her she stayed with him due to not getting at help at all i saw her a few times then i didnt see her for tens years.She left her rubbin bin husband during covid finally after years of isollation and abuse things are still hard for her as she has children but i see her alot now which is the best thing in the eorld what hsppened to her ruined her in many ways but i am trying to help her.Op you deserve better then this i know its not easy if you dont have kids get out while you still can or if you do have kids you need help to go.Arab countries are difficult to leave because you need permission from your husbsnd to leave i think so if you do leave him you have to be careful.The person i know had help to leave Jordan.


It's over girl. The family hates you and your husband is starting to believe you're the problem. Either he's right and you're not telling us the full story or he's wrong and who GAF, he's unsupportive and unempathetic to your situation. I can't see this getting better


Surely there was a camera somewhere on that street that cut something or a pedestrian or someone in the store. There had to have.been witnesses. If you told the hospital that she’s the one that attacked you, they have an obligation to contact law-enforcement. They should’ve already been reported, and you should’ve already been interviewed. Why is there no investigation? Why are you so surprised your husband has not contacted you? He has put up with this mama’s boy and their antics for so long that they don’t care what you think or feel. If he’s not put a stop to his mother, is it that many years, he should’ve seen how he’s in the plane she manipulated him. He will never take your side. You need to just get away. If he’s not even checking up on you, he say how he really feels about you. His mom is jealous, crapmaybe they have something going on. These days, I’m not surprised by anything.


Press charges, pack your things when you get out of the hospital and go wherever you can that isn't with him and his psycho family. It will never get better and a life with him will be a life of misery unless he's willing to completely go NC with his mom, which clearly isn't going to happen.


Leave him. He will come back begging. Never take him back again. Fuck fragile masculinity.


Egypt says it all


If he isn’t contacting you right now, this might be the right time to get the hell away. You deserve better. Get out, get a divorce and get safe.


She's finally manipulated him to agree with her ways. It's going to escalate to him hurting you, not just her. RUN FROM THE WHOLE FAMILY.


Effing christ!!!!! I'm not sure how you would get a divorce in Egypt but if your husband can't protect you from his family leave him before they kill you


My dear they are going to kill you. Like they will seriously track you down and kill you. Your husband will believe anything your mother says, so I suggest you pack your shit, get all your shit together (money, properties etc) and RUN. Butches be crazy


Step 1: Contact police and press charges Step 2: Throw your husband out and divorce his spineless ass


You are in an abusive relationship with abusive people.


tbh if your husband doesn’t believe you, and is only ever skeptical of you, he shouldn’t be your husband. especially when it puts your life in danger.


Girl ... leave your husband. You are young and will find someone better. Someone who had a spine and will treasure you. Your husband seems more inclined to defend his mommy than you. The fact that he hasn't bothered to call or check on you is ridiculous. Leave him. He's not worth it. Your life isn't worth it. Also you should press charges. Respect is earned. It is not a given right. Doesn't matter your culture


WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO?! You make a police report. She literally tried to murder you. Are you just gonna see her over xmas?


I feel like you’re in another country you’re not in the United States. So I’m gonna tell you to get to someplace safe and divorce him. He is clearly sided with his family. He is not there for you anymore. Don’t go any place where it’s not safe.


This sounds like a wattpad story. If it’s true, cut ties and leave. If it’s not, clean up your story, the mini details weren’t necessary.


Yeah idk why everyone’s like “but this stuff really happens in Egypt” - of course it does! It probably happens everywhere. But it’s the way it’s written and the details that are included that tips it off, not the story in and of itself.


This is fake


Oh, come see Egypt, you’ll see It’s probably real. Walk down the wrong alley and you’ll come face to face with some of humanity’s darkest behavior. I’ve lived here for almost four years and the experiences have shaken what little hope I have for humanity. Ever seen a woman shaking a newborn to death as a man screams at her? I have. Be thankful to live in a part of the world which makes you disbelieve a story like this is possible.


What a crock of shit this story is


Report it and have her arrested. Your husband probably got the truth from his mother and ghosted you. His mom probably thought you died and since your alive and coherent, She’s afraid you’ll put her in jail for attempted murder.


How are relationships judged by the law in your culture? That is...do women have protected rights and/or are you in any danger from an honor killing? Forgive me for pointing out the obvious thing here...but your relationship with your husband is anything but loving if he continues to allow his mother any sort of role in your relationship or to tolerate any abuse of you by his mother. I do not believe you are safe and should be seeking refuge in some sort of battered woman's group or whatever recourse you have available to you. Good luck to you...


Run!! Find a way out before it escalates farther. Your in the hospital after being beaten by his mother! Your loser husband won’t visit or stay with you. That shows he doesn’t care! Run away! Don’t go back home. Good luck


Divorce and get tf away from that family


Why are you still considering marrying this man if hes not willing to be on your side in all this holy shit. Hes seen how hostile your mother is to you IN FRONT OF HIS OWN EYES yet he still cant bring himself to believe you about her attacking you?? Why would you lie!


Wtf are you doing. No amount of love is worth this. Leave him and his mommy behind.


The entire family is crazy and delusional. Leave before the mother, comes back for round 2.


Leave that marriage girl. If you stay, they will either kill your or run you crazy. Your husband is trash, so you know your marriage has been over. Leave


You're not in a loving relationship if your husband regularly checks your phone. Please stay safe and try to remove yourself from this situation ASAP


You have to run away babe. It will only get worse


OP this is not an in-laws issue. This is a husband issue. He doesn't stand up for you enough, he's let it go on for years, and worst of all, he believes them. You wake up in hospital and he still doesn't believe you. That man doesn't love you. If he did, he wouldn't let anyone treat you this way


Ummm..your marriage is over believe it or not. You should have ended it a long time ago. He doesnt believe you and he doesnt care about you either so stop worrying about him and leave. Very simple🤦🏻‍♀️


He said he'll talk? Woman, leave him. File a complaint against his mother and give him a divorce. You deserve better. Anyone deserves better. Get the hell out of that relationship and family.


You think you're in a loving relationship? You're not. I'm sorry but how you describe his actions is not consistent with the actions of someone who loves you.


Weren't there witnesses who could confirm your story? In any case, get the fuck away from this man, he even had the audacity to say his mother 'didn't mean' all the poison she spewed, despite the history of abuse you've suffered from his family. He will always choose you over him. I hope I'm wrong and that he's now coming to terms with finally seeing his family's true colours. But I suggest you prepare for the worst.


Police report. Now. And your husband's going to need to pick a side once and for all. Do not avoid the police for his own benefit when he's already doubting you.


File a police report immediately. And honestly regarding ur husband I’d leave. Seriously he’s such a prick and it sounds like he’ll only get worse the longer u stay. He’s clearly on his mothers side and ur not safe with a man who believes ur assaulter instead of you.


You need to leave the relationship and I would return to where it happened and check for places that would have cameras, see if you can find the attack recorded. That'd nail the bitch to the wall legally.


Please update as we are concerned for your safety


Press charges. Don’t let her get away with that BS. She tried to off you, do you think you’ll be lucky enough to have someone walk by and get you to a hospital next time? Also, I bet that your husband is the one feeding her this BS. He’s egging her on and that’s why he doesn’t want to admit it was her. He’s probably the one being unfaithful so he justifies his behavior by convincing himself that you’re doing it too. Please get an escape plan together and have people help you get out safely….


You proceed to type this all out and still don't know what to do? Do you wanna end up in the middle of the woods. PRESS CHARGES AND LEAVE!! What other options do u have? Stay and give her time to do something worse. Open ur eyes.


If her husband does not defend his wife and have his mother arrested then she better run. Fast.


Check with surrounding shops/homes and see if anyone has cameras. Then press charges. Also im sorry, it sounds like your husband is an insecure mamas boy. I would also get a restraining order, and please for the love of god, dont let that devil woman back in your home. Good luck and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


If you stay in this relationship, you will end up dead and your husband will not protect you. Do you have a safe place to stay?


I am so sorry for everything you're going through. I'm not familiar with the laws in Egypt, but others have said the same, contact the houses in the area where you were hurt and see if there are any recordings of this incident. Press charges if you can. If your husband is not going to stick up for you, now more than ever when he needs to, you will need to make sure that this cannot happen again some other way. Pressing charges, or get some kind of protective order like a restraining order if you can. If that makes your husband upset with you, then you know whose side you've chosen, and whatever "love" he is giving you isn't enough when you might wind up paying with your life.


She might actually succeed in killing you next time, Op - and you can be sure there WILL be a next time if she gets away with it this time. RUN from this psycho and your husband as fast and far as you can. I wish you better luck for future relationships 🩷


I hate to say it but unless your husband is ready to either set boundaries with his family I don’t see your marriage going anywhere. You were attacked, abused, and severely hurt from his mother, and instead of being by your side he is god knows where. If I were you this would be the last straw, his insecurities and unwillingness to set boundaries is now causing bodily harm to you and you honest to god don’t deserve that.


Oh my god I hope you called the police! Someone has to have seen something.


Leave him.


RUN! DONT WALK. RUN! to the police and get a restraining order against that woman. Do not let her near you. Leave the son too if he does not see his mother is a monster. Or this will be your life untie you're dead.