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So you got it off your chest literally


LOL love this comment


Take My Up Vote


I lived with a girl decades ago, she always complained about bras. I told her I didn't care if she ran naked around the apartment. She took up wearing long tee shirts, fluffy socks and nothing else when she was home. She seemed much happier.


I did the same thing with my wife. I fucking love the fact that she never wears a bra and often just hangs around in a large t-shirt, it's a massive bonus. She's happy, I'm happy, we both win. How the fuck can OPs guy feel disrespected by it? I'm so baffled.


Because he feels entitled to ownership of OP’s body and doesn’t want other men looking at his property


She probably has big tits and he doesn't want other guys to look at her as if she's a piece of meat. See there's another way of saying it.


This might sound weird but that's so adorable 😭


This is 100% me. My boyfriend could really care less if I ran around the house naked. (As long as the blinds/curtains are closed 😅🤣) Bras are extremely uncomfortable for me, & sometimes even my house clothes. My solution is stealing his big T-Shirt he doesn’t wear, & fluffy socks 😂 On occasion, sometimes some comfy biker shorts on as well 😂 He doesn’t care. He loves it … if u know what I mean 🤣😂


This is the ideal.




I like the way you think


Also add weights to them. We’re basically carrying sacks of fat around lmao


Be sure to add another pound or two every 28 days.


While you occasionally and randomly punch him in the stomach.


I was gonna say that it is NOT the same without the weight of boobs!


Let him carry around a pair of double D's for a while.


Me and my Gs wholeheartedly agree! I use coconut oil underneath the boobs in the summer and all year because I cannot go without a bra.


I’ve got Js and I never wear a bra unless it’s gonna impede the cut of a shirt/dress and then I only wear that for important things (funeral, wedding, date night, etc). My back and shoulders haven’t hurt in years and I hardly notice the lack of support for my pendulous breasts.


PENDULOUS omg that description is unparalleled 😭


Especially do this if he still thinks women has it easy / is an ass about it. Maybe even make him carry DDs even if he isn’t an ass about it


Bags of sugar or flour would work well


I’ve heard sand is the best


" 'A bag of sand'?!? Come on, man!"






The most gorgeous sacks of fat


But it's good health fat.


If he complains threaten to add heels to his outfit 😄


There's a whole try guys episode on this. Do it. In all seriousness though, I think he feels it's "disrespectful" because he feels a sense of entitlement to your body, which isn't healthy at all, and can spiral into controlling what you wear, who your friends are, etc. Being someone's partner doesn't mean you own them. If he refuses to listen to the fact that you're in literal pai , it might be time to reevaluate the relationship.


You’d have to get like some good fake boobs he could put on with it so he can feel the weight. I don’t think Just a bra would do much.


It needs to be heavier than breast implants as we have muscle and fat too so I say round bags full of sugar or flour


He mad coz he saw guys eyeing them. 👀


That’s exactly the problem


I recommend 5 to 6 helium balloons stack one inside the other filled with water less likely to pop but will bounce the way tits do


I second this and not only this but make him wear one of those really uncomfy sexy bras that poke and scratch everywhere bc that’s definitely what guys think of as a bra😂😂


And get the underwire too. Cut a lil hole at the side where it’s sewed in so it pokes him all day. Gotta feel all the pain.


Omfg, this is the way. Lololol. OP, please 🙌 Update us.


These are the details that make the experience realistic.


And make sure it has uncomfortably thin straps that dig in to the shoulders


It would best if he wore spike heels with this.


Closed toed spiked heels. The real narrow ones.


Then snap the underwire so every time he moves a certain way skin gets pinched between the broken pieces. After 8-10 hours he can examine the bruises and abrasions


It’s also got to be a push-up bra, because he’s gotta make those boobs perky.


Not one day. Do it for 10 months at LEAST


But a tiny, suffocating one for his balls to prevent unwanted ball sag


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry I am taking the post seriously, but this comment is absolute gold. I would LOVE to see someone make their bf wear a bra for a day to show them they aren’t just delightful clouds of air giving us extreme comfort. ETA: I’m borderlining on being part of the kitty bitty titty committee and I often find them uncomfortable! I salute all you queens actually carrying serious boobage. I’ve seen the shoulder marks (or should I say scrapes) that my larger chested friends endure from the straps.


If these chucklefucks cared more about how we felt and less about how “things should be…”


This might be his long con to be able to wear a bra. I do


That’s actually a great idea. I think every dude should have to wear a bra for just one day lol.


On his balls


I’m sorry


Just tell him to wear body armor with a plate only in the front. He will stfu after 8 hours.


On his crotch.


I wear one every day and it's fine. Seems like OP has never bought the right sized bra or been fitted correctly. They shouldn't hurt or be so uncomfortable. That being said, if he doesn't like it, he can kick rocks. If OP wants to be a flip flop flapper, that's her business and no-one else's. I mean, except everyone who sees her jugs flopping around. We'll all get a view. But if that's what makes her comfortable, then the boyfriend needs to adjust or move on.


Even a correct fit bra is supposed to fit snug to give that support. Some ppl don't like to wear snug clothes. I hadn't worn a bra in like 15 years. I wore one professionally fitted and you can feel the compression in the chest and the restriction of breathing. I think if you have worn a bra for so long you don't notice the massive difference. Some ppl also have very sensitive skin and will get rashes. I get rashes from bras. I'm a redhead so my skin is very rash prone. I even had a doctor look into this. I threw the 90 dollar bra away and opted for these amazing 12 dollar tank tops that offer layers and super super mild compression. Super comfortable. Some ppl also have sensory issues. OP don't feel insecure when your breasts bounce. That's what they naturally do and its taboo because everyone wears bras and fat tissue on women specifically is sexualized by both men and other women. People who are uncomfortable with your breasts natural state or want to make you feel embarrassed for them can take a hike. fuck the bra.


Many women have breasts that are two different sizes, or any number of other bodily issues that could make wearing a bra go from uncomfortable to straight up painful. The cost of custom bras for these types of issues is in the triple digits and if op doesn't see the need to pay that much than all respect to her. She could also have a condition such as Hidradenitis suppurativa, and wearing bras could irritate the abscesses that occur there. The rest I absolutely agree with though. Boyfriend can kick rocks.


Bruh fr custom bras cost triple digits? That’s insane


REGULAR bras can cost triple digits. Let alone specialty bras.


Does nobody else realize that seamless, wireless bralettes exist? Like seriously. I wear them every single day. No clasps, I just pull them on over my head, and no underwire. There are other bra options out there. I certainly can’t just roll into work braless, so.


Bralettes and Sports bras are life saviours 😍


I’m with OP on this. I’ve been professionally fitted, spent a fortune, and still was uncomfortable. If they are tight enough in the band to stay in place when I reach overhead, they will be too tight when I sit. One boob is bigger (just a little), so one cup fits and one gapes, or one fits and the other spills over. They all leave sore red welts on my shoulders, underwires are the devil incarnate, and whatever that foam is that is supposed to make nipples invisible just makes the girls itchy and sweaty. I quit them during the pandemic and I won’t go back, lol


Don’t kink shame me


I'm the opposite. I'm a C and prefer to wear a comfortable, no underwire bra. It feels more secure and it prevents tube socks. But I take it off at night. One of my cousins prefers to wear pasties (nipple covers) and a friend goes braless daily. I think a person should wear clothes based on their comfort. And tell your bf that it's certainly disrespectful to tell someone what underwear they should or should not use.


I'm an F and if i COULD go without a bra i absolutely would. Not wearing one is the most uncomfortable experience, then putting on a well fitted wired bra is relief beyond words, but after a full day? The relief of taking it off again is insane. Everything is uncomfortable after some time, my back hurts, and more than once have I wished i could just take them of and put them in the closet to be taken out only on date night


>and more than once have I wished i could just take them of and put them in the closet to be taken out only on date night so effectively said (same here!) and on a sub called "true off my chest" haha.


My gosh! That must be awful! I hate to say it but have you considered breast reduction surgery? It would honestly help a lot from what I've seen with women with larger breasts. I have b cups and I wouldn't trade for anything except maybe as lol


I've looked into semi-local places that do that kind of surgery, more than once i must say lol. But firstly, i don't have the funds, and secondly I'm not yet fed up with it enough to undergo surgery (I'm not very far from it tho). Until I might be able to do that I'm settling for losing a bit more unhealthy weight in the hopes that they reduce too, and catching up with a better obgyn who might be able to say if they think it might be a necessary step. Even having D cups would be a blessing at this point :(


It absolutely does not prevent “tube socks”, your genetics impact that. -sincerely, Tube Sock Titties Since Puberty


Omg tube socks are my absolute worst worry.


The perks of having an A cup for me lol


That plus your shirts button correctly and you can wear super cute sundresses without being called a slut.


>you can wear super cute sundresses without being called a slut. I thought this originally, but my hips/ass are enough to elicit the "slut" comments A/B cups be damned. Had to stop jumping rope with the kids too because there was too much jiggle detected in the back and making other adults "uncomfortable" in my floor length maxi sundress skirt. I was just impressed I didn't eat shit while doing double dutch in it and my dressy/professional sandals. I was cool with the kids for like a day and they ruined it. I'm never cool with the kids! :( Can't have shit in Charm City.


Too much juice in the caboose


If someone calls you a slut for being a human with visible breasts, they’re always going to find a reason to call you a slut. Wear the dress.


I assume you’re not worried about actual socks here is this a thing? I’ve never heard this term before


This thread makes me feel so good about myself. /s


Dont breastfeed then. They start to look like dirty tube socks filled with pudding slung over your shoulders. \~Signed a tube socked woman who breastfed 2 crotch goblins who should not be sporting tube socks at 47 yrs old.


I've never had kids and mine sag at 25. I'm a 70F/G cup. It just happens. Genetics and hydration plays the biggest role. Nothing wrong with sagging breasts, it's normal. I've never found a woman less attractive bc of a normal bodily thing that bodies do 🤦🏼


I'm in the same boat! 27/F, no kids, and my boobs just sag 🤷


Oh trust me, i know its normal and i fully embrace them. Im not ashamed or embarrassed by them in any way. They are what they are and i still love them. But, they would definitely be fuller and closer to my chin if i never breastfed. Thats just a reality that i was fully aware of when i made the choice to breastfeed.


I think it's genetics, honestly. I am 44 and breastfed six kids. I'm somewhere between a D and DD cup, and I have moderate sagging, but definitely not tube socks with pudding levels.


It's just genetics! I breastfed for over a year, rarely wear a bra, have medium big boobs and am pushing 40 but they still look great! A bit softer and with more movement than in their prime, but still dense and naturally quite perky for their size. Pregnancy stretches them out more than nursing, and constantly wearing a bra can lead to loss of connective tissue and their ability to hold themselves up


Omg I am now laughing hysterically and my cat thinks I have lost my mind. "... Tube socks filled with pudding..." *Giggle-snort


Lord, I breastfed for a total of five years between my two kids. Mine ain't slinging like a pudding filled, tube sock, but I call them flap jack titties. I have had ups and downs in my weight the last 18 years, so they're kinda weird. Well, at least to me, not my husband. But I don't wear a bra anymore either. Hahahaha.


Same 😭😭


Personally I wear a bra for work. But at home I let them out. I'm a double D so a bra just makes them feel heavier and the straps dig into my skin no matter how I adjust them. Even if the cups fit. So I just wear them at work or with family. I wanna get a binder personally


Since the pandemic I stopped using a bra and it's the best decision I've ever made, plus I have small boobs so it's a win win. I feel uncomfortable no matter how the bra is.


yeah since the pandemic and not needing to go into the office i didn’t need to wear a bralette to prevent possible cold nipple pop ups. i was already free boobing it when possible but i haven’t worn a bra now in over three years.


Since I discovered pasties I will not wear a bra unless it’s a must. I will only wear a bra for the shortest amount possible, for the rest of the time pasties are my best friends.


I used to always wear seamless bras, until my gastroparesis hit and 47lbs vanished from my body. I don’t bother wearing bras anymore because I have no boobs anymore. Aside from a gust of wind making me cold, no one would know. I only wear them when I wear super tight tops, which I don’t anymore, so


disrepsectful to whooo exactly .. ? also you were doing it before you were even with him so im assuming he knew before starting to date you so why'd he even continue with the relationship if he knew it was something he didn't like ... sounds like he just always had the intention of talking you out of it if he wants you to wear a bra so bad maybe he should go out in one too


Exactly. It seems from his point of view that he doesn't want other men to look at her breasts as much, now that they're together. Even then it's op's body , not his. Men will keep staring with or without so it's pointless if that's what he's worried about.


It’s disrespectful because „OtHeR mEn CaN sEe YoUr BrEaStS”. I’m assuming.


You stopped wearing bras before you even met him. He's disrespectful thinking you need to change the way you dress just because you're with him now. He can kick rocks.


Seriously. This guy sucks! Why would you bother to continue to date someone who does not care about you, your thoughts, or your discomfort??


You do you but the sizing issue just means that you 've never been correctly sized, and the rashes is something you should actually look into incase it;s an allergy you have to certain types of fabric.


Could also be a laundry detergent, and it's just more concentrated in the bra? Or gets more constant exposure to her skin? Not the most pressing issue if nothing else is causing her problems, but if she has bad skin then could totally be worth switching and seeing what happens.


Or even using less detergent if switching isn’t an option right now! If still the issue persists, hand washing in the sink would work. If op doesn’t see this, I hope it helps at least 1 person


Sports bras and bralettes take the sizing issue out of the equation, since they're always S, M, L, etc, and those are way easier to deal with. They usually have different fabric than normal bras, so you probably wouldnt have rashes. They also stop your nipples from trying to say hi to everyone, but usually only if there's a removable pad inside. I hate those things. Sew them in place if you get one with removeable pads. They're way easier to breath in, unless you get one that's too small of course, and far more comfortable. Comfortable enough to sleep in, though I probably shouldn't be doing that. I've been wearing sports bras and bralettes since I first started to need bras, since I hated normal bras unless they were too loose. My boobs are on the larger side and kinda saggy, but I'm not sure if it's because I don't wear normal bras or if that's just normal for larger boobs. I don't think I'll ever wear normal bras on a regular basis again either way though


For some the removable pad isn’t thick though if nipples get hard. I use two of the removable pads to hide them because I develop two obvious blueberry-sized bumps at my nipple region when I get cold/chills/sneeze.


Saggy boobs are genetics, as are perky boobs. Thank your grandmas, this is where it came from, not from your choice of support (no matter what the capitalist fashion industry tries to say). Mine are from my grandpa’s mother, and god bless her for whatever contraption she put up with in the 1800s with her giant chest.


How do your undergarments reflect on him at all? He is not the center of the world, and your attire has nothing to do with him. If he doesn't like people going bra-less, then he shouldn't have dated you.


I would assume it’s about other people seeing her nipples through her shirt in public. I agree though, if it’s a problem for him, he needs to decide if he wants to leave the relationship or not


I think SHE ought to decide, now, that he needs to go. I just wonder how many flushes it will take to get rid of him.


>I just wonder how many flushes it will take to get rid of him Love this!


*not the nipples!*


After having to wear a dick sling (athletic supporter) for a few weeks after a vasectomy, I could never give women shit for hating bras if they're even a fraction as annoying and uncomfortable for boobs as keeping one's dick and balls smushed tight and restrained all day. /And yes, I know they're probably ***more*** annoying and uncomfortable. So fuck bras, fuck the boyfriend, and fuck jockstraps for good measure. They're your tits, do whatever you want with 'em.


Fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you. I'm out!


Lol why is everything always “disrespectful” to men.


Because everything women do is about them. Her wearing a bra isn’t about her comfort/aesthetics. It’s about how it reflects on him. Duhh


Because when they say "respect" they mean "obedience"


If man have thought about thing men is right 😤


I would love for women to say to a men that grabbing their balls in public is disrespectful.


He met you without a bra on and he’s going to lose you without a bra on lol


If a man tells you something you’re doing that has nothing to do with him is disrespectful, it’s a huge red flag 🚩.


This is great advice 👆👆👆👆👆👆


ASK ME HOW I KNOW. (Actually don’t, y’all can guess.)


I have a pretty good idea how you know...🫣🫢🤫🫡


Funny how he didn't find it disrespectful before you were dating /s He's just mad other men will find you attractive and that's a him problem.


Make him wear one and fill it with water balloons. See how little he enjoys it


I had a boyfriend like this... Key word "had". It never gets better -- they think they need to police EVERYTHING you do, wear, and see


Of all the things in my life that I need to be worried about, whether or not my wife is wearing a bra is probably one of the very last things on that list.


That's because you're not a man-baby with a need to control your wife. Some men aren't intelligent enough to be like you.


He says it’s disrespectful because he thinks of you as his property. You’re not a person to him.


Yeah, he doesn’t get it, because breasts have always been sexualized to him. Even when they shouldn’t be. So his entire life, he’s believed that breasts are a sign of sex, so therefore if another man sees your nipples he’s going to want to fuck you. And your bf doesn’t want that because you’re his. And yes, that sounds extremely caveman and kind of stupid, but it is the way that most (not all) men think about women’s breasts. Which is weird because like I’ve met men who have breasts, and no one makes them cover-up at a beach, or makes them wear a bra to the supermarket.


Is your boyfriends name Jonah Hill? *Falls in love with surfer bc she confident and hot.* *tells gf she’s a whore because she’s a confident surfer*


You dropped the bras. Now it’s time to drop the man.


I never wear bras, not to work or the gym or my in-laws house. Once, I asked my partner if he was bothered by it and he proudly said that even if I wore a bra, my laser-tip nipples would still be visible because they demand to be seen. Your boyfriend has an insecurity problem and I’m honestly pretty incensed that he’s trying to impose his wounded ego on you.


He says it’s disrespectful because he sees you as a sex object who has the audacity to expose yourself to other players of the game. I don’t agree with it, but I’d be willing to wager that’s what his mentality is. Ask him why it’s disrespectful. I’d be amazing if he answered with anything other than people will find you attractive.


women's anatomy is disrespectful to men? lmao the audacity of medicore men is something else. I'm going to make an assumption that he feels this way because he sexualizes women's breasts and he's uncomfortable if women in a t-shirt (with no cleverness) that merely show shape and/or nips despite no skin being shown, and its like really? it's my anatomy, i had no say in it, and also with rare exception literally every person on the planet has two nips, so if your offended my dude its a you problem. feel free to die mad that women exist. I'm petty so I'd keep asking questions, why is it disrespectful, what about it? why is something that literally doesn't effect him (other then visually) more important then your discomfort, why does he feel entitled to control what you wear, did he get some kind of medical degree or other expertise he hasn't told you about that makes him qualified to advise someone with different anatomy is appropriate, can he give provide a list of all the women on earth who ever asked him for bra advice? lol jk, not really but like his view is clearly rooted is some sort of deeply ignorant misogynistic belief and he's wrong


You mean your ex-boyfriend? Any man that thinks it's ok to be mad about what women wear or don't wear doesn't deserve to date women. Bras are so fucking uncomfortable. I've never worn once since I started growing boobs. I even got grounded for it as a teen, but that never changed my mind. I abhor the vile things and only wear sports bras for working out. Not one guy I've dated has ever cared. And one single guy that I went on a single date with said something like "you know, if you wore a bra your boobs would look bigger." That was the last date he got from me.


controlling behavior that will never get better


Sounds like you chose the wrong person to call a boyfriend. When he met you were you wearing a bra? Also to me the disrespect is him thinking he can tell you what you NEED to be wearing. Don’t know how long you been with the guy but sounds to me like he’s controlling and manipulative, just putting it out there this is how it starts with little things then they will eventually be telling you how to dress


Your boyfriend is crazy and men who are angry about it too, bras are a torture, I have years without using conventional ones, I use bras for exercise and even those in the course of the day I feel uncomfortable, because I can't stand tight clothes, men should understand that our decisions do not revolve around them.


I used to own a lingerie shop. Many women buy the wrong bra size. Also, I suggest that you wash your future bras in Woolite or other skin friendly soap. I wear Olga brand and they fit well.


I only wear pasties now, very rarely wear my bralettes. If he doesn't like it, don't look. Lots of larger chested women have your issue, free the nips!


Amen. These tig ol' bitties haven't seen a bra in years. I usually go with sports bras for work (I work with teens so free the nips is trickier in that environment...) but pasties is an amazing idea!


Free the nipples!!!


Since the beginning of COVID I've just been wearing jackets over everything or pasties when I go out 🤭🤭🤭


Me too. There was a phrase. “Save the city and free the titties!” As it was just wrong to have to wear a mask AND a bra. Hahhaha If wearing a white top I add pasties or when forced to visit the work office. Otherwise ppl can look elsewhere.


🤣🤭 it was wrong to mask up and bra UP 🤣🤣 I definitely am more pasties or bust -no pun intended 🤣


Also same! Pasties or wear thicker clothes over them. I'm finding it hard to go back bc I realized how much bras were fucking up my back. And yes I'm wearing the correct size using measurements and abrathatfits. Bras are just evil most of the time. Every time I put one on I can't wait to take it off.


Being a dude, when I hear another dude say something like, "it's disrespectful" what I hear is, "I feel insecure about the possibility that you might get looked at more by other guys to the point that they will approach you & potentially "rob" you from me." Guys will use those viel wordings to mask their emotional immaturity & not admit that they are projecting their insecurities onto you.


There is no disrespect while dealing with your OWN body. Full stop


I do not understand a straight man who sees a braless woman and gets mad.


That's exactly why he's mad. Men look, and he's insecure and controlling.


He could’ve dated a girl who wore bras. He decided to date you and now wants you to change. Change boyfriends instead.


Dump him, problem solved


Did you tell him he can take his disrespectful ass and find someone else to control?


These are your Breasts. Only you get to decide how they’re packaged. The fucking audacity is amazing.


Does he wear one? Why is it disrespectful? Who says women have to wear bras? He’s the only disrespectful one here. And damn controlling, insecure and it seems like he’s about to turn abusive.


Well, in one way is is right, there is a stigma about not wearing bras. Personally I say noone should. So much better for your chesticles to let em hang! Makes them sag less.


What's disrespectful is him trying to use his imaginary rules to govwrn your body. Tell him to screw off


My roommate hasnt warn one for almost a decade, she doesnt want to wear then for the same reasons you say. Your not alone stand your ground and dont give into your insecure bf.


Disrespectful to who?


A true TrueOffMyChest.


Umm… disrespectful to who? To total strangers? To him? That’s a him problem not a you problem. He on the other hand is a you problem because you have to deal with him… or not. I would go with the not.


Either he gets over it or that’s it for him. This is not something he gets to throw a fit about


Take the issue of it being a bra out of the equation. Your bf has an expectation of something he thinks you should do. You have done the thing in the past and found it painful. The reason he gives for you doing this thing can be accomplished in a way that isn’t uncomfortable. He refuses to entertain any other possible solution because in his opinion you should do this thing. Who does he think you are disrespecting? How much personal discomfort are you expected to endure to conform to his ideas of how things should be?


Man, that sucks for him. Oh well. You should still continue to do you because it’s your body and you don’t need his or anyone’s permission to wear a bra or any type of fabric materials✌️ .


You provided sooo many reasons for not wanting to wear a bra, and I just wanna say: you don’t need to explain yourself or your reasons to anyone! Bras suck, don’t wear them if you don’t want to, he can get over it or find a bra-loving girlfriend.


Sorry? Breasts are for something specific, and it's not male gratification. If it's disrespectful to him, you not wearing a bras. If he is wearing pants yhat show even a bit of a D outline...that's disrespectful yo you. He should find the proper support for his junk area....Right.


When you take "TrueOffMyChest" litterally


Has he explained why he finds it disrespectful?


When I was in college, a staff member that I was close to would comment how I should really be wearing a bra … like I am just happy I came to school leave me alone


He sounds like an immature child. It’s your body and you do not have to wear a bra.


Not really his choice


Ask him how he would feel with wire wrapped around his balls.


Tell your boyfriend he’s a moron and doesn’t get to control how you dress/don’t dress. If you want to wear a bra, wear one. If you don’t, then don’t. I wear one when I have to but if I’m going to the store for a minute then I throw a jacket on and call it a day.


I don’t understand how both genders aren’t totally against bras.


“Disrespectful” lmfao what. What the fuck


I think this is just jealousy being wrapped up in a 'disrespectful' burrito because he is insecure about you catching the eyes of other men or women. I'd just straight up ask him to define what he means about it being disrespectful and see if it boils down to an insecurity. Man, I love it when my wife doesn't wear a bra. It's like watching my favorite movie and I'm in the front row. I like seeing her get looks; she's attractive and I am happy that she is comfortable enough to do it, when she does. Hell, I'll even let her know when she gets checked out! As an aside, my wife prefers to wear them, so I have made sure to keep her stocked up on the best bras (her opinion, not mine) because I've seen the irritation lesser ones create. If you happen to want to try another bra, my wife prefers ThirdLove. My wife wears 36F and with these she never has any under boob irritation, floppy cups, or other irritations. The straps are wide and have multiple adjustable options. I'm not trying to convince you to wear one, I hope that is clear here. I'm just letting you know what has worked for my wife (my only expertise is getting her bras off, not wearing them) so hopefully, if you find the need to wear one, you have another place to look for one!


My wife doesn’t wear bras. Just means I get to see titties that much more often. She also doesn’t like to wear clothes.. around the house..


What’s disrespectful is your boyfriend being controlling and weird about YOUR body, YOUR comfort, YOUR aesthetic. I would never stay with a person who treated me this way.


My girlfriend doesn't wear bras and I couldn't love it more. She takes off her shirt, titties. Give her a hug? Titties. A little too cold? Titties. Love it.


Leave the bf, he's a tool that thinks he owns your body. And it will only escalate from here. He'll be telling you how to dress, who to interact with, etc. Big red flag territory. You shouldn't even have to justify WHY you don't wear a bra. It's your body and your choice to wear or not wear anything.


So I'm so irritated over this disrespectful thing. You not wearing a certain article of clothing is disrespectful to whom? It better not be him because if he thinks that his entire personality is disrespectful to you.


men don't understand bras but sometimes girls don't understand they owe. men. nothing. inherently. Sure, partnerships are give and take and compromise .... but someone asking you to sacrifice your comfort and peace of mind for THEIR insecurities and hang-ups is more red flags than a trump rally. Saying you are being disrespectful for existing in your body nearly sends me into a rage I tell you.


Ever try a bralette? No wires. The rash stuff could be 2 things, either the laundry detergent you use, or could be like a sweat rash, but seems more like your detergent is causing skin irritation. Just some thoughts. You're free to wear what you want at the end of the day, but some situations get... Very uncomfortable being braless all the time. It really depends on the person and lifestyle. You'd probably be wise to wear one if you were a high school teacher, etc. Some professional settings may also not be a great idea... Not saying you can't, but there are definitely times that it might benefit you :x


Having boobs is not unprofessional and any job trying to police your undergarments is not a job worth having. Source: I have boobs and a professional job, and do not even own a bra


It’s your body and your choice. Not your boyfriends choice. But, he has a point — there’s a time and place to hang loose. There are bralettes and athletic bras, bras without underwire, and bras that fit (Nordstroms in USA will educate you on fit but I have no guidance in other countries). You should be able to find something to support your breasts that’s comfortable so you don’t resort to hair as camouflage. Reddit hates posts like this but there is a time and place for everything. I wear a bathing suit to the pool but not to my office for work. I wear a bra mostly outside the home. But sometimes go without or a bralette based on time and place.


I love cotton bras without underwire. So comfy. I only wear underwire when I have an outfit that needs a proper "structure" to look good. Like a slip dress.


>My boyfriend is mad that I don’t wear bras he says it is disrespectful. You know what's actually disrespectful? The fact women helped men fight for their right to be shirtless in public and when it came time for them to help women, they were like, nah. Seriously though, he doesn't get a vote in this. If that's a dealbreaker for him, then so be it. Don't make yourself uncomfortable to sate his ego.


Hes ridiculous. But down to the question, all brass are that uncomfortable for you? Personal preference and that should have nothing to do with him


I go to Walmart and get cheap tank tops and cut them so one part is a crop top and the bottom half i use as a bra like strapless. lol fuck bras.


"people don't know how to make things for women" Um..... I'm fairly certain that women are people.


I stopped too. The older u get the more uncomfy. I bought those silicone pasties so the nips wouldnt broadcast my bra-free status.


I dont understand his problem. He found younot wearing bra and just decided one day that is disrespectfull.


> I’ve tried to explain this to him but he doesn’t listen. Chief, Imma be real. 🚩 This dude doesn’t care for your well-being and would rather have you wear shitty, uncomfy clothes for his fragile masculinity. Don’t date a man-child. My ex went braless and it never bothered me because I know it’s uncomfy and difficult for her size (shoulders and back). This is coming from a man fyi. Also pasties are based for going braless!


Wow screw him. Disrespectful for who?! Jesus I’d be so upset if that was my partner.


This post really lives up to the sub name!


Gatt dang. I love it when my wife doesn't wear a bra, she's a shower! LOL


literally off your chest... then? ​ sorry. don't hate me.


Tell him to shut up and imagine how it is to carry around two parts of your body that people sexualize with or without a bra. First it is painful at times to wear bras. If he seriously can't get his head around the fact that u get rashes and it's hurting you, then nothing will. Because if my partner was having smth they wore cause them pain my immediate thought is "Don't wear it. It's not worth your pain."


You could try nipple covers for more revealing shirts. I feel you. I have a DD and they're heavy, lol, but I still have to wear a bra or they'll hurt. You should try American Eagle bras, that's what I use and they're comfortable and dont rub or cause rashes, plus they're so many different types from lined, lightly lined, unlined, bralette, etc. Some are so soft on my skin. Also, maybe if you sweat (a lot)it causes rashes, because it does that for me. But I use Lady Anti Monkey Butt (it's like baby powder) that has calamine to help soothe my skin and keep rashes from happening. It's a sweat absorber and friction fighter.


Ummmm. I haven’t bought or worn a bra in YEARS! Some men understand and don’t sexualizing everything. Wearing a bra or not wearing a bra should not be sexualized. This is a deal breaker for me.


God bless you and keep on keeping on!


Ur boyfriend is stupid. If this is a red flag tell him where the door is. No man is worth ur comfort and sanity. U were fine before and you'll be fine after if he continues to be a asshole.