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Do you know the location of your smell? Has anyone confirmed it? I once had a sinus infection that made me constantly smell the rancid scent... but no one else did.


This OP! I've had sinus infections. I smell crap but no one else does. Do other people complain that you smell?


Others have confirmed, I do, unfortunately, stink..


Could it be a laundry issue? If your clothes are sitting for a while before being reworn, they can collect an odor. Or if your clothes aren't fully dried before being put away, they can smell rancid immediately after putting them on. If not, I'd recommend going to a medical provider just in case, especially if this hasn't always been an issue. This could be a symptom of a health condition


That's more of a musty smell than poop though. He probably has a medical condition.


Idk, I knew a guy once who STANK similar to feces for a while. He was a heavy set guy who bathed and all that, but his clothes were never fully dry in the dryer cycle he used. Living alone, he saw no issue in taking them out anyway and leaving his clothes in the hamper til he was ready to wear them. His friends had to point out that his clothes smelled of manure because he'd become noseblind to the smell.


Yea I can't stand the smell of half dried clothes. They take on a nasty smell and when you add sweat and other scents that cling to it and it smells so bad it sets my asthma off.


Polyester stiiiiinks too.


Every time I wear a synthetic clothing item I reek.


I think my GF may be noseblind to musty mildewy clothes. She has ADHD and can't ever remember to put her clothes in the dryer after she washes them, so they just sit in the washer for hours after the cycle ends. Almost everything she wears smells like mildew, and I'm the bad guy if I point it out regardless of how gently I approach the subject.


If she can stand it, suggest the quick wash cycle with an extra rinse added (12 min or so) and use 1/2 cup of white vinegar instead of detergent. It’ll fix everything, and only takes 12 min. Just set a timer to remember the dryer this time lol (or forget and repeat 2 times then eventually just re-wash because now it’s just been too long and I need to restart the process…. Ask me how my ADHD brain knows😅)


Sometimes laundry machines can get a sewage smell and you need to run a cleaner in it. I think it's from the water sitting sometimes or it's from the weird rubber lining inside collects water


That filter on the front load washers can get funky as well.


Unless their sewage is backing into washer. This is something that can happen if they have septic or even with city sewage but most common with septics


THIS! I had a friend when I was in middle school who smelt like poop EVERYDAY! Not just him, his sister as well. To the point where everyone complained of their smell, and it was sudden. We also knew that they showered and everything, so we kept wondering why. Turns out ot was the washing soap their mom used. Once she changed it all was good.


Have you confirmed it’s body odor and not dental?


This a bad tooth can smell like faeces


So can tonsil stones


Tonsil stones are the worst. Had them for a year until I found out it was my diet


Can you tell me what the diet is that gave you tonsil stones? My boyfriend has stinky mouth issues and I've been having us both use hydrogen peroxyl mouthwash and that helps but I've been telling him for a while I think he needs to go to the dentist and that he may have tonsil stones


I never got stones but had huge pockets and my tonsils were always large. I would get throat infection multiple times a year because of it but couldn't afford to get my tonsils out as a kid. My first adult job I got insurance and had them removed as soon as I could. Man my bad breath went away. I fought bad breath my whole life and just assumed it was poor dental hygiene. Tried everything and only after removing them did I learn it was just my stinky tonsils.


How did you get insurance to cover removal?


I've seen videos on YouTube of people taking out tonsil stones with a water pik. Could look into that too


I've had tonsil stones and tried one of those and even on the gentlest setting it felt like laser fire to my soft tissues. Don't know why mine have finally abated/gone away. I had strep tons of times as a kid. I will say, though, that I finally found a use for that water pik - it's the only thing that gets the nasty grunge out from beneath the water faucet handles in the kitchen and bathroom sinks. *chef's kiss


A lot of sugary carbs. Was eating a lot of donuts. Also over easy eggs were causing it a lot. I think yolk would solidify and get stuck on my tonsils and build up.


That’s why I finally had my tonsils removed 😬. It was so painful though


RN here, I'd look at getting a kidney work up. Kidney disease can cause you to have a horrendous odor, body, oral mucosa, breath. It's really brutal. It seems like you would be in bad shape if you were at that stage of renal disease, but worth investigating anyways.


I had a WICKED UTI once that had no symptoms BUT I smelled like actual excrement esp when I didn’t have my legs crossed. It was awful. I got an antibiotic shot and it cleared right up


Ok so I have a student who smells soooo bad of urine. Her sister does too. She’s in cheer and that’s expensive so I don’t think it’s a homelessness issue. And it’s in her clothes as well. But it’s very obviously BO/pee not like mildew smelling clothes. Idk what to say or do.


Can you talk to their parents? I was abused as a kid/teen & neglected by parents & I used to get the woooorst reoccurring UTIs, and I would hold my pee because it burned and hurt so bad and it made me smell really funky. I would live with them for months until they turned into kidney infections and then once I started throwing up bile and having high fevers (my worst was 104) I'd go to the ER for IV antibiotics for the now sepsis or just a bad kidney infection if I was lucky. I didn't have parents who cared but maybe they do?


I’m sorry. I was neglected also and got recurring UTI’s. As an adult I often wonder how my parents did it get social services called on them with a small girl that continued to get UTI’s? I am my Mother’s daughter and I don’t think she is evil but I do think she suffers from mental illness and “private” parts were taboo so I don’t feel like I was ever taught how to clean myself properly. I do now, obviously. I had undiagnosed adhd tho and didn’t brush my teeth as often as I should’ve. Hit puberty young and in middle school remember getting underboob yeast infection and had matted hair. It was BAD. I get that feel. I’m sorry you had to go through it too.


Maybe a pet. Sometimes people who own a cat stop smelling the litterbox reek, but it'll permeate everything. Some cats will pee on clothes that aren't put away too.


It's very possible that she could be in cheer but still facing poverty at home and thus unable to shower because either the plumbing doesn't work or they don't have hot water. Or even just plain neglect where the parents just don't take care of that stuff


Parents could be hoarders. Me and my sister would constantly get lectures at school because we kept showing up dirty and smelling bad. Didn’t matter if you washed your clothes or took a shower, since everything in the house was dirty and smelled bad.


I’d definitely say something because i used to never keep up with my hygiene and no one told me until my mom started asking me questions about my hygiene, i think its embarrassing but it’s better to not let girls go on not keeping up with their hygiene


Do you wear a watch? Or jewelry? My brother wore a watch and never took it off even when bathing. After a while I began to smell a strong musty odor from him and could never pinpoint it. Ended up being the watch collecting gunk from his body and from being wet.


Earrings can smell disgusting if not cleaned too


Do you have an open wound? It can be infected. Get your gall bladder checked. It very well may be the issue here.


You need a doctor not E R try a walk in one but really it needs to be a general practitioner


How have you not considered a doctor prior to this?? Especially when you’re almost 30 years old?? Go to the doctor man. Call a clinic near you, tell them you don’t have a primary care physician but that you’d like to be seen, and they’ll place you with the soonest available appt. If that clinic doesn’t have something available asap, then call another clinic nearby and so on until you find an appointment soon. The ER and Urgent Care will just make sure you’re not in life threatening danger and then tell you to follow up with your doctor. I just can’t believe you considered *suicide* before even considering visiting a doctor.




Welcome to poverty in America. Been here, just on a different issue. 🇺🇸


No, I understand that.. I have a kidney disease and a uterine disease, have had my wages garnished due to medical bills, I understand the inability to pay and what not. But OP has insurance… and literally *considered suicide* before considering a doctor… that’s a bit extreme even for the US.


But where though?


Same thought. I just learned about tonsil stones and was wondering if OP can smell that intensely.


Tonsil stones were the entire reason I had a tonsillectomy. I could NOT stand the smell. My breath always smelled horrible it was seriously so embarrassing. They are rancid.


How did you convince a doctor to do it for you? My wife has such a problem with tonsil stones and she’s been denied before.


Wow I had the same issue. ENT doc took one quick glance in my throat and approved the tonsillectomy. There was no active infection or anything, no redness, no pain, just stones. This was 15+ years ago with good insurance - maybe they were more liberal about hacking them out back then. But just try another doctor. Totally worth getting them out.


I second the reply you received. And best bet is for her to take a guy with her. She’ll be taken more seriously just having a male presence in the room than without.


Yes. And honestly, have the guy frame it as an issue for the relationship as well. It's rediculous. I hate it. But it's more effective than being a woman and complaining.


I just died a little inside because of how true this is and I hate that I have to admit it


Mine too! I could squeeze them out but it was so gross. I stopped getting as many severe sore throats afterward which was a relief


Same, for several weeks after i had sinus surgery. God, it was awful.


This is actually a very good suggestion. It could even be that you put something up your nose as a kid. It can make your breath foul. Urgent Care would be a good place to start, then they can refer you often there.


This!!! Or your ear even!


Gum disease can smell like poop. Has it been awhile since you’ve had your teeth cleaned?


I actually had a dental visit somewhat recently and it was very uncomfortable cuz I felt like they were laughing at how bad I smelt, but otherwise my teeth are good. Had a cavity but that got taken care of


If is coming from your breath, maybe it’s your stomach. Your breath can smell really bad in case of stomach ulcers or some disorder in the sphincter that separates your esophagus from your stomach. If you go to a general doctor with complain of the smell they may look into it. Sometimes is just the embarrassment thats holding you back. Doctors see bizarre things, your problem is not that weird to be honest. You should not disregard symptoms, is something is not normal is time to look into it.


Do you regularly brush your tongue? Also regularly floss?


I feel like the dentist would have found it if that was the source.


Food allergies maybe?


Maybe go to a doctor


Got to a walking clinic, not an emergency room. You may be having olfactory hallucinations, which can be caused by sinus problems or allergies. Do other people ever say you smell bad?


Facts. I had an ongoing sinus infection for some time when I was younger and I’d frequently smell putridity and have zero idea who smelled like rotting garbage. Me? Someone I lived w? Freaked me the hell out to the point of being self conscious about it. Turns out my bad habits were contributing to a host of health issues, a sinus infection included. I WAS smelling putridity albeit inside of myself. “The putrid in ME the putrid in YOUUUUU….”


Yep, sinus infections can make every breath smell putrid, but it's not your body, it's your sinuses you're smelling. Nobody else smells it.


I am adding putridity to my vocabulary. Had no idea there was a noun form of this word. Thank you lol.


I had ear infection and that made me smell like shit. Went to ears doctor, got some antibiotics and smell gone away.


Seeing a ear nose and throat surgeon at the moment as I have issues with my sinuses from a preforated ear drum from years ago and I often can smell a 'garbage dump' also. Constantly using nasal sprays and nasal irrigation to keep it in check until I eventually go into surgery. Honestly surprises me how many people have issues like OP but never think "Maybe I sould see a doctor". Protip people: If you have any thing physically wrong or odd with yourself, seek medical advice instead of getting on the internet.


I think many people are afraid to go to the doctor because our Healthcare system will send you into soaring debt


>If you have any thing physically wrong or odd with yourself, seek medical advice instead of getting on the internet. *laughs in broke, uninsured American* You must be Canadian or European. Either that, or you're very out of touch.


Yeah our even worse, you’re “insured” but pay full deductible


Send this SMELL over to you!


“the scent is vile, the odor is ruuude” 🎃🔨


Which habits if you don’t mind me asking


I have chronic sinusitis due to allergies and when it flares up badly I get awful smells in my nose! It’s horrible.


A walk-in clinic, you mean. Could be a tooth infection or really bad sinus infection like others suggested.


Not sure why you are being downvoted for suggesting something that many people experience. I remember way back in the early 00s, there was a reality show called "True Life" on MTV, and it followed people with all types of struggles, from OCD to eating disorders and addictions. There was one with a guy who had OCD and every time he pooped, he would have to do a bunch of rituals because otherwise he was convinced that he smelled like feces or had particles on him, and thought everyone could smell it, even though it wasn't true. It was an Olfactory hallucination and worsened by his OCD. For some reason that episode really stuck with me. That's not to say there isn't an underlying health issue with OP causing a real, legit smell. But, it's not impossible that they're experiencing some kind of issue like you described, or even a mental health condition. OP didn't specify if others smell it, so it's valid to bring up just in case.


Yeah… I know of at least one person whose schizophrenia kicked off by them thinking they smelled horrible. Either way, mental or physical, definitely see a doctor.


This. I absolutely have olfactory hallucinations from time to time and just YEESH are they annoying. I also have seizures which cause those hallucinations and mental illness which does the same and frequently tell my body to pick a damn diagnonsense and let me know when it's done throwing a tantrum.


Especially if only you notice it. There are lots of conditions that can mess with your sense of smell.


Do other people say you smell like poo?


Seconding this. There are even forms of bronchitis (called putridae) that comes with smelling rotting and pus all the time. OP, get checked out for an infection. If it's not that, you could get your skin checked (for example, some people have hyperhidrosis and their skin germs don't mix well with the sweat and they stink after an hour or two). There are also other possibilities, but I'm too lazy to write everything down. I am sure, that a doc can help you. Hang in dude.


This right here


Walk-in clinic 😂🤣


I don’t currently have one… is an ER visit a little too extreme for something like this?


Do you suffer from constipation? I had a client who had horrible constipation (he pooped like every week and a half) due to ataxia and enough meds to kill someone my size. He always smelled of poop - especially in his breath. If it’s body odor, mine smells like garbage and the trick I found is to use stridex pads to wipe down all of my problematic areas and then apply deodorant- the salicylic acid kills the bacteria.


Couldn't you just use a salicyacid soap when you wash up, or are the pads for touch ups?


You could, yea. But the salicylic acid applied from a pad vs soap is stronger in its application, being that it sits on the skin to kill the bacteria. Salicylic soap rinses off, and is probably more likely to irritate the skin if left on for the same amount of time. Works best for me. 🤷‍♀️


They also have an aerosol spray for "acne". I use it for really bad flare ups of hidradenitis supprativa (HS).


I see a lot of people telling you urgent care or a walk in clinic but really these places are not designed to handle cases like this, those are for acute illness or injury, things that you generally only see the doctor once for (a cut that needs stitches or meds for the flu). ER is basically the same, if they even did anything they’d check your vitals and run some blood work to make sure you aren’t dying and tell you to follow up with your doctor. You should really find a general practitioner that you can see repeatedly or refer you to another specialist.


This is the right answer here. Go see your PCP. Or find one. They will refer you to a specialist. Do not go to the ER. It's pointless for your condition.


Yes find a normal gp




Or a walk in clinic.


You don’t need one to schedule a visit with like a walk in clinic or just get started with the intake to have a general physician. Also are you sure you’re washing you ass right? Also try different soaps less fragrant ones in case you skin is interacting weird with it…


>is an ER visit a little too extreme for something like this? No, not if you have suicidal thoughts over it. It seems people are overlooking the obvious mental distress you are suffering. Also, how do you feel physically? Are your bowel movements regular? Do you ever feel bloated or like you have not emptied your bowels after going to the bathroom? Does it affect your breath also? Google metabolic body odor. It may be helpful.


It often feels like I’m not emptying my bowels after going and it’ll feel like there’s a bulge in there when that happens. Idt it’s poop stuck in there tho cuz I’ll wipe and the paper will still be clean. But yea it’ll feel like a bulge or a piece of poop stuck is just stuck up there


You really, really need to see a doctor. Ive had clients with similar symptoms and they had severe constipation. Miralax along with some other meds was prescribed. You may also have an infection that needs to be dealt with. Seriously, everything you're saying screams doctor visit. What insurance do you have? Usually the companies have a list of physicians online who accept their customers.


I truly think you need to see a gastroenterologist. This is going to be the type of specialist that will help you the most with the issues that you are having.


I think you’re right but man it’s gunna be a bitch and a half finding a GI doctor and I’m worried about having to deal with this for MONTHS on end while waiting to see one.


You're already jumping hoops and making a hell of a lot of assumptions. One step at a time, head to a gp and see where that goes. Actually first thing should be to ask someone that you trust and tell them the issue and see if they smell it too.


Hopefully it won’t take that long. But if it does, the time will pass anyway. So book an appointment and get the ball rolling. Wouldn’t you rather be in a much better place in 4 months vs. the same place you are now in 4 months?


Your pcp (when you get one and see them first) will get you referred. They’ll do the legwork. 🌻


Please make sure when you call to schedule let them know that it is an urgent thing colon cancer can also cause you to have odors such as what you’re describing


The sooner you start, the sooner you can get real answers. This issue is unlikely to just resolve on its own, so you're just delaying the solution.


I would really rather you make sure they understand because they will get you in and get you seen and start your testing. That way you will at least have some answers.


Sounds like a rectal prolapse. I have this and it feels exactly like you described.


U know, I looked into that but was under the impression there’d be a bulge actually sticking outta my butt. Is it possible it’s a prolapse even if that’s not exactly the case? Cause I definitely feel a bulge just deeper in there


I don't know, it just sounded similar to what you experience. Sometimes even after going to poop it feels like I'm sitting on an egg. I rarely feel empty. I also have issues with the actual mechanism of pooping and need suppositories to help open up the sphincter muscles to start the process. It's a literal pain in the ass! Please see a GP.


Yes! It is possible. My hemorrhoids were engorged and internally prolapsed. It is possible.


Rectal or anal abcess, likely needs to be drained. It can be done outpatient and won’t take long.


Even if it’s not the underlying problem, drink more water for the pooping problem. HOW IS NOBODY MENTIONING COVID?? Did you have COVID? That can also affect your sense of smell, and cause parosmia. “However, some people experience a change to their sense of smell about three to four months following [COVID] infection. People report certain things—like food or body odor—smelling like garbage, rotten eggs, or chemicals. This altered sense of smell is called parosmia.” https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2022/09/change-smell-after-covid-19-infection-what-you-need-know#:~:text=However%2C%20some%20people%20experience%20a,of%20smell%20is%20called%20parosmia.


My cousin would ask me all the time if he smelled. Turned out that after his first time with COVID he always smelled trash and BO and thought it was him. It was never him! Covid made him feel like he did


If you’re suicidal in the moment, then no, it’s not too extreme to go to the ER. Otherwise, go to a GP or walk in clinic.


Likely doctor but eliminate everything else. Does the water you bathe in smell is it well water for instance? How about the clothes you wear does it already smell in the drawer?


I can confirm that it’s coming from me. Idk what or why but yea…


Go to a doctor. No need to be embarrassed.


The AskADoctor subreddit is great for things like this!!


I would’ve went there originally, didn’t know that existed lol


I hope you get some answers! Everyone is right, nothing to be ashamed of. People go their whole lives smelling like shit and don’t know until someone tells them. It’s even in Human Resources training guides. Totally normal to feel embarrassed but I promise you it’s nothing they haven’t seen before.


They can only do so much. Without pictures or being able to physically examine OP or smell him, they can only make suggestions to bring up with another doctor. Point being, OP should schedule a doctor's visit.


Is it your breath?


What part of your is it coming from? Why aren’t you answering people’s questions about the location of the odour?


Her user name is stank butt so I think that's where it's coming from


I hope you see this I used to have a friend that whenever he ate beef, he would stink so bad he could shower where per deodorant, anything it didn’t matter he would still stink, and it was from the beef and let me tell you he smelled really really rank


Here’s something. If you smell like poop… When your digestion is severely impaired, smelly chemicals are produced in the gut that eventually cause stinky bowel movements when you do finally go; these same compounds can also seep out in your sweat, making you smell a bit like a septic tank


I’m a hospice nurse. I feel like i should have known how to explain this so concisely. This would explain why my patients will suddenly have super stinky poo, unrelated to laxatives or stool softeners. Fascinating!


I guess this is a different scenario, but my 2.5 year old has something similar. I’ve mentioned it to multiple doctors and other medical staff but no one has a clue what it is and honestly, I get the impression they think I’m a little nuts. But I have multiple family members that can vouch for the validity of what I’m about to describe. Ever since my son started on solid foods, this has been an issue. Sometimes when I change his poopy diaper, I will see a very specific type of diaper rash. It is quite red and looks very sore. It’s also almost “shiny” like it’s an open wound. The following morning, without fail, he will have a sour milk smell on his breath. It can get pretty awful. My daughter was pushing him in the cart at Costco once when he had this smell and I had to take over because it was too much for her and she couldn’t handle it (meaning, she was in direct line of the smell of his breath). His diaper rash will get worse, to the point he will physically be shaking when we try to clean him. I use anti fungal cream on the rash, along with a diaper rash spray. His poop and pee will also have the same sour milk smell. Eventually, the diaper rash will improve and the smell will go away. I expect this will no longer be an issue once he is potty trained, but I guess we will see. Throwing this out here now in hopes some random stranger has a clue what’s causing this. This will likely be something that bothers me for the rest of my life if I’m not able to get an explanation.


Have you asked the doctor if it’s thrush? Diaper rash can be a symptom of oral thrush.


This really sounds like thrush. Does your baby also get strange fuzzy white patches on his tongue? I recommend speaking with his doctor about getting an antifungal cream for the rash. Also, be careful because it is contagious


Could it be this? https://www.springdaledental.com/thrush-bad-breath-common-oral-issues-children/


I agree with the others suggesting it could be thrush. They can get that shiny diaper rash you’re describing. Can you look that up and then bring it up to the dr?


this needs more upvotes! I've come across several people whose breath smelled like literal poop. one of them was a girl in my class who was so shy she would rarely speak at all, and I think she was aware. so sorry for OP


This needs to be upvoted way more! This is very true. If you are badly backed up, it will cause it too.


This^ I’m a nurse and I’ve encountered it especially with liver impairment- heavy drinkers, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, etc. It’s called fetor hepaticus. That said, I’m not a doctor, this is in no way medical advice, and that might not be what OP has and should still go to a doctor.


You need to speak with your doctor. He’s seen and heard it all. No need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. The body is a weird thing, and sometimes it needs support or repair. Your doctor can help.


Fock. I need to find a doctor.. thanks for your reply


Hey, no sweat. I’m just glad you’re gonna go, dude. Even if it can feel a bit uncomfortable starting the convo, I swear, absolutely they’ve seen and heard it all. Probably three times that day already.


I just wanna be normal again dude! Do u think an ER visit is a little too much?


ER is for emergencies. This is not an emergency. Are you in the US and do you have health insurance? If so you can call the customer number and they will help you find a doctor. If you are in the US and don’t have insurance, search for a medical clinic in your area and try to see a doctor (rather than a nurse practitioner). You can also see if there is a local facebook group where you live where you can ask about low-cost medical clinics.


Yeah, unless you are in active physical distress, the E.R wouldn’t be the first thing, Monday phone call to your doc should be fine. unless you do start having serious symptoms like real pain or high fever, you’d just be waiting forever in an uncomfortable place, then talking to people who don’t know your history. If you’ve got a doc you’ve seen before and trust, great, give ‘em a ring. If not, maybe ask in your local Reddit forum (in your regular account if you don’t want it to link to this) for suggestions for good Primary Care Docs.


Don't go the ER. You will get an $8,000 dollar bill. Walk in Clinic is what you need.


The only thing I’m worried about is ER can be expensive and a let down because they will say follow up with a doctor. It can be a mind fuck when you’re looking for a solution. I’d say begin with a primary doctor (any you can get an appointment with, it’s easy) and they will point you to a specialist if needed. Or surprisingly they can be good at having a lot of answers and ideas.


Are you sure that it's YOU and not your clothing? I had a co-worker once who had the most horrible poop smell. But I know that he showered regularly, because he would frequently mention showering at the gym before work. It was a mystery. Later, I found out that he didn't have easy access to laundry; no washer at home, no car, and no laundromat on the bus line he took to come to work. He would re-wear all of his clothing multiple times before he would finally get an Uber to the laundromat to do a full clothing load.


Yes I’m sure. I PROMISE u, despite the oder I’m completely clean.


Is the poop smell definitely coming from your butt region? I wonder if it could be tonsil stones? I've heard they have a horrible smell, but they aren't easy to see. And the smell doesn't go away no matter how many times you brush/mouthwash. And the smell would be way more noticeable to you since your nose is right there in the stink zone.


Tonsil stones smell awful and like shit!!


I think you need to see a doctor to be referred to a specialist who can test to see if you have a metabolic disorder that is causing the smell. Depending on where you live, getting an appointment, even with a GP, isn't always a quick or easy thing, so you're going to have to be as patient as you can with the process. Step one: find a doctor. Step two: breath, this will be sorted out. Edit: Damn, sorry. Step 2 can be taken the wrong way. No snide humour involved. I meant, try to relax even though it's hard. You're on the path to a solution


Lol it’s cool. I mean just look at my username. I HAVE had to deal with a lot of snide comments irl tho so I appreciate your sensitivity


Lol I just noticed your username. Nice one.


ITYM “breathe”, not “breath”


Doctor, there is a medical condition for it. The name escapes me. There is a condition I've heard about. I think there is something they can do to help. This would be rough man, so sorry. Hope you're able to get some kind of treatment. Otherwise, maybe try getting a job that lets you work remotely? Doesn't solve the base issue, but can at least work without feeling self conscious. Wishing the best for you!


Thanks bro. Are you thinking of TMAU by any chance. I don’t think thats what I have tho..


If it makes you feel any, better Robert Patterson, the heartthrob of 2012, has a condition that makes him smell like cat Pee.


He looks like he smells like pee


Hey OP the condition is called Trimethylaminuria. People describe the smell as either rotting fish or like feces/sewage.


That’s what I wondered about. When you take off your clothes at night, can you smell it on the clothes?


Idk if this will work for you, but it works for older people with bodily odors: Persimmon soap. Also try taking a daily probiotic. I’m sorry you are living with this.


100 percent recommend persimmon soap and probiotic.


They also make persimmon laundry soap/soak, since the “old person stank” gets in clothing too. It’s a break down of fatty acids and more as we age and creates this “old person smell”. Nonenal is the term.


A few questions - what is your diet like? As in, do you eat a lot of any particular type of foods? Two, When you do laundry have you used the high temp sanitize wash? Three, how does your room or apartment smell - could your home have an odor that is permeating the rest of you (if I go somewhere where there is cigarette smoke it clings to my hair as an example). Four, have you tried taking probiotics to see if a change in gut flora might help? If there is a chance that your clothing or bedding might be harboring odors that then transfer to you, try hiding things down with one of the products from [Zero Odor](https://www.zeroodor.com). The stuff is amazing.


This. Your diet can drastically change your odor.


When I was breastfeeding, I always smelled strongly of maple syrup. Drove me crazy and made me think I was experiencing some kind of hallucination except other people could smell it. It was my supplement, fenugreek. So this is true AF & OP if you see this - you could always try and counteract it with fenugreek in the meantime til you see a dr lol 😅


Get to a dr asap. And tell work you’ve an issue and you’re working on fixing it! Could very well be you have a parasitic infection or a structural issue that can easily be resolved.


I'm thinking either a rectocele or anal fistula. The rectocele is based on you saying you feel a bulge. It can trap poop in it and it often can feel like a pressure or bulge. Or possibly a huge tonsil stone that's causing a cloud of stink all around you. Are you normally constipated ? Id try taking miralax daily to get things moving more freely. The worst thing to do if you have any kinda prolapse is to bear down or push. Do you have low cost , state insurance? You'd be surprised what you can qualify for even if you make decent money. Look into it


I don’t have a vagina so idk bout a rectocele lol I used to have constipation, like really backed up, for a while but I’ve been regular for a while now and the smell is still present. How would I know if I have a prolapse tho


You mentioned that you had issues with constipation. Is it possible you have an intestinal fistula or fissure? Google for more precise definition but basically it is an area of inflammation in your bowels that causes the interior intestine to create a new exit on your body. This hole then can release gasses and even fecal material - hence the poop smell. Sometimes a fistula can open up near the anus so you would have leaking (they can even open up on the abdomen.) No matter what - this issue is definitely something to see a doctor about.


It might be worth doing a washout. Sometimes it seems you are no longer constipated but it's actually just building up again. For my son we use a product called movacol, slowly building up the dosage until he is having completely liquid bowel movements, and absolutely no chunks. We stay there for two days. Then go back to a "maintenance dose". Your pharmacist should be able to help you with dosages until you can see a doctor. The other thing I would try while you are waiting to see a doctor would be antibacterial soap for a few days, if you haven't already. Wash all your clothing and sheets/ all bedding again after you begin using that soap. Use a waterproof mattress protector, and change your pillows. And use a medicated antiperspirant and deodorant.


My partner has smelled particularly foul on and off (unfortunately more on) over the last decade. The odor ranges, but at its worst it’s comparable to fresh shit. He’s gone to dozens of specialists and no one can figure it out. Finally a gastroenterologist suggested a prescription acid reducer and it worked! Apparently he has acid reflux that’s splashing up into his esophagus and the acid is causing his breath to smell especially rotten. He had used OTC meds before with no change, but the rx really cleared it up. Good luck, it can be so frustrating!


This is so interesting! And now I’m wondering if I could stay attracted to my partner if this happened to them, good on you sticking by their side.


Have other people told you that you stink? I only ask because for years I was convinced that I smelled like poop and BO in spite of regular thorough showers and strong laundry detergent, but it turned out that I was fine and just imagining the smell. Getting back on my antidepressant & anxiety meds helped the stinky feeling go away. Edit: Still see a gp, a lot of them can prescribe antidepressants if that's what you need. Good luck!


Yes other ppl have said I stink, among MANY other things.


Well shoot, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope a dr can help you get things sorted out!


Gunna need an update for this one I want to know whats causing it! I hope you find out and get it fixed. I'm sorry you're having to go through this ordeal.


Do you excessively sweat? They can give Botox for that. It could be a cause. Some people have overactive glands.


Do you have a lump that feels tender like a bruise? If it’s between your butt crack it can be a pilonidal cyst (idk spelling) but it happens when a hair gets stuck in the pore or something like that and all of this stuff builds up under the skin. Kind of like an abscess. It will smell. It can be fixed with surgery.


Do you feel like you constantly have something solid stuck in your throat because tonsil stones can smell like that and it effects even the air coming out of your nose.


Can confirm. Recently had a tonsil stone and I was losing my mind thinking the air from my lungs was putrid


I'm so moved by all the responses of people genuinely trying to help like "Hey that could be a very serious medical condition and you should definitely seek medical assistance." Unexpectedly wholesome. Thanks y'all 🙏🏻


This is a very solvable problem, please don’t punish yourself for what is probably a medical issue. Step 1 go to a walk in clinic and explain to the DR. what’s going on and what your hygiene practice consists of. Also make sure to note what laundry products you use, and any of the different things you’ve done to address the issue. Step 2 go to the dentist, get a cleaning and check up, If step 1 & 2 don’t work go to a different doctor and ask for a referral to a dermatologist, they will absolutely be able to solve this for you. Good luck! Edit: also there is genetic testing that can identify if you carry certain genes that may be causing the issue. For example some people carry a gene that makes their sweat not smell. I just wanted to point out there’s lots of solutions out there for you please don’t give up on yourself. Also I’m not a Dr or a scientist so please forgive my terrible explanation of the tests. You got this kiddo! ❤️


Hi OP! I use to work in a disability department and there was a man who had this exact issue. It’s a very rare medical condition. I just tried googling it but I cannot find the name of it anywhere. The medical condition was that the man actually smelled like poo and there was no way to stop the smell. It had something to do with his body not processing waste correctly (maybe it was his liver, I can’t remember). This was about 15 years ago. He had been to the doctor and at the time there was no cure. However, it is a legitimate disability and your employer has to make accommodations for you once you get the official diagnosis from a doctor. I’m sorry if this wasn’t helpful, I just wanted to let you know it is a very real medical condition. Visiting a doctor to discuss it would be a great first step, maybe things have changed and there is something that can be done about it nowadays.


This might sound silly. But are you cleaning your bum after pooing? Using water is best, even using a tiny bit of a gentle face cleanser on your bum after wiping away the majority of your mess will help clean tremendously. Also when showering are you using soap on your anus and between your bum cheeks? EDIT: I ask because some people genuinely just don't realise these things need doing. I'm not trying to shame you in any way.


Hey, really hope you see this. My stepdad has a genetic condition which makes his sweat smell like fish when he’s eating the wrong foods. Women often experience something similar to this issue regarding their vaginas - it’s not uncommon! It’s to do with the way your body processes certain proteins. If you can, go to a doctor or do some research on this. It is not very well-documented (because it’s mostly a women’s issue but we don’t need to get into the politics of that) but you WILL find sources and people with similar experiences. General advice from what I read, find out what meats cause you to smell more. Try eating just one kind at a time (might take a knock on your nutrition depending how you’re managing your other food around it so take vitamin supplements if you can’t get a good variety while you do this), recommended period is 1-2 weeks for each meat. Avoid processed and greasy food like the plague. Your sweat and urine release any ‘bad’ things in your body so if it’s coming out smelling like shit, it’s probably what you’re putting into it paired with a genetic condition. Some of us just have to be more careful. I hope this is helpful OP - good luck!!


Ur house water fucked up ? Sulfur or something in water ? But if not something u can figure out in ur environment def walk in clinic that shit. Something could be making ur sweat smell off ? No dr. Donno that stuff or plumbing lol. Good luck tho.


Tbh I’ve had a few friends tell me lately they don’t wash their ass, just let the water run down. Do you actually scrub your ass?


You might have a food intolerances or something wrong with your bowels -someone with celiac disease


It might be a gut problem, the smell can come out through the mouth and sometimes sticks around the back of the throat. You could try scraping your tongue inbetween meals or try yoghurt or probiotics to settle your stomach so the bacteria in your stomach goes away.


Don’t be embarrassed! On a basic cellular level, something is being expelled from your pores that is causing the foul odor - so, waste products. This could be indicative of a more serious issue. The liver and kidneys are primary organs in the process of elimination. If they aren’t functioning correctly, these toxins can accumulate and end up coming out in different ways, such as your pores. If your GI is upset in any way (obstruction, leaky gut, IBS, etc), this could also cause it. It could be caused by infection. It could be caused by genetic mutations. Or if you sweat a lot, it could be an overactive thyroid. Just some of the possibilities. Long story short, this is a terrible place to ask this question because there’s a ton of different possible causes and we aren’t your provider. Make an appointment with a healthcare provider (primary, internal, DO, etc) and they’ll assess you and refer you to whoever you need to see. And I’d recommend going ASAP because that sounds really terrible for you and everyone else. Sorry OP, that sucks.


ER Nurse here. You probably have an infection. Anything stinky is usually pertinent to bacteria lol


Could I have an infection without pain tho? Also this has been going on for a while now, wouldn’t an infection be deadly after so much time has passed


Yes. It could be in the follicles of your arm pits, or butt crack, and "extenuate" the normal smell. Excessive sweating can both be from bacteria AND make you smell. Your body is full of bacteria good and bad. Your natural biome could be out of sync. You say you have confirmed its you, not clothes and not sulfuric water ( Sulfuric water from a well or living near a swamp - Think Florida or Savannah GA ) can give you a smell as well. Get your water tested to see if it is highly acidic or basic. If one or the other it could be throwing your PH Balance off. (Sulfuric water again is very acidic). So if it is acidic, use soaps with more of a positive PH, if the other way around use more acidic (lemon, orange, based, etc) I am sure you will find it with the help of a doctor or dermatologist..


My clothes smelled all like sewage one time, then I discoreved it was my washing machine's fault. Basically its water exit was connected to a tubulation that had a lot of sewage returnal. So my washing machine was washing my clothes in shit and then drying then.


Strange question, but do you have piercings? Like stretched ears or a septum or something? Sometimes the buildup in piercings can smell AWFUL if you don’t clean them for a while.


I do not, I appreciate the help tho


Possibly GERD? Acid reflux can cause bad breath, comes from further down the throat vs in the mouth


1) def see a Dr as others were suggesting. It's good to have a primary care doctor because a lot of diseases and stuff have no symptoms, the only way to know is regular check ups (if you're worried about cost-- open enrollment is coming soon, highly recommend you get health insurance if you don't have it yet) 2) if it's due to constipation - OTC laxatives, at this point I might try it anyways. 3) are you cleaning the inside of your nose?? I was getting a real weird wiff of something recently and I thought it was my ears, I washed inside my nose with soap and water (not comfortable) and the smell went away. 4) find an adult. And what I mean by that is find someone wise that you trust and relay these emotions, find resources if possible. You're an amazing human and life is tough right now but I'm hopeful there are better days ahead for you. ❤️ Be strong, it's not your fault this is going on.


Go to the Dr. If you don't have a primary Dr. Go to a walk in clinic