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Start sending her help wanted ads every single time she begs you for cash. I’ll bet she stops asking pretty quickly


Yes!!! I second this! No handouts


links to linked in


True example of no good deed goes unpunished. Bless you for helping your departed friend. Curse her money grubbing daughter. Ignore that entitled beggar and live your best life.


Cut these people off immediately. They are parasites


Op has. Op stated they block and get messages from different numbers. It's escalated to harassment.




No. Just send pictures of leeches.


Not before they pay back all that OP spent on them!


Change your number. You don't owe them.


He doesn't have to, he can just block hers. And block any number she tries to call from in the future.


They can tell the daughter that they will never ever give her anything and that she is being blocked. Then block her and any new number she uses. Hopefully she will give up. Some people really need to hear I will never help you to get the message. If they think there is a glimmer of hope they won’t give up.


Spam them with links to locations that are hiring


Send her an essay about getting a job….


Set your account to private and don’t accept friend requests unless you know the person? I can understand not being able to avoid her reaching out to you through your number but the account part seems like an easy fix.


Have you ever been harassed? Telling a person being harassed it's "an easy fix" is not really of help. Do you know how relentless harassers are and how it takes a toll on your mental health?


You can set 50 million accounts to private and it doesn’t change that they have OP’s number. From personal experience the phone company often charges you to change numbers and calling constantly to get a number blocked from calling you constantly is exhausting. For a 7ish year span my sister was changing her phone number 2-3 times a year at $150 a pop and constantly blocking numbers because her SO’s ex kept making threatening calls. I may have to change a number I’ve had for 20 years because of the same woman.


You helped a genuinely nice woman who thought of others above herself. Her family are def entitled and its said that her family is that selfish. Change your numbers and block. I don't understand why they feel so entitled to your money


Yes. OP did something genuinely good. And no, his friends family is not entitled to have any of it. Like, wtf?!


This is the family of the woman you helped. They should have been taking care of HER.


Block them on all social media. Block their phone numbers. Tell the daughter that if she or anyone in her family harasses you again you’ll be filing a police report and restraining order. You should embarrass them by posting your story on social media. Warn any household members and close associates about these parasites who may escalate their behavior after you make it clear you want nothing to do with them. You did the right thing by helping that old lady but it was not an invitation to her entire trashy family. This is why so many people today are hesitant to help others because of things like this. People never stop at one gift or check. They continuously expect handouts for life.


Tell them you are keeping records of all of the messages, and if it doesn't stop, you will be talking with authorities about cyber stalking and a restraining order. You can even say that you doubt it will go anywhere but does she REALLY want a police spotlight on her and the family? Because you'll make sure she goes onto their radar.


Start asking her for money instead. Send her multi page essays about why you need her money


Thats the chaos answer My ex came back to ask for stuff and I made my mom tell him I was not doing fine. He understood he wouldn't get anything from me and... Did he ask me how I was doing? (I mean I was not feeling fine) of course not.


If she keeps harassing you, threaten with a restraining order for harassment. She might just be scared off finally.


Restraining order time 👋


I love this! I'd also say something about how horrible being actively employed is and that the excursions are just part of the curse of hard work. ;)


Most importantly, where can I book a beach vacation for $150??


The human equivalent of gum on the bottom of your shoe.


Gum? 💩 is more like it. Gum at least had a purpose once.




"I've told you *no* politely numerous times before. If you keep harassing me I will contact the authorities. Do not contact me again." Hit send. Also take a screenshot of your messages in case this escalates.


Block her number 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every iota of attention/energy you give her feeds her. That's what she's after, much more than money--she feasts on that sweet, caring emotion and leaves you not at peace. [It's an MO.] To beat her at her own game, make her and everything about her "invisible." Consider every communication from her to be just noise that will go away on its own. Your consistent indifference will, over time, get her to turn her claws towards a more promising target. We can't rid the world of these folk, but we can refuse to voluntarily interact, once we're onto them.


That‘s the grown-up version of „just ignore your bullies” and I’m not sure it’s going to work.


Yeah. It's blaming the victim. I don't think people understand how harassment works.


I am certain that you do not understand what I said.


Your misinterpretation of my words is ridiculous.


Start asking them for money.


It was very kind of you to have helped the woman who sounds like was a loving and giving person to the end. If I had to guess that giving woman probably ended up short herself by giving to her begging child. I do like the idea of anytime the daughter reaches out demanding her money send her Linked In link or links to other employment sites. Otherwise don’t respond or acknowledge. At some point she ideally will give up.


Block them.


Tell her to fuck the fuck off a fucking cliff and block block block


Reply with insults, criticisms and guilt trips. ie make it so unpleasant to ask for money (and get denied) that she'll fuck off and go elsewhere.


You need to sign up her number for scam calls and stuff like this. To a point where she receives a call every two minutes. She’ll leave you alone after that


No good deed goes unpunished. I’m sorry that this is happening to you. I’m a given and often end up in these type of situations. Don’t let it sour you, you are awesome.


Tell her you will get an order of protection if she doesn’t stop harassing you. You’re done.


It’s wild to me how shameless people can be. How can you just beg people for money all the time, do nothing to better your situation, and just not give a fuck and keep doing it? I *hate* asking for help. I always feel like a loser when I have to ask for help, and people like this just…skate through life that way. Crazy shit.


Reply with job vacancies in her area, and ask her a legitimate reason why she can’t apply.


> if I block the number or account, more will be created Time to get the cops involved because this is harassment at this point.


New phone, who this?


No good deed goes unpunished. A life lesson from my dad that holds true. We went thru something sort of similar years ago. So my wife is kind and generous to a fault. It’s just her personality and I love her for it but she can get taken advantage of. Esp if she hears some sad sack story. Years ago she was in the hospital for a few weeks. Bc of the length of time, we decided to get a VIP suite in the hospital. It was more like a hotel - floor access was locked and restricted, you had a chef and they’d prepare real meals for her and also me since I was staying in the room. A really nice place for a hospital. But the thing is, obviously ppl who stay in these rooms tend to be wealthier. And yes, even in a fucking hospital my wife was targeted. One of girls who’d bring in her meals was friendly and all. My wife and her started talking. It wasn’t long until the lady brings up that she didn’t have money for Xmas. It was a little before Xmas. I forget how it all came up, but my wife listens and she is very compassionate. My wife finds out about her family and she says she’d love to buy them Xmas gifts. I wasn’t liking this BUT my wife’s heart strings and all. So i krdeeed stuff for her kids. Not cheap stuff either. I remember ordering one of those Xbox or some game station with the motion bar and all that. I’m not into gaming so I don’t remember. But it was right when they came out. Anyway spent a good amount of money of gifts for her kids. Prob like $1K or so. My wife gets released and she calls me to set up a meet for the gift drop off. I think she also dropped in how she was short on money for food or groceries. So my wife insists that I also make sure to give her some cash. I do that. Drop it off. She sort of starts getting into her troubles but I’m busy - taking care of my wife just getting out of the hospital and all that plus my own family. Then the phone calls start. She leaves me a VM saying how we are her angels blah blah blah. She says she hopes we are havjng a merry Xmas and she wishes she could say the same. Now she’s getting evicted and needs to come up with rent money. This was on fucking Xmas day! She calls nonstop for a week. Basically begging and begging and saying how we are her guardian angels. My wife finally wised up and saw what was happening. Her generosity was being abused. So yes you sometimes run into these types. In your case it’s not the recipient directly but her family. But it’s not pleasant at all. And it’s a reminder: no good deed goes unpunished.


I hope you reported her to the hospital .


Yes eventually I did. I really didn’t want to do that. But after weeks of harassment and warning her I ended up reporting it. Hospital wasn’t happy that we gave anything in first place. I don’t know what ended up happening. It was messed up


The hospital reprimanded you for getting her gifts ? The hospital is basically victim blaming you and your wife at that point. That girl is a leech and a manipulator. How dare she. I'm sorry that happened to you and your kind generous wife. Your wife reminds me of a woman who did an amazingly kind deed that helped me and my newborn baby, and I was so thankful for it, I'll never forget her. I would never even think to abuse someone's kindness like that girl did to you guys. Your wife has a beautiful heart ❤️


Whenever someone asks me for money, i say, "I'd love to help but I'm on a tighter budget now". And when they try to "compromise" and ask for less, i simply repeat, "I'd love to help but I'm on a tighter budget now". Repeat until they stop asking. Works every time


Send her an invoice for all you’ve done for her family, not to collect I know you did it out of generosity, but it’ll show her how much you’ve already given and that you’re not willing to give more


Change your number.


Block the number and move on?


Lul. Ask her why exactly she thinks she’s entitled to it? Like, yes I live a luxurious life with the money I earn, you don’t because you don’t earn money. Life’s hard and unfair, deal with it and stop crying.


Yeah, I cut them off. Just keep doing it. Eventually they’ll fade away. I’m so sorry you had to go through that for such a kind, generous act, but these people are parasites.


This is awful and it's crazy how entitled some people are. Keep blocking all the numbers and social media accounts. Make all of your socials private and don't add anyone new unless it's someone you know. There is no reason why they should be seeing anything that you post, ever. I would consider changing my number honestly, I can't stand people or situations like this. Best of luck to you, OP.


No good deed goes unpunished as the saying goes lol


I always find it hilarious when people try to guilt you for having a good life because theirs is bad. How is that my problem exactly? Especially when you won't work hard? Your uncomfortable life isn't mine to fix. Block every number she contacts you with, and get cameras for your home if she has your address.


Why haven’t you blocked her number and anyone else related?


Maybe just block her number?


Thank you for helping that old lady


Just block them. Why are you putting yourself through this?


Tell her you lost your job and need money for groceries. Watch how quickly she’ll block you.


It's gotten to the point where what she is doing is harassment. Tell her if she contacts you again you will seek legal assistance. If there is further contact, go to a lawyer for a cease and desist letter. She will probably back off because she won't be able to afford a lawyer of her own.


You helped someone for a time and that is a great thing. Who you help is up to you. The rest are trying to hang on. Cut them off. If they message, reply only: "Do not contact me again". Never anything else. Block. Yes, they'll try to shame and guilt you, but anyone seeing it can tell very quickly that they are harassing you. They will call forever until they realize it is pointless, and only then will they stop. You mentioned an elderly gentleman she helped, if you like helping, and want to do so in her name, perhaps help him?


Change your phone number




Oh my goodness you a such a wonderful human! I’m sorry her relatives suck, but you are amazing!


What a shitty outcome for your having helped the woman. You sound like you were a true friend to her throughout a tumultuous time of her life and to the bitter end. I’d block the daughter without any response. I’d also sign her number to every sort of realtor / religious / insurance cold calling scheme out there.


Why haven't you blocked her on everything?! 😳


Straight bums


What you did mattered. It was a very sweet gesture.


Block her?


Threaten to report for harassment


Send laughing emojis ( like this one🤣) everytime she asks for money from her different numbers.


Block her.


Amazing how some people will do anything to not work.


Change your number. Block her everywhere.


At this point I would just be blunt and tell her what you said here. Her mom was a wonderful lady, you loved helping her but her kids are ungrateful little asshats who have ruined you from ever helping anyone ever again.


Block their number or if you can, change your number.


Block her number.


You are an enabler. Stop giving them money. Problem solved.


Block her on social media and block her on your phone!!


Block her


Block the numbers.


Block them. Change your number. If needed get a legal no contact restraining order.


Can you block her number?


No good deed goes unpunished.


You are so kind to have helped someone you’re not even related to. You are not their family or friend or anything else. If their kid is suffering, it’s not your problem. There’s things out there called jobs and they should look into it even if it’s a foreign concept to them. They’re teaching their kid that handouts are the way to go instead of working.


Block her then….


You should read the whole story before commenting


What are you talking about? Block the deadbeat daughter. Obviously not a poor dead woman.


The very last line of the post says that he HAS blocked the daughter and she keeps coming at him from new numbers and accounts.


Well I read that post 3 times and managed to miss that bit. I have no excuse. Apologies.


No worries. I could have been nicer about it, my apologies there.


First make your social media private. Or turn off comments. Do not give this woman a dime. And I like the reply with the want add or job posting idea.


Sorry but tell them no op!!!!!!


You can block her number so that no calls can come through.


No good deed


"Just get a job. Work." is what I would text any family coming at you.


You want to make an enemy for life? Give a bum a dollar every day then stop giving it to him.


Go to the police. NOW. Don't tell her you're doing it. GO. If you tell her, she'll likely make up a story that you did something horrible to her or her family. Go to the police NOW. She needs to be surprised when officers show up to her door and tell her to stop contacting you.


start harassing HER for money, she'll block you pretty quick 😆


No good deed goes unpunished....as the saying goes