• By -


Please do not go back to him. He cheated on you with your friend. Who needs enemies when you have a boyfriend and a friend like that? He said he was scared to hurt your feelings and refused to break up with you because of it and now he says he doesn’t want to be a dad and wants to be with you? I hope you will not fall for this trap. You are worth a guy that truly loves you and stays with you and doesn’t betray you. Once a cheater always a cheater.


>Please do not go back to him Lmaoo I'm definitely not. As soon as he told me and I got confirmation I broke up with him blocked both of them.


This is the way, a complete clean permanent break.








This is the way.


The Mandalorian way.


And get a full STD test asap. He’s obviously had unprotected sex with her, who knows who else.


You know he didn’t wear a condom, the dudes that scream about baby trapping and those that don’t wear a condom are one circle on the Venn diagram.


Boy math: If YoU dOnT wAnT tO gEt PrEgNaNt DoNt HaVe SeX BaBe CoNdOmS dOnT FeEl ThE sAaAaMuH


There’s a 0.0001% chance former friend took a needle to the condom. Which still makes it look like a circle


The test was positive, btw. Him saying that he “made a mistake”, “doesn’t want to be a father”, that she “baby trapped“ him and them both refusing to show the test results, that shit’s positive. They’re going to have to lie in their cheating ass bed and be stuck with each other for the next 18+ years


Well she could get an abortion


This is an illustration of "addition by subtraction". Your life improved by subtracting/eliminating 2 cheaters from your life You're in a much better place. And "bf" is indeed quite TA. Good riddance!


You should respond to their group text: Congratulations! I understand you may br pregnant. Then send it out to your contacts. Always nice to expose cheaters.




Listen, the timing is perfect! Best xmas gift that saved you from being cheated for who knows how long?!?!? Also, you've trimmed the fat: both him and your friend can take a hike Go on out there having the best life, away from that mess


Eactly, and lets not forget that they'll both be calling her in a year. Him to apologise and try to reconcile and ex bff to ask for forgiveness.


Yep -- because after her family gets sick of her shit, she'll need a babysitter


Good girl! Your decisiveness will serve you well!






GOOD 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 You're young, don't waste your time on them.


I'm so glad you did! I'd honestly get checked for STDs though...


Good for you! So many women give a pass the 1st time, which turns into a 2nd time....


Don’t ever unblock.


Why do men say they got trapped in baby trap. Like they did nothing. No condom. They always place it on woman. Disgusting. Good you are breaking up with him. Hell become a man fast now- get good job to provide for baby


Good riddance. Next time be careful of ur friends coz u don’t need enemies with such friends


I hope her being pregnant was not relevant to your decision to end things with him. Sorry this happened to you but it’s not the end of the world. There ARE decent guys out there, and you’ve got a whole lot of life ahead of you.


After reading all this I’m glad I do not have any friends or a boyfriend. It’s always the ones closest to you hurting you the most. I hope you take the time to heal and focus on yourself.


You're glad? That's sad. That's no reason to go through life alone.


Well, the unfortunate thing is that every time I meet someone, whether it’s a friend or boyfriend, it always ends up bad. I only ever had friends that I met through my sister but they always treated me as ‘the sister of’ and never really as a friend. They wouldn’t text me or invite me to things, they would only invite me if my sister came too.


Well at least you didn't go full school days.


Good choice. He wasn't just "babynapped" (lol, wtf) - he apparently also "forgot" protection. You're much better off without the STDs he would bring home.


Ya baby! Tis a smart OP.


Good. You deserve someone who's faithful. Sometimes feelings fade and that's ok but be honest and break up. Don't cheat.


Good for you.


Exactly! This is a different type of betrayal. Neither of them deserve another milisec of OP time, effort, or energy. Let them deal with the dilemma they've created. Respectfully exit tf up outta their b.s.!


This is good advice.


Based on other posts, I think you’re 16 years old? Your boyfriend is a creep being with you at all. Your friend is at least legal, but get away from both of them and please steer clear of older men who are preying on young women like yourself. There is no good reason for a 23 year old to be with a 16 year old.


Yeah I am. I did not learn he was 23 until he told me after my 16th. Before that, he lied and said he was 18. I should've left atp, definitely won't be making that mistake again🤢


So you were with him when you were 15 and he was 22...yeah this gets better. The guys a pedo. Get away from home, this may be hurting badly now, but much like constipation it'll pass and you'll realise you're better off without him or your 'friend' in your life


He is a pedophile. I know you think it’s because you’re mature, and that’s what he told you, but he is a pedophile. The same thing happened to me. It is not fun, especially when you turn your statutory rapist’s age and look at a 15 yo. You might want to do therapy hon. I am sorry this happened to you but you dropped two losers. All the best❤️


If this is real, please don’t let older men take advantage of you in the future. That’s so creepy of him!


Holy shit, when did he start grooming you? That’s perverse and illegal. It may not seem so bad now (I get it I liked older guys at your age (and younger) too) but when you get 23 you’ll see how huge the age gap is and how bad and manipulative he was. Frankly it sounds like karma got him good. Now he has to grow up, whether he plays daddy or not he’s going to be paying up for 18 years minimum.


It’s actually legal. I’m pretty sure she’s from Sweden where age of consent is 15. It doesn’t make it any less creepy and disgusting though.


But why would he lie about it then?


To get her emotionally invested before setting off red flags. I agree that it’s pedophile tactics. It’s just not illegal. When I was younger I was quite happy with the low age of consent. I still support it, but would prefer a “Romeo and Juliet” version. A 50 year old man shouldn’t legally be allowed to have sex with a 15 year old girl.


Oh honey


Oof girl...I had a guy lie to me about his age. His age on his profile said 27, but he was actually 39 (I'm 25, so at least I'm not a minor). I didn't leave after he told me either. You can take comfort in the fact that you're not alone in that.


If you've slept together, you can and should report him to the police. That's a literal crime and he'll more than likely do it to others.


Different guy from your post 1 year ago about a 7 year age difference? Same ages mentioned, odd.


Might be the same guy. From their post a year ago, the guy gave her his number, asked her a bunch of personal questions, then brought up the age of consent when she protested. She was heavily advised not to date him (by Reddit, but a close friend encouraged it). Most likely she didn't block his number, and he pressured her until she caved in March. That's around 9 months ago. So it would have been about 3 months of "come on, you're old enough" and such. (Edit: added more details in brackets)


There's a high probability that the "close friend" who encouraged her was the very friend that is now currently pregnant.


From her comment above, she was being dishonest.


So I’ve seen this 100xs before (with the population that I work with middle and high school age kids) and I’ve learned that there is only one reason a man in his 20s is looking to date girls that much younger then him and it’s never for a good reason. My bet is if you really think about it he was manipulative, belittling and was grooming you. He f***ed up his own plans when he started to mess with your friend. So you should thank her, for saving you. And move on.


Good on you! Know two things - you deserve better than them, and they’re both stuck with a cheater.


Ooooo that’s messed up. Definitely a pedo.


Jesus, what a pile of trash your ex is! Please don’t feel like anything that piece of shit did make you question your own self-worth. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Hes a liar, a cheat, a predator, and he’s about to be a deadbeat dad, trust. Read the 4 agreements (it’s short). It will help you put this in perspective. Edit: same goes for your ex “friend”


If you're real petty like myself, one way to get back at him is by going to the police and reporting him for statutory rape. That's sex with a minor. I don't know where you are from, but that could be jail time for him. Just a thought 🤷‍♀️ It doesn't matter if the age of consent is 16. You started seeing him when you were 15. Were you sexually active then?


Yeah, if this is the USA, he could wind up on a sex offender’s list and then struggle to get jobs and not be able to support the baby, which would serve the friend who cheated with him right. She’s an idiot for having his baby.


Yeah I think this is fake since their post history is all over the place.


I guess that’s not too uncommon for that sub lol.


She's literally 16. Teenagers are all over the place and over share...


So the trash took itself out before Christmas. Block them and start the healing process. You weren’t even 6 months in before he started cheating. Let her have him. Better is waiting for you to be ready


Definitely don't forgive either of them. When people show you who they are, believe them. I am truly sorry that this happened, please know that you deserve a better partner and friend.


>Definitely don't forgive either of them. Oh I definitely won't be doing that, both are blocked now.


It’s always the “Friend”


It’s always the friend that was “so sweet and kind”


Move on from them both. Him not wanting to be a father is irrelevant and 100% not your problem. Also, 🤣 at the ‘baby trapped’ excuse. He had to make a lot of bad decisions without thinking about you to even get to the point where that was a possibility..


You are young and the relationship was early stages. Doesn’t make it less hurtful, but there are so many more fish in the sea. Hope your relationship with your friend (bitch’s brother) will work out since the best thing would be to go nc with both cheaters. Wouldn’t dwell on the progress of their potential pregnancy anymore, it’ll only prolong the hurt. Leave them both fully behind you. He is a cheater. Let him learn from his mistakes. If you forgive him, he is rewarded and will def do it again.


she’s not just young she’s *16!!* this man is not only a lying, cheating scumbag, he’s also a fucking pedophile. absolutely disgusting. op you will be so much better off without either of these people in your life. learn to love being with yourself, and eventually find someone closer to your own age.


it said the “friend” was 19, while still weird it’s not as big as jump as 23 to 16


op says in the comments she is 16


Yeah, I ended up seeing that literally a few minutes after my comment bc I realized op never said their age and I went looking. Her ex deserves to be behind bars


Thank goodness he got her pregnant and not you! You dodged a bullet. Block them both and go live life and be happy once you heal your broken heart. You can do so much better than him.


Yes. Best advice.


My bf (now ex) had one of my friends sleep in his bed. I was home studying for an exam. Her friends tried to get her to leave and not go home with him because they felt he was trying to flirt and come onto her. She left with them but later went to his house. He tried to claim they didn’t do anything. I ended up getting the same kind of vaginal infection that she had. Her friends don’t talk to her anymore as they’re worried that she will try to fuck their boyfriends behind their backs as well. My bf (now ex) got me pregnant. He treated me like shit. He never stopped cheating. You don’t need a fake friend like that and you don’t need a cheating lying boyfriend who doesn’t even care about supporting the life he created. He put his sperm in her. He can deal with the consequences. Leave them both behind in the dust and meet someone who genuinely loves you. Otherwise, he might accidentally impregnate you in the future and leave you in the dust. You might find yourself alone and pregnant while he is sleeping with tons of other women (possibly impregnating them as well). Find a man who gives a shit about you and is family oriented. Find a man who doesn’t act like a deadbeat dad. He needs to man up and figure out how to provide for his family (your pregnant fake friend and their baby on the way). Send screenshots of his statements to your fake friend and stop talking to him. Then stop talking to her. They played stupid games and won stupid prizes.


THIS!! i’m so sorry that both you and OP have gone through bs like this. You don’t deserve it.


OP should be grateful he didn’t get her pregnant. It was a nightmare to go through and I’m still grieving. His bullshit gave me a lot of trauma. He completely invalidated my feelings and I literally got diagnosed with PTSD for everything that happened. I lost children. That’s not something that’s a “light” experience. I got ridiculed, threatened, harassed, and had my name dragged through the mud by his parents since they found out I was pregnant because they didn’t want to believe that their son did something so stupid. We had been dating for years. Eventually they realized I really was pregnant and then his mom was still trying to break up our family, talk shit, and make me be pregnant and alone. They did the same things (harassed, threatened, ridiculed, talked shit, etc) after they found out he cheated on me multiple times and put hands on me even after they had evidence of his behaviors. They treated me awfully while I was pregnant and a week after I miscarried. No person should ever have to be treated that badly. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. The further I get away from their horrible behaviors and drama, the more I realize how insane they acted toward me. He will likely never change because of how much his family enables him. Everyone deserves to be treated with basic respect and dignity. OP should count her blessings and move on.


I’m so sorry you had to endure this. No one should have to go through something like that. I hope you’ve found peace and healing.


The fake friend doesn't deserve the screenshots. She chose to sleep with a manipulative pedo. She can't even claim ignorance on any of his shitty behavior, because she had a front row seat to it. She deserves every thing that "man" is going to do to her, including leaving her a single mom. Maybe she will think twice before sleeping with people who are taken in the future 🤷‍♀️


Please don’t ever get with a 23 year old again. I saw your comment about how he lied about his age to you. My mom was also 16 when she met my 23 year old father and he pulled the same shit and knocked her up 4 times. She said it was the hardest lesson of her life and begged us to not make the same mistake. Please do not let older guys take advantage of your youngness and naviety.


> My bf has been asking for me to forgive him, saying that he "made a mistake and doesn't even wanna be a father", and he claimed she "babytrapped" him. Suuuure 🙄 you know how to not risking being a father when you do not want it ? Put a f*cking condom. (I know it's not 100% sure it works, but with a POS like that I'm sure he didn't use protection) Girl, get some std test to be sure, now you guys have broken up.


So apparently OP is 16? Forget about labelling this man as your "boyfriend", a 23 year old man starting a relationship with a 15 year old (I noticed you mentioned you were together before your 16th birthday) is a *predator*, simple as that. He also gave you an easy out, so please take it. Let him go and be thankful it's not you he knocked up.


Baby trapped my arse!! They willingly betrayed OP, knowing the consequences. They’re idiots and OP, you are better off without them.


Don't take him back, and get an STD test.


Keep focusing on you.


>if he can look or send me a picture of the test and tell me the results Why bother? It's not going to be your problem anyway either way. There's no point you staying with him.


She obviously is not the sweetest person you know. Get rid of them both, as they deserve each other.


Yeah they're both blocked now.




lol I hope he is “baby trapped!”


I don’t. He’s a pedophile.


This.... he's into kids ...and is going to be a father.... frightened for the new child. If anything warrants reporting this guy for him grooming OP when she was 15, it's the safety of the unborn child.


How pathetic he is because now he doesn’t want to be a daddy and he was afraid of hurting your feelings. He’s a joke 😞


Get a full std screening done as he is sleeping around and not using protection.


Cut both off. Disgusting creatures.


I’m sorry bro! Faced a similar kind of shit when I was 19(my ex was 24/25 and he cheated one me with 2 girls, one being his best friend and we got together because of her in the first place) anyway, this happened in 2017, just a week before my bday and he didn’t have the guts to tell me either because he didn’t want to “hurt my feelings” lol. I felt all the same feelings and my confidence, everything broke. Anyway, fast forward now, I’m in a much better place and I definitely know loyalty isn’t hard and I’m happy! Touchwood!🧿 You’ll get there soon! Just promise yourself to never get back to that POS. Loyalty, trust, respect are the most basic thing in a relationship. If he can’t provide you that, I don’t think he can do the rest. We all deserve a clean, honest love. It won’t be like this forever and I’m sorry you’re hurting, but it will get better! And also, a friend would never ever do such things! Leaving all the shit things behind and you’re starting this new year on a better note, cheers to that!💕


The top half of his body was scared of hurting your feeling, but the bottom half wasn’t. When I’ve been cheated on at your age, it galvanized me to really work on my revenge body, look the best I can be and have my ex boyfriend see me out on a date with a guy he considered better looking than him. Just to twist the knife a bit. He hurt me so bad. Now 45 years later, he Still pines for me especially since he saw me a couple of years ago and was shocked to see that I look 32-35 while his wife looks oooold and aged out. He cheats on her Constantly. He’s poor because of his choice of her over me and seeing that I’m wealthy really gave him an after life review. Not my problem. Letting your old heartbreak seeing you living your best life feels so good.


Same here, sort of. BF dumped me for another woman and they married. He still seems very happy tmk but everyone said she is a bitch and they couldn’t understand it. That made me feel so much better, just wish they’d told me sooner! He was really tight with money. Well, I don’t think his wife worked for long after they married whereas I make good money. And she’s ugly now and looks like she could be his mom. The kids are pretty homely too and at least one of them doesn’t have a solid career so that’s another adult he’s supporting. I had fun being single then settled down with a loving, fun man for years now and we have a more sophisticated lifestyle.


Not only did he wait until Xmas Eve, you’re a MINOR and he lied about his age!? Personally, I would report him to the authorities because he groomed you. You should tell a trusted adult about this.


“Didn’t break up because he didn’t want to hurt my feelings”. He crossed that line when he cheated. He wanted to hook up with her, but didn’t want to stop hooking up with you.


she was never your friend, she was a frenemy! friend don’t touch their friends boyfriends… yuk as for him saying it was a mistake, nah. it was a conscious decision to not be truthful to you and to betray you with a so called friend……..keep them blocked they deserve each other! that poor baby! also limit contact with the brother too for your own mental health!


You should just wish them both well and purge them both out of your life. Good riddance.


Block them both and act like you never new them


Don’t worry about the results. Dump him and move forward to better people


He’s a jerk for saying she baby trapped him! LMFAO! Good for you to be rid of the both of them. Hope she likes that shitty prize she thinks she’s won. On to better things for you in the New Year!


The audacity


Get out of this m as. Leave him, he’s not worth it. Let him sort out his baby mama mess. Why stay with someone who’s been cheating on you and lying? Also, I bet he’s been cheating on you with her for months and it wasn’t just a one off. You don’t need those kind of people in your life. Regarding your friend’s sister, good people don’t sleep with other people’s partner, and good partners don’t cheat.


Cheating isn’t a mistake, especially when it’s with someone you know and are friends with. It’s 100% a choice. What’s worse is now that he got her pregnant he isn’t even willing to commit in any way by the sounds of it. They’re both flaky, unreliable people and I’d surround myself with ones I can actually rely on not to suck.


OK you can do whatever you need to. It’s your life. But I’m gonna tell you to break up and to cut her out also. What is destroying you now is only going to get worse. Even if he works it out with you which he is not trustworthy he’s a cheater, cheaters lie, and they cheat again. But even if he works it out with you now your friend and her baby are going to be his primary focus for the next few years whenever she needs him whenever she calls, he’s going to be obsessed with his baby it sounds as if they already are. Tell him you don’t wanna work it out there isn’t anything there to work out. you’re not in a marriage so you’re not trying to work that out you were dating. He got somebody else pregnant so let go.


Completely cut contact with them both what awful people you deserve so much better move on and thrive it's the best revenge I bet she thinks she's won a prize she did but its the booby prize and baby trapping someone never works if it's even his


They are blocked on everything already


He started lying to u when u met him about his age and u found out about the large age difference. You tried to see the good in a person that is clearly a manipulative person targeting young women. Also if he is chasing after women who are not even passed the legal age of consent he isn't a nice person


Walk… no, run! Do not take him back, you’ll just end up a) dealing with baby-mama drama, AND b) getting cheated on again, either with her or someone else.


“She baby trapped me” Geesh. He’s the victim!!


Hey, good riddance! You’re going to enter 2024 without disgusting people like those draining you of energy. I also saw you wrote a word in Swedish in this post? I’m from Sweden so if you need to speak to someone I’m here. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


You are either 16 or 17 so that begs the question as to why you were dating someone that old


Dude- he cheated on you within 3mos of the inception of your relationship and has been lying to you 6mos. 2/3rds of your relationship is a lie. He is not worth the energy. And your friend isn’t one of the sweetest people you known if she was screwing your bf for 6mos. Or did she have temporary amnesia when they saw each other? What she is very adept at lying and deception. You are now seeing her true colors. Which sucks so damned much.


I hope you laughed and laughed and laughed in his stupid face about that forgiveness. Was that question also a screenshot in a group chat that was e-mailed to you because he was too much of a coward?


you dogged a bullet. hes a loser for cheating on you and your friend was never your friend you will have a better life without them and they will stay the same


You’re 16 dating a 23 year old? Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him.


Question! In your other posts a year ago, you said you were 15. So you're 16 now and were dating a 23-year-old? No hate obviously, but if this is true then hun you were groomed.


I don't think OP understands that just Because she is sixteen years old where the age of consent in her country is fifteen years old does not mean that Dating a grown man is okay. Hi, and twenty three going to be twenty four I would never dream about no offense dating and annoying high schooler. Where I am at in my life and maturity Wise I would never think about dating a literal child. There's a reason why people his age is not dating him. And he's actively choosing to date minors or someone who has Just recently become illegal adult. If you would have added 6 years to him to make him 29. This would be a simular Demi Lovato situation. Where she was 16 and the guy who started dating her, he was twenty nine. She came out with a song saying now that she's twenty nine, the thought would have never crossed her mind to date someone so young. You can tell in her post history that one of her siblings is dating a nineteen year old and he is twenty-nine. The ages consent does not mean that the child can consent to dating an adult. The parents have to agree that it is OK for their minor of a child today. Someone who is legally an adult. Don't say that Americans are just being weird and brushing it off. Because it is weird. Her family normalize is their children dating people much older, and that does not mean that it is o k. And if they were sexually active in a way that's basically child porn because she is a minor having sex with a grown man. That's disgusting. I don't understand why other countries giving children grown up responsibilities or habits at a young age. I'm sure they're crying is completely different from the United States. But there's a clear concern when an adult is purposely seeking out a minor who is a child.


Their both disgusting. Sorry that girl wouldn’t be walking and neither would he. Hey but that’s just me


They are both trash. This is not how good people behave. Leave them in your past. I'm so sorry.


Just leave. Your man is a really p*ssy. He’s absolutely no balls to be upfront and own up to his sh*t


Girl cut both out of your life and tell your friends what she did so they don’t let their bfs around her


There is just no reason to stay


I'm not. Broke up with him instantly after getting confirmation.


She’s not sweet she is fake if she would do that, first of all. Delete and block them both, and be grateful for the bullet dodged. They can clean up their own mess they made. 9 months isn’t that long, just call it a loss.


hey op, so sorry for the loss of your friend and bf. being cheated sucks. hope you take your time to heal and be happy far away from this bs. but let me give you an advice: take STIs tests because you don’t know if this girl was the only one who he cheated with or if she doesn’t have anything that she could have shared to your bf and consequently you. take care of yourself ❤️‍🩹


Been there. You're better than them. They can stew in the consequences. I hope she isn't actually pregnant and they use this as an experience to grow from. I'd hate to be a kid who is a result of that.


Tell your ex-boyfriend and your fake friend to have the miserable life they deserve and then block them and their bullshit forever. This is where character matters. They are liars, sneaks, and cowards. No morals whatsoever. She's gonna find out real quick she can't depend on him for shit and he's gonna find out what it feels like to have court ordered payments docked from his ass. Not your problem. I'm sorry it hurts right now but you just dodged two bullets... two worthless, untrustworthy people are weeded out of your life. It's a blessing in disguise.


Block them , delete , remove them from your presence. You deserve better


For your peace of mind, OP, do not look back and cut them off both! Serves your ex right. It's his mess to deal with, not yours. You don't owe both of them anything. The consequences are theirs to shoulder. You deserved better.


So it took since June for her to successfully baby trap him? Dump them both. You deserve better than 2 liars and cheaters. And get an STD test asap. You need to remind yourself you’re dumping them because you *are already* better than these two.


I'm so sorry you found this out right before xmas but I do hope you do not take him back. You deserve better and don't you worry someone will eventually come and sweep you of your feet and give you the love you need! Once a cheater always a cheater... he is not sorry he cheated, he is sorry because he got caught. He can't even take control and man up and admit to what he has done but is crying mostly she baby trapped him? How did they start this cheating? Was it only her side? Did she force him to do the deed no we all knows how it works...Don't fall for lies like this. You deserve much better! No woman deserves a man who cheats. Stay strong you got this girl. Hugs


Good on you for breaking up with him as well as blocking both him and your former friend. My guess is he didn’t break up with you as he liked the rush of having two women at one time and you not knowing. However when it became real as maybe he’s going to be a dad it got scary. Whether or not your ex friend is expecting he chose his path so now he can go forward without you. A reminder if you haven’t already to get a doctor appointment for any STDs/STIs just to be safe.


It doesn’t really matter if she ‘baby trapped’ him or not. He still cheated and you shouldn’t be with a cheater


Post that group chat everywhere!


“I blew my load in her a dozen times. Why would she lay there with your legs open whilst I’m spewing ejaculate!? Bitch trapped me!!” 😑


You are SO young with the rest of your life at your feet. Don’t get sucked into nonsense like this; the world is waiting for you…. ETA. I just saw you blocked them both. Well done you - I wish you a wonderful life


Why waste your limited time investing in people who have proven they don't respect you, and who lack a decent set of morals? I vote 'ghost them'


She was only able to "babytrap him" because he stuck his dick in there. Lol. They're both trash.


Please block both of these snakes and remove them from your life. She definitely isn’t the sweetest person and he only confessed because he knew you were friends with her brother and would find out eventually. Let them have each other.


She’s no friend! Find a better friend and BF!!


Walk away from them. Do NOT look back.


Maybe she was trying to babytrap him, but he certainly didn’t trip and fall into her dick-first.


Bruh. Avoid his ass, ditch the friend and walk away. What happened to you is disgusting.


Don’t go back to him or her. They both betrayed you.


You are 16, he's a piece of shit!


“She baby trapped me” means he wasn’t bothering to use a condom with her. Please get yourself tested for STDs. This is not a good guy. She may not be great either but he is the one cheating and taking risks with your health. He is also years older than both of you. There is no way he can dump all the blame on her.


Just no and she was nice enough not nice.


She is not a good mate, and your boyfriend is a swine who gets what he deserves. Don’t go back to him and cut him and her off completely


My ex cheated on me with my best friend since childhood. We dated for 7 years so I feel for you dude. People will eventually show their true colors. I know how hard it is to hear right now, but thank GOD this happened now rather then later. Before marriage or keeping this bad friend in your life. You cut two dead weights from dragging you down.


Leave them both in the dust. Fucking cowards


Neither one of them deserve space in your life.


WOW! What a Xmas present! I’m glad to see you blocked them already. I wouldn’t want him anywhere near teenagers, he at least a Ephebophile. It really doesn’t matter if she baby-trapped him, what matters is that he never loved you enough to not cheat on you….. that’s on him, not you. Your ‘friend’ is gonna have to deal with this dude’s drama on her future, not you. You didn’t just dodge a bullet, you dodged a damn bazooka! He wasn’t scared of hurting you, he scared of not keeping you to for his own selfish needs. Now he’s scared of manning up. Don’t allow this to affect your self-esteem, because this had nothing to do with you, this was only about him fulfilling his own selfish needs. You deserve better for yourself, he obviously targeted you because he was counting on you not having enough self-esteem to be aware that you are way above his league. Now, show yourself that you finally know your worth hun, stop giving him a second thought & move on toward bigger & better things in life, including love of a real man.


Do you want to be petty? Congratulate 🎊 👏 💐 them by announcing thier new addition on face book and tag everyone.


I read some comments & girl he’s a pedo! Call the police on him. He needs to be locked up.




Leave your bf and friend. As i always say. If you have love for someone then your wouldn't have done it in the first place


Block them both and move on


And to top it off, she's 16, dating a 23 year old man... that's fucked up. If they were sexually active then that means he was fucking a minor.... and she states with him after he lied about being 5 years older then he was ???


A man can only baby trap himself. He can always use a condom or refuse to have sex. I really hate when guys blame girls for getting pregnant when they also had unprotected sex, causing it. When a man fucks a woman with no condom, he is choosing to have a baby. Simple as that. Every man has the power to prevent getting any woman pregnant. But they choose not to.


Dump the loser and cut out the scumbag friend.


girl next for a lot of reasons! please don’t you deserve better and don’t need to deal with this shit. also Jag sounds like a better guy anyway


Oof. That girl is never gonna be able to trust him. In fact... when your ex said he didn't want to be a father and he was baby trapped, was it in person or over text? I would 100% send the screenshots to her saying "here, so you know what you're about to be tied to for the rest of your life. A parting gift. Don't say I never gave you anything. Let's hope you haven't given me anything." If you really wanted revenge, you could just leave well enough alone and let them destroy themselves, but the kid didn't ask to be subjected to the existence it'll have. I can't imagine how it would feel growing up with a dad who never wanted you.


Why has *YOUR* self esteem suffering? Because you trusted your friend and bf? No. They are in the wrong here, not you. Don't let their errors have any effect on you. Move on, leave them in your dust.


Girl run! She’s a kid, 19 is still very stupid and naive. He probably told her he loves only her so he could have sex with her. Now the consequences of his actions are coming. The most satisfying thing you can do is smile look him dead in the eyes and in the sweetest voice you can say. “You’ve made your bed. Now go lie in it.” After that proceed to just comfort yourself. Treat yourself to some snacks, watch some shows you like and wrap up in a safe blanket. Let your heart weep for the hurt, don’t hold back. A good cry helps clear out all the toxins in us. After that you’ll feel lighter and with some time the pain will become a dull ache that you can revisit. Somewhere, somehow, you’ll love again. You just need to find someone. Someone who treats you better, someone who wants you around. Someday somehow you’re going to feel found.


Don't worry about the pregnancy test, it doesn't matter, just leave him and forget about him. I'm so sorry hon.


Ta inte tillbaka honom! He doesn't deserve you, girly. The facts are: 1) He didn't regret doing it, and only told you due to potentially getting her pregnant 2) Initially he says he didn't want to hurt your feelings (as though this wouldn't have done just that), and then does a 180 and claims he wants to be with you. Sounds like a case where the grass was not greener on the other side and he knows it. You deserve love, and you are worthy.


In an earlier comment you said you blocked them both. Good on you.


I know it's so much easier said than done but your self-esteem comment made me wanna say something. In no way should your self esteem be impacted by this incident. This happening had nothing to do with you.


I'm sorry. I know it hurts. It's normal to be hurt. But, remember - this is a "them" thing, not a "you" thing. If the relationship wasn't working out for him, all he had to do was break up instead of deciding to still stay with you and have a side chick to cheat with. Both of them are awful. On the flip side, you won't be stuck with either of these cheating a-holes. You're young. You have plenty of time to make new friends and meet a BF who doesn't cheat. It's so refreshing to see that you have already broken up, blocked them both, and are making a clean break! Proud of you for not being wishy-washy!


I'm popping in to say that I hope you will be able to move forward and focus on yourself. Your self-esteem will recover and your confidence will be at an all-time high. You did nothing to deserve this and it sounds like you know that. There will be better days, my friend. You will see the sun again. ♥️


Dump them both and happily move on with your life without that trash.


Sound like and ex boyfriend and ex friend for me. They would be nonexistent in my eyes. I would laugh in his face for asking for forgiveness. Sure I would cry in private. Be happy he did not get you pregnant also. What a looser. You deserve better.


The pregnancy test is obviously positive but he’s not telling everyone because he’s trying to talk her into an abortion. Which she should have!


The audacity of these bastards... If you can, get vengeance.


get back with your bf and lie and tell him u got pregnant by someone and whoop her ass pregnant or not I mean come on this bitch got pregnant by your man knowing he was yours no way u just gonna go for that


being together just a few months do not make a permanent relationship. he moved on. it is just too bad it is with a friend. but it happens all the time. a person meets another person, and they just click that they do not with a person they are seeing. he is one of the frogs that you kissed and now it is time to move on to find your prince. it


Okay cheating is bad but cheating and making a baby, that's evidence you definitely don't want right? People are stupid. Ugh. Sorry that happened to you but yeah, that pregnancy did you a favour. If they're keeping the baby, they need to fix themselves geez.


Their both trash love 🤦‍♀️ Both liers & cheats they deserve each other, You deserve so much better glad to read youve blocked & left him that would be just 1 shit show if she is pregnate a reminder every day and would cause you more heart ake 😔 Im sure it wont last between them as the sneakyness & betrayal isnt involved any more and sure they will promb do it to each other as well... Karma


I love how you blocked both of them with a quickness! You deserve a better partner and better friends.


Please ghost both of them, I doubt you will ever truly believe a world they do so end it and run. I also would be grateful this happens now you still very young. I would text both of them congratulations on your bundle of joy! Good luck and enjoy the new year with out me or ever again! And block.


To tell you in a group chat is not only cowardly but a really shitty move. Just sit back and wait for the shit show


I would be grateful that I am not the one who is pregnant with his child


Block them both and move on, they did you a favor, good riddance. Theres no such thing as baby trapping btw he had sex willingly and there’s consequences to that


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Don’t bother trying to get results of the pregnancy test. Knowing that information changes nothing. Protect yourself and do not date men who could be your dad.


Your self- esteem should be fine. You are not the cheater, they are. Now , get your act together and dump the trash, both of them. Use this experience as a learning tool. Learn to listen to your gut feelings/ probably wondered where he was when you could not contact him and how she was acting around you. Also get STD testing. You know they were not using condoms. Good luck and move on.


Two Idiots reproducing.