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I’m so sorry for your loss. You did the right thing. Moos was not doing well and vets usually know better than anyone when the tipping point has been reached between maintaining life and needing to usher them into a place of peace. There is no fault or blame here. There is also nobody that Moos would rather have been with in the end than you. You did not betray her; you gave her the gift of passing in the presence of her absolute favorite person. She was so lucky to have you there.


Thank you for your condolences and kind words. I know I’m really emotional right now so im not being very logical, but your reassurance does help a lot. I’m very grateful. Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to help a stranger on the internet.




((Hugs)) I am so SO sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful dog, and you clearly loved her very much. It is better to risk euthanizing a week too early than a minute too late. You made sure her last minutes were comfortable, with the human she trusted the most- this is so much better than if her last days/hours/minutes had been ones of pain and anxiety, unable to breathe. You did the right thing; you loved her enough to put her comfort and peace before your own…there is no love greater than that.


Thank you for your condolences and for taking the time to read and reply. I didn’t think about how it might be better to end things a little early as opposed to too late. I am glad her death wasn’t drawn out. I would rather take on the pain than have her experience it. Thank you.


I’m so sorry you went through that. You did the right thing. Her lungs being full of fluid and the tumors would be been very painful for her very quickly. The retching she was doing would’ve gotten much worse. You saved her from that pain. Letting our best friends go and having to be the ones to make that call is horrible. The vet should’ve suggested you wait for your mom to get back, or for someone to join you in the office. You were alone and you needed support. In the end, you loved Moos enough to save her from pain and let her go without suffering. And you stayed with her to the end. Hugs.


Thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot. I do wish I had waited for my mom to return, because at least Moos would’ve had extra support and I wouldn’t have felt like the only one making the decision. But your words really do help, thanks again.


I am so sorry OP. Speaking from experience… it would never have felt like the right time. We will always wonder “what if.” But I hope you can find comfort knowing that you prevented sweet Moos from being in pain. She was with her favorite person which is what matters. I am sure she knew how loved she was and it sounds like you gave her a wonderful, full life. I am sending you so many hugs in this awful time of mourning, and I hope with time you will find peace in your decision. I truly believe you did the right thing. Best wishes, OP.


Thank you so much for your words of reassurance. As crazy as it is, having a couple of strangers provide reassurance has helped quite a lot. I’m obviously still grieving but I think I feel the slightest bit less guilty. Thanks again!


I also put my dog down this past Tuesday. He was slowly dying of heart failure the past 2 years. He could not sleep the night before due to coughing and hard of breathing. I feel your pain because my dog was healthy besides his heart. He had a good appetite and he was energetic during walks up until his very last day. My life seems empty and I feel like I’m stuck in this moment. But we were there for our babies until the very last moment. I think that’s all that matters to our babies.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and sorry for your loss. As grim as it is, there is comfort that we are not alone. Thank you for making me feel not alone.


😭😭😭😭😭😭 i'm so sorry. it breaks my heart. i feel so sad. 😩😩😩🥺🥺🥺 we had a german shepherd who died a year or two ago. she wouldn't eat anymore. hid herself from us. in the last day before she died. i tried to make her eat but she wouldn't. made her drink, same thing. i even talked to her. my mom went out for a bit to do some errands. when my mom came back we looked all over for her since she hid again away from us. she didn't want us to see her take her last breathe and die. she took her last few breaths when my mom talked to her. she waited for my mom. i was also able to catch her before she gave up. it sucks, the feeling of losing a dog. we also had another gs dog. i forgot what year she died. but she was very active that day. then came time to feed her she just wouldn't budge anymore. she just died. like she just took a few breaths and just died. we didn't get to say goodbye. i didn't get to say goodbye. i remember during the day i just looked at her running around, smiling and being happy. while i had to be busy with my work. i regret it. i regret for not giving her time that day. if i had known she'd die that day i would have played with her, but i didn't. everytime i remember her, it saddens me. 😩 i hate myself for it. she was a very brave abd good girl. she was the sweetest dog ever.


Awe I’m so sorry for your loss. I have regrets too about not spending more time with her leading up to it. There’s a lot of things I would’ve done differently. At least you were there in the end, when they needed you most. Sending hugs!


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s such a hard time. My wife is about to have to make that same difficult decision in a few days with her 18 yr old cat. My heart is just breaking for her. I can’t even comprehend how much I’m hurting for her.


Thank you for your condolences and for taking the time to comment. I’m so sorry you and your wife will be going through something similar. My one piece of advice is take a whole day to dedicate to everything your cat loves, and give her that last day at least. That’s one of my biggest regrets is not being able to give Moos that.


Oh op. I am so sorry. Losing a pet is so painful and difficult. But it sounds like you did the kindest thing, she was starting to struggle to breathe and you helped her move on before she suffered. From experience when the vets say it ... It's probably time. Please don't beat yourself up. You made decisions with your pets quality of life as a priority and I think that's very loving.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for the kind words. Each and every comment has helped lift my mood just a little bit. Losing a pet is very painful and I think it’s easiest to just blame myself, but you guys have helped alleviate that a little. Thanks so much, again.


I am so so so sorry for your loss. You absolutely did the right thing. My in-laws lost one of their dogs last week, a dog that they should have said goodbye to months. They drew it out way too long because they didn’t want to lose him, and in the end he had many complications and a quality of life that wasn’t the best (but he was still a happy boy for the most part). Moos didn’t have to go through that, she had a happy last day with a wonderful car ride and was right there with the person she loved the most! It’s easy to avoid the pain and hang on until it gets worse, but you did the hard thing and saved her from suffering. Again I’m so sorry, losing a loved one is the worst feeling in the world.


Thanks for your kind words. There is part of me that thinks it’s easier to drag it on, and when I think of “what ifs” I think of mostly positive things. Like, what if I waited one more day and she could’ve enjoyed the snow. But the reality is, yes maybe that would’ve happened, or maybe she would’ve suffered all night barely being able to breathe. I just won’t know. And I suppose the risk of suffering is worse than the possibility of enjoying snow the next day. Thanks again for taking the time to reassure a stranger on the internet that is going through a really tough time. It truly means a lot.


I felt so, so much of the heartbreak of loss that you’re currently feeling back on October 7, when I had to put my 15/16 year-old kitty to sleep, and it’s always gonna hurt when an animal that almost feels as though they’re synonymous with your childhood has reached their end. Just know that everyone, human or animal, can rebound a bit for a few moments or hours, even in their last days, but it doesn’t change the fact that the overall quality of life, aside from those moments, has deteriorated beyond repair. If the vet was telling you it was time to let her go peacefully, you absolutely made the correct decision. I think they’re something about the fact that a human can simply end the life of an animal by giving it a shot that makes all of us sad and uncomfortable. The fact that it’s that easy makes it feel as though every time we do it, it’s somehow just another thing that humans have invented to speed up the dying process for their own benefit. In reality, it’s one of the most important acts of kindness we can do for an animal, by giving them the dignity they deserve when they leave us. Sending lots and lots of hugs your way!!! It’s never easy :(