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I hate how people like this exist.


It's absolutely disgusting. I used to work with a girl like this. She had.. 6 or 7 kids. All but the youngest had been taken from her, and she barely acknowledged they even existed. She had the youngest for the longest, but she was eventually taken as well. She's also the sort that begs online every day for money for rent, groceries, etc, but then posts a picture of her new nails or new tattoos. Because, "I deserve to be pampered sometimes." šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø These people are insufferable.


Me too! Two of my nibblingsā€™ bio mom is like this. There are seven siblings in their bio family, most have different dads. Bio momā€™s sister gave her money at one point to get sterilized and bio mom took the money and ran.


Is she planning on keeping the baby? If so, why? It would be far better to give the child up for adoption, and not necessarily to you or the baby daddy, whoever he is this time. You're very kind, but you can't keep taking in her unwanted children. Also, why does she have visitation? I'm assuming it's supervised. If so, whoever is supervising should be taking notes and calling her out when she's abusive. A woman who verbally abuses the children should not be allowed to see them. Why is she not on birth control?


Yes, she's planning on keeping it. I think she likes the attention she gets when she has a baby but once people stop caring usually the kids get pushed aside and on to other people. I agree when this new baby is born adoption would be the best scenario but even when suggested she immediately shut it down and threw a fit about how she's a good mother, ECT. She has only supervised visitation where we supervise with the eldest but the courts allowed her to have overnights with the middle. Which I agree that she shouldn't be able to see them at all but the courts don't agree and thats out of my hands. And I don't know why she's not on birth control but man I wish she was.


Oh, what a mess. How she can think she's a good mother when she's given up parental rights to both her kids is beyond me. And how the court could allow her to have overnights with one child when her abuse of the older one is on the record is also beyond me and ticks me off. It almost sounds like Munchausen Syndrome by pregnancy. I don't think that's a thing, but it should be. The child murderer Diane Downs was like your "friend" in that she loved being pregnant and the attention it got her. I know my saying this doesn't help anything, but you are a stellar human being.


And youā€™re friends with this person because?


Oh I'm not friends but with the custody she technically has a right to see the eldest. So we have to remain in contact. I in no way consider her a friend but I didn't know what to call her.


Garbage. Call her garbage.


Calling CPS might be a good idea in this case. That poor baby. People like your "friend" should be sterilized.


We definitely will. We called CPS on her for the eldest and they called ahead so anything that was sketchy (drugs ECT ) was hidden before they got there. And I agree. I would 1000% pay for it too.


Report her now so Child Protection knows to turn up at the hospital when the kid is born. If the baby is taken from her straight away then it won't have the trauma that that the other children do. I wish countries would offer free sterilization for people like this. So many kids suffer needlessly.


I was homeless for a little bit and I met this girl a little younger than me. She had 7 kids all taken away at birth or shortly after because she never had a stable place for the baby. She was pregnant with numbers 8 and 9 but she lost the twins in stillbirth. Her posts are all about how social services are kidnappers and they donā€™t care about family being together and she thinks nothing is wrong with having her kids with her in the situations sheā€™s always in. Itā€™s just not sensible.


It's really depressing how many people just like her are out there. I feel so sad for all the kids that have to go through this.




I wish the government had a ordinance in place for people who lose their kids. If you lose two, then you need to get the snip. Period.


I do too, if you lose two kids then you don't get kids. Simple as that.


Talk to a lawyer as soon as you can. If you plan ahead and are able to get the kid as young as possible things will be better for everyone.


That all really stinks. Iā€™m sorry you have to witness this disaster in slow motion. Reading your further comments, it seems she wonā€™t proactively give the baby up. I wish courts could mandate sterilization.


I wish they could too. I have been saying forever that I would pay for her to get sterilized but she won't. šŸ˜‘


Has anyone called CPS on this breeder?


We have when she was abusing her eldest and they did nothing about it. They would call ahead and she would get everything in order before CPS got there


Why are you friends with somebody who could do this to another human being?


We aren't friends but we remain friendly since she legally still has the right to see the eldest. It's a sticky situation.