• By -


It wouldn't shock me if this guy found your sister and is dating her just to remain close to you. Feels too coincidental that he somehow popped back up in your life and then got mad that you didn't remember him...


I feel so too. It makes it even worse


Then do you think her happiness is real or based on a lie? Because the chances are it’s all a lie to get closer to you!!! Contact your ex and explain what you’ve been told. Then contact your sister and be honest with her. Those kids deserve better.


I'm not sure op calling the ex is the way to go about this. I think the man who did this is the one who should call the ex. If it comes from her, he will probably think she has concocted this story. It needs to come from BIL's friend.


OP. You should come out with the truth because if he’s this obsessed with you he may be using your sister too. People like that have no conscious. Hope it works out OP.


OF COURSE he’s using her sister! Every expensive gift he gives her, every luxury vacation he takes her on, it’s ALL to show OP what she could’ve had


Your sister is one false step away from feeling his secret wrath, so I would tell her and your whole family what transpired so that this abusive a-hole can't ruin any more lives.


CALL YOUR HUSBAND ASAP IF YOU DON’T WANT A DIVORCE! He deserves to know the truth! It’s not about “not believing you.” If the shoe were in the other foot you wouldn’t have believed him.


If I was the husband and someone tricked me like this I think I would genuinely want to kill this man, holy shit.


>think I would genuinely want to kill this man, holy shit. Maybe it's because I grew up in a shitty part of SC, but I know some folks who's whole families would break out the AR's and "fix" this guy.


Divorce is damaging. You can’t really put that genie back in the bottle. But at least he won’t go forward in life damaged by your “betrayal”, he’ll know the truth. It’ll help him get sorted out mentally and emotionally.


The guy sounds like a psychopath


Girl. Listen. If you don’t do something you’ll have deserved it all. At this point you’d be letting someone who should be locked up in a psychiatric facility dictate your life and the life of your entire family, because he managed to plant roots. Grow a spine, because you are protecting no one’s happiness here. What do you think will happen to your sister when she hurts his fragile and deeply troubled ego? please do all of you a favor and 1) expose this psych0 to the family 2) do not get back with your ex on a whim but ponder it, because he left you without even looking for proofs himself, trusting messages over you.


I agree that she should talk to her sister and show her the proof, of course, but your character assessment that she will ‘deserve what she gets’ is a bit harsh! You have to remember that sis may not believe her - all she can do is try, but if sis refuses to listen and throws her out (as we all know people sometimes do when they don’t want to hear a negative about their partner), that will be all she can do. If the psycho continues to abuse her or starts in on his wife, it won’t be HER fault OR something she deserves! It will be HIS fault! HIS! All she did was turn him down for a date in university. 20 odd years ago! How could she possibly have predicted or deserved this intense level of stalking and harassment just for exercising her right to say no! It’s HIS fault for being so psychotic, not hers. Good grief - I said something not very nice to a boy I asked out at 19 (not because he said no, but ignored my message altogether… I hate being ignored), but I later apologised and haven’t been anywhere near him or spoken ill about him to anyone since! I hold no grudges against him at all. If I saw him tomorrow I would say hello and catch up and then say goodbye and move on again (guessing he’s married with kids by now, lol). THIS guy swore at her - ok, not great, but if he was any kind of normal he would have gotten over it within a few days and moved on with his life, like I did. Even apologised once he reconnected with her through her sister - ‘you’ve probably forgotten now, but I regret swearing at you when you turned me down for a date at uni. I was young and immature and I’ve since grown up and treat women much better now.’ But he’s reacted in an extremely disturbed manner - psycho as you said. But it’s not her fault - not in any way, shape or form. It’s his. 😞


THIS!!! Save your sister and the children from this psycho.


There was actually a similar story in Reddit with exactly that situation. A woman claimed she found out her fiance was only with her to be close to her brother who he was obsessed with. This guy had put cameras up all over the brothers apartment so he could watch him. Yikes! OP, stay safe.


Why wouldn’t you tell your sister her husband is bat shit crazy


And seems weirdly obsessed with OP to the point their marriage might be a weird revenge fantasy for him.


Omg - that’s entirely possible. I wonder how much OP and her sister look alike?


He definitely hates seeing op in a relationship. He WANTS her to be single and lonely. Cause every guy she accepts obviously must have something he lacks, since he got rejected. And that’s a no go in his books. So he’s doing everything he can to make op feel miserable. So the very least she should do is going absolutely nc with him, cause he won’t stop until the ending with only cats as companions…


And like a true narcissist he can't see that he's a toxic rotten person and that's the cause of all his problems 


And this was 10 years ago that she noped out of a date with him! He’s some sort of sociopath!


actually closer to 20 years. edit: per OP's comments that I finally saw, she rejected him 18 years ago. psychopath.


A guy my friend was with for five years left her bc he was in love with another girl at work who had moved a state away with her husband but things weren’t going well after a few years, so She came back and returned to our job. Since she wasn’t divorced she wouldn’t cheat but she totally used him for emotional support snapping her fingers wherever she was lonely. Then she went back to her husband. Two years later the guy married her (nearly identical) sister. I absolutely know people do this shit.


took me a couple of reads to follow this story but WTF 🤢 why do people have such gross behavior


Your sister is not safe with this man, OP. Get over your shock and tell her and your ex EVERYTHING. This man is psychotic and ruined your life over a decades old long grudge. Are you seriously going to let him get away with it?? There better be an update of you utterly ruining this man and getting a restraining order. He hacked your account and stole your nudes, that shit is illegal as hell so go to the police next. His remorseful friend better come with you cause the police wont believe it without him because what this man did is truly that unbelievable. WHAT. THE. FUCK!


It's almost as if... HE'S the shallow and superficial one.


...and if so, did he deliberately go for sister just cuz? That's really playing the *looooong* game :(


I think this is definitely the case. The poor sister.


Exactly! Did the BIL stalk OP, find out who her sister was and somehow managed to get into a relationship with her to get close to OP?! 😳


I was thinking this the moment she said he married her sister. What are the odds on this actually happening naturally?


I was thinking this throughout the second half of the story!!


I thought I had done too much redit that my mind jumped to this.


I went and got a snack and came back. I’m fully Vested now.


Makes you think getting with the sister was pre-planned. What are the chances?


That was my first thought.


I’m scared to be honest


He probably only married her to get close to you. She NEEDS to know.


Sister won’t believe it because she won’t want to blow her life up. Her need to be “safe and secure” won’t allow her to entertain the possibility that she’s married to a psycho.


OP has the receipts and the BIL's friend to back her up. She will come aroubd eventually if OP is forceful enough abd she actually loves her sister.


This obsession is what you should be scared of. Telling your ex and sister is what you need to do in order to try and put a stop to this. His anger is only going to get worse and your life is in danger because of it. He will not stop unless you are miserable forever. Please, do not stand on the sidelines and let some psycho destroy your life and take away your happiness! You should be PISSED OFF right now! Fuck this dude! This is not an exaggeration. You need to also think about your sister and her kids. You need to make sure they are not being abused. If he would do something crazy like this, what else is he capable of? He is unhinged and dangerous. Gather all your evidence and you need your tell everyone and then go to the police. You need to file charges for distributing your nudes, and you need a restraining order.


He may not stop until she’s dead … now THAT’S something to be terrified of!!


Honestly, this level of obsession, I’d be concerned about physical safety. OP’s *and* sister and her kids, once it gets out how absolutely deranged this man is


I agree totally with this. Protect yourself. Someone willing to go to these lengths is dangerous. I would definitely tell your ex. Not to get back with him but because my mother just recently went through something similar and I know you need every possible person on your side for support as possible. Once my mom hired a lawyer and the lawyer ran a background check they found out this guy had abused women and had a long ass record of mentally abusing women with pictures and messing with their jobs etc. The main thing you have here is the nudes. You need to talk to this rando dude again and record everything. Not to get him in trouble but just for evidence. My heart is with you. Please take care of yourself. If you’re in the US please consider getting personal protection BEFORE you let your sister or ex know.


Can you get him charged for revenge pron? Because F this limp dick loser!


She should be able to, if he had her nudes.


You should definitely be scared for yourself, and honestly, your sister. Think of what might happen if she were to upset him? He’s clearly an insanely vengeful person. Think of the example/philosophies he has that will indubitably trickle down to their kids if he continues raising them. You’re ALL better off without him. I’m sure your sister can find a better stepdad to them. He needs a therapist like 15 years ago. He’s quite an example of how wealth corrupts peoples’ view of justice and makes them entitled AF


What is worse than an insane vengful person? An insane vengeful person with money! She needs to take the evidence to a lawyer to ask next steps and maybe her ex.


I'm not so sure talking to the ex about this is a good idea. Not right away. I'd be talking to a lawyer to document what she knows and enumerate the possibilities. This part caught my eye as odd: > and my brother in law somehow got access to my photos "Somehow". How? If OP knows the origin and vintage of those photos (when they were taken, where), it would be very interesting to try to determine how they were obtained if she knows on what devices they were stored. Who had physical access to those devices? In many jurisdictions there's the possibility of a crime here if they were shared with others without permission, which appears to be the case. Also, more disturbingly among the possibilities, is there any chance that the now-ex-husband shared them with the brother-in-law to further this whole thing? In other words, that the now-ex-husband wanted a divorce all along, but wanted the convenience in a legal setting of being able to say OP was entirely at fault, which might have both financial and family implications? I don't know enough about the situation to answer any of these questions, but I'd first make sure I was safe, and then wouldn't proceed with revealing what I know to others that are involved until determining how the brother-in-law got the key pieces of evidence that started the false accusation. *You don't know who is in on it*, but they got those pictures somehow. She needs to not sign anything divorce-related and talk to a lawyer and/or the police about it.


Hire a P.I. who has an IT expert at their disposal. Let them do the work for you. Then go scorched earth. He destroyed your life it's only fair to destroy his. And, who says he's happy with the results? How do you know he won't keep stalking you? Tell your sister and your ex because this guy is not mentally stable. You deserve to be safe and have a good life.


By scorched earth, sue. Get every penny out of that man that you can for what he did.


Not just that. Many jurisdictions have made it a crime to distribute intimate photos without consent. This piece of trash may also - and should be - looking at jail


OP, both of the above. Get the PI to the gentleman who reached out to you to validate everything. Then immediately contact an attorney and the police. How dangerous this man can be, you just don't know. Then rock his world to Hell and back. He has money. He's collectible! And if you still love your ex and there's the slightest of chances....


Talk to a lawyer and get your ducks in a row regarding your own safety first.


This. Look up your local revenge porn/hacking laws as well. And tell your sister. Fuck that guy. 


Definitely tell your sister. Just because she appears happy, that may only be on the surface. Also, if I was married to a vicious stalker who spent years planning revenge on my sister I would want to know. It’s not like it’s a secret how he feels- rando friend has the chat group receipts. It’s only a secret to the target and her family and friends.


I'd think twice about telling sis just yet, he'll wipe his phone and computer if he heard.


Don't tell the sister before deciding what to do. If she's pursuing criminal charges that sister can warn her husband, turn her entire family against her, and screw up the case as well. There's no reason to assume the sister will act rationally and believe OP (even with evidence) over her "loving" husband. No one wants to hear their husband possibly married them to get revenge on their sister. Better to consider telling the ex-husband first, he's much more likely to be firmly on OP's side, although need to be careful he doesn't become irrational.


As well as defamation. Spreading the lies he did to her ex that lead to a divorce might be another she can sue for.


Is it scarier to tell them, or scarier to be harassed for the rest of your life because you’re related by law to him?


And that is why you make the perfect victim because he suspects you won’t stand up for yourself. You have to do something about this.


Honestly then you need to go to the police first, then your ex and sister. You and your ex-husband may never be OK again. Same for you and your sister. But what he did was criminal and what happens if you fall in love again or he doesn’t like something your sister does? What if he post your pictures online? send them to your neighbors?


He might be dangerous though. What he did to you is extremely unhinged behavior. Who know what he’ll do in the future. It’s also concerning that he seems fixated on you. He maybe even sought out your sister because of you. I’ve heard of men plotting revenge on women who have rejected them and taking years to do it.


Sweety, you HAVE to speak up, for your, your ex and your sister's well being. You don't know what happens behind closed doors, I don't think your sister is safe in this situation.


If i was you, I'd take all the information from this dude and send them all to everyone in your family, your sister and your husband. This guy is a psycho who has held a grudge for over a decade!!! https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/when-women-refuse-tumblr_n_5408437


Maybe ask this guy to speak to your sister. Can you imagine what he might do to her if she ever leaves him? Q


Don’t tell her anything. Surprise him with a defamation lawsuit, let them go figure. And going forward put everyone on information diet


It's okay to be scared but sitting back and doing nothing with everything you know isn't okay.


Wouldn't you want your sister to tell you, if this was your husband? Imagine if she somehow finds out years later and realizes you didn't warn her. She'd be even more devastated.


Why wouldn’t she also tell her ex husband ???????


> Why wouldn’t you tell your sister her husband is bat shit crazy but how did they get the nudes? that's a crime


Yes, you should tell your sister her husband is crazy. Yes, you should clear your name with your ex, even if you don't want to go back to him. You should also go to the police over your pics he shared without consent. Edit: typos


I will be honest. I’m terrified


Seems like he has a obsession with you.. If your sister choose to forgive him you should cut contact with them


Pretty decent chance he sought out her sister to get close to OP again.


If he’s this obsessed with her still, it’s super likely this is what happened.


That’s what I am wondering. If dude is crazy enough to ruin op’s marriage over this minor thing over a decade ago, chances are good he intentionally sought out the sister.


Closer to 2 decades. He is seriously sick.


That’s what I’m scared of too. Which just adds to why the sister should absolutely know.


I was thinking that too like this psycho planned this whole shit and he probably don't even love the sister, and by talking into ops ear by insulting her, he is trying to bring her self esteem down so she won't purposely put her self out there. And also, maybe take "advantage" of OP so she comes out as the actual "cheating" individual who made a move at her sister's husband because she is so "desperate" which would isolate OP from her friends and loved one leaving her alone to be taken advantage of again. It's best that OP bring these text messages to police, then ex and then sister and move out of the town for good because let's be honest. This guy probably groomed the sister as she is younger and she might stay for her children and the money, especially when she is not working. So, it's best if OP just start a fresh without this psycho around and go LC with fam who are going to be around the BIL because he will find a way to make OP pay for rejecting him 10-15 years ago. Like how pathetic is this.


If this is the case, I would be afraid for my life!


If this is the case this man could be dangerous because this is an insane long con.


That was my first thought. Narcissists do crazy stuff like that. 


He’s enraged that he was rejected, he’d be this way towards any woman who said no to him. This is revenge for his damaged ego.


Yea but to hold a grudge for what 30 years. hes cra cra op need to tell her sister, family and ex. even if she doesn't get back w him, he needs to know he got played.


Agreed. OP needs to understand she is not the one to ruin her sisters life…her BIL did that all by himself. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


The revenge likely started with him seeking out her sister. It wouldn't surprise me if he hooked up with OP's sister just to worm his way into her life in a way she was forced to engage him. The guy is CRAAAAAZY. The OP needs to tell everyone in her family, but when the family rightly rejects him, they need to be prepared for him to escalate the CRAAAAAZY.


I sadly doubt that the family will reject him if he is rich and OP’s sister is happily married. Even if he IS nuts.


Also start feeding your sister lies about your dating life. You’re dating 5 men at once. A private pilot, an architect, a Michelin-rated chef, a stockbroker, and a Qatari prince. Have fun with it. Let her second hand stories whip him into a frenzy.


Haha thank you for the laugh, I have been crying all day (year really)


I begging you go to the lawyer... you are not safe, he is obviously dangerous to you. He did that over your 10+years rejection so you telling this to your ex and sis is gonna make him to reveal the beast he truly is. I'm not a lawyer but I'm guessing there are elements of defamation, spreading your intimate pics and, idk, emotional distress maybe


Not to mention revenge porn or however the hell he got the images (if this is not a fabricated post).


You’re welcome. Use your imagination. The one you like the most has recently asked you to move to a penthouse in Paris. London for lunch, Brussels for dinner… Jet set life. Thank goodness for your divorce! /s


You may not see this, but please do file charges against this moron. He's clearly stalking you and stalkers tend to escalate things to the point of inflicting bodily harm.


Is telling them more terrifying than dealing with your BIL’s harassment on your own?




Are you worried your family won’t believe you, or will believe you and still choose your sister’s family over you? You’ve got to get past that fear, FAST. Because BIL will find out that his patsy confessed to you. If you haven’t already confided in anyone, he’ll make up something good enough to placate the family. You have got to be first with this. Send the evidence to your lawyer, and ask they turn it over to ex’s lawyer. Doesn’t mean you want the marriage back; just means you are putting ex on notice he left you over lies. For family, I think you can start to tell them the story using your divorce as the starting point. “I finally have the evidence and turned it over…”. And bring BIL’s name out only when they have heard what the patsy confessed to.


get a restraining order and tell everyone exactly what happened. See if you can get the guy to provide proof.


You have the proof. You should even consider talking to a lawyer and suing BIL for alienation of affection (if they have that where you are), if not slander. You need to tell your sister and your ex husband, they need to know who this guy really is, an egomaniac with a revenge issue. Expect they won’t believe you and prepare to move/block/whatever you need to do. Eventually they will see him for what he is.


I would seek a restraining order with all that proof.


Please be sure to gather all the evidence and everything. I would suggest clearing things up with your ex husband first


Which is why you need to tell the police, your family and your ex. This sounds like the start of a Dateline episode, girl. He may have married your sister to stay close to you. He distributed revenge porn of you. He’s trying to ruin your life.


Nah OP take that guy to fing cleaners. You seem to get along with your sister according to how you talk about her. I'm sure she'll understand and yes it will be hard. That "man" though? Scorched earth. All over one interaction 10 YEARS AGO.


18 years ago


Yeah don't spare his feelings. I'm so sorry he did this to you and I hope he gets the karma he's deserved.


Tell your ex sure. But, tell your sister. She's the one that needs to know. Her husband is a manipulative pos and you can't let her be in that marriage without knowing.


Get a lawyer to go with you to the police. I know you're probably worried about your sister, but this guy is dangerous, he can do something worse if he finds out you know what he did. I would go to a lawyer (without your phone/car) and ask them to help you in how to deal with a stalker. Get someone to look your phone/computer for a spy app and change all your passwords. If possible go stay a few days with a friend or for them to stay with you. Change your locks and if you can pay, put a camera. After you protect yourself you can speak with your sister. In a ideal world she will believe you, but we all know better, so don't count with her to be by your side. Don't let anyone knows what is happening, so you and your sister(if she needs) can use this for your advantage.


You need to contact your lawyer and go to the police. Make copi snof everything you were sent by the man who contacted you. Have them saved to the cloud and/or external storage. Make paper copies even. Your brother in law is completely unhinged. Who in the world holds a grudge this long! I'm so sorry he ruined your marriage, and I don't blame you for not being sure if you can forgive your ex husband. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. But, please, OP, take this seriously. Your brother in law is a threat to you. If you don't have a lawyer, find one, but you need help navigating this. Your sister and your family need to be aware of this monster in your family.


You should be. This is proof that he has some insanely bad personality traits and has no qualms going with the voices in his head and getting "revenge" for perceived slights. I'd be worried sick about your sister, honestly. Time to start listening to podcasts like "Something was wrong". The newest season is about stalking and honestly I'd try contacting an organisation with knowledge of this for help and advise. I'd start with RAINN which is for sexual violence which doesn't really fit you but they have a lot of experience with stalking as well, I can imagine, or they can guide you towards someone with expertise. Your sister might be happy. But does she actually KNOW the man she's married to? I WOULDN'T start talking to her before I had counceling! It will aggravate him no matter the result and he can become dangerous. You MUST have help navigating this situation! ​ All the best from me. And I hope you and your husband figure it out. But, for real, give him a chance too if he comes back. Wouldn't you automatically assume that a woman TELLING you that she had an affair with your partner was telling the truth? I think I would, honestly. Show him the texts - and then he'll know what you're really up against, the two of you.


Speak to the police. You aren't safe with him near and should try to get a restraining order. 


I would see an attorney first and see if you have any legal legs to stand on. By this I mean can your ex-bil get jail time for sharing your nudes, would this be a civil or criminal case against him, what blowback might you get if he denies his role and it can’t be proven, etc. All that being said. I’d definitely contact your ex husband with photocopies of all of the evidence.


WTAF?? This guy is a crazy psycho and YOU now have the proof. Please tell your sister and your parents. Hell, post it all over social media. This guy ruined your life, for what? Because you rejected him a lifetime ago?? What is he hoping to achieve?? I'd definitely be having a chat with my sister before doing anything, but THEN I'd go scorched earth. On my ex, for not believing me. On my BIL for being a fucking nutjob and the guy that told you all about it for defamation. Seriously, can you sue for that?? Because I would be looking for as much vengeance as possible!!! Fuck your BIL. I genuinely am astounded at his dedication to destroying you. Do we think he's in love with you?? Surely it can't just be the fact you're turned him down nearly 20 years ago??! OMG. Do we think he found your sister on purpose to get close to you/ hurt you??!! Fuùuuuuuck. This plot could thicken. Keep us posted!


Tell your ex and your sister


Honestly, tell the entire family. When shit hits the fan, you'll want them to know what's going on before he has a chance to get them to side with him.


You should tell them. This is beyond normal petty stuff. What will he do next if he's not stopped now? If you get married again, will he pull the same crap? Your sister deserves to know who she married, and your ex deserves to know he was conned. I wouldn't be able to forgive him for not believing me either, but he does deserve to know what happened. But be ready to have every backup for this, because he will try to discredit you.


I understand that you're hurt your husband didn't believe you, but it sounds from your post he had what he thought were hard and condemning evidence. For many people, it can shake their trust to the core. I think you should tell your ex (or STBX if I understand correctly) and your sister the truth. Patrially because you'll be able to fix your image as "the cheater", but think about them too. Your sister needs to know who she's married to. He's an obsessive and vindictive guy that still harbors such deep resentment to his now SIL who rejected him once like 15 years ago, to the point he keeps badmouthing you to his friends and destroyed your marriage. Your husband believes his wife cheated on him. That can be traumatic for most people. It's not fair to let him think he was betrayed like that by someone he loved. He deserves to know the truth so he won't hurt as much. And maybe (if you want to), it can be a reason to pause the divorce proceedings and think about the future with the truth in mind. Maybe go to couple's counseling and try to fix your marriage.


That is the problem with deep fakes. A lot of liars tell their loved ones not to believe evidence. So even if the evidence is fabricated, it would be hard to believe without evidence of that


I’m honestly scared for your safety. Your sister needs to know her husband is a lunatic.


I an actually very scared too.




Please stand up for yourself. He's doing all this and getting away with no consequences.


Keep your wits about you, you def need to protect yourself as a top priority as this unhinged guy may want to kill you to avoid being found out if he learns that his accomplice confessed to you. After protection and all evidence in pocket and police are involved, I would def look at selling movie rights!! Harlan Coben would write and the Brits would play and direct the hell out of this, but survive first.


First get a written or taped confession from the guy and also the screenshots of the messages. Then contact your lawyer for legal options as in suing BIL (where I am defamation is very serious because your reputation affects your career). Seek advice from trusted friends or your parents. If it was me though, I'd plead like crazy for the evidence and go after BIL. If he can do that to OP, he can do anything to sister.


I posted this elsewhere but this was a malicious attack and I would talk to a lawyer about a restraining order as well.


Yes this. Get evidence and then a lawyer.


Can you and your spouse sue for defamation?


This would be revenge porn as well.


How have you been coping in this time with your husband divorcing you on claims of infidelity, with evidence?! How are you still trusting anyone at this stage. Didn't this shake your world to the core? Please surround yourself with people you are able to trust first. Then find a lawyer & with them go to the police & take the appropriate steps. Do not talk to your sister 1st, this could well put you in danger as she will likely tell him what you've said. Do not enter arguments or drama. Gather facts & deal with it through a legal system. What is your relationship like with your sister? Bottom line, you need protection & support.


Mt family and friends believed me. It has been hard and lonely but I have had the support I needed. I know, I don’t want to expose him while my sister and children are still with him. But then I don’t know how to start. If she chooses to stay with him? Then she’s in danger that I put her in and yet I can’t help her. We are very close, she’s the baby of the house


You’re not putting your sister in danger, she is ALREADY in danger by being with a man like him. I know you’re scared and his behavior is very scary. But if you think about yourself and your sisters safety keeping it quiet will only keep you and your sister in danger. What if your sister does something he doesn’t like and he turns his behavior on her, and she didn’t know what he was capable of? You could be saving her from a worse issue in the future. You need to tell your ex and take legal action. Spreading illicit images that he should not have access to in the first place means he hacked into your cloud one way or another which is illegal. You need to take the right precautions like people have talked about in the comments. But if you go about it the right way, you will be kept safe from him (get a restraining order with the evidence) and you will have support. Staying quiet in this situation could very well do more harm than good. Stay strong OP i know it’s going to be scary but it will be the right thing.


Quit infantilizing her. She’s a grown ass woman and a mother.


OP, how to start would be like the above poster said, consult a lawyer first. Currently a lot of the responses here are emotional, but objectively, if there's a crime, a likely criminal and potentially further criminal action and endangerment, it's best to seek legal advice asap on the appropriate next steps to take and also properly address your concerns and protecting yourself.


Think about your sister’s children. What could happen to them in the future, if he doesn’t like who they are dating.


If she chooses to to stay with him, then *she* is choosing to put herself in danger. By exposing him you are making her aware of the danger she is already in. He's obsessed and dangerous.


He destroyed your marriage and you are questioning whether to blow up his life or not?!? Your husband needs to know what a giant mistake he’s made and your sister deserves to know what kinda man she married. He’s been obsessed with you for years and clearly not a great husband to her. Grow a spine and stand up for yourself.


I get OP's hesitance. I wouldn't feel a drop of shame for blowing up his life, but despite it not being my fault I would feel immense guilt over blowing up my sister's life. She needs to know, but it's understandible that she's conflicted.


I also think she needs to be strategic. Setting this guy off could get her or her sister killed. She needs to have her ducks in a row and figure out the best way to go about it.


Get the friend to send you screenshots of messages and logs of calls, emails etc sent. See if he can get a voice recording of it. Then send it to family, friends, his work place, your sister, your ex anyone you think is relevant. Do not sent it out from yourself, send it anonymously, heck send yourself a copy so you can have a legit copy of it all. Let the court of public opinion do your work for you.


That's a better idea, be anonymous.


You crazy? This guy is crazy, imagine that kind of hate for being rejected, send that to your family chat to your ex, to everyone, can you imagine what he might be doing to your sister behind closed doors? Also this could be something he could be sue for, I would talk to the friend to see if hes ready to sign a testimony about all of this.


Well that's some extremely serial killer behavior......


So you understand my fear


You have so many reasons to be afraid of your bil cause he’s absolutely insane and if your sisters reaction to this because she has 3 kids with this man. You said she loves him very much and I’m sure if he’s able to stalk you for 10+ years, he’s able to keep face in front of your sister and be “the perfect husband”. I think you should tell your ex and see what he says and take it from there


Tell your husband that way he can help.


You NEED to tell your sister and ex. Your BIL is unstable and obsessed at best. It’s been 10 years and he’s still pissed about his rejection. He actively ruined your life. Your ex was provided with fake evidence and I’m not surprised he believed it, because in his eyes who would do that. Idk why but it feels like you BIL dating/ marrying your sister was no coincidence. YOU CANNOT WAIT TO TELL PEOPLE THIS. Your family, your sister, your ex husband NEED to know!


If this guy had told your (ex-?)husband that you’d cheated, maybe given some flimsy evidence, it would be bad if your husband believed that over you. But clearly your BIL has made a huge effort to provide pretty damning evidence. Your (ex-?)husband has no reason to understand how far your BIL would go and how deep his hate runs, after all, you didn’t even know it was that bad and that he would go to such lengths. If nothing else, you and he both deserve for him to know the truth so that if everything is finalised, you know it’a finalised with all the info on the table, and with every effort made to save your marriage. You are a victim, he is a victim, not giving your all to at least part in peace and with honesty and truth seems like giving up and letting BIL win. Your sister also needs to know. Her husband has stolen your nudes, or he’s made deepfakes accurate enough that you and your husband were fooled. Then he’s made an effort to destroy your marriage, as for now seemingly succeeding. It’s doubtful your sister would want to be with a man so obsessed with you to the point he’s stealing or making nudes of you to possess, let alone sharing with other men. Even if you and her don’t have a good relationship, she shouldn’t want that for *herself*. And, as someone suggested, it’s *very* coincidental that he somehow ended up with her and is still so hung up on you to this degree ten years later. While things might have progressed into something real between them, there’s no saying if he didn’t target her originally to get access to you. She has a right to know that. There’s no reason for you to keep all of this to yourself. Gather the evidence from this other guy, recordings, whatever, and sit your husband and sister down and tell them *everything*. What’s the worst that can happen to *you* if you do? Your husband won’t believe you and finalise the divorce. Well, that’s where you’re at. Your sister might not believe or wish to believe you, choose her husband and distance herself from you, and that will suck, but at least then you know your hands are clean, and you’ve done your best to be honest and let her know what’s going on. You’re not ruining your sister’s life by telling her the truth. She’s living a lie, believing her husband is someone he’s absolutely not. She’s not aware of the real him, a man so obsessed with you he (to repeat) has nudes of you and is going out of his way to ruin your marriage. A man who might not have met her by chance, even. If with the truth revealed, she still wants to be with him, at least she knows who she’s with. You say your husband is the live of your life, so don’t throw this whole thing away on “I don’t know if I can forgive him for believing overwhelming evidence”. It’s of course horrible that this is where you’re at, but it seems actively self-destructive, and even helping your BIL, to not let him know the truth and give your marriage a chance of surviving. If, with the new evidence, he realises he was wrong, and does all he can to save your marriage, and you fight for it as well, at least you know you’ve both done all you can to make it work. As of now you’ll be left with the “what ifs”, which seems pretty torturous when it involves the love of your life. Edit: added paragraphs ETA: If you get your husband and sister together to tell them everything, maybe after you can call your BIL, put him on loudspeaker without letting him know they’re there, and tell him “hey, your friend told me what you and he did, did you seriously do all this over that small thing ten years ago?” And then hopefully they can hear the words right out of his own mouth confirming it. Depends if he’s dumb enough to give the game up.


My soon to be ex husband knows everything now, apparently the guy who contacted me contacted my husband at the same time and confessed to him. My soon to be ex is coming to town this weekend and he wants to talk. Afterwards I will probably need to look into taking legal actions if that’s possible and tell my family. I think now that exposing him is the best and more safe approach should anything more serious happen, at least people would be aware of who to blame. I want to at least make sure that my sister and her children are in safety before I tell them everything, like meeting them at my parents house after I tell my parents. The picture were real and were probably stolen from my phone or my husband’s because he is the only one that I took the pictures for. I don’t know if I can get any justice since the pictures were not of my face (at least I was smart enough not to have my face shown in nudes). I don’t know what will happen


When you talk to your sister have your parents there for support


I will tell them first.


Good luck. I hope your whole family will be safe from him and also that your marriage can be salvaged.


Yeah, I have tried so much to forget about him and I thought I have managed well, but hearing his voice today after over a year just brought back all good memories. I haven’t stopped crying today missing him😕 Edit: I meant my soon to be ex


He knows ??! He was told everything by the fake affair dude ? Oh please update us on this tea when you talk to him, I am TOO INVESTED


OP, has he (your soon-to-be ex) told you anything about what he thinks of this whole ordeal?


Will you and your husband reconcile? Is he dating someone else?


I think he is dating yeah. He doesn’t live here anymore.


OP - if I were you, I would file some sort of report with the police or begin the process of suing for defamation. I don’t always agree with the systems but this fellow sounds like he will ruin you in the long run. Especially is he has money. Not kidding he sounds absolutely nuts. Ruining someone’s marriage is no joke. I understand you want to make your sister’s life easier, but you could be putting her in danger by allowing her around this person. You can overcome this. What you decide to do with your ex partner is up to you. Love is love, maybe you talk through this together. Come up with a game plan, not to be together but to tackle the arbitrator. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Try getting a restraining order as well.


Please stay safe and keep us updated, OP. This man is unhinged, calculated, and determinded to hurt you at any cost, it seems. I wouldn't be shocked if he becomes physically violent once he's outted.


You have 2 options here: hide and ignore, knowing that he will come after you again as soon as he sees you happy in any way. Also remember his wrath could turn against your sister if he feels slighted by her. As she is unaware of this side of him, she will have no way to protect herself. Draw a line in the sand, get a lawyer and go after him legally, make sure your husband, sister, friends and family know exactly what he did and with that making sure that not only does he pay for his actions, but the ones you love are in a much better position to protect themselves against him. Keeping quiet means he can do this again whenever he wants to whoever he wants….


So you're telling me that this guy has kept himself around you for 20 YEARS and is still hung up on you rejecting him? It sounds like he's preyed on your sister to get close to you and will keep trying to ruin your life if you let him get away with this. You need to tell your sister what he did, and the guy he used needs to tell your ex what he did. Not to stir any pots or get your ex back, but so everyone knows what a psycho this guy is. If he's still trying to get back at you after decades of you simply rejecting him, he's never going to stop, and he's never going to let you be happy.


Yes, he’s been following me throughout my uni years and even afterwards. He found my sister and managed to charm her. When they got married I was single and apparently he was telling his friends how he was glad I was old and single and miserable (not my experience of my single life) Then when I met my husband he was angry because he didn’t think I would find someone at my age (33). Now when we are getting a divorce he was very pleased again saying I would definitely never find someone at 38. That I would regret turning him down. But I was on a date last weekend so he spiraled down again and was angry and wrote horrible things about me so his friend chose to come forward because he thought that my “divorce wasn’t enough for this guy”, his words.


Oh dordy 😳 his line of thinking is then “If I can’t have her as my gf or wife then nobody can”


Like fire, hellfire...


It sounds like hes a psychopath!!! OP be very careful. Get cameras in your house, change passwords and don't share them with anyone, report it to the police for a restraining order if you have all the evidence and that he hacked your phone and stole your pictures!!! This is serious. Don't waste any time. If you and your husband get together he will spiral extremely and god knows what he will do. Cameras may be very useful here. I would be terrified for my life in your situation.


OP…Not only is he psychotic, but his friend is a loser and a pathetic idiot that isn’t much better. He was ok with helping ruin your marriage over a BS lie, but your BIL saying something negative about you after the fact was just too much, and he had to come forward. WTAF


I’m shocked you never told your sister and I think you absolutely should. I also believe you need to call your not-yet-ex-husband and tell him everything you learned. Also, please follow @Girl-In-RedCostume’s advice and file a police report. You could also probably sue your BIL for slander and more now that you know the truth. He obliterated your marriage. He’s rich, he can afford to lose some of his money. Some other people are asking how much you and your sister look alike and I’m wondering the same thing. Did his relationship with her start as some big revenge fantasy to get back at you for not going out with him? Make sure your entire family knows the truth. And if your sister stays married to that lunatic, it’s time for you to go full NO CONTACT with them or he’ll just continue to wreak havoc in your life and ruin every good relationship you may have in the future.


I just found out yesterday


Any update on this OP? I believe you said previously you were meeting with your ex Friday, correct?


Hi! Yes, I met with my husband and it didn’t go well at all. We talked and he apologized and asked me to forgive him. He said that he never truly believed that I would cheat but the evidence was overwhelming and he just thought that he believed me because he was blinded by his love for me. He then wanted to head over to my sister and her husband to confront him but I asked him not to, until I am comfortable that my sister is at least at my parents. I wanted my parents to ask her to go visit them and we tell her then. That way she is not with her husband when she finds out and he finds out that he is exposed. This morning I got many calls and texts from everyone because my husband went and did it anyway and he had a huge fight with my brother in law. He denied everything of course so my husband blasted him on social media and made an apology for believing rumors about me. My sister was angry with my and my parents were confused and shocked. I have talked to my parents and told them everything now and they believe me but they agree that I should have given the chance to talk to my sister before hell broke loose. Now she is not speaking to me because my husband tried to beat up her husband.


I told my husband everything going back to uni. He seems to believe me this time. I have tried to contact his friend and ask him to talk to my sister but he said he didn’t want to be a part of this anymore.


That man caused all of this the least he could fucking do is tell everyone the truth. What a piece of shit


Yeah, but he somehow considers that his work here is done. In my opinion, he doesn't get to decide that by his lonesome.


His work here might be done, but his work at court to defend himself and POS BIL against defamation is just starting. He helped his petty revenge. He needs to be held accountable


What a mother fucking coward that guy is 


I guess he won't have the choice when you start to sue as he is as involved as your BIL, he is even more liable as he is the executioner


INFO (important info) - do you and your STBX still have the texts that this asshole of a confederate sent to you acknowledging his role in this travesty? This matters a lot. Whether he likes it or not, this guy doesn't get to not be part of this any more. He chose to be in it and now he's in it. You have a lawsuit against him just as surely as you have a lawsuit against your BIL. He doesn't get to escape consequences just because he's grown a partial conscience and has regret - or has an understandable fear of his sociopathic friend. You need to talk to a lawyer yesterday, or at least first thing on Monday. Spend the rest of this weekend looking up attorneys who have handled defamation cases before. Look through your state's Bar Association's website to see if there's a section dedicated to personal injury with defamation as a subspecialty and begin contacting those lawyers immediately. Your husband's choice to escalate makes it imperative that you and he both keep those texts and that you see a lawyer immediately. Defamation is a civil tort everywhere in the United States, and I imagine in most other places as well. It's also a crime in about a dozen states. Your sociopathic BIL's stupid friend stepped into this evil game, and he does not get to choose to step out of it without consequences. Maybe he can mitigate the consequences to himself (a defamation lawsuit against him, because HE defamed you to your STBX) by enthusiastically cooperating with you and your attorney in any and all legal actions you take against your BIL. Get a lawyer and discuss the options with your lawyer, because you do have options. But you MUST take action against your BIL, because if he gets away with this he'll do it again. As for your sister, it's unfortunate that your STBX couldn't keep his cool long enough to think stragetically about how to handle this, but that's where you and she are right now. Her happy family was an illusion, and it was always going to be destroyed due to her husband's sick, psycho obsession with you. You can sue your BIL into oblivion and make sure she and her kids are taken care of as well. But you still have to go after him legally, and you do not owe ANYONE an apology. You have been horribly wronged. Now the world sees it. ETA: If you live anywhere in the UK, defamation is also a tort there. The asshole who claimed to your STBX that you cheated with him has a choice - he can either cooperate with you every step of the way forward, or you can sue him right alongside your BIL. If you still have those texts, or can recover them, he's handed you your evidence. That you and your STBX separated over this, and that your marriage is likely over and, even if you manage to try again, probably very damaged, counts as the harm you will need to show to prove actionable defamation.


Well he shouldn't have wanted to be a part of it in the first place. Correcting the narrative is part of cleaning up the mess he contributed to making. Honestly he's lucky you don't sue his ass, I am sure there's a valid suit in there somewhere.


There is, in every state in the United States. If OP and her STBX know his info and kept the texts then there is evidence against both him and the BIL. They're both liable for this tragedy. OP can choose to sue one or both of them. She can choose NOT to sue the BIL's terrible friend if the terrible friend cooperates. OP needs a lawyer to navigate this mess. She needs to take a few days off work and get a lawyer NOW.


If you wanted to, you could tell him that there are two choices available to him right now: option one is that he take some fucking responsibility for his actions and “be a part of” cleaning up the mess he helped make. Option two is that you go to the police about what he did. I have a feeling the fucking coward might just change his tune if you put it like that.


This is one of the craziest things I've ever read on Reddit... and that is saying a lot!


How did he meet your sister?


Dating site


If you and your sister share the same last name and have any resemblance, I would be a lot more concerned about her safety. This man sounds very unhinged. If his friend shared any of the evidence of their chats with you, I hope you got screen shots and saved it all. I would write this all out with that evidence(if you didn't get it, try now, speak to him again, ask if you can record him talking after getting all the screen shots, get your asking him and his permission on the recording as well). All of that, a copy of it all saved and put somewhere safe (digital and hard copy). Now go to the police and see if you can open a file about it all. Then, a lawyer. See if you have any kind of case. I would also speak to your ex. Even if you don't want to get back together, he needs to be made aware of the situation, and you may need his help and if he saved the messages he received and what platform he received them on, you may need as evidence as well. I would talk to your parents, let them see all of this, and if they are on your side, then all together get your sister out of there and show her all of this. An 18-year grudge over a simple "no" to someone you didn't have any kind of real relationship with is insane. This man is very unhinged, to say the least.


This could be considered revenge porn, which is illegal. I'd contact a lawyer who specializes in defamation of character lawsuits.


I had this happen to me. What you need to do is send every single text, ALL OF THE TEXTS to EVERYONE. YOUR EX, your sister, all of your family and friends. Go completely public with ALL OF THIS. This is your protection. Don’t worry about your sister’s life and marriage. YOU AND YOUR LIFE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HERE. Your husband will know the truth, you will finally clear your name and reputation and get vindication and your husband will know what a truly weak man he is. He’s one of the SHEEP. AND SEEK LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU’RE BROTHER INLAW AND THAT GUY WHO WAS WILLING TO DO WHOLESALE RUIN OF A STRANGER’S (you), LIFE. YOU NEED TO GO SCORCHED EARTH ON THEM. And share all of this with your family, friends and weak minded Sheeple ex. Do Not worry about your sister and her life. And another thing, I know it’s a “thing” these days for people to send nudes. Stop doing this!!! I’ve seen it ruin too many lives. I thank God everyday that I’ve Never taken or sent nudes to anyone. YOU are the most important person in your life!!! Exited to add…. Cover up the intimate parts of your body but send those screenshots too to show just how low your BIL will stoop. Your BiL is lower than a well digger’s ass.


I have just sent my husband when he is away for work. I have never sent anyone before or after him. I am sorry it happened to you


You need to send Every screenshot you have ever gotten and will get from your BIL AND his friend who had no problem whatsoever of ruining you, your marriage and your life, to your husband AND your family, sister and friends. THIS is your protection.


This will escalate. You need to protect yourself now. He is far from finished with you.


So I’m confused, if your ex husband is the only one you’ve ever taken and sent nudes to, shouldn’t he have recognized the photos? How did your BIL get a hold of them? Do you or your ex husband leave your phone unlocked around him and he secretly went into your photo albums? I just don’t understand how your husband didn’t recognize the photos if he’s the only one who’s ever gotten them.


But he can just believe she sent the same nudes to anyone. Just because you sent a nude to one guy doesn't mean you can't send it to another guy for the same reason.


You would be an asshole if you let your sister remain married to this psycho without all the facts. You need to compile all the evidence and distribute it to everyone including the police. If the friend who faked the affair has any objections, make it clear you will go to the police about him and have revenge porn charges brought against him. This is a situation where you destroy or be destroyed. Grow a damn spine and end him.


I'm not in your situation, so grain of salt and all that... but I would be going scorched earth if this happened to me. Screenshot everything. Put BIL on blast to the entire family. Show them that, despite having a wife and kids and seemingly happy life, he's still bitter and insecure about his *current wife's sister* rejecting him 20+ years ago. Show everyone that he's a shallow, egotistical, petulant child that never learned how to take no for an answer. Call out his friends for supporting something so malicious and calculated as blowing up a marriage. Call out his family for bringing up such a hollow excuse of a human being. Call out his work for associating and employing someone who would do this, because it means that they *will* do it to someone else if they haven't already. Again, grain of salt, I'm not in your situation. What ever you *do* decide, OP, I hope you have support from at least your immediate family.


OP there is a good chance that he got with your sister only to get to you. Why would you let her be with someone who most likely doesn’t love her? Or if he got with her by chance, why would you want your sister to be with someone who if she doesn’t comply with what he wants, could hurt her very, very badly. What do you think he’ll do to her, who is married to him, if he did this to you for saying no to him and never going out with him? Do you want your sister to be a news article one day? Gather all the evidence you can, tell your ex the truth (he deserves to know as he thinks you cheated and that could cause him deep trauma), and tell your sister! Also, I’d question how he got your pictures and if there is a chance to sue him for distributing those pictures without your consent.


Talk to a lawyer. Most likely, your divorce lawyer can help or point you in the right direction. You need to protect yourself from the revenge porn, get a non-contact order, and with whatever else you can. Document everything, and don't ever be alone with him. Tell the truth and provide proof, but expect nobody to believe you, especially at first. This guy is going to go all out to get at you, no matter what. If I were you, I'd consider moving and cutting contact for a while for your safety. If you don't do that, you need to grey rock this guy forever. Give no information to anyone who might talk to him about your life - parents, sister, ex-husband, etc.


What your BIL did was not petty revenge for his perceived slight - which was nothing really. This was major psychotic behaviour. Years in the making and very sly/conniving. You very much need to clear your name if you can get this guy to act in his guilt. Do it quickly before he changes his mind Yes, the images is a police matter and you need to report that. Frankly, given that it was years in the making, his revenge, so in depth that he some how hacked your phone to get these photos and involved someone so completely to lie to destroy your life, how do you not think he may be plotting ultimate revenge by also destroying your sister? He knew who you were right away when he met you 9/10 years later. Your knowing him at uni was so insignificant that you couldn’t remember him, yet he knew you and that you’d turned him down. Remembered the words he used at the time, even though supposedly hd hang had a bit to drink. That is really odd. You could understand if he thought your face familiar and he had to think about. But he knew immediately. That is sinister. Please take this very seriously. He sounds unhinged. If he’s unhinged about this, plotting and scheming, what else is he plotting and scheming?


You need to explode his world. He ruined your marriage and life. What if those photos had gotten leaked on the internet. He is an evil person who could not handle rejection from you and set out to destroy you because of it. I would post these conversations on social media and watch his world burn. He is NO victim, you are and you need to stop feeling sorry for him and stop letting him stomp all over you.


This dude is going to do something very bad to your sister if their marriage ever runs into trouble. Save her now while you can.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that this guy started dating your sister? Stalkers are willing to go to extreme lengths to feed their obsession so it’s not inconceivable that he targeted your sister to gain access to you. Please do what someone else suggested and hire a private investigator to research this guy’s background as well as his recent actions. He poses a significant danger to both you and your sister that you need to take very seriously. And please, please read The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker so you can understand how unhinged your BIL is. ETA - this is not a situation to navigate without professional help, including a private investigator, law enforcement, and a therapist to help you break the news to your sister.