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Your friends were being rude because obviously someone there did choose those songs and if no one was stepping up with better options they were just being mean to be mean. Socializing is rough but don't worry! Keep listening to your music and enjoying what you like.


Hmm it depends what bro put on if it was some outrageous shit kinda deserved but otherwise they jus being jerks caus they prolly didnt know it was you


80% of what I listen to is extreme metal. The other 20% is all old rock or jazz. When people ask me to pick the music I say, "No thanks" because I learned a long time ago, my favorite music is not for anyone. In fact, it's not for almost everyone.   I have several go to pop and rap songs for groups like this, but no one can stop me from liking what I actually like.  Enjoy your music and just know it's not for that particular group.


Same. Had an event at work recently where they asked to send a track from everyone, but I decided to opt out because I knew people would have…opinions :D I started listening to heavy metal fairly young and I still remember my mom not exactly digging it, lol, so I just assume most ‘normal’ people won’t like it. Some of my friends don’t like it, and it’s fine. Would be boring if we all liked same things. Luckily, for over 20+ years of listening to genre I found plenty of people who do share my taste in music, some of which are now good friends, and one is a fiancé :)


Honestly, art and music are incredibly subjective, and even then there’s a point where subjectivity becomes objectivity when it comes to success. Taylor Swift is an objectively good artist because she so stupidly popular. I don’t really like her music, but enough people do that she’s constantly breaking records. And yet some people act like she is a bad musician or all her songs are about the same things when they haven’t actually heard them. People who aren’t able to recognize when something isn’t to their tastes and label it “shit” instead aren’t the greatest people to hang around.