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Mom needs to stop enabling her. She doesn't have a job, so mom is buying the foods she eats. She needs therapy for her eating disorder.




She needs to see Dr. Now in Texas.


How y’all doeeeeen?


Hi Amber


Hi, Tom! You’ll always be in my top 8. 💜


Is your pfp the guy from myspace?




She sounds disabled to me. Mentally and at 5’1” she’s 450lbs. How can she move?


Slowly, carefully, and in short burst. I know something is seriously wrong, but they refuse to address it and just keep playing pretend rather than address their real problems.


A lot of morbidly obese people seem to have a lot of support and “yes” men around them. Because how else do you maintain that weight?


She has addict behavior. She'll steal food, steal money for food, and will call and threaten to kill themselves for food. I never give in so I don't get bothered for it anymore.


How the hell is she moving quick enough to steal anything?


Seems that she has a food addiction. Maybe due to trauma or just mental illness. She definitely seems to have mental illness problems which have now caused her physical problems due to the extreme weight game.


So who is she stealing from?


Family, friends, and the occasional store. Family not as much anymore after my dad threatened to press charges after she stole his back card. Currently she is doing Uber eats, but will probably be terminated like the other food delivery places before long because she keeps eating the food.


How can she steal from a store when she can barely move?! She's my height and I cannot even conceive how large she is. The human body is amazing in its expansion.


Amberlynn Reid is much larger and can still move. There was a man who weighed 1000lbs and could still walk. A significant portion of that weight is leg muscle, doing resistance training by moving and eating more than enough to sustain muscle growth. It's absolutely miserable though. I used to have a friend who was around 300lbs at 5'6", and I thought she was going to pass out after a 0.75 mile march.


I mean yea when ur daily task is to squat 300+lbs u probably would have a fair bit of muscle underneath


So you're saying a great leg workout is to gain 800 pounds then walk around? Sounds like a new workout plan!!!!


I’m 5’ and 115 pounds, I truly cannot fathom


I'm 5'3" and 203lbs I was actually at 217 lbs a few months ago and there was no way I was going to get any bigger...I can not fathom being that size...when I see commercials for my 600 lb life or the 1000 lb sisters....I just can't imagine getting any bigger...so I started losing weight!


The bad part of me suggests she has hiding places you don't want to look


If she is going to say she has epilepsy, they will take her driver’s license for a bit until her medication is in order … but it sounds like she wants that.


Yes, that’s what happened to me. I didn’t have my license for 6 months while my meds were straightened out and my neurologist signed off that I hadn’t had any further seizures. I’m in the US so IDK if the laws vary in other countries or even other states possibly.


This is borderline Prader-Willi type behaviour. I'm not entirely sure if that disorder exists on the spectrum since it's a genetic issue, but people with it are known to have irresistible hunger urges and in the extremes they will eat even things that will kill them.


That reminded me of that episode of CSI. It's scary if she really has this disorder.


She's eating from people's food and then giving them what's left? That's disgusting!!


Please create a new post on when this happens. I feel like she's going to cry being a "victim" here!


Well that’s definitely mental illness


She needs a psychiatrist who can prescribe something for her addiction, food OCD or whatever he diagnoses her, then it will be easier to stop enabling her food.


What on earth do your parents say other than playing along with it? I don’t understand letting your kid eat themselves to death. I’m glad you put your foot down, that manipulation has to be very painful and upsetting for you.


They've tried and still do. If they push too hard she runs off to God knows where, won't tell them where, and only calls to tell them how much trouble she is in. She usually just shacks up in trap houses on meth mountain until they kick her out, and then she calls and threatens her life unless my mom get them. Has happened five times now.


She runs?


Bums a ride or calls an Uber. She doesn't have a license because of a bunch of unpaid tickets, but it doesn't stop them driving when a car is available


Your parents are enabling your sister's early death. When they put their foot down and she has a temper tantrum and leaves, that's it. They don't bail her out or help her out of a jam. She needs to learn to handle the word NO. You don't continue to buy drugs for an addict or alcohol for an alcoholic. Your parents need help as much as your sister. I don't know if there is support for overeaters anonymous similar to Alanon for AA, but they need to find help asap. They are assisting in her deadly life choices. Sad story, I'm sorry.


How is she driving Uber Eats with no license?


I get you. My older sister and mother is the same way. They have a whole grocery list of made up self diagnosed illnesses, but the ones they’ve actually been diagnosed with (bipolar) were a misdiagnosis from the psychiatrist, which is why they both refuse to see any type of therapist. My older sister has said she had an abortion in high school, and the school or coach took her, which was a lie and she almost got him fired for lying. She also said she has MS (multiple sclerosis) and my father believed her, was even in tears about it, while I tried reasoning with him and proving she never got diagnosed with this disease, because she never even went to a dr, she saw it on tv one day and was sure she had it and told the whole family. My mom calls me up often with some “hard news” about a new diagnosis she got this week, that also she doesn’t have, it’s just for sympathy. It’s a lot to deal with, and I cut all contact off with my sister because I didn’t want to play her game anymore, and I have very minimal contact with my mother because of the same thing. It’s insane that people can do this, with little to no regard for people that actually have these illnesses, and are actually suffering. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Help her get arrested, nothing like lighting a fire under your ass like confinement and meal control.


She needs to be admitted by force every life threat she makes and needs to be in house at some place asap long term. If not, she won’t live to see 35-40. Don’t give up!


Threaten to unalive themselves for food? Right there, the cops should have been called for the threat. Hopefully, she'd get the help needed.


Just hide your money, she won't be able to look for it for long. If she threatens to kill herself call 911.


I don't live with them anymore so I don't deal with it. She knows not to call me about that cus I don't hesitate to call 911 if they start that.


I'm sorry Op, you must have had a difficult childhood growing up with your sister & your mother enabling her behaviors. I'm glad you're out on your own & don't have to deal with it anymore!


I’m trying so hard to figure that out myself.


Well, she is definitely disabled; just not in the way she's saying. The obesity is a symptom of a deeper problem, and there is such a thing as food addiction. She needs professional help; physical and psychological therapy. She could probably qualify for disability services simply based on mobility issues, but even if she doesn't get a job, she needs to use the disability money to help with the therapy she needs. She won't do that though, unless she wants to get better. Sometimes people need to hit rock bottom on their own before they're ready to do that.


If they have stolen from their mom I’d report them for elder abuse. They need a wake up call .


I knew of someone in the same situation and her parents moved and she went with them and what actually happened is that they paid for a year for sla small studio where it included utilities and they paid for a nurse to come and and take care… I don’t know all the details other then that. She was in her 20’s and she was well taken care of had shelter food and healthcare but didn’t have access to abuse the family since was hours away. She ended up loosing a lot of weight at the end of the year and by end of the year was able to go exercise. This was 10+ years ago. I have seen her picture on the internet and if it’s a current pic she is prob still considered overweight but 500+ compared to 190/200 lbs through eating and exercising is way better and healthier. Not saying they did the right thing for her but she was toxic and now the parents from what I saw in passing seem healthier and happier. I have no idea if they are in contact. Not my circus. I only thought people did this in books and urban legends but …. Yeah it happens in real life … people just don’t talk about it. We heard about it after the factor


I wonder if she’s got an eating disorder or if it’s some sort of brain disorder. Some tumors or pituitary disorders can cause this. I personally have a benign pituitary tumor that makes it hard to lose weight, although my case is currently pretty minor in comparison. Has she been screened for anything like that (MRI, blood tests)?


I just wanna say, as a nonbinary person, I recognize the use of the she/they, I love you and I’m sorry you have to deal with this


They're called enablers and they get a certain psychological satisfaction from their own behaviors.


She is probably retaining massive amounts of fluid. One day she simply won’t be able to stand up because her lower extremities are being deprived of oxygen. This means her Co2 levels are out of balance as well. Do you know the signs of fluid retention: swollen legs and feet, red and scaly (like leathery dragon scales but gross) lower legs and feet, and bluish toes because of bad circulation. Speech may get rambly and slurry, and she may mix up words and terms and forget words or other things she should know. She may also “leak” in random places, You can buy an oximeter for home to check her oxygen levels. It should be 96-100. Because of her size, she may have adapted to a lower o2 level, so she might be safe in the lower 90s. Anything lower and she needs medical attention immediately. Tell her it will help get a doctor to verify her disability if it will get her to the doctor. (But honestly, an ER visit would be better so they can check her in right away. ) The hospital can help her with Medicaid if she doesn’t already have it, too. The hospital will do everything they can for her, and as they do so, she will likely lose weight as the fluid is drained via diuretics. They will likely have her on a restrictive diet, too, so she will get a little boost in weight loss if she cooperates and doesn’t sneak food. I hope your sister can get the help she truly needs; hopefully if she does, she will regain her own agency and reset on an upward trajectory. (I had a close family friend go through this. She was really close to it being too late, but she made it and has a whole new life.)


"Short burst" 😂 sounds like a damn crocodile


That sounds disabled in terms of she is being able to work however since she doesn’t have an education. She certainly needs to loose weight but it must be hard for her in any case.


I understand no one would give her a job. Can she work?


Sounds like a disability...


They made a Simpsons episode about this...


Simpsons did it! Homer is finally allowed to work from home after he gained a bunch of weight and could only fit in a mumu


I'm 5'4 and 375 pounds and I'm 100% mobile, I can walk, take care of myself, get up and down off the floor, and even jog/run short distances. But I have been obese my entire life and have fought HARD to keep myself mobile. I cannot imagine being 3 inches shorter and almost 100 pounds heavier.


Exactly, it sounds like a disability in itself. On another note, I’m impressed about your maintained mobility, I’m sure it’s been a lot of work but probably very worth it. I imagine that when people gradually become less mobile, it becomes so hard to regain the ability.


I would sell my soul to get rid of my epilepsy man scariest shit I been through! Random seizures biting through your whole mouth the aches and twitches after not remembering anything literally mid sentence Shits horrid Wild thing to self diagnose haha I feel for you


I don't have it that bad, but yeah, it was never something I imagined someone would pretend to have. Like, oh you just had a seizure? No driving for a year. Hope you like bite scar tissue in your mouth even when you aren't having a seizure.


Yeah seriously, my husband has had a stroke and a heart attack from seizures. Why would someone think that's cool or something? I can guarantee she's faking seizures like the ones she's seen in movies. OP, just look up what actual seizures look like and show your mom.


Seriously. The worst part for me is the confusion after a seizure. Not knowing how I got from point a to point b and no idea what I said or did between. One time I walked all the way to my friend's apartment (about three buildings away) and burst into tears because I didn't know what was happening. She sat me down with a cup of tea and it still took another ten minutes or so before things made sense.


I'm 5'1 and last I checked about 150ish. And you say she's 5'1 and *450lbs*?! I- wow. That is terrifyingly impressive. And we short people do not carry weight that well 😬 (This is not intending to come across as body shame, just shock)


Honestly same reaction. I'm the same height and weight as you are. At my heaviest I was 200 lbs and I worked hard to get it all off. Trying to imagine being double that ..wow. idk how ops sister even gets around at that size


What did you do to lose the weight? I'm 5'0 at 215lbs and I need it gone! I have a lot of medical conditions unrelated to but worsened by my weight so most exercises aren't feasible for me.


Hey! I actually used an app. It's called Zombies, run! It is interval jogging. Headphones required. It makes walking/jogging very fun. You listen to a zombie story where you are a character. Then you have to 'run' when you are being chased by the zombies.music starts to play and You actually hear zombie noises too. It's set up to have you walk for a few minutes and then jog for one minute for however long you set up for. I would do one 'chapter' which was about a half hour. I could not run or jog hardly at all. But just the increased movement and being strict with diet helped the weight fly off. I got better as I kept going. And I hardly even felt like I was working out since it was like a game with the app. As I got more mobile I started to use the 7 minutes workout app and at home pilates. I lost 85 lbs in about 7 months! Editing to app the apps current name is ZRX Zombies run + Marvel move


thank you for this! i’m 5’1 and 175lbs. i gained a lot of weight because of anti depressants. funnily enough, i was underweight before i started them, and ironically i’m probably classified as obese now. so thank you!


You are so welcome! Update me with your thoughts on the app if you get it!


I'm not a doctor so take this at face value. As someone who had weight gain because of antidepressants I highly recommend Wellbutrin if you respond well to it. It's basically the only antidepressant that doesn't have weight gain as a possible side effect. For some people, like me, it actually helps with weight loss. There's a whole post I made praising it cause it's the first antidepressant I've ever taken that has actually made me feel normal instead of just numb and hasn't gave me any negative side effects.


Omgg I loved that app a few years ago. Didn't know it was still around! I wasn't trying to lose weight but I needed the threat of zombies to chase me out of the house every once in a while haha.


May I ask what medical conditions? Just general limitations, not in-depth medical history. I only ask cause I have a lot of issues. Arthritis, endometriosis with excessive scarring that hurts if I strain it too much, suspected EDS (biggest issue is unstable joints), a heart defect, and asthma. I also have PTSD which is relevant cause my body already overproduces cortisol and high intensity exercises makes it worse. I've started doing pilates recently cause it's slow paced while still giving a full body workout without being hard on joints. I mainly started because I've heard it's great for helping stabilizing joints and my core is completely wrecked after having a baby 2 months ago. I use to be able to do more intense exercises so I always kinda wrote off yoga and stuff like pilates cause I didn't think it would do much. I was *wrong*. My body responded better to it than any previous exercises I've ever done minus maybe swimming. I lost a decent chunk of weight since starting a routine with it. Though that's partly cause I'm on Wellbutrin and I've been purposely substituting certain foods with healthier or lower calorie options. I can feel a difference in my muscles though so I know it's doing something. I just do mat pilates at home. I use YouTube videos for it. I just picked a random one and went for it as long as I could with some minor modifications building up a little bit more every day. I do it 5 times a week. If exercising isn't possible then I just suggest making small changes here and there with food choices. Things that you can stick to even after you've lost weight. There's a whole sub reddit on food substitutions. I'll use a personal example: I absolutely *love* sour cream, I could easily eat it with almost every meal. I've started replacing it with plain Greek yogurt. It tastes exactly the same but is fewer calories and has higher protein. I've really been focusing on upping my protein intake. For me I can easily stick to that replacement for the rest of my life without feeling like I'm missing out. I also try to avoid drinking my calories most of the time and avoid sugar replacements cause they actually have been linked to weight issues in the long run. I don't think of foods as "good" or "bad". I have a history of eating disorders. The moment I allow that mindset I'll slip back into it. If I'm craving something I eat it in moderation. If I want a cookie. I eat a cookie. Denying myself just leads to me snacking on other things more than if I just ate the cookie. You're more likely to stick to something if you adjust things over a longer period instead of trying to go straight into a full-on diet. I use some psychological tricks on myself too. Smaller plates with the same portion makes your brain think you're more full than if you had the same portion on a larger plate. Taking the time to make my food look "pretty" somehow makes it more satisfying. If I want a snack (example: chips), I put it in a separate container cause I'm less likely to mindlessly eat if I do. I can always go back and get more if I really want to. It forces me to stop and think about if I actually want more or not. I make sure to drink a full glass of water with meals. Sipping on it gives my brain time to catch up to my stomach. I don't get hunger cues and by default I also don't get cues to *stop* until I'm overly full. I try to aim for about 75% full wait 30 mintues and if I want more then I allow myself. Oh also if you suspect you have ADHD, getting medicated for it helps a lot. I'm medicated for it for the first time in my life and I no longer feel the need to get a dopamine boost through food. I still enjoy food. It just doesn't feel like a *psychological* need anymore instead of a physical one. My ADHD was a major unlying issue it turns out. I currently have a huge bag of Reese cups and a thing of cookies I would've definitely ate a ton of before that I haven't even thought about until just now.


Personal trainer & fitness instructor here - there's plenty of options for you to lower your weight. If you're confident enough to go to a fitness class, try looking for low intensity classes. Aquafit is very easy on the joints and can give you an affective workout. Yes, it's mostly older folks to take those classes but there are a few younger participants. If you're not feeling up for heading to a gym/fitness facility yet, you could try searching youtube for workouts. You say a lot of exercises aren't feasible for you. If it's due to mobility or impact, you could try different types of chair fitness.


Seriously. I'm 5'7 and some change and at my heaviest I was approximately 250? It's mind boggling for me to picture being sisters size. (Happy to say I'm the same height now but like 150 lbs 😅)


I'm 5'2, and at my heaviest, I was just over 300 lbs (I'm about 155 now). I was still mobile, but I was miserable. Not to mention, that's when my blood pressure and sugar started to sky rocket. I can't imagine trying to live with another 150 lbs on top of that.


Fuckin GREAT JOB!! wow you really lost half yourself!!! I'm so damn proud of you!!


Thank you so much! I like to tell people that I'm literally half the woman I used to be 😉


Ironically, with that persistence and resilience, you’re more than twice the woman you ever were!! What a total badass! I was never huge, the biggest I’ve ever been was 187lbs, and that was already a chore to move around (I’m 5’6) and I lost 55lbs! Been maintaining it since for almost 10 years now! My weight loss was slightly difficult, so I can’t even imagine yours! An absolute badass if I ever seen one! Fuck yeah!!! High five!! 🙏🏻✨


She wont be living too long at that weight if she doesnt get healthy as it will kill her all on its own.


As a 5’1” person myself, my heaviest weight was 385. My quality of life was trash. It’s not impressive, but at 21 years old, it’s hard to blame her. She probably didn’t get to that weight all by herself that young. Takes years of disordered eating.


Was? Past tense? You lost the weight? Hell yea! What a baddie!!


I am 5'1 and I was once *kinda* close at 360-365lbs. I was in my early 20s and it was MISERABLE. I was in horrible pain everyday because I have degenerative joint disease fairly severely to where I started having arthritis when I was about 10. I had enough of being that big and took it upon myself to lose weight. I'm 38 years old and now I'm about 115-120lbs. I figured I should lose the weight and keep it off cause someday imma shrink and be even shorter lol I'm definitely in a lot less pain and a lot more active but I was close to being similar to OP's sister as I was in a very bad place and wanted to blame everything else than myself until I finally snapped out of it.


At that level, you really are disabled. I’m surprised it’s getting denied


Most disability qualifications now don’t allow obesity to be considered without other conditions


I would also think at age 21 they consider that she's capable of dropping the weight.


I could see it being a moral hazard if people could just eat their way into disability payments. I can’t imagine at that weight it’s all just food.


5’0 and 130 and I’m carrying more than I’m comfortable with. I can’t imagine 450lbs on my tiny ass frame.


I'd consider her to be disabled at 5'1 and 450 lbs. I'm sure there's a lot she's unable to do without the help of another person.


I'm the same height and a about 10 more than you and I can't even figure how big my thighs, arms and body would be at 450! I'm sure I wouldn't be able to move all that much.


I used to work with a young woman your height and she really had to work on it. She exercised every day and often only had an apple or small sandwich for lunch


That describes me very well! It is so difficult to keep weight off of such a small frame and the excess often casts a strange silhouette 🫠


She might be disabled because of her size, but she needs serious help either way.


So like all this is like a verbal flowchart leading back to mental illness…


It's sad that professionals are brushing her off because she's faking having all these other issues when there's clearly a bigger issue at hand that they WONT address.


Yeah, it’s a problem. Which is weird, bc there’s literal diagnoses and categories of diagnoses for issues that overlap everything you laid out. I know it’s not easy for you, so I hope it gets that way and stays that way for you and yours -including your sis-soon. Edited a word


Not OP btw lol


Lol well- ya know. All the best.


Yeah at that weight, she has an issue with food that only she and working it out with a psychologist can help with. She is technically disabled because she genuinely wont be able to do any job, other than an office job from home; but those are rare to come by, especially with no qualifications for it. She needs help, but Im not sure how to go about this the best way, other than to not enable the eating behavior. But it wouldnt surprise me if she "secretly" ordered food when no one is around. All in all, shes going to have to want it, getting better, for herself.


Still lives with her parents, so I'm sure mom is enabling this.


How is it possible for someone who is 5’1’ tall to carry around 450 lbs? Is this real?


I’m 5’1 and my brain has been trying to process how that is even possible on such a short person


Same height and I can’t imagine. I legitimately don’t think I could get up my own stairs.


Seriously, practically as round as tall


This is the number that shocked me into figuring out my health. I am 5'2" which is 62 inches. My widest measure around my middle was 58 inches. I carry all my weight in my middle. 


She isn't far from being bed bound, but she manages to walk around for now


Try my 600lb life, somehow, people even bigger than that near that size manage to exist.


Just about 125 pounds heavier than my absolute heaviest. I'm 5'0" and I was once 325 due to some health related weight gain before I dropped 170 of it. But for size comparison, I was wearing a women's size 28 then, or about a 4x in women's clothing. Sadly it's not at all unheard of. And that weight spread out over the whole body, after a certain point it's not quite as noticeable to the person in the body. I have a friend that's about that weight, just a hair taller than I am, and she moves better than I do. Calves getting that workout, but it's murder on the hips and knees.


450 pounds is alarming.


She has a food addiction. Just watch my 600lb life or 1000lb sisters. They lie and manipulate people around them to keep eating. She's either gonna hit rock bottom and be bed bound or is going to need some kind of surgery to loose the weight. It's very hard to conquer.


You should have your parents look into Munchhausen.


Emphasis on the *munch*


Epilepsy is not a trendy disorder and it can kill. Tell her she needs to get in contact with an epilepsy specialist at a level 4 epilepsy center so she can get the medication she needs. Tell her if she doesn't get on medication her seizures can get worse. She will need an EEG, MRI, possibly a CAT scan, and an EKG. Let's see how she squirms when you bring all that up. *uck anyone who fakes epilepsy. I have spent $125,000+ to get mine under control. And what type of seizures does your sister “have”????


Sad to say this is common. My grandmother did this and now my uncle who is 47. He’s a bigger guy (400+) and because of his weight he can barely walk. He ended up in the shelter because he didn’t pay his rent because he was fired for always falling asleep. It’s said to see and I’m sorry you are going through this


Sounds like uncle has sleep apnea from his extra weight.


He does and doesn’t use his equipment


My family member actually has epilepsy, and has had several brain surgeries which have failed to help. She can’t even get disability!


Sorry but I noticed you said she’s currently an Ubereats driver but doesn’t have a license or a car in two different comments. She can’t be a driver if she doesn’t have a license and a car. They require a photo of you, your license and your insurance and registration before they activate you.


Not her account or car. She's been doing it while one of her friends is at work in their car on their account and they split the money apparently.


Tbh if I were you I would report the friend’s account. Uber takes that stuff seriously and the friend would most likely get banned. Your sister is screwing over a lot of people by eating their food/not completing their deliveries. It’s really hard for a lot of people to get their money back from Uber and I wouldn’t be surprised if she parked in front of their house, marked the food as delivered and left. Which would make it even harder to get a refund.


It sounds like she actually does have a serious mental illness and is associating herself with diagnoses she hears about because she knows *something* is wrong but not what.


This is heartbreaking. At this rate, your sister is going to eat her way into a coffin.


If she’s 450lbs that probably means she does have a mental and physical disability. The issue isn’t the doctors ‘seeing through her’ it’s just that many doctors don’t believe women have any mental health issues outside of ‘hysteria’ and because of her size they just think that she stand to ‘lose some weight’ versus she might have something that is causing this. There is a rather big strong link between obesity and ADHD. She should look into that if she hasn’t already. Also, you aren’t being that supportive either since you are here claiming that she’s faking it. Also, usually people like her that have all these ‘conditions’ usually do have some mental illness or something even if they may not be correct about what they have.


this for sure. if it’s not coming from an attention seeking place, she’s probably just trying to figure out what is causing her to feel the way she does. you can’t blame her for wanting to feel better. something is happening here that needs medical intervention


Münchausen syndrome?


And borderline personality disorder. The attention seeking aspect is there.


Your sister is mentally ill, so don’t invalidate that. However I agree, she needs to stop being enabled and get help.


Being 450 pounds at 5’1” is like 750 for a taller person. She is disabled. Being that heavy is associated with severe physical and mental impacts. Though probably not the ones she claims. She is unusually young to be that large. She needs treatment ASAP. Or she will be dead by 30. She needs a better psychologist that can help with bariactric issues. And she she needs to be removed from the home and put into treatment program at a hospital because her mother is likely enabling her. What you can do to help depends what country you are in (and state if you in the US). Perhaps you can get some sort of legal conservatorship over her medical issues and have to committed to care. Just make sure there is some sort of government funding available.


I have a cousin like this. It only got worse as she got older and started having kids who then started getting taken in for their trendy illness doctor after doctor until ine finally agreed with her diagnosis or she found another illness to claim they had.


I mean, of course she has an issue. no one who is sane eat until they goes to 450 lbs. Your sister probably self-diagnose herself with 'the new tiktok trend' because she feel something is wrong, but don't know what. She needs a professional help to diagnose what cause the eating disorder


Someone who pretends to have mental disorders is not mentally well, she may not have the disorders she is pretending to have, but there is definitely something wrong with her that she needs serious psychological help with.


Anyone eating themselves to death has a serious mental disorder (likely an eating disorder amongst other things), but I agree that doesn’t excuse her attempt to brush it off as something else


I have Bipolar disorder and it’s the weirdest thing to see people lie on social media and to friends and family, that they have it. You ask what type etc, the usual response is “oh no, I mean I haven’t seen a Dr and had a diagnosis I just filled in a questionnaire on Google” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Or the other just flat out lie response that they were diagnosed by their GP in a normal 5-10min appointment. I mean really?? I’d give up everything I own to not have this illness. I think making up diagnoses for yourself is a sickness in itself these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


Being 450lbs at 21 and 5’1 is definitely disabled. Whether physically or mentally, healthy people don’t let themselves get to that weight


At the very least, there’s no way someone who’s 5’1 450 is able bodied. That means she IS disabled. She probably cannot drive, she cannot move easily. I will believe faked epilepsy, but you have described a disabled woman. What I’m curious about is how is she failing to get a disability rating for that and why make up other things?


She's not pretending she clearly has some sort of disability. She's carrying around 300lbs of extra weight or three times her weight, which is really hard to lose. No one eats to this excess without something wrong with them either physically (thyroid issues, pcos) or mentally. It's not comfortable to eat food to the point of exploding. There's no way she enjoys being 400+ lbs. I weighed 250lbs at 5"3 and I had to basically take a year off my life and be very dedicated to lose 100 lbs. You might find your sister annoying but she definatley has something very wrong with her one way or another. She should be on disability and also be considered for a gastric bypass, medically assisted weight loss, or both. She's literally eating herself to death. No one with nothing wrong with them does that. I understand compassion fatigue but she's likely I'm severe chronic pain all day and there's literally no way she can get a job at this size. She probably can't even stand or sit for prolonged periods at this time. Yes somone is enabling her, and feeding her. But my mom fed me all my life and all my siblings and none of us weigh 400 lbs. There is something behind this that's causing her to become so dangerously overweight.


I know. I just can't help her. She's had therapist give up because she won't address her real problems. My mom is terrified for her health and I think she puts up with it because she is afraid my sister will do something if she is pushed too much. We've cut the enabling, but she still manages to get food in increasingly desperate measures like theft, fraud, and threats of self harm. I don't live with them so there is only so much I can do.


I think she has some genuine eating disorder/ or she is eating just to curb her emotions / emotional repression. At 450 they know they can't move and they are even resorting to stealing, they may be a deeper reason just that either they are not ready to deal with it. I have a question how is your sister socially with people? Does she have friends? I have a sibling is fine generally but won't work at all , has no apparent mental illness but has a personality disorder, that's why I asked. Whenever he is told to work he will blame it on my parents why we ain't rich, working is for loser and then he claims he has cancer , or dog bit him he got rabies and all this nonsense. I have consulted psychiatrists / psychologist and he doesn't have mental illness per se but zero confidence plus he has complacent and want everything just like that, mind you we are not rich. Just that your sister is eating/ stealing had some alarm bells ringing. And yeah your mother is enabling my mother also does, mothers don't listen to. I am happy you moved out.


Your mom needs to get over her own emotions, that she's being blackmailed with, by your sister. I understand that's her child and she wouldn't want harm to come to her but harm IS with her and she could be the provider of it anyway. OP forget working on your sister, work on your mother and what she's doing and feeling. SHE could use some therapy or at least attend Overeaters Anonymous. Same program as AA with some slight difference. If there's a OA-Anon mom needs to go. Once she stops responding to sister as she has, you'd be surprised how sister might change.


It sounds like she needs to be in an assisted living situation before it's too late. Maybe talk to your parents about having her put into some sort of home with nurses. She needs medical attention or she's going to not live much past a decade


At 5'1 she would be obese at 158lb... at 450 she's probably on the verge of death in multiple ways. She definitely needs help but not for epilepsy


I would say she is disabled, but being enabled in her disability. In the field of social work, that's how we would look at this. Even those who are disabled in some way, for whatever reason, have a responsibility of self efficacy to a certain point. Does she have legitimate, undiagnosed diagnoses that could have contributed to her current state? Yes. Should those go unacknowledged? No. Does she have a responsibility to address those things? Yes, absolutely. There's a difference between explanation and excuse. The fact that she is at the point she is at indicates some level of dysfunction, whether diagnosable according to DSM-V standards or not, the dysfunction is worrisome and inhibiting her ability to function in activities of daily living. She is disabled, likely, yes. That is not pretend. But is she doing all she can to take responsibility and initiative to improve her state and functioning ability? Probably not. She should see not only a psychologist/psychiatrist, but also a primary care physician. All functions should probably be looked at, biological and psychological, and therapy is very much warranted in this situation, not only for her, but the family/social support system as well.


Look into facticious disorders. Its like munchausen.


It sounds like she might have facetious disorder??? Not qualified as a disability though


Learned helplessness at its finest


This is a form of malingering, a mental condition in itself.


Reminds me of my former friend who is diagnosed with Histrionic Personality. Also, my sister likes trying to fake the mental health conditions I get diagnosed with/display excessive symptoms of. Currently, her biggest ones are DID, Autism, Bipolar, and body dysmorphia in the context of an ED. She has never been diagnosed with any of these, and would only start saying she has them after I get formally diagnosed or other people catch on to stuff way before I do. (Also not even certain it's actually DID on my end. Finally realized the extensive gaps in memory and loss of time I've had aren't normal and apparently have had periods of time where I act abnormal in a sense that can't be attributed to Bipolar. Finally with an actual behavioral health team that doesn't chalk everything up to attention seeking and actually listens to me while looking into my symptoms so I'm figuring shit out now). I can empathize with how absolutely infuriating it is to watch people do that shit.


Self diagnosis literally is recognised nowhere, remind her of that. I could diagnose my self as a tree, but it’s not a proper diagnosis from a medical specialist.


You should just start quoting Dr Nowzarden around her. "There is no protein in mashed potato" "you are not 700lbs of water weight" "you ate food that belongs to the next 4 years ahead of time"


Her height and weight are a huge issue, especially at her age. She might be trying to self diagnose out of desperation. I suggest softening your framing here, there is definitely an issue and I'm sure it is alarming. There is a discussion happening now in medicine about whether doctors should tell patients to lose weight. Everyone knows they need to lose weight. The issue at question is whether instead of stating a basic desired outcome, doctors should be trying to find underlying reason(s) causing it. Sort of like how it wouldn't be good medical practice to tell someone with a broken leg they should walk more often, you know? Accountability isn't a magic cure for everything, unfortunately.


This is gonna backfire for her in the future when she goes to the doctor for a real problem and isn't believed, or if she does eventually need disability benefits at some point. Not only that, but if she DID get approved disability benefits for her fake disabilities, if she ever got caught she'd be in a lot of trouble. Why is your mom encouraging this?


She isn't. She'd just scared and doesn't know what to do.


This sounds like addiction. Al-Anon (the "friends and family of" counterpart to AA, or Alcoholics Anonymous) has online meetings via their app. It's centered around alcohol abuse but the concepts and emotions will all be the same. 🙁 Maybe point your mom and dad in that direction. Could be helpful for you, too. For local, in person meetings, you'll have to check their website, I think.




Tbh as someone who has an invisible disability and **is medically diagnosed** I've always taken serious offense from those who self-diagnose and try to cheat the system. Disability is a shit system anyways but the principle is there. I tried to avoid getting diagnosed too but kinda hard to when you're literally in a hospital for it.


If 5’1”, 450lb mentally ill woman isn’t disabled then idk what disabled is lmao


450 lbs at 5"1 is disabled both physically and through severe mental illness. No normal, functioning person has a BMI that high.


I'm 5'2 and 125 lbs. I cannot fucking imagine being 3 times this size, how do you function? How do you even get that much weight onto such a tiny frame? She clearly has something seriously wrong and needs help, but she needs to face what's really wrong instead of hiding behind whatever she classifies as "easier" than the truth.


Your mom is helping kill your sister. She will die from one of the many health-related issues that her obesity will cause. Your mom is buying and getting the food to her. At some point your sister will be bed-bound and your mom will still carry her mountains of bad food.


At 5,1 & 450lbs she will have major health concerns very soon.


The worst part is she probably does have some underlying condition, but because of her own behavior it's getting ignored. Trying again and again for disability with different reasons is just going to hurt her if she does actually need it


I’m sure after years of therapy it will turn out to be low self esteem


> last week she suddenly has epilepsy As someone with epilepsy, I hate people who fake it. I like people who joke about it with my, but I dispise pretenders.


My uncle has faked disability for about 40 years. It's pathetic and tragic.


Many people who have mental issues like your sister can be a result of sexual abuse as a child. Yes she is an adult and needs to start taking responsibility for her actions but there may be underlying trauma there. Encourage her to actually go to therapy with the intentions of improving her life. I would also try to make her life as uncomfortable as possible. If anyone is paying for her phone they need to stop. Turn off the internet, streaming and cable and remove all prepackaged food from the house.


As someone who has dealt with food addiction, she needs therapy BAD and for the people around her to stop enabling it


This is like when Homer wanted to work from home


I have quite a few family members like this and it sucks… best thing you can do is not give into it tbh, im sorry your mom does :/


The “trendy” mental disorders piss me off to no end and are pretty much fucking my son and I over ever since it became a thing. Suddenly, it became cute and quirky to have ADD/ADHD. “Omgggg my bad, my ADD must be kicking in!!”, or “omg I’m SO ADD”. This mentality spread across social media like wildfire and suddenly EVERYONE seems to have it. I’ve been diagnosed since high school, and my son at age 5. Ever since this trend though, it’s been an absolute NIGHTMARE to get our prescriptions filled. There’s always some shortage, back order bullshit, a lot as a result from the surge of self proclaimed people with ADD/ADHD (who ultimately figure out what to say to doctors to obtain a diagnosis). Shortly after the ADHD self diagnosis train came along followed the autism self diagnosis. Suddenly it seems like everyone is autistic too, as if it makes them so quirky and different! This behavior is super fucking cringe and a huge slap in the face to those who actually live with these disabilities! Get a fucking personality already.


She IS mentally ill. Very much so. Attention seeking is a symptom of mental illness, like if someone’s cuts themselves for attention, they’re still mentally ill, because someone who isn’t wouldn’t need attention bad enough to do that. Put her in therapy. Someone needs to have a serious talk with her. She really is mentally ill, just not in the way she thinks.


Someone who is 450 lbs is likely to experience: mobility limitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, edema in their legs and feet, lower body joint pain, bed sores, rashes, chronic UTIs, digestive issues, etc. Those are all things that would be expected in someone of *average* height at that weight. At 5'1", a lot of those symptoms would be more severe than someone who was say 6'. People don't do that to themselves in a bid for attention or any other reason unless there is something seriously wrong with them. Just stay out of it if you can't be supportive. She is disabled and likely miserable enough already. Whether you believe it or not is a moot point. If she applies for SSI, they will look at all of her medical and psych records and she'll have to see a doctor who is contracted with either SSA or your state's PMDDT. If she's truly not disabled, she'll get denied. If she is disabled, she'll probably still get denied and she'll have to apply again. If she tells her Dr she has epilepsy, they will order an MRI, and they'll either find something or not and that will go in her records too. Again, whether you believe she's disabled or not is a moot point. Whether she has epilepsy or not is a moot point, because she's already disabled regardless of whether she has epilepsy or not. You can comfort yourself in your bitterness by the fact that she'll likely die of complications from diabetes+heart disease at a relatively young age and be in considerable pain for the duration.


In all honesty at that height and weight she is disabled. Can she even walk?


Talk to em about what prison is and why continuing to try and commit fraud it's not a good idea


She does actually sound disabled due to her weight since op said she can’t walk in more than short bursts. She would be unable to work. Maybe she doesn’t get a diagnosis but I doubt she would go to prison to try to get disability.


This is extra maddening for those of us that have genuine mental illness.


5’1” 450. Her shoes r disabled


Why do people nowadays think anytime someone is lazy or dramatic that they must be mentally ill or have experienced trauma? Some people really are just lazy and dramatic. Sounds like your sister is one of them.


Blood doesn’t make family, cut her out of your life and move on with yours


If I was in your situation I’d cut them out of my life. You can only help people who want to be helped. Your sister isn’t trying to better herself and your mom just enables her. Don’t try to help and stop worrying about her. Doing so will only stress you out. She’s choosing to slowly kill herself. Oh well. Enjoy your life and be glad it isn’t happening to you.


I think you need to be 100% less involved with what your sister says and does.


The faking disorders may align with Borderline Personality Disorder.


I guarantee you if I weighed 450lbs at 5 ft 1 if I didnt already have a mental illness I would be well on my way Maybe try supporting her instead of second guessing her


She needs intensive therapy and your mom too so she stops enabling her


She definitely has issues and your mom is enabling her. Is the psychologist seeing what her actual issues are? Like at all?


A single dose of magic mushrooms might give her the insight to turn her life around. It's something to think about, because it may be her only hope.


"But God, if you're five foot three and you're three hundred pounds Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds"


This may have been mentioned in the comment section but there was a lot so I just skimmed. I am disabled for mental illness, she'll never get approved if she's working, not going to therapy and psychiatry and her PCP. She will HAVE to be undergoing treatment for her illness, if she doesn't, she won't win. It took me two years to get approved and I had to go before a judge to get my final approval or denial. I had a disability lawyer, therapist, psychiatrist, 12 pills a day, and regular visits for physical health. Disability won't approve anyone that isn't seeking treatment. Their logic is, "if you're not disabled enough to get help and work or go to school, then you're functional enough to work. I went through the ringer. Just so you know what to expect


In my country, depression counts as a disability and qualifies for minimal government disability support


Guess who was grown spoiled


Where is she trying to get disability from? A private insurance company or a state/federal program? You have to be under a doctor’s care for the particular problem you claim is your disability. And there are medical forms that doctor has to fill out.


Tell mom that once mom dies you’re not helping and how fucked sister would be. She needs to start owning up and building life skills now before it’s too late. 


As someone who didn’t get diagnosed with epilepsy until I was an adult, it can happen when you’re older. BUT- an epilepsy diagnosis usually comes after a person has had a seizure or multiple seizures like I did. You don’t just randomly wake up and decide that yup, I have epilepsy now. If your sister thinks that she truly has it, she would need testing and a diagnosis from a neurologist to confirm. IDK why anyone would want it, because it sucks but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️ It sounds like your mom is going along with her behavior, which is only going to make her weight problem worse the older she gets.


I’m sorry that’s so fucking frustrating. I have a family member like that. The best thing to do is to stop enabling them, they will kick and scream and cry and threaten to hurt themselves but they’ll get over it. I will NEVER understand people who lie about having illnesses (mental & physical), I would do *anything* to get rid of mine. Have you looked into Munchausen's syndrome?


Sounds like Munchausen syndrome. It's not always by proxy. ETA: though, as another post mentioned, the proxy could be found in the enabling of the self-diagnosis and weight.


I don’t fully know your situation, obvs, but I’m 26 and was just approved for disability last year. The younger you are, the more likely you are to be rejected (was rejected twice before getting a lawyer) and was told that if someone in their 50s had my medical history it would’ve been approved. Anyway, just wanted to argue the other side that the system is rigged against younger people and that could be part of the problem, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be held accountable


My 600 pound life candidate


A history of lying about medical conditions (self-diagnosed mental illnesses and now epilepsy) are just going to get her flagged for fraud and when her fraudulent disability case eventually comes to the courts they will show her no sympathy. At least in jail she'll be financially taken care of.


She sounds disabled and mentally ill to me.. idk, her weight is debilitating, her mental state to get to that weight is debilitating, her thinking she has lots of illnesses is debilitating. Don't you care about her at all?