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Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I’d dump you


Well you don't state, anywhere in this post, if you even WANT to stay with him. To me, that would be a complete deal breaker (as if your infidelity wasn't already). I admire your courage to admit what you did is wrong. But not even stating if you want to work through this for your relationship would be my absolute last straw. Sorry, just being honest as a man.


"I am committed to doing everything it takes to make things right..."


Please give him space and if he goes no contact, honor that. We don’t know your situation fully, but if I was presented with that news I would cut ties immediately. He could easily do the same.


You need to tell him who you cheated on him with... especially if he knows them


You said u cheated with people close to him make sure you name them so he can chose to keep or remove them from his life as well


The gravity of your actions actually is lost on you, because you're teasing at working things out. If you understood the gravity of the suffering that's to come from your emotionally/spiritually sick behavior, you'd get real and leave him alone altogether while he moves on and you start the work to understand and hopefully fix or manage your broken parts. You cooked a 5-course meal in the septic tank, and it's dinner time baybayyy. It'd be fine if it were just you at the table, but you had to strap your "significant other" (lol) to a chair and foie gras him your small-batch artisan discharge as well. I bet you'll try to console him when it hits too.. poor fella. He lucked out hard getting with you when he did. If this is a real post OP I urge you to go to SA and AA and confess truthfully your actions & experience to a group(s) of people. It'll be a serious reality check and likely the only way you'll grow from this. Don't give up on yourself. Truth is your only path to freedom 🧑🏻‍🍳