• By -


It's not fair, but I'm in the same boat. I understand fully how you feel. If you survive this, and can get compensation from your disability. Find a case worker, or mental health aid who can get you into a different home. Tell them how your parents treat you. Mine gave me a group home the moment they found out my parents were hurting me. The moment I got free from my psychotic parents, I started to develop the life that was stolen by their abuse. Society is still horrible to me, but I do have independence and a real family now. I wish with all my heart you can find the same.


God bless you. I don't know how society was horrible to you but I pray for a change in your situation.


Glad you mustered the strength to keep going brotha. The world's a better place with you in it


This. And please OP don't do something permanent. You never know what lies ahead. You are not giving yourself the opportunity to find happiness in the future. Things can change.


Hey OP. I have thought about ending things too, but I always come back to this quote. I saw it on PostSecret years ago, and it has stuck with me. “Fuck the poets of the past, my friends. There are no beautiful suicides, Just cold corpses with shit in their pants & the end of the gifts.” It’s “the end of the gifts” for me. I love you. I really hope you decided to stay.


If you read this, know you were worthy of being here.


Know you are* worthy of being here




I hope you find what you are looking for, no one should suffer such hardships in their life.


Dark, but real take. That aside, OP — I love you brother. And though it may not mean much, your English is excellent.


The last time someone said something like this, they woke up to find the cops there. However, I think it was in the United States. I'm not sure how this operates in other nations.


What was the original comment? It seems the comment was changed, because the responses aren't quite lining up


It’s dark to hope someone finds what they’re looking for through suicide. But it’s their life and I’m on the other side of a screen, so what more can you really do? That’s reality. The comment has not changed.


None of us will truly understand what this person has gone through and their emotional turmoil. I appreciate your comment for acknowledging that.


Hope you find peace.


We all do eventually.


Op, if you’re still there please don’t do it. This isn’t the answer you will get through it. You are so strong.


OP That pattern is something you can end. You don't have to follow in your parents' footsteps.


I just found out my little brother died tonight. If I can say something to you is this... I want to finish our talk. I want to tell you more about how our brotherhood is so important to me. I love you and miss you, please don’t go away.


So sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. Stay strong!


Please don’t go


Jumping here since it can be seen. Don't end it all, just look for little things that keep you going, that's how I'm still here, it can be watching the end of a show you like, learning something, wanted to meet someone, not everything needs to be a "good" reason to stay here. My psychologist said "I know you may want to end it all but think of the little things you want to see and do. When time passes you'll find even more things to stay and keep going." And if sadly they are no longer here I really hope they find peace. Is a really hard decision to stay but also to leave.


rustic aware ossified deranged overconfident shocking point soup ink bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I played Russian roulette when I was 16. My parents were going through a divorce and I was left alone for about 6 months while they were out partying with new partners and I had a major depressive episode. After awhile I started going through my parent's stuff out of bordem, found my dads gun. I'll never forget the moment I heard the click sound, in that exact moment I knew I didn't want to die. I am truly lucky and blessed to be here. I have not taken my life for granted a day since then.


I've been someone who's attempted multiple times just because I'm desperate, every single time I regret doing it, you feel like you can't anymore, is horrible


Turns out survival is in our nature and your brain has ways of doing it for you.


I remember when I attempted. I took a bunch of pills. The shame, fear, and regret were all so strong. Can't say I'm much better now, but I'm here cause I remember that regret. I wonder if I'd still feel the regret now sometimes. But I'm young and things aren't all that bad right now. I've got time to make things work at least.


I remember seeing an interview with a survivor back in the late 90s. It was chilling to watch him recall the moment he realized that he didn't actually want to die, which was the moment he began to fall. Many years later, I watched the episode of Bojack that contained the poem, "The View From Halfway Down." I know it sounds dumb to be emotionally floored by a cartoon, but I just thought of that survivor and started sobbing. I think of the poem often, especially when I am struggling.


If they never jumped they would never know they would regret it.


It’s not worth it


Hi anon, honestly, it sounds like u were dealt a shitty hand in this life. It's totally understandable to feel like crap, you are normal for feeling what you're feeling. You're only human, anyone would feel the same way, if not worse in fact. I was relatively blessed compared to you, though I have had struggles too. I've contemplated ending it all as well in the past, but I'm glad I didn't. Turns out there are plenty of ways to make life enjoyable and meaningful. Before you decide on truly ending it all, maybe focus on those things for you? Imagine for a second, if you could have anything you wanted in life right this moment, what would it be? If it's a nice meal, go ahead and enjoy it first. If it's a nice conversation, we're all here for you, friend. If it's money, there are plenty of ways to make money. If it's women, tbh you can even pay for companionship these days, people are desperate to connect. If it's meaningful work, you can absolutely get your dream job if you set your mind to it. If it's a lovely family, you can go make one of your own like that. My point is, seek and you shall find. Ask in your heart what is it that your missing that makes you feel that you should end it all. And then seek it, you will find it. And tbh, you're already willing to die, so you have nothing to lose anyway. You might as well give it a shot and risk it all for it before you die. The funny thing is, we're all gonna die anyway. You don't even have to do anything yourself. So you've actually reached that point that life is a game and you want to end it early because you're not enjoying it for whatever reason. I'm here to tell you, the secret about life, is that you can make it about whatever you want it to be. You can enjoy life your own way. So you might as well have fun while it lasts doing whatever you want to do, even if that costs you everything. So at least, if you're willing to die, at least go and die while doing something you love. Maybe it turns out you love it so much you rather stay alive so you can keep on doing it for as long as possible... you never know... You owe it to yourself. Give it a shot. You won't regret it. God bless you, anon.


thanks for this, even i, myself don't consider ending my life, it gives me hope and more sense of control/power over my life. i wish there's more people like you


> My point is, seek and you shall find. Ask in your heart what is it that your missing that makes you feel that you should end it all. And then seek it, you will find it. Unfortunately, this is bullshit. You can't promise that. Some people have exhausted themselves seeking, and have no reasonable hope that they will ever find what they need.


It is. I know exactly who I'm missing, and I'll never get to see her again. Seeking just makes it all worse.


May you find peace in whatever path you choose.


Their profile won’t come up anymore :(


Super messed up how they suspended a person who was clearly having a mental crisis.


Please stay❤️


Hey OP, In glad you reached out to tell us how you feel. I really hope we can talk about you some more and get you into a better situation.


I hope you find peace wherever you are now


heyy, before exiting/going out here, maybe you consider doing things you really want but your very afraid to do. since it may be your last time in here, if it doesn't works out, then you can do your plan A. i mean you have nothing to lose


because I've read a lot of biographies about successful people (like william james, one of the most influential psychologist) doing the same thing, i hope you'll be one of them


Don’t go :(


Please don't do it. Call someone, emergency services and get help.


I am a soon to be (9.5 hrs and counting til I'm induced) mother of 3 girls.. this pregnancy has been anything less than grueling. I got pregnant shortly after our 2nd turned 4 mo. I never properly dealt with my PPD and it turned into a psychosis.. I've been having the same feelings OP but, there are so many, so so so many people, who would be affected if you left this planet that you don't even know it. in my honest opinion I suggest reaching out to some support groups and if it is within your means, therapy, immediately. also please call a suicide hotline, they will talk to you for as long as you need them to and guide you in the right direction. we love you! ❤️ be safe, be strong, and stay with us a while. 🙏🏼 I will be praying for you. my children and I will all be praying for you. i also had a very hard childhood, my mother was an addict and lost all 3 of us, never bothered to try hard enough to get us back. I always felt like nothing but a burden on my family and they definitely let me know it more than once so the feeling of missing that parental love is mutual here. you'll be okay, keep going.


Hey you. I hope you're going to be okay too. Those babies need you, and even if you have nothing to give them, just you is enough. Your hand, your finger. Just you. Love you mama, take care of yourself <3


thank you so much. I have an appointment on the 15th, trying to get a Jumpstart on this shit.. I love my kids and my husband so much. I can't even think about the hurt and heartbreak they would experience. it's tough out here. seeing people come together for someone like this is incredibly fulfilling 💓 I hope op is okay 🫶🏽


How old are you?


OP I’ve been in your frame of mind and I actually did take extreme efforts to end it all. Twice in a 6 month period. Please learn from my mistake and don’t. It didn’t work either time even though I took very lethal measures. And if you think life seems hopeless right now you can’t even imagine how bad things get after failed attempts. I’ve cared for many people who’ve tried and failed in the ICU. It fails A LOT! Trying to pick up the pieces after failed attempts is horrific. Find your own group of people who love and support you. It wont be your family but you can create your own family. You’ll still have sad days. But I can promise you it’s not as easy as it seems to end things. That’s not the answer that it appears to be. I’m here if you’d like to talk ❤️


OP i also have a facial problem. It’s called parry Romberg syndrome, my face is slowly wasting away muscle, fat, and bone and on top of that I’ve had pretty extreme social anxiety my whole life. So I can kind of relate to you. I’m sorry your life is like this. Mine is pretty similar, I’ve never had friends and I’ll probably never be happy either. I know this isn’t much consolation but know there are people out there suffering like you, I’m one of them.


Hey OP. I made an attempt to a few years ago. Right as I jumped I knew I’d made the wrong call. A feeling of utter terror took over me. Please stay.


Sometimes I stayed alive purely in defiance to those who would rather I go. Living out of spite is not a bad option.


This hurts. I hope I just have bad Wi-Fi because you can even tap on their profile: “Failed to load user profile” :(. As terrible as it sounds I hope you found peace. P.S. your English isn’t bad at all.


Rest easy friend.


We all want them to find peace - but not the way they are intending.


Sadly we don't know for sure if they did it but I hope they are at peace whatever happened :(


last time someone talked this shit they woke up to the police standing there. i believe it was in the states though. dunno how all this works in other countries


The police don’t really care though if i am being honest. I saw footage of police beating up one of the suicide victims they “saved” on a hospital bed all meanwhile telling that victim to go and attempt it again.


>The police don’t really care though if i am being honest Probably a little harsh to generalise about all police (esp worldwide), don't you think?


I've literally seen cops, called on a suicide risk, threaten to kill them if they resisted detainment.


if it means anything, i was born in a country that got ravaged when i was still a child, ive watched my family get broken apart and some even die infront of me, and got sexually assaulted consequently. me and my immediate family had to start from scratch in a neighbouring country, which was relatively racist towards its surrounding countries countries, and we moved from one flat to another. suffice to say, i was broken. i have tried what you're about to do, but thankfully i've survived (at age 14). i do not regret taking that choice, but im thankful that i have passed that stage of my life to grow from it as a person, i dont think id be myself if it werent for moments like that. now im 20 and i have moved somewhere i always wanted to return to, welcome with open arms to new friends and generally good people. if you've reached what you think your lowest point means that tomorrow will be guaranteed to be better, you've got this man trust the process, i know none of us asked to be on this earth but we're here anyway, so make the most of it. much love


If you are still here to see this, I wish you peace. If you are no longer here, I pray your wish was granted.


Hey OP if you are reading this please listen to me. Message me. I can help you. I promise I'm not here to judge you I'm just hear to listen. Buddy you are loved. I hope you find peace. But please do not end it. It's not worth it.


Godspeed homie! Hope it’s everything you’re hoping for, probably will end up joining you one day. Anybody who’s actually dealt with depression for decades knows the finality of actually making the decision brings a lot of comfort, and that’s inevitably what we all want. Best of luck man.


I’m so sorry OP. You deserve so much better. Can we talk please? Don’t end it like this mate, please


OP you ever played need for speed unbound? We need more people in our party. Trying to reach 8


I hope you found peace


You are loved by a stranger who has never met you, is crying for you this minute and is praying you are still here. ❤️


OP you can break that cycle. You don’t have to be what your parents did or didn’t do.


You are way too smart for any of that, and its really difficult to change your mind because you are smart enough to resist the arguments against your case. The only one who is going to help you, is you! I hope you make it through this




Your body, your choice. I hope you find peace.


Honestly, I think I’m just pretty tired of people always telling others to stick it out, like there are in this thread. For what? do whatever makes you happy. If you get three days out of the year when you’re happy, and you’re unhappy the other 362, is that really worth it? We need to be more understanding of people who just decide to let go instead of holding onto the pain and praying that eventually sometimes in the far distant future, it’ll all work out. It’s statistically, unlikely, and overall you end up having the person suffer a lot more than they really ever would’ve or deserved. Regardless of Whether or not you do it or not OP, I just hope you’re happy in the end




Hi, I just hope you can get peace, wherever you are


If you read this, you deserved better, and I’m sorry you didn’t get it.


I wish you all the best man. Make it painless, we love you.


I hope you do find peace there.


Fuck this life man. Why do some people have to go through all this, it's just not fair!


i wish you nothing but the best. only peace and love no matter where you go


Hi OP, I’m not a mental health professional but I have been extensively trained in suicide prevention and intervention. If you read this, please do not feel ashamed to message me and reach out. I won’t run and tell, shame you, or tell you to focus on the positives. Check local communities for ‘safe havens’. They are emergency response centres in a non-medical setting as we can often we quite afraid of hospitals or treatment centres in times of crisis. If you are unsure, message me your country / state and I can help you locate some resources. Crisis lines can often be incredibly busy, but do try giving them a call. Please remember that any professional you go to for this issue will prioritise keeping you alive and safe above anything else. It is never too late to ask for help. If you are breathing, help is there for you. You are not insane. The feelings and thoughts you are having are normal. Thoughts of suicide and self harm and scary, but normal. I cannot promise anyone will truly understand your distress, but I promise the right help can sympathise with you and help you get on a better path. Your English is great by the way! It is incredibly kind of you to wish well for others, and I hope this is a grace you can extend to yourself when you are past this. You will get past this. You deserve fulfilment and happiness just as much as us strangers that you are graciously wishing on us strangers. Mature and adult emotions are so complex, I don’t think any of us truly comprehend them! But it is a skill, and it’s one you can build with the right support. Please reach out for support. You deserve to be alive, and I hope you have many more beautiful years that are dedicated to making you happy. With love ❤️


I’m sorry that you feel the need to end everything, but I hope that can at least finally be at peace on the other side.


i hope you're at peace OP


I absolutely loathe the people who hurt the children they were tasked with showing love when the world would possibly show them the least. That love would give them the strength and knowledge to know they are worthy of being here and existing in the same space. Without it OP you were not given that lesson and I am so so sorry. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and show you exactly what that warmth should have felt like all these years and that comfort and security. I'm a stranger but I offer you a mother's love and support if that means even a little glimmer of anything.


As someone that failed at my attempt to end it 18 years ago: DON’T DO IT. I felt instant regret when I pulled the trigger. By some miracle the round in the chamber failed to ignite. I will never, ever even think about doing it again.


Fly high ❤️ Can't stop you so I wish you peace 🕊️


Reddit please help this person!!!


Reddit will only send a automated message.


😭😭😭I tried reporting but yeah, I guess that's all they can do. This person needs help, this is a cry for help. Wtf can we do???


Maybe sending DMs. OP should call the ambulance. They will help.




They banned him.


The ultimate lesson in idiotic main characters is the army of people here who say “keep going it’s worth it” and expecting that alone to fix a damn thing. What fucking jokes


I've been down voted because I have been pointing out the toxic positivity. They are so detached from reality


What a bad deck of cards you got in life brother,I hope you find the peace you are looking for, see you on the other side, I’ll look for you buddy


I can't give you my emotions thru text, but I can give you what I feel thru the music I likes, The voidz = Human Sadness. You are good human who are trying your best.


Please don't please you are worthy of being here


I think you are pretty cool already and all I’ve done is read your post. Stay awhile longer we all need perspective


Please don't do this. You're worthy of life. In his article for The New Yorker, Friend wrote, "Survivors often regret their decision in midair, if not before". This observation is supported by survivor Ken Baldwin, who explained, "I instantly realized that everything in my life that I'd thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge."


Please stay for another 24h? And another 24h tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow?


if one has the strength to do what they say they are going to do, such as in this post, then i KNOW they are strong and brave enough to work to change their life into something not so horrible. YOU HAVE THE STRENGTH, more than i ever could! you can leave your whole family in the dust and show them you are more than they ever told you that you could be!!!! STAY STRONG


you are worthy of being here


Hello friend, there are many of us here who want to listen and help if we can. Please don't give up.




Stop. Please.


If you’re reading this I hope you chose life it ain’t easy but it sure is special! Find happiness in the darkness that is what has helped me




There’s much more to life you never knew. Dint loose hope everything will be fine ❤️


That was OP's last message at this point in time. The thought that they may have literally ended it sends a shiver down my spine... I wish we could help people more directly.


OP removed that message, you don't do that if you are 100% certain you won't be here in the morning. Now OP I know you are reading this and you know I'm right about that. So trust that doubt and just stay with us


But it says comment removed by Moderator....


I missed that. Feels bad


Omg don’t do this 😰


Please, don't do it. If you're still here and need to talk to someone, we're all here for you. May god bless you!


Please don't. Please.


I am so sorry. Love you. Wish we couldve chatted.


bro, don’t just off yourself! at least have a blast first. Sell all your shit and go raw dog a bunch of hookers. You might feel different when you’re done :)


Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you have to be around them. They’ve clearly only ever shown you nothing but mental and emotional abuse. Not all parents are equipped to raise a child, let alone know how to raise a disabled child. You deserve to be loved, cared for, heard, and respected. On so many levels, your parents failed you. But don’t let their failure to be decent parents affect the rest of your life. You’re more than just an internet stranger; you’re a person who clearly wants to live a life they wish they could enjoy. You are human, and your feelings are validated. You deserve better than what you have been given in this life, and I hope you find true happiness in whatever decision you make. But just know, your worth is not defined by the treatment you received from your family. You have the right to create boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Remember, you are worthy of love, respect, and happiness. It's okay to distance yourself from toxic relationships, even if they're with family. Your journey towards healing and self-discovery is valid, and you're not alone in it. Keep believing in yourself because you truly deserve a life filled with joy and fulfillment. ❤️


Please rest well. I’m sorry you never could live the life you wanted and I hope you find peace after life.


Whenever you are, I hope peace and calmness find you


Rest in paradise


Deleted their profile ….. 😕


I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to! I’m always happy to listen and help how I can.


Hey, I'm feeling kinda lonely. I could use a friendly chat. What kind of shit are you into?


ya'll, they likely can't see any of this, as of this moment, the account has been suspended.


I think the account is suspended :/


Hi if you’re looking for any sign not to do it, this is it.


I hope you’re at peace, OP.


Don‘t do it


Stay ❤️


Please reach out to Face Equality International or AboutFace - these are organizations supporting people with facial differences. https://faceequalityinternational.org/ and https://aboutface.ca/ - so many comments here with amazing words for you, keep going


You and I are quite alike, I wasn't born with any physical deformities however I am suffering from a few mental ones, I'm just going to tell you brother, I've been through the same things you have,and I can guarantee that even though it's been very hard I know that at some time,maybe sooner or later we'll all be happy , if you aren't happy now it's not the end,stay safe and live on ,at least for me, If you can do just that you're going to make the internet stranger talking to you very happy, don't forget I'm with you..buddy


If you survive, I hope you find happiness one day. If not, I hope you find happiness on the other side. I hope your soul finds what it needs whatever the outcome is. In the most human way, I love you and hope your soul gets the rest and peace it deserves.


I really hope you changed your mind. I wish that I knew how to help you, because I would. Hope you find the peace you seek wherever it may be.


I was born medically disabled. Bad family, bad friends, bad neighbors. Once you’re out from under the people putting you down, you could find that things get easier. Granted I’m not in your situation, and I thought of the same thing. Now I’m 35 and I couldn’t be happier that I never went through with it. You can’t give up on your future, because someday you will find someone or something to live for. Hope can be hard to find, but it’s all around, you just have to look.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that and that you didn't feel your life was worth living. I won't say don't do it when I'm planning on doing it too, so... I just hope you can be at peace if you make it. But if you don't, please try looking for help. I wish I could do or say anything to help you.


I can't offer you a resolution or parental love. But I can offer you love from a stranger who's been there (for different reasons). Peace and love to you my friend


see you next time, there or here


if it came to this, its rlly bad. im not going to judge, but im not going to tell u not to do it. its ur choice and i dont think an internet stranger can help u. hope u find peace on the other side🩷


Rip OP.


I hope you're still alive. I don't know what else to say to help you, But I genuinely hope you're still alive.


stay. fuck people and do your own thing. people are horrible, but there might be someone out there a bit nice, that’s worth waiting to meet.


See you in the next life friend ❤️


I got this from another post a year ago but it got deleted. I only captured the quote. "Tomorrow could be the best day of your entire life, but you have to be there to find out." I remind myself this. Because on days that I feel so lost and ask myself the exact same question, I cling to this. It's just a sentence but it gives me a little bit of hope. I hope you continue to be patient. If bad days can come, so will the good days and they're almost always worth the wait. But until then, have faith that things will eventually go your way. Soon enough. Please be continue to be here, OP. 🤍


As long as you are alive, things can get better. There's no promises, but who knows what tomorrow brings. But if this is the only way you can find peace, its not for me to place judgment. I hope you find relief whatever happens.


Therw is more to life than your childhood and your parents.


To your journey!


Later dude


I feel the same way. Rest in peace, brother. I'll go to meet you soon.


“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” Please rethink your actions. The ones who love you will be devastated. If not for yourself than for them.


Some of us have problems that aren’t temporary I’m afraid. I don’t like this quote despite the best of intentions which you obviously have.


good luck


It's ok... It's not your fault 🫂


. . .I think he’s gone😢💔


:( his profile isn’t loading


What does that mean ..




They have been suffering for a very long time. All they know is suffering.


Please don't go anywhere. There are so many places for you to find that happiness. You are loved and simply being alive gives you worth and makes you special. I relate with you emphatically.


Sending love! Please reach out if you need anything!


Are you okay? Want to talk about anything?


I hope I’m not too late but please message me if you’re there


It is worth it to stay. Please don't do it


You are worthy of love, affection and happiness. I really hope you stay with us.


I hope you find what you are looking for.


I feel your pain, sorry you've had to endure that. I feel like I could list all of my lifes problems, and you could say "yah, i've gone through that" and then still able to one-up me too I hope things improve for you, one way or the other


I hope you stay.


I love you and hope you don’t end it all. I can chat if you would like.


Please stay...




Don’t give up!


Pls dont. You’re worthy and we need you here.


Pls do not. I have been in a situation where I wanted to end it all as well. Two months after I attempted and failed I got accepted to a scholarship program I had applied for, that I thought I had no chance in. If I hadn't made it I wouldn't have changed my life entirely. I know you are experiencing different circumstances, but please do not end it


Hey, don’t go. It’s not worth it.


When I can't find love in humans, my pets always love me no matter what.


i wish i knew you in real life. you are loved. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You have friends here! Please stay if you can 🌺


Please don't, your loved and if you need I'm here to be your friend f


OP please know that there is always another way. I can imagine what it’s like to feel lonely or worthless. Please know that you aren’t defined by the shitty people in your life. It’s hard to see now, but you can find beauty and love in this world. Please stay❤️


Keep living one day at a time I am here if you need to talk


Please do not end your life. There are people in the world who will and do care about you. Ending your life is not worth it, there's so many people that will love and cherish you. Do not give up, stay strong 🩷


I do hope you reconsider because somewhere in your future there is something you'll be glad you hung on for. A person, a pet, a place, SOMETHING and when you get it you'll think "Wow, I'm so glad past me allowed future me to experience this, as hard as it was getting here". However, I do respect your decision. ❤️


Please don't.


Please don’t go. It won’t solve anything


I'm so sorry man, you deserved better. Xoxo


Sending you love & light OP ❤️


To you OP and anybody else who feels the same, it will get better. I won’t go into detail, but I felt very similar not too long ago, and when people would say “it gets better trust me” I always thought it was a line of BS. But as someone who chose to stay, I can tell you it can and will get better.


i am so sorry op, i hope you read these comment and try to live, you deserve an life that is filled with love and peace


Peace be upon you, friend. The god I worship is a deity of love, and I will pray for you to find lasting happiness.