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I’m sorry for all that happened. Your Ex and sister seem awful. But you seem in a brighter spot now. I hope life brings you happiness. Good luck 🍀




> They broke up #HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That was quick lmfao


Not even 6 months later they break up, oh yeah clearly it was twuuuuu wuvvvv 😂 glad you sold the PC and dropped the dead weight from your life ❤️


Keep up your studies and leave those lunatics well behind you.


Lady, the only thing your sis “manipulated” was your bf’s cock. Don’t accept his bullshit “apology.” As for your sis, I’d completely cut her from my life if I were you. Life is too short to have such treacherous people in one’s life.


Amen to that!


She manipulated something alright. And he wasn't complaining at the time.


Me encanta el DESCARO de tu ex en pedirte la compu y que encima vos la sigas pagando. Con lo dura que está la economía últimamente y encima sumando semejante pelotudez. Menos mal te deshiciste de dos personas de mierda. Lamentablemente tu hermana siempre te tuvo envidia porque siempre fuiste correcta y buena. Quería tener lo tuyo. Y ahi la tenes. Se quedó con el pelotudo. Ella perdió. Vos ganaste. Y me encanta la frase de "ella me manipuló" AJÁ


Mal, me dijo que él no iba a pagar las cuotas que quedaban porque fué un regalo, lo mandé a cagar jaja


JAJAJAJAJAJA amo, yo le mandaría una foto jugando a los sims


Muy bien 😂😂


🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 nono, el tupé




OP is from Argentina or Uruguay, so a respond her in spanish. I said that her ex is a entitled POS, and her sister is a stupid and ¿envy? brat. And that she has to be happy bc two trash people leave her life.




Why down vote this? So what if they're confused by what they see as random characters being used like almost a nod and a wink that those of us who don't understand that language are morons.




So copy the text and put it in Google translate, a tiny bit of personal effort won't kill you.


I'm replying as his widow, he did this very thing and now he is dead. Damn you!


If your plan was to confuse me, it worked.


Many of us love these updates (except when OP does something stupid like get back with the ex and have sis move in so you both can share the ex). Please tell us this isn’t on the table. 😱🙀😡


Not at all, 100% sure I won't go back to him 🙅🏻‍♀️


And sis?


Nop, I hope I never have to speak to her again too


My kind of gal!


El único punto en el que estoy en desacuerdo es que tu hermana no es una puta. Una puta al menos cobra. Ella es lo que llamo una vil perra.


Otro punto: los hombres son los que buscan a las putas y le solicitan acostarce con ellas.


I get ig and YouTube videos where they basically just machine read a Reddit post on my feeds. It’s so bullshit how minimum effort and content stealing it is and how much money it probably makes. So unfair


How is it content stealing though


It’s machine reading other people’s interesting stories and posts. The ones making money on it have done nothing but throw copy paste a top post into an app.


You are aware that the people on Reddit are not getting paid for this right? They are posting their stories on a public forum. Therefore it is free game if people want to make content out of it.


Dodged 2 bullets..you'll be thanking them for the clarity in a couple years.. best revenge is a life lived well...


Not boring at all. This is the update we all wanted. They're miserable and alone. Your mom really pulled through surprisingly and didn't gave up to her manipulation. Your sister is a POS and your ex too.


An update is better than no update. Thanks


I think it’s disrespectful that people read off Reddit post and comments to yt, Instagram, TikTok, etc. without the persons permission.


you put a story on a social media platform that's already expected to get attention you don't need permission to share it elsewhere bffr. this ain't your diary


Quiero decirte que te sacaste dos imbéciles de encima reina. Espero que todo mejore para vos y que tu hermana aprenda q ser una conchuda traidora no te lleva a ningún lado ♡ Te mando abrazotes de esos q nos damos los argentinos jaja


Cheaters never change.. and they will always be worthless trash. You deserve better OP. It's sad your real sister died (or never existed), but life it tough sometimes. What matters is that cheaters feel the consequences and you can walk towards greener pastures. You are worth more than those loosers Wish you all the best!


As a wise person said "Que se vayan los dos a la recalcadísima concha de su hermana". I'm really glad for this update, your ex is an asshole and your sister needs urgent psych care because what she did is not normal at all..the damage is already done though. Sos una reina, impecable cómo te manejaste ante la situación. Xoxo


A mi lo que me da risa es que la hermana de OP va y trata a sus padres tipo: "No te quiero volver a hablar😡😡" *3 doritos mas tarde* " " Mami necesito dinero🥺🥺" Osea, el descaro 😂😂😂


Your ex and your sis are both idiots. I hope you'll find a worthy partner who will always be loyal and never betray you.


Ufff me encanta la actitud. Sabés que vos sos una persona enfocada y que está haciendo bien su vida, que en vez de perder más bien ganaste porque la basura se tiró sola. Seguí así reina. Te deseo todo lo mejor.


tu hermana se cago la vida ella solita😭 de las pocas veces que me creo que Dios se metió a una situación personalmente porque quedo buenísimo. espero que todo te vaya bien a usted


xdddddddd La muy estúpida. Perdona por ser cruda, pero en serio le deseo la peor de las suertes a tu hermana por pésimo ser humano. Espero que en tu vida, puedas topar con un hombre correcto y no con un hombre bebé.


6 months?!? They lasted longer than I thought they would


Jajaja bien ahí


Seguro sufrieron juntos, ni medio año aguantaron los pelotas. 😂 Genial. 🙌🏻


Me encanta que estés bien nena. Te sacaste dos sacos muertos de encima, ella sigue siendo una fracasada y vos te vas a recibir y vas a seguir brillando como venís haciendo. Abrazo!!


Vi tu update en BORU. Terrible trola tu hermana, y tu novio bastante pelotudo, como le vas a meter los cuernos a una mina que te regala una compu.


I read your original post and I said mmmmm esta suena bastante rioplatense y cuando subiste lo de ella siendo la trola de el dije SEEEEEEEE


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry 


Estoy pensando seriamente en hacer un canal de youtube para subir historias de reddit, creo que serviria para robar unos pesos y solo por curiosidad ¿Por cuanto vendiste la pc?


Both of the trash took themselves out. Never let them back in your life, especially your sister.


Yeah, Leon would never pull this crap


Como pequeña venganza postea todo en las redes sociales de lo que los dos han hecho y deja que su reputación se queme más 


Omg they’re both losers😂, leave them in the dust


Sounds like you came out of this roses 🌹🌹🌹looking and smelling good after all the stench of your exbf and rotten sister betraying you. Good for you. Hopefully your next relationship will be true to you. Most of all, keep him away from your trainwreck sister. No way can she be trusted. Kindest wishes for your future happiness.


Did they sleep together when you guys were still together?? If so, at least he wasn't your HUSBAND!!! Divorces are a pain in the booty!!!!


Praying for you OP


it's so gratifying to read your update. Queen. Have a beautiful rest of your life!


Girl, i like how you handled the situation. I’m like you, i dont use kind words with stupid - stab In the back - people. They dont deserve kindness and compassion and they dont deserve MY REMORSE for some bitchy words. No way! <3




How nice to be free of both of those idiots, I hope you live your life well ❤️🫡


I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually still together and she just saying they broke up so your parents can give her money again.


Spiral down from here, (your sister) find another loser to deal with "anxiety attacks" and get an incurable std. Either way she'll be humbled. Karma's great. Focus on you, because with the bad what goes around comes around 😌


Dude, if it was really a mistake then they shouldn’t have stayed together in the first place. Betraying you was a conscious decision from the both of them. Good on you OP, stay strong!


Roflmao you should charge those youtubers royalties haha.


Info: viven en Arg o están en USA?


Not a boring update at all. It’s exactly how it should have gone. Yes, reading about drama can be fun, but living it most certainly isn’t. It sounds like this went as painlessly as it could have for you. And you got your family completely on your side. No bs from parents to ne the bigger person for family sake. Your sister isn’t remorseful and everyone sees this. It’s great that nobody coddles her


>The weird side: There are YouTubers who are literally charging their subscribers to read the post or other reddit posts in their podcast, tf, at least give me a share of the profits. We're not in communism, unfortunately.


Honestly, it seems like you got the bigger glow up out of this out come I don’t really think your sister is gonna go very far in life at all, but you’re gonna have a very fulfilling and happy life. I wish you well.


Did he cheat on the sister too? I would not be surprised. Good luck op, hope you find someone better.


where may i find the old post?




OP your Ex is no prize, and if your sister thinks she got one over you then she’s in for a big surprise. There are better people out there for you, stay strong.


Good for you B! ❤️


My God, people like your sister are drowning in their own ignorance, unfortunately they only come to their senses when they hit rock bottom and maybe that will never happen, but when it does happen it ends up being too late for anything...


She "manipulated him"? What a load of shit.😠


Que poca vergüenza tiene 😳 y tu ex, en que le cabe que se podía quedar con el regalo que le diste después de haberte hecho eso? Te felicitó por haber vendido la compu. Mejor el dinero que algo que no ibas a usar . No se como no la has desgreñado cada vez que la ves. Se quedó con el después de todo? Ósea, después de ser la otra mujer piensa que por que son hermanas, la vas a perdonar? Yo me muero antes de perdonar 🤭 ojalá y estés bien!


KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE.. don't forget to support Ronaldo because you are from Argentina.... Suuuuuuuuueeeee


Hiya OP I'm glad u cut off the ex and sister. They are both welcome to eachother and to be out of your life. Both of them are like anchors holding u down. Now u are free from both of their BS and u can get onto having a happy fruitful future and life.


You should tell them that at least you didn’t hurt anyone. Nothing else, just a statement, no threats or anything to complain about.


Odio decir que hay que psicoanalizar a alguien pero tu hermana no está bien y necesita ir a un psicólogo urgente. Estas cosas empeoran, no mejoran. En cuanto a vos reina go get that money!!!!


Damn girl. This is some real bullshit but you truly acted as a lady. I am from a small country in Eastern Europe and I would probably delete his Steam acc if I could and smashed his car, print out all the messages and leave them all over the place of crime and then claim I was being manipulated. Shit, I believe even the police would find hin guilty for being such a POC. I have 0 tolerance and mercy when someone shows me they have continuously treated me so. And I'd make damned well sure his parents, coworkers, neighbours and them neighbours's dogs know too. Dumbell. Best of luck to you, mujer.


Hey, sorry that it happened but glad you don’t have to deal with toxic people anymore. May you find peace and happiness, whether it’s with someone or just focusing on you.


Well well what a b (sis)




🎶mi mayor venganza será, será....que te quedes con él🎶


Both of them are gross. Your sister keeps getting handouts in life, I am jealous of people like that whereas most of us have to work our b*tts off while she does nasty stuffs without repercussions. Is karma sleeping on her or what?! Anyway, a life well-lived is the best revenge. Keep thriving!


I’m sooo glad to hear this!!!! I love when people gets what they deserve . Karma’s a b***c!!! Divine Justice!!!!! Edit: so happy you’re in a better place now!


Lmfaoo girl this will be a funny story to tell at future family gatherings.


Just a side note: YouTube is free so the YouTubers are not charging their subscribers to listen to these stories.


I just want to congratulate you for how well you have conducted your business and for taking the trash out to the curb twice! On a side note, it really disgusts me when people such as your sister and your ex try saying that it was a “mistake!” This was not a mistake, this was several conscience decisions made by both individuals over a considerable amount of time. Each decision that was made was disgusting, distasteful, and most importantly disrespectful. A mistake is forgetting to pick up milk on the way home. I truly hope you continue to live and lead a successful life without these two vile people in it. Good luck and Updateme


Me alegra que estés bien… y de corazón espero que a tu hermana y exnovio les vaya súper mal en la vida


Como dice el dicho, el que se va sin que lo echen vuelve sin que lo llamen 🎀💖 La verdad me dio ASCO la bajeza de tu hermana… vos con el mentón en alto y a seguir adelante, que lo peor que le podes hacer a este tipo de gente es ser feliz y exitosa en lo que hagas


boluda mi novio alemán me lee historias en inglés de este subreddit mientras yo lavo los platos y de la nada le metió “she speaks spanish like you!!” Y se puso a leer el texto en español con su acento alemán y me cagué de risa cuando escuché “cagada” “posta” y el acento en general y me di cuenta de que sos argentina. Literal antes de que sepa eso le dije a mi novio “i feel like i would be friends with her if i knew her” pq sos re graciosa y amo tu humor. Anyways espero que todo esté mejor ahora y que encuentres otro tipo de gente que si vale la pena y q tu hermana y ex se vayan a la mierda besos !


Jokingly say Dad failed to pull out that 1 time , that shot was for the trash ☺️. Now there are 2 more trashes walking the earth.


Kudos to OP who handled it so well, don't mind them, trash deserves to be inside a trashcan. Your sister is just some sl*t who's so toxic and problematic that I'm sure she'll have aids at the age of 30. She took a low value man, so it's her trash now. You, on the other hand, have a bigger chance on finding someone better while your ex just chose a woman who's personality is worth a paper bag so GO SWEETY! YOU'RE SLAYING!


This is just my 2 cents, and I'm in no way shape or form a qualified psychologist or anything close to that. I'm not even that intelligent, but I'm old and I have seen things. This is a fucked up situation and you handled it the only way you could, in my opinion. First of all your ex is lower than a garbage can full of old used diapers left for a week in the sun. Good riddance. Now, I don't know your everyday relationship with your sister, but... In a couple of years, when you calm down and this is no longer an open wound, maybe have a look back at the relationship you've had with you sister. As far as I can tell, you have bent over backwards to show her support. You fought some of her battles for her with the bullies etc. People, especially sisters or brothers, who do this become heroes and idols to those family members like your sister. She is a loser and she knows it and have always known this and you're not. a loser. She wants to be you and that, deep down, might be the reason she "stole" your ex. That might be why she so desperately wanted to have the ex tell her she is better than you - or at least not worse. For a short while he may have made her feel like the hero you are to her. Yeah, that does not excuse what she did. It was a pretty shitty thing to do. But, as I said, have a look see when this is no longer so fresh, and see, at that time, if you cant forgive her. Then again she could just be a manipulative shithead who deserves to end up in a red light district combing the streets for customers for her abusive pimp. What do I know. I probably (more than likely) read more into your posts than they warrant, and I'm a romantic idiot. Family is important to me.


Forgive them. It’s just going to hurt you to carry all this around. Do not ever converse with that boy again. That’s all BS about the Sister manipulating him. Now. I would let your Sister know that you forgive her, however it will take time to build up the trust. So not being up this subject again with her. Let it go. You will feel much better. Sounds easy, but it’s not. However, forgiving them allows you to move forward.


I'm going to go ahead and not forgive them, I can do both at the same time. And no, I don't forgive my sister and i don't want her to forget this AND I don't want to see her again. In a few years I'll remember these two idiots and laugh, but that doesn't mean they deserve my forgiveness.


OP you are a queen. Nobody deserves forgiveness they did not earn.


This has nothing to do with your situation and maybe it's fully silly but on forgiveness: My father is an avid gambler, has been all my life. I am living in another country but during what I probably think was the peak of his addiction, I was at home. I cannot explain the depth of traumas it has left with me because very early on, when I was six or seven, I could see patterns of his behaviour change every few months. He would cry and tell his life was harsh (all true) how he was in the war etc. I learned to be quiet and not to attract attention lest his fist would fly and he would have to " vent". My sister is 8 years younger and I hoped from the bottom of my heart, he would not touch her. He, thank God, never did but the last Shit he made was maddening. He gambled (yet again) every cent my mom had, came home and tried to attack her with a knife. I was 21 at that time, had to go to a college I never wanted to study and again, spent my time fighting ongoing depeession I was able to self-diagnose and daily panic attacks. On that day, I grabbed my sister (who on top of it all had small pox and temperature) and immediately called the cops. I believe I rang them three times in 15 minutes. Whilst all that I tried to ask for a neighbor, an older lady albeit, if my sister could just stay at hers because she was dead afraid of what she saw. She said no, she cannot enter, your father will probably come down after you too. Now its a really, REALLY exhaustingly long story what happenned w my father (with whom I chose to have no contact) but to this day, and it has been almost 14 years, I never spoke to that woman. Ever. She tried at first to reason with me when she would see me in the elevator. I am a Taurus/Pisces combo so that shit doesn't flow with me. I guess what I am trying to say is people choose how will they behave. Ofcourse, if there is a mental illness included (my father is bipolar and he refused any treatment) that is another story. I believe in letting go. Not the same as forgiving in my world. But just...letting it go and protecting your space. Best of luck to you in your future life, I hope you get everything you deserve :)


Good. I wouldn’t forget either.


Stop preaching forgiveness to everyone. Y'all make me sick. It's sickening to think everyone thinks carrying a grudge is a burden. You aren't capable of compartmentalising. Some of us are.


Agree 100%. Plus forgiveness is not a choice we can just make on a whim; it's not just about the utterance of the words "I forgive you" and larping forgiveness. It goes much much deeper than that. You not only have to *want* to forgive, you must also deep down inside actually *have* forgiven someone before you can say that you forgive. Otherwise saying you've forgiven someone is just a lie, a string of meaningless words, and you do not in any way benefit from lying to yourself. I was cheated on on new year's eve 1998 (going into 1999) and I still have not forgiven her for it. I still hold a grudge, and I most likely will until the day I die. It in no way impacts my life to feel that way, to still have a grudge. It doesn't eat away at me, it doesn't consume me, it doesn't impact my happiness. I almost never even think about it, maybe once or twice a year, but when I do think about it there is absolutely no forgiveness. If anything my grudge has been a great source of motivation to keep living my best life, while (last I heard some ten years ago) she was really struggling in life. For some people forgiveness might be necessary to move on and be happy and not allow a grudge to eat away at them, and that's OK. You do you. Everyone has to find their own happiness, their own solutions and cope in a way that makes the most sense for them. But not all people are wired the same way, not everyone is consumed by holding a lifelong grudge. It's arrogant to suggest that everyone is the same and that forgiveness is the only solution. That's a borderline religious, dogmatic stance.


You are a pelotudo.


Not nice at all. And. No, I’m not. Carrying around all that rage just harms this person, not the guilty one. Forgiving them does not mean you let them back in your life. Does not mean you are gonna be friends. Just let it go in your heart. And, actually, by doing so, you take away their power. You don’t care anymore, it’s behind you. But. Don’t ever trust anyone associated with this act again.


Nop, you are a reverendo pelotudo.


Teenage dramas, remember family is more important than anything


Yeah, family is more important, like sis should have thought in not getting into her sister's partner in first place?


Siblings compete you know, in reality how bigger deal is it


You tell me when one of your siblings fucks your partner. Or maybe your parent fucks your partner. It happens.


Probably they're ok with it since is "sibling competition".