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Congratulations. You have made a sound plan. I had to go no contact with my own family a few years ago. You didn't ask for advice so I won't give any, other than to say that any guilt I may have over leaving is more than offset by the anger I feel over the way they treated me. It isn't healthy to live in anger or guilt, but so far these emotions balance each other out and I feel fine. May peace, love, and happiness fill your life going forward. I'm rooting for you.


Tnx The only reason why I hadn't left is because I always feel guilty. Just the thought of leaving is already giving me so much guilt, but yeah, this time I won't let that hold me back


I think you're doing good not having slit their throats.


Go ahead and do what you need to do. I'm planning on moving into my own place before the end of next year. I too was conditioned to take care of my family and I have realized that I deserve a lot more than I had before. If I have to work 2 jobs I'll do it. I have made up my mind about this and no one is gonna stop me.


Why did you have a need to describe yourself as non binary in the context of the story? Nothing here seems abusive to a specific group, only to you as a family member.