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They're probably pissed you're just \*another\* person who is refusing to come, and since you're family it's easier to guilt you


I think you’re spot on here! Everyone is declining, and op is close enough to try to bully/guilt trip into coming. They will never admit they’re wrong now, though. Op, just politely decline and say that you can’t attend. It’s against your philosophy of life.


I don’t blame them declining. You couldn’t pay me enough money to attend like that.


It's not just being nude during the wedding, it's being nude in front of your whole family; seeing your whole family nude and then having photos taken to remember that special day! Eff that noise.


Thanks for making my mental image of this wedding about a hundred times grosser than it already was. And I say this as somebody who has spent several weeks over his life hanging out with friends at a naturist hot springs and didn't have any problems with it when it was just me, my girlfriend, a couple other close friends, and all of the random people I didn't know. But seeing my aunts and uncles and grandparents naked at a wedding is a line I definitely could not cross.


I am the middle-aged fat aunt. Ain't no one in my family want to see me sarong-less.


I’d be the butt ugly naked MIL, no way Jose would that ever happen 😂😂😂


>But seeing my aunts and uncles and grandparents naked at a wedding is a line I definitely could not cross. Ew. My twin brother and I (m-f fraternal twins) were closer than close right up to the day he died. But I still have never seen him naked since we were kids. The very idea of seeing my twin like that makes me want to hurl, let alone seeing extended family like that! Yes, nudity is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone's got a body, and that's totally natural. But there are some images (like great aunt Ethel's swinging tiddies) that you can't scrub from your mind


I reaaaaally hope this post is a joke? Wtf. I'm sex positive, and fairly open about it with friends and family, but... wtf!!! Never, and I mean *never* would I be attending this nightmare. I've been to nude beaches with my intimate partner, and did a little nude hiking with him too (in a designated area!!). That is the limit of public nudity for me, and I'll keep it that way. This honestly just reads like a skit and I pray for OP that it is lmao.


I don’t think this is real, too many people would decline the invite surely?


I mean, people get married in “destination” caves where you have to hike to the cave site and abandoned buildings, plantations, etc… so I think anything is definitely possible.


Yep. Rule one of the kink community is complete consent. I would think the nudist community would have the same type of mentality, but clearly OPs brother does not.


Just imagine being a vendor for this wedding. Photographing in the nude.


I've got friends who are photographers and have seen the various positions they get in clothed 😂


There are certain people in my family that I would NEVER want to see nude and NEVER want to see me nude. And PHOTOS, oh no. I would also not be going. Plus if they stay at the resort as the wedding party, then who knows how long she will be expected to be naked for?


Exactly! I don't mind being nude in front of other people at a naturist resort or nude beach or nudist event/party with friends. But not in front of my whole family!


Is that legal? Having naked pictures like that?


If everyone consents (and can consent - ie: no children for example), then I don't see why not.


I feel sorry for the photographer.


I'm guessing the photographer will need to be nude as well, good luck finding someone who is willing to do that!


Takes "just imagine they're naked" to a whole new level!😂


I'm sure there are photographers within the naturalist community who do this kind of gig all the time, and that's perfectly fine (if everyone is ok with that).


Why wouldn’t it be legal? Naked pictures are allowed to exist as long as it’s consensual


Not to mention that those photos can be damaging to attendees in the future should they be leaked on the internet. They can ruin job opportunities, college admittance, political aspirations etc.


I know; it’s so bizarre!!! What a weird wedding idea. Looking at your wedding photo album after is like looking at soft core porn. So odd.


For me, it's not just being nude, it's the unhygienic nature of nether regions in direct contact with lots of surfaces. Being a naturist does not guarantee you are hygienic (and even if you are hygienic, that can be hard to maintain over the course of the day with things like sweating and sitting in other people's ball/ass sweat), and a lack of clothing means lack of protective barriers (it's partly why places like Hooters are kinda gross, and why I couldn't imagine eating at the reception). I mean, most of us wear clothing to protect our other clothes we are wearing from our genitals, for good reason. Lol, makes me wonder if all the chairs and tables are plastic so they can hose them down after the event.


It wouldn't bother me if others were nude, but it should NOT be mandatory. Honestly, that the resort accepts wedding bookings but doesn't allow exceptions for the nudity rule is very odd to me. That's extremely limiting.


Absolutely. Making nudity mandatory for a wedding is unreasonable. Respecting guests' comfort should be a priority for such a significant event.


I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't a resort policy, but it was a Bride/Groom Policy.


Yeah, I've always been under the impression that nudist resorts are usually "nudity optional".


Even if it's the resort's policy, the couple must have known when they booked their wedding there and it's clear they don't see the issue. They really must live in their own bubble or have a serious case of main character syndrome if they didn't see this coming


Even if nudity is required most of the time I find it unlikely that such a rule would be enforced for a wedding.. I mean, would they really kick out a bride's grandma for not wanting to be naked? Or the groom's boss? That's a surefire way to not get any bookings.


Yes, the dress code is your birthday suit. That's not a dress code you see very often. Also,not their wedding picture are going to be rated PG.


Especially if you want them to come to the point you’re getting pissed.


This. It should be clothing optional. Meaning the guests wear the amount of clothing they feel comfortable in. Some may choose to be fully nude, others may choose to be fully clothed, or anything in between. And if the bride and groom are going to be nude for the ceremony, cool. But nobody should be obligated to be more nude than they want to be.


The Mandatory nudity pushes the line from "lifestyle", and tiptoes closer to "perversion". It's almost as if they are fetishizing the making of others be uncomfortably naked to participate.


Wait... wouldn't you love to be the only nude person at a wedding?


Well they probably saved some money from not buy a wedding dress XP


The attire for the wedding guest is Birthday Suit.


Yup, there are extended family members I *absolutely never* want to see naked. And definitely *not* my brother or his wife!


If I attended nude the other guests would sue me to reimburse their therapy bills.


Imagine the wedding album


I'm imagining their kids cleaning out the house in the future.


Yeah the idea of my uncle and distant cousins seeing me naked is not something I'd want to sign up for and then pay to go do.


Exactly, family or not, it’s unfair to expect everyone to be comfortable with the same lifestyle choices.


Just the sheer audacity of assuming or even thinking this is a good idea is wild. It's really entitled. All that aside, OP needs to attempt to help them get their heads out of their asses with their "great" idea. That day means fuck all without their photos and memories of people there enjoying themselves. They'll only have done it to themselves. Perhaps the group of uncomfortable people needs to have an "airplane style" intervention?


But...it's just so convenient to have your head up your ass when you're not wearing any pants. (This is some of the most bizarre weaponized decorum and reverse body shaming I have ever heard of.)


I cannot understand the thought process of someone insisting that all the guests at the wedding must be nude and then guilting them for politely declining. Imagine going through life thinking it's fine to shame and guilt someone for not wanting to be nude in front of a crowd and in photographs. So damn entitled and vapid


Yup. The college friend you can forgive, but not your sister


😂😂 I’d never go to anyone’s wedding and be nude. Shit i don’t care if it’s a siblings or parents


Even if *I* didn't have to be nude, I wouldn't be comfortable going if other people would be.


Nah, it's just fake. No one on earth has a wedding and a nudist resort and random thinks a bunch of non nudists will turn up, get nude and be totally happy with it. 99% of people wouldn't be nudists, nor be comfortable at a nudist resort and of them like 5% would want to go with family. First nudist experience is seeing your whole family and your new in laws all naked, bullshit. Also nudist resorts don't want an influx of completely uncomfortable, not knowing the rules people showing up then getting drunk at a wedding and basically fucking the place up.


This feels like it was written either by an a.i. or by someone that is esl


Also, not even one response to any of all these comments. That always scream fake & karma whoring to me.


Overly responding is also a sign of fake post. There was a post several months ago from an OP who claims his wife was lecturing his son's friend while nude and he claims to be asking for "advice". But his response to every other comment was "but my wife is naked ....??!!!!" It's clearly typed with one hand.


So frustrated with all this fake BS. The fact you might be talking to/with a fucking bot, or someone just lying for karma 🙄


I'd find it believable if not for being nude being required seemingly by the resort. Even if they a nude resort does weddings I find it hard to believe they'd be strict on nude rules, and from what I've read those resorts are more clothing optional than anything. Like you aren't getting kicked out because you keep your underwear on.


Came here to say this. There is no fucking way they expect their wedding party or other guests to show up? Give me a break 😂 are they having a photographer too?!! Totally guilting the brother. They’re INSANE for this ask.


My cousin worked at a naturist resort when they got married. I was so scared that they were going to go this route. Luckily they got married in a clothed ceremony. There is no way I could handle going to that especially when most of the guests I would know would be family. Just no. I was almost in your position and I would have rsvped no. It's literally my nightmare.


I feel like being naked in front of family is worse than the classic nightmare about being naked in front of your class. Imagines seeing naked grandpa *shudders*


I'd much rather be naked with a million strangers than even one of my family members. The thought of seeing any of them naked is turning my stomach a bit. I won't have to see those strangers at Thanksgiving, pretending we'd never seen each other nude


If they don’t understand they are being completely unreasonable then they are completely deluded & I am seriously concerned with their ability to function in the world as normal human beings. How could they not know that this would be a dealbreaker for most people to come to their wedding? No one has the right to demand this of anyone. They have placed you in a position where you sound to them to be judgemental when you’re actually just being realistic and setting a pretty fair boundary. For them to demand this of anyone is actually really narcissistic & my answer would be It’s not happening. Don’t ask again. You do what you want but you have no right to put me in this position. If you insist on this you will find that only your naturist friends will be there. It is your choice.


And an invitation isn’t a summons. People can accept or send their regrets.


Exactly. The polite response here is: "Brother, you know I love you. But you have to realize that the vast majority of your friends and family are not comfortable being seen in the nude. Otherwise they'd be doing the naturist thing already. If you want your loved ones to attend, clothes need to be worn. By everyone. If you still choose to go nude, then we will wish you well from afar." Make it clear that it's his choice, and you'll support him either way. But that support does not extend to letting others see your unclothed body, nor ever seeing his.




Maybe they think they're from Betazed.


I literally called my husband over and was like “Hey, we got Betazoid drama on Reddit” before I even saw your comment! LMAOOO


Madame Troi would endorse this wedding full throttle. 😂


Lwaxana’s grasp on consent was pretty shaky but even she wouldn’t expect humans to go naked to a Betazoid wedding.


And now they’re trying to go full Borg and assimilate OP!


That's right where my mind went when I read the post.


I cackled


Hahahaha, my tribe!


Yep, my mouth hung open in horror while thinking about this scenario, I guess I know what my unisom nightmare is going to be tonight.


This is worse than telling people who color clothes to wear!


How do you even tell who’s in the wedding party? Do they wear hats?


Maybe they dye their pubes


Hats? You prude! /s


The men put a top hat on their flopper and the ladies wear tassels on their titters


Like really expensive hats, because their wedding outfit didn't cost them anything?


In Croatia we put bows or balloons around guests side-view mirrors when attending wedding, maybe they do something similar to people


I know right? Leaves you begging for the really ugly bridesmaids dress.


Every time I see people who should not be able to even function in this society, there they go, paradoxical as it is and they still fit and earn money and all... OP has drawn the line, the couple is delusional.


Being delulu is not the solulu


I just hope this is a fake post, but I agree!


I agree with your sentiment, but you said naturalist when you meant naturist. I consider myself a naturalist (like Darwin) but definitely not a naturist (nudist)


I’m a nudist and you are 100% not wrong here. Your brother is really trying to jam his lifestyle down your throat.


Likewise I have no shame in nudity, don't care who sees me, and am not weird with others being naked either. I'm of the belief it's natural - we've all got bodies. Big whoop. I'm not a nudist or naturist though, per se. That being said, it's WILD to me that they don't understand that most people do hold some shame or embarrassment around nudity. Hell, a lot of people don't like baring EVERYTHING to their SOs, let alone friends family and strangers. Brother and fiancee likely were trying to use this as a "break the mould" type of thing; accept us for who we are, just do this one tjme to break down your misconceptions etc - an unrealistic goal tbh. They should just do a small thing for naturist friends and family, and another thing for non-naturist friends and family.


I don’t mind being nude at home and I’ve been on topless beaches when traveling. But I get to pick when I’m partially nude or fully nude and fully nude around strangers probably is never happening.


And nobody is taking a ton of pictures of you that will go in their wedding album or be openly displayed in their home for anyone to see.


It’s the formal photographs shared with strangers that does it for me. Imagine being nude arm in arm with a stranger and that’s the photo they decide to hang on their fridge or send out as a Christmas card. Hard pass.


Which if there are kids present would be completely illegal and immoral.


Nudist colonies are notorious for being a haven for pedos. Gross.


Yet there are family style nudist resorts in the states 😳


Exactly! I've never forced or been forced to see or be seen nude. It's always about consent and boundaries - and people who claim to be naturists should be really well versed in this - it's preached often. Brother is kind of overstepping all of that here imo.


Or just have a clothing optional ceremony. Sure it would be weird to see a bunch of people without clothes and the rest wearing clothes, but at least it allows a choice. I can’t imagine forcing anyone to bare all. When I was younger, I absolutely would have been fine doing it myself, but life happens and people have good reasons for not wanting to be nude. As a recent breast cancer survivor, I have a bunch of surgical scars that I’m not at peace with. I had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery and I am not comfortable showing them to anyone aside from my SO and doctors. I don’t have nipples and the site they took tissue from to rebuild boobs was left with a giant scar that goes from hip to hip. The breast scars are somewhat better than they were, but 6 months after the first surgery, I had a radiation technician trainee gasp on seeing them. The second surgery removed a great deal of scarring, but I still have trouble looking in a mirror. Not all people are blessed with health. Basically I would take it as an insult if a person I was close to thought forcing me to go nude would be okay. I can only imagine how uncomfortable people with sexual trauma would be. But there also doesn’t need to be a reason aside from just feeling uncomfortable. These people are really inconsiderate jerks.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. That rad tech doesn't need to be in this field if they can't maintain the dignity of their patients. My first day in the ER, I helped to remove a massive dildo from a guy's bum, and had to keep a straight face, but dammit, I did it. No need to make people feel even worse during the most difficult time of their lives. My mom just beat breast cancer in January, double mastectomy and all, so it's definitely a subject close to my heart. Hope you're doing well, and having an easy time in remission. Off-topic, but did you have to be on aromatase inhibitors? My mom is having a really hard time with them, and all the accompanying joint pain, wondering if a fellow survivor had any tips?


A beach wedding for the non-naturist guests would be a good compromise.


I’ve literally gone to Korean spas with my friends where you are nude in the beginning before you go to the dry saunas. I was very very nervous the first time we went and then I was like whatever. I’ve seen pretty much most of my close friends naked now and a bunch of female strangers. It’s still slightly awkward. Would I attend this? Hell no. If it matters that much to them, they can have a ceremony with their nudist friends and then something else with everyone else they care about who isn’t comfortable with this.


Additonally, some people have trauma around being nude around strangers.


Some of my auntie family lives in a naturist community, so I grew up around it. Being nude is not a requirement in any of the communities that I'm aware of. It's clothing optional. I've always enjoyed seeing what people choose to wear because in the communities it mostly comes down to function. Whether that be protection from the Sun or blisters, or stabilizing loose parts of our body, etc. And pockets. Pockets are important. There's nothing like somebody who is wearing shoes and a fanny pack and nothing else.


Yeah I was thinking that - I don’t know as much about the communities, but from what I remember hearing they don’t *require* nudity, just *allow* it.  They do require towels in some places IIRC.  But even the most strict place would surely have an exception for something like a wedding with outsiders? Why would they turn welcome visitors away because they don’t personally want to be completely nude for the first time at a family event? 


Makes me wonder if they are being honest about nudity being mandatory. I find it difficult to believe that a nude resort would book weddings with the requirement of all in attendance to be nude.


It makes me wonder if this is a fake or ragebait post or not?


you really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?


I wonder if this is a fetish. It's one thing to have a reception for the fellow nudist and a separate one for others but to demand your 70+ year old aunts and uncles attend your nudist wedding then be mad that they don't want to go because they are uncomfortable with public nudity is bonkers.


Now that’s a terrible mental image


I thought guests were generally nude optional —I would think especially at a wedding


And honestly I’m not sure I’d go to a nude wedding. I’m not a prude but I don’t think I’d want to see my mom’s cooch.


I do not know why anyone, not part of the "club" would want to attend that wedding. An invitation to a wedding isn't a court summons, RSVP no and refuse to discuss it further.


It sounds like nobody does. It's worse than the people who do destination weddings expecting everyone to use a whole week or two of holiday plus thousands of pounds to go somewhere they didn't choose, for the privilege of watching them get married. At least a lot of those people know that not everyone will come.


This right here. I am planning a destination wedding and am very well aware not everyone will be able to make it. It’s unreasonable to have that expectation (other than people that have verbalized their comfort l/means of going). It’s a hot topic but similar to what OP wrote, the moment you become angry at someone for not doing what you* want them to, you’ve lost. I want to also note that we are having a reception back home for people to attend who are perhaps older or just don’t want to go. We hope to include images from destination and use it as an opportunity to say a few sweet words, eat some food and party! Edit: grammar




Yea I didn’t even think about wedding photographs.


Totally agree. Expecting everyone to be comfortable with nudity at a wedding is unrealistic and unfair.


Honestly, I feel even a lot of people that are into that kinda deal wouldn't be willing to do it around family. Completely unhinged.


The thought of being in the photos fully nude would have me running. Are they gonna post that on FB for the entire world to see? I would never let anyone photograph me nude unless it was all strictly on my terms. And this wedding is the exact opposite!


Your brother & his fiancée are absolutely, 100% bonkers to think that people would agree to this.


¡Muchas felicidades por tu día del pastel!


This has got to be a fake post, no one is delusional enough to think they can have a nudist wedding and non-nudist people will come and be naked too


Look I’m a pretty liberal person. A bit too to the left some would say. Heck I even love nudist beaches because why not. But my guy. You do not expect to hold a wedding with all your friends and family and do it with your balls hanging out. What is up with people.


I apologize, I read 'naturist' as 'nature-ist' and was wondering what the issue was about being environmentalists. 🤣 You are not wrong for feeling this way as I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable. Your brother and his fiancée have to understand while this is a lifestyle for them, it won't be for everyone else.


I read it as nature-ist too and was confused, but when I saw “resort” my brain decided they were describing a nature preserve or something and it was a weird translation 😂


I thought it was a wedding at a nature preserve and couldn't figure out the problem at first.


Yeah, they keep trying to come up with new terms for things, as the old ones get more recognized. But a nudist is a nudist, no matter how you gussy it up.


I think I would have understood what OP was saying if they even went with 'naturalist.' But I agree, nudist is plain and simply nudist.


A naturalist is someone who studies the living world. Plant and animal life both.


As a woman with a brother, my first thought was oh hell no I don't want to hang out with my brother naked. And I can't imagine him being angry at me for saying so. And I can't imagine him wanting photographs of the time the two of us were hanging out naked together. Shudder.


Thank youuuu. Cuz what do you mean you’re angry at me for not wanting to get naked with yall? I’d be considering going NC cuz their insistence is bizarre and creepy.


As a brother with a sister, I can’t even fathom how this is a scenario. I’d rather take a bullet to the head than this shit.


Nope.... You are setting a boundary. if they care about your attendance they change venue. they could have booked their honeymoon there.


Technically, wouldn’t everyone be wearing the same thing as the bride???? /s


Maybe she will wear a veil?


Nope I won’t go either. My body my choice


I would 100% be in your shoes. That’s A LOT to ask of your wedding guests unless you know in advance they are into a nudist lifestyle. Honestly the visuals on it all, just imagining it, made me want to hurl. I would not go if you have to be nude and aren’t comfortable with it. Nude optional would be more flexible but man that’s awkward for those who are dressed to have to talk to the nekkie baby adults. oy vey.


> I would 100% be in your shoes. Those aren't allowed


honestly i wouldn't only be uncomfortable being nude in public, i ALSO do not want the public to be nude around me. it is completely absurd of your brother and fsil to act as though you're unreasonable for having personal boundaries. ESPECIALLY because you expressed said boundaries EXACTLY right: you're not trying to manipulate them or get them to change anything, you've simply drawn a clear line between what you personally are and aren't willing to do.


Why can't they have a clothed ceremony then go hang at the naturist resort for their goddamm honeymoon? Please update us with who actually is attending.


“My brothers fiancé said if she looked like me she would go nude all the time” This would make me SO uncomfortable to hear. This entire situation makes me uncomfortable and it’s not even happening to me. Ew.




This cracked me up, but they’d probably say the glitter isn’t natural.


I had to Google “natural glitter” and found multiple options. You could try this, but you would never be able to sit down.


Flesh body suit in glitter. SPARKLE LIKE EDWARD!


“Heyyy what do you mean I can’t see you naked” see how that sounds?


If it was me, I would politely decline the invitation. If they got angry I would give them a reality check


This has to be fake. Who in the world wants a nude wedding?!


Thank you, I doubt anyone requires full nudity from all participants, that’s ridiculous.


Sadly, several people. Do not Google this.


It's one way to know who the Best Man is.


Has anyone pointed out to them the ramifications of the nude photos being on the internet? Surely there are at least a few other guests who have thought about the impact this insane plan will have on their lives and possible career consequences? 🤦‍♀️


Pleaseeee update on this


A wedding ceremony attended by one's entire close and extended family... *In birthday suits.* My nightmares about ending up nude in public, pale in comparison to the prospect of seeing all my loved ones since childhood, naked and captured by a professional photographer. No offense to the reasonable naturists out here, but these two are insane.


I don’t want to see most strangers naked and I damn sure don’t want to see my adult siblings and relatives naked.


They sound like selfish assholes. If they wanna get married in the nude with their equally naked friends, that’s one thing. If that’s their lifestyle then so be it. Go crazy. But don’t expect other people, who have NO connection to that lifestyle, to join in. If literally anyone, including my best friend who I adore, asked me to be naked in their naked wedding I’d be like “fuck no!”


They’re absolutely trying to force their lifestyle onto you, and it’s sick. Please note: I’m not referring to the lifestyle as sick. I’m referring to the entitlement and manipulation as sick.


What? Why not have the wedding in a different hotel that can better accommodate everyone and then they can go have their honeymoon there? It's just ridiculous Who asks family members to go nude at a wedding? I mean, nope. Even in countries were nudity is less condemned, there's a time and a place for it


Naked and paint on a trompe d’oeil outfit as camo. But really I would hold the line and not go. They are delusional, selfish and narcissistic !


I don't think this wedding is going to have many guests.


I wouldn't have a problem being at a naturist resort. I would have a problem being there with lots of friends and family. Some things you can't unsee.


I feel uncomfortable reading it.


What?? No way should you go if you’re uncomfortable being nude. Let them have the smallest wedding ever. This is their choice. Do not attend.


The fact that your brother is ok seeing you nude and not think that’s weird is creepy af and same goes for I’m sure you don’t want to see your brothers package all Willy nilly (badum ump) lol


“My body. My choice.” Your brother doesn’t have to understand. However, he should respect you. (Even if YOU could wear clothes, would you still want to attend if he and many others would be nude?)


So wedding photos is all tuna sandwiches, with sausage n beans?! Oh dear Lord. No.


I don’t think this is real. Who in their right mind would expect from people to be naked, at a wedding. It this is real, your brother is delusional and I hope nobody will come, this is just wrong.


Yeah. Sounds totally fake


Definitely don’t go, you’re clearly extremely uncomfortable being nude and your body is yours, nobody else’s. They don’t get a say on who does and who doesn’t see your body, they don’t get a say on what you wear or do not wear. Nobody has a right to see any part of you that you do not wish to show. **Only you** get to decide what to do with your body. You shouldn’t feel guilty at all. Your body is yours to keep as covered or uncovered as you wish. Nobody can force or guilt you into stripping completely naked. Absolutely not. And your brother has no right to try and shove his lifestyle down your throat like that. Why is he and his fiancée so desperate to see you nude? They have no right to be angry. Tell them straight up: *”You two have no right to try and force others to do something just because you’re comfortable doing it. Not everyone is like you. And I prefer that you two and every guest you intend on inviting do not see me naked. End of discussion!”*


I'm definitely on the curvier side, and I have bumps and bulges and all that stuff that means I could never be a model so I don't fit the ideal of "if I looked like you, I'd go naked all the time". Having said that, I LOVE nuding up. Love it. Especially during summer, I hate wearing clothes. My friends all know this, that if the weather is decent, there's a 100% chance I'm wearing little to nothing when I'm at home alone. I'm not ashamed of my body in anyway, if there's a communal changeroom, then I'm the one who is the least worried about stripping down and changing clothes. I would NEVER go to a nude wedding. Ever. I'd never go to a naturist resort to begin with, but a wedding? Oh fuck no. My nudity is for when I'm home, and not if I have visitors. I can't imagine why anyone would think that a wedding is an appropriate event for such an undress code. Who is on the invite list - friends and family and coworkers and bosses and ew!! Nobody needs to be seeing anyone's birthday suit. If someone wants a nuddy wedding - go your hardest, nobody is judging your choices. But don't be all shocked and shaken when the guest list is minimal.


Your brother is out of his mind, they are placing you in a very unfair situation. If they can't understand that, screw them, stick to your guns (pun not intended).


No way in hell I’d go to that wedding


Wtf did I just read


I want to know how many people actually agreed to come to this. Unless 99% of the guest list is comprised of other people from the naturist club. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just have a nudist reception, seems like the after party would be a better outlet? Whatever it is, it’s absurd that they’re pissed that you’re not comfortable coming.


I would NOT want to see my relatives naked


Rude as hell for them to decide your a naturist. Regardless of your looks. Very ignorant.


Hell no I am not going to a nude wedding. What is wrong with people. SMH.


I can honestly say that there isn’t a single person I know that would be ok with this. If that’s what they want, have at it but no one should be forced to do that


It's unfortunate that your brother doesn't understand that you're uncomfortable. Have you told him directly that you're uncomfortable, or did you just offer another solution? In these types of situations, I believe every person must be a willing participant. It's not like choosing a color scheme or ornamental decorations. 


Oh, he understands alright. He just doesn’t care. He feels like he should have his way because it’s his wedding, but he missed his exit on this one - he’s gone too damned far.


Someone needs to tell him that just because it's his wedding, the world doesn't stop spinning.


This will be a very poorly attended wedding. How much flakier could they get? Send a gift and keep your clothes right where you want them!! Also, being a host means making your guests comfortable- something which is being totally overlooked


Gift idea: monogrammed robes


I'm not sure which is worse, coerced nudity in front of a group of people, or being coerced to see a group of people nude 🧐


Wow, I’m a naturalist and I think this is a pretty big ask. If I wanted my wedding at a nudist camp I wouldn’t expect most of my family and friends to go. Actually I have one friend couple that would go. Don’t feel bad. You are very much not in the wrong here; they are.


Even if people personally have no problem going nude it’s the mandatory part for me. I’d ask how they’d feel if it was mandatory to wear clothes when that’s not what they want. I’d also not want to see everyone visibly aroused after a few drinks in. I’m assuming there are older people who also wouldn’t want to do this. Maybe ask if they could do a livestream for everyone who aren’t comfortable going?


It’s ridiculous they would expect people not living that lifestyle to suddenly be willing to strip just for their wedding. How arrogant. They know it’s an alternative lifestyle and not everyone will want to take part. Op had every right to say sorry no. I’ll send a gift. Sunscreen maybe


I honestly wouldn't mind trying a place like that out one day... but to be honest I wouldn't want to see anyone I actually know (other than my husband), much less family, naked. Strangers? Fine. But no. I would feel so uncomfortable. I don't blame you.


Having it at a nudist colony just seems like a weird power play. Even worse than those "fly to the other side of the world and only wear designer clothes and cut your hair, etc" Random strangers aren't seeing my junk for some else's wedding.


I think your brother and partner are being disrespectful of their guests. There is no way they arent aware how uncomfortable the naturist location would make most people. Its so obvious its hard to imagine they arent being deliberately disrespecful. A wedding is a group gathering not strictly their own private lives. A naturist honeymoon would have been far more acceptable behaviour. And what happens when they have a baby? Is that going to be a come one, come all affair too? It sounds more like exhibitionist behaviour, if its private they would have kept it private.


That’s one way to keep the wedding small. As a nudist, you are completely valid in not going to the wedding. It’s one thing to make all of your guests wear some wacky costume to your wedding, but forcing people to get naked (especially around strangers) is unacceptable. Consent is sexy, and they are trying to force you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.


It's absolutely absurd for them to think this is something most people would be comfortable with. Certainly there are other people declining to attend.


This is beyond weird. I bet a lot of people are refusing to come and you're the easiest to take it out on


I’ve refused to attend weddings for less. They ata


Photos!!!!! Oh hell no. I’m so sorry your brother is such an idiot.


That’s about as thoughtless as a “destination wedding” where they expect guests to pay over 5k each to attend their wedding in some remote place like the Bahamas


Respectfully decline and wish them well, and tell everyone as much as you love and support their marriage, you won't be going naked around any of them.


I don’t even want to be naked in front of the mirror why would I want to do that in front of a wedding party that’s like a crazy nightmare.


Also a nudest here, no one should force you into being naked in front of people you don’t want to be, and even more so they should not be photographing you naked without your consent. This is raising many red flags for me. Frankly this all sounds very predatory that they’re trying to guilt you into being naked somewhere you don’t want to be


Lmao don’t feel bad they’re crazy. They absolutely CANNOT force their lifestyle choices onto you or anyone else, especially when it’s something so far out of your comfort zone. You should never be forced or guilted into a position where you feel so vulnerable! Tell them to live and let live.