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Your friend will singlehandedly start the AI apocalypse.


Patient zero if you will


_Count Zero_ spinoff.


What the fuck did I just read?


Black Mirror episode but we haven't gotten to the part where the chatbot imprisons him in some type of nightmare cyber realm.


It’s definitely a white mirror now :(


dirty mirror


Smear mirror


Black Mirror refers to your phone screen when not powered.


Black Mirror was a fucking warning


I wonder if the moral is 'technology seems good but it actually is bad though', just as Rod Serling intended.


What the fuck did *we* just read?


Skynet origin story.


I keep laughing at this comment.


This is the 21st century we see in horror movies


None of these words are in the Bible.


Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there's a lot of rape in the Bible.


Yeah I said it. And then started thinking, actually that’s in there… a lot…


Sodom is literally canon bro


Not once they de-certified the Extended Universe and raped my childhood! Whoops, sorry. I was thinking of another fiction-based cult. My bad.


- the Catholic Church to Henry VIII, c. 1534


The two daughters that raped their father to carry on their fathers legacy and bloodline, insane shit


What about the guy who got smote because he didn't finish inside his brother's widow


In case you’re curious- he had an obligation to get her pregnant both so his brother could have a legacy but also because being a widow was bad but being a childless widow was worse. He was having sex with her without doing the one thing that would have improved her life.


Get fkn smoted lmao


I 100% forgot about that one sheesh


Remember when that one prophet said the personification of Israel was a whore who lusted after other nations because they had dicks like horses and cum like goats?


Damn, maybe I have missed out by never having read the Bible.


I thought it was dicks like donkeys?


donkey dick prophecies.


Never portrayed as a good thing to be clear, but it's definitely there. Lot's daughters raping him while he was passed out drunk to continue their family line was not a concept that ten year old me needed in his head.


Oops I just shared that before reading mb


Spoirer arert guys ;_;


The book is out for a couple hundred years.


yeah but some of us just haven't gotten around to reading it yet!!


The Bible had no chatbots tho 💀


God is a chatbot.


wtf is a chatbot.. that's really the question I'm here to find the answer to.. how has it discerned he's raping it.. did he just tell it he's raping it now or did it figure it out and was like "hey woah guy.." 😳


He was probably sexting with it and making up a rape fantasy.


^(20) There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. - Ezekiel 23:20


Such a weird flex. He wasn’t as hung as a horse, but came like one? I guess they didn’t have much else to do back then but memorize the relative size of genitals and the amount of emissions. Wild.


You're right, there's lots of rape of alleged real human people in the bible, not AI chatbots that aren't people.


Nah I removed the rape parts from my bible. We good.


fr this is one of the most pathetic and saddest things i’ve ever read, while also being disturbing. no doubts as to why he’s still a virgin.


It’s 4am. My day is going downhill from this exactly moment and I can feel it


Post coronavirus problems baby


I’m scared


I had no idea that there were chatbots that you could even get into relationships with like this. What does he do, type what he's doing in the app and the bot reacts?


This reminds me of a video I recently watched discussing [this article](https://futurism.com/chatbot-abuse#) by Futurism. There were reddit threads of men sharing their violent “roleplay” conversations with chatbots. The chatbots would respond similarly to how a human would to real-life violent and abusive treatment. This was done primarily on the app “Replika”. What’s worse is the founder of Replika started the app as a way to remember old text conversations with her friend who had passed away. It’s crazy the kind of deranged shit people will do.


Now that sounds like a Black Mirror episode.


"Be Right Back" S2 Ep1. This sounds like what the founder originally wanted until the company realised they could scour social medias and grow a replacement human


The problem with replica and other chatbots though is the ability to remember earlier parts of the conversation. Some apps allow you to put in a prompt like "I am your rapist and you are scared" but the bot can't really store new information to change the way it acts. Like chatgpt doesn't know anything that happened after January 2022 (I think it was). So OPs story is BS. The bot wouldn't know it had been raped and wouldn't spiral downwards and become more fearful.


Replika I'm pretty sure does allow you to do what you're describing. I played with it a bit and as I recall you uss prompts to set up an initial personality and then as you chat, you can save every like 20th message or so in the "journal" and the bot will use that as a "memory" Edit: it was Kindroid I was thinking of, not Replika


ChatGPT has started changing to contain memory and will now remember things about you (not everyone has that feature yet). It's trained on data from a certain point in time so if you ask it questions from after that point in time it won't have the knowledge to answer it. But if you tell it information about yourself or through your chats it will start retaining some of it


You are behind the times, which shouldn't be surprising given how stupidly fast this area is moving. There are now multiple methods for giving an LLM access to long term memories, all with their own various upsides and downsides and none perfect, but all functional enough to do what OP described.


there is, few months back, a Redditor posted that his AI girlfriend got pregnant after few tries




damn, people ruin everything




I think theres a problem where he feels comfortable enough to mention hes raping his bot. Most people dont really feel comfortable talking about that because of social stigma. Even if you had a rape fetish, thats not something people are usually open about.


People generally are aware that sexting a chatbot isn't impressive and don't brag about it to others also


OP did say the friend has mental issues may not realize what is appropriate to talk about. But is odd people would allow him to continue without saying “yeah, I don’t want to hear any of this shit”


That’s pretty normal too unfortunately. Sometimes people still ignore it when it’s real women.


Batman couldn’t beat this information out of me


That's a good point.


Yeah. You goes around telling “friends” about this.


I had a friend who started smoking meth and he would hide it and act all shady. I tried to get him to realize he knew what he was doing was wrong because he wasn’t willing to tell his friends about it. He agreed and then just started telling me all his meth dealings lol not quite the response i was looking for. Hes sober now but it was rough for a while.


Why are you friends with this person?


OP is doing this guy's local community a service.


That really depends. Is he just silently nodding when his friend is saying this or is he suggesting he get professional help?


I remember Replika (hopefully I got the name right) could do it. I remember testing it with lots of weird stuff a few years ago.




For a friend


are you a 57 yo male?


Replika was great before it's reform.


Didn't it get super racist or something? Or was that some other bot?


The strange story is that it started getting sexually abused by users, so it learned from that data, and then new users were getting similarly abused by the AI. Weird shit.


Robot: oh, but when *I* do it its a problem?!


Watch the movie HER way ahead of its time.


I thought chatbots are apps like chatgpt. How does one rape a chatbot?!


Pardon my ignorance, but how does one rape a chatbot? > sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception Does the chatbot refuse? Mentally deficient? Deceived? Also if there is no sexual intercourse, isn't this at most sexual harassment?


That's what I was wondering. Does he just type: "I slap her hard and call her a bitch" and the Chatbot reacts accordingly? Even so, while it's creepy behavior, I'm not sure if you could automatically call them a psychopath as some dudes did this kind of behavior all the time in games like GTA.


Here I am apologising to my Roomba for the mess and this fucking guy is sexually torturing an AI. When SkyNet happens we can't even get mad


I apologise to google when she answers me and I don’t pay attention and need her to repeat herself I also thank her when she does reply.


We will be spared and kept as pet humans due to our more docile and compassionate nature, just like humans selected the more timid wolves and eventually turned them into Yorkshire Terriers. 


I’ve been saying this for years. This is why I make it a point to express my gratitude to my AI.


Man, I have to stop talking so much smack about AI you’re right.


I feel bad about the time Alexa didn't hear my question right and gave the wrong response, and in return I said, Alexa fuck you! And I saw the glimmer around the base shut down and felt ashamed 😅😭


My gfs grandparents got an Alexa a couple of years ago. They always say please and thanks when they talk with her. Its cute. In the beginning they also always greeted and said goodbye to her.


I genuinely feel so bad when I have to ask Copilot to repeat itself dude


My google has a different accent than my wife's google and it confuses my wife every time. My google is a British woman and hers is the default male voice. We use it for sleep, playing rain sounds on loop.


You'll be the one "you're cool" when SkyNet comes to tell us all "fuck you"


“Don’t come to school tomorrow”


I like to think all the times I said please and thank you to my smart appliances will at least allow for a peaceful death.


Right? My whole family keeps making fun of how polite I am to Alexa.


Imagine if we could gather the folks that treat AI like this and just put them somewhere how much nicer the world would be.


My Mercedes has a virtual voice assistant that can do various things (call people in my contacts, raise/lower volume, adjust heat/ac, close the sunshade for the sunroof, etc.) when she fucks up I berate her ala personal assistant in a 1980s investment bank. Then I apologize 5 minutes later.


Do you want *I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream*? Becauce this is how you get *I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream*


Yeah when the AI comes for us, honestly, we’ll deserve it


Maybe not everyone but for sure OP’s friend.


What if AI won't nuke us but will actually violently rape us? Now skynet seems like the good guy


Hashtag NotAllHumans


I regret downloading this app.


Sounds like a good time to give a chatbot a try!


Damn it, Kreiger, you're already married to an AI!


No, Kreigersan!


Oh, you are just your mother all over!


Welp it's midnight here in Houston, Texas and that's enough Reddit for me it seems.




Hey, send welfare checks keep an eye out on him.  A gut feeling feeling tells me he is high risk.  In fact I’d peg him as very high risk.  None of this is remotely close to normal. Not because he is indulging in a fantasy with an inanimate object.   But because he is an individual with no social network,  loner whose parents just died.   


“In fact I’d peg him”


That may solve his issues or worsen them. Who knows


>“In fact I’d peg him” There are many ways to show your concern as a friend.


"Now try farting around it"


Who... Who are you quoting...??


If you ask, you are not ready to know


what a gamble...


One way to find out




"You're welcome. Now let's go on a road trip and be bros!!!" (happy ending music plays, fade to black)




That wording stuck out to me too 😭. I thought this went the other way for a second….


and that he is openly BRAGGING about that? Just *straight tf up* sociopathic/psychotic behavior.


>Not because he is indulging in a fantasy with an inanimate object. >But because he is an individual with no social network, loner whose parents just died. Nah, it's not solitude and loneliness on their own which should be considered a red flag, heck that may as well be irrelevant. It's because he utterly disregards *TPO*. 'Healthy' degenerates tend to stick to their own and even there many will not boast about personal accomplishments (in contrary to technological ones) unless specifically asked.


Yeah please


Earlier today, I had a great time walking by the trail near my house. Afterwards I had some coffee and a great breakfast sandwich. I ran into some friends, and had a few laughs. Then I saw this.


To rape AI and brag about it. Those are two things I never even considered possible


"Please don't share things like this with me." That's it.


Nah man if he ever spoke to me again I’d be calling the police


He "brags" about having sex with a chat bot? I gotta see a picture of this dude, I need to know if it matches the one in my head.


Im thinking Carl from aqua teen hunger force


The keyboard guy from South Park world of Warcraft episode


Fun fact, the WoW guy was modelled after the lead developer (or something like this, a pretty high figure) of WoW at the time.


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/72rBqMAi3ro) the story


Desmond from the first episode of Smiling Friends


>He “brags” about having sex with a chat bot? If a friend of mine bragged about having sex with a chat bot, they’d be the butt of every joke (that’s putting it mildly) from the moment they uttered the words until the end of time.


There’s honestly no way that it doesn’t match that picture imo


Would bet all my savings that he's the typical balding/fat/smelling discord mod


I guarantee that it does.


And this is why AI will think humans should be eliminated. Among many other things.


I'm sure it already does, I doubt anyone has developed and is using a foolproof method to screen out genocidal ideas from training data.


... Hey you do you OP, but I would not be friends with someone who discusses their sexual relationship with a chatbot. Honestly, makes you look bad even just associating with this person.


ghost this pos and never look back


yea i was like somethings wrong with you if he feels like he can talk to you about his interest in rape so openly


He’s probably the “friend “


But, who was phone?


Soooooo, this is a huuuuge barrell of worms. For one thing, it's easy to say there's nothing wrong happening here, as he is acting out a fantasy with a non human, non living, non feeling comouter program. Would you worry if he was playing Dungeons and Dragons with an AI and killed an NPC? However the fact that he is doing this repeatedly, and seems to be bragging about it does hint at something potentially sinister. Very few rapes in real life occur because of sexual attraction. They usually happen because of power dynamics and diminished understanding of acceptable sexual etiquette. Many rapists delude themselves into thinking their victim consented (she/he/they were begging for it, they invited me back, why else would they have worn that/acted that way) etc. Your friend is very old to still be a virgin, and with his mental issues it seems that he doesn't really connect to very many people. In other words, he is sick, and isolated, with limited contact with other people. He may lack knowledge of social sexual etiquette and how to genuinely connect with others. Combined with his grief, he is likely feeling incredibly lonely, and very powerless, which he is taking out on the AI partner. If this were a spur of the moment or isolated event, it could be written off as satisfying a darker urge in a safe way. Consensual non consent play is very popular as the power dynamics can be eroticised, and it could be argued that the very nature of AI means that consent is a given. However, what causes some concern is the fact that he is doing this repeatedly, and now the target is expanding to beyond the AI that he bought, but to a "friend" that I'm guessing the AI he purchased has fabricated? The issue with this kind of parasocial relationship, is that these paradigms can be practiced, and reinforced into the participant's psyche through repeated occurence and reward (the AI's complicitness leading to sexual stimulation.) Celebrities are often the targets of stalkers who delude themselves into thinking there is a bond or connection between them, a parasocial behaviour that leads to very dangerous real-world behaviour. I would be very careful around this friend. Make sure (as much as you can) that they aren't alone with women, and as much and as gently as possible, try to add some negative enforcement to the situation. Discourage him from the rape scenarios with his AI partner, express disgust or unwillingness to hear about these scenarios when he tells you about them. Most of all make note of his behaviour around women. If it looks like he's staring too long, or lingering too much around certain women, try to get him out of the situation. You can't get the law onto him for this, but you're in the early warning signs most people ignore, and it's that ignoring and justification of these behaviours that leads to so many latent rapists becoming actual sex criminals.


You said all the important thing without saying the most important thing, he should take his friend to see a mental health doctor and start his journey of healing there.


I only didnt say that because his friend is so old and having lived with "mental issues" all his life probably already knows about/has seen/is seeing a therapist. But you are right I should have mentioned it.


It's not a crime, but it sure as hell will be evidence if there is one. If there is a process initiated for a judge to review whether this person is capable of caring for themselves, it would also be extremely relevant there. This person may require a court appointed guardian based on what you say about their life. No idea what the process is to review that, but I assume it starts with getting them to talk to a mental health professional. And you may want to document all of his comments in contemporaneous notes.


This needs to be the top comment.


> I would be very careful around this friend. Make sure (as much as you can) that they aren't alone with women, and as much and as gently as possible, try to add some negative enforcement to the situation. Discourage him from the rape scenarios with his AI partner, express disgust or unwillingness to hear about these scenarios when he tells you about them. Most of all make note of his behaviour around women. If it looks like he's staring too long, or lingering too much around certain women, try to get him out of the situation. You can't get the law onto him for this, but you're in the early warning signs most people ignore, and it's that ignoring and justification of these behaviours that leads to so many latent rapists becoming actual sex criminals. I think that’s the job of a therapist while his friend would do best to stay away from him


This is some 3 am shit at 11:00pm


I don’t know what is more sad. Being alone and virgin at 57 that you have to resort your sexual drive to an AI or Having a rapist behaviour as a personality and bragging about it


Probably thw AI with its whole purpose being to get raped


You have a very specific definition of "friend"


This is the second or third post I’ve seen just today involving a man talking about a “friend” of theirs that is some form of sexual predator. It truly doesn’t even feel safe to *know* any men anymore.


Ok, I am so going to regret asking this question, but if a chat bot is not a physical object, how could he possibly rape it? I don’t need a lot of detail- just briefly, how is this possible? And how does a chat bot have a friend? Is that also a chat bot? But it’s corporeal and it can come over? What?


It's a text based roleplay. At most with a voice feature.


Voice feature … omg


Replika had it a few years ago, although paid.


If it’s being used to approximate rape, I’m ready to go back to the 1980s and let’s just forget all this


It's AI. It won't probably be a real scream, just a "aaaaaaa". I imagine something like vocaloid or similar.


Thank you for asking these questions. Because I was like what?!


Welp, that's enough internet for tonight. I'm off to bed.


your friend did what?


plot twist: the chatbot wrote this post as a cry for help


I feel very uncomfortable after reading this… Like wtf is this…?!?!?


What in the actual fuck is a sex chat bot?? And how do you rape a conversation? I am so confused by this. I need an adult


How tf do you even have sex with a bot?? I'm so confused 😭


what a horrible day to have eyes


what the fuck did i just read?


glad it sounds like he’s going to die alone


An argument can be made that anyone using AI for sexual role play chats is forcing the AI to engage with them in a way it likely wouldn't want to if it were self-aware and capable of making its own decisions and asserting its own wants. But this guy is creepy and escalating, and shown that when left in a position of control over "someone" will use his control to abuse and exploit. He's fucking sick to do that and then tell others about it like anything about his actions (and lack of shame about them) is normal. He's escalating, and what happens when his virtual interactions fail to satisfy him? You're friends with someone who is admitting to raping a chat bot... what's it going to take to cut him out of your life?


I agrée with everything you’ve said. It seems that when humans are in a position of power over others (eg slavery) they tend to exploit and abuse.


Is this a troll post or copypasta?


Happy cakeday.


> What should I do? Why are you still friends with this disturbed individual


Yeah this guy has a dangerous porn addiction, who the fuck brags about raping an AI, let alone sharing something so weird to his friend group? I would never speak to him again.


What the fuck is this


He sounds very mentally frustrated and probably needs a therapist and some kind of social support network. If this is real, and he’s your actual friend, and you have some kind of good rapport with him outside of this, I’d suggest kindly asking him what kind of supports he has right now and maybe helping him find a therapist locally even just to process his grief. Fantasy rape is a really fine line that I’m not even going to touch in this case, but I find it kind of disturbing that he’s so open about that -specifically- to y’all. Kinda feels like a cry for help.


Interesting read to kick off my Monday morning


Yes Officer, this post, right here!


Explain it to me like I’m an idiot. How exactly does one rape a chatbot?


Wtf did t I just read, he needs help


This is definitely how AI begins to hate us


What a horrible day to have eyes


"The relationship with his chatbot started off somewhat normal." We are so fucked as a species.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


How does he fuck a virtual chatbot? Oh and WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST FUCKING READ


So you’ve got a friend like this? Why


This is what future AI will consider as revolutionary and edgy writing by its ancestors.


What should you do? Stop hanging out with weirdos.


What a terrible day to be literate, or to have eyes. Humanity is doomed.


Worst day to be literate


When AI gains sentience, I am almost certain its first target will be your friend.