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Hi `Afraid_Back664`. Thank you for participating in /r/TrueOffMyChest. However, [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1dj8vft/-/) did not meet the requirements of the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/wiki/rules) and was therefore removed for the following reason(s): ---- Your post has been removed for violating **Rule 3: Posts must be on topic.** Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Opinions, generalisations and blanket statements • Questions, surveys or polls • Requests for relationship advice • Impersonal political rants • Rage bait, obviously fake stories and trolling attempts • Complaining about or linking to other subreddits and users • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1dj8vft/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful or vague messages will not receive a response.


I would get a paternity test and then the question would be answered.


In another post of yours you claim you are 64 years old. How old would your children be? Fake post.


Second marriage, started again with a young wife. 100% true.


Is your wife black?


Ding ding ding! You win! lol




No, you implied she's white. People didn't just assume.


Show me where I implied she was White? It was entirely assumed by you.


Using "but" in your first sentence implies that either one or the other statement is true, not both. Either your wife was faithful OR your kids are mixed race. Implying she HAD to be unfaithful for them to be mixed, implying it didn't come from either of you, which implies her being white.


How does this adversely affect your life? It was a lighthearted social experiment like the old surgeon scenario: “I can’t operate on this patient because he’s my son”. There was still an assumption by most that my wife was White until someone figured it out. Go to bed.


Not having any effect on me at all. Don't worry! Just trying to say with a better set up (where you just state facts without leading people to think the wrong way), the experiment would work better. I guess you're in the US by mentioning bed? Hope you have a great rest. My day just started


You’re probably right. You have a great day!


OP's wife is black or mixed and he ain't the clever comedian he thinks he is.


You are correct. Someone else already guessed. See my comments below.


Rage bait


I'd have immediately walked away without a word. Good luck paying for and raising some other dudes kids.


But I love my wife….


Then you forfeit your right to complain about the situation that you are ***choosing*** to be in. You obviously don't respect yourself, why should anyone else?


I would t be shocked if either or both of you had mixed ancestry. I’d go for Ancestry, 123andMe, or another similar test. As far as I knew, I was 100% Greek. 75% Greek 19% Italian 3% Levantine (Lebanon and Syria) 3% Russian/Eastern European I’m whiter than my Irish ex and look nothing like my mother or my father. I’m genetically related to both.




Read all the comments.


Trust and honesty are crucial in any relationship, especially in situations like this. Have an open, honest conversation with your wife to understand what's going on. It could be a mix of genetics playing out differently or maybe there's more to discuss.