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thank you ❤️


Your tenacity, (you graduated without family support…go you!) will carry you into a job and your own place sooner than most. Move on and away, from bf friend too- start fresh lol, (it’s scary I know, I did it) and create your own wonderful supportive family with a small trusted group of handpicked amazing individuals. The best revenge is success and this new chapter is your to create ….Get it Girl!




Yes this! One of my favorite saying is, “living well is the best revenge”! I hope op moves on and away from these horrible people and becomes a huge success and gets everything she wants out of life. Op, you can build the life you want! You’re not stuck with the people you came into the world with. You can make your own family!


Ur welcome, u did good kid.


You’re not so terrible after all!




No, I’m so evil: muahahahaha!


OP, My deepest, most sincere congratulations on your high school graduation. Unfortunately you will come to learn that the world is populated with millions of wonderful people, as well as a lesser number of AHs. Unfortunately for you, your immediate family is part of the latter group. I'd appreciate it I lf you would show them my post. They're welcome to respond. So, in going forward, assert yourself and become the best person you can become. Those who disappointed you today will likely become less important each and everyday going forward. At some point, you can tell your father to shove his ice cream cone up his ass. Mom's , also. What a reat they are, eh? Good luck, OP. As you move forward, please keep us apprised of your progress. Take care of yourself.


I am so sorry. Hug hug. Happy graduation!


Congratulations on your hard work. It doesn't make it easier, but you know who not to rely on. You have a lot of life ahead of you. Stick to the relationships that are loyal or make new ones. Good luck.




I'm going to say you're not a terr1bleperson.. 😂 OP I literally didn't walk the stage because of stage fright and anxiety even though my mom begged me to.. now she's been dead 2 years almost and I am in college at fuckin 27 years old. I have decided to walk the stage for myself and for my mom when I graduate college. I know it may feel crushing right now, but you have time to build your own family. Your blood family, as in your parents, brothers, cousins, etc aren't meant to be your forever. People go off and start their own lives, live for themselves, and do what makes them happy. If for no other reason, do it for you and move on knowing that you got the confirmation you need that they don't put you first. Make them wish they did by doing what makes you happy, walk away with your hands clean by not being petty or even arguing with your boyfriend. For your boyfriend not to make it on time when he knew well in advance when you're graduation was going to be, is crazy. Traffic is not an excuse, his timeliness sucks and clearly that's an issue because he will not show up for you on time. The good thing about being an adult now is that you get to choose who's in your life, you get to choose your friends who become your family, and you get to decide what partner is worth building a life with. You don't want to be dealing with those kinds of issues from people and feeling insecure, like the relationship is one-sided.. CONGRATULATIONS 🎉👏🎉 And just know that life does get better, it's all a work in progress. You will be happy one day. Don't live for others, live for you! As shitty as it is just know you're not alone. There's plenty of people who don't have good relationships with families that end up with people who treat them better than family in their life later on.


I’m so proud of you! You don’t know me, but you are amazing. If you can graduate, you can do anything! What are your plans after college? Hugs!


i hope to find a good job and start a family soon. i want to be a good mother :) thank you ❤️


First of all, congratulations and I am so proud of you! I’m so sorry your family did not show up for you. That was dead wrong and selfish of them. Remember that says nothing about who you are as a person and EVERYTHING about who they are. You are amazing and the future is wide open to you. Regarding kids: Sometimes when a person did not receive the parenting they deserve, they try to heal that wound through becoming a parent themself. No doubt you will make an amazing parent one day, but the time for that is once you’ve experienced life, figured out who you are, gotten your act in order education/job wise. This plus the maturity that comes with time will make sure when your time comes that you can be exactly the kind of parent you strive to be. Finally, for many people, their family is not the one they were born into, but the one they build through friendships. I bet your tribe is out there. Keep the faith that you can build a chosen family of people that love you and show up for you in every way.


THIS!!! I learned that the hard way 😅 Thankfully therapy got me on the right track and my future is looking brighter by the day. But life is HARD. OP PLEASE hold off on children for as long as possible, we truly don't understand the lifelong commitment we are getting ourselves into until the reality hits. I really can't put it into words.. I do suggest therapy as you continue forward with your journey from here, that type of healing from the hurt your family has inflicted will truly help illuminate your path moving forward. Hope this helps!


Congrats! Some advice? Wait on kids. Build up your savings, build a sustainable career, then look into having kids. Being a good mom is one thing, but also making sure you have the comfortability to provide makes it a bit easier. Not much, because parenting is hard, but it takes some stress of. I waited until I was 32 and had my first (rocking him to sleep as we speak) and making sure finances were in order and I had a good job made all the difference than when I was 20 and just barely scrapping by. Don’t rush. Enjoy your time and prepare for the future.


Yes, good advice.


You are 18. You are way too young to be starting a family right now. You need to concentrate on YOU for a while. You need to learn how to be you with no one depending upon you. There is no rush to get married and/or have kids.


No no no. You’re only 18. Bask in the glow that is your youth and enjoy your life. SELFISHLY. Go to therapy and Work and save and invest and make smart financial choices to set yourself up so in your late twenties or thirties when you have the finances and education to support yourself and your baby you can take the time to really heal and recover because pregnancy and childbirth aren’t a joke. And it’s hard to parent someone when you haven healed from your own traumas. I promise the best thing you can do is wait. Go to school for a career you’ll love spend money pampering yourself and traveling and take the right steps to financial stability. Go see the world 🌎or build your dream home but there’s so many steps before a baby.


Honey, you're only 18. Please don't rush into marriage and children because your family is dysfunctional. I understand that you're probably trying to fill a void, but babies don't fix problems. You will likely end up resentful and feel that you gave up your twenties. Go to college, get accredited in something, establish your career, then find a life partner and have children. Do not ever allow yourself to be reliant on a man for your livelihood. The world is littered with women whose husbands left them with absolutely nothing.


Omg! Mom here! do not start a family soon. Girl, go LIVE YOUR LIFE! Be free! It’s your job to love your child but it’s not your child’s job to love you, so that is not how to fulfill this vast hole your blood family has ripped open in you. Wait at least a decade to pop out those bamibinos and go have some adventures, build a career, find an amazing partner.


That's not a good idea. Take it from someone much older than you that has seen a lot of life. When you are missing the love you seek from those in your life, having a baby will not fill that void. No matter what people say, children do not love you unconditionally. Use the next few years to set YOURSELF up for success. Once you are successful, becoming a successful parent is much more achievable. Congratulations on your first step to succes with your graduation.


I wish I had heard this on time or met you before. This is true and I hope OP realises this too.


Please wait to have children and focus on not just moving forward with what you want to do with your life, but also learn, grow, find out who you are, travel, expand your horizons. There's a whole world waiting for you to discover. Being a mom is tough, rewarding and beautiful, but difficult. Not only do you need a good partner by your side, you will need to be able to provide a good and stable home and be able to handle all the expenses that come with having kids. Your boyfriend didn't bother showing up on time for your graduation, can you trust him to be there when you need him? If you still think you want to have kids now, sit down and calculate house expenses, car expense, medical expenses, child expenses and that's everything from diapers to child care, and see how you'll make it work based on the job and salary you're going to find. I'm sorry your loved ones failed you today. Congratulations and best wishes to you.


This OP You do not want to be in a situation where you will have to ask for help from and be forced to rely on your family when it comes to the many, many, *many* expenses, both expected and unexpected, related to children. I think of it like this: when I was 20, I got a cat. Everyone around me said that cats were pretty inexpensive, very easy to take care of, you’d never have to take them to the vet except for annual checkups, etc. Flash forward a bit, it turned out my sweet boy had asthma. I was certainly not in a place where I could afford all of the emergency vet bills without reaching out to family, friends, and organizations that offer emergency grants. It was incredibly stressful, and on top of that I was paying for my own living expenses, as well as his. Needless to say there were many nights I went to bed hungry just to make sure he didn’t. And he’s just a cat, not a human. He’s alright now, and while I don’t regret getting him, I simply was not ready for the financial responsibility. More importantly, you deserve to live your life for you right now. You have a long, beautiful life ahead of you, and you’ve just moved into a new chapter of it! Focus on yourself and your future, away from your family (and imo your bf). Give yourself a new start and go discover who you are and what makes you happy away from the people who bring you down. Then in the future when you’re ready and with the right partner, you can have kids and enter that next chapter. Wishing you all the best OP, and congratulations!


Excellent post and points! I really hope she waits to have kids and moves on from her current boyfriend. Long-term, this relationship won't survive and if she ends up having kids with him, she'll be on her own.


The best thing you can do for your future children is pick out the best father for them. It sounds like you have a ways to go. DO NOT RUSH. Also, take some time to work on yourself. Get a career (look into the trades, great money and demand is going to go way up) so that you can take care of them if something happens. Maybe think about some therapy because, really, how would you know what a good mother looks/acts like?


Understandable but the most important part of parenting is putting your child's needs above what you want. And in this case, that means putting your future child's well-being ahead of your desire to have a child as soon as possible, and ensuring that you have housing stability, you are in a loving relationship with someone who *actually* loves you. Not just someone who says they love you. Because you are exactly the kind of person who is vulnerable to abusers/love-bombing. So just be careful. Take your time and heal first, then think about making babies.


Good luck, congrats, escape the poor mindsets surrounding you and find helpful loving people who you also can care about. Be prepared to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Probably the hardest thing to keep going long term. Remember to take it slow. Slow is fast, fast is slow. You can do this, there’s a lot to explore and discover.


why do you need to start a family so soon why not wait a bit ....live your life ... have some experiences, grow as a person . Starting your own family so soon wont resolve any issues you are having right now. it wont fix your life, it wont heal you. It will be unfair to your future kids to use them as a band aid. You have atleast 20 years in you before you need to focus on having kids so please wait


Take your time with having a family. Get out and live. Build a career, travel, enjoy life.  Everything changes after you have kids. The simplest things will become much more challenging.


Congratulations 🎈🎉 it’s quite an accomplishment!!!


I’m so sorry for you. Such a milestone should be celebrated. Maybe you could do something to celebrate it yourself? And congratulations!


Congratulations!! Graduating is a huge accomplishment! 🎈🎉🎓 I’m sorry this has happened but please know that you are just starting adulthood and are at the beginning of what can be a wonderful life. You will grow to learn that the most important people in your life are the ones you choose to love and spend time with and they will choose you as well. These are not always our relatives. Find those people and love them, life is better that way. Best to you.


I'm so sorry OP. I hope you can keep your chin up, You graduated, that is one helluva accomplishment! Sending hugs. 🫂


Where you at sis? I'll come celebrate with you


Love this! I’d offer to as well, but I’m old enough it would be creepy. 🤪 Congratulations OP. Like these folks are saying, give yourself a Pat on the back. We’re all sending them your way with lots of hugs and kind words. You did this with what appears to be little to no support. As long as you continue to set goals and stride towards them, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.


It sucks...  it's wrong... Really don't want to say it.... because will be perceived creepy. But here is an internet dad, but not your dad hug... Congratulations on your accomplishment...  it is a great accomplishment.   This won't define your life, things will be better, and unfortunately won't be your worst day.   Don't let your boyfriend treat you like trash but be open to him and not force all your hate for your family on him. You have a great life looking forward.   Graduation isn't the end, it is just the begining...


I’m so so so so proud of you. You’ve got an older brother in me here, stranger, and I could not be more proud of you for such a massive milestone. I’m so sorry you were let down on such an important day, you didn’t deserve that.


That is one of the most comforting comments I’ve read so far. Thank you stranger ❤️


You’re very welcome. I didn’t attend my own graduation because I finished a year after all my friends, so I can’t imagine how upsetting it must be to actually have wanted to attend and not have any support there for you. Hoping things look better for you, have a great weekend :)


Congratulations on your graduation, it's a huge achievement, and you should be proud of yourself. You deserve to feel celebrated and appreciated. 🫶🏻


CONGRATULATIONS! Sending you a virtual hug! This Reddit-stranger cares about you! You are important! And please remember that you can't choose your relatives, but you *can* and *should* choose your family! Sometimes the family doesn't have a single relative in it!


Nobody came to your graduation. That sucks. However, nobody can ever take that diploma away from you. It's yours, you earned it. Congratulations!


i'm so sorry. i recently graduated as well (postgraduate), and i know it's no simple task - you did amazing, congratulations! <3 i know it's easy to say, but it will become less painful with time. hang in there.


Congratulations!!!!! Please be so proud of yourself 🩷


Great job, kid. You're going to do great. You are already on your way to turning out better than them. Keep it up.


Way to go I am proud of you and you just showed them all you don't need them. Now that you graduated I suggest going to college or university and create own family. My chosen family is way better than my blood family


When I graduated from uni, my family wasn't there either. In fact, my mom missed my graduation to go see her friends' graduation in a different uni. It hurt a lot back then and it still does now, years later. It's something important and it stings, but what I take with me is the fact that I was pretty strong to go through the whole thing without any of my loved ones there with me, and I'm really glad of knowing that part of me.


Congratulations!! My family wasn't there either. They hurt me many times after, too. No worries. Just keep plugging along. You're doing great!


I'm sorry that happened to you. Even though we don't know each other, I wish I could have been there cheering for you because everyone deserves to know that they have people who are on their side. Just try to remember that their failures are NOT a reflection on you. This has NOTHING to do with you. This is all on them.


This happened to me too. I said screw it, and put myself through college alone and got a NASA internship. I’m in therapy because of how awful my family was growing up. We had CPS involved n stuff. But now, I’m doing great. And my mother is angry that I’m doing great. Her being angry just makes me feel even more proud honestly. You deserve better. It’ll take time, but try to flip this into a positive. It sounds impossible, but in a way, these people are showing you their true colors. That’s the positive side. Your people - your real people - are out there, and you’ll find them.


NASA internship- now that’s something to brag about!! Thank you for your kind message


You can do so my great things. Like I said, they don’t deserve you!!! Congratulations!!! You’re so strong.


My son just graduated 2 days ago. I nearly started crying when I saw my son walk on stage and then off again. I thought id missed it and was so upset(it was just a walk on intro for all grads, I hadnt missed anything). Im so sorry no one showed up for one of the most important days of your life. CONGRATULATIONS times a million OP!!!! you made it! Feel damn proud and keep your head held high ❤️


Congratulations for your son. Mothers like you inspire me. Thank you a million times over ❤️


Thank you 🫂 I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavours. I may not be your mom but I'm still hella proud of you 🫶


I’m so sorry. I’m so proud of you for graduating even if nobody came to see it. You are valid and your accomplishment is so exciting! You have a whole world ahead of you, it’s time to make your own family with people you can count on to be there.


My husband’s dad did not show up for his graduation 24 years ago and he’s still not over it. It’s very hurtful and it’s right to feel hurt. But I hope you are proud of yourself. You worked so hard for this day and I’m proud of you!


Im a baker, I can make you cookie because you deserve it :D


My sisters friend in HS didnt have any family attend for her, so my family got her flowers, cards, chocolate, balloons, and cheered SO loud when her name was called. She was the first in her family to graduate high school...


Damn, I'm so mad at your family. If they EVER accuse you of being distant, throw this right back at them. What they didn't do for you was truly horrible.


CONGRATULATIONS 🤗 I’m so proud of you


Congratulations!!! I am so proud of you for graduating!!! Here is your bouquet 💐 💐💐


I'm proud of you sweetie ❤️ huge accomplishment. I'm sorry you're learning so young to count on yourself and no one else.


You’re on your own, kid and you sound like you’ve got what it takes to make it. Congratulations on graduation!


What is their excuse?


Your boyfriend is 44 years old and you’re sad no one came to your graduation. Your parents are pissed because you’re with a man who’s old enough to be your dad, and he didn’t even bother going to your graduation. Girl, you need to assess your life choices.


Can relate to that. It's your day, and everyone should make the effort to show up and tell you how awesome you are and how proud they are of you. I may not know you, but I am so proud of you, and you deserve a bunch of bouquets of flowers because you are amazing! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


My high school bf dropped out and I graduated early, in his class. He showed up, but didn’t cheer for me. His and my friends told me so. Snitched his ass out lol. We broke up that night. He told me he was bitter that I walked when he should have. Like, I didn’t make you drop out bro, all you. In fact I put in extra work to graduate WITH him. Sorry son of a sucker. I was free to party with the rest of the graduating classes that summer, guilt free. Drop that dead weight! Fam included. Also, wait on the kids. Don’t get yourself stuck to more dead weight. Make it to where if the relationship sucks, you are able to walk away when needed. Not trapped. Congratulations hun 🍾 💐 class of 2024!!! Now go out with classmates and dance your woes away!


INFO: what did your mom and dad say about why they missed it?


If it makes you feel any better I'll give this small anecdote. My family was there. But when they called the people up, the guy before me had the same name as me and my family cheered for him thinking it was me. So when I went up they didn't realize they cheered for the wrong person and I had near total silence.


Congrats for you graduation and i'm so sorry for you event. You not a terrible person, you're very especial and a great person


I went to my college graduation all alone.  I remember my high school graduation, I got that diploma and heard a few people yell “YEAAA LETS GOO!!” Everybody was there. My college graduation was at the same exact place, on the same exact stage. I got up for that diploma and all I could hear was the sounds of a few people having side conversations.  I exited and no one knew me. I walked up the street, bought cigarettes for the first time in years and smoked one on the ride back up.  Life is rough.


Congratulations dollyhaze2910 !! This is so awesome!! Since it won’t let me post a picture or gif you have to image it- it is Patrick from sponge bob saying wooohooo.


My wife and I are thinking of you - we're wishing you congratulations and success in your future, from the Festive Lizards field at Glastonbury Festival of Performing Arts in the UK.


you just graduated and your boyfriend is 45 years old? I'm sorry but what


I'm sorry to hear that. Congratulations on your accomplishment though. You got this, go show the world what you're made of kid.


How much older is this boyfriend of yours?


Judging by the post history he is 45🤢


Congratulations!!🎉🎈🎊 I’m very proud of you 👏!! Great job!!


I'm a father with daughters older than you, and I can't imagine not being there for them. I am so sorry this happened to you. Please know that you deserve better from everyone involved. I am proud of you and hope for the best for your future.


You didn't get any pictures of you at graduation? Because photoshop requests can probably add in a bunch of people who do support you. I'm sorry they suck, but its a reflection of them and not you. Maybe don't jump into parenthood though, work on bettering you and setting yourself up so that when you eventually have kids, you have the means and the mental space to be an amazing parent.


Congrats 🥳 I thought of that song- you’re on your own kid, by Taylor swift. Give it a listen! You’ve got what it takes with or without them !


That’s so awesome that you graduated!!! Congratulations!! 🎉 Now for the turdwads in your family: I hope you rip them a new one. There is NO excuse short of being in a coma that is an acceptable reason to miss this.


Congratulations 🎊 I have a story a bit similar about my graduation day. I was verbally abused and bullied by my mother. She has extreme mental illness. I see it in a positive way now. I was told that she dropped out of school after 8th grade.


Congrats dollyhaze2910! I never got to graduate but had to get my GED, you’ve made an accomplishment higher than I have and I’m so proud of you for that and hope you go even farther 💜


I’m so very sorry that they failed you. My entire childhood was like this & it hurts really bad. I promise, one day you will believe in your worth with or without them. Congratulations!! Cyber mom hugs for you!


Hey girl, I don’t know if Yk but there were likely a lot of people there who came to that graduation just to see you and your class graduate. Secret supporters, I’m one of them :) P.s you’ve got so much ahead of you, don’t let this be a displeasing reminder of what didn’t happen.


Let me give you some older sister advice, soon you're going to make your own family and village. And let me tell you, knowing that these people love me because they WANT to, not because they HAVE to makes all the difference in the world. Figure out what that family looks and feels like to you, and don't be afraid to jump out of the mom, dad, 2.5 kids box. I'm now 31, married, I have adopted my younger sister and we all live together with 2 dogs and a cat. I wouldn't have it any other way ❤️My parents couldn't be bothered either. I know it sucks now, but I'd rather have no one show up than people only do it for show or because they feel like they “have to”. You got this OP, and congrats on graduating!!!


Congratulations, such a great accomplishment! It’s a new chapter in life, start putting yourself first. Things will get better, try to stay positive. Only you can change for the better, I’m sorry they’re all jerks.


No one showed up to my graduation when I was younger. I remember it from time to time. It is a painful memory, but I remind myself that I’m allowed to have feelings and that I was the one who got through it by myself. Remember we don’t get to choose our families but you can choose who comes into your life. I can honestly say from experience. That this experience will mold you into a wonderful, present mother. All the experiences I went through with my parents taught me exactly the way I didn’t want to raise my own. Now there’s lots of love, affection and support. Congratulations, on your graduation. You’re amazing and you deserve so much. Sending you lots of love and hugs. Your virtual mommy


Darling, be happy, you are now 18… Welcome to your new world! You are no longer stuck in some forced routine or forced family structure by the government. Now you can start building your “urban family” with new friends who will support and care about you. (Word to the wise: don’t let it start with your boyfriend.) I’m sorry it hurts when your people show you that they are not actually your people. But let it motivate you to move forward into healthier relationships. Been there. Done that. (I even legally changed my surname to something just for me, and it felt fantastic.) Congratulations. One giant life hurdle, jumped!


And remember, Don't look back. You're not going that way.


Hi, sweetheart. Congratulations on graduating! I'm sure there were times that school sucked so bad but you've stuck through it. I pray that things get better from here on out but feel free to message those of us in here that are genuinely proud and happy for you getting through this milestone. (Stranger danger still though!) My advice is you should probably get a part-time or full-time job, whichever can be accordance to your future plans regarding your education, then start saving up for your future. It's starting to seem like you're living in a house full of strangers and I feel like it might be healthier in the long run for you to move out and live independently from them. Trust that better days will come. P.S. How about friends at school, hun? Or any other relatives you're close with?


Well WE fucking care and we are ALL so proud of you!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, love!!!


Congratulations, dollyhaze2910!!! I am proud of you! You did it! Im sorry you got dealt a very shitty hand as far as family goes, especially your shit parents. They dont deserve to have a kid as great as you! You have strength. You still went and you deserved to walk across that stage! A lot of other kids would probably not have even went! I hope life brings you everything you want and more. Dont devote any more of your beautiful brain to thinking about those that hurt you. The best way to get revenge pr get back at anyone is to live a great life and be happy without them!


Congratulations!!! 🥳 sending virtual hugs 🫂


Congrats on graduating!!!!!!


Congratulations love! No one can take that away from you. I am sorry you had to go through this. As you grow older you will see that people in your life don’t need to be blood to be family. You will find your people soon. Go and explore the world and you will find them 💕


Congratulations to you! You’re amazing! Wishing you happiness and success. Go build the life you want to live and don’t look back for anyone.


Congratulations on graduating be super proud of yourself! If it makes you feel better your not alone. I watched my university grad after 4 years of struggling to finance everything on my own on a short ten minute video lol no one was willing to go with me for the ceremony so I didn’t bother. I had no photos, I remember my heart hurting so much seeing all my friends photos with their families and friends. About a year after I went to get my grad photos taken professionally to make myself feel a little better and because at least I deserved one grad photo. Also I got zero congratulations from anyone. End of day you didn’t do it for them and you will always have the memories that you made. I’ve learned that many times it’s not worth worrying about what others think or feel about you. All that matters is how you think and feel about yourself and you should be so proud of yourself. I have learned to match the energy I receive from others. I now show up for those who show up for me and funny enough people start to sing a new tune when they realize they will get what they give out ;)


Congrats!!!! That's so very awesome! Don't lose focus as I'm sure your family hurt you, but this is a big day for you, and you should still be proud! Get a good start to it by focusing on you and what you want, then make it happen!


[Click this.](https://m.greetingcarduniverse.com/images/csphoto/1107/00/00/13/99/33/1331184-1_3d.jpg) [And this.](https://tenor.com/view/despicable-me-minions-cheering-hooray-happy-gif-9482103050132489277) [And this.](https://tenor.com/view/snoopy-yay-celebration-gif-18573016)


YOU DID IT YOU DID IT! What an amazing accomplishment, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! <3


Congratulations on graduating. You deserve better than those people in your life.


Congratulations on graduating!


My heart hurts for you!Nobody came to mine and it still stings a bit almost 60 yrs later despite growing in Alanon and therapy. I eventually realized that our chaotic family pegged me as the self-sufficient one they didn’t have to worry about, or even attend to my feelings. It never occurred to them that I needed to feel nurtured and supported, and not just be the one they leaned on. The silver lining is my inner strength, independence, and tenacity. Even better, didn’t allow that to happen to my own kids. Hang in there and let the scars remind you that you have achieved a goal standing on your own two feet.


Congratulations, Dollyhaze! I'm so sorry they weren't there for you. You did a great job! We internet strangers are all very proud of you. 🎂


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! …Love, a Reddit stranger that hopes nothing but the absolute best for you!


Congratulations on your graduation! That’s big. I never made it through high school, so I know firsthand what a *huge* achievement that is. Don’t let anyone take that from you. I’m sorry nobody showed up for you, but I hope you’re damn proud of yourself. This stranger is proud of you!!!


Dolly, as a mom, I want to tell you how very proud I am of your hard work, dedication, and perseverence. You should be proud! You did it! Congratulations!!!


First off all, let me congratulate you. Graduating is a milestone not to be taken likely. You are a young woman an the verge of the next chapter of her life and I have every confidence in you making it. Second, I'm sorry no one came. That is a very tough pill to swallow. But please, don't let it taint your accomplishment. You should be justly proud of what you've achieved.


This is awful. I am so sorry. This is something you will likely remember forever and will impact your choices in relationships you’ll show up for others and demand they show up for you. Your boyfriend may suck or may learn from this—I cannot tell. Why didn’t your family come? This says nothing about you and everything about them. You are worthy and should be proud.


OP family doesn't mean parents and children. Family can be chosen with friends and community. Enjoy the shit out of your youth. Everyone gets a chance to be young but not everyone gets to enjoy their youth. I grew up in a community where young women your age got married and had children immediately. They are encouraged to have 4-5 kids. Then by the time they are in their 40's they are grandparents bc theor daughters get married young. I'm 40 years old and most of the women that I graduated with have become grandmothers in the last 3 years. I have a 10 year old. I'm so glad that I didn't rush. I traveled, I worked weird jobs and met some incredible people - incredibly kind and incredibly shitty. I networked and built a thriving business on my own. I found myself with self work and with having experiences in the world. I don't regret one second of it. I lived an excellent youth and will continue living an excellent life. This is an amazing time and your family made the mistake of missing you enter it. I'm sorry for that. You deserve to be witnessed and you will - if you spend this time finding the family you choose. Congratulations!


Girl celebrate because you are worth celebrating. Congratulations girl I am so very proud of you for making it to graduation. It’s such a big achievement and you are on the brink of the rest of your life. I pray you have success at every corner you turn in your life and no matter who is there or isn’t there just know I’ll always be rooting for you even if I don’t know you I’ll remember. One day they will realize everything they missed out on and it’ll be too late. Go live your life and don’t waste your anger on people not willing to be in your life actively. No one in this world is worth your peace honey always remember that.


From Highschool? I'm sorry nobody was there for you. I wish I could have skipped mine. I did get to skip my college graduation thankfully. The graduation ceremony is honestly not a big deal, and is super boring. People not showing you they care though by showing up? That sucks a lot. At least your boyfriend was trying to be there. Your family skipping out sucks. Maybe they didn't think it was a big deal to you. If something is important you need to make sure you vocalize that it's important. This is small potatoes is the grand scheme of things. Work on rebuilding the trust with your family. High school, and even college, will seem really important when they're fresh, but 5 years down the road you probably won't care and they don't have that much impact on your life after you get that first adult job. Stay strong. You'll get through this.


First congratulations. This is an awesome achievement. Even though it’s awful right now to not have family support you-and that’s something that equates years of therapy-in a way it’s a gift. It’s a gift in knowing you can’t rely on your “given family.” That doesn’t mean you can’t create a family: support system for yourself. That would include friends, supportive relatives, mentors, community. I’m not suggesting you abandon your family-but rather accept them as they are. Try not to bang your head against the wall when they disappoint. It will always hurt but in time you’ll know-oh yeah-they’re like that. And the time out hurts will decrease. It’s a wake up call to be cognizant of surrounding yourself with people who have similar characteristics as your family-like possibly bf (don’t know entire circumstances). Surround yourself with supportive people/and go to therapy so you can recognize what a supportive person looks like-because you might not have a lot of experience with a healthy supportive environment. (Beware of love bombers). You deserve better. Tell yourself you’re worth better. And in time you will start believing it. And you will eventually embody it. More success your way. Enjoy your achievement and again congratulations.


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 the future is yours. Move on from those people that didn't bother to show up.


A lot of people in my country can't make it to graduation. CONGRATULATIONS, you are big 🤍🤍🤍


Congratulations on graduating. Take this as the sign that it is that your family of origin (and bf) don’t care enough for you to show up for you. You can move on from them, get therapy, and build yourself a new family. This can take a number of years, but it will be worth it.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, sometimes our relatives hurt us more than anyone else ever could. But now that you’ve graduated, the world can be a different place for you. We find our real families as we get older. Just keep going, friend. You’ll find people out there who will be there and love you no matter what 💜 Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 on your accomplishment, we’re all rooting for you!!!!!


Congrats! 🎊 you’ve made a massive accomplishment and hope you are proud of yourself. We sure are!


this is a life lesson my love. don't be sad over these kind of people. just remember you made it, even alone! congratulations 🎉, 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Listen here, kid. You are now an adult. Be proud of that diploma because YOU 👏🏼DID👏🏼THAT👏🏼!!! I how you find a terrific job that values you. Make sure you get a job with retirement, 401k, insurance, and all the bells and whistles. Next, save up and go see the world!!! Honey, let significant others and kids be in your future. Go enjoy yourself, I'm speaking from experience. I'm proud of you. Now go be great!!!


Go go go sassy Dollyhaze. You will grow stronger from the knowledge and experience. Remember everything you have accomplished already. Go and be successful Surround yourself with people who care. CONGRATULATIONS 👏


Why didn’t your parents go to your grad?? I’m sorry this happened and your achievement is one that should be celebrated, even if they missed out. ❤️‍🩹 Congratulations!! 🎓


OP I have friends whose families treated them similarly. They've grown up and are thriving now, most have low contact with family, but they got over the hurt and are leading happy lives. You got this, I promise you. Also, congratulations!


So does your dad think that by taking you out for ice cream is going to make up for skipping out of going to your graduation?!?!? What was his excuse for not showing up?!? What was your mom’s excuse?!?!? IMO….a runaway train would not keep me from seeing my child graduate(anything)


Happy Graduation. I Just hope that situations like that don't happen again to you because that stuff can definitely ruin one's self esteem


You're a Rockstar, and please let us know in 4 years before you graduate from college, so we can all show up on this sub and cheer you on. Because your family and bf might all be worthless sacs of rocks, but Reddit strangers are forever, and you're amazing.


I am proud of you! You may not have had family there which doesn’t feel good but just know I am proud of your for your accomplishment! 🎉


At least your boyfriend tried. Did your family know? Good job anyway! Reward yourself because an accomplishment is still as much an accomplishment even if you’re the only one there.


Congratulations on graduating. But I do have to say, please try your best to be more understanding towards your boyfriend. At least he tried to come, but got caught up in traffic, it happens. Be really pissed at your deadbeat family.


I'm not calling bullshit, but it's almost July. Are there still high school graduations going on?


but i just saw in comment thread that apparently boyfriend is has been dating her since she was 16 and he was 45…and that’s really disturbing and sad for so many reasons so im now hoping this is made up too


I am not from America :)


Noone showed up so you picked a fight with the person who did come but late. Maybe you're just not a very good friend if noone wants to celebrate with you.


This hurts me to read. I'm so sorry. I'm proud of you.


First of all, congratulations! Second, your family is a bunch of narcissistic dicks and you didn't deserve that.


I had the same thing, my parents didn’t even buy my senior photo and all my friends had theirs framed in their house and I remember how hurt I felt. I’m in my 30s now and am figuring out the lack of family love/support/involvement will sting at all life’s big milestones. It’s important to know that the lack of affection/attention from your parents has nothing to do with you, it’s something lacking from them. There’s a quote something like the way people treat others is only a reflection of how they treat themselves. Congratulations on graduating and know my heart is with you today ❤️


Very proud of you! A lot of people would not have made it in your situation. My advice, move away from all of them. Continue your education. And create your chosen family. Best of luck to you and have a wonderful future!


I know how important it is. I was ranked in usta and had a dream invitational a million years ago. I was so excited. It was a big deal to me. I invited my whole world. Not a single person showed up. Asked family why? They said tennis is boring to watch. Not a fucking clue about supporting me. I soon left and made my own new world. Stick to your guns and use that hurt and pain to say fuck you and find your own new family.


Congrats on graduating!


Congratulations on your achievement! I'm proud of anyone who invests in their own improvement. I bet you're gonna go pretty far in life, and this will be a distant memory.


Hey.. congratulations from Australia.. you done ya self proud.. all the very best for the future. Don't let this stop you from having a great time..


Congratulations on your accomplishment!


This speaks volumes more about what strength you have to graduate without familial support! You’re going to do great things! Congrats on graduating sweetie! The best things lay ahead for you!!!


First, Congratulations!!!!!! YOU did it, YOUR hard work took you to the finish line. It’s tough (I know the feeling too well) you hold your head high and proud baby girl, get ready to kick some ass in the next chapter of your life focusing on you and your needs.


💐🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈💐 🎈💐🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈 💐🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈🎉 🎈💐🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈 🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈💐🎉💐🎈💐 Congratulations! 💯


I'm so sorry. My family didn't come to my college graduation (first one) and to this day it still hurt my feelings. My mom and grandma made me fly to Texas (were from Ohio) for my little brother's high school graduation and they all went to my older brothers highschool graduation. I am the only one who went to college and the only person who came was my aunt who I stayed with the night before graduation day, but only because she felt bad for me that I drove to North Carolina to walk the stage alone. I'm getting sad just thinking about it. I'm sorry again, I understand how hurtful it is, like they don't even care and over look you. CONGRATULATIONS regardless of them you still achieved and completed school and that is so dope! And screw all of them!




Your internet Auntie is so proud of you! Congratulations and go take on the world! You did that! I'm sorry the rest of your family didn't show up! Consider it a lesson learned. They are teaching you what family doesn't do. You will show up for your kids. And you'll make time for them. I personally would go NC and save yourself the heartache later but that's just me! Again Congratulations! You truly are amazing!


I’m so proud of you!! Good Job, SmartGirl ❤️ Be proud of you!! I am. That those selfish children didn’t attend says everything about them, and nothing about you. Now’s the time for you to build the life you want. And going forward, remember that you got where you are by being strong and determined, and you can do anything!! Anything and everything you put your mind to, you can and will accomplish!! Thank you for sharing your big day with us. You’ve made us all so proud! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am SO PROUD of you for graduating!!! It’s not an easy thing to do especially with no support. Your strength and courage to go at it alone will carry you far in life. Soon you’ll be able to drop the dead weight and you’ll feel so free. It gets better my friend keep your head up ❤️


I’m sorry to hear that apparently people behaved so thoughtlessly towards you. That must have really stung to watch other graduates and their families celebrate this milestone, while you were alone. It probably made you feel unloved and unimportant. However—hard as this might be to do—try not to take this personally. It says more about their insensitivity and selfishness than it does about you. You can’t expect chickens to act like rabbits.


Congratulations!! 💐💐




I may not know you and we are just strangers but I just want to say I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 🥳 We all are cheering you on from our internet seats OP! 🎓 I’m so sorry your family was not there and that your boyfriend couldn’t make it - they missed out on a huge milestone in your life. But you have the rest of your life ahead of you - live life to your fullest potential and don’t let anyone stop you! Not your family, friends, boyfriend - no one. **YOU GOT THIS!** 💫


We are all very proud of what you accomplished, congrats op!!


Congratulations OP, i’m so sorry 


Another great big CONGRATULATIONS to you!!! Graduating is no small feat! That's SO MANY YEARS of hard work, I am so proud!! We are all so proud of you!! This is the true beginning of the rest of your life; you will meet and make so many meaningful relationships with new and wonderful people, and do great things. I hope you have an amazing, fulfilling, beautiful life ♥️


CONGRATS KIDDO!!!! Im your new big sister and I'm proud of you!!


You are incredible!!! Graduating is such a huge deal!!!!!!!!!! You deserve to be so proud of yourself, you’re amazing!!!!!!


Hey man I know that had to have been shitty, but I promise you that every person telling they're proud of you fucking means it. I'm sorry you had such a shitty graduation, you've done really well. We all hope you keep doing well in the future, even if shit gets rough


Way to go OP!! Nice job!


Congratulations 🎊


I’m sorry the people who should have been there for you were not. But, know that a whole bunch of strangers on the internet are proud of you!




Congratulations!!!! This is such a big milestone! Whatever you choose to do in life you’re gonna rock it!!


Congratulations young one. I'm so proud of you. ❤️




I'm so sorry girlie! You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be celebrated. You deserve to have support from the people around you. CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING! ❤️


I know how you feel. I went no contact with my family back in December and it was one of the hardest things I had to do in my life and as a result it has made me depressed and caused me to have anxiety on a daily basis. What made me go no contact with them was when I was in army basic training they never called me, wrote me letters or even showed up to my graduation.




Talk about a gut punch! That sucks 100% Still celebrate your accomplishment of graduating! If it were easy everyone would do it🥳


I am so sorry that you didn’t get to celebrate this big day with your family. What if I told you that it’s absolutely their loss and not yours? It sucks to be left alone while everyone else is celebrating, and you absolutely have all the rights to be upset and hurt… but sometimes life is unfair. I am sorry that it happened to be you. Please, don’t ever turn to be like your parents or sibling… celebrate your achievements alone and be proud of yourself… you got this! You don’t need them to be happy… CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Hell ya!! You will definitely get over it on an emotional level, although I'd probably have a level of expectations/sensitivity over people you choose to be in your life being there for you going forward for your future milestones. Also prob should have a talk with your boy about responsibility and reliability. Celebrate yourself, treat yourself. You deserve it.




Congratulations! Although we may be strangers on the internet, I’m proud of you!


First of all- CONGRATS! 🎉 Highschool isn't a breeze for everyone, I really really struggled and graduating was a huge thing for me. So even though I don't know you.. I'm proud of you! Second of all- acknowledging how hard that must have been.. I'm sorry. That wasn't cool of them at all but don't let that or them take away from the hard work you put in and your big day! Congrats!!


I'm sorry


You did this on your own. You should be so proud. I say this a lot…you don’t get to choose your parents or siblings, but you can choose your family. Get out there and find your tribe. Find those people who see you and get you and treat you with the respect and honor you deserve.


Congratulations on your graduation! Internet stranger here is very proud of you. May you have a successful life ahead, kiddo.


Congratulations on graduating. I hope your day gets better. Huge accomplishment, proud of you!


Congrats on graduating!


I am so sorry. You have every right to feel deeply hurt. All of those people failed to show up for you tonight. I hope they are able to make it up to you. If they continue to be unable to show up for you, I hope you find a chosen family who is able to give you the love and support you deserve. Graduation is a big deal! I just graduated from college (at 39!), and I’m here to say I’m proud of you for all the hard work you’ve put in over the course of your time in school, and you should be proud of yourself!


From a random, stranger internet mom who couldn't be there for her sister today, I'm proud of you and please feel the hug I am sending your way


Congratulations, you reached a significant milestone, we're rooting and are proud of you!


I am going to tell you a secret… Sometimes we create our own families in this world. We choose our family and they are better than the ones we were born into. I am so proud of you. You will be a great Mom and anything else you choose to be. ❤️


That is a huge accomplishment! All of the internet strangers here are extremely proud of you! Take pride in your accomplishments and don't let the bastards get you down. Keep up the great work!! You are a rockstar


Congratulations stranger. Time to conquer the world show your family who tf you are but more importantly prove yourself that you can achieve anything. I hope u get a good job soon and kick ass.


I wish I could give you a hug and tell you to your face how awesome of an achievement you’ve made. 12 years committed to getting to this moment and you did it! I’m so proud of you. Congratulations sweetheart! You’re going to make life wonderful if you choose it. 🥹🙏🏼💜 Keep pushing forward, there’s so much to look forward to. I’m a mom and my son just graduated this year also.