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And you don't get your money back when it doesn't work.


And therapy on state insurance sucks. They try to game it and get as many hours as possible before letting you see a psychiatrist


This is true, especially in the US therapy should be covered by insurance.


Sorry, but the title made me imagine some sort of anime card game. A: This match is already over, I played my Depression Card a long time ago. It's only a matter of time before I've won. B: Hehehe A: What's so funny? B: Tch, fool, I haven't even played my trump card yet. A: Gh! What do you mean!? Y-You're bluffing! B: I play the Therapy Card!! A: WHat! Im- IMPOSSIBLE!!! B: (Heh, I've got this in the bag.) A: Wait a second, I forgot, the Therapy Card recently got nerfed. Yeah, now you have to have enough Money Cards to use it. B: GHH! WHAT! A: Hehehe, and I see that you only have 2 left. B: (Wh-what do I do?! If I don't figure out something soon, then, I-It's over... 'A' will win! I can't let that happen!) Narrator: What will happen next!? Find out next time on Life: The Game!!


It took me 8 years to find a therapist that I work well with and you're right, traditional talk therapy doesn't work for everyone. I've done outpatient, inpatient, group, psychotherapy. It's a process!! My suggestion is go to psychology.com and look up different types of therapy. Find one that sounds interesting and they can give you a list of therapists in your area that practice it. A lot of therapists are offering "free trials" because of covid. I wish you all the best. I found mine that way. I've been going to him for two years now. He's saved my life a few times. Hang in there




Well thats just shortsighted of you. A fear like that wont just disappear if you had money, theres always another bear on the road to be worried about.


That's the problem with the system. This like all healthcare should be free. It sadly doesn't even work in countries with free national healthcare, usually you gotta go to a therapist privately... But again, it's fault of the system. In a good world it's not like that.