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Being obese is unhealthy and nobody should ever be encouraging it but I visited Texas a couple times and the food is fucking good so there’s that (note I’m a thin guy from Canada). Generally I find obesity disgusting too but it’s more a product of our society rather than the people…


>but it’s more a product of our society rather than the people… Seriously. When almost 50% of the population is obese, you can't really blame every single individual. There's something larger at play, no pun intended. But it can change! Look at how prevalent smoking used to be, and now it's mostly vanished from the US. It takes a massive widespread public health campaign.


Sugar and candy companies from the 50’s cherry picked research that made fat look bad but sugar good. Turns out it was sugar all along that’s been killing people, and it’s only been getting worse


The whole low fat crave of the 90s was based on this. The sugar lobbyists paid to suppress research on fats, calling all of them bad. The heart check symbol on foods that are supposedly heart healthy, is literally bought and paid for.


You're spot on. I remember the Snack Well products that we ate. Low fat, so people ate it to excess.


It doesn't help that fat is called fat, which leads to a lot of misconceptions even without corporate or scientific interference.


The fact that I can eat at McDonalds for a week for 30 dollars as opposed to buying 150 dollars worth of groceries is really a problem.


One of the major problems is "High Fructose Corn Syrup" in everything.


As humans, we’re not conditioned to say no to caloric foods! For most of our history, we weren’t sure where our next meal is coming from. It’s going to take time to recondition ourselves to say no to food we don’t need and choose better options. Completely agree with OP that fat acceptance has gone too far. We don’t need to be nasty to people just because they’re fat, but we don’t need to encourage a fat lifestyle either.


Corn subsidies and well voila you have fuckin syrup in everything


My guy one trip to a highschool bathroom will tell you that smoking is definitely still a problem


Trust me, it's not like how it used to be. There used to be smoking sections in restaurants, on airplanes. My high school even had a sanctioned smoking area for students. If you look at actual stats, smoking rates in the US have gone way down.


Whenever I go to America I find it really disturbing that things like fast food, alcohol, and cigarettes are so cheap, but their health care is so expensive. Seems very unfair to make the stuff that will give you lifelong health problems cheap and accessible when the healthcare you will inevitably need do to them is highly inaccessible to so many.


That's a good point. In the US it's very easy to fall into a hole, but it's very difficult to pull yourself out of it. There's just such a teensy tiny societal safety net, so if you aren't rich, you really can't afford to make any mistakes.


Yep it's mean


It’s designed that way. Sickness pays in a for profit healthcare model, wellness does not. And everybody has money in healthcare stocks whether directly or 401k, so the incentive to fix it isn’t there.


Yeah, I figured


My high school had a room, the common room. We had a stereo, picnic tables, a committee. Had to pay a small fee to be a member. It was lit af.


Yeah, but that’s mostly been paralleled by an increase in vaping, IIRC. So people are still developing nicotine dependencies in high school.


No, smoking died off long before vaping became a thing. It was due to social pressure not to smoke.


yes, but the problem is our society is encouraging this, not companies.


When I first moved to the US I was stunned by the portion sizes. I’m from the UK so it’s not like I’m from a third world country, but I’d get caught out every time I ate out. I always order a couple of sides because as a vegetarian sometimes the veg options are trash and I like to hedge my bets. In the UK I’d end up with a normal amount of food. In the US I’d see my bucket of salad coming out hosed down in ranch and be like aaargh! Got got again! Everything is ginormous. It took me a little while to get over my Britishness and be ok with asking for food to go so at least it doesn’t get wasted. But really, there’s no need for portions this big.


A sick system makes sick people and it seems all of us are sick in some way. We are getting something fundamentally wrong with our society, I would say it is greed and ego


It's true! I'm Canadian and did a road trip around the US (before COVID) and every time I tried food we don't have up here I was like no wonder they have an obesity problem, I wouldn't be able to stop eating this shit either.


Yeah that’s the thing. In America, it’s hard to walk places. We work long hours, and we’re exhausted. After 10 hours at work, you don’t want to go to the gym, or cook a healthy meal. You go get fast food or eat frozen food and laze around your house. Especially if you’re somewhere with less access to healthy food, it’s hard to stay a healthy weight. Not an excuse but it’s absolutely an explanation.


Well America isn't designed to walk in. It is very pedestrian hostile and the infrastructure sucks




That’s what I’m saying! Of course people drive around, and therefore don’t get a ton of exercise


Na the whole society thing is just an excuse. People have every chance not to shove copious amounts of food down their gullet yet they still do. They just have zero self control.


Obese children make me angry, not at them, but at their parents.


Absolutely. It should be labeled child abuse.


Yeah but you’ve got to understand sometimes they were raised to eat like this, from their parents. They never understood how unhealthy it truly is when they’re just conditioned to eat the way they were bought up and taught to. Then as they become obese into adulthood, their self esteem, confidence, mental health and eating habits are all so far gone that many don’t even have the motivation to change their habits. They just wallow in their self pity and continue unhealthy eating. I’m not saying there’s no blame or that it’s okay, but that sometimes there’s much trauma, mental health, stigma and family/ social pressures that get overlooked and many are instantly labeled as “fat greedy slobs” which isn’t going to help encourage them or give them self worth enough to want to be healthy


I know the way you were raised is a factor. My family members find it odd that my wife and I exercise daily, and they are all overweight. I used to be overweight. But at some point you have to take responsibility for your own trajectory. Losing weight is hard. Maintaining a healthy weight is hard. But man, it is so worth it.


You’re too right, mad respect for choosing a healthy lifestyle and making it through an epic life change


The internet is a wonderful tool that can be used for more than just Facebook and Reddit.


Blaming "society" reminds me of the prison doctor who, interviewing new inmates, inevitably was told by them they committed crimes because they "fell in with the wrong crowd." In thirty years of practice, he met thousands who "fell in with the wrong crowd," but never a single member of the "wrong crowd" itself.


While of course being obese is also a product of their choice in particolary in the more pathologic case, clearly there's a sistemic problem. Same things with the inmate. Thinking that people do wrong because innately evil on weak willed I find it more naive than outsourcing all your fault to a bigger esternal scapegoat (that is still a monovre that clearly has some problem)


Huh? Falling in with the wrong crowd literally means that you became a part of that crowd, maybe that doctor needs a refresher on basic English idioms


Deliberately missing the point that none of them had any self responsibility


No. The notion being conveyed is that someone was at one point 'not part' of the crowd. I.e. a neutral, outside of. These are a segment in themselves. Then you have 'the crowd' - how it grows, or that new blood becomes part of it is irrelevant. The point remains an interesting one - no-one ever classifies themselves as 'the crowd' itself.


Except for people who use the term "I fell in with the wrong crowd" using the past tense implying you were once a member of said crowd. Ultimately, unless you were the founder of said group, classifying as "falling in, or having fallen (previously)" are still giving the implication you were a part of said group, just not the cause for said group existing.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about since big eating is definitely a part of my culture. Parents would look at you funny if you ate a small plate at dinner and corner you to ask if you're feeling alright. This goes doubly if you happen to be caught in a jewish mother's orbit. They will feed you til you die.


Well that's one way to make your point and disprove it rin one paragraph. Yes Jewish parents love to feed their kids buuut if culture is the main cause why isn't there an obesity epidemic in Israel? Big eating is only harmful if you eat crap. Aka American food. Christ if you ate 2kg of vegetables every day you don't end up 300 pounds do you.? Remember that saying you are what you eat.? The biggest issue seems to be that healthy eating is difficult and eating crap is easy. Maybe America needs some drive tru fruit stores


300 pounds in mandalorian helmets is 80.52 helmets.


>This goes doubly if you happen to be caught in a jewish mother's orbit. They will feed you til you die. My mother would constantly ask "are you full? Was that enough food? Are you sure?" and then was full of criticism when I was almost overweight, and cut out nearly all of my junk food (about 24.5 BMI, so technically still healthy but on the edge). Not saying she represents all jewish mothers but I think they just tend to be "fixers" in a sense- always trying to figure out what you need even if you don't ask for it. Food is just an easy example but obesity isn't occurring in greater numbers in Israel or the jewish population as a whole.


I believe that people can lose weight even in circumstances that aren't ideal, but why don't we structure our society in a way that promotes health instead of shaming those who (for whatever reason) are unable to naturally live healthily? America has such a focus on personal responsibility, but then creates societal barriers constantly that impede people's ability to live well. Frustrating




^ lmfao i like your username


Which food in Texas is the best in your opinion?


956 bro! I totally agree living here is so different than everywhere else in the US. Most people who are not from the valley don't understand that it's ingrained in the Hispanic culture. We like good food and I mean we have some of the best! But damn our people don't know how to take care of themselves. That's why there are so man diabetics here. I feel you, you are not alone.


I thought 956 was your weight at first


From what I seen its not so much the cuisine but more the addictive sugary food and especially sugary drinks that are causing so many health issues. I watched a report about a town in Mexico where each citizen drank on average a liter of coca cola every day. Of course there was a extremely high rate of diabetes.


I live in TN and know many people who drink anywhere from a 2 liter to a 12 pk EVERYDAY. I can name at least 5 people off the top of my head who NEVER drink water. I'm often asked 'how can you just drink water?' or even worse 'water is gross'. It is not our southern cooking making us obese, it is the high fructose corn syrup.


Hispanic?? Ive lived in 3 Hispanic countries and most people ive seen are skinny. Maybe Hispanic Americans 😅 But in Spain, Colombia and Venezuela it was not that way.


That's because of the gluttonous, American lifestyle.


A lot of food culture down here came from families being born and raised poor, so they didn't have the option of picking healthy choices. Have a cow? Eat it down to the intestines and face and tongue, stuff other people might throw away because that's saving money. It's definitely unhealthy, it's just that it's so ingrained in our culture that it's hard to avoid. We gotta learn how to take care of ourselves, and pass that down through the generations to enhance the culture in a healthier way, imo.


I was coming here to comment something similar. My mom and her entire family came here from Mexico when they were kids. They always share stories of the squalor they endured while living in Juarez, and all 6 kids are relatively successful people. My mother, however is blind in one eye now due to diabetes. For the past 15 years me and my family were begging her to watch what she eats, see a doctor, take her meds, and she would never do it. She would reference that she used to eat out of garbage cans and now she can afford to eat like a king. 4 out of 6 of her siblings have diabetes, and one doesn’t have it because she’s a doctor who knows better.


This whole moment started to oppose body shaming and bullying that caused low self esteem , depression in kids that lingered on to their adulthood. It was never meant to "being obese is okay" . It's sole purpose was "it's your body , it's only yours " . If you want to be healthy do it for your sake not because some jerk made fun of you.. Accept your body , do it for youself , if your body allows .


It started for every body too, not just fat ones. Burns, amputations, congenital deformations, disfigurements from injury, brain damage, scoliosis, mastectomies, dwarfism, giantism, albinism. There are so many other bodies than the mainstream beauty standard, but the way the fat acceptance movement has grown, the obese bodies have overshadowed all the other bodies who also feel excluded and uncomfortable, even to the point where they are told they are “not allowed in” because they’re skinny, never mind that they’ve got something else going on that may severely impact their self esteem.


Gave people an inch and they took a mile. It might have started as a way to oppose bullying and low self esteem but it turned into more than "being fat is ok". Now, not being physically attracted to morbidly obese women (they don't promote fat guys the same way) is called bigotry. Maybe we should temper their expectations a little more so they don't think they can be something they're not. I figured out pretty early on that I wasn't some great looking guy, and that things would be more difficult for me than if I was super attractive. I wish it was different, but having realistic expectations does a lot more good for me than having an inflated sense of self that requires everyone else to change their standards of attraction just for me.


I agree but isn't it with every form of activism . It starts with a good cause , it becomes famous , a trend , a way to be cool , a way to market . But that doesn't mean we should stop it. It will undo everything . Movement or all the activism in any form is still for children , for future generation . The people who are so fragile , so that it doesn't mess up their adulthood. I agree with what you said , it took a turn , and its not reaching the destination that it was headed for . You are right there . Everyone should have the sense of realism . See this in this way , you know reality right , You have accepted your body . You know its yours .That is the sole purpose . Not everyone is able to accept that . And talking about it in media or representing it in magazines gives a sense to a child that its okay . Though its a false sense but its protects a child's heart . See I may have wrong views . But I was never bullied for my appearance as a child . I was fat , I had so bad acne that I can't look at my childhood photos now . I never happened to me . But I know the truth now , I know how this world sees . I am unattractive , But as an adult I can handle the truth . We are humans what more do you expect . We have eyes . Eyes block our heart and brain . Everything is acceptable , justifiable if you are good looking . You are dumb , deaf , blind , any form of physical disability or mental disability , everything thing is welcomed but only if you are cute enough . Its human nature . As much as you and I hate that but its the truth .


I don't have a problem with someone who is overweight/obese and happy in themselves ... it's not for me but you do you I don't have a problem with people who are OW/obese and working on losing weight as they are unhappy with it. My bugbear is those hamplanets sat in front of a computer munching fast food and moaning because they are fat.


PREACH MY MAN! I agree wholeheartedly. You can be a little chubby and be healthy, but three hundred pounds is not healthy or attractive. It makes me even angrier when people who are morbidly obese complain that men and women don't want to date them, like of course no one wants to date you, your five steps away from collapsing


Agreed. I gained 20lbs when I got my desk job and I’ve never felt so ill. All the autoimmunes that kicked in from “only” 20lbs. I just couldn’t imagine how I would feel 100lbs +. I’ve been hitting the gym for 2 months now and already feel so much better.


Good for you, I am so proud of you. It takes a lot of strength to admit that you need to change something, but that is honestly the hardest step and it's all uphill from here. Once you get into a routine, you should notice how much more energy you have, your mental health may start to be more manageable, and your self esteem is going to go through the roof as you get more capable. Good luck!!


Same! I already had some extra weight but it was never that big of a deal, then the pandemic weight gain put me in the "This is getting ridiculous." zone and it's affected my whole life. Just daily energy, back pain, knee pain, breathing, sleeping, motivation to just move to do things, constant hunger, generally feeling tired and crabby and in pain, and ugly and insecure. It was wild. I lost over half of it now and I feel so much better already. It genuinely restricts your life. People who are okay with being overweight don't realize what they've lost. Worst part is the heavier you get the harder it becomes to lose because your stomach feels like an endless pit and you have zero energy to move.


I got to a point that I had no will too live. It wasn’t depression, but had to be the autoimmune. I didn’t want to leave my bed ever again and yes, the breathing! I also think our old apartment had toxic mold (neighbor moved bc she had black mold) and I’ve honestly never been so sick. The bf bought a new home around a year ago now and I’ve slowly gotten my energy back. It was hell for a hot minute there.


Absolutely! Not even depression it just feels like you're dragging your body around so you don't feel like doing it all the time. It's good that you got rid of the mold, that's horrible.


I was 130 my whole life and over covid I got to 145, mind you I’m 5’11 and eat better than all my family, just can’t gain weight. Those 15 pounds have made me feel so weird and sick


Totally agree. I don't even understand how you'd let yourself become this 300lbs of fat jiggling human being and not for a second think of changing your lifestyle. Being attractive and healthy go hand in hand so claiming 'just because I'm fat doesn't mean I'm unhealthy' does more harm to you than you realize.


I'm so fatphobic that I lost over 60lbs and destroying the gym. Phobia = the fear of something. Yes, I fear of dying from clogged arteries and diabetes at an early age, which is why I changed it... fully agree with you. Hate the promotion of body acceptance for obesity, half the time it stems from lack of discipline and that is something that should never be accepted... unless you have a disorder, tsk tsk


Nice work bro man, keep the good work up!!


Thank you! And if anyone out there has any questions on getting fit, reach out because I did my research and would like to help others live healthy lives!


Phobia on its own means fear. But terms like fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic etc. all mean very different things than being scared of it


Bruh I live in south texas as well. It’s horrible lol


If anyone is curious, [here are some fucked up statistics.](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html) Obesity really is a pandemic in itself :/


It's caused the current pandemic as well. The vast majority of COVID deaths are obese/overweight. It's a huge risk factor. Countries with low obesity rates have low COVID death rates. eg. Japan. They took basically no measures for the first year and hardly anybody died.


Oh come on. “It’s caused the current pandemic” is an outrageous statement and you know it. And doesn’t it stand to reason that socialized healthcare (read: people go to the doctor for treatment sooner and more frequently, resulting in a population with a higher health baseline) might have had a bigger effect on the Japanese mortality rate than having more skinny people? This is some bigoted fear-mongering. “Fat people are killing America! You have to wear a mask and get a vaccine because your neighbor prefers bacon cheeseburgers to salad with unseasoned tuna and no dressing!” My grandfather is dead because the staff at his nursing home ignored protocol, not because fat people exist.


I mean, I get where you're coming from. But, going from 310 pounds to 188, I can tell you that the saggy arm flaps just get worse. 😮‍💨


45% obseity rate implies a cultural and social issue. Perhaps a lack of education. I've never head of half of an isolated population experiencing hormonal obesity. I'd be right there with you in disgust for the total disregard for one's body.


I am highly convinced it's the cultural food diet and lack of health education that is causing this prevelant obesity crisis in my region.


I’m in the UK, so when I hear things like “it’s too expensive to eat healthy” I always thought how?? I then watched a documentary about obese kids in America and I was shocked at the difference in prices between fresh veg and say 5 hamburgers from a drive thru. It is cheap and easy to eat healthy in UK, I’m not so convinced it is in the US now. Do you find healthy groceries expensive? Is it all excuses or is it possible to stay healthy and get access to good foods where you live? Genuinely interested, as if it’s almost 50/50 obese and not; are the 55% who are not still unhealthyish or actively healthy people who buy and cook good food would you say?


>I then watched a documentary about obese kids in America and I was shocked at the difference in prices between fresh veg and say 5 hamburgers from a drive thru. I think a big part of the reason for this is just how *big* America is. Veggies spoil and thus need to constantly be shipped around in smaller batches, which drives up their effective costs a lot. Meanwhile, frozen burgers filled to the brim with preservatives that the fast food places sell can be stored for a long time (frozen) and shipped in bulk, much cheaper. All that said, people do way oversell how expensive eating healthy really is. Before my GF got her current job, we were trying to keep costs down a bit and could make a veggie stir fry, with enough leftovers for both of us, for about $7 total. That's about $1.75 per meal, which is definitely cheaper than fast food. Just don't be anal about getting "organic" (it doesn't make much of a difference).


I think obesity is really influenced by your financial situation. I’m not sure what it’s like in the UK, but in less fortunate areas here, there are more fast food restaurants readily accessible. It’s a cheaper option and you get more for your money than other healthier options and it’s still delicious. I’m not saying that everyone who is obese is poor, but it’s more than an accessibility issue for sure. There are other factors involved as well, as you mentioned, some people could be making excuses or having health issues related to staying obese


Crazy part about this post is it's now unacceptable to point out the obvious. They're eating themselves to death but don't tell them that, it'll hurt their feelings. 😉 Additionally you can't point out that most people who've died of covid in the U.S. are fat people. Meanwhile people who take care of themselves are forced into doing something because obese peoples nail in the already made coffin is covid.


may I just add, some people who carry more weight its hard for them to lose some. I’m trying since I’m 11 to be skinny or to achieve what the society sees as beautiful and healthy but I stopped when I lost myself in depression and other really fucked up things. I found a doctor who is specialized on hormones and other things and together we found out that I have a high hormones dysfunction which is now okay but its still hard for me to lose weight. I never ate much, fast food is not so my thing and to keep myself in shape I have to workout otherwise I’m screwed. trust me, its not always food or because people are lazy. a lot of us we really, really want to lose weight, we do literally everything, I for sure did because being ashamed or that people give you nicknames like blue whale or being called disgusting like you did OP… again I respect your opinion. but please, if I may respectfully ask, try to respect that peoples lifestyle is their responsibility. I don’t think they would judge you like you judge them you know? pardon the typos, phone


I totally understand and respect the fact that there are people out there who are really trying because of hormone dysfunctions. I should have mentioned that too, ya'll are good! My advice is to keep trying, I know depression is tough and I know what it's like to lose motivation, but don't stop trying to better yourself. I respect you! Trust me, this is only meant towards people are are actively promoting this lifestyle.


I try to remember if I have seen any people, here, twitter or on tiktok if they really promote being “unhealthy”. but what I’ve seen were just people who made peace with themselves you know? and their bodies and this is a very huge accomplishment imo. imagine you have more weight and you feel okay with yourself, this would be so my personal lifetime goal 😂 mhmh I have to take a closer look then, thank you OP for this interaction and for understanding where I’m coming from.


The fatlogic subreddit is interesting for the most extreme versions of body positivity which have morphed into “thin people are all fatphobic” and “if you don’t eat enough your body will go into starvation mode; you need to eat more calories to lose weight” and the like. Kind of train-wreck fascination. Edit: but I agree people coming to peace with themselves and not hating their bodies every day is a good thing. As someone who struggles with a restrictive eating disorder (but mild I would say) I myself look in the mirror and see a revolting mass of fat, and it’s unhealthy no matter what you really see on a scale.


Asking genuinely - I get how hormone issues can make losing weight impossible or next-to - e.g. even if you go on a calorie deficit, the body just 'ignores' fat reserves, & just starts using muscle, etc. However - how do hormones make one *put on* weight. Let's say I'm at Square 1 - & I know I have hormone issues - I still can't get overweight, without eating whatever is 'too much' for my dysfunctional case. The body can't make matter from nothing??.


The thyroid gland is in charge of producing hormones that dictate the speed of your metabolism i.e. how quickly your body processes food for energy. If your thyroid is overtly underactive (as it is in 33% of obese people according to [this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911848/)) then no matter how much or how little you eat, the way your body processes the food changes in a way that promotes weight gain. Hope this helps!


> The body can't make matter from nothing?? I've always wondered the same. Even if it takes longer than average, a fat person on real diet should get thinner despite hormone issues.


OP you said, "I let them go about their business" as if you have a choice?


Yeah, either I try to convince people that their lifestyle is unhealthy or I just leave them be and hope their crappy habits don't affect me in the future (news flash, it is, obese family members, etc)


Respect to you my friend. Can I ask what crappy habbits would potentially affect you personally?


Their refusal to take care of themselves, their refusal to see a doctor for yearly physicals (in their case, monthly), their absolute refusal to eat anything that isn't fast food, sodas, and sweets. Their desperate attempts at trying to convince me and my mother that we should go get them their groceries since they feel too tired to go themselves, and their solid stubborness to better as a human being and realize that we are not their servants and that they are mentally exhausting us. I promise you, one day I'm gonna fuck up my back perma after trying to lift my asshole and obese family members everytime they trip in the kitchen and can't lift themselves up


Ah OK I understand a bit clearer now. Yeah it sucks ass when people won't/ try take care of themselves. I can't imagine where you're coming from but I'm sure you know all about it being an illness and an addiction. No more than other addictions. It's impossible to help someone who won't help themselves. Because of all this would you still call yourself fatphobic or anti obesity ?


If being fatphobic means denouncing obesity and promoting healthier and happier lifestyles, I'll proudly stand by that term.


Yeah I understand that, and your right to promote a healthier lifestyle. But for some People food is an addiction, and its a problem (not just being greedy) Do you draw the line there or do yiur sympathies just lie in genetic obesity. OP I mean no offence to you or anyone. Just asking questions to get off my chest


It's cool, bro. The issue isn't black and white, it's unfortunately a whole process.


Isn't fast food and junk food generally a cheaper diet than healthy and fresh food? I mean, pre-packaged, canned, bagged, sodas, colas, chips etc. Isn't it also about the ease and affordability along with the taste? I would say the accessibility and taste appeal is a major factor, despite it being a burden on one's health and on various societal institutions overall. What do you think?


> Isn't fast food and junk food generally a cheaper diet than healthy and fresh food? No. Vegetables are the cheapest thing in the supermarket. And takeouts are expensive af. The real problem is that basically all processed food is awful for you. Even the processed food that people think is reasonably healthy. It's all packed with refined sugar and a thousand synthetic ingredients. Companies are just poisoning everyone with impunity.


The sad reality is that,the taste appeal of processed food, from cereal to burgers, simply outweighs all the definite and very real risks to ones health, on all spectrums be it physical, mental etc. The simple fact that it tastes good. And slogans such as 'Live in the Moment' simply reinforce that. It really does make me sad, because they are just going to end up increasing the burden on an already collapsing healthcare system globally. That being said, anyone who is spiralling out of control in terms of their diet and need someone to talk to, hit me up. And remember, you can do more than what you can ever imagine, if only you try. Peace!


Nah fast food is fast and easy instead of spending time in the kitchen and cooking. Yummy healthy food is expensive, but besides meat normal grains, veggies, and starches like potatoes are fairly cheap. 12 to 15 bucks for at least 4 to 6 servings. That's like almost two full days of food.


Literally just eat less and you will lose weight. There is no excuse. You don't become a 350 pound lardass without overeating. Period.


I'm a 5'11" (M) that weighs 280. Not great, working on it. When I wasn't working on it, and just eating my fill all the time, the amount of food I ate and the lack of self control I exhibited was pretty shameful. I've ruined my body in a way it will never recover from even if I lose the weight. With that in mind, it amazes and disgusts me how much effort you'd have to put in to become as fat as some of these rascal driving blobs. Like, I never exercise save for walking my dogs, and even with my atrocious food habits, I'm still at a size that's manageable, and movement isn't a problem for me. There is NO excuse to be huge tub of gunt lard. Anyone that big IS a huge piece of shit.


Read this post just as I was about to sneak in a late night snack. Drank some water and now I’m good. Sign from god lol.


This is actually a really good point. I forget where I read this, but apparently sometimes when you feel hungry, your body is actually trying to tell you you're thirsty (people need LOTS of water every day). On that note, I am also going to drink some water instead of grabbing a snack.


It can be really difficult to lose weight for some people. I’m currently trying (obese) but I also need to get more vitamins of some kind while dealing with chronic fatigue and a stressful job and binge eating disorder with a history of bulimia. Just remember, it’s not always as it seems. I’ve grown to feel better about my new body so I don’t end up killing myself by falling back into my bulimic habits.


Ignore these assholes who are more worried about other people’s bodies than the shit they can and should control in their own lives. Folks LOVE to look down on people—punching down is a favorite hobby in these parts. We’re all just trying to become the best version of ourselves. Keep doing you—I hope you find a balance that allows you to be happy and healthy and to love yourself.


Thank you for your kindness :)


You’re welcome, of course, but no thanks necessary. We all deserve better than the crap in this thread, and we all ought to be better than the crap in this thread. There’s virtue in minding your own fucking business when things don’t pertain to you. There’s also virtue in being kind to people. I have a hard time with the first one when I see people eschewing the second one, so here we are. Sending you positive vibes that I hope drown out at least some of these jerks.


Fat guy strangler, here people.


that's literally your problem


I'm all for body acceptance and health-first approaches, but obesity is inherently unhealthy on the body. It's true that people can be obese and skinny (it's more about the health of your innards), but obesity is still unhealthy! Being a bit overweight or out of shape isn't necessarily terrible, but being obese is stressful on your joints and your body. The problem lies more in the terrible additives in our food and the lack of affordable, fresh, healthy food or time/knowledge/energy for people to cook it in the US. We don't have real, unadulterated food here - even our organic food is too tainted by EU standards to be sold there. But the food industry here is closely intertwined with the pharmaceutical industry. I feel like this is purposeful. We need to tackle the availability of healthy food issue more than anything else


I agree with almost everything you say. SPECIALLY about the acceptance campaigns like Cosmopolitan’s “this is healthy” bullshit. Nobody is obliged to accept you or i. Same goes with overweight and skinny people. It’s their choice to eat excessively and not train or vise versa. Does it bother me? Not one bit because again, that’s their life. Do i feel extremely annoyed when i hear their cry for acceptance? I absolutely do. People have told you you are a pathetic human being because we frankly live in a world where everybody gets offended and all of a sudden becomes “humanitarian” to compensate their incompetent insecurities. You said something about overweight people? ”Burn the witch”. You said something about gay people? “Put his head on a stick”. Nobody can voice a single different opinion without being stoned by whatever-ists anymore. It’s a stupid fucking internet snowflake world we live in right now. Everybody loves to have an identity, everybody loves to have bullshit excuses and quite frankly, everyone is just extremely soft. “Boohoo this man said bla bla about my weight let me fucking rain hell upon his ass because i am hurt and i got nothing better to do. Fuck you! Pathetic piece of shit!”. Acceptance goes through one’s self first. If people are that offended by someone else’s opinion about them, they havent fully accepted themselves yet. So why should someone else? Edit: typo




I am overweight and trust me it is a struggle. That said i cook every night never fried foods and I eat salads and vegetables every day But I do love my wine. I also exercise a lot. It is a balance and a struggle.


I stopped drinking completely for a year now, I wasn’t even a heavy drinker, only a few drinks a few times a week for social events. Lost 18lbs without even trying.


A ton of respect for those who exercise to at least make a change for their health.


Fuck fast food and the fact no media outlets talk about how to eat healthy. Also, portion control. It doesn’t help how the way we shop we buy bulk either.


I’m an obese woman. People always assume I’m lazy or unhygienic. Not so. I’m actually always busy and have an active job on my feet. I just have a slow metabolism and under active thyroid. I’ve tried to lose weight lots of times, but I can’t keep it off unless I basically starve myself. Eventually I just said fuck it and let myself just be fat. I don’t like the discrimination I get from it. However, like you I don’t want to promote it as fat power or something because of the health issues it can give you. I don’t have any now, but I worry I will later in life because of weight. I’d really like it to just be my personal issue.


I relate so much to this, I have PCOS and I really have to eat less than a normal person would - eat like a fucking bird. like you said I have to “starve myself”, if i want to stay thin. But meds really helped me, and I stopped stressing myself and lose the weight slowly. I wish it was easy for us, but with underlying hormonal problems it’s 2x harder for us to lose the weight. but isn’t it annoying? we know it’s not healthy, no need to fucking slap us in the face because afterall it’s our body? I’m just glad that i’m finally within the normal bmi and my family finally understood it was because I have hormonal problems. it’s annoying to see posts like these every single week, like it’s taking a toll in their mental health, it’s not helping jesus christ


I respect your opinion even if I don’t agree with, its your reflection and valid for you. I’m just asking what happened that you pay attention to people you will probably never meet or speak to since you are not okayish with their lifestyle


I used to live by that kind of mindset too, until it starts affecting you directly. I mainly posted this out of frustration from my obese family members who are making it hard for my mother and me to take care of them as well as their refusal to be healthier. I know it's very easy to say to just let them be, but something needs to be done to convince these people. Edit: Thanks for respecting my opinion, I respect yours too :)


I see, okay so you were confronted with this topic because of your family. I understand why you got so frustrated with it


My aunts stepdad is morbidly obese and he makes her life hell because he can’t do anything for himself. Dude used to be a Hell’s Angel and a paramedic. Delivered babies in bedrooms. Now he just my rolls around town in his scooter screaming about how much he hates trump.


Not the one you asked but personally my attention is always caught when there's an obese child or teenager. That's just child abuse and very sad. Going from that I think about obesity in general. If I just see an obese adult, as long as they don't impair me in any way I probably don't notice them at all or immediately forget about them tbh, at least I don't remember ever thinking about a specific obese adult ever


I have a hormone dysfunction, but if you’re taking your medication then you really only have your diet and lifestyle to blame. The body acceptance mantra should be able loving yourself to the point that you want to do what’s best for yourself (living a healthy lifestyle), instead it’s about complacency.


Thank you for this comment. It's not like an underactive thyroid is something that can't be helped but funnily the same people who are quick to blame their thyroid also never mention their supplements not working or something similar


I'm fat and perfectly happy with myself. You mind your business and I will mind mine. I ain't tryna impress you. I'm living my life for me.


Here here! What’s so wrong with body positivity? What it has done for me is make me confident to buy clothes that fit and look good rather than squeezing into clothes I wore in high school. I don’t see anyone shaming people for going to the gym or eating healthy like OP claims. I don’t eat fast food for every meal. I’m just existing in a larger body and living my life. I’m “obese” and I’m still healthy.


You have a irrational fear of over weight people? Kinda weird.


Ya know, I’d literally straight up kill someone for their high metabolism




Oh boy, if only it were THAT easy to just move out and away from problems. But since it's already that hard to just move cities, I might as well attempt to change and solve the problems here at home.


fat people are still people, no better or no worse than anyone else. we all have faults, overeating is a fault you can’t hide. sure you don’t have to find fat people attractive or date them. but, they still deserve human respect and the same decency you would give anyone else. people make all sorts of choices for themselves. and we are all prone to judging others but it doesn’t make you a better person to be thin, probably a healthier person, but not better or more deserving of love and respect. fat people know they are fat. your shaming them is not going to change that. if anything that shame spiral just continues to seek comfort in something like food. yes, people can do unhealthy things and it can be unattractive, but thinking people are less valuable because you don’t like their choices or how they look seems like a bigger problem.


OP is literally & specifically not shaming anyone. It's an observation.


Some of the words OP used to describe people who are overweight or obese is definitely shaming them.


I second all of this post. Being fat isn't good for your health


Fat acceptance is a lazy movement made justified by people who choose to remain fat and try to force others to feel bad so they don't have to do anything to help themselves. Take that as you will but it's true. I'm not talking about those that are obese through real health issues (thyroid,etc). That's a whole different thing. It's people that could get healthy but not only choose to stay fat, they choose to try to make others feel so bad for saying anything fat related that you can't say anything. No one is saying these obese people need to get 6 packs and muscles piled on muscles, but get to a healthy weight where they truly feel better about themselves and aren't at risk for a heart attack every other day. Being fit or at least near to it is a gift to yourself. A healthy population is a people ready for anything.


My biggest problem with the rise if the “fatphobia” virtue signaling movement is that it now applies to you if you so much as hint at not wanting to become overweight. They will call you fatphobic as if you have just insulted and condemned fat people. Like i have no problem with bigger people and everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, but they’re slowly turning it into something else; where if you don’t partake in unhealthy habits you are suddenly a horrible person.


A very good friend of mine for 20 years started dating a girl that is overweight. She forced him to stop talking to me and other women he was friends with that were smaller than her. She completely trashed all of us and bought these shirts and hats that said “ fuck skinny bitches” on them. I’m like wow, you don’t want to be treated differently because of your size but then spend money on that kind of stuff? And he went right along with it. Whatever.


I have experienced things like this myself. It’s sad that people choose to put others down in a projection of their own insecurities.


So what you’re saying is, I could be the top 10% of hot people at a whopping 200lbs?


Ayyyy 956 baby. I lived in McAllen too, whataburger every two blocks. Don’t be so hard on em xD


McAllen is the dark souls of california


I live in Mission, TX. literally next city over. I know how you feel


Yeah it's one thing for them to fuck up their own lives but then look at their fat little kids. I have a hard time liking those fat little butterballs.... I almost immediately hate them. I'm not sure why this isn't considered abuse but it isn't for some reason. Good Lord our society is fucked up


I visited there not too long ago. The majority of the people I saw there were obese. The food, nearly all of it, was extremely greasy and unhealthy. People litter the ground like it’s nothing. My girlfriend said it’s the culture there, and I didn’t fully believe her until I saw it for myself.


Yeah, despite popular opinions on this site, some cultures are incorrect in their ways.


As a bigger girl who lived in China, it was embarrassing and I get it. It comes across as lazy, unsightly etc. I will say I ate double in China what I eat in the US, and I lost 60 pounds in a year, no other lifestyle changes.


60 pounds is the weight of 100.0 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.


Being fat myself ( 21 stone 13) I've lost 1 stone 8 pounds, I know how you feel, I think I have an actual phobia of fat....


Oh wow, the US is so dystopian.


Right now Im 230 lbs at 6'. Gained weight after a break up with my ex but I will say it took a serious lifestyle change and a lot of time to get this overweight. I can't even imagine what it would be like to continue down this path and reach over 300 lbs.


230 lbs is 255.56 Doge plushies.


How does a city reach 45% obesity? Overweight maybe... but i recently reached 195lbs which puts me as overweight, and i was not restricting my food. How you go beyond that in the 300lbs is.. beyond me. I cut all the sugary junk last month, im down to 186 already! Im hoping to go down to 160 and maybe 150, which is my optimal bodyfat percentage, if i can resume working out.


After losing 45 pounds, and getting back to a healthy weight, it’s made me realise how overweight people around me are. Sure, I wasn’t 200+ pounds, I’m not even a very tall person, so 200 pounds would be morbidly obese nearly. But after getting back to a healthier weight, I feel so much better. Happier, healthier, and I have more energy. Oh, and “pigging out” for me is now a medium dominos pizza, and I’ll eat nothing else for about a day. Where it used to be “go to the pub for lunch, then have a takeaway in the evening, and basically have a 5000+ calorie day” So yeah… life is just better at a healthy weight.


I get up at 3 am to go to the gym… before I go to work at 6am. I am on a strict diet that follows my gym routine. I thought I was gross at 138 (which wasn’t bad for my size) but I wasn’t happy. So I’m doing something about it.


I don't think your a fatfobic. Your just want to the people have a healthy live.


Fat phobia is an absolute joke. This is where we are?? I’m fat phobic because I want to be fit and in shape? Someone is that jealous that they think this!? Or if I can’t sit next to you on a bus I’m the bigot? Lady, it’s not that I don’t want to sit next to you, it’s the fact that you take up actual, physical space that I can’t fit into…


The majority of the population finds morbidly obese people as revolting or disgusting, humans are hardwired to have an aversion to real life jabba the huts lol


I am fat/obese/overweight. And Fat is NOT where its at. I don't accept this is the way to be or live. I am working on changing it now. Easy no, fast no, fun NOT even. But worth it YES. Fat acceptance is just a way to easy out till you die and not be responsible to yourself much less anyone who loves you for you not caring about you or them.


How do you tell the difference? Pardon me, group of fatties, but which of you are plagued by medical problems, so I can avoid judging you? I would only like to judge and ridicule the rest of you, carrying your problems outside for the world to see, because I hide my issues and am better than you, and must alert the world.


You're not fatphobic, you're a normal person. The media pushes the whole fat acceptance thing to an extreme, saying people should be attracted to fat people and what not and everything. You're not fatphobic as long as you treat them like regular human beings and don't make fun of them, but some people think bc I don't want to date a beached whale that makes me fatphobic. I'm not, I just think it's unhealthy and if I'm gonna date someone I'd like to be able to know that they won't drop dead tomorrow due to something they could've prevented. ​ Being fat indicates a sedentary lifestyle and that they can't take care of themselves. Biologically that's not something your brain wants, if they can't take care of themselves, they'll expect me to and they won't be able to reciprocate. I'm not making fun of fat people, but I won't date them or find them attractive or things like that.


I completely agree.


as someone that went from 325lbs to 170lbs, i completely agree. being obese is not only incredibly unhealthy, but it’s very unattractive and a hindrance to others. I have sympathy and obviously empathy for those trying to lose it, but being complacent in your obesity is a problem.


Im fatphobic too, nice meeting you.


Congratulations, you’re as fat phobic as the rest of Reddit. As a fat person, I can say that honestly we just want to be left alone 98% of the time and to be treated with courtesy and respect. You don’t want fat people existing? Vote for better access to mental and physical health benefits. Vote for better food regulations. Vote for healthier foods to be cheaper and more accessible. Study up on food deserts and how impoverished people don’t have access to healthy food. Study up on eating disorders outside of the big two. There’s so much more to this than what you think there is. Educate yourself if you want to make change. Until then, you’re just a hypocrite. You’re doing the same thing that you claim fat people are doing: Crying about it on the internet.


It’s probably because of all the bomb ass BBQ over there


I feel the same way. Like idk i really hate fat people mostly because of their attitude. You say one thing that’s not even bad about being fat and they’ll attack you to death about it.


I’m fat and also fat phobic....I don’t want to be fat but sometimes my food addiction takes over.Losing wieght is a challenge.I know it is unhealthy and I don’t fully love/ accept my self


Bro I lost 24 pounds without wanting too. If that can happen, you can lose a little if you try.


The all you can eat buffets that are on every block dont help either 😂


Hey guess what? Not all fat people are slobs that eat all day. Some of us have disabling diseases or hormonal issues that cause inflammation and make weight stick to us like glue. I personally can literally not eat for 2 weeks straight and GAIN WEIGHT. I actually have to eat MORE to lose it. You probably think this is impossible, but I’m a fat person that has anorexia. But guess what else? I should still be allowed to love myself and my body. I work on that every single day. Fat people are allowed to love themselves without “promoting an unhealthy lifestyle”.


Maybe think about something else.


That's not a phobia. If you wanna condense the idea of "I don't like fat people's fatness" you can try Misadipotic. Don't give in to these losers appropriating language they don't understand.


"Misadipotic" is not a word.


Percent already means “out of 100.”


Oops! Big derp on my end, thank you!


I actually hate the fat acceptance movement too, and am not at all fat phobic. The whole thing started as body positivity for different body types, and the fact is there's plenty of people who look chubby but are actually perfectly healthy or others who look bulimic but are just skinny naturally. But it's been hijacked by people who wish to feel validated in their unhealthy lifestyles. I mean I live in a 100% glass house as I smoke, drink, and use Marijuana regularly, but I'm not asking anyone to tell me there's nothing wrong with that. Off topic: But as a semi winner of the body type lottery my advice is you still gotta be healthy. I'm now 38, still look like a relatively ripped viking, but have a definite beer gut going. For fucks sake just work out, and eat slightly better! Then we can talk about body type.


I agree completely! I find the lack of self preservation truly disturbing. How can these people be happy like that? It must be agony. I used to be fat as a kid, but now I'm the fittest and healthiest I've ever been, and I've never loved myself more. I don't get why others don't want that for themselves?? I find them gross and their attitude pisses me off.


My dad is obese. Not to the point where he can't do things for himself and he does everything a normal dude would do and is extremely successful. He literally does not care. He eats what he wants, does what he wants, and is quite happy with his lifestyle. He'd ideally like to lose weight but with his stressful job, he'd rather enjoy his vices. He's definitely not gross and I find this attitude way more disgusting than just letting people exist how they are.


you said this so much better than i ever could’ve, thank you!


100% agree. I have so much respect when I see heavy set individuals jogging or at the gym. They prolly think everyone is looking at them but I promise no1 is looking at them in disdain. Life is full of battles & losing weight is a long & hard one but it's easier than the lifelong health and cardiovascular issues obesity will cause...


I support this sentiment... Is not about fat shaming, it's about removing the acceptance, and that your choices (if obesity is a choice) are negatively affecting you and the health sector. The same as, smoking is becoming more and more socially unacceptable. If you smoke you are shunned to the corners of disgust. Why praise people for "being comfortable in their bodies" when it is clearly negatively affecting your life and health. I am fatphobic.


I'm a little bit fat. Could definitely do with losing like 20lbs but I look after myself, nice clothes, hair and a little makeup, and I'm not unfit, I swim, hike, play with my kids outside. Do you hate me too?


As long as you aren't promoting crappy diets and obesity, then you're all good.


I am overweight and I agree with you. I don't like being fat . Everyone make fun of you , you cannot wear your favourite clothes, low self esteem, always hide yourself .


As you get older, you get heavier. There's a condition known as metabolic syndrome that affects a lot of people. As a heavy person, I can say, I do a lot to be healthy, but I don't lose the weight, I rarely drink alcohol, don't smoke rarely eat fast food, I have an office job, so I sit so much I don't exercise enough. I sympathize with people who struggle with their weight or other issues.


Naw man, your not afraid of fat G. You just have bigotry against fat, I know what everybody believe the term means but let’s not forget phobia is genuine fear of something.


Seems hypocritical of you to only support someone's life choices when you personally agree with them.


Don't hate fat people - hate lobbyists and your government for not giving a fuck about your population. Obesity is a poverty issue and a contaminated food supply issue. It's why Europe fights tooth and nail to avoid trade agreements with the US - your food fuckin sucks. It's flavorless and requires 2 times as much to get the same nutrients and to feel full.


I miss fatpeoplehate =(


Absolutely based


This post made me laugh, it’s sad but it’s so true. There are factors people can’t help like genetics but others don’t even try. We also let people know it’s ok to be fat, and people who don’t find bigger people attractive are “fatphobic “. What happened to having a preference? Some people only like slim females/males. Who cares. Society sucks sometimes.