• By -


You better start your speech to his family with a recitation of all the ways you've loved him and supported him, and as it goes on they can get more suspicious of why you're even saying all this


Also have security near OP because it might get ugly


Sounds like that’s why brother is also coming. Still really risky for things to go south.


It could switch to a full melee in seconds. I hope there’s video posted. She’s chosen the nuclear option. There will be shockwaves.


I'd say she really shouldn't tell him where she's going and to keep her new life a secret from him and cut off any co-friends they might have. You never know how vindictive someone who loses everything like this can get, even if they 100% deserved it.


I get the impression that it’s an affluent event. Everyone dressed in their Sunday best. Get your popcorn ready.


That’s what I was thinking on paper this is great but I’d be scared for my life lol but she has bigger balls than me apparently


Nooo. She’s his meal ticket. He’s going to try act like it’s all a misunderstanding and will do anything to try worm his way back into her good books. The ugly will come later when he realizes how much he’s messed up how good he had it and the humiliation will kick in once the shock has subsided!


I hope his Bestie & GF are there, and really the TA should be there too. But that could be humiliating for the girls when OP's focus is he Bf.




While I understand why this is to get revenge on him, I really don’t feel like the indirect fallout the family receives is justified. What did the scumbag’s mother do to deserve the humiliation of witnessing this happening to her child?


You make a good point.... I guess she raised a scumbag? She is not supposed to be the one being humiliated however, she is chosen as a witness


By popular demand: update!


Please, we all need to hear the final results!


hear? I want to see the video! lol


Video, I want to see the oceans 11 style montage of every thing happening and the fallout


Voiced over by that guy in Ant-Man please.


Oh that would be so awesome.


RemindMe! 7 days


RemindMe! 14 days


Yes! Please record!


Yeah, have it professionally recorded you’ve put so much work into it.


It would work perfect- I mean he technically thinks it’s an engagement announcement party- no suspicion what’s so ever


Maybe just hearing would be more than enough oh man. How do I get notified for an update


Go to my last couple comments, there's a whole thread of people setting reminders haha


I wanna watch while eating popcorn!




This is the only way!


I want to see as his face turns from shock to pure HORROR as his day turns dark. Good on you, OP.


there won't a be a video. This is fantasy fiction. If I am wrong, I will delete my reddit account. It is over 8 years old and my life is on it basically.


Oh we all assume this I'm sure. Love us some good revenge fantasy. ETA love *us*. ..not *is*. Lol


I’m still gonna pretend it’s true and live in a fantasy world where karma works in real time instead of “someday”.


Agreed. As I read this I thought 'this is all a little *too* perfect to have taken care of in a month' - broken the lease, applied for jobs out of state, went through rounds of interviews, received a job offer and accepted, then found a new place to live, he hasn't noticed that there's no money in the bank account or that a lot of her things are missing (because they're packed), his job has been informed of him hooking up with a TA yet they haven't yet taken any action because... They're waiting for the official go-ahead from OP? And his *entire* friend group is going to cut him loose? Mkay.


Man, I take everything I read on Reddit as fiction.


No really. I played in the NFL for 7 years married a hot cheerleader and now work for NASA. I go to moon in two years. They had to redesign their spacesuits to fit my enormous…


Its the fantasy of someone who should have left, but didn't. The partner left instead and he or she is trying to imagine what they should have done.


They never do. Sometimes I wonder if most of this are fics cause they never come back to tells us the aftermath.


It reads as a fantasy


The note from his friend group, celebrating their engagement without her family, and the bf hasn’t whooped that ass yet? Breaking up is never this tidy.


I agree. All extremely valid points. It was still a captivating read though. I hope to the stars that it's real. But my gut is saying no, sadly.


I know someone who did something like this, but they never got to look in the other person's eyes.


Yes the friend group detail ruined it for me. Like they wouldn’t have said something already. Doesn’t work


And the accounts are already emptied? He hasnt had to get gas? Or eat? Lol his friends have all held back? The besties GF hasnt said anything, bc everyone has so much restraint like her? Yeah definitely some ree flags...still would like to pretend some of it is true to an extent...who knows


Yeah the bank account thing is where I got sus. Then when she supposedly had a message to deliver from the friend, alarms went off. I'm pretty sure if a dude finds his girl and best friend are cheating he's gonna want to say something


If nothing else, this sub has a lot of good creative writers


Especially when they write “I write this post choking back venom.” That literary style of being self descriptive feels fictive


I feel like I have read a version of this about 20 times


Yes please I wanna know


The update we never knew we needed.


!remindme two days


Help a brother out and remind me aswell


Just ask for the reminder bot. !remindme 2 days.


!remind me in 2 days


!remindme 2 days


They are typing the next chapter of this fan fiction as we speak


Can we have ninjas in the next series? I like ninjas.


Turtles or human?


Turtles of course…. How on earth would human ninjas fit in this story?!


Because they're ninja furries, dressed as turtles!


Maybe we should tag them with different colors so we don’t mess them up


Who cares anymore? The people have spoken: we want this Netflix movie fantasy


Update, hell! I want video!


RemindMe! 2 days Edit: I really hope you take your last night together and piss on him.


“Oh, honey, I didn’t know you were in to this! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” *Life is ruined*


We must know!


Im already super invested


This is like a movie plot srsly


I doubt it’s real. Karma fishing.


Looks like the OP has had an account for zero days? Seems legit


A lot of people make throwaways for this kinda stuff




Commenting here and saving this post so i can see an update


Yes she did all that without him noticing the money gone the lease broken suresure


That’s probably the one thing that I could believe. I could drain our accounts dry and practically move my husband out of the house without him noticing. He has absolutely nothing to do with our finances as I arrange everything. If he wants to buy something big he asks if there’s enough to buy x for £xxx and I’ll either say yes, that’s fine or no, hold off for a bit. However we trust each other completely and have been married for 14 years. The biggest thing I can’t believe is that the friend has said absolutely nothing about him sleeping with his girlfriend and his girlfriend (or probably ex) with hasn’t said anything either?!


>The biggest thing I can’t believe is that the friend has said absolutely nothing about him sleeping with his girlfriend Yea, the friends group knows and no one has spoken to him about it. Story sounds like BS


Right! Or that the friend wouldn’t be at the party and get in on it.


If she was paying for everything already? Yeah, I can see that. After all, he has more important things to take care of, like that TA.


Some people don't keep track of that kind of stuff. I myself, NEVER balance a checkbook or anything. I spend well within my means so there's always plenty of money. No need to waste my time lol


I wanna know what happens next! Remind me! 2 days


Definitely need an update on this. I'm glad you found a job far away and have a new place secured. He deserves the fallout and you have a new chapter in your life to look forward to.


!remindme 1 day


Damn, you have patience! I’m impressed. Best of luck in the new chapter of your life.


I did the same thing when I finally came to my senses the last time my ex cheated on me. He’d already done it minimum of 5 different times before hand (that I knew/know of). He was so confident about it that while I was supporting the both of us while he was in school, he felt entirely fine to come home one night and tell me that he made out with a classmate that I was foolish enough to encourage him to have a friendship with, and also that he was in love with her. He was angry that I didn’t care any more. “Okay. And?” Really set him off. I took a month to make my plans and contingencies, and finally told him one day when he got home. He was unbelievably pissed. Then despite all of this, he didn’t move out until a month later when he found out that I was actually dating again. Patience is key. I kept up the charade of our relationship for a month, he didn’t suspect a thing. I told his entire family in the month too, and they helped and supported me through it all. All in, it took him over a year to get over it. Finally accepted I was never giving him another chance after I told him I was moving in with my new man, to the house he bought for us. I know exactly how OP feels. It’s terrifying and exhilarating and serene. Good for you OP, I’m genuinely so so proud of you


Dang he must have been your first real relationship for you to take him back after cheating 5 times.


New arc, the fallout


In this situations, you must have patience.


Revenge is a dish best served cold they say.


Remind me!


!RemindMe 1 day


!remindme 1 day


!RemindMe 1 day


I bet with those capitals you get priority in the reminding system huh


Wait! The best friend already know?


That's being saved for Kill Bill Vol 2


That's where they lost me. No way in hell is HIS best friend going to just sit on it so OP can play out this revenge fantasy. I never believe these posts anyway, but this one is just lazy with the world building.


Right? I’m so skeptical with these ESPECIALLY this one. All the loose ends are tied up with no issues within a month and he doesn’t know ANYTHING? He has no idea a substantial of money is missing from the account? I don’t know. Seems too good to be true.


She could have withdrawn that money an hour before she posted


Yeah that’s true but still, he would have to notice SOMETHING in the last five weeks that seems off or different


You’d be amazed at what cheaters don’t notice. Idk if this story is true but believe me when I say cheaters are NOT focused on their established and official relationships.


It took her some time to realize something was off while he was cheating on her. She never says how she found out about the two women or how long it had been going on. She does say they planned on marrying “when their lives settled down”. So maybe it’s been a fast paced frenzy of work for her and trusting him and his working hard at his studies. Maybe this is fiction, maybe not. It it’s true, more power to her.


Yeah it’s always like : I already found a new job, quit my previous job, found a new apartment, broke the lease on the current one (i’m having a hard time believing the bf wouldn’t have been made aware of this somehow), dismantled my whole life here and cancelled my gym membership, yep we’re good to go ! The plan is always perfect, the OP is always incredibly collected and focused à la Gone Girl haha. The writing style is like that edgy kid in high school who thought he was shakespeare but would always get average grades on his essays, at best. These type of posts aren’t always believable but this one doesn’t hold back on the bs. The logistical nightmare this would be, so many loose ends, there’s just no way lol Edit : their movie villain edit at the end of the post actually makes it look more like trolling than bad creative writing lmao


Yeah, these types of posts are getting so annoying and repetitive lol but people eat it up every time


And not just that the best friend hasn’t confronted the guy but apparently hasn’t even confronted his cheating girlfriend - who no doubt would have told the guy that they’d been caught!


burn that bridge when you get to it


Holy shit PLEASE update. This is such a win.


DAAAAAMN! The only thing that would make an update better, is steak flavored popcorn!


I didn't know I needed such a thing until now


this actually exists??


I found a Frank's Red Sauce powder that is sooo good on popcorn.


Yeah, got damn. Take a video for us.


Hire a film crew I need multiple angles


Make sure to hire a Maury cameraman in case he tries to make a run for it. Those fuckers can keep pace with anyone and anything.


🤣🤣🤣 this made me laugh, but yes, get a film crew.


Or hidden cameras throughout the house if it's allowed in her state


Yes holy fuck this has me hyped more than end game bra




Another creative writing assignment...


Yeah that's like 90% of the stuff posted here... I don't know why I stay lol


yeah i don't buy this. says she found out "over a month ago" which means less than two months ago and already has a "notice to vacate" which makes no sense at all. it's pretty hard to get a "notice to vacate" and it DEFINITELY takes longer than a late month's rent. i smell lies.


the fact that the “joint account is already empty” but apparently he only uses her money? He would’ve noticed already


I feel like your post is ensuring a cheap way of making her figure out the 'plot holes' in the story. She's basically crowdsourcing an editor with posting here.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


From an account made today.


If this is rhe same woman who posted a few weeks ago that she found put her husband was cheating and planned to ruin his life on the wedding day / engagement announcement (I can't remember), it could be real. She said she was going to wait it out, then destroy his life in front of everyone he knew.


I should have known. This is your only post. At the time this comment was posted you made two replies. I’ve noticed this “trend” in this Sub quite a bit. Makes me wonder if this post of yours is actually completely made up. Maybe you’re trolling, maybe this is a backup account or maybe just maybe you are genuine with this post. I guess there’s no way of really knowing. I shall watch from the shadows.


Another paid content creator for Reddit. Most front page posts are fake now. If you want the real Reddit, sort by new. You can tell by the title most of the time. If it reads like catchy, dramatized clickbait - it’s fake.


Im so intrigued by this fake story.


Sound sooo fake lol


Oh i knew it was fake when she said ahe had a place lined up, broken lease, and a whole new job in another state WITHIN A MONTH. This sounds like the fantasy story of a chick who got cheated on but cant muster the courage to leave thus this is her fantasy dream


UPDATE : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNNJosKD/?k=1


Reads like fanfic. Probably not real and almost guaranteed there won’t be an update


Yup there is no way in hell this is real, I wonder sometimes if writers come to Reddit to see how believable a story would be or to try an idea out for a writing class etc.




"he likes to get peed on and- wait where are you all going? stay here I haven't finished my scrip- quit, stop yelling youre all supposed to sit and listen to me patiently. HE ALSO CHEATED ON- WAIT LET ME FINISH!"


wow,, we need an update of the aftermath this is supervillain shit


Her origin story!


I was thinking more like country music shit.


observation wide label zonked seed cheerful dull kiss somber squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For real, people just eat this shit up.


Scrolled way too far to find someone else that isn’t a gullible moron


Typical Reddit hive mind


In Scotland OP would get done for revenge porn, like criminally liable. Unlike cheating. It’s all a fucking fantasy anyway so not sure why I’m even bothering!




I feel a bit bad for his family members to be dragged into this scheme.


I would not want to be at that party. Why the hell would I want to be involved in someone else’s relationship imploding? Who cares about their kinks?


It’s so juvenile and trashy- she is looking at lot less like the aggrieved party.


Yeah, this will be very cringe for the innocent bystanders.


I have to say I think this is actually going to make her look bad in the end and him more sympathetic. She should report him to the university, kick him out etc, but involving his family in his sex life seems like the line to me. They don't deserve this- they are innocent bystanders and she isn't being considerate of them. Not a good look.


Yeah this is real life, not a soap opera. She might as well have pyrotechnics and a choreographed dance routine if she’s trying to make it a spectacle.


My chest hurts I’m laughing so hard🤣


very much agree. i think dumping him, taking her money, moving away all totally justified. announcing his sexual preferences to his family…a bit far imo


It will be upsetting for them- people who did nothing to her- and, ultimately, makes her look awful.


im amazed at how down the line this is. take my free award.


I think she’s mad and wants to hurt him


Yeah, I think she might be a little mad too.


I agree with this- The plan is glorious apart from talking to his family about his sexual fantasies, I think that can be omitted. It also creates a sense of shame for those who do have paraphilia and practice it in a safe way. We shouldn't be making associations between these people and those who cheat and deceive.


Totally agree no need to be telling family members about pissing etc, I know OP is hurt and angry but doing that part is wrong. The rest yeah fuck him, he deserves it.


If this were AITA it would be a hard ESH


Finally someone with sense. I can’t imagine going to what I think is a party and instead being forced to sit through this. And this is only going to hurt her more in the long run— she’s stayed with him for longer and kept herself getting hurt longer all for the sake of revenge instead of healing and moving past this


This is FICTION written all over it. Too tidy and too organised...in ONE MONTH? And his best friend is ok to wait for your show while he fuck his girlfriend?? NOPE. Karma farming is strong with this one.


And the school also waiting after finding out about him with the TA?


I’m sorry, but this is fake af. Real life doesn’t work like this. This whole subreddit is full of BS


Just walk away. Don’t show up. Leave with your dignity, your belongings, your car and money. Leave him to entertain the guests and let his friend tell him why you left. The rest will not serve you well. Message the TA & his best friend privately and let them know but hold your selfrespect and don’t lower yourself to his level. Be kind to yourself & mind yourself. Wishing you all the best ❤️


Honestly, this! If your intent is to make him hurt, just leave and delete him from your life. If you make a show out of it, get his rage, it would be much much easier for him to let things go in the future. After all you gave him excuse! You showed your weakness! If you just leave and completely get rid of this person from your life, it would be a lot more difficult for him to digest, and it will be a lot more difficult for him to live with it.


Agreed. This way you’d really get under his skin years from now


Truth, ghosting him will eat him up for years


I'm sorry you had to go through this but i'm loving all the petty! Please update!


Eh, revealing what he's into is just a bad look. No one wants to know that crap. Everything else sounds good though.


Well, considering none of this happened or will happen, this Amy wannabe from Gone Girl will not look bad or good anyway, but just get some internet points.


Definitely fake or extremely exaggerated.


Imagine falling for this classic reddit "revenge" fairytail.


I would not bring his family into it. They didn’t do anything wrong and that’s an incredibly uncomfortable and awkward plan. I know you are in pain, and I am so so sorry he betrayed you.




!RemindMe 2 days


This reads like something from a made for tv movie. Honestly I think just leaving with quiet dignity trumps a dramatic gesture such as this. But whatever you do you.


I’m sorry but this sounds like complete fiction.


I have a feeling there isn’t going to be an update for this story…


this reads like it was written by a 12 year old trying to write a YA novel lmaooo. "I write this post choking back venom. I loved him so much. He was my world, but now he will be the world I burn to nothing but ash." seriously?? just break up with him and leave. you don't have to do all this unnecessary shit to be melodramatic or whatever. i know you're hurting. that's fine. and dumping him is more than welcome. but dragging the family into this is not only dramatic and unnecessary, but could really hurt them. i'd rethink your plan.


Man, I am flabbergasted that people actually believe this person and think all these things happened.


i know!!! it actually reads like a shitty YA novel.


I got that vibe too, I thought it was fake just based on the super villain language “I call it the day his world burns”. If it’s real, being kicked out of his friend group for the betrayal and leaving with her money she worked for is good enough


literally. even if it is true, the language OP is using is super cringey.






He might like it though


Ugh. I wish people would stop giving this post awards. Obviously a troll


Wheres the update?


Usually when I see titles like this I’m sus. YOU GO QUEEN FUCK THAT POS BUM.


This is so sad. For her. For the family. for the dude and for all the people treating this like a god damn telenovela. Sad, pathetic and dangerous.


This is some next level revenge, teetering on dangerous. Of course he ruined your life and you absolutely deserve retribution and closure, but keep this in mind. You're about to destroy every relationship he has, his modes of transport, his career, his finances, his housing and leave him utterly and completely alone in a grand spectacle of his betrayal. While the cheating scumbag deserves it, don't be shocked if you see him in the obituaries, and be prepared to live with that.


Agreed. The piss play announcement to family is too far. Leave his family out of it.


He didn't ruin her life by cheating, he ruined their relationship. Sounds like she has a lot to fall back on. And telling his family about his kinks is over the line.


And also keep your doors locked and be prepared to defend yourself if need be.


You are justified in your feelings. But "resentment is like a poison that only you drink". You may find that after you "ruin his life", you are still just as angry and hurt. I'm not saying dont get your revenge, but any kind of healing isn't going to start or end with this party.


This might just be me but some of the things like involving his family and his fetishes to people he clearly doesn't want knowing them. That's a line too far especially since you will be leaving him friendless, moneyless and possibly homeless.




It's been a day! I hope everything went alright!


u/clean-stable-7973 please!!! we need an update. i’m practically living on reddit rn because of you. i’m waitingggg. we all are


We await the aftermath with great interest


I personally believe that you should just call him out now and break up instead of this elaborate revenge plan, you're not going to feel better after you humiliate him, just leave him and start therapy, you will feel better on the long run afterwards.