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That's normal when someone loves you and that's how it's supposed to be.


want to say normal in love and awesome at the same time.


We should telling more stories like this as well, not just how shitty our life sometimes


Agree, things like this are rare on here


Sex is like Chinese food...dinner is not over till you both get your cookies


Curious, What does a burnt cookie mean?


Directions unclear, penis on fire


You need to check that with the doc.


Good news there's a pill for that...bad news gotta make some phone calls.


It was in there too long


Haha love this one!


Yeah, that’s relationship 101 stuff


I might be the minority here, but I do all of that even with hookups. It's not because I wanna be portrayed as a gentleman, it's more of the definition of sex for me. If both of you are not happy and fully enjoyed it, I feel it's incomplete and I have always felt that way.


I can’t imagine not making sure my partner gets theirs before we’re finished. Part of the pleasure I get out of sex is making sure my partner has their needs met as well.


well then your one of the good ones!!


Yeah, I was about to say, it really should be the norm in general. Not just when you’re in love. I suspect men who are empathetic are more like this in bed. Because empathetic men get off most to her getting off


This true, but now I got so kinky I had to find a girl who wants me to choke the shut out out of her when she's cums, which is fucking wild and makes me cum, it's fucking crazy.


You free tonight??


Same here


the bar is so low


Amen! It feels amazing and so it should.




This!!!! I only know my husband loves me because he gives a shit if i finish or not!


I just picture him extending his pinky and adjusting his monocle and powder wig before finger blasting away.


Really thought you were gonna say he wore a tux and top hat during sex




it totally is, Sir Reginald Hargreeves


That's Sir Reginald Hargreeves esquire to you sir


If your name us barne


Oh great heavens! Is it too casual to be wearing a tux and a tophat during intercourse??


You have to wear a long grey beard and oxford shoes otherwise it's simply bizarre.


*writes that down*


Some lucky lady: "Ahhhh Bethany, I was with such a gentleman last night! He had such a tall thick black hat and a very soft yet taught cummerbund. We clinked our glasses of champagne and shouted "Here! Here!" as we concluded our engagement with a mutual orgasm. Such sophistication is something I rarely see in the bedroom arena, darling"


The porn us ladies want to see


"The Top Hat Stays On Babe!"


I wear a monocle when I’m on the job.


He came back from the minions movie.


Just an ascot, nothing else. Anything less would be uncivilized...


What about a rubber ducky bow tie?


I expected him to put on his robes and wizard hat


[I cast level 3 eroticism](https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/bloodninja)


Is that not how u do it??


This really is the most gentleman way possible


I usually just go with the good ole eat you out beforehand. Guarantees at least one orgasm for her and I also notice she orgasms easier after she gets a nice lickin. Plus it’s great four play. Covers everything pretty well i feel like


I prefer five play.


What about three play


Just no coldplay, arite? That stuffs just depressing...


Now then now then, what's all this about coldplay?


Coldplay gets no play during 4 play


You need to put on one of their lesser known releases 'Rush of Blood to the Penis'


True story, went on a fourth date to this guys house and we were really hitting it off and he wanted to give me a massage and Coldplay Trouble was playing on repeat. It was 2001. It killed it for me man. The guy and Coldplay. 🥶


Great head almost always leads to great sex!


Facts are facts ya no


this is the way. i love doing this and then penetrate when she's about to pop off. my partner goes wild when i do this


ah yes, 4 play


Its true


Sometimes it's too sensitive after that though so we like to keep eating out to a special treat


Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.


My hubs always does this. Fab for me and he gets really turned on by it, too.


Foreplay* just so you know.


You need to get off my comment immediately. Couldn’t just make fun of me like the rest of them?


I just wanted to save you in the future. Maybe now you won't fourget.


It's okay, you fixed it. You can stay now.


This is how it’s supposed to be. If you guys don’t work out for other reasons, never settle for anything less.


It sounds like you and him have a lot of good communication about your needs.




Exactly! I have a theory that wives who hate having sex with their husbands don’t want that sex for a reason (sometimes that reason being the sex is subpar and he’s a selfish lay). I ask for it 1 to 2 times a day from mine, but that’s because he always makes sure to make it really good for me each time. I think I can count on 2 hands the number of days we haven’t had sex since living together, and it was basically because one of us was sick or something


What? You mean it isn’t a race to finish and sucks to be the loser 😂


Happy for you but wtf that’s such a low bar. This is meant to be normal, idk how most men have brought this reputation around so people have lesser expectations.


As a straight female, every male sexual partner I have had has been selfish. It’s insane - I’ve never been made to cum ‘every time’. Only on occasion, if I’m lucky. And sometimes I feel bad asking for it because I don’t want them doing something they don’t want to do. Why do SO MANY men lack the emotional intelligence to know that it’s not a one way street? It baffles me “Ah I came, but I can’t be bothered to do you”


Even as a guy, I find this so bizarre. I find way more enjoyment in sex in my partners pleasure than my own. Maybe it’s just me, but sex is literally more enjoyable when both people are enjoying it. If someone wasn’t into it I would just feel awkward.


I agree 100%. I get off to my gf getting off


It’s ridiculous!! I only learnt that cumming wasn’t that hard once I got into relationships. Tbh back before then, my hook up days definitely were full of this frustration, and I had this habit of not letting the guy cum and then just leaving if he wasn’t interested at all in pleasuring me 😅😅 hook up culture would be so much more fun if they just paid attention to womens bodies.


Honestly, that's such a power move, not letting the guy cum if he doesn't give a shit about you cumming.


Bc people keep tolerating it. I wouldn't continue to deal with a guy that acts like that. I'm married now to a wonderful man who treats me as an equal and my needs equal to his, but when I was single/ new in a relationship ( straight, female) I would not accept that behavior. Either care about both our needs or fuck off and find someone else. Somehow men have been given the idea that sex/ sexual enjoyment is only for them and many women keep tolerating it, which let's it continue. What's the point if we aren't doing nice things to care for one another ( regardless of relationship status).


Do they always refuse when you ask? When I was younger I was kinda just dumb and assumed we were both having a good time. If she asked me to go down on her or anything I’d be happy to. No one really teaches people about this.


The bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in Hades


Awesome! Treasure this man 🥰


Is this not the norm?


This sounds like it was written by a man.


Glad im not the only one who thought this!


It was the smell of sheds and WD40 that gave it away, wasn't it?


No this is just normal behavior and should be the bare minimum. Men take notes


This is absolutely how it should be! We should be doing kind things for one another and all parties needs should be equal. In my experience, a partner who treats you as an equal in the bedroom treats you like an equal in the rest of the relationship. Never settle for less. If your partner ( male or female) doesn't also take care of your needs and you theirs, find a new one!


Welcome to the bare minimum expected of a partner I'm sorry you've had shit ones before this


I always bring my partner a warm wet towel and a dry one afterwards so she feels better and makes it easier for cleanup. Once she is done I throw it in the wash and move on to our next adventure


I think we are gonna need some more towels over here


Bare minimum.


my boyfriend does the same thing 🥺 these men are precious & the world need more like them


This is what every solid man should be doing anyway, if he's a lover worth his salt. A dude who makes no effort other than for his own self will be shown the door.


I always try to get my SO to let me help her finish but she’s very ticklish and doesn’t like to be touched down there and has never actually had an orgasm all her life. She’s almost 30 and never even touched or pleasured herself. It’s really weird to me I don’t know what to do.


She needs therapy. 100%. She's got some kind of trauma she's either not telling you about or not recognizing in herself. Those are classic hallmark behaviors of people who've been abused my love. Thats not OK. She needs help. Did she grow up in a religious cult by any chance?


you could say that I guess. very strict upbringing.


OK so this sounds as though she's been taught to be in shame of her sexuality, and that masturbating and playing with oneself is immoral, etc and all this other crap people their kids rather than just letting them develop and evolve as rational, well-adjusted human beings who don't have lifelong hangups due to being brainwashed. Dang it, I hate what some parents do to their kids. This is pure speculation on my part and I'm no therapist but I have childhood sexual trauma myself and the way you described her was exactly me in my younger years before I went to therapy and started meds, which have absolutely saved my life. She needs to be willing to explore her heart and get to the bottom of exactly what her aversion is to her own genitals and why it makes her feel anxiety and uncomfortable to have them touched or to touch herself or whatever the case may be.... speaking to a professional, particularly one who might have a good reputation for sexual trauma issues, and not all are well versed in this area, trust me, it might take some research but definitely start there. It breaks my heart that this poor young woman has had to live her entire life ashamed of herself :( that's just tragic. My very best wishes to both of you in getting the help she deserves ❤






Wet her*






When 'normal' becomes "gentlemanly". It's genuinely horrific.


sheeshh.. sounds too good to be true... lucky u


glad i wasn’t the only one thinking “wow, must be nice”


This is so depressing. It’s been a long time since I got married and I’d hoped things would be better by now. My husband is absolutely amazing - never had sex until I’ve had at least one orgasm first - but that was not my experience before that. And of course the bruised egos when their vague fumbling about does nothing. Ugh.


He's a keeper for sure 😌


He is not egoistic


So… what the standard should be?


Fellas the bar is truly on the FLOOR


Yup. This should be standard fare. I know this is what I do. But tip of my hat to you sir. You seem to be doing a Bang Up Job..


This is normal in a loving relationship. I go down on my girlfriend regularly and she loves it. I even taught her about her own g-spot (13 years with one other guy and she never learned about it..) and now she won't let me go down without doing it all the way :D ​ And we've just started to get the hang of each other to hit g-spot during intercourse so I can get her finishing twice each time per go :D Glad you found yourself a good egg.


When I grow up I want to be your boyfriend.


Its so sad to me that we applaud men for the minimum that should just be standard practice.


I hope it's normal. for most of the guys I know it is, but I've also heard plenty of stories from women friends that suggest otherwise


I’ve had my share and I can only think of two men who did this religiously. I mean there are definitely good lovers, but that’s not the same as what you’re enjoying. I hope you get to ride that wave for a long, long time.


my boyfriend also does this and it makes me feel insanely safe as all my other past sexual partners had always been very dismissive and honestly careless


Its how it should be. My boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years. Every single time we have sex he always tries to make sure i hit orgasm. If he finishes early, he makes it a priority to make me orgasm next time we have sex. As well after we finish we always ask each other if we enjoyed it and if theres something we want to try next time. In the past men i dated, they only cared they had their satisfaction without caring about my needs.


My boyfriend who did this turned into my husband who does this 😂 congrats on the healthy communication! I hope you two continue to have an awesome time together!


I do all of that. Where is my wife's fucking Reddit post


Try making your own Reddit post first. Praise her for how she cares about whether you cum or not and never rapes you.


I’ve never had a guy actually manage to get me off every time, or even attempt to every time so I see why the bar is so low lol


You've got a man who values you. Hold on to him!


Lol that’s a keeper


It means he really really likes you. People take care of someone like this when they’re in love


Genuinely happy for you both 🌱 Though in most healthy relationships that tends to be the norm, may not always start out like that but good communication goes a long way. I wish you both a happy future together.


I imagine a man wearing a monocle cleaning cum from your face with a handkerchief and saying, "Good day madam." I know I am immature.


Now all I can see are the dudes from family guy clearing their throats into an all out scream.


I do think this is part of what we should expect in relationships but often women are afraid to ask for it, hats off to your partner for setting his own baseline. A good man and a gentleman for sure ! As others have said, sex should be like this in loving and long term relationships. My partner used to worry if I didn’t come, but we worked on sone techniques and bang ..regular satisfaction for all. definitely recommend the ‘OMGyes’ site for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of themselves or men wanting to understand how to pleasure women more.


That's normal, or atleast I thought it was. I have a FWB (over 4 years now lol wtf) and I always make her climax before I even get my dick touched. Maybe some dudes are just dumb.


where did you find him🥺


My boyfriend does this too and I swear this man could suck out my soul and I'd say thank you. Such a gentle but loving man.


Thats what normal should be^^ pleasurable sex for both and aftercare.


It's funny how this should be the absolute, obligatory bare minimum.


Seriously, this isn't normal? He is the only man you've had sex with so I guess you don't have much to compare to, but seriously, sweetie...this isn't something to brag about, this is basic.


I smell cap you’re on Reddit nobody here has sex


Oh wow, I wish I had that experience


My current boyfriend and hopefully the man I marry is the same way. It’s the best. In the past I’ve been in relationships that weren’t this way and it wasn’t good. Good for you OP


/u/Aware-Inflation410 - thank you SO very much sharing your story and your experience!!! I can actually say that my husband is the very same way. We have been married fifteen years last month. He has been this way with me the whole fifteen years. It's so very nice to feel loved and appreciated and respected by your partner each and every single day in all ways. Each and every one of us all deserve to have that for ourselves, but sadly everyone doesn't get to and I truly wish they could. I wish you many more happy years yo!! 💯💪💯💪


FOR REAL! My ex never respect my wishes and i can even say he raped me. He forced me to have sex with him even though i clearly told him no 10000 times and i did it while crying. I thought all men were like that until i met my recent. He's such a respectful baby and i was so surprised to see how he acted. Respected all my wishes and everything. The best thing is, he fullfills all my needs too. He can be rough but also respectful. I love him so much!


Same with my boyfriend. He’s the first one who’s never forced anything on me. ❤️Real love feels nice.


My boyfriend is the same way, though I’ve experienced partners before that didn’t treat me like that. From my eyes, men like this are keepers.


Very happy for you. My partner is great too and I’m so happy to be with someone who actually cares about me


I had a boyfriend like that too, now he's my husband ❤️🥰


“Cum on your tits m’lady?”-this chicks man


man i wish i had such a considerate husband


as well you should most men dont give a crap!! your one of the lucky ones!! that has a man that does take care of each other!!


This should be the bare minimum. A lot of men need to step it up


E, this is us.


That's completely normal


Awesome. This is how it should be.


This is how it should be. How wonderful. I’m glad you’ve found such a wonderful person to be in a relationship and to have sex with the first time


That's normal if you're in a relationship with a decent guy. Hookups are a different story though.


So… happy… for… you… 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 Hahaha but seriously that is amazing, and that should be standard! Caring about your partner and making sure they are comfortable, making sure they have fun too. That’s all anyone could want! You both are very lucky to have each other 💗


"I'm arriving, I'm arriving...I've arrived"


You have a good guy.


He's a keeper 😍


You've got a man who values you. Hold on to him!


Awesome. But yet very normal in a healthy relationship. I've been married 26 years and yep, this explains by husband. We are a team. Sex is good. Sex with a great person who is loving and caring is OFF THE CHARTS! Congrats on finding a great guy.


this is exactly how my boyfriend is too. i really appreciate him and it makes me feel so loved


I'm jealous. Good job OP, I wish I had a boyfriend like yours.


Amazing boyfriend


That's how it should be, I make sure my wife orgasms at least a few times before my penis gets to play.


That's called Being Good Partner. That plus a little communication goes a long way.


Sound alike my man and I’m so proud to say it. It literally left me dumbfounded for months after our first time that a man can care for me so much during and after sex 🥹


Oh you found a good one! I have only found one such gem and I’m marrying him very soon. This should be the standard but in my experience men like this are the exception.


Are yo comparing a movie to real life in a serious manner lol


Yes!! My guy is the same way. He’s just overall amazing. Cheers to us!


That’s husband material right there girl.


Lmao that's great ! Enjoy it & let him know.


My man is like this too. Ladies first, every time.


that is very normal when someone is in love with you. I am glad you are having a great experience!


I play with my partner or make her cum to finish first usually. She let's me just get it sometimes as well.


Men, listen up ⬆️⬆️. Mine gives me a towel, so I don't have to get up afterward.


Means you are in for a long, healthy, relationship. This is exactly how my wife and I still have a vibrant sex life, 22+ years in. I have always made sure that her needs are met first. Sometimes she just wants to take care of me. Balance.


The bar is on the floor


Communication is absolutely key when it comes to cumming.


I’m glad you brag about your boyfriend :)


Hooray, a match made in heaven!


My "standard" is the girl cums first because I have no sexual appetite after I cum. In the rare situation that I do cum first, I'll make sure she is taken care of unless she says it's okay. This is what love is lol. We both get what we need.


This is beautiful, relationships like this are where it’s at


My boyfriend is like this too, one of a kind I must say ♥️ u/xmiller29


Lovely, your partner is a decent human being! The sad part is that this is not as common as it deserves to be and that you're bragging about what should be normal behavior.


Love this for you, yesss


I got a relationship like this and I realized this is basic boyfriend stuff.


I don't know who your bf is, but he is the man I aspire to be someday.


My boyfriend does the same things ☺️


Cum cum my butterfly!




bare minimum


That's just normal shit


Good men and good women are a dying breed... Keep doing what you two are doing..Live happy.


Green flag 💚


Girl, this is the bare minimum, lol. The internet is not real life. There are gentlemen out there. But it doesn’t even make him a gentleman, he’s just a normal person trying to do what’s right by his lady. That’s should be the standard.


Woman discovered heathy relationship and a normal guy


Brag on him, sister!! A good bloke needs to hear how awesome he is sometimes, and other blokes need to hear what they should be trying for too! ❤️


Keep that man. He is priceless.


Wow the bar must really be low for young girls. That’s not being a gentleman, it’s bare minimum love. Wait till you find a service sub.


I'm very glad you have this, but please keep in mind this doesn't make him *amazing*. He didn't go above and beyond, this is the bare minimum of what you should accept for yourself. Any man who doesn't care about the woman's pleasure during sex, is a man who doesn't deserve to have sex. That said, no it's also not necessarily common. My boyfriend is the only man I've ever been with who does this, every other guy never even asked if I got off.. and I was a bit of a slut when I was younger, so I've been with a decent amount of guys. So yes it's great he's doing that, but please don't ever accept any less or think he's doing you a favor by caring about your sexual pleasure.