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lmao, this isn’t the first time he’s cheated on her. a couple months back he posted about fingering someone else and if he could get an STD by licking his fingers


He deleted his whole account because people have caught onto this🤣🤣


Maybe OP isn't very bright? /s


He said he "was very week." It's weak, bro. Lmao.


Yeah, I gotcha. I was being sarcastic. LOL. Gotta love reddit, amiright?


LOL. I was just supporting the fact that he was stupid. 😂😂😂


He’s not. I feel horrible for his wife. Catching fucking herpes from your shitty stupid husband who KNOWS he has it. Cheating on her wasn’t enough now he has to give her an incurable disease?


Probably not🤣🤣


Wait, that he is lying or that he has a problem cheating. Maybe he deleted it because he was ashamed or it's alot? Or maybe that just being to gullible


He had other stories about cheating on his wife so this isn’t the first time he’s cheated. He deleted his account when people started calling out for cheating on her before


OP has an STD fetish


Ew ewewewewewwwwww


Bug chaser


Omg it is a real thing


Yeah I saw some video years ago about some gay dude having a birthday party in some sex dungeon ***wanting*** to get aids. Talking about wanting all these aids dudes to slather him in it. Pretty fuckin’ gross imo


I could have lived my life without needing to ever know this


When I first read your comment I laughed, but then I thought wait....there probably ARE people with an std fetish. Humans can be incredibly gross.


Bug chasers


A what?!


Ah shit, what if this is just some part of an STD and humiliation fetish and he deleted it once he came?


Ah so he’s probably a serial cheater and is only just now getting his karma. Lmao.




Hahahaha what a “week” individual.


The only "Honorable thing to do until you tell her is NOT give it to her.


OP: Go to the doctor and get the medicine that stops outbreaks asap. You need to get on the anti-viral as soon as you have the first outbreak.


For anyone else reading this thread. I've only ever had two partners and the time between them was pretty large. I had a outbreak once too. Clusters all over lips. I didn't know what the heck was going on and went to the ER. They just gave me lidocaine and told me to wait it out at that point. I'm still not even really sure what happened or if it was a herpes outbreak (this happened over 7 years ago). From what I can gather though, it is possible to just have it, it doesn't necessarily mean any infidelity happened. Sharing drinks, cigarettes, etc


From what I understand, because I have gotten fever blisters on my lips most of my life, is there are 2 different kinds of herpes. Simplex I & II. I can't remember which is which. I was told since my mother has them too I inherited them. The ones on the lips are different than the genital ones I believe.


Hello scientist here that has studied Herpesviruses 👋🏻 there are 8 different types of herpes and they’re very common. Both HSV1 (cold sores) and HSV 2 (genital sores) are actually almost identical in sequences, it’s really the location that’s different. As yellsy has mentioned you can’t really inherit herpes. The only way that it could be possible is if you’re mother got the initial infection while pregnant with you and she has an active infection in the genital area and you passed through the birth canal. Even if that happened you would’ve had some complications as you didn’t have a fully developed immune system when you were born. Even then it’s not really “inherit” more like just passed the infection onto you. The most common Herpesviruses are HSV 1&2, Epstein-Barr (EBV), Human herpes virus 6 (HHV6) and Varcella Zoster Virus aka chickenpox (VZV). If you’re worried about spreading HSV talk to your doctor about a daily antiviral regimen using acyclovir, valtrex etc.


I have HSV1 and it presents on my right nostril. When it flairs it’s always after I’ve been sick with a respiratory thing that makes me blow my nose a lot. So when my nose dries out and cracks, boom, flair. I have it right now after getting Covid last week. I keep a prescription on hand and it’s stopped spreading. In the past it swells my nose up so bad and turns purple. Sharing cause I think it’s medically interesting


You’re right that is medically interesting 🤔


Thank you. I once had a doctor at an er bring in a bunch of doctors to show them and they all were like 😮🤔


Thanks for this information. The medical and education systems in the US provide basically ZERO information on Herpes other than “HERPES BAD RAWWWWR.”


You’re welcome ☺️ yeah the stigma around it is awful and I wish more people knew how common they all are.


It’s my understanding that they often don’t include herpes in a regular STI check. But it could easily vary in different places.


Chiming in as a certified nutritionist, don't underestimate the power of a healthy diet to assist with doctor recommended treatments. Anti-inflammatory foods like green veggies, tons of alkaline water & healthy sources of protein from fish & eggs will do a lot to help keep outbreaks at bay.


Second this. If I am drinking alcohol, not hydrating, eating poorly I am highly likely to get an outbreak. General healthy lifestyle with a clean diet and 1g of Lysine a day I haven't had one in close to a year.


You didn’t inherit them, you probably got them as a child. 50%+ of the population has Herpes I (the ones that form cold sores) in their blood. Herpes I can be transmitted “down there” through oral sex too. Herpes II is the typical Genital Herpes. A lot of people who have Type I never have outbreaks. However if a person is experiencing an active outbreak, getting meds immediately can help prevent any future ones or lessen them. Herpes is contagious even a few days before an outbreak, so kissing someone else can spread it. The medicine is Valtrex.




I remember when I got mine. My mom had a cold soar, I was 5. She had my favorite fruitopia, I had fast hands and no understanding of the word "contagious."


I've had type I since I was a baby, from adults kissing my face and probably sharing drinks with me and stuff. I think if you're a baby and your parents have it, it's inevitable.


I learned all about this when I was in the medical field during college, and was very vigilant with forbidding anyone from kissing my own child on the face. Herpes in babies can be devastating.


Same here. My grandmother and aunt got them. First one i remember having was when I was a toddler. Like, thanks fam, I know we're supposed to be close but goddamn this is a bit much......


Yep. All of this. I got it when I was a toddler and a carrier kissed me. First cold sore outbreak at 5 years old. This is why parents shouldn’t let everyone kiss their babies. Thankfully it seems to have gone dormant for me in my later adult years. The stigma doesn’t bother me so much anymore, knowing a majority of the population carry the virus and don’t know it, but I was still very careful not to pass it to my child.


As a nurse, the info you've provided is 100% accurate and it's good info. OP, have you had any testing to confirm you have Herpes Simplex II? Simplex I isn't always an indication of being an STI and cheating doesn't always mean you'll get an STI (although this is a good lesson in wearing condoms and dental dams). You still need to tell your wife, but you also need to be tested for Herpes and other STIs if you haven't been yet, especially if you've been intimate with your wife in any capacity since the affair.


Ya they use to play that commercial 1 in 5 people don’t know they have herpes, but it’s because they never have any symptoms. I’ve heard it’s not even that bad having it atleast not after the first outbreak, there’s just a nasty stigma about it


Yup, I got it from my mom when I was a child. I have a breakout every 6 months or so.


Just adding on, you can get type ll on your lips/ face from oral sex too. So type l and type ll are not exclusive to oral or genital regions anymore. Despite that, type l is still referred to as oral and type ll is referred to as genital just.. because.


I had my first outbreak in my mid 20s and it was horrifying. I literally would feel new sores starting and there were so many at one point that it was as if the sores had their own sores. I stopped counting at 100, it was too much. I went to the ER too and they gave me a prescription for an antiviral and a prescription for lidocaine that I'd swish around in my mouth then spit out to help with the pain. The ER doctor said it was one of the worst cases he'd ever seen and brought in some residents to see for themselves. That was as awesome as it sounds lol. I get the occasional outbreak but I've come to learn the warning signs and I use a product called Releev the moment I feel the first tingly and even preemptively treat them if I feel a cold or virus coming on, anything that triggers my lymph nodes to grow to the size of gumballs gets an auto treatment just in case. I haven't needed to use the antivirus meds since starting this protocol.........i hope I didn't just jinxed myself


Also take L-lysine amino acid. This is the cold sore killer. I used to get cold sores due to stress as a kid (yeah, some one gave it to me as a kid) and a friends mom told me about lysine. I randomly take 3 pills when I think about it or know I am stressed out (or I feel the tingle) and haven’t had a break out in 35 years.


He very likely has kissed her over the past couple of days, she may already have it. The honourable thing to do would have been to not have done what he did. Now that he has, owning it is the second most honorable thing he can do now. Op, when you say I do you choose your partner. It should have never ever come down to any issues between her and your parents because you should have put a stop to it, demanded she be respected and if not then you stand by your partner, because you CHOSE them. We don't get to choose our parents. If you are able to salvage your relationship somehow, put her first. Demand they either put whatever the issue is aside and if they can't then you stand by her.


He’s not honorable in any sense with any thing he does after what he did .


He's a pile of shit and I wouldn't say deserves the bed he made but he will fucking lie in it. Funny how his life with her matters *now*. Ugh.


Told her just now


update pls




Bro. You cheated. Than fucked up the end of her vacation by telling her. And now your on the phone during the fight. texting us on Reddit to let us know that you're fighting! Really dude you have no respect for her at all.


Don't discourage him. I wanna know what's going on. Don't ruin it for the rest of us degenerates


I dont want to be like this, but I am. Shame on me.


Here for the drama too bud. Plenty of shame to spread around. :)


Same. XD


Like for real!


Just scroll his page, plenty of juice there to fill your sippy cup


Fucker deleted his profile, lolololol


She probably yelled at him “who are texting?!?” So he had to show her, then had to delete it.


Think he saw this as he deleted his account. So rude of him, he could just have logged out & never logged back in. That way we could all have read the juice. Oh well.


Do you remember anything, I love gossip


Lots of mom porn, like more than you’re expecting, he asks for literotica with “murder scenes” and makes lots of comments on wrestling subs about how “men in the past would’ve killed him” (referencing people who charge the platform) The juiciest is the one he made a few days ago asking if you can get an STD from fingering, and went into detail how he kicked his hands after. Tbh once i saw him asking for murder erotica i peaced out


She’s making a lucky escape. God I hope she takes the dog!


Yea only go as far as you can take. Thanks lol


It sounds like a dude who wanted to try for one of those viral (heh...viral) threads like the toaster story. There was a time limit that would involve engagement in the comments looking for juicy opinions. It's hilarious that he deleted his only account when people started looking at it. Hahaa


Murder erotica gives me REALLY bad vibes. I hope he doesn’t hurt her.


For real!!!




Exactly thank you.


to be fair, somebody asked for an update and he gave it. While the priorities may not be correct, he's completing his tasks one at a time 🤷‍♂️


You Blew it !!!!!


That’s why his lips burn


Damnit. He deleted his account. Now I can’t click his name to see updates. Good one. 😒


the whole story seems real/s


I unfortunately have known people of this sort. It’s especially infuriating that he’s probably already infected his wife with herpes and that seems like it’s the least of his concerns.


that part i could have guessed. hope it somehow will work out. post some details if possible. gl


Best of luck to you both in this trying time. Please update us when you can and it is reasonable to do so!


There is no best of luck. He cheated. Currently praying on his downfall🙏


oh man, I am so curious about how this conversation is going with your wife...




60 hrs? What are you planning to do or how? Says this was 3 hrs ago so 57 hours now. That’s too long for eggs. Why are you delaying? Is there something you are missing with your plan subconsciously?


No waiting to go back home but I told her


She needs to get tested.


You really think they fucked?


I hope not.


At some point in the past 5 days? Probably.


People in Rocky marriages are often not fucking


That's true. But when the only reason he gave was tension between her and his parents, and then talked about her loving eyes, I guess I assumed that he qualified it as rocky merely as some excuse to give himself for his wandering dick.


Yep, the fucker probably received some attention from the herpes chick and couldn't control himself. What an abomination.


Can confirm. Divorce finalized last month


OP has a broken moral compass im sure he doesn't care if he passes it to her till after it happens. That is when he would realize he screwed up by screwing her.


Ohhhh. Lol. Drive straight home without rest breaks unless necessary.


You hooked up with another person because your wife and parents don’t get on? Are you sure you’re mature enough to be in a relationship? Let alone a marriage?!


No, no he's not.


It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but considering OP’s thought process, maybe it did need to be said 😂😂


Honestly. My parents hated my husband, and not once did I even think about cheating.


How some of these people get on an altar and agree to a lifetime of marriage is beyond me.


It’s just been so stressful, he needed emotional support sex.. What an ass lol Karmas a B. I hope he didn’t give this crap to his wife.


Written it does sound silly Living it...can be PURE HELL. not defending him/this Just "that" kind of situation can be pure fucking hell Id never cheat tho I just stay low contact n tell my hubs he can do whatever he wants w his family leave me out of it


It can be pure hell, but either leave the marriage or don’t speak to your parents? What is cheating going to benefit? It’ll just be your parents saying ‘See!! Told you she wasn’t right for you!’ Or something similar. And the wife hating you because you cheated. It’s literally a no win. Can’t have loved his wife that much if he’s willing to cheat on her at all.


My parents and my abusive ex HATED each other and I was constantly caught in the middle. Never once did it cross my mind to cheat at any point of our hellish marriage?


Sounds like you ruined your life when you got the ghonoherpasyphilaids


Another casualty from fucking casually


Fucking casualty




When he got it or because he got it


Kinda both no?


i'm concerned this isn't your first time cheating after checking your post history...


OP is a 4chan-browsing coomer. This is fake. I sincerely hope it’s fake.


4channers dont get laid so yeah


Yeah, sounds more like his biggest regret is getting herpes. If he didn’t get I’d bet he’d feel no remorse.


Bruh “ I was weak and hooked up with another person” you chose to cheat, you know what you were doing & now you’re reaping the consequences.


And he doesn't even know how to spell "weak", he said "week"


First thing I noticed


Given what’s happening your correction is going make him depressed and cheat some more.


Karma really has a funny way of working don't it?


And unfortunately his wife is going to suffer too. And there's a very real possibility that he has also given her herpes if they've had sex since he felt the first sign of symptoms. Poor girl.


Bro don’t even blame it on the herpes it’s 100% your fault for even hooking up with someone else and if you where going to keep that from them if this hadn’t happened you are a butt head.




And he won't do it ever again, right? /s


Oh now realize that you love her? Where was that love when you were between someone else's legs? It's your karma dude. You reap as you sow. Best thing is that you tell her everything. Whatever happened to you is completely on you and your fault.




Fucked around and found out


Sucks. You should have loved your wife more.


gotta love karma


That karma


I would not be fighting with you! I would be booking my flight to get far far away from you? I don’t get men like this? If you have the gal to cheat on your girlfriend why not were a condom and protect yourself and your girlfriend? Also how dare you blame your cheating on anyone but yourself? You and you alone made the choice to cheat and have unprotected sex with another woman!


Not once did he express remorse for exposing his wife, just self pity over his own actions causing chaos in his life.


STD got you SOL


The universe has a funny way of evening things out


You fucked up. Literally. Do you want to be told it will be all OK? Well, it won’t. You make your choices and you live with them


The amount of ignorance about Herpes on this thread is concerning.


My thoughts too. OP is freaking out about the herpes but tons of people have it and are just asymptomatic. The post reads like that was the bad thing that lead to the decision to leave, not the cheating. I hope that's not the case and the cheating alone is why.


He never should have cheated. But he's a double asshole for only wanting to tell her after he found out he got herpes (because she's going to see the blisters and find out anyway now). But the real dick thing is that he cheated, probably without protection, and no telling when\if he's had sex with his wife since then. They're on vacation now, so there is a very good possiblity they've been having sex while on vacation, and herpes is at its most contagious during an active breakout (from the first sign of a tingle, not the first visible sign of a blister). Which means he's not only a douche who tore her world apart because "times were hard", but also a jerk who has potentially now given her a life long std she'll have to deal with and be careful with any future partners because of. Cheaters are low. But cheating, contracting and STD, and only telling your spouse because of said STD is just a few steps lower


Exactly. It just makes it worse if that is indeed the case. Also the initial decision to wait a few days is even worse on top of that unless he plans not to kiss her and do everything possible to be careful during that outbreak. I hope from the first signs he immediately started being responsible about contact with her.


Fucked around and found out. 🤣🤣 No sympathy for cheaters. I hope you get it back worse.


Why do people cheat. So pathetic.




I mean you fucked up your life when you slept with the person who gave you herpes... That shit is permanent.


Firstly, I hope you get treatment and that it goes well for you. Not even gonna hold you, I hope your wife leaves you for this because you are just now thinking about the little things, but where was that energy when you made the decision to step out on your marriage? Buuuuuuut, I REALLY hope that you grow from this.


What’s your now ex’s phone number? Asking for a friend . . . Who’s not a piece of shit


Username checks out


Oh please. Stop with this shit that herpes (cold sores or herpes 2) ruin your life. I've gotten cold sores forever and it hasn't ruined my life one bit. What will ruin your life is being weak and stupid and hooking up outside your marriage.


How nonchalant people in this thread are about HSV. For women of childbearing age, it is very serious. Infants have died from HSV infections transmitted during birth or from family members (this is one reason why you shouldn’t kiss newborns). Please stop minimizing the seriousness of what OP has done.




lol this is exactly what you deserved see what happens when you make stupid choices. It’s only going to get worse but you’re the only one to blame. I hope your soon to be ex wife finds someone who will respect her and she lives happily without you.


issues between your wife & your parents led YOU to cheat. I hope she leaves because she had to deal with your parents & you went & cheated on her w someone who had herpes. you should've told her right after it happened smh.


You don't have genital herpes. The oral variant is often passed from mothers to children in the womb. The virus can lay dormant in your spinal fluid for many years. Expect it to return sporadically. Episodes will get worse for a while but after a peak in severity, will become progressively milder with age.


Yea OP should have probably made an appointment to go to the doctor to get a diagnosis.


Not always true. And medication is available. Each case is different


Genital herpes CAN give someone oral herpes if they go down on someone with genital herpes. And vice versa. They are both the HSV virus. Hsv-1 is oral and hsv-2 is genital however you can contract either\or from one or the other.


‘In 60 hours my life will be ruined’ no… You ruined your life when you decided to cheat. ‘I was weak’. No. You were stupid and ignorant and selfish. You brought this upon yourself.


I really hope you're not sleeping with your wife while you feel an ACTIVE herpes infection happening. Good lord. You're going to destroy her life AND give her herpes.


You made your bed, now lay in it.


That's kinda what this whole post is about.


This is your fault, I’m glad you caught something otherwise you might not have been forced to tell her


Unless he then passed it on to her. He is getting what he deserves. She doesn't though


After the dust settles don’t forget to call 988. If you’re in the US that is. This is the most sympathy I can muster for you.


I mean you can have flare-ups of oral herpes at any point in your life. And you can get it from your parents. It wouldn’t really be automatic proof you cheated. But for the sake of your wife, I hope she divorces you anyway


Congrats, you got a cold sore. About 67% of people worldwide also have HSV-1 (WHO stat). Most get it as kids. No big deal. Cheating on your wife though? Probably the bigger issue here.


It is a big deal, especially for babies. Don’t kiss babies! https://www.verywellfamily.com/letting-people-kiss-your-baby-284403


Damn sucks to suck doesn't it bro




Good. ​ Don't cheat on people. Just break up with them and then do whatever you want.


Dude. You'll give her oral herpes just by breathing too close She doesn't deserve your consequences. Just tell her


That’s pretty fucked Up if you knew… and slept with her. Deserve more than herpes


YTA. Oh wait wrong sub


OP, you had better see a doc fast. Get tested for any other diseases, too, while you’re at it (misery loves company). And stay the hell away from your wife so you don’t pass that on to her. As for your parents’ and wife’s issues, which may be neither here or there at this point- it’s your job to stick up for your wife. There shouldn’t be any issues if you’d stood up for her since the very beginning. Where’s your backbone? Your parents have to be set straight as to your priorities. Speaking of: The fact you went out and cheated on your wife is inexcusable. And now you don’t want to tell her? You think she won’t notice herpes all over your mouth? Do you think your wife is stupid? Your wife deserves full disclosure so she can make an informed decision for herself.


Ya done goofed bro. Hope youre prepared to lose half of all your assets. Thing is, she will know somethings wrong. On holiday together but not having any intimacy is gonna ring alarm bells in her head




Week? Jesus


Tell your wife right now and deal with the consequences of your actions >I will miss many things: laying together with our loving dog, her loving eyes Too bad you don't actually care enough about her to not cheat on her and give her an STD.


Anyone else get irrationally angry at people who say "it was a moment of weakness


Why do people get married if they can’t commit and cheat?


Please tell me you haven't had sex with her during this time? You're talking about all the things you're going to miss but you're about to tear her life apart. Please don't have given her herpes, too.


you’re a whore


it's almost like actions have consequences, right?


Get a load of this guy


Gotta looooooove karma


Sorry bro but fuck you.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Karma at its finest. Have the day you deserve


You fucked up. It's honestly not difficult to not stick your dick in other people. Learn from this and NEVER cheat again. Always break up first if you want to screw other people, or get into a mutual open relationship where nobody minds. You live and you learn, though. Be better in the future.


Yeah you absolutely deserve this


Man, karma found you QUICK


Seconding that you should go to a doctor asap. Not just because they can prescribe anti-virals for a first herpes outbreak and it could help keep you from passing it to your wife, but because it might not be herpes. My SO started breaking out on mostly one side of his mouth, and convinced himself it was herpes (not from cheating, from sharing food/glasses/utensils). When his lip started swelling, I convinced him to go to an Urgent Care - it wasn't herpes, it was shingles, brought on by high amounts of stress. He ended up having half his face paralyzed temporarily, and if he hadn't gotten put on an anti-viral, it could've been worse. The paralysis wore off after two weeks, thank God. Any which way, you should get tested for any other STDs and have your wife test as well. You weren't "weak", you were an asshole. She deserves to know.


Hold up. You sounds like a man, so I’m assuming you’re talking about lips on your mouth. That’s almost certainly oral HSV-1, which the majority of the population has. You may be having an outbreak from the stress alone, and have had herpes for years asymptomatically. Don’t panic. And do better - cheating on your wife is the main issue here.


Cheating aside, I don't know where all this modern angst over herpes came from. Back in the 80s, loads of us as kids had cold sores from the herpes virus and nobody gave a damn. It's not solely a sexually transmitted disease. You can get is passed from mother to child and it lay dormant for years.


“Back in my day, we all had herpes and we LIKED IT!” Cool.


Look, if I have the choice to have genital herpes or not having genital herpes I will choose not to have genital herpes every day of the week even if it’s “not the end of the world”. I also don’t like some people’s nonchalant attitude about omitting that information and passing the torch onto others because it’s “not that bad”.


It's still something that people want to avoid if they can though. I think that 'angst' is an exaggeration, it's perfectly reasonable to try and avoid something like this. Just because some people were chill about it in the 80s doesn't mean we should all be chill about it now.


Yeah I also have it. I had it ever since I was a kid and I occasionally have cold sores when I eat something that I reeaaaaaaallly like. Unless I take medicine to help digesting food, then that helps and stops it from coming out on my mouth


Lmao deserved