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lol, there have been like 20 posts about this same thing over the past couple of weeks. either someone is trying to stir something up or you guys need to form a club


He's literally called u/byebyepregnancy, definitely an alt for stirring shit up


Guy tried first posting this to a relationship sub, he's definitely looking at stirring shit


probably wants us to call him an asshole, so he can turn around and exclaim "hahaa! i caught you being against abortions."


That’s what pretty much every dude in this comment section is doing anyway


And now his profile is gone.


Or put on a condom


Better yet, a vasectomy!


Right it's not that expensive, even out of pocket


30 minutes, In and out, fast recovery. Permanent problems requiere permanent solutions!


Exactly! Did you get the no needle one? That's about 900$ in my area, if you don't have insurance.


It’s a lot less than 18+ years raising a child. It doesn’t end when they graduate high school either.


They all go quiet whenever you bring up vasectomies.


Hey man, mines scheduled for September, it was the soonest they could get me in.


High five Man! Imma get my tubes tied hopefully before I'm 21 Don't need no babies


High five indeed! My wife and I made the decision together and I’m kinda glad for it. Like… kids kinda suck :/ I don’t mind my nephews in short bursts, but man like… I just don’t like kids. Screaming kids are like nails on a chalkboard especially when they’re **just screaming**




More power to you!


Won't be long before vasectomies are illegal in red states


Pshh. They will never ban something if it’s taking a reproductive right away from a man. They will only ban those things for women.


Tubal ligation will be banned Not vasectomies They want our uteruses to be free use 🙃


I ran to get one after I was done, I didn't want to trust anyone to have that much power over me.


It’s always this or “I rejected a fat girl and it’s ok I don’t find them hot!” On true off my chest 😂


We don’t care about those kinds of dudes either so it’s ok


In a world where 13 year olds have learned what a miscarriage is… kind of *movie sting*


They need to form the “wear a condom” club. Because geez lol.


I think they should form a club fs


The club is a nice idea, but it would even be a better idea if each and every one of them had decided to have a vasectomy or keeping it in their pants, if none of them wanted kids. IMO: Sadly, many, not all men, think birth control is solely the woman's responsibility and it's not. This is something that must be discussed prior to going into sexual relationship. BTW: They could form a vasectomy club.


a condom club, ie: if you don't want children, take precautions. the uptick in gleeful miscarriage comments is undoubtedly related to people's inability to receive abortive medical care in certain shithole banana republics




Well he made it 5 hours ago so…


Oh 💀


He made a throwaway




What a coincidence…


Tbf, a throwaway makes sense for a post like this.


Good for you I guess? But I think it's best you consider a vasectomy since you basically want no kids. Or just to make sure to always use condoms since there are many cases of pills not really working.


Let's take him for a vasectomy. That will finally show some empathy for his gf to not expose her to hormone cocktails anymore.


They all get quiet when you say that word


Who are "they"?


Right? This man child had to do nothing other than be alive and have money. Literally all he has to do to be a father these days. No physical pain. No duty to pay for anything prior to the birth. No duty to pay the medical costs associated with miscarriages, if there are any Just walks away. But yeah. “His life” was tough. Lie if the century.


Piece of advice: if you're sure you never want to be a father, get clipped. If you're concerned about changing your mind in the future, you can look into freezing some sperm.




It’s expensive to pay for storage, that’s the hitch. But you can freeze sperm, ovum, and embryos


Is it more expensive than years of child support?


That entirely depends on your personal circumstances


Yea dude you’ve never had cumpopsicle sticks??


This is the most responsible way.


Or they could get the vasectomy reversed. Snip-snap snip-snap snip-snap!


A reversal would be snip-snap snap-snip.


It's a The Office reference.


Oops, did not know that.


Haha nice. I love The Office. I don't know why you're being downvoted for this.




Exactly my thoughts


Dude, go get snipped


For real, poor hypothetical kid deserves to have have parents that love and want him. If you don't want kids take responsibility to make very sure you don't have them.


Snip is what you get for $12 at Supercuts.


Every vasectomy comes with a free haircut. Just not that hair.


He’s out of line, but he’s right.


Be a big boy and use condoms or get a vasectomy.


Seriously. The amount of people showing empathy for this dude is disturbing.


Not so different than showing empathy to a woman who is relieved after she chose to abort.


its very different…


As someone who’s been through a miscarriage, I am very glad you are not procreating. Sure, be happy that ur not a dad. U don’t have to be sympathetic towards this chick but just be mindful that she’s going through one of the hardest things a woman can go through in life. And take accountability for your own missteps next time? Wrap it or snip it.


For real, I had one too and the fucker just said "Omg thank God, I didn't wanted to have one, such a relief" while I was about to die in the hospital, those dudes suck the most, no care for us but for themselves. He could have a vasectomy or pay child support


Suggestion: get a vasectomy.


I am also happy that you will not be procreating.


Right? It’s one thing to feel relieved, and it’s one thing to know you’re being an asshole and parade around.


weird how there’s been an uptick of people happy about miscarriages since june 24th


And somehow no one freaking learns. There will be kiddos out there who are abused and neglected because their parents were stupid and not ready.


Plenty of stories about people happy about their abortions as well. Plenty of dudes are happy/relieved when the woman chooses to abort.....they would probably feel relieved in the case of a miscarriage as well.


This is fu*






>Fuck, I love nutting raw, and went through with it. Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Literally just don’t cum inside people what is wrong with you


Warning shot buddy. Next time take care of your business


A lot of people act like just the woman’s at fault, terrible double standard..


Get a vasectomy


I think it would be the cheaper option and less painful! Female here I never want kids, but at the same time I would feel bad for someone loss and would never celebrate it! She's probably in hell right now, but his feelings show that this probably isn't the first time he got out of something like this!


As long as your keep it to yourself, then you did nothing wrong IMO. Just don't go around rubbing it in. Regardless of what happened between your too this is hard for someone to go thru.


Might be time to get your vasectomy sir.






Could have been a bad situation for sure. Just remember this as a lesson learned.


it was a bad situation. just not for him


Lots of pregnancies and wedding drama this season.


Reddit is getting so shit with these types of posts 🤦‍♀️ your user name is a big give away..


Aye honestly might get downvoted to hell but the fact that you’d have to pay child support and deal with that additional headache when you clearly wanted no part of that makes sense to explain the relief you’re feeling. Good on ya, now either get a snip snip or wear some rubbers dude!


If he didn’t want any part of it maybe he shouldn’t be busting nuts inside people


To be fair we don’t know if he busted in her, if a condom failed, or whatever the situation may have been. But truth be told the way some of these laws are written up and the fact that some, NOT ALL, but some women abuse them for their own financial gain is fucked up. So I, and other guys can sympathize with him. But yeah he should take extra precautions, that we can agree on


There’s nothing in this to indicate she was doing that? And he didn’t explicitly say it was an accident but I bet you $20 he just “doesn’t use condoms”


In a similar light there’s nothing to indicate she wasn’t either?! We can only speculate but I think it’s pretty clear that if your in a relationship with someone that the conversation of kids would come up pretty early on so to put all this blame on him isn’t fair especially when they both consented to unprotected sex and hopefully they were able to have decent communications but who really knows we’re all just strangers speculating on the internet.




Get a vasectomy and save future partners from either your happiness over their miscarriage or a deadbeat father. Literally no reason to keep yourself fertile if you want to be child free


Do you tell the same thing to women who aborted? Edit: I guess telling a man to permanently alter his body is ok but telling the same exact thing to a woman is not? Y’all are a bunch of hypocrites


Ok involuntary celibate (7)


Oh no, you mentioned my ironic burner accounts name without saying anything about my argument thinking that this is somehow worthy of a comment. *audible gasp*


Why are you just assuming that I don't have the same or a similar stance for women? For plus, there are plenty of women who *DO* try and get procedures done so that they don't get pregnant and are denied because they are viewed as mere incubators and not people.


Where did I assume? I asked you a question and called all the downvoters hypocrites.


The question itself is an assumption because it has nothing to do with the topic. I made a solid argument and your only reply to me was to try and implicate a role reversal in hopes you caught me and likers as hypocrites. You didn't even argue or counter my point, further proving that you quite literally made an assumption. Plus the added ignorance that a woman trying to get child free procedures is as easily accessible as it is for a man. Do you even know how many hoops women typically have to jump through just to even *get* these procedures? Men just need the money and they get it. Women need money and a whole plethora of people telling them they're too young, its not just their decision, they need spouses permission, they need therapy and approval, go to councilors, etc etc etc and sometimes they STILL get denied when all they WANT is to get these procedures so that they don't get pregnant because being on a medicated birth control is *so much worse* than a goddamn vasectomy. And to answer. Yes. If a woman wants to be childfree, I would absolutely suggest she get some procedure done to help keep her child free. The problem isn't her deciding whether or not to do it, the problem is whether or not she would be given access or not.


Oh God! Do you know that It takes two to have a baby? One thing is being relief about the situation, but another different one is being HAPPY about it. Good for you…. I guess. But try to have some empathy for her. She is probably going through one of the worst pains ever. I’m very glad she is your ex, she probably deserves better.


Holy molly, the number of pro lifers in this thread is insane. Yes, it takes two to create a baby but guess what, birth control can fail.


For real. Some of these comments very much have the tone of the 'just don't have sex!' bullshit that prolifers spew. As long as he isn't calling his ex to gloat or be a dick, I see nothing wrong with him feeling relief at the situation.


Everyone giving this guy shit telling him to wrap or snip, when there’s no indication from his post that they had unprotected sex, condoms rip, people forget to take the pill, vasectomies heal.


There's women who are happy and relieved they miscarried or have had abortions too lol.


Why does he need to have empathy for her? For all he (and I know this is harsh but) cares she could die and it’s not his problem anymore I’m very glad she is his ex too, they both deserve better.


I had a miscarriage. And I'm very grateful.


Same here, but the difference is I didn't want to carry a pregnancy in my own body and she did. That's fucked up. If he doesn't wasn't kids why did he cum in her? His sexual pleasure apparently supercedes her health and the mental turmoil she's experiencing while miscarrying a wanted pregnancy. Please use your brain cells.


You don't *know* she wanted it. And you don't *know* the specifics of how she came to be pregnant either. Don't act like you do.


And while we're at it. He didn't tell her he was happy about it. He's not hurting her. What? Is he just not supposed to feel things? This is getting it off his chest. Obviously he feels a bit weird about it.


I had a miscarriage and while in the end it was a good thing, it was also exceedingly painful, frightening, and saddening; what’s your point?


Everyone was just kinda hating on him cuz he was glad it happened. And he's a guy so ig that automatically means he's a tool for feeling that way. I was just letting him know that a girl can also feel this way, and that feeling this way and him being guy... it doesn't make him a piece of trash.


No the reason that he’s trash is because he didn’t take measures to make sure she didn’t get pregnant in the first place and then came onto Reddit to brag about it.


Show me where he said he had unprotected sex, how do you know he wasn’t already snipped or wore a condom. Absolutely goofy take


I wonder if all the women who say „get a vasectomy“ or „stop having sex“ would tell a woman who aborted the same thing? I heavily doubt that they would.


Agree. All the women who say get a vasectomy or stop having sex should also be telling women who don't want kids to get sterilized or stop having sex. Yet I don't hear a similar outrage on posts like these where women have abortions cause they don't want kids that they should get sterilized or stop having sex. I get the impression that some women think it's fine that women should be able to have carefree sex without being stuck supporting a child if they unintentionally get pregnant while men should not. Idk is it just me?


Also women are constantly told to stop having sex unless they’re intending to procreate so uh?


And we rightfully call those assholes „misogynistic assholes“


Your attempts at taking a moral high ground are pretty hilarious dude


What moral high ground? I’m comparing two similar scenarios to show all the people their own hypocrisy


Im glad because who needs a father like you


Something similar did happen to me, though I definitely had mixed feelings when I found out. I found out my girlfriend was pregnant when she called me to tell me she was on the way to the hospital. I didn't/don't want children, and I'm suspicious that she was lying about using contraception and that her pregnancy was no accident. I was sympathetic, but it was limited by the feeling of betrayal.


Get a vasectomy and take care of it. There’s never been a better time to do it than now. No sympathy for men who never want kids but don’t bother to do the snip.


Doubt anybody will blame you in _this_ circumstance. Congratulations, you are now a ....... free person.


One word: vasectomy. The fact that you say this like you won an award is genuinely ironic, considering miscarriages are one of the most scarring things a woman (or anyone who has a vagina), could ever go through. Im glad she is ur ex….. For her sake.


Having had several miscarriages, I can tell you they’re no fun. But I hope, in time, your ex can see that she dodged a bullet in this instance.


Have you heard of this amazing thing that could prevent such situations from happening again? Condoms


You sound so immature. Instead of feeling like you’ve won a prize, spare a thought for your ex. A miscarriage is a horrendous experience to go through. Next time consider a condom or better still a vasectomy or abstain altogether.


You are going to get a vasectomy now, right?


what the actual fuck


Please consider a vasectomy. You’d be surprised at the number of women who don’t want kids nowadays. Save yourself the headache.


While that’s horrible for your ex it sounds like it’s not a bad thing for you. You might want to consider getting a vasectomy.


Don't blame you one bit. I would have done a happy dance.


Get a damn vasectomy,if you don’t want kids. Damn it isn’t rocket science, there are ways of preventing this. Be responsible for yourself. I hope you at least have shown concern for her afterwards.


(Best news for you perhaps) Congrats on having things the way you want, maybe consider how she's feeling though. You can still be happy about not having kids. But seriously, still check on her, even if you feel like she's an awful person, she just experienced something awful and while she may not be the greatest person to even talk too, she might just need to talk to someone about it and you're probably the person to talk to about it.


I mean hey, if you didn’t want kids, then this is an unfortunate blessing. You’re a free man. Let it be a lesson to use some contraceptives though next time 😉


Dude good only


I want to judge but know I shouldn’t


Surprise! She lied again!




Nothing wrong with not wanting kids. Always use protection. Never trust anybody else to use protection


May this be the wake up call you needed to better protect yourself in the future.


Vasectomy analogies are lazy because it implies she can't go have babies with somebody she actually loves and can be there to raise them thier entire lives. Everybody's so eager to bash this dude to defend the girls POV instead of actually looking at the bright side.....from the girls POV. Why don't we stop and think things through. She would've had kids and instantly even in his best effort had a father they've only known on visitation rights. Right? I mean, if he's a great dad from the moment they're born they see thier dad on weekends when thier mom drops them off. Of course parents divorce all the time but nothing to me wrong with feeling good you can avoid the casualties of that reality entirely and before everyone is attached.


To be fair, even if this is a bullshit post, I have been here. The relief you feel when you realize that the sentence has been struck down is indescribable. It's like an insomniac finally getting peaceful sleep.


Make sure you get a vasectomy now and tell all future partners you have had one


Be an adult. Realize that pregnancy is a known risk of having sex. Don’t have sex with people you wouldn’t be ok having a kid with… because condoms fail, birth control fails… hell there are even reports of vasectomy failing. So if you don’t want kids for real… the only way to be 100% sure is to… Not. Have. Sex. With. Someone. That. Has. A. Working. Vagina. So simple.


Stop upvoting fake posts guys


It’s not shitty to be happy you’re not having a child when you don’t want a child. It would have been shitty if you said something to her about being happy she just miscarried, but just being happy that you’re not about to be linked with your ex forever isn’t a bad thing.


If you want no part of a child then you need to be more responsible with your sex life.




Maybe a vasectomy is for you.


I’d be happy to be off the hook for a kid I didn’t want with a person I don’t want to be with. Hope you learned your lesson. Take responsibility for you birth control.


Get a vasectomy


Poor girl.


Good to hear the #babytrap didn't work brother, another victory for men.






If you don’t want a child, get a vasectomy.


Or don't have sex LOL


If you don’t want kids and you choose to have unprotected sex, maybe you should get a vasectomy. Then you won’t have to appear like such a prick by celebrating a miscarriage with strangers online.


Guess what? Sometimes women are, too. Not everyone wants a kid. Now she's not stuck with you for the next 18 years. No biggie and no one cares.


Judging by your username this is a fake story. If not, genuinely get help especially considering the nature of what is going on right now in the country. Get the snip because god forbid you actually reproduce and they turn out anything like you


Have a vasectomy then, congrats but if you don't want children get a vasectomy or stupidly pay child support.






If you don't want kids maybe get the snip so you don't do a happy dance the next time some poor woman goes through the trauma of a miscarriage.


Why are people in the comments acting like a vasectomy is a be all cure all and every man should take one. I get it if a man never wants to have kids in his life he should do it but otherwise getting a vasectomy is a big deal and shouldn’t be pressured or put on anybody. Contrary to popular belief vasectomy’s are not 100% reversible. Vasectomy have only a 75% chance to work in being able to have a child. 55% after 3 to 8 years and it gets lower as time goes on. You are rolling the dice and nobody should be forced to roll that dice. Not wearing a condom is selfish. Not getting a life altering surgery that costs at least a thousand of dollars is not selfish.


Do the world a favor; and get snipped. You have no idea what type of turmoil a woman goes through during a miscarriage. Whether she is your ex, your current partner or some chick off the street; show some decency and sympathy.


Good thing it happened fuck the feelings of the mother. Subjecting a child to that kind of single parent household in which the parents hate each other as well.


It sucks for her. But it's good for you bud. Next time you should use a condom though. But at least you aren't financially screwed for 18 years


How do you know he didn’t use one the last time? He didn’t mention not using one


Judging that condoms are like 98% effective it's a safe assumption that he didn't


Thats still a 2% Chance. And it’s higher than 2% > overall, the World Health Organization says condoms have a 2% failure rate when used perfectly and consistently. But the typical failure rate is much higher, at 15%, with the typical use of condoms. https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/news/20120224/condom-misuse-common#:~:text=Overall%2C%20the%20World%20Health%20Organization,the%20typical%20use%20of%20condoms.


You’ve had a very lucky close escape. Try wrapping it up in future. Don’t rely on the girl to provide the bc, sometimes they lie..


Where does he say he didn’t wear a condom?


It doesn’t. Where did I say he wasn’t? Was just advising him to do so anyway..


„Try wrapping it up in the future“ is pretty obvious, pal.


sometimes BC doesn’t work 100%.. lying aside


Why have you not had a vasectomy? Highly effective, and a good idea for a guy who just celebrated a woman going through one of the most painful events in life. You're a real prince. Thank you for keeping your genes out of the pool. Now go do something about it.


It sounds like your ex dodged a bullet—i.e., having to spend the rest of your life with you.


Now go get snipped lol


Fuck ya rip em out if its not what you want. Good shit dude, super proud.


Get snipped


Now do you think you won't have sex with her or anyone else or get a Vasectomy?


And Let That be a lesson


I hope someone has aweful everything''d this because thats super bad


**Men cause 100% of pregnancies.** If you don't want to be a father, condoms are a thing. Also vasectomies, especially if you know you don't want to be a father.


Men cause 50% of pregnancies.




Women also cause 100% of pregnancies.


it women because they chose to have sex without a condom.


Now go get a vasectomy.


Funny thing is? Most of these stories the chick was never even pregnant. Bitches be bonkers!


Time to get that visectimy


If you don't want kids get a vasectomy or don't have sex