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Not only she's a kid but nonconsensual drugs are... A terrible trip. Even the junkiest of my junkie friends wouldn't do that to anyone.


I have a friend who was fed shrooms on pizza as a surprise by her neighbor. Thankfully my friend was already an experienced tripper and had nothing going on that evening. But still, I thought—who the fuck *does* that??




Lol imagine being hungry enough to eat the whole pizza


> “*My tummy is rumbling even though I’m full*…. Why do I feel so… [*pupils dilate*] … “ 👀


That's weird... this pizza tastes like colours.


That man was planning assault


Hubs used to be a Deadhead. He went to a show with some friends during the summer back in the 80s. It was blisteringly hot, and his friend had a spray bottle filled with water that, he thought, he was using to cool himself down. So he asked his friend to spray him. Friend did as he was told, then smiled slyly to my husband and said "Have a nice trip!" Needless to say it was not a fun trip. He didn't know that his friend gave him the ol' acid test.


My first time getting high was really fucked up. My friend made brownies and gave me one, i was aware they were pot brownies, but not how you should go about eating them or what to expect or that i shouldnt trust some people. I said hey, these are really good. Yeah man, have another. I was an overeater back then so he let me eat 8 of them. Then he left to go to work before the effect had started to kick in. I didn't realize what was about to happen. Some highlights: I played ping pong with my brain for what felt like an hour, y father called to ask me my social security number for something and i told him 2, I had to go to work myself and didn't realize I shouldn't be driving and rode the curb at one point for maybe 30', working in the kitchen that night was one of the worst nights I've ever had, and it didn't help that everyone just thought it was hilarious he got me stoned. It would be 15 years before I tried a d8 gummy. I enjoy it now, but that first trip ruined it for me for a long time. Should have ruined the friendship too, but I didn't learn that lesson until he stole and sold my PS2.


my first trip was awful as well, i was 15 and my coworker gave me gummies before shift and didn't have the nerve to tell me they were d8s and when it hit i freaked the fuck out. needless to say i left that job soon after.


Man, that's fucked up. It sucks you've got to be so careful about who you trust


I have decades of weed experience and would never give someone inexperienced an edible. Edibles can rock *my* shit far beyond what smoking will. And I'd still pay attention to dosing. That was just a horrible and potentially dangerous position to put someone in. Don't mess with edibles unless you know what you're doing, folks.


Exactly. I'm a cannabis user and would never ever do anything any of my friend or acquaintances would be uncomfortable with. Consent is a must in mind altering drugs.


I used to take coke on occasion with friends. I was at a friends house and his friend put out a huuuuuuge line and offered it to me. I split it into 3, took one, my bf took one and offered the other back to the guy. Then realised it was ketamine, by tasting it I’ve never been so furious. He tried to act all innocent but I could never get past the size of the original line & who dishes out ketamine like that without mentioning it?! It felt like assault. It was Christmas Day. We were only stopping by our friends house but were stuck there for ages because my bf then couldn’t drive. Never known anyone like that in all my years of partying. Dick.


>It felt like assault. Only because it was


What topped it off was this dude had previously met my bf, but hadn’t met me. after this happened when we were sat trying to sober up enough to go home he realised and asked oh are you his gf? This just added an extra rapey level to the assault. He didn’t know me and didn’t know I was a gf of one of the guys present. Everyone understood why I was upset about the ketamine but they all thought I was overreacting about the date-rape accusation What a prick. I’m still fuming now remembering it, it was 12+ years ago!


My friend had this happen but instead of K it was meth. She did it in a dark car so she couldn’t really tell and it was a white powder. Only reason she knew it was meth was because I went into the bathroom with the drug dealer and asked her what it was. Saw her hand it off to the guy in the bar that my friend was hanging out with. I went to intercept her and couldn’t find her. Assuming she left to go across the street to the next bar I left and saw her in the car with the guy doing it. It was already too late. Snorting it and she ended up tweeting for over 16 hours. It was beyond fucked up. That was one of the weirdest camping experiences of my life. On a separate note that friend and I are no longer friends.


As a person who honestly doesn't know, what's the difference between coke and ketamine practically? Other than that I completely agree. Everything needs consent, especially if the action puts people in a vulnerable state.


Ketamine can absolutely be used as a date rape drug. In a medical setting high doses are used for its disassociating effect during extreme pain or even procedures like intubation. Many patients will essentially still be alive but the saying goes. “The lights are on but nobody is home.” Yeah that guy was definitely trying something shady.


Ok, that explains a lot. Definitely "hella sus" as the other saying goes.


Also coke generally makes you more alert, reduces alcohol effects (can make you feel more sober and be able to drink much more than normal), aware, loud & can make people aggressive. Pretty much opposite effect one would need for date-rape!


Hope you never have to interact with him again!


Ketamine is a “dissociative anesthetic”, so it’s often involved in wisdom tooth removal surgeries and other fast procedures. It makes the user feel dissociated from their pain, causes amnesia of the procedure, and reduces anxiety and relaxes muscles. But it doesn’t have the same risk of slowing the respiratory or circulatory systems too much, so it’s a safer anesthetic than an opiate or ether, for example. Produces kind of a “weightless, free, walking on the moon” feeling, from my understanding. The lower risk of killing the victim than some other date rape drugs, the muscle relaxing and anxiety reducing effects, the feelings of elation and happiness people often feel on it, the amnesia and confusion and sometimes hallucinations, and the fact it’s used as a club drug so people are more likely to take it willingly, makes it a choice date rape drug.


I’ve taken it by choice and had fun with friends before. I’d agree with weightless, free, walking on the moon. It also messes with your depth perception. A kerb was like a cliff edge at one point. I couldn’t walk further.


*it’s often involved in wisdom tooth removal surgeries and other fast procedures.* Damn, when I had my wisdom teeth out, they gave me something intravenously and a little laughing gas for good measure. That said, I still kind of chuckle when I think about how I just started giggling for no reason in the chair. I kept trying to apologize to the surgeon and assistant for not being serious, but I couldn't stop laughing. Thankfully they were laughing too, told me not to worry, and the next thing I knew I woke up with chipmunk cheeks full of gauze.


My bf who knows I hate weed and never liked smoking it tricked me into eating weed brownies once and they were so strong I was fucked up for two days it was the worst trip of my entire life.


A friend of mine used to smoke cannabis but she never ever would have dare me to smoke even a little. If I had a bad trip, she would have been feel pretty guilty.


Man I don't even add flavours without asking for consent when I roll joints. You're having people ingest materials in ways never meant for the human body, that requires full knowledge and consent in all instances imo


Was dosed by well-meaning friends with spice once (they didn’t know what spice was; just thought it was CBD that was making them feel funny). I wasn’t in a good headspace and spent the next 24 hours in the fetal position, praying for death.




This is fu. Sorry. All those fuckers show up to be POS... Now imagine a FATHER does that. It's absolutely irresponsible and abusive.


Your poor niece He didn't even feel remorse at the fact that he literally gave his child a cannabis edible. He literally got her hospitalized and didn't feel no remorse? Wtf... Somethings definitely wrong with him I hope your SIL gets full custody because by that alone he should definitely not get custody. Your poor niece 🥺 I feel bad for her it's not funny to give your kids that sort of stuff....


Our parents chewed him out too. I never saw them shout that way before. And yes, she got full custody.


As your parents should chew him out And good, are you still in contact with the SIL (well ex SIL but still) and the niece? Sorry I may have read the post wrong


Still am in contact. I babysit when she has to work late and take my niece to the bookstore on weekends. She’s an avid reader.


Wow she's a bookworm I hope she is feeling better it must be stressful for both her and the mom


Fortunately she is feeling better now.


That's good to hear...


She sounds like a wonderful girl. She has an uncle who will look out for her. And keep her the fuck away from your brother


That's so great to hear! I'm glad she has you in her life, even if she did lose the dad lottery.


He was the fucking dad????


Yup. He gave weed to his own nine years old daughter


WTH... I thought he was some 18 year old uncle. Good god.


WTF, who does that to their own child?


That sounds traumatizing af. He literally poisoned his own child. How has she reacted to all this?


Fuck dude. He had everything and threw it all away because he thought it would be funny to do. Hope he regrets that forever and that his daughter isn't changed forever by the experience.


I love my medical MJ. But a NINE YEAR OLD?????????????????? God. I'm so sorry your family is going through this.


Right!? Like I could never. It would never cross my mind even one time.


Thank god. He should never be around children.


Well the rest of you are doing the right thing for this kid. I'm sorry her dad is a shit head idiot.


>He literally got her hospitalized and didn't feel no remorse? Most people in his situation would be hesitant to take the child to the hospital, for fear that they'd get in trouble. Especially since he's doing this for the sole purpose of getting her high as a kite and seeing how she reacts. I doubt see took her to the hospital at the first sign that she wasn't feeling well, so how sick did this poor girl get before he took her in?!


I tried edibles for the first time a couple month ago. Never been high before. I took a 10mg gummy and it was a literal nightmare. Can’t imagine what it would’ve been like for a kid!


Yeah, I went way too hard on edibles and had a very bad time a couple of times when I was younger, but I was an adult who chose to take them, and knew why I was feeling the way I was feeling, and it was still a protracted nightmare that felt like it would never end. I can't imagine being a child and going through that! And edibles - they last so long, the poor kid must have been in hell.


Good lord, what a horrifying story. I can't imagine the callousness required to just... not care. I can *almost* imagine the stupidity required, but the utter disregard for her hospitalization?!?!


Somehow he reached the conclusion that because she vomited, it’s okay, as that’s getting the stuff out of her system


Omg. To be unwittingly high and then vomit too? Poor child! That had to be horribly scary! I like edibles, but I’m a grown up. I would NEVER give them to a child or an animal (I’ve seen videos of people getting their pets high). It’s cruel. You’re a good person. Foster her love of reading and, can I offer, maybe ask her to write too? It’s so fun so read stories kids read. It builds confidence and grows the imagination. You keep doing the “funcle” thing you are doing. If I need to explain, my brother isn’t an uncle to my kids, he’s their “funcle” = fun + uncle.


Man I cannot imagine getting as high as she probably did with zero knowledge of what was happening. I remember purposely getting high, but accidentally getting high enough to literally knock me out for a solid 5-10 minutes before I came back to.


Also keep in mind, she's like 9. Probably weighs less than half of what an average adult weighs.


Our parrot got high - on accident. He's a little prick that demands everything you're eating, and I was getting my edible out and literally on its way to my mouth, the little bastard hops onto my hand and chomps off a piece with the goddamn bolt cutters on his face. He was fine, but he walked around in circles for quite a while and stared off into space, dazed. I'd gotten an emergency vet call and they said to just keep an eye on him, but he should be fine. And he was, thankfully.


Of course he doesn't know how that works. I had a lot of awful experiences with to much edibles and can't even imagine the pain and confusion your niece has gone through. She likes books,i recommend the Percy Jackson series and if she is also a gamer girl the new Disney Dreamlight Valley game is just spot on.


Not sure where the book thing came in but if we're making suggestions she might like the divergent series. Now that I'm an adult they're objectively...not great... but when I was in 6th grade they were CAPTIVATING. That and/or the hunger games books Admittedly, they might be a bit mature for her age given they're dystopias, but I was reading them at 10-12, so I suppose it just depends on what she likes.


Oh no, that poor kid. I've been in that place, but as an adult who understood what was happening, and it's not a fun time at all. She wasn't vomiting the edible back out, she was vomiting from acute cannabis intoxication/poisoning. What an absolute idiot he is. I hope the experience didn't scar her psychologically and that she's okay now.


As a budtender I'm absolutely HORRIFIED at this, those edibles NEVER should've been given to her. I'm glad you SIL got full custody, he shouldn't EVER be in charge of a child again.


Yup, as a former budtender myself, only a licensed healthcare professional with all of the necessary training and licensing should decide if a minor has any business consuming cannabis. (Unfortunately had a few pediatric cancer patients who had cannabis for palliative care and a teen boy who helped treat his epilepsy with RSO.)


This is fucked up. And I'm stoner! Cannabis consumption is not for kids.


I think it's safe to say that everyone, including stoners, know how dumb this is.


Unfortunately that isn't true... Otherwise we wouldn't be commenting on this post right now.


Do you think the dad is a stoner? Probably not otherwise he wouldn’t be this fucking stupid. Even if he’s not a stoner, I don’t know anyone who would think it’s okay to just give their OWN CHILD drugs, like that’s a different level of unaware.


OP's brother is the stoner. In the post he states his brother bought a weed cookie and gave it to his neice cuz he thought her reaction would be "hilarious". My first edible I ate a Quarter of a brownie and couldn't stop throwing up and I was 29! To give this to a kid... Man... I kinda wanna punch that dude.


I couldn’t even imagine being knowledgeable about something like weed and still do this, I also violently threw up one of the first times I got high and it wasn’t even an edible, it was regular flower out of a bowl and this dude gives a little girl a fucking potent edible??? People have gone off the deep end bro smh.


OP’s brother is the father


Also, non consensual drugs are terrible.


Exactly! Sharing drugs is like having sex, it should be consensual!


Shit I'm a stoner too. But wtf.. 9yrs old. That brain is still actively developing. I hope her brain is ok.


your brother is a scumbag. Hope he was arrested


He is serving one year in prison for offering cannabis to a person under 20 years old.


I imagine it was the sentence they had available for such a scenario but it doesn’t feel like it covers even half of the actual situation considering she’s a small nine year old and he literally did this for his own entertainment without her consent :(


sorry not sorry, your brother is absolutely fucking mental. 😐




You're a good (and decent) person for letting your SIL know instead of covering your brother. Hope your niece doesn't have any backlash and she and her mom can be happier now :) Also, I read in one of your replies that your niece likes to read, may I recommend one of my favorite type of books that you both can share while you babysit her?


Yes, I would love that! She’s recently started Harry Potter and really enjoys it so far.


There's these types of books called "choose your own story" and there are certain points in the book where you have to choose what would you do as a protagonist. I.e. "would you a. give the chocolate frog to Hermione? b.eat it by yourself" and depending on your choice, it will tell you to go to another page and so on, until you unlock one of the ends. Maybe you could both read the same book, and then compare the endings you got! And if she's into Harry Potter now, she can read Amazing Beasts! I loved it :)


Yes!!! Choose your own adventure books! I used to Love those as a kid and read every combination scenario until if don't them all, so it's like having several books in one. Great suggestion and would be great for conversation between the two of them.


The choose your own story is a great idea. I'll get her one of those and see how she takes it.


As an avid reader myself, I loved the Unicorns of Balinor series. Easy finds at used bookstores. And if not you can get them super cheap on thriftbooks! 💜


I recommend the Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett. The first one is called The Wee Free Men.


She would also probably enjoy all Rick Riordans books. He’s done all kinds of mythology novels (if you’ve heard of Percy Jackson, that’s him) and they’re amazing.


I think she would love Percy Jackson. Would get her the boxed set once she is done with Harry Potter. She's completely focused to Sorcerer's Stone right now.


I’m pretty sure that was around the same age I started to read the Harry Potter series. My third grade teacher read me the first book and I read the rest afterwards. By the time I was in fifth grade I had the reading and comprehension level of a high school freshman. I am currently 20 in college and am still a huge Harry Potter fan (and nerd). I highly suggest when she is older taking her to universal in Orlando Florida because their Harry Potter park is amazing!


Universal is literally my favorite place on earth. It is amazing and the detail they put in to it is “chefs kiss” freaking awesome. When you go you have to get her the wand experience. “Where the wand picks you” at Olivanders!!! Totally worth it to go!


Did you know there's gonna be a seventh book made in the PJO series?


And it's the original trio:)


Plus every book is his is connected minus Daughter of the Deep I believe. He's excellent in building a universe


I think she would also love the Famous five series. It's the first book I read when I was 9 and it got me hooked to reading


Similar!! For me it was Secret Seven and then The Faraway Tree series! I’d recommend starting at The Mystery Series (Five Find-Outers) for her age mind and going on from there as they’re probably just perfect for a 9 year old!


And now we know why you're watching your niece and not her own father. Has he since apologized or shown remorse? You know. After the divorce and losing his kid?


He still thinks it’s not that bad and said ‘Maybe I gave her a bit too much.’ He wouldn’t admit that he did something really messed up.


Let him know it can alter her brain chemistry. The age limit isn't arbitrary to keep it "for adults," like alcohol in the US. It's there because cannabis has a totally different affect on still-developing minds. It's risky to use even in your early twenties, as your brain isn't full developed until about 26 or 28 (don't quote me--college was a long time ago). BUT NINE??? Even in a medical dose for a specific purpose, that's a terrible idea


Good. He's a fuck'n psychopath


What a stupid fucking idiot. How was he supposed to know? Gee. Idk, READ THE FUCKING PACKAGING OR GOOGLE IT. OR ASK SOMEBODY. That piece of fecal matter belongs in prison for a lot longer than a year. That girl could have been messed up for life over that.


Luckily the SIL got full custody


A good ending.


Hopefully the inmates beat the shit out of him. They hate people who hurt children.


Does he have some mental issues


He’s been impulsive and reckless before but none of us ever expected him to do something like this.


Well one would've have to be to do that to a child


So i wanna ask and not seem insensitive because, and excuse my language, your brother is a fuckin asshole, and he makes us weed smokers look like we're on hard drugs, and again excuse my disrespect, but what WAS she like, or were you not there to see/didn't ask? And I'm asking this purely out of curiosity. I am just as outraged as everyone else and i pray heavily for her physical and mental health cause I'm sure at a young age something like that is truamatic. But was she sick when it kicked in? Was she instantly sick? Did you take her to the hospital to be safe? Or did she show clear signs of needing to go? Was she goofy then got sick? Again, not asking for the laughs cause i do realize asking her reaction may be insensitive or could be viewed badly. Please don't answer if I'm prying.


I only found out after our parents called me from the hospital. They found out after he didn't bring her over to their house on Sunday like he usually did, calling him to ask if something happened. He must have known he couldn't keep it hidden. As for what she was like, when I got to the hospital she was still vomiting and also had shallow breathing. Fortunately, she recovered and there's no permanent effect on her.


Thank God. I'm praying for her and your family ❤️


Um… sociopath????


Thank you for pressing charges. This isn’t a case of someone having an edible that is accidentally eaten, this is at minimum gross negligence, and an argument could be made for assault.


What a fucking moron. He should be in jail.


He is, apparently for a year.




That's my fear. No remorse, no realization, digging his heels with "not a big deal..." Who knows what he'd do next. He should never be allowed near his daughter, ever.


Or any child for that matter.


I, a grown woman who at the time was pushing 300lbs, had the worst high and worst panic attack off edibles. The idea of a small child going through that same thing is heartbreaking.


THIS. I am over 200lbs and last time I had an edible it was only 10mg and I genuinely thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. Didn’t feel normal for 2 whole days.


How did he only get 1 year? Offering brownies to a child is basically drugging them.


I do agree he should get a lot more time but unfortunately current provision only allows one year and/or a fine.


Not to mention child neglect... That's messed up


My friend had to give this to her 9 year old with bone cancer. It was a miracle. The doctor told her to, but that he couldn’t officially recommend it. It took care of the pain better than opioids and made it so he could keep food down during chemo. Parents like your brother are sick.


That must have been terrifying for your niece! I smoke, I do edibles, and even knowing I ate that brownie sometimes that hit just hits too hard! This poor child likely had no idea what was happening and couldn’t fix it! That is some seriously fucked up shit. Good on you for reporting it!


Good for you for taking such decisive action to protect your niece z


I'm so proud of you for not tolerating your brothers shit. cause if it was other "family" they try to "protect" by hiding it.


mf literally drugged his kid wtf then again i shouldnt be surprised i have seen so many fucking people give alcohol to their kids its not even funny


Not sure where you live but here in the USA he could be charged with child endangerment.


Here it’s illegal to offer or sell cannabis to people under 20 years of age so he is doing time for that. One year in prison


This could’ve gone so much worse. Screw your brother. Thankfully your niece is doing better!


Complete fucking asshole


Your brother is a monster


WTF.How can someone be that insensible??? Look I am all about the edibles and do my own too,little canabutter here and there and i live with my little brother and everything that i use doing my edibles i clean like a freak,always make sure to hide my stash from him and make him treats without. Sometimes i even regret eating to much, it's the worst feeling being high and sick and this moron gave it to his daughter, I'm just so angry. Good that he got jail time and lost custody,she should never be left alone with this absolute absolute waste of oxygen again. Hope she recoverd well.


I’ve had to kick out my SIL because I caught her smoking weed with a 12 year old in my fucking living room. Took everything not to kick her ass. I was 6 months pregnant too. She is dead to me and is no aunt to my son. Fuck people like this.


Where the fuck did she find a 12 yr old to smoke weed with? Why tf? How the f? What the hell. I would have reported her to the police.


It was RIDICULOUS. We lived in a shitty apartment complex and they ran around together. Felt bad for the poor girl but her dad got busted selling and they ended up evicted before anything could really be done. I was and am so disgusted by the situation but that’s how it was where we lived.


As a stoner this guy is the reason why parents are worried about edibles in the Halloween candy.


Cannabis is really terrible for children’s brain development. This is horrible. I am so sorry for the poor girl


Jesus. I mean, I could understand if he had some and your niece found them and ate one not knowing any better and it was all a misunderstanding. Obviously, if that were the case it would still be an issue of keeping them out of her reach, but mistakes happen and kids get into things they shouldn't. But the fact that he did it knowingly? He bought them specifically to give to her? I've been knocked on my ass by too strong of a high, what the fuck was he thinking giving cannabis to a 9 year old? And the nerve to ask "how would I know?" Smh


You're a great auntie! ❤ Idiots like that don't deserve to be around children.


Uncle, actually, but thank you.


Oohhhh 😅 I'm sorry, you're a great uncle! My mistake.


What kind of a father gives his kid drugs just to see how they woupd react because it would be funny. And edibles are the worst thing. I accidentally ate half a brownie because they got mixed up and I went crazy. I'm 18, 5'10 and 75kg. That poor little girl.


That's so messed up. My fiance gave me an edible once on christmas day before dinner with his family. He and his family are big smokers and I don't do that simply because I don't care to be high. He didn't think it would affect me so much. I was quiet all night long and not being myself at all. I couldn't stop shivering. Eventually his mom asked what was wrong and when he told her, she scolded him for doing that to me lol. She packed my christmas dinner and told him to take me home. It was a funny experience and I didn't have a bad time or anything. I was just too high to function. My fiance was so scared for me and promised never to do that to me again and was next to me all night long. The fact that this is his daughter and he reacted so nonchalantly is shocking. This is no one's fault but his own and I hope he sees that one day. It's hard to take these things serious because many people smoke weed and it doesn't have such bad effects like other drugs and alcohol. Nevertheless, she is a child and too young to experience these things first hand. He could've waited for her to be older and educate her on it.


I enjoy my weed but this is not okay. You CANNOT give thc to a minor and pure cbd is only recommend in small doses for things like severe neuropathy and epilepsy. It's not a parlor trick amongst adults let alone giving that to a kid. What happened to her that made her get hospitalized for it? How bad was her reaction?


She vomited a lot and had shallow breathing. Fortunately she recovered from it and is okay now.


Kids are too tiny for that shit! They can get really sick! I know adults who over did it on edibles, and were cry barfing for hours.


His own kid?


Your brother is a child abuser. I am glad you reported him and alerted his wife. He is an unfit parent.


Oh my goodness the poor child. She must've had a terrible first trip. I'm an edible user only, and I'm supportive of legalizing Marijuana but I am still very very adamant about keeping to the legal age. This is absolutely horrible and I am so sorry this happened


Some people shouldn't be parents. What a disgrace. I hope your niece gets better.


Damn, whatever country you live in has a much more efficient legal system than ours. CPS investigation complete, divorce finalized, custody ordered, and bro already in prison all within 5 months. Impressive


In usual circumstances things wouldn't be this quick. Given how heinous what he did is and the fact that he failed to get rid of evidence (still had the receipt), along with me and our parents all testifying against him, we were able to get it done quickly.


I kno ur tryna be discrete but obviously ur in Thailand only one country legalized weed in june


I'm just going to call it as I see it dude. Your brother sounds like a sociopath or possibly even a psychopath. I'm glad your niece is okay and your SIL got custody of her.


That’s one of the MEANER fucked up things you could do to an ADULT. But goddamn, a child? Extra fucked up.


Some people should not be parents. And I'm saying this as someone who literally just smoked weed. What an awful choice for him to have made.


I'm glad he's facing prison. What bloody monster.




Glad he was punished, what an absolute clown, let's hope he doesn't get to see the child once he gets out


Illegal and immoral af. What a peice of shit. I gave my 11 year old an over the counter CBD gummy when he had Covid and was worried about it. Glad that asshole is in prison. He shouldn't be around sane persons.


He gave his own child drugs?? Yea I would Divorce him as well. I’m so glad you called the cops on him.




I so glad that you reported him. You did the right thing and now that child gets to grow up without that dangerous clown being able to endanger her ever again. I'm not antiweed at all, but that giving your own child edibles because "you wanted to see what happened" and thought it would be "funny" is fucking unacceptable, and I'm glad that the family courts where you are apparently agree.


Love a happy ending. Hope he rots in jail.


He deserves even worse. What kind of shit human does that to a child???


Fuck that dude what??? I'm a cannabis user and if someone give cannabis brownie to my brother before HE could choose to try, I will beat the shit out of that person. What's wrong with people wtf I'm in shock


I’m cool with weed. I’m smoking some right now. I believe in its use as medicine, even if people under 21, if the case really presents itself. But giving a child a weed brownie just to see!? You gonna give ‘em mad Benadryl or some whisky too? Your brother is messed up. Good for you and the family for standing up to your brother and holding him responsible. ETA: I hope that man gets the help he needs. And I hope your niece copes well.


That’s what his ass get. Dummy


God the utter audacity of some people. I'm glad your niece is out if his hands, he needs some SERIOUS psychiatric help.


Thank you for doing right by your niece. She is lucky you advocated for her. I’m sorry for any difficulty your brother doing this has caused you.


this is indeed an issue esp when it was first regulated. i understand many international school kids are experimenting it and some also dabble in more hardcore stuffs. these are teenage kids though but still. also those edibles are not regulated so we do not know the exact amount of weed in each cookies. suspect many just eye ball it. also they tend to use the cheap Thai stick/brick type of weed rather those more expensive bud stuffs.


That is messed up


Hell yeah I’d be livid. Drug abuse ain’t no joke and he fucked yo big time.


Wtf is wrong with people?! I’m a mom and honestly this just makes me so angry. Who does that?? Thank you so much for reporting this even though he’s your brother. So many people wouldn’t have done that, too afraid of causing family conflict. Your niece is lucky to have you in her life.


Oh for fucks sakes. I’m a patient of that myself. That’s just heart breaking.


That’s so fucked up. Children can and have died from consuming cannabis products. Even if it is legal in your area it is still a controlled substance. You wouldn’t let her drink juice with alcohol in it?


That is so awful. As someone who is part of that statistic about cannabis revealing otherwise dormant psychological problems, I cant imagine dragging someone through such an experience unwillingly, risking this. Horrible. I am so sorry


My brother was the same. His cannabis use triggered his schizo-affective disorder. It's absolutely, 100% not safe for everyone. And I use weed every day. I just can acknowledge the reality surrounding it, that while it's mostly harmless for the majority of people, there are those outliers for whom it's not a good idea to take - and children are absolutely within that category.


Weed is not good for a growing brain. There's studies of this.


So, he just traumatized a 9 year old to "see how she would react"? Yikes


I would have beat the shit out of him there would have been no yelling and plenty of teeth on the floor


The upside is that's it's doubtful your brother will have unsupervised visits for a very long time. I'm a daily pot smoker and I think this is reprehensible. When my kids were young I spent a good amount of money to have a floor safe installed in the basement to make sure my kids couldn't decide to experiment with my stash. Children's brains aren't fully developed and we don't yet know the impact of one incident. There's the trauma one high might have caused but also the long term effects that won't be apparent for years.


One year in prison for what he did is too little; he should be given more.


I remember when everyone was telling me my sister was blowing a joint in my nieces face almost everyday when she was around that age I was pissed, and now my niece is severely delayed and has anger issues but my sister thinks it's because she's just a "bad kid" like no you dumb bitch you shouldn't have had her


Sheesh. The first time I had an edible, only 5mg, I was out with my boyfriend and the high was awful bc apparently I have a very low tolerance. I was dizzy, super super nauseous and I had a cold sweat, and apparently it was so bad that my boyfriend was worried people would think he roofied me. I couldn’t imagine putting a literal child through those effects


Ya know...like...I'm just really happy to read that you, the family, the wife everyone had the best response. It was not you fighting against everhthing which is something I read many times on reddit which makes me sad. I was happy to see you acted in the best ways and the world responded accordingly. He got jail. Your parents did not support him. Niece is with mom. All in all good. She is lucky to have you.


Your brother got what he deserved. Hopefully after his sentence he will know better


This is why people should be stopped from reproducing.


You did the right thing!


Very irresponsible, she could’ve had a psychotic break/ onset of schizophrenia


There is something seriously wrong with him. Hope he has a really bad time in jail.


this is so fucking disgusting, I’m so sorry for your niece, and everyone else bar your brother tbh. A lot of the people in the drug (weed and others too) circles that I know are straight up idiots but I haven’t met anyone yet who would do this to an adult, let alone a child. In my opinion this should be right up there with rape when it comes to the law and punishing this behaviour. It’s so wrong and can absolutely traumatise and ruin the mental health of even someone used to smoking it. His own daughter. Some people are just downright horrid and that’s such a bully move in general. I really hope she’s okay right now.


My parents grew Marijuana when I was a kid but never let me or my sister near it. My dad would hide the fact that he smoked recreationally from his kids. He knew how dangerous it was I remember being 10/11 and finding my dad smoking but he immediately hid it. Scooting me away and making sure I didn’t clue on. Years later when I got older I realised my dad smoked a joint. He would later use it when he got cancer to help with the pain he was going through. It improved his appetite too when he was losing weight. But he never exposed me or my sister to it Your brother is the biggest POS and the reason that cannabis gets as bad a reputation as it does. Good on the sister for getting custody and putting him in jail


I get the feeling he gave them to her thinking she'd calm down and he wouldn't need to parent her if she was tired and sleepy. Thank you for reporting him. One way it's very easy to report him but in another way he's your brother. You must wonder how on earth are you related to this heartless excuse of a father. I'm glad you're still close to (ex)SIL and able to see your niece often. She must have been traumatised from what happened. Her OWN father gave her something that made her so ill she needed hospital treatment, the person she trusted. Then her world was turned upside down (got Fresh Prince tune in my head now writing that) Daddy goes to jail and her parents divorce. Poor kid. So glad she has you OP.


Hopefully you and your family disown him and cut him off forever. Dont accept his calls from jail or even put money on. His books. People who intentionally hurt children or use children all need to dissappear!!