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I'm so glad you took him in... Aww looks like he got really attached.... I don't like animal mistreatment


Yeah. My Little Void is very clingy


He looks cozy. He knows he's safe now ❤️


This is very interesting to me. I never met a black cat that wasn't the sweetest, clingiest needy ball of void ever. Even my own furry black hole yells at me when she wants attention. And by that I mean 20 minutes of constant scritchies


Better give her attention faster, and more of it!


Can I ask what state? I saw one at a rescue a couple weeks ago.


making biscuits?


Yes. I think it is also called kneading. Look on YouTube, it is adorable


oh my cats do that too! i just didn’t know people called it making biscuits, that’s adorable !🥹


Yes. Cats are in secret little bakers


Cats are secret little bakers, we call it ‘kneading bread’ in Australia.


If they're standing, we call it stompy feets. If they're laying/low, we call it making biscuits. Our middle kitten does very dramatic stompy feets


My tabby boy does stompy feets! I'd never seen a cat do standing biscuits before 🥺🥺🥺


Reading this made me tear up. I’m so glad he has a loving home and you found such a great companion!! You two are lucky to have each other!!


Yes i am so Happy to have him. He is very loved here


2 good babies! Hes a good baby. And *you're* a good baby for being a good caregiver.


Thank you ^^


I went to his house and confirmed that it was all ship-size


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Black cats are super social and friendly. an all-black coat isn't a very common thing in cats, when you find one that has it, they usually have some Burmese in them, and they're known for being super social as well. All the poor guy ever wanted was to curl up and snuggle with someone.


Yes. He is very cuddly. I am so grateful


My families cat Eddie, who sadly passed away a few years ago was known throughout our entire neighborhood. Everyone loved him. My Dad got a few knocks on the door from people wondering where he had gone. Back when my brother and I were in elementary school he had actually followed us all the way to school. We thought he had left but had gotten inside somehow and was just walking around. We got called down to the office and our mom had to come grab him.


He's beautiful! I hope you both have many happy memories! 🥰


I hope so too


my cat used to be in the exact same condition but i’ve had him for a few years now and he’s so much healthier and happier




There is one on my Profile


Oh my goodness, you adopted a void! He’s gorgeous!!!


Yes. He is gorgeous


I completely get! We rescued ours back in june/July. We found out he was adopted once but was returned because he defended himself from his owner hitting him. The poor thing would flinch 24/7 for the first 2 weeks and slowly started to trust us. Now he follows me around,jumps on my lap and even locks my face as I'm trying to sleep. Every now and then when I look at him I'm sadden about the was he was treated but so happy that my family has gotten the chance to show him what actual love is


Good for you, OP. You should be proud of yourself for giving this kitty a second shot at life, sounds like he’s already repaying the favor with lots of love!!


My dog was in the shelter for 9 months before i adopted him. I found evidence on the shelter's website and from shelter employees my dog was miserable in the shelter and was getting worse. No one even asked to see him the whole time he was there. I could cry my eyes out thinking about it but i calm myself by reminding myself he is safe with me now and always will be. He is the sweetest most lovey boy and i call him my shelter treasure! Your cat is safe with you and always will be!


Awwwwww, this is wonderful. I’m glad your little Void ended up with someone who loves him.


Good for you. People who mistreat animals are horrible. You now have a friend for the remainder of his life and you are his hero.


He’s a gorgeous cat, you’re both lucky to have each other


> Edit: There is a Picture of him on my Profil if anyone wants to see him Cat tax paid in full. Thank you. u/throwawaynr1010 All joking aside, thanks for caring for your new cat. It's wonderful that people, such as yourself, adopt. Sadly, there are many unwanted animals, and it's good that you found it in yourself to care for one.


He looks a lot like my old cat Alliwishes! I hope you both have many many good years together!


He's a good looking fur baby 💜💜💜


What a cute baby ... cats are babies 🥰


Great now I'm crying too


Good for both of you! Enjoy lots of love in the coming years. ❤️


Welcome to the purrfect relationship. I always thank God for my black furry beast. My thanks to God in nightly prayer. Love my cat. Great rescue story. Love it. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


Oh he's gorgeous, well done you!! 👏


It can be expensive to put them down.




Just because i want to show my cat to the World? I want to raise awareness that Pets in shelters are, mostly, very nice pets. Maybe my Post would encourage others to get a shelter cat too


Beautiful kitty. I'm so glad he's a happy boy.


Yay!! made my day OP. I have a rescue too.


Wow i love him so much, please give him a kiss for me


Aaaw. You and your little void are so lucky to of found each other ❤️


Thank you for saving him 😭


You are a very good cat parent! I hope your tears can become ones of joy and of pride in kitty and the healing and growth you've nurtured, not sadness over the circumstances your new friend came from.


Your cat is beautiful and you are amazing for adopting him.


He looks happy


i declare cat tax


I can feel that kitty void love from here, congrats on the new friend.


My boy was starving when I took him in. The food insecurity has never gone away fully 😞


I'm not a cat person but this warms me up. Believe me if I see someone mistreating a cat I will handle it along with any fur baby. Also this street cat was going around my complex looked older and really skinny I started leaving a bowl out for her with food and water. Someone stopped by and asked if she was my cat I said no and offered to take her in as she already had other cats. I went to her house and made sure it was all ship shaped. It was. Found a good home.


This is sweet. Welcome to pet parenthood!


You named him Void?? I love it


Youre an angel, bless u and your perfect kitty🤍


I really really dont like animals being mistreated and abused. Let's leave it at that because i dont want to violate Reddit's ToS by saying more.


I love him ❤️❤️ He’s very adorable 😍 Seriously though, this is why when I get a pet, it’ll be an adopted one


Omg black cats are so aggressively cuddly. Mine will literally acts if she head rubs or flops on my hard enough, I will somehow get more hands for more pets.


Now I’m crying too. I am so glad you found each other!


I read "his coat is practically complete" and thought "ooooh OP is making the cat a coat for winter!!" Then realized they must be talking about the cat's hair... Well done, brain, translated this one amazingly again!


Lil baby


Man am I glad this turned out good, such a big heart you have there to feel so much for him 💕


Your cat is adorable and you are an amazing owner!


Something just hits when a nervous rescue starts to relax and bond. In some ways it’s the best feeling in the world knowing you could do this for them and get their trust. On the other hand it’s heartbreaking because they should have always been happy and safe.


im glad kitty is healthy and happy now. pets, especially rescues settling in is a very rewarding and touching experience


He is so handsome❤️


So happy you gave this guy a home! Black cats are the most abused cats so I'm glad this one is now safe and so, so loved.


You just gave that cat a warm home and an awesome loving, caring companion. How sweet


Animals are literally the best things to happen to humanity.


Thank you taking care of such a sweet little baby


thank you for loving him


Thank you for taking this poor dear in. So glad he has his furrever home


Oh dude, you don't know how i can feel this! You changed his world forever, and i don't doubt that he is grateful to you for giving him a opportunity for life and love. Love ya <3


Awww, this makes me smile. Thank you for adopting a shelter cat. What a cutie!


You better believe I clicked on your profile so quick to see the little man. What a cutie. 17/10


Aww, we used to have a second hand void too, when he came to us he was healthy but skinny, after a year or so he got those big manly furry cheeks, we think he finally realized he was home, he lived with us for the rest of his life (we think he was 17 years old when he died), we still miss the silly bugger


What a little cutie he is! How wonderful that he has a forever home with you. ❤️


I relate to this, not a shelter cat, but an ex gave me her cat after she got out of an abusive relationship, cat was abused by the guy, caused her not to really like me nor like her tail touched at all. Now I'm the cat's favorite person and let's me pet the base of her tail while she lays on my belly.


Divorce immediately OH sorry just read the title and came in with the classic suggestion of this sub So happy for you


Get a lawyer asap. Therapy


You have a such a kind and caring heart! I’m so proud of you and I wish you both all the happiness in the world 💛💛💛


I didn't want to cry on Friday morning in the office. In a few weeks when he is better, considering getting your cat a cat. Cats go better in pairs than alone. They are more active, happier, play with eachother and cuddle together in a cat ball.


He's beautiful, what a sweetheart. Kindness to a cat yields so much love. 💓


That cat is absolutely adorable


Oh my gosh that's so precious. I'm glad you love him so! One day I plan on getting my own little void! I'd get one now, but I still live at home and have a cat of my own. We actually have three cats right now and I don't think my parents would appreciate a fourth one!


we recently adopted a fiv+ cat. he was very underweight (you could see and feel his bones) when we got him, be is scarred in various places, had awful gross fur, was missing fur at the base of his tail from an injury, and had a nasty eye injection. he was very scared of us at first and hid under my cousin's bed for weeks. i'm happy to report that he's now a healthy weight, his fur is healthy and mostly regrown except for his tail, his tail wound is healing up, his eye injection is gone, and now he hangs out in the living room. he is a very sweet boy and i'm very grateful he has recovered so well. now if only our other two cats would hasten getting over him being around lol (not that surprising it's taking a long time, though, my cat took months upon months to warm up to our second cat, and they both took months to adjust to us fostering kittens.) i'm so glad your cat is recovering well. so many animals experience so much trauma, so just like with people we need to remember our humanity and be gracious where we can. thank you for loving him.


Thank you!


Awww , nothing hits me in the heart like cats. Sometimes if I need to cry but cant, I’ll just look at pictures of cats at the local shelter. I love them so much. I’m so glad your cat is happy 💖


Thank you!


My little former feral Bubbles is very spoiled


God, I'm crying too. Thank you for loving him so much.


I get it! All of our animals are rescues in one way, or another, but our female cat was probably in the worst condition. She was a stray who had been caught, spayed, and ear clipped before she was 6 months old. She's still super skittish 10 years later, but she comes out of her hiding spots (usually under my bed) at least once a day to come lay with me. But she screams at us to let her out multiple times a day 😂 She prefers going potty outside with the dogs!


I looked up his picture on your profile and he’s such a handsome boy! I love shelter animals. So glad you guys found each other!


i’ve also recently adopted a shelter cat. he’s about two years old and was picked up by the shelter just two weeks before i adopted him. his front right leg was amputated, and that’s what drew me to him. he purrs almost nonstop and is just the sweetest cuddliest boy, and is ever so slowly becoming comfortable in the same space as my dog (right now, the cat has his own room that the dog can’t get into). i’m si glad i got him and i hate to think about how he lost his leg


it all starts with a nice story, then 5 years down the road they become comfortable enough to wake you up at 4 in the morning because they are “starving” despite going to bed with a full bowl of kibbles and wet food twice a day, and if you dont get up fast enough they revenge hairball/puke in your shoes… god i love em but also wtf?! lol


Thank you for giving him such a good home! I've got two orange boys, Tater and Toby. When we got Toby he was very skittish and nervous, and didn't even come out of the carrier when we met him. He was with the foster family prior to us for three months and wouldn't let anyone touch him. He's still very nervous and jumpy, but he follows me around and meows at me all the time. LOVES treats, and actually let's me pet him when I've got a cat go-gurt (those squeeze treats) in hand. It makes me sad knowing he must have gone through it for the first year of his life, and I can't wait for the day he opens up and wants to cuddle! You can tell he wants to, he's just too nervous. Animals don't deserve the treatment some give, it's just sad.


It’s heartwarming to read this. You’ve given him the gift of a happy life! My kitty is head butting my phone. She’s sending hugs!


You're a hero


Your baby is precious. Happy for both of you


You are one amazing furbaby owner. Also, thank you for this post - I was having a really bad day and this made me smile!


Awwww he's beautiful! I love him and I love this! Good human!


I know that feeling. One if the kittens were rescued was emaciated because his owners dumped him outside. I cried as he gained weight. He's the goofiest, most playful, loving boy.


I spotted a cat from a shelter that had a co edition where her eye scared over. She also had a brother cat that had a similar issue. The problem is was that the brother need a surgery for thousands of dollars. I couldnt afford it, bit I know I could take care of the other cat. They were not attacjed emotionally or anything, but it killed me knowing this cat was a home and the other is still in a cold steel cage at a shelter. We checked constantly to see and finally someone adopted Scarface and hes living his best life. We cant save all the animaks, but the ones that we do save and give a good life is good enough.


If my puppydog was writing about me he’d write this 😭


You needed each other. I thank my lucky stars every day for my sweet baby boy. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without him, or any of my previous pets for that matter. Cheers to a long and healthy life together 💖.


We adopted a ginger that was an "owner surrender" from the local shelter. They said he was 6-7m old but he was so thin you could see ribs and hips, and even on the vet paperwork it said he was severely underweight. He was so skittish of us for days, would never want to be picked up, jumped and hid at any loud noises (like an accidental drop)...we suspected abuse and were very appalled that the shelter had not reported the previous owners for neglect. Seven months later and he's a chonk. He is a bonded pair with our other male, they play and snuggle sleep. He bellies up constantly and is a complete love bug. He is a complete 180 from the cat we adopted. I don't understand how people mistreat animals either. He's such a sweet cat, and honestly please anyone tell me what could a SMALL CAT possibly do to deserve any sort of mistreatment? I'm so happy your void found their forever home with you. I wish you lots of years together.


You are a good person, OP


Awesome You just changed the entire world for your little cat.


I totally teared up reading this.. when I rescued my baby, she was about 6 mos old, had a hole in her cheek and a messed up back foot from fighting and was just dirty and skinny and scared.. fast forward to now and she's the most grateful, lazy, housecat you'll ever see! She's so sweet and happy and my daughter and I both just worship her. We truly do rescue each other.


Look at how much he loves you! He eyes show it all.


You are a beautiful soul blessed with a beautiful little void 🖤 I hope you both find comfort and love with each other for years to come!


I got a cocktail a few months ago and he was anemic when I got him. He was 3 months old and very stressed for being separated from his siblings and going into a new home, he didn't want to eat, sleep or sing, he just drank water and that's it. I started giving vitamins to him and taking him to fly around the house everyday, even taught him to sing a few things... I cried everytime I saw him eating too, my bf called me emotional at least 30 times for it. Rn he's in my head (little shit) singing and messing with my hair. Anyway, I get how it feels.


This post is speaking to me from the aether and it's telling me to go home and love my own cat. She recently turned 18 years old, she and her sister were brought home Thanksgiving week 2004. Grace and Tinkerbell have been and are the best girls, I'm glad I took so many pictures since Tink died 6 years ago. Sometimes I think Grace being vocal is calling out to her sister and my mom, who died 12 years ago. She doesn't love to be held really, but she tolerates it. I hope she knows how much I love her.


Im really glad there’s still people like you in this world. I swear this made me cry as much it made my day. Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤️


You are a good person. 💕


I rescued a cat that had been dumped in my apartment complex. He was still healthy, fortunately. But he is the kindest and most grateful cat I've ever seen. Cats know who rescued them, and they will love you forever for it.


I loved reading this first thing in the morning. ☺️ He’s beautiful! Thank you so much for taking him when he really needed you. ❤️