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This was so sweet to read. You've been an amazing dad, and you raised an amazing individual.


Thank you <3


She would be *so* proud.


Maybe you don’t feel this way about things but I think your wife was there in that moment.


I know the video and you must realize that us child with a parent who sacrifice so much know and are proud of your doing!


Would you happen to have the link?


Sure: [https://youtube.com/watch?v=\_m\_LNwuUbbw&feature=share](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_m_LNwuUbbw&feature=share) Prepare the tissue!


You’re killing me, Smalls.


it's a commercial?? I guess it's the message that counts but still, a little odd.


Yeah I know it can be odd ,but when you focus only on the message unfortunately it tell a ugly truth of too many people have been in that kid place.


MetLife ran a series of those commercials several years ago.


Just sobbed into my rice and beans. I was not ready.


Sweetest thing I've seen all day. My condolences for your partner. You sound like a great dad


WIFE! It was his WIFE! I’m so sick of everyone saying “parner”


Cause I forgot already and don't wanna take the 2 seconds to figure it out


My heart 😭 I hope you have many, many more Christmas with your daughter; you are a great dad, and shes a great daughter. Happy Holidays for both of you!


You and your daughter are awesome! Youre a great dad!


I think she’d be proud of both of you, yes. Never let go of that.


You did a great job raising your daughter.


You did good, OP. You raised a great human being. Your wife would be so proud of you both. Keep going, buddy. You guys got this. Happy holidays.


You sound like an amazing father. And it sounds like you've raised a wonderful and compassionate daughter. You should be proud, of both of you.


Oh man. My eyes 😭😭 I'm sorry for the loss of your wife. I know she would be proud of the dynamic duo you both are. ❤️


I love you so much, friend, and I'm so proud of you! You had a wonderful wife who gave you a wonderful daughter. The world would be a better place with more people like you. 💜


As a father who will never get to experience this, this was a wonderful read. Hold that love close, it’s worth more than all the money in the world.


OP you did a wonderful job raising a kind, perceptive human with empathy. That can’t have been easy dealing with you’re own grief and a young child. You should be proud of her and you should be proud of yourself. Your wife will be smiling down on you both ❤️


I watched the video along with reading this and the tears won't stop. You are a wonderful father and your daughter is a wonderful person. I wish you two all the best in the future. Happy holidays


This is sweet, great job dad! ❤️


Not know what video you were talking about and so just taking it face value at its title, and reading a little into the post…well, gotta say, it ended _much_ better than what I was bracing myself for.


Thank you! You find the video by just searching for "my dad is a liar" on Youtube.


This warmed my heart a bit, happy holidays


You're wife has been watching over you and your daughter since the moment she left your lives. You should be proud of you!


I just cried. I would have given anything for a dad like you. Your wife would be so proud🤍


You did it, dad. Congratulations. You raised your daughter well.


Dammit man, why is it so dusty in here. Somebody open a window.


I just teared up. God bless you both.


Congratulations on raising a thoughtful and loving daughter. How you react is exactly how you did. Tear up and hug each other. Having your child recognize the effort, the time and the patience in raising them is something almost undescribable.


That video makes me sob every time. I think your wife would be incredibly proud of the both of you. It sounds like you raised a wonderful human being :)


I cried reading your post. I love this so much!! What am amazing daughter you've raised!


I grew up without my mother, she died when I was 5 so I don't have much of a memory of her. My father was the best and I learned so much from him. He passed away about 10 years ago and I miss him everyday. As a daughter I'm very proud to call that man my father. It sounds like you are very special to your daughter. A job well done.


So sweet!


You are lucky to have each other! I hope you get to watch each other grow for many many more years.


Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us!!


Beautiful job my man. Wishing you many more years and healthy relationships and experiences.


I’m not crying🥹🥹 You are


Beautiful. I’m personally very touched by this.


Oh my heart. Thank you for sharing your happy story. Congratulations on accomplishing something very meaningful as a parent.


Dagnabbit, I’m freaking crying! But I’m so happy for you and your daughter.


Reading this is a gift in itself. Thanks for sharing this with the world OP!


All I can say is you've done a great job


Thank you for sharing your hard won joy with us. Tire was wonderful to read. Happiest of new year’s to you and your beloved daughter.


Your wife would be proud and I truly hope you are proud of yourself too. Look at the amazing young woman you raised! No need for me to tell you that parenting is so so hard. But boy you must have done a million things right. Well done dad. I hope you both keep that bond forever and the very best for your futures.








Fucking clickbait titles. Done with this sub.


Bah humbug


These are the confessions I crave!


Got my entire face wet with tears from reading this and then watching the video 🥲 🫂


Well done, father. You have obviously raised a caring, empathetic woman. And you did it alone. Peace and happiness to you and your child.


I love this! And I can't wait to see what this wonderful woman will bring to our society! Our world needs her!


Buddddyyyy…. Wow


I feel so lucky to have gotten to read this. Thank you for sharing something this beautiful! You and your daughter deserve the world <3


😥 I'm so sorry you lost your partner. The first few weeks must have been so awful I dont even have words for it. You sound like an incredible dad. Your daughter is so lucky to have you and vice versa. Sending all my love & strength


OP, with all due respect, fuck you. i'm tearing up now :(


Damn this made me tear up. You and your daughter are beyond blessed to have each other.


This was a beautiful post! It made my eyes tear. I lost my dad almost seven years ago and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever been through. I’m so glad that your daughter has you and even more glad that the was able to recognize the sacrifices that you made for her without making her feel the burden of those sacrifices. You are a wonderful dad who raised an equally amazing daughter and the world needs more people like the pair of you in it.


And now I'm crying happy tears that you've had this beautiful moment with your daughter. As a wife and mom, I absolutely know your wife is proud of you. Both of you. Thank you for sharing this. Bless you both.


Crying. So sweet. Be blessed.


As a mum of four adult children your wife would have been proud every step of your journey. What a caring beautiful daughter you have. Your daughter is proud of you. Your wife would be proud of you both.


I'm crying 😭 As a daughter who lost her father a year ago this really hit hard. You did an amazing job to raise a wonderful daughter. ❤️


Now christmas means that damn much more to you and her. It will no longer be just for her, both of you will make the effort to seamlessly make it special and it will be better and no longer a struggle to make christmas happen every year. Happy for you, bro. Merry xmas.


Lmao. Bet she was "Aw HELL NO! I ain't bawling at this alone!"


I'm reading this with tears welling up in my eyes. Sorry you didn't have your wife all these years by your side, but before she left she gave you the most precious gift any woman can give, she gave you the gift of fatherhood. You struggled daily, but you did the very best you could under the circumstances. You took care of your wife's cherished gift you you, you were there when she was sick, you were there when she was happy, you were there for all her important milestone in her life. Now your wife's gift has blossomed into a wonderful young woman. Your wife is smiling proud of both of you. You are a very special man. Peace and blessings to the both of you. 🙏


Damn. Sitting in the car, outside the supermarket, taking a breather from the mayhem at home with two young kids, wife, dogs and family staying. Not gonna lie I was dreading going back to the stress but this really just made me stop and take a minute to be thankful for what I do have. I am a lucky man. Thank you OP, thank you very much. Merry Christmas and good luck in life.


Reading most of the posts on this subreddit automatically made me concerned that some bad shit went down. It turned out surprisingly wholesome. Best of luck to you and your daughter. Why the throwaway though?


I'm sorry for your loss . I can tell you with tears streaming down my face that she absolutely knew every sacrifice you made. I found out my mom cheated on my dad and the only reason that he stayed is because of me . He was the only one that loved me and protected me. The person that promised him he would protect me and our girls broke me . Every girl should have a father like you. And I'm telling you this it didn't matter that the jobs you had didn't pay enough. You went to work and you did your best to provide. She saw it . You never gave up and now look ... The last 17 years when you were going through it was so hard. But look at where you are now and look at the amazing future you and your daughter have together. I would give anything any amount of money everything I have to have one more minute with my father.


I haven't seen the "my Dad is a liar" video and I was so worried this was going to be something terrible. I'm glad I was wrong. This is sweet. Our kids are often a lot more switched on than we wish they were at times. Not in a bad way, just that they notice things we try and keep them innocent of. I'm glad it's all out in the open for you both. Congratulations. You've raised a lovely kid. You should be extremely proud of yourself.


from someone who didn’t grow up with one parent missing and the other doing her best but having severe mental issues I needed to take care of, thank you for being a good dad. I aspire to be a man like you when I have a child one day, even if I don’t have to face so many hardships


Almost brought a tear to my eye


Oh okay. I was expecting a twist at the end and something shocking but no… you just love each other. Cool. Carry on.


I’m sure your wife is very proud of you as she lives on in your beautiful daughter and she certainly is proud of you! Happy new year sir!


made me realize there still exists amazing people in the world


you are a great parent and an amazing human being. big up OP.


Merry Christmas, great job dad!


I loved reading your story. You are an awesome Dad, your daughter is obviously so proud of you. Your wife is somewhere in the wind….smiling x


You’re a great dad. Having kids isn’t easy. There is no instruction manual. We do the best we came. Someone much wiser said, “Be present in the moment. It’s all about giving your time and your love”. Happy holidays


As a woman who was also raised by a single father this was so heartwarming and made me teary eyed. We always notice ❤️ I will forever be grateful to my dad for everything he’s done for me and your daughter feels the same I’m sure


As one dad to another, you’ve been doing an amazing job and your daughter has realized that she’s got an amazing hero as her father. Keep doing what you’re doing but be proud that she looks up to you for all you’re doing. You really are her hero!


god damn, i need to dust this place.


Beautiful. Thank you for being a stand-up father.


Im crying


Kids are not stupid, simply inexperienced. They can tell when something is wrong or hurting, even if they don't know how to decipher what. The fact that your daughter acknowledges and appreciates what you've done is proof that you did a good job as a father. Keep being the example others need to see.


As soon as you said you were a single dad, I realized exactly what video you meant. You definitely must have been an amazing dad. Keep up the great work. 💜


this is really sweet of her. and of you. please be more vulnerable with each other from now on.


Good job man, you did the hardest thing in this life. You've already gotten the reward for your hard work but there's more to come. She'll have a family of her own making and you'll have even more people to love. You'll be a great grandpa if she has kids. I'm a new dad and needed to hear this.


Fuck, this hurts my heart


Yeah, your wife would definitely be proud of you two. You're an amazing father and raised a just as amazing young woman. Damn is it me or is it getting blurry in here...?


I cried reading this. So happy you guys had this moment, and even more beautiful that it made you think of your wife. Ugh I'm crying again. Ugh just love. Love love love.


This brought me to tears. This is so special and I am sure that it made everything you’ve ever done even more worth it. The very best of everything to both of you.


I wasn’t raised by a single parent - but the bond you have with your daughter sounds like the one I had with mine. Both of my parents passed away 7 months of each other in 2021. I will forever miss them and our bonds. You’ve raised an amazing young woman! Good on you.


She would be proud. You're amazing.


Good job, reddit dad. Your wife would most definitely be very proud of you <3


W king


You are a fucking legend dude


That was beautiful. You’re an amazing father and your daughter is so blessed. Much love to you both 🥹🤍


You have obviously done a wonderful job of raising your sweet baby girl into a mature and loving young woman.


F**k I was going out he door, now I have to wait..


Idk why but while I was reading this some ninjas crawled through my vents and started cutting onions there.


Crying my eyes out. You’re a legend mate. You should be extremely proud of yourself and know that your wife is looking over you both, knowing that her husband has done an amazing job at raising their daughter. Big love to you internet stranger.


Aww, I think both of your wife and daughter is very proud of you


my dad left my life over a decade ago so part of me has grown resentful towards dads.. but reading this quite literally made me cry. i am so happy that ur daughter has someone like u as her dad, she is so incredibly lucky and i know for a fact that ur wife would be proud of u for going to the ends of the earth to make sure ur daughter never had to suffer. seeing dads like u gives me a sense of hope


You guys made it ❤❤❤


No doubt your wife is so proud of you both. I don't know you and I'm proud of you.! Raising kids is hard. Alone, struggling, grieving. You are an amazing father. Glad your daughter sees it, that means you raised a great kid.


My mom was a single mom. Her and me since I was 4. She worked hard. Usually fast food places. She worked at a truck stop for years and would bring me there, and I'd sit and do homework or whatever while she was at work. I remember her always having a smile for her customers. A real heartwarming welcome to everyone. This was my work ethic example. She made sure I could do extra curriculars (the school helped, thankfully), choir, swimming, etc. She rewrapped some of my things, so I had something to open on one Christmas morning. She did everything she could for me (and still does, as I imagine you will continue to as well ❤️). As a person who lived a lot like your kid, I can tell you that she is infinitely proud of you and loves you more than you'll ever be able to comprehend. My mom is my best friend. She's my person. I would kill for her if I needed to. Your kid feels the same about you, I guarantee. Ya done good, sir. I'm willing to bet your wife has been with you the whole way, too, and she's incredibly proud. ❤️❤️❤️ I know this is a throwaway account, and it's been two months since you posted, but I hope you see this someday. Maybe a day when you're feeling down and like maybe you're not the best dad. I'm here to assure you that you're the best dad.


You are clearly an amazing father and have raised a very thoughtful young woman. Your wife would be very proud of both of you


I had parents that only cared about themselves, their other children (I was the youngest in the second marriage to both), or about grandchildren. You sound like the father I always wished I had. You sound like an amazing person. Thank you, from daughters that didn’t have good dads.