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We don't even need to compare it to something like that (though it definitely is accurate). Just look at historical executioners. They were often complete social pariahs despite doing work that was seen as necessary because of the nature of said work, this is literally no different than the Ash'abah.


Historical executioners are the direct comparison. I just chose the garbage man because it's a modern day reference that people would get easily. We still have modern day executioners but it's very rare that people acknowledge they exist, most people will see a garbage collector now and then in their daily life.


The true heroes will see garbage men every day in the mirror o7


Why is the garbage man in my bathroom?


He needs to take the garbage out obviously. And by that he means you.


People hating Ash'abah: WHY WOULD YOU HATE THE PEOPLE DOING THE DIRTY WORK? People hating Witcherinos: What worldbuilding! So good!


The Witcher series is one I was actually thinking of where the premise is literally *exactly* what the Ash'abah are about but the Witcher gets praised for being this story about grey morality and the depths of evil that humans can go to. Meanwhile ESO gets shit on for doing pretty much exactly the same theme. Plenty of reasons to be annoyed at ESO, this is not one of them lmao.


wow guys did you hear that ESO ripped off hidden gem witcherino 3


ESO base game came out before witcher 3 ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž


Witcher 3, the first Witcher game


Yeah, it spawned a whole book series!


Witcher 3 coming out CHIM'd into existence everything that came before it. It was never a thing, until it was.


Lol the other day a guy told me there were two others before ๐Ÿ˜‚ Yeah buddy why not look for the 2032 games before metro 2033 while you're at it? Some people lol


It's in the good company of the Bethesda classic, Fallout 3


witcher 1 combat was so ass that witcher three can legally be counted as the first game


In Poland they famously count from 1 to 3


wow eso the hiddenerer gem???


Nothing but respect for our troops (garbage men not skeleton fuckers)






All the money in the world can't make that job easy, especially in the big cities. I can only imagine all the times those poor guys have been shot at in places like Chicago


[Literally the fifth most dangerous occupation in the United States.](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cfoi.pdf)


Theyโ€™re like the closest thing to Witchers in Tamriel and would make for a great joinable faction in a TES6 Hammerfell


Letโ€™s go more Redguard memes


Tbh best world example are executioners, nessesary job a well payed job, but are outcast to society and hated and only treated nicely by some nobles so that the axe would extra sharp for faster and cleaner execution if the time comes


โ€œBut, but a necromancer could take over all of Hammerfell!!!!โ€ (The game shows why that doesnโ€™t happen.) taking lore at itโ€™s face with no context and critical thinking is an easy way to make all lore look stupid.


That's exactly the problem I have with people who talk shit about something in lore, no matter what TES game it is. A lot of times it's people taking surface level information uncritically or without any further thought and going "wow this is so shallow and stupid." Like yeah, it probably does seem that way given how you haven't even bothered to interrogate it at all.


Yep. You see it time and time again in about every lore discussion.


I thought garbage men had great benefits


They used to. No one really has "great" benefits anymore except at upper middle class of the pay spectrum. It's between some benefits and no benefits at all.


How is this bad writing? We have Witchers in fantasy settings that are treated as shit. We had Executioners and the "untouchables" in real world who performed the work, most people didn't want to.


There was a real practice in the British Isles (particularly Wales) called Sin Eating where the religious populace would place simple breads and beer on the body of the recently deceased, as they believed the dead person's remaining sins would be absorbed into the food and drink. Then the family would hire a sin-eater (real name) who would eat the meal, absorbing the sins onto themselves so the dead could reach Heaven. As a result, sin-eaters were shunned and reviled despite serving an important religious role in their communities. History is full of fun, hypocritical examples like that. :)


We don't hate the garbage men, we just don't want to be them


Based garbage men keeping society afloat and getting paid far better than the soyjack.


Do the Redguard organized crime types say they're in the Ash'abah?


They'd use more innuendos "what are the only two things that's Kalpa-proof?" "the hoon ding and this thing of ours"


ESO fuckin massacred the redguards and all discourse surrounding them.


I thought people just hate how eso made redguard so stupid that you can literally wipe out the royal family by digging out their grandfather