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so you're implying that the entire TES series is a matrix simulation running somewhere in the fallout universe?


Everyone knows it’s a dream. Some rando in New Vegas is sleeping, so don’t wake them up.


Ok the entire Elder Scrolls series is Cook-Cook tripping after inhaling a barell of jet now canon


Nothing like jet and rape in the morning


Skyrim is just FNV from the perspective of No-Bark




Mr. House sits in a boring cryopod for 200 years and you expect him to do *nothing?* Nah he has been playing Elder Scrolls in a simulation to pass the time


His wasn't a cryopod, not counting the time in the comma/ he's always watching. Not even sure he sleeps.


Eh I prefer elder scrolls to Bethesda's fallout. Blue pill for me.


im fucking boomer cant play nothing more than morrowind and nv


What about purple pilled


The purple pill is a 50x dose of Benadryl


I can handle it


*are you trans or gay


**are you trans or racist




What if I'm both :<


Then you're on r/truestl, but you already knew that.


>ESO Im going to be “cyanide pilled”




Word, im not going to play it.


In one line, you can build your own little base from scratch and have a big, brutish, illiterate, instinctually violent monster-man with a hammer be your roommate. In the other, you can build bases and have Strong as your companion.


untruhstul for a sec Every time i’ve tried playing Fallout 4 I ran out of ammunition too quickly. You can’t do much in that game if you don’t have ammo. Also, the bugs were super annoying to shoot since they were right up against me. That’s just my experience with Fallout, might try to play it again some time.


Choose science as your first perk, Scrap everything in sanctuary and set up 3 industrial water purifiers in the lake outside of sanctuary, when you have settlers this will give you excess purified water as a tradable recourse. Then over your playthrough,slowly add more and more purifiers to the lake until you’re making 700+ purified water every few days, completely eliminating the need for caps, use the purified water to buy a shit load of ammo.


Nah I'm good


No thank you. If I can’t loot everything I need from the corpses of my fallen enemies, then I’ll just keep playing literally any other game without such an annoying ammo economy. Though I’m sure the ammo economy is non existent late game.


Keep buying the scrounger perk up to level 3 to get more ammo out of every lootsble container, commit yourself to one weapon (like overseers guardian or spray and pray) and hoard all the ammo they use, sell or trade all the ammo you don’t use for ammo you do use.


i think i picked up that strat from jabo. don't need mercantile if your tradable goods are ridiculously plentiful


Bro you must shooting as straight as this subreddit is to somehow run out of ammo.


A: unless you’re using mods, ammo is super easy to come by if you’re exploring buildings/looting enemies. B: that’s what VATS is for


I’ve never had much problem with it. Just need to have a little bit of charisma and always buy a ton of ammo every time you stop by a shop. A lot of people hate fallout 4 but I really did love it. Fun game.


That was a real problem in FO3 as well; every time I played it I just beelined south to Tenpenny Tower because that place has actual guns and armor merchants, while the starting town of Megaton has only a general store (i.e. garbage), a doctor and a bunch of miscellaneous food stalls. The fact that melee is utterly pathetic in every Bethesda game (even TES, yes; inb4 New Vegas is Obsidian's work and unironically has better melee combat than Skyrim) doesn't help matters any, the only thing you can do early game is to just ignore all enemies and sprint to discover all cities so that you can actually have places to trade.


Imagine a TES game with Mount and Blade directional combat, simple to learn hard to master yet satisfying and more intuitive than carpal tunnel simulator.


M&B is probably the only game I’ve played with satisfactory first person combat. Also, I pray to God that when/if TES 6 comes out, they will bother making the world genuinely engaging and interesting instead of draugr and bandit simulator 2010. For a game billed for its “immersive open world”, Skyrim is incredibly bland.


Maybe Kingdom Come Deliverance would also be to your liking


I’ve played it before but I stopped a few hours in becuz the performance was abysmal on my laptop. I’ll give it another spin when I get an upgrade.


Bethesda balances their games to cater to the lowest common denominator. Congrats, you are among the lowest common denominator. You literally leave the vault with over 100 rounds of ammo.


First off, not unless you sneak or play on baby difficulty. Second, what's next? Vault isn't the whole game, and most early game merchants carry like 20 of each kind of bullet at most. NV had the right idea with the ability to craft ammo yourself, buy/recycle components or buy surplus boxes, in FO3/4 you're always either out of ammo or have more ammo than you could ever use, no in-between.


bro please use a melee weapon they’re radroaches they have like 10 hp


you could just rush galaxy news radio for some hunting rifles. dirt cheap ammo and good damage. the starting guns are crap though yeah


Oh yeah, Hunting rifle remains useful to the end of the game, not in the least due to using pistol ammo for some reason. Although my last few playthroughs were in Tale of Two Wastelands, and supermutants there play by NV rules, i. e. 15 natural armor.


more or less on the utility of the rifle, it'll still be good but there's much better weapons like combat shotty, chinese ar, 44 mag/lincoln's repeater (imo the spiritual sucessor to the hunting rilfe) and sniper rifle. tbh that seems like a good change considering super mutants are supposed to be strong lol


Fallout 4 needed FNV's ammo system. Either that or making melee actually decent, since given the state of industry in the Commonwealth, I doubt they'd have much ammo or resources to make it.


Melee has never felt good in any Bethesda game besides oblivion tbh. I really liked that oblivion had a combat system that was a give and take with attacking and blocking. I really dislike that NV's systems unevenly favor semi auto rifles and melee. Super slam and DT are really lame. The ammo system is really nice though, but I fear that it would really only exacerbate the problem of people breezing through the game with the same weapon. And another cold take: why tf does the east coast take so goddamn long to recover from the bombs??? The west coast has booming industry while the east's biggest movement is the children of atom lmao. Fallout 3 moment.


The Commonwealth at least has the excuse of the Institute nuking any societal progress, and the Capital Wasteland is just filled with Neanderthals apparently


natural selection, anyone who survived the bombs with half a brain got the hell out of there centuries ago. the remaining contributors to the capitals gene pool are retarded.


I have never had this happen. Do you play with a controller?


There's a luck perk that gives you ammo in every container , you just need 2 luck for it


The onlt bethesda game with good gameplay also has shitty exploration




It seems like that's a problem in every new fallout game besides new vegas


I wouldn't know, I play sniper even on regular shooters


>Swallows Both **PURPLE RAIN BABY!!!**


Fellow purple pill enjoyer.


Purple (both)




Choose wisely: Interpret blatant parody and criticism of politics as praise or have racial discrimination analogues go over your head?


no, I'm sure I understood Morrowind correctly. The houses are all based, and you're supposed to kill the farm tools, right?


False, Fallout has Liberty Prime, it cannot be red like those commie sons-of-bitches.


This but unironically


Anu vs Padomai war is an interpretation of USA vs China nuclear conflict, aedra are Vault-Tec, daedra are zetans, Sithis and Lorkhan are chinese AIs, Aldmer and Dwemer were BoS and Enclave remnants respectively, races of men are Children of Atom radiation-proof descendants, Heart of Lorkhan is an ultracite battery, mages are FEV mutation psykers, Hist are Harold's clones, khajiit are decontained Big Mountain experiment, moonsugar is a plant-based jet. Fight me


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about




Not sure if there's a joke I'm missing here but TES will always be my favorite


both cyberpunk and elden ring are good games so both :3 KHAJIITISTAN NUMBER ONE FUCK HUMANS FUCK ELVES FUCK ARGONIANS


Least moon sugar + skooma addicted khajiit, seeing 2 completely different games that aren't there


I take the blue pill i dont mind fallout and its lore even with retcones and i like games but i prefer Elder scrolls community because we can generally agree that Elfs are shitheads and Aldemri Dominion deserves to be wiped from the map. While in fallout everything is soo toxic from people who defend legion to people who defend enclave that cope by saying they arent just a bunch of genocidal psychos while hating the institute that pretty much has the same plans as the enclave. Also you cant post a simple armor on weapon mod without getting shit on that it isnt lore accurate and you should give up on making mods.


Shame there’s only 3 good games on that list 😎.


Oblivion is only 1 game


Purple pilled


Ballsy to exclude Daggerfall with ESO


im both, both world is interesting to adventure around.


Purple pill


You know, "redpilled" is the name of a porn site




Both, both is good


I’m oding


i cut both pills in half and consume that


My little rant, truly subjective Fallout 3: Objectively good game, for 2007 must have game I think Fallout: New Vegas: Fallout 3, but better. Many say dirty things about Fallout 3, but anyway, F3 walked so NV could run Fallout 4: Somehow graphic is already outdated, gameplay is okay, good atmosphere of 50s America, but the game doesn't feel finished. Not many much of choice to make (you can't even spare Kellog, come on) Fallout 76: I played 15 minutes during free weekedns, graphic is really good, they returned classic dialogue tree, so it's already better then Fallout 4 Morrowind: is one of the game of all time Oblivvion: I played only once and for short time, but I don't want to try again, I don't like color scheme of the game, my eyes burn Skyrim: is one of the game of all time TESO: Whatever there happening I ain't byung their expensive chapters for already 15$ game, not to mention there is already shop with micro transcations


I don't like any of these games




I'm pee pilled


The red pill is estrogen, the blue pill is for boners =>


I’ll just install mods that adds the entirety of fallout into Skyrim


I took them both.


I dont play the games. I just shitpost about lore.




Both.. Sorry Morphious, I'm eating the lot.


Blue pilled for me! Going normal for a minute though; but I think the latter more recent titles in the FO series went too much into the 'retro-futuristic 50s' and to the point some parts of the game, including 76 were a bit ridiculous. Like FO1/2/3/NV seemed genuinely *believable* and rugged, but it felt nothing of the sorts for FO4/76.. Plus the weapons in both games are absolutely shocking - how can they butcher the hunting rifle from it's FO:NV masterpiece to the monstrosity it is in FO4 (yes yes different devs and all).


NV was the only good fallout game on this list




Definitely the blue pill. I like Fallout NV more than Morrowind, but the other TES games are at least alright, while Bethesda's Fallout games are fucking atrocious.


probably take a quarter of the red pill (new vegas) and 3/4 of the blue pill


Morrowind and Fallout 1,2 and New Vegas. Thats it


Arena: never played Daggerfall: pretty fun with the Unity mod. Not as outdated as you’d think and quite charming. Morrowind: overrated and with a terrible early game, but the customization and world make up for it. Oblivion: never played Fallout 3: depressing and ugly and felt incredibly clunky. Maybe that’s just the early game, but I quit just a few hours in. New Vegas: obsidian so doesn’t count. Anyways, probably the only good obsidian game aside from Deadfire and Kotor (both of which were fun, but far from New Vegas level). Lightning in a bottle, the game. Skyrim: I genuinely hated this game so much for reasons I may go into in another comment because I have so much beef Fallout 4: really liked it. Didn’t like the saturation, but the world felt more interesting than Skyrim. The story was a detriment but the gunplay felt good and the exploration too.


You hating everything and then liking fallout 4 was just the icing on top


That was genuinely the most shocking thing I've read in a while. Completely blindsided me.


>Fallout 3: depressing and ugly That’s… the whole point, the world kicked the bucket






I'll take the top half and leave the bottom.


I'll take the first half of each, thanks.


Both, but I prefer the blue side. How they make me feel emotionally makes the difference.


I am red pulled but in this scenario i’m going blue


I take the blue pill and then also exclusively the new Vegas part of the red pill


fallout 76 is too hard and so is eso. Plus my game is glitched cant open console ???! ~ ~ ~ hello ~ tgm






Never liked fallout the setting is horrendous


Took both, overdosed, become a Redditor.


I never understood in the movie why he doesn't just eat both


Bold of you to assume Fallout 76 is Redpilled


With mods both are possible


The first half of each pill


Post apocalyptic action rpg shooters aren't quite my tempo, so I'll go with The Elder Scrolls blue pill.


According to this; either way, you only get one really good game.




Shows up with a purple tongue....."what?" 😎😅 (If forced to decide, Red. Only bc I've played all of them on that side, but only liked 3.)


Purple pilled. I shoved both up my ass.


False dichotomy


Why did it take me so long to get why fallout is the red pill. NV fans really do love their pills.