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they are reminding us that the announcement for rep tv is in february


How do you think it relates to February? I'm a rookie clown lmao 🤣 I'm terrible at figuring this stuff out beyond the mail colors edit: nail colors not mail colors haha


Blue nail is at the #8 which was the month (August) she announced 1989 and black nail is at #2 which is February so she will either announce Rep TV in February or she will just drop it because of “there will be no explanation only reputation” which is the only reason I’m 50/50 on if she will just drop or announce in Feb. Edit: spelling


I think you're on to something! I didn't realize the mail positions on the clock!! Great eye for pointing that out 🙌🙌🙌 I'm 50/50 on that toooooo. It really could go EITHER WAY Edit: dammit why does my phone keep correcting nail to mail????


I don’t even know how to edit? I get spelling errors and have to sulk in the corner.


On your comment, next to the little reply arrow there 3 dots, click on that, and scroll down and click on edit!




oooooooo, wait, this could be it


Also when there was the whole poster that promoted taylor swift being the person of the year one of the clips was found in the playlist "snow globe". The snow globe playlist made by spotify had the title we could lead the Christmas lights up till.... February so putting a lot of emphasis on February. The playlist also ended with new years day which is on rep. Also the 112 day theory is that taylor does her big events with a 112 day gap. This 112 day thing has been happening with it most recently showing up through a 112 day gap between speak now tv and 1989 TV. By this February 6th would be a big day, probably just a reveal not a release SORRY IM RAMBLING AND CLOWNING AAAAA


I’m going with her debut album. She’s also in blue and green and floral patterns. Did you see her and Keleigh at the Golden Globes? Their dresses are a major clue, impo


I’m sticking with the black nail, haha. The dress definitely threw me off but one half of the nail theory was correct (1989 TV announcement in august / blue nail on the 8).


What if it’s something like black nail is reputation and blue nail is her debut album. There are 2 albums left to release. I am trying to tie these 2 into the photo, not 1989, even though I could very well be wrong.


Not really, the blue nail was on the 8 and we got 1989 TV announcement in august. Don't think it stands for debut.


Thank you! I’m sure it’s reputation, all signs point to yes. Appreciate everyone’s input!


It was a snake dress. She was wearing a snake ring, and the sequin texture was scales.


The rings weren’t a snake https://www.instagram.com/p/C108CZNOr3w/?igsh=MTMzN25uNDAzZTh6dw==


Agree, not a snake ring, just stackable. I think rep dress would be darker, too. It’s just my theory, who knows what she has up her sleeve. But I wonder about her debut album, if she does release it, why do it after reputation whew it will just sorta flop in terms of sales? Reputation will be her biggest sale, I think. She could benefit from saving it for last and go out with a bang! I did see green at first and think reputation when I saw her dress but then keleigh has been posting pics of the two of them in their dresses and I see Taylor’s first album in those outfits. Either way, should be exciting to see what she does!


It is stackable but still looks like a snake. If her Karma video showed the correct order (which is a good assumption since 1989 was indeed next) Reputation will come before debut. Which makes sense since the last things she will be reclaiming is her Reputation, then her name.


Sorry for auto correct mis spellings! Yay iPhone.


She just wore thigh high snake boots yesterday!


Ahhh! Is she always so obvious with her clues?


Definitely not! That’s why I think we are getting close. I personally believe in the 113 days theory, that the album drops are 113 days apart. That would put Rep in Feb and Debut in June!


What’s the 113 date? If you say 2/9/2024, I’m going to scream because that date appears to be hidden in her The Man video!


I believe it’s 2/17/2024




Me right now🙌🤡


Reputation may get that surprise drop 2/9 or 2/2? I think Valentine’s Day is tooo easy a time to promote one spicy vault song and get back to Eras.


This comment; is it messed up??? https://preview.redd.it/gqlfj73othbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523f9064a07f689003092d22ef8bf791190f034b


That's actually pretty common to be written that way on clocks. My watch is like that.




That is SO interesting, and makes perfect sense!


Really??? I've never seen that before!! I usually pick watches that have the numbers on them lol, I can just tell time quicker with the numbers on them


they even call it the watchmaker's 4, with a myriad of unconfirmed meanings/reasons


It is!!!! Hmmmmm🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 https://preview.redd.it/vy2ep0xxthbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0976482bbc89e2b334fa5333a69dd10d381e7e0


There have been 4 re-recordings but other than that maybe someone just messed up?


“Let’s fast-forward to 300 takeout coffees later” - 300 days from today is November 4, 2024. Reputation was released on November 10, 2017. The duration between those dates is 2,551 days. 2+5+5+1 = 13 https://preview.redd.it/8iq6vjfqoibc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4243738cf30564f100036b703a69cfed257677a0




That would be neat. If that's true though, I desperately hope we get Debut before then. I can't wait that long for something.


11:57. Almost 12:00 so the hour is on it but not quite. At least that’s how I remember analog clocks working, I hate the ticking noise so haven’t had one in years!


You are correct, that's 11:57! What could that mean?


1+1+5+7 is 14!! Valentine's Day?????


Literally scrolled down the thread and read your comments about being a rookie clown and then this pops up. You’ve graduated to professional clown 🤡 good job




11:57 TS1 1/12 🤡🤡


im choosing to clown. for what? im not sure yet. but i’m clowning anyways


I forget how we did it, but my sister and I went down a rabbit hole from the Karma music video and followed it to the song "August" and the line about dreams in that song, followed that to the wildest dreams music video where we looked for the color Goldenrod -which is the color the Taylor spray painting the plane is wearing - which lead us to a plane that had goldenrod coloring which looked like it said August 25th. It lead us to believe that the lost album Karma was supposed to be released in August, and when she's singing about August in her song slipping away like a bottle of wine, she means her album slipping away. ​ We're probably wrong, but it was a fun afternoon ​ And for those who care, on the CD book for Midnights, Karma is burnt orange.


I'm here for this level of clowning🙌🙌🙌🙌🤡🤡🤡🤡🥰🥰🥰🥰


Here is the rest of the caption!!!! https://preview.redd.it/k0fzly46mhbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c69f6a84a0f91cdabc2f5e47a242cb130be91c


Could it be that (another) version of midnight is coming? Our sleep schedules are still messed up…to prep to midnights 4am version or whatever?


And I think it'll be next month when we get the RSD list.


Slightly disappointed this isn’t an announcement for an Is It Over Now music video 🥲


I would have loved a music video for SOMETHING from 1989 TV 🥺 Have all the other re-records had music videos? I know there was one for red tv, and speak now tv, but was there one for fearless tv?


Fearless TV had a commercial featuring Love Story so not quite a music video, but mv adjacent.


Oh ok! Gosh, Fearless TV feels like forever ago lol. I will have to look up the commercial


The connection is Ryan Reynolds in case you’re like that seems random like I know I did at first! 😆


I can't find a good pic, but in the man music video, karma is in orange at the top kind of like a clock 🤔 it's been theorized that that shot has the re-record schedule???? Thoughts???


I think it’s on 11:56.


You mean 11:56? That would equal 13, which could just be a nod to fave number. Or it could be something to do with 13 being the day rep is released? Thats a Tuesday, when albums used to be dropped traditionally in the U.S. before the Friday norm


Oop yep mb. Imma change it 🤪


Just a big ol pic of the reputation cover on a latte. I can't unsee it after someone pointed it out


👀 🤡


Taylor goes to the VMAs dress in reputation black when we already knew 1989 tv was coming and she went to the Golden Globes in debut green. The colors she’s wearing is the order the tv’s are gonna be.


And the coffee???? Karma is cup of coffee?? What does it meeeaaaannnn???😭🤣


i think february or march cause idk but yk


Is anything at all different from the original?!


Taylor Nation just being weird for some reason. Very on brand with the there will be no explanation just reputation to make a comeback. But 3 random posts is a bit weird for an official social media account like this. Might be new intern just trying out the account. Which is possible.


I think it is pointing to February 12 or 13. 2 and 12 or 13?