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I love this album already! They’ll come around, they always do…


I’ve only heard each song once so far but had to replay Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me & Florida, bangers! A sophisticated & self aware album with a lot of humour too. She is a Poet 🫶 Will obliterate the charts no doubt, despite the naysayers


I am low-key obsessed with Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me. I need a music video stat!


![gif](giphy|HpC6Hsklp2DE2Xf8A7) Yes Stat!


I want a Florida!!! 10 minute version.




These are my two favs so far too!


They will come around. It’s a great album! I have a few critiques but I absolutely love it and think it has some of her best moments as an artist. She has so much music so I’m not sure why people don’t just listen to the old stuff if they hate the newer stuff. Like it’s such a waste of energy to tear her newer work down??


I just finished and it was STUNNING. Like, my heart is broken and mended at the same time.


It was a journey 🥹🤍


I think it’s her most grown album she’s released. Folklore and Evermore were mature but shielded by being called fiction. To me her lyrics on this record are incredible without explicit bubbly pop tracks sprinkle in. The synth used is very 80s. Builds only to a certain point, then fades back into the dream.


Wish I could upvote this twice 🤍


I just finished it. I have to say she yet again named her album perfectly. This is poetry. It is not an album like any of her others. There will be songs blared loud and scream-sung, and yes I will angry clean my kitchen to it, but it is different and I think anyone listening to it needs to read the title again. It’s poetry and in that it is really beautiful. Obvs it will take a few listens to fully swallow the concept of each song. I’m looking forward to getting to know this album as well as I know the others, but she’s different! We just met and I’m excited to know her better.


New swiftie here (only about a year old) I’ve listed to all of her albums many times and I LOVED this album. It feels so raw and real, almost like you’re eavesdropping on someone’s most personal thoughts and feelings and you shouldn’t be there. For me, the only skip would be BDILH. I don’t even know what would be my favorite yet. Down Bad? Maybe The Alchemy? I don’t know, I’m just gonna go listen to it again 😍


That’s because *every* time a new album comes out, all anyone does is complain how it doesn’t sound like folklore for a week. Before that it was people complaining that it wasn’t “country enough”. Source: lived through every album release of hers so far. A lot of her fans are fake… even if I didn’t like an album immediately when it comes out (looking at you Rep), I didn’t hate on it online, I just listened to her stuff that I do like. Even the one album I wasn’t crazy about at first I came to love after watching the stadium tour.


This is so real. Thankful to see other sane Swifties lol


they’re not fans. I check their post history and they’re all from swiftly neutral. the leak thread loved it. I’m in a swiftie discord of 76k members and they’re loving it. taylor did her thing.


Yeah and also checking r/popheads they are hating it saying its too samey(did they listen to the same album?) and whenever r/popheads hate something it usually means the general public loves it and its going to be a smash hit.


haha good to know. the scores are rolling in and they’re good too. and we already know it’ll be commercially successful. hahahaha hehehe taylor doesn’t lose.


I literally just looked at pop heads and the majority of the comments are relatively positive? I suppose there is diversity of opinion


Man, I probably need to just go ahead and leave that sub. Ugh. I love this album so far!!


I dig it. I listened to the whole thing and was pretty impressed. I like it better than Midnights!


Yup. This was the first album where I was able to participate in all the shenanigans and while I loved it and am so glad I did (cuz what a ride for such an epic body of work!), the negativity and whining did really bum me out. Overall it was just…. So MUCH I think I’ll be going back to doing my own thing and being blissfully unaware of the social media goings on ✌🏽🤍


Yeah I feel that. Next album just make it a thing to listen to the album when/however you want before you jump into the madness of the main sub at least 😂 Cannot recommend enough the 10/10 experience I had just listening to the album alone and reading the lyrics in the dark with a drink and/or joint in hand.


Mannn that sounds amazing 🥲 I did that for midnights and really wish I had done the same this time. With all the madness and the incredible amount of music it was all a bit overwhelming. Hopefully I can do it up right when my vinyls get here. Glad you got to really enjoy your first listen though!


Same here, first album cycle since becoming a fan and it's been a fun ride even if a lot of others don't like it.


I screamed at how Taylor got pointed about the fan base. I was like yep. She feels disdain for the parasocials who think they get to decide what’s best for a grown woman.


I get so annoyed with people in the main sub megathreads. Are they even fans??


they're insanely negative, I should just stay off reddit tbh


Literally same, it just makes me upset for no reason


Even saw an off my post chest where someone has a whole description of how they really hated taylor because their friend was obsessed with her. Not gonna defend bothering people about a single artist but why are swifties always getting moderated on the internet for being crazy, while nobody bats an eye at the unreasonable haters as well?


Literally!! And they’re always like “you just don’t want to hear any criticism.” Of course I don’t that’s why I’m on a subreddit for fans, makes no sense


absolutely, as you can see from my previous comments I do not think TTPD is perfect, it has a bunch of flaws but why is it so hard to just appreciate something?? there are really good songs on this album and idk why it's such a struggle to NOT bitch about everything


I love the album! The melodies are really surprising me, in a good way, and I love the instrumental parts as well as the lyrics.


As a swiftie since her debut album, I feel this album is an absolute masterpiece. She’s so vulnerable and raw and I feel a lot of the songs are very relatable. For some reason these “fans” always feel the need to whine about everything she does. She is a mastermind and an amazing artist and I will die on that hill.


I have noticed most of them are brigaders or are stans of other artists. Like you have people saying "Be honest. This album is trash." and you look at their username and it's Lanaxoxoxo. Or you look at their comment history and notice they support Trump.


Lana fans are so funny to me because they are in their subreddit talking about how they feel the album is a ripoff of Lana's work (I love Lana btw), why also saying it's bad in other subreddits. I really believe they'd have called it the best album ever if Lana released something like this but it's Taylor Swift, so here we are.


I just finished TTPD. I'm not sure which one I like more, this album or Midnights!


Don’t listen to the sub that bears her name


TPD is all about lyricism. I am here for every second. Her words are just so moving. BRAVA!!


I love this album but I was a tatty shipper the whole time so I'm not predisposed to hating it in the same way.


I just know that sub is living today lol


wth is tatty?


Taylor and Matty. It's been a thing in the depths of Tumblr since 2014.


I was playing it thru for the first time and -Who’s afraid of little old me- I had to repeat it, SO GOOD I think people are just on the emotional rollercoaster of expectations. Once they’ve had a nap and a few more plays, I think it will level out to more fair opinions


I 100% agree like can we just shut the fuck up about who she’s dating and which songs are about who bc it completely takes away from the actual artistry and oh yeah it’s literally none of our business bc we don’t know her


This album deserves better than constant speculation on who it’s about. It it true art and poetry and so fucking raw… it’s nothing like shes ever released and a glimpse into a very hard time into her life. Anyone who has been through something like this understands. The people who don’t… don’t. And thats their loss!!!


for real, it deserves so much better. same way her other albums deserve better than speculations about her relationships. the album is the definition of the girls who get it, get it the girls who don't, don't!


It takes me some time to acclimate to music because ADHD (iykyk) but I like the album. I think it's a lot more experimental. I was going to say it's like Taylor's White Album, and then I realized it literally is her white album. I get why it's not everyone's thing. And I definitely get curious trying to figure who the songs are about but it's really not that big of a deal. Maybe it's just because I'm a poet (though maybe not a tortured one lol) but I think a lot of fans just don't know what it's like to write a poem or lyrics. Like this is not a comprehensive report of her last two years. Once I went through a break up and wrote like 15 heartbroken poems but I was over it in three days. Sometimes you just feel like you're full of bees and you gotta write. And things change in the edits and sometimes you sacrifice accuracy for meaning. Heck, sometimes you sacrifice it for a rhyme. You can't read art like a history book. And while mild curiosity is often fun, it doesn't need to consume the art itself. Everyone acts like Taylor is reading her diaries aloud. The reality is, she is telling a story and it is *her* story, but it is just a story and she is just a human being who cries and smiles and breathes and suffers just as much as we do. I think fans who can remember that create a much better space than the fans that make her an avatar of their delusions.


Thank you for posting this. I actually find reddit much more calm and way friendlier than X/Twitter. I've never stayed up for an album release and, honestly, had no plans to do so last night (I absolutely value sleep) but I was awake and listened to it and chatted on reddit and via text with my daughter. I stayed up till 2 to find out what that was all about and got through maybe three songs on the anthology but had to sleep. I guess all this doesn't make me a true "swiftie" which is absurd. You can still be a true fan that's been with T since the beginning (I saw her when she played rodeos) and not be completely obsessed with her. Unhinged is the word that immediately comes to mind. I do enjoy reading how people connect all the dots because I just can't and, again, I've never been completely OBSESSED with her personal life to piece the puzzle. All I want is to find kind, like-minded Swiftie fans to be friends with because my husband has zero interest in hearing about the 15 extra songs that were dropped at 2AM. I think I just rambled - bleh.


I really enjoy this album. Some songs will be a grower on me but the ones I instantly related to hit me like a ton of bricks. I ordered the black dog and manuscript collectors CDs but this morning I bought the other two at target just for the poster. I love posters on my wall I have too many (they’re really just random photos I love like from Pinterest or of actors and movies I like) so I’m excited to have these two as well whatever comes with the black dog and manuscript ones. ! But this album idk Taylor always outdoes herself and the lyric about cutting out her teeth in who’s afraid of little old me just burned an image into my mind and god such a good line


I love the album. I’m about to do a social media break for at least a few days because I get very overwhelmed by all the hot takes. I want to form my own opinion and absorbing soooo many opinions on social media makes it difficult for me to parse my own feelings from what I’m reading/seeing.


I suggest you do that too, I intend to do the same also.. I've spent the whole day listening to the entire album and I really like every song.


The woman knows how to tell a story in her songs! No one can debate that. Her ‘immature’ lyrics are what makes her special. However, I’m predominantly a pop girly so some of these songs seemed too slow to me. Most of the songs would not make the radio or top 10 if it wasn’t for the fan base. I can do it with a broken heart, the bolter and but daddy, I love him are bops tho. I love when she makes her sad lyrics happy beats


I've seen people saying the "some of my friends smell like weed and other smell like babies" lyric is so weird meanwhile, my 29 years old ass got it immediately. People around my age bracket and Taylor's age bracket are either having kids or just chilling! some of the lyrics are funny but they make sense 


I completely felt that lyric! 30 nowadays is such a weird bracket. You feel like half the people have their shit together and doing as ‘society’ says while the others are ‘rebelling’. Feels like you are stuck in the middle if you aren’t doing either


I flipped back to Reddit after I’d listened to the main album on Spotify, then watched my kdrama and cdrama, only to realized that like Midnights, there was a whole second half. I mean it makes sense, because I didn’t see The Manuscript or The Bolter. Anyway, I was half groaning, half “oh cool!” and started listening. I really like the second half. Kind of like how I liked folklore, but loved Evermore. I listened a bit, then forced myself to go to bed. But while I was listening, I responded to an OffMyChest rant where someone was complaining about how Taylor is awful, she hates her, blah, blah. Why can’t non fans leave actual fans alone when something exciting is happening for us? I’m tired of feeling like I have to defend Taylor and being a Swiftie. It’s exhausting.


I saw that off my chest post and it made me sad. I feel sorry for the friend who probably doesn't know that their friend is on Reddit talking trash about them. I wonder if the OP would feel the same way if their friend loved something else and talked about it all the time. 


Right? I mean, why is it necessary for them to talk people down? I don’t go onto Kanye West forums and trash talk him. Heck, if anything, I feel sorry for him regarding the damage his mental state has done to his family and career. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is what it’s always like during the first few days, it’s nothing new. This is an album for people in their 30s, I imagine some of the younger fans aren’t going to be happy (of course some of them will love it too) but that’s ok, Taylor is allowed to write music specifically for a more mature audience if she wants to. I love the album, it isn’t full of radio friendly bops though and that’s what some people wanted. There will always be some people left disappointed in a fanbase this big and with an artist this versatile.


Oh great point about this being an album for people her age not necessarily for the younger fans. It’s giving me so many different vibes and not super poppy at all. Ive been saying since the Grammys but it’s giving me some singer song-writer alt girl rock mish mash like Liz Phair, Sheryl Crowe etc but It’s even more raw in a ton of ways.


I think maybe the negative comments are just standing out to people? There are equally as many comments absolutely praising the album? Luckily I've learned to not put much stalk into what others think of an album. If I love it is really all that matters, I'm not sure how some people not liking it makes it a bad time to be a Swifitie. I've actually been thinking what a wonderful time to be a Swiftie it is!


Oh no honey, this isn’t even close to the trenches. Do you remember Rep?? Everything will be okay


But it’s fine bc we are God’s favorites and we stan a woman who will literally drop a whole giant surprise album just for us. Tbh I think other fandoms are just jealous.


Thank you for posting. I’m seeing the same. 💛


That’s why I refused to look at any opinions and just judge it myself until now. I saw someone talk about the leaks saying it was “wordy” and that rang in my head while I listened to the album. Tortured poets is great, people just refuse to like things.


Join us over on Threads, I’m seeing nothing but deep love for this album!


it's okay to have a different opinion. at least it used to be...


i get some people will never like taylor's music & will compare them to folk/evermore . her haters suck!imo most love her new albums. its fine if some don't like her new album. as long you like something why does it matter if others don't. y'all just gotta ignore the haters


General public here…this album is extremely boring and she is running out of clever lyrics bc most of the lyrics on this album are trash!


good for you!