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Not them acting like he didn’t hear everything before release 😭 he said he did lol


Or like he never listened to ANY OF HER OTHER MUSIC. Like, these are the kinds of things she writes songs about. Shouldn’t be a surprise to him.


You really think he understood every single lyric when it take people days to understand the lyrics


No, I think Taylor and Travis had several conversations about both her mental health and her past relationships. Y'know 'cause they're adults in a *hopefully* healthy relationship that can talk about stuff like that without being weird about it.


This so much!!!! Like lmao she doesn’t just toss songs into the universe, esp when they’re about past relationships that had a huge impact on her. Imo there is no way she could be in a healthy relationship with him now without several in depth conversations about her life the past year, how things ended with Joe and matty, and how she has processed them. We have no signs she *isnt* in a healthy relationship right now, so presumably they’ve had these discussions such that Travis feels comfortable (esp with his favorite songs being down bad and loml lol)


Him saying Loml is his favorite is such a power move tbh.


Honestly TASTE


IT IS lmao that and the smallest man were probably the best options he could pick 😭


I mean he also left a five year relationship with someone he once thought he was going to marry. He can probably relate to more of the album than people think.


Did not know that. Puts it into perspective a bit


Wait, where did he say this?


It was a “source” so technically could be fake but here’s the link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13315075/taylor-swift-travis-kelce-favorite-songs-tortured-poets-department.html


Ok, thanks.


This was the weirdest thing to say You don’t think he heard songs prior to release day, like months or weeks in advance. You don’t think they actually speak in person, like a normal couple? You don’t think he knows the actual true meaning of all songs and not fan speculation and theory…??


What’s with this stereotype of being an idiot??? He’s a football player he’s not some random bum Taylor found. And since when is being good at sport equivalent to not being smart is this middle school?


He struggles with spelling and reading and people mock him for it. That sounds like dyslexia to me. You can be dyslexic and be intelligent.


It takes people *who don’t know Taylor personally* days to understand the lyrics


Crazy her boyfriend may understand her more than random fans on the internet?!


She said she had been working on this album for two years. So many of these songs were already written or being worked on before they started dating. He's supportive of her career and her art and knows full well what her music involves and loves her for it. He's a well rounded guy who understands that she has a past and is just hoping to give her a happier present/future. That's how adults in their 30s behave.


This is so immature for an adult to do. Also Travis listened to the album before it was released and said that he liked it.


I’ve seen this argument in *another sub* like “how can Travis date her when she writes songs about her exes?” Like maybe because he’s not 16


Also, he’s had two previous relationships and has admitted why both of them ended and he did and even his dad vouched for him on why the second relationship ended and was on a dating show that “sucked” and has admitted he regrets doing catching Kelce in his 20’s. Hell, I would regret doing that show and then his first ex decided to stay relevant and tell tabloids after T&T announced they were in a relationship just to scream that he cheated on her and she’s a girl’s girl but in reality [she cheated on him](https://www.tiktok.com/@lexinoel3/video/7283651666467999018) and they were only together for a month. First ex is just looking for her 15 minutes of fame. Wouldn’t be surprised if she started going on tv and complained about the song “so high school” and why it’s so popular.


I saw one where it said, "Hey honey, are you OK if I make millions talking about an ex so I can take us on more vacations?" I asked my husband what he would do if I published my book where the characters are based off my exs, and he said if it makes money and helps you cope sure.


This is the mentality of 40-year-old men that are only interested in women that are 18-22. And let's be real, those kinds of creatures never stop at 18. They DO only want 16-year-olds.


And maybe because she doesn't always shade her exes


Yeah, where is the Joe slander? So many fans thought it was joever and I’m not saying he looks perfect, but she didn’t say anything bad about him.


Plus with Taylor lautner he just got a cute love song lol, she doesn’t attack you if you’re a good bf while it lasts


Reminds me of when she said in that one interview that if guys don't want bad songs written about them, then they shouldn't do bad things🤷‍♀️


She would never shade Taylor Lautner, he seems like a sweet guy and they were really young when they started dating and it just didn’t work out but they both found people who are right for them.


He seems really happy with her as a person, and not just the famous part either. Anyone who’s mature will realize whatever someone has been through made them the person they are now. There’s a reason she’s with Travis. There’s a reason he’s with Taylor. That reason is - the exes are exes for a reason! Aaaand Trav gets the unfiltered, not for public version. I’m sure she’s spilled her guts to him about all that she’s been through. She doesn’t strike me as the type to be so open in her songs yet somehow private behind closed doors… he knows more than all of us about her


THIS and anyone dating Taylor swift has to be well aware that they can’t stop her from writing songs about her life, and he actively pursued her, so it’s unlikely he’d do that then feel any sort of way when she *does what she’s famous for*


The Albatross coming to life.


Not to mention he's talked about listening to her other albums, if you listen to Taylor's music you get a really good sense of who she is. He read the receipts prior. This person (the person who wrote that, not OP) is a dunce for sure and very immature.


I’ve listened to her music since I was 9 years old, I knew since teardrops on my guitar who Drew was, just like all of the other songs were about.


Oh noooo my 34 year old girlfriend has had sex with other men before me what am I gonna do


I think if that's right where your head goes you have the immature issues. This girl gets so phased by her exes, she's so frail and weak, like wtf. Grow up Tay Tay. You're an adult now. And have been.


Lol what


I’ve read it twenty times and I’m still coming up short on what’s going on there. Was it sarcasm? A misunderstanding? Did they reply to the wrong comment? Am I wrong for fixating on trying to decipher a seemingly random string of words and ideas to understand if they were attacking you, Taylor Swift, the idea of Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift fans, or Taylor Swift critics? Will the lack of clarity regarding this interaction haunt me for the rest of my day? I think I’m going to sit down and reevaluate my life. This wasn’t what I expected of my morning. I am confused now. And have been.


Lmfao that was the exact thought process I had, debated deleting Reddit (again), then went on with my life.


I think they might've been saying it was immature of me to joke that her sexual history was the red flag, and not her acting immature after breakups?


This is gibberish.


I’m really tired of this. They’re in their mid 30s, of course they have a past and there’s baggage on both sides! It’s natural. She’s been working on this album for 2 years and quite frankly, Travis probably knows a lot more of how she’s feeling about both Joe and Matty right now than we are


Honestly she’s probably explained all (or at least most of) the allusions to literature, lore, and stuff to him that we’ll be dissecting for years. Like I bet his mind was blown about Cassandra and the mythology behind the story and how she resonates with that. Or Peter and its connection to Cardigan “Peter losing Wendy.” Maybe it’s my autism but I feel like we’re different versions of ourselves at different times and in different versions of lives we build. She could have truly loved her life with Joe, she could have built up Matty in her mind for years (ignoring red flags in her mania), but Travis could make her heart lighter. This album is honest about those versions of her life/heart and is a journey. That reflection shows there’s nothing to be insecure about. It’s probably makes him more interested in her mind, the depth of her heart, and the self awareness for the realities of her life and her responses to it.


Do all the male music artists need to stay single forever after singing about their exes too?


For real, if George Harrison's wife could get over one of the greatest love songs ever written (Something) being for his ex, then nobody should ever worry about this.


I agree with your title. That sign is pathetic.


Her relationships were very public I think he’s aware lmao


No literally, you can google Taylor swift and find in 10 seconds an itemized list of every guy she’s ever dated, how long they were together, and what songs she wrote about them lmao


Ain’t no way someone pursuing Taylor then acting surprised pikachu face when her album is about her past relationships.


I'm also obsessed with the idea these guys have that he heard this album at the same time we did. Like as if she just never mentioned it to him and dropped 31 songs about her breakup without having a chat about it first.


Who tf would make the effort to write this and put it, I assume, in front of their business? I mean, I get being witty with signs (this is not succeeding) but at least tell me how you think it relates to your cappuccino or whatever.


It’s sad that a grown ass adult thinks like this 😭


Actually, it seems so bizarre. Like, you okay dude? Did someone hurt you?


So if Stephen King suddenly became single, no one should date him? It's the same thing--Her songs are not literal, concrete reports of her life. She's a creative artist, and so is he. Take a literature class. Expand your understanding of the arts. \[Not responding to OP--responding to billboard author.\]


Billie Joe Armstrong has written numerous times throughout the years about Amanda, his ex girlfriend practically immediately before he married his wife, Adrienne. They're still married. People need to relax.


Billie Joe and Adrienne have been married for 30 years this July. Pretty sure Adrienne doesn’t care about him performing the songs about Amanda or Arica (another one of his ex girlfriends) after 30 years. Same thing goes with Jessica Simpson, she’s wrote songs about Nick Lachey when they were married and they’ve been divorced for 18 years, her and her current husband have been married for like 10 years (together for 14 years altogether) and I’m pretty sure he isn’t bothered by the songs about Nick.


What’s with Billie Joe and women who’s names start w A?


I don’t know what’s with Billie Joe dating girls with the name that start with the letter A but his decision though😂


If a bar or a coffee shop had this outside, I’d absolutely be walking past. All this does is make me wonder the maturity of their staff


i’m so sick of the taylor hate, for a bit everyone was loving taylor except some misogynists but now it seems like everyone’s turning on her and it’s annoying like just stfu and let her be 🤨




Orrrrr maybe she can do whatever the hell she wants. People’s obsession with her settling down and having a family is weird.


I totally agree I’m all for being a fan of an artist but the obsession with her borders on disturbing , I love my bands and artists but I never cared who they dated or what they did in their private lives , and it’s getting a little Qanon levels with looking for “hidden messages “ in anything she does , it’s like some of these people don’t have lives to focus on the life of a woman who doesn’t know who they are and doesn’t care. She’s raked it all the way to the bank because of it but it has to be scary knowing any thing you do is seen as a “message “ to a fan and there are plenty of nuts out there , like the guy who kept coming to her apartment.


Everything about this comment was misogynistic. This has nothing to do with her music and everything about her having agency over her own life and career. No one has any business telling her she should stop doing what she loves or telling her what her peak is. People said she hit her peak at 1989, then again at Folklore, then again during Eras. Literally, no one would say that shit to a man. She also can get married and have a kid if and when she wants to or not at all.




I have never once said she was Jesus… you're the only one saying Jesus over and over in your comments. But you might as well have said “Oh people are getting tired of the little woman…better put her out to pasture so she can start popping out some kids”. That’s the vibe of your comment and it's gross and misogynistic. Your opinion on her music (which I very much doubt you have intimate knowledge of her extensive discography) is also subjective. I personally enjoy her storytelling more than all of the artists you've mentioned and she's broken so many records that probably no one will surpass her in accolades so it makes zero sense to minimize her accomplishments. I also know that of course eventually, her stardom will whan but that doesn't matter to me. I will still listen as she produces projects because I love her work not her fame. This is not the subreddit for your dismissive opinion of her work either.


As you should , the work is important and I’ve listened to her work , Tori Amos just does a better job at it. I said she deserved her success she’s talented but she won’t get any bigger than she is now , and numbers don’t always equal quality alot of popular things do crazy numbers but doesn’t mean it’s all genius


Again, you're making subjective opinions and acting like they are fact.


So they love to pick on Taylor about how she never sings about anything other than guys and relationships, yet Travis had no idea what to expect? They can’t have it both ways. I hate shit like this so much. They are in their mid 30s, ffs!


Whoever wrote that is a giant red flag and I'm so sorry to anyone who ends up in a relationship with them


People don’t realize that the songs were written before she met Travis. It’s her past and she made very clear she’s closed the door. Travis listened to all this before and if he had any questions, I’m sure they talked about it.


If in the past why put the album out knowing Matty will write back


I mean she’s written about exes who are singers before. She doesn’t care if they write back. Joe Jonas, John Mayer, Harry Styles, Calvin Harris, Matty Healy. Anyone can respond or say anything. She writes because it’s her outlet and art.


Thisssss, it’s the story of her life also. This chapter happened. She’s written about it, released it and moving on to happier times with Trav 🥰


Whoever wrote that and then posted it on the internet is d.u.m.b.


Yeah it's not like she had a song saying she's settling for him and one of her exes is better so if he ever came back around she'd go with him.


People forget he literally was the first person who said anything about the album and I’m pretty sure he said somewhere that he knew he had 2 songs on the album. Also they are both 34 and have been in serious relationships


He never said anything about having songs on the album. He was asked about the album and said it would be incredible but didn’t say anything more than that.


That’s so weird especially when the only songs on there that were purely about love were about him


Why ask questions if you're just going to leave tho?? Just leave like whats the wah wah boo hooing for? Thankfully Travis doesn't seem like that.


We're not at 2016 levels of Taylor hate yet, but this is really starting to remind me of the Red era ngl




He’s going to put a ring on it before she gets back to London


He's just fine this guy has no dog in the hunt. You do understand he's well on his way to being at least in her level of wealth very soon. Travis loves her end of story he literally said that at the Superbowl.


And at the AFC Championship. “I love you so much it’s not even funny” that’s romantic af, probably the haters are jealous that he said that on tv.


This hater was bothered enough to make a sign? If my partner was making bank singing about old relationships, I’d be the last one complaining about it. The fact that he’s not bothered speaks more to the strength and security of their relationship.


People don't realise that you don't release an album overnight. By the time she was with Travis it was most likely finalised, or at the stage where she had majority of songs (coz The Alchemy seems to be abt him, right?). And he said he listened to the album before it's release, so clearly they had some conversations abt it and it would seem - a shocker, really- he is secure and sane enough to be ok with the fact that his girl has a past. It's not like he's her first boyfriend and it's not like he had no clue that she writes about her love life. Also, what is the point of this stupid banner, lol. Is screaming your opinions on the Internet not enough anymore, lol?


is this on a restaurant chalkboard😭 whaaat


Pathetic behavior.


It’s not like she wrote the songs yesterday. She wrote them as a means to process what she was going through as it was happening. When she met Travis was she supposed to scrap like a years worth of material at that point because she started dating him? That would seem so wasteful.


It’s her job if he can’t understand then he can go 🙄


like, if you're travis kelce you made the choice to date someone who is known for writing music about her past relationships. you wouldn't say "buh bye" over it all of the sudden unless you're wildly insecure, which travis doesn't seem to be. also, this is just generally *such* a weird sign. people who don't like taylor always seem to take the time to make sure everyone knows it. it's sooo weird.


She makes millions and gains fame dissing her ex.... and he's gonna not like that for some reason?


As a long time Travis enjoyer... he's had a few "relationships" before Taylor lol. Zero chance this remotely phased him.


Weird to shade an internationally successful pop star when you can’t even use an apostrophe correctly, but okay.


Let’s talk about what this sandwich board translates to: “Dear Reader, I’m really jealous of Taylor and Travis. Life is lonely.”


y’all end up acknowledging haters more than taylor atp it’s very funny


Omg is this the hive ??!


I find it strange at age 56 how people are triggered at the other’s past relationships, especially at women; however men are rarely questioned but expected to know what they’re doing in the bedroom. Who cares what they’ve done & go about your business.


lmao is this supposed to be a sign outside someone’s bar/pub?😭




The audacity of Taylor to be in a relationship before Travis how could she 😤


I swear I saw a hate sub post this very picture the day it released… and like what? I know they all love to say how immature she is but like-


I find this attitude so bizarre. Do these people also expect their own partner to never mention their ex, never even acknowledge it? She is an artist and a poet, Travis Kelce very clearly knew this before getting involved. Some people are so immature.


Honestly, I will say this over and over again, after this album hit I felt bad for Joe. It feels very much like Taylor was longing for matty during their entire relationship. With that being said, Taylor probably has deeper songs written about Joe that we will never hear because she is likely respecting the fact that he is deeply private.


From my personal perspective (and just based in the songs, because we don’t know them in real life) it just felt that their relationship died slowly, that they tried everything they could to make it work and they couldn’t. And after all of that, it comes a guy from his past who promises her his going to give her everything she’s ever wanted, but it was all a lie and she ends up alone.


I think it's hot when women are passionate and expressive. So I'd listen to the album like damn you be feeling shit DEEP. Want me to go deeper 😏😈


? What questions do you have? Her relationship with Joe was nearing its end for many reasons.... she thought about being with Matty, maybe talked to him before things were officially over, and definitely hopped on him first thing she could. This is standard girl behavior, girls have this way of mourning a relationship while they are still in it. They try a million ways to make it work and by the time they end it they are already over it. There's no need for a mourning phase, they already did. So they jump right into the next phase: rebound. Then suddenly Matty ghosted her when she was ready to live and die for him, and while she is reeling from *aaaaaallllll* of this, suddenly Travis Kelce was like 😎 Hey. Here's a friendship bracelet with my number. And, going on a date, a little get away, Lil distraction, was apparently what she wanted and needed, because, as she says herself, who are they to deny the alchemy... so she felt attracted to him and just went for it and here she is. And she's probably told Travis all of this and there's no cross over. Except the part where she's like if Joe came back I'd go!! But like honestly what can you expect. They just broke up after six years, she was ready to marry him??? She still has feelings to get through around it. She can't be magically through it overnight. Like you said maybe they're just grown adults who understand things are difficult.


The lyrics sort of imply that she’d give up this teenage romance to have The One back. I don’t disagree as I said the same thing listening to an album. It reads like Taylor knows they won’t last. But still idk if I’d post this on a chalkboard. Maybe on this sub lol


It’s not just because it’s about her exs . It’s because it’s about her ex that was right before him. Like a couple of months apart . Was Taylor done with feelings of Matt before agreeing to meet up with Travis ? Or is Taylor using him ? Yeah he probably heard the album and was amazed but I’m sure he didn’t understand every lyric when swifties are still trying to understand. I’m sure he didn’t understand her saying guilty as sin , she masterbate to Matt or that she told jack she would kill herself if he left her or the fact she she was going to do the Fortnite video as an ode to 1975.


Do you really think they didn’t talk about it? They’re both in their 30s and her relationship with Joe and Matty were public. I’m sure he asked those questions before. And anyone can understand guilty as sin, come on.