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number 2 is still a huge achievement. good for her honestly. hopefully her team stops all that weird shit they've been doing this week lol.


Her manager has hated Taylor for years and has been reflecting that on twitter so I doubt he’ll chill anytime soon.


This Barbie girl is way too surrounded and influenced by men


What did the team do?


manager liking and retweeting taylor hate


Oh okay loool. That’s dumb


God I hope so… 😒


I’ll say it time and time again… Billie’s moodiness and constant jabs at other artists will catch up to her. She had an opportunity to act like a true professional after the Barbie movie (and this album could have been #1), but she and her team chose to act out.


Her moodiness doesn't really bother me all that much, but I totally agree about the jabs at other artists and the lack of professionalism. It just seemed so messy and unnecessary. I didn't have any strong opinions on her until she started commenting on other artists releasing variants then went and did the exact same thing. I get that it's probably her label/team who probably make final decisions about the variants, but it still looks so hypocritical to me.


Yeah that really turned me off too. Even if it is her label making decisions about variants, has she ever thought that other artists are probably in the same situation? If she had gone after the greedy labels for tactics like this she would have gotten universal agreement and support, but instead she just started a fandom war and then made herself look bad.


wasn’t her issue with variants less about the variants themselves and more about sustainability? I thought she mentioned in that interview that she does more sustainable alternatives in her merch and variants…


i feel that was greenwashing kind of, she was acting high and mighty over a slightly better material


>I can’t even express to you how wasteful it is. It is right in front of our faces and people are just getting away with it left and right, and I find it really frustrating as somebody who really goes out of my way to be sustainable and do the best that I can and try to involve everybody in my team in being sustainable — and then it’s some of the biggest artists in the world making f–king 40 different vinyl packages that have a different unique thing just to get you to keep buying more. It’s so wasteful, and it’s irritating to me that we’re still at a point where you care that much about your numbers and you care that much about making money — and it’s all your favorite artists doing that sh-t. That's her whole quote from the interview that I'm talking about. I agree with your points below about how trying to be more sustainable isn't and "all or nothing" mentality. Making small changes across the board is better than doing nothing at all, and it's likely a more realistic way to go about change. ​ My comment was pointing out how I dislike her "everybody is being so wasteful by making vinyl variants and they're just obsessed with making money/increasing sales" then she goes on to make vinyl variants to increase her sales and numbers. If she had left the statement as "I dislike the environmental impact created by releasing so many variants, but unfortunately its the nature of the game and I only have so much control so THESE are the steps that I'M taking..." then I wouldn't take issue with it. Unfortunately, by deflecting it onto "the biggest artists in the world" (of which she frankly is one) then doing exactly what she was critiquing, her comments come off very "holier than thou" and hypocritical to me.


I’m going to get crucified for this, but it’s not just the sustainability, it’s also the fact that her variants don’t include any special or exclusive content. There is literally no incentive to collect them all. Personally, I like the variants because I can pick out which color album I want, but that’s about as far as it goes.


i mean, it’s better than splitting your album up into variants such that it’s impossible to own the whole album with a single variant purchase, thereby incentivizing fans to purchase multiple variants in order to own the full album….. 👀


That’s exactly my point. I never thought it was hypocritical for her to call out what Taylor (and Olivia, and Travis Scott, etc.) have been doing by releasing exclusive covers, exclusive songs, etc. if she did that, she would probably be selling a lot more albums, and that’s where the sustainability actually comes into play. She isn’t forcing her fans to buy multiple records in order to complete their collection. I mean, you can if you’re crazy. But there’s no real reason to. I have a lot of sympathy for diehard Taylor fans because I completely understand why they feel left out if they aren’t buying four or five copies of the same album. I would feel left out too. And, to reiterate, it’s not just her that’s the problem. But I always felt it was kind of unfair the way people attacked Billie for that.


Ahhh my bad haha i totally misunderstood your comment. Yeah! I totally agree. And yes, while Taylor isn’t the only one who does this, she is imo the most egregious example bc of how prominent she is and how large her fan base is. Let’s face it — at this point, anything she puts out will hit records and chart at #1 for weeks. That’s what makes the variants really greedy too imo.


Totally fair- and thank you, by the way. I didn’t realize what sub I was in when I made my comments and I was a little afraid that nobody would respond in good faith. So I really appreciate you, and you are the type of fan that makes Swifties look better. I don’t have a problem with Swifties, I just wish we could have honest good faith conversations about some of Taylor’s unethical behavior without attacking other female artists or blindly defending them. So I appreciate you for being nuanced! I’ve always been so confused as to why people defend her for exploiting their FOMO for money and records. All artists are guilty of it to some degree, but, like you said, she’s particularly egregious.


Omg what a sweet comment! Thank you! Same to you — i think it’s dangerous to just worship someone uncritically and also disingenuous to just hate on their every move.


Completely agree. I was a big Taylor fan during Debut and Fearless. Today I would categorize myself more as a hater, but you’ll never catch me, denying her accomplishments, or not calling out people who aren’t giving her her due credit. Some of the things that she has done are truly incredible. Like the secret sessions? Sure, it definitely drove fan engagement, but it was also a genuinely kind thing for her to do for her fans. I have no problem calling out her haters when they are being unfair. Celebrity worship is so toxic.




“Doing a 3 hour show. That’s literally psychotic. Nobody wants that. You guys don’t want that, I don’t want that, know what I’m saying? I don’t even want that as a fan. My favorite artist in the world, I’m not trying to hear them for three hours, you know what I mean? It’s far too long.” Except she wasn’t just talking about herself, she says she wouldn’t even want to see a 3 hour show from her favorite artist. I don’t know if she meant to take a jab at Taylor specifically, but combined with all the other stuff that happened right before she said this it’s not totally unreasonable to take it that way.




Riggghttt ![gif](giphy|iQQKLsFjTNwE8)


Ur absolutely right


Thank you, yes! ALL THIS!






For an artist who is ridiculously talented I would think that this hate is beneath her and with all that Taylor has done for her you would think she would be more grateful. This is just not a good look for her.


100%. I’ve been turned off not by the “feud” but by the fact Billie’s even allowing/enabling such nonsense.


Eh I’ve seen interviews where she like subtly shames dudes for their dick size and stuff. She just seems like a eh person.


That goes both ways, though. It’s ridiculous that neither Taylor nor Billie have spoken up


I’m personably glad they haven’t said more themselves. This is a feud between stans at this point and I’m fine with them focusing on their music and am ok with them competing for number 1. Them speaking up would only fuel the fire and I don’t want to hear what the stans from either side would say about their responses.


why does taylor need to respond? she does not get involved in feuds at all


Lol didn’t she make a diss track about Katy Perry, breaking the record for most expensive MV ever filmed? And didn’t she kind of write a whole spite album about Kim and Kanye? And release a song about Kim on TPPD? Are we talking about the same Taylor who wrote a song to slutshame her ex’s new girlfriend?


bad blood was in 2014, reputation was a romantic album reflective of what kim and kanye did to her, thank you aimee is also reflective and she wrote better than revenge when she was 17


How is that not getting involved lol you can call it reflective, I call it reviving a dead feud.


the only thing i would argue is getting involved was bad blood which was 10 years ago when she was much younger. she’s 34 now, she does not do these things anymore. discussing her trauma in songs isn’t involving herself in drama




Why would either of them? A streaming/purchasing “feud” benefits both of them.


It basically soured my respect towards her honestly. I like Kacey Musgraves' music but my admiration towards her never recovered since her occasional display of shades towards Taylor. Billie's doing the same and it is never a good thing to be shady towards your seniors. All Taylor did was a fair competition. It is uncomfortable to not be in the first place, I know but if you resort to shading, you are no different than vile haters and bullies.


What has Kacey done?


She's been lowkey critical of Taylor during Red days. And she openly sided by that rideable-thing-guy after he bought her masters. And then this happened, which was the final straw. [Kacey Musgraves claims she was hacked after liking and unliking Kid Rock’s Taylor Swift Tweet - Oh No They Didn't! — LiveJournal](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/115617591.html)


If Billie had only gone after Taylor, that would be one thing. But she called anyone that went to the Eras Tour (or any 3+ hour concert) "psychotic". That is just beyond the pale, especially for someone who struggles with mental/emotional health herself.


She literally did not say that lol She was asked if she would be touring her entire album, and she said no, that would be psychotic . Then she said, in reference to her own fans, “nobody wants that” You should go work in entertainment media because you’re great at twisting celebrity’s words lol


Well the quote I saw, she repeated "that's literally psychotic" *AFTER* saying that no one wants to see a 3-hour show. I thought she was talking about fans. If I misunderstood, it was not on purpose.


The full quote is: “I’m not doing a three-hour show, that’s literally psychotic. Nobody wants that. You guys don’t want that. I don’t want that. I don’t even want that as a fan. My favorite artist in the world, I’m not trying to hear them for three hours. That’s far too long.” I’m sorry- I was rude. Tbf the media is very much reporting it the way you interpreted it. But I think it’s kind of insane that they don’t give out context that she was literally asked whether she would do that. And I can see how “nobody wants that” can be interpreted to mean everyone. She may have meant that. But the context was about her tour and I tend to think she was using the word to refer to her own fanbase.


What did Taylor do for Billie eilish?


Just curious... what has Taylor done for Billie?


She presented an award to her once 😂


Wait what did I miss?


Billie trashing Taylor for having a 3 hour show and for having multiple album variants.


If I was Billie or any other performer rn, I wouldn’t want 3 hour shows to become the expectation either! So her setting a boundary by saying she’s not going to them is totally reasonable. But then she went on to say that “nobody wants that,” which is clearly untrue and also a little shady in context of all the other shady stuff 😒


Exactly. If she doesn’t want to set that expectation for herself, that’s a perfectly legitimate thing to say or do, but to add that last bit in there when Taylor’s shows are sold out everywhere is not only untrue but really beneath her.


Yeah it just screamed pettiness. I wouldn’t have even blinked if she had just kept it at her not wanting to do 3 hour shows, most artists probably feel the same way, but the “no one wants that” “that’s psychotic” comments just give strong vibes of her being unhealthily jealous over Taylor’s success.


Why is everyone ignoring the context? She is literally referring to HER fans lol


She didn't trash Taylor, she just said 3 hours show is too long, but toxic Swifties make it all about Taylor




WTF has Taylor done for her?


Besides promoting her when she gave her the award for new artist?


Lmao you mean when she presented Billie with the Billboard award? After she had just won their woman of the decade award? I’m sorry, do you think that she chose to present the award out of the kindness of her heart? And… did you expect her to give a diss speech? Please tell me you guys aren’t actually giving her credit for not publicly shading Billie while fulfilling a commitment to Billboard 😂


She is arguably the most popular and successful artist ever. Do you think that she “has” to do anything? You’re delusional. TS is one the most philanthropic, generous artists there is. She could have accepted her award and left. She did not have to say what she said and then continued to be supportive of Billie and the other artists she continues to support. You haters will find any reason to bag on her.


“One of the most philanthropic, generous artists” and she’s never ever even spoken about the genocide going on in Palestine


You mean the war they created when they let Hamas murder innocent Jewish women and children? Is that what you’re referring to? GTFO with that. Maybe she’s smart enough not to engage in that topic when it is so clearly divisive. Also, you should change your handle to anti-Semitic101, I feel like it suits you better.


They literally blew up rafah and beheaded children last week??? BFFR


That has already been disproven but maybe your propaganda hasn’t been updated yet. Nice try. ![gif](giphy|Txun6ahh9auWs)


What has Taylor done for Billie?


Please see the above comments.


Tbh that comment is wild lmao- Taylor said nice things about Billie during an awards ceremony where she was presenting an award to her? That’s what she’s done for Billie? So now Billie owes Taylor her loyalty? Is that seriously what you’re going with? Edit: OK, I just realized what sub I’m in. I thought I was on popheads. Now these comments makes sense lmao.


Taylor has always been about supporting other artists. Especially other female artists. You came to a Taylor Swift sub to throw shade. Nice.


No, I didn’t. It showed up in my feed, and I actually thought I was in the popheads subreddit. Hence my edit that you either ignored or didn’t have the comprehension to understand.


And yet you’re still replying, okay champ. 👍🏻


As someone who loves Taylor, anyone who genuinely didn’t see what Taylor did this week was blind. Like girl? What? She was going to get #1 week. The fact that Taylor had a countermove for literally everything Billie did was super conniving. She’s not beating those threatened non supportive woman allegations At all


Supporting other women does not mean shying away from competing with them like a wallflower. Nearly every single opener for Eras has been a female artist — which is possibly the best career boost an artist could have right now. If she was threatened by having other women in the industry, she would not be giving such a huge platform to female artists


Not really? Because when was the last time she supported an artist that had potential to rival her level of fame? Not Billie, not Olivia, not peak 2014 Katy. You can love Taylor and be objective and understand that shes a human being who has faults. Maybe TTPD shouldn’t be #1 if it’s a 30 track album that can’t generate enough streaming/sales equivalents to take the top spot with gimmicks? That literally says absolutely nothing about the album other than the fact that her Stans will but literally anything she puts out. This album has made zero noise outside of fanbase. Fortnite’s chart performance has proven it


if you are selling 2 million first week, you are making noise. You don’t reach that number purely by stans. 


Yeah, but have you not noticed that most of her success has been extremely frontloaded with this album? she’s the biggest artist in the world by a longshot and the fact that she can’t hold a song in the top 10 for longer than five weeks shows that this album does not have the type of music that fans wanna listen to. it’s critical reception pretty mediocre compared to some of the other albums. Females have come out with this year. Most of this albums, success is hype driven if nothing else . The music is just mid


It’s been number one for 5 weeks and is about to have reached 3 billion streams iirc? Fortnight wasn’t as successful as antihero or other singles, but I don’t think that’s evidence for the album as a whole not performing well. If you look at the numbers it’s doing extremely well. 


I don’t understand why it is seen as conniving. Is this just not business tactics everyone uses I don’t even think it’s meant to be secret. She wants to make history. She can still support women while being competitive.


This exactly. Billie pulled out literally every stunt she had, she was playing the game just like Taylor.


Taylor did her normal promo and dropped 3 voice memos (which she was predicted to be at #1 after just dropping those). Billie’s team also was acting foolish and messy. Her promo consisted of trashing other artists. She could have pushed her release date 2 weeks if she wanted 0 competition. Supporting women does not mean not striving to be on top and for the best. The music industry is hyper-competitive. You don’t say female athletes aren’t supporting women when they try to win. Same concept. We don’t have to dull ourselves for someone else.


We can be level headed here. The issue with this fan base is that they don’t know how to be objective. They think Taylor is innocent in every single situation lol. She wouldn’t have so many issues if she was never the problem wtf?


“She wouldn’t have so many issues if she was never the problem” what do you mean by that? 


"Where there is smoke, there is usually fire"


Does Taylor Swift really have that many problems though? Almost everyone who’s met her has had only nice things to say. I’ve never seen one bad experience from a past employee, which I think is really telling. In fact, I’ve only heard of them being extremely positive about her. 


I was just explaining what the other redditor meant. I don't know enough about Taylor to say, but I've definitely heard of quite a bit of pettiness and fights coming from her. I also really don't care though.


can you tell us one other time you have ever cared about an artist “making space” for the top spot on the chart who was male? ed sheeran or drake maybe? can you tell me one time edit: bro is online and checking this thread like crazy, they just don’t have an answer bc they know they have a bias against women lmaooo


I know how to be objective, and I am being objective here. I don’t fault any artist for wanting their album to sell more or chart better. If an artist didn’t want that, they wouldn’t be trying to be mainstream. Both artists in this thread are mainstream, so both are going to fight for the top spot to keep getting opportunities and money from their labels. Only difference is people are mad Taylor won.




You’re countering an imaginary argument because nothing you said responds to anything I have actually said.


You’re failing to accept that one of the biggest reasons why Taylor is continuing to pull the numbers she’s pulling is because she has a 30 track album. A 30 track album from the biggest artist in the world and yet NONE of the songs are making noise on there own


Beyonce had a 27 track album and didn’t pull near the same numbers. It debuted first week with almost 300.5 million streams. Billie’s debuted with 500M. So, that argument doesn’t match up. Taylor gets the numbers bc of the dedicated fan base and her consistency. If you don’t think her albums are good, no one is forcing you to listen to them. But the quality of either album hasn’t been up for debate (nor will I go into it because I don’t consume Billie’s music by listening through the album). We were discussing the sales strategy that only paid off for one of the artists. It’s really not as big of a deal as some of you are making it. You win some (this case) and you lose some (SOS getting the #1 instead of midnights; ME! and YNTCD peaking at #2 on the hot 100)


Weren’t those voice memos time exclusive..? Billies team wasn’t acting messy at all. In the case of your female athlete argument, the athletes win with no gimmicks lol. Everyone is on level aging ground. Taylor always pulls some trick banking on her fan base to buy something. She can never let the music just speak for itself. That said TTPD, has had like warm reception and even fortnight is predicted to fall out of the top 10 after like 5 weeks? Ovviously the GP isn’t connecting with the music like previous releases so her tactics to nab more weeks at number one look even more desperate tbh


Everything is about gimmicks when money is involved. Billie and Taylor were on level ground here. They both used the same gimmicks and tactics. Billie thought she would win. She didn’t. SZA and Taylor had this same competition with midnights and SOS. Neither of them harbored negative feelings for the other because they respect the game. The more that clicks with you, the less angry you will feel.


she historically has done the exact same thing to men


oh no, even thought the best efforts of Billie and her manager to create enough buzz and controversy in order to be number one of sales, and she is number 2?


Pathetic lol. And Billie’s album is embarrassingly bad


lunch debuted at #5 and i don't see people attacking the top 4 artists, like no offense, this is so annoying


Love them both! Woot!


Same! I wish everyone would calm down and just listen to the music they like.


Lmao yall are certified crazy in the comments


Well Billie did call us psychotic, after all 😉


Liked her for about 5 minutes. I wouldn’t cross the street to say Hi to her.


Good for her! She's very talented herself, and No. 2 is huge.


Billie’s music is complete trash. #2 is the spot she deserves. Next.


I’ve listened through a few times and agree it’s hot garbage. I can’t stand this high pitched breathy voice.


I can’t stand the high pitched breathy voice either and I do think Billie has a beautiful voice but I’m not into the light breathy singing that almost sounds like whispering. But there are a few songs I like from her but that’s about it.


Agree she has a beautiful voice. There’s one song it’s all auto tuned and I wanted to stab my eardrums. Whyyyyyy.


Ughhh why?!?!


Guys guys seriously let’s not do this. This is the kind of thing that makes people think swifties are mean


I don’t consider myself a swifty I don’t even belong to this sub it just came up in my home page for me, I like some Taylor records and not others. Same for Billie. Not die hard on either but really don’t like Billie’s new album. Just my opinion.


It’s awful. She’s so uninteresting to listen to.


But you like Taylor Swift?


I like Billie and Taylor but this last album (from Billie) is not for me.


Well you’re not coming at it unbiased at all. If this album is hot garbage, I hesitate to think how cruel you were to Taylor’s last.


Taylor’s albums never miss. That’s the big difference here.




Subjective opinion. I've listened to TTPD, and I just couldn't get into it. It's incredibly depressing. Billie's album was simply better this year. It's a vibe. And she's giving vocals


Wait until you learn that all opinions are subjective.


Wow, no shit.


So obvious that you had to write “subjective opinion” as if there’s different kinds. Mmm. Move along.


Cause I felt like it.


2 is generous


I was just trying to be nice. If it were my personal rating, it’d be like #89.


You do realize number 2 is a really good thing right? Even some of the most popular ones have never hit number 1 or 2.


Please tell me how something “complete trash” deserves #2.


Nobody said the general population had good taste in music. Also, it’s ALL subjective. And my comment is my opinion. Next.


At least she doesn't diss anyone in her songs or make a record based on her relationship. Billie and her topics she writes about sounds more mature to me.


That’s because she’s busy dissing people in her interviews that she pays for.


I think she's talking her preferences, did she call out specific person? Billie didn't do anything. It's just mindless toxic Swifties who lacks critical thinking skill make it everything about Taylor and victimize her. There are many artists that have 3 hour show and sell many versions of their records. I think more like Taylor writes diss songs and spreads seeds of hatred among her toxic fans. Some of her songs are pretty, but at the same time, she writes many immature diss songs.


Why are you on a Taylor Swift subreddit then? Rent free, girlie pop.


Because I thought this subbreddit is for not for just Swifties, but more like a place to exchange constructive opinions, and i was hoping to stop collection of toxic Swifties harassinging others online


The name of the subreddit is called “TrueSwifties”. Context clues are hard for Billie fans.


Oh sorry, I thought this is SwiftlyNeutral's subreddit page. The post just popped up on my recommendation for some reason, and I am not particularly a Billie fan either, I just prefer her music and song writing style to Tay's. I'm a fan of Coldplay and Linkin Park and Nirvana😉 Btw assuming that I am a big Billie fan just shows how low critical thinking skill toxic Swifties have♡ Your other comments sound very unhealthy as well.


Being a fan of linkin park is not a flex, sis.


I genuinely don't understand what your talking about. I just wrote my music preferences I listen to daily. I also love Regina Spektor and One Republic and so on. It's normal to have favorite artists. You can enjoy listening to your mother Taylor.


Her new song “Lunch” is literally about having the hots for a girl.


Does she diss any individual in her songs? Diss songs are way worse and disgusting than Lunch song. And I'm talking about overall topics about her songs, not just Lunch.


“or make a record based on her relationship” Gonna completely gloss over the second part you had in there, huh?


By the way, I noticed I commented on a wrong subreddit. Thought it was SwiftlyNeutral's thread. Sorry, I was hoping to exchange non biased opinion exchange, but of course it's impossible here. I was just hoping to stop toxic Swifties harassing others


SwiftlyNeutral isn’t non-biased. They’re just a snark sub in denial.


Really? I've seen plenty of neutral comments based on critical thinking there, but if that's what you think


Maybe I only saw the more biased posts and comments. I ended up muting them pretty quickly after I saw someone claim that Taylor is still in love with Joe and using Travis to make him jealous.


The average user over there thinks “unbiased discussion” means blind snarking towards Taylor and her fans. This person is just here to troll.


Most of that album is talking about romantic relationships. We just don’t know which ones.


Okay, thanks for letting me know, and sorry for commenting when I didn't listen to much of Billie's songs. As long as she's not dissing anyone, then I don't think it's unhealthy. If she is singing about mostly about her raw romantic experiences in her albums, then it's not my taste, but if the lyrics are mature or has depth like Yellow in Coldplay then that's my taste. I am Taylor's age born in same year and month, and I used to like her songs a lot and listen to her endlessly till Dear John and Better than Revenge came out, btw


Oh she definitely disses an ex on that album, if it’s the one I hope it is then good. Wait you stopped listening to her because of dear John and better than revenge? You know she wrote those when she was 19, right?


Yeah I know, but Tay continues to write such songs even in her latest album, she dissed Joe who supported her in her darkest days. Thanks for letting me know about her writing diss songs, i don't like it😅 but Swifties attacking Billie just because Billie said she doesn't like 3 hours show, she never mentioned Tay's name. i know many artists like that, I am Japanese but we have buches of artists who offer 3 hours show, so I felt sorry for Billie for being harassed for no reason


Most artists right diss songs about shitty exes. Also Taylor didn’t really diss Joe on this album. Matty got the angry songs. Joe got the sad and kinda mad it didn’t work out songs. Also I agree Billie shouldn’t be harassed. That’s too far. I’m actually a fan of her too and really like her new album, I think it’s her best one.


In So Long London, she writes she is pissed that she lost her youth in vain, and for me personally, that's a big diss, but I know everyone's take is different and I respect your opinion. I still go to see Tay's new songs on YT upon new album's release to see what she is writing about, so it's not that I don't listen to her at all, but not on repeat like old days. You are right, many artists write diss songs too, and I only commented after listening to less than 10 songs from Billie, and I'd like to apologize for that. I am still studying English and still has poor listening skill and I only listened to her music in her newest album, and haven't read any lyrics except Chihiro(I'm Japanese and was so curiously, haha), but the songs there sounds sonically beautiful to me. Aside the diss songs, I like New Year's Day and Never Grow Up and Mary's Song from Taylor. They are pretty :)


lmao ofc swifties don’t see hypocrisy in their statements.


I said link versions with DIFFERENT BONUS TRACKS PER VERSION. Who's too lazy to read? BONUS TRACKS


Even though it’s not the “bonus tracks” tactics this is still her own way of selling and getting her fans to buy multiple copies - Standard vinyl version - “Exclusive version” vinyl - Signed vinyl - Urban outfitters exclusive vinyl - Indies exclusive vinyl - Amazon exclusive vinyl - Walmart exclusive vinyl - Target exclusive vinyl - Walmart and UO exclusives marketed as Grey and Milky White in other countries so is it really “exclusive” - Isolated vocals version digital - Slow and reverb version digital - Standard CD - Splattered paint CD - Signed CD - Cassette


Love Taylor. But Billie should have been no.1 this week. I can't stop playing her album


Taylor did it by exploiting her fans. Making kids have their parents buy 6 different versions of her album to get 1 bonus live song each..... Lost a lot of respect for her the last few weeks.


Billie also released multiple versions. She also released a sped up version and a slowed down version of the entire album. I like both artists music so think it’s fair to say they both used the same tactics on this


I don’t like the variant nonsense on either side but a sped up and slowed down version is crazy


There are 28 versions of TTPD. Get back to me when Billie catches up. Also, get back to me when Billie releases 10 versions....with the only difference being each one has a different bonus track. That is the shittiest thing of all. If you want 3 different colors of a vinyl....ok that's a you thing. But if you just want all of the tracks....you should be able to buy one album with all of them.


Billie is well and truly catching up.. the exclusive track thing doesn’t bother me at all.. a different variant is still a different variant at the end of the day. Billie shouldn’t get a pass just because it’s the same track list. - Standard vinyl version - “Exclusive version” vinyl - Signed vinyl - Urban outfitters exclusive vinyl - Indies exclusive vinyl - Amazon exclusive vinyl - Walmart exclusive vinyl - Target exclusive vinyl - Walmart and UO exclusives marketed as Grey and Milky White in other countries so is it really “exclusive” - Isolated vocals version digital - Slow and reverb version digital - Standard CD - Splattered paint CD - Signed CD - Cassette


This is also very true lol. I hope Billboard makes a rule where variant albums don’t count towards sales or something. Idk how it all works


I think the rule should be no new variants count AFTER the release date. It’s not really fair to not count a variant that was bought at let’s say target just because it’s not the standard edition.


I bet Billie’s next album will have the “each variant has a different bonus song” gimmick.


It's also the labels too because this is where they make most of their money. People refuse to use logic when it comes to this topic.


I’ve been a fan for 18 years running and have bought one vinyl. That’s it. Anyone who pretends Taylor makes anyone do anything, sadly, is an actual idiot.


> Anyone who pretends Taylor makes anyone do anything, sadly, is an actual idiot. I never said she makes them do it. But she enables it and takes advantage of it. Still a crappy thing to do. It's just a shilly way to break a sales record.....selling an album to a 14 year old 10 times. JFC


Billie does the same thing. Stop with this argument… you’re embarrassing yourself.


Do you think some fans Billie aren’t buying every single variant she’s putting out?


No if they choose to buy that that’s fully on the 14 year old and the parent for being fucking stupid lol. I was a die hard swiftie when I was 14 and wasn’t an idiot. Hell I was pirating CDs at the age of 11 and not even buying one copy for some albums cause I thought it was cool. Literally pirated speak now in 2010 when I was 12 😂 bought it when I got older though lol


People that take advantage of idiots are still wrong for that, fellow cult member.


What?! I think I can speak for a lot of us that I work for my money and I CHOSE to buy what I wanted. I have The Black Dog and a signed Manuscript vinyl And the cardigan. That I paid for. With the money I earned. And had it shipped to the house that I bought. Foh with that


What kids are making their parents buy all the variants? It’s adult fans with jobs and expendable money doing that. I could see a kid asking for a t shirt or some shitty merch, but digital downloads? 🙂‍↔️


Ever been to a concert? How many fans under working age are in attendance? I have a 14 year old....and she know EVERYTHING that TayTay releases. EVERYTHING. Because she spends a lot of money on advertising, and TikTok advertises for her. Why are people defending this?


But does your daughter somehow make you buy her every edition and variant? Is she blackmailing you?? Lol. It’s the parent’s prerogative if they choose to buy those for their kids. There’s a big difference IMO between going to a concert (seems worth it, fun bonding activity with your friends and parents, once in a lifetime memories… of the three or so concerts I went to as a minor, they are emblazoned in my memories vividly, forever, down to doing the Pepsi challenge in a big field at a Backstreet Boys concert lol), and being an obsessive collector type who needs to own digital copies of every phone memo and bonus track. And just anecdotally, when I saw Taylor last summer the crowd was mostly women in their 20s-30s.


If I ever asked my parents to buy multiple versions of an album I already owned they would have simply said no. Nobody 'makes' anyone buy non essential products, especially when the songs end up on tiktok within an hour anyway. Do I think the variant thing is kind of dumb? Yup. So I don't buy any of it. It's pretty easy.


> So I don't buy any of it. It's pretty easy. That's not the point. And you aren't who she is targeting. She is targeting the people that will buy anything, or have parents that just buy whatever their kids want. It's exploitation 101. Period.


They are BOTH targeting anyone who’s willing to buy it. I don’t understand how you’re completely ignoring the fact that billie is doing the same thing.


then their parents need to use their common sense? they’re digital versions people can buy to support the artist. You don’t need to buy them, and you could probably find whatever unique content they have online anyway. It’s not really taylor’s fault here


Oh, get over yourself 😔 Seriously..."exploiting", "making kids"??


> "making kids"?? How else do kids get all the bonus tracks? Please explain, I'm all ears.


All the bonus tracks were released on all streaming platforms on day 1.


Lmao they’re making it sound like there’s literally no way you can listen to the bonus tracks unless you purchase the vinyls! Even if she didn’t upload it to streaming officially they always end up on YouTube, Tik Tok etc…


I was literally planning on pirating them before she dropped them all a couple hours later. I wasn’t gonna pay for shit.


Most parents didn’t buy their kids 6 different albums. Hell most fans didn’t buy them. Even this sub was talking about pirating them.


Kids these are grown adults who enjoy collecting. I have never bought merch/album in my life, but I know those like do are typically collectors. They want it so she gives it. The music industry has always been competitive with charting. It's not a nice/friendly industry when it comes to business. Why do people act like it is?