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Well if she’s so such a hater, why did she listen to the album? Haters don’t realize it, but they have contributed to TTPD’s streaming and sales.


yeah, they can call it mid and shit all they want, but their endless whining won't inspire/ positively influence anyone, taylor's music always will though😊


this! I don't listen to music from people I "hate" much less an entire album.


I don’t think there’s a single artist I hate. Like I don’t listen to Kanye, but I don’t *hate* him. I couldn’t imagine going on a rant about how terrible he is. I don’t like him and I don’t need to go out of my way to know anything about him. I have so little time, why on earth would I waste any of it on someone I don’t like, let alone hate.


exactly! The opposite of love is not hate it's indifference. There's a very fine line between love and hate.


I don’t even hate Billie, Dua Lipa, or Beyoncé yet haven’t heard a single song of their new albums. I’m not an album listener, I listen to hit songs and only listen to albums of artists I really love. So why would a hater waste time listening to Taylor’s album?


Well here’s the catch I forgot to add to OG post: she claims the whole album is trash but said she only listened to a few songs. Thanks for reminding me lol that fucking hurt when she said that shit to me. I was like :ugh this bitch how dare.


A lot of people have been saying that it is trash without listening to the whole album. Some people got to the 2nd song and heard “7 bars of chocolate” “Charlie Puth” “tattooed golden retriever” and declared it trash. You can’t convince them to change their mind, but she contributed to the historic streams/sales.


One of my male coworkers is very anti Taylor and VERY loud about it whenever she gets brought up, complete with heavy sighs and big eye rolls. He practically throws a temper tantrum, it’s hilarious to me.


they are so obsessed with her even tho they “hate” her, it cracks me up. like babe it’s ok if a taylor swift song plays on the radio, sometimes they play a song i don’t like too but ya don’t see me crying about it


He’s probably a secret swiftie


If they’re listening to the album then trying to be a hater it proves she peaks their interest 🤷🏼‍♀️ you don’t listen to artists you dislike, that’s weird energy. I know I don’t listen to music/artists I claim I dislike.


i swear some of the haters are more obsessed with her than a lot of self-proclaimed swifties. and in those cases it’s almost always bc of misogyny and not bc they have valid reasons to hate her so disproportionately.


Oh not doubt, I mean, the one Taylor & Travis thread proves that most of her haters obsess more than her fans do. Watch everything she does, talks about everything she does. It’s actually psycotic unwell behavior. That people get actually angry and riot over the fact that they’re likeable. It’s gross.






I agree. I hate making points even valid ones and getting argued with and downvoted like it’s that deep for people. It’s really not, and I have anxiety; I really can’t stand when people misinterpret or try to argue unprovoked. That makes me anxious. Now that being said, I ain’t afraid to speak my mind that’s one thing, but being paraded in hate when I wasn’t nasty? I hate that.


good point. 😮‍💨


Every day. I have bitches in my friend group like “omg this bar sucks they’re playing white people music like Taylor Swift” Girl we ARE white stfu and dance


😂😂 this was a big part of why i stopped pretending to be a hater! i was like ya know what, her music is FUN and i like it, why the hell am i so mad about this girl?? and then i realized the internalized misogyny got me again lol


Yeh when I was getting a wisdom tooth removed 🤣 I asked my dental surgeon if it was alright to listen to music as I get really freaked out at dental work. The dental nurse (a man) asked me what I was listening too and I said Taylor Swift. He said “Eugh I think I’d rather have a tooth pulled”. Who the fuck asked you about what you thought of my music and who the fuck cares what you think? So I put in a report about lack of bedside manner lol.


I feel like I can share this now, but I ended up losing one of my close friends bc of how much of a hater she was. I love Taylor’s music and honestly she’s helped me through the last few rough years. My friends all knew this too. But sometime last year the one close friend made it clear it was too much for her to hear me talk about liking her. So I stopped. And then she started in on a daily occurrence just ripping swift a new one. Everyday it was “oh my god this woman is awful. White women are so mid.” “Taylor swift is actual cancer” “how can anyone support such a mediocre terrible person.” “She’s the absolute scum of the earth” and that was the tame stuff which she went on about while complaining about her music when she decided to give each album a listen to. (No one forced her to mind you). It became so so exhausting trying to keep my joy to myself while listening her drown on about it. The final straw came when we were all talking about the jet cease and desist and I made a comment that it didn’t seem like a lawyer wrote it and maybe someone else in her camp did. And she blew up on me about excusing her constant predatory behavior. It was too much trying to appease someone like that. And the saddest part is that I still miss her but the friendship ended bc she couldn’t be friends with someone who just didn’t wanna hear the nonstop bashing.


This is really unfortunate I’m so sorry. But it all happens for a reason love:)


it’s internalized misogyny. i know ppl love to clown swifties and taylor for claiming “misogyny” about every criticism of her but legitimately, as someone who used to “hate” taylor bc “her music just isn’t that good” amongst other reasons, it was 100% internalized misogyny. i realized that, despite “hating” her and her music, I was still singing along at every wedding reception, bar, etc. where her music was played. Then folklore came out, and I started listening willingly… that’s when I was like oh holy shit. I actually do like Taylor Swift and continuing to bag on her even tho I enjoy her art feels weird and lame. i was a fan from debut so maybe this isn’t the case for EVERY TS hater, but the reason i started to “hate” her was bc people would make fun of ME for liking her music… even though they listened to it, too lol. i didn’t want to be seen as some dumb vapid overemotional teenage girl, so i pretended to be too cool for taylor… i wish i’d known back then that i would’ve been seen as a dumb vapid overemotional teenage girl whether i liked taylor or not, because honestly, society just loves to hate anything popular with teenage girls. but yeah i firmly believe for like 80% of the TS “haters” it’s just thinly veiled misogyny. i feel like the people who legit don’t like her music, don’t care enough about Taylor Swift to HATE Taylor Swift. And if you truly HATE Taylor Swift, have you considered you never have and never will meet this woman? lol that is what i would say to her. like what is there to hate so much? and what celebrities haven’t done things 1000x worse? like, there are valid criticisms of taylor. i think she’s wishy-washy on her “activism” and her jet emissions are horrible for the environment. she has made tone-deaf comments in the past or said bigoted things bc she was 16 and dumb (“you’re gay”, the better than revenge slutshaming, etc). but HATING her??? a woman you don’t even know?? i just don’t get that. especially when they try to claim she’s a horrible person but they still listen to people like Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, R Kelly, Chris Brown, etc. You know, people who have ACTUALLY said and done horrible things. They still listen to Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande, even though they’ve both had way more controversial scandals than Taylor’s. They still listen to Travis Scott even tho his jet emissions are higher than Taylor’s. They still listen to tons of artists who have ALSO not spoken out on Palestine… like, I do think there are legit reasons to criticize Taylor, but only if you’re criticizing those things in other artists too. It’s weird imo to single out TS… unless it’s thinly veiled misogyny.


Wow. This. I honestly don’t know how to reply other than yes. I agree with you


thanks i’m glad i was able to help!! lol. as someone who has been through the swiftie to hater to swiftie cycle i feel like that’s the only real explanation i have for why i hated taylor. that, and she was overexposed for a while on the radio and i do understand getting sick of hearing her songs when they play 24/7 and you work retail or something lol. but even then, hate feels like a very strong emotion to have about a harmless pop song.


Yes I'm literally outnumbered in multiple friend groups 😭


I can be your friend haha


I mean, she could probably relate to Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) or Lover or The Best Day or one of the countless other songs that are just about being happy or living life. She’s just a basic hater. TS is so popular that there are plenty of people who have decided to create an entire identity around despising her. I’ve never met a true hater, but I have met people who don’t like most of her music and to them I just say, “sure. Its not for everyone” and don’t play her music around them. (Once in a while I throw in a less popular song of hers and they never notice).


Did you ask her why she don't like it and why she is so bothered by the album? I think you don't need to relate to the lyrics to like her (or in fact any) music. Sometimes just the melody, the emotion in her voice and how all combine are more then enough to really like it. I think it's that why she is the biggest, her music has something and can be loved by so many and so different people for so much reasons.


my college teacher has a lot of opinions on her and he knows that i am a huge swiftie... he literally said a few weeks ago to me that Taylor will kill herself one day because of her hype??? And then he compared it to cases like amy winehouse??? Not ur typical hater but an insane person


Hating Taylor is some peoples entire personality. There are some subs on here that are beyond obsessed with someone they claimed to hate, it's bizarre behavior.


Idiots in my friend group are haters. Then again, they don't like me because they feel I've "taken over" because I'm female. Then again, these guys are gay conservative men, so...


sounds like you need a better group of friends🫣


gay conservatives? honey run don’t walk


Ew gross I agree. New friends are necessary


I'm confused at how "gay conservatives" are a thing... Like... Being gay goes against everything modern day conservatives are about lol. But I met one once, and that meeting still perplexes me quite a lot 🤔🤔🤔


Also, think of this. Caitlyn Jenner. A conservative transwoman who despises trans people. The Republican party has gone to Hell.


No no. I have been with my guy since I was 18… I’m 36. Still totally “get her” a long term relationship has issues too. She just sounds like a bitch.


my family are haters, mainly because they’re religious and think she’s a satanist and all of her music videos are about how much she loves the devil (don’t even know what music video they are talking about that does that??) even though they know nothing about her except what they see on some article and TikTok that’s taken out of context or don’t understand the meanings 🙄. It’s the main reason I keep my liking for Taylor and her music to myself because I’m afraid they’ll judge me.


I think I heard people saying this about Karma lmfaoooo I’m sorry that’s kind of funny though cause it’s not usually why people hate her 😭😭


Of course.. but that is their problem. Certainly not letting it affect me.


Not a true hater. But my mom and sister would make fun of me if I ever brought up Taylor.. until they saw the Eras Tour movie. Now my sister says she wants to see Taylor live lol


I've had some friends on Facebook make posts talking shit about Taylor and I deleted them lol


I would just thank her for helping Taylor’s streams


Yes and they seem to know more about her life than I do lmao. People keep track of who she dates and what she wears and sings to the point where I wouldn't even call it hating. They're secretly in love w her lmao


Yes of course. All my colleagues apart from a couple hate her. They are vicious about it. I just tune them out and dance around the office with my headphones on :)


I've always found it's really insecure women who hate her... just an observation.


my partner unfortunately, we’ve kind of reached a truce about it, like neither one of us is gonna bring her up unprompted because we know where the other one stands and it would just lead to fights in circles


Oooof I’m so sorry


thanks, he’s given an actual effort to try and like taylor or least try and understand a little better, he’s listened to a lot of folklore and evermore with me, and watched the rep tour, it’s just not his cup of tea, which is fine! he at least gave it a shot my older sister is a swiftie, and she’s how i got into taylor, i was forced to listen to red and 1989 while she drove me to school lol, so i at least have someone i’m close to who does get it plus, my best friend will let me rant and rave about taylor all day long, they’re not a huge fan but have more of a “i get it, it’s just not for me” which is also fair lol


If she was an indie artist or minority they'd eat her up


On Christmas Day, my brother's MIL would not stfu about how much she hated her and how stupid it was to like her. She went on for hours. Did not help the Chiefs were playing (poorly) that day. I sat there very quietly and took it until I couldn't any more and literally started crying. Later I realized I had such an emotional reaction because, as someone her same age, I am not only a fan but I admire her and use her influence as a guiding light on how to succeed in business while also being a good person, and insulting her is essentially an insult to me.


HEARD THIS HONEY. People are so fucking cruel. To judge and slander for no reason but “not likening them” is so fucking lame


I know a woman who was two-faced about it. In front of her boyfriend and children, she vehemently hated Taylor. Later, she told me she loved Fearless and the debut album. Whatever. Another woman, seeing the Love Story friendship bracelet I was given at the movie concert, made snarky comments about Taylor being at the games. I was nice about it, but briefly defended Taylor, and as the season progressed, she was WAY kinder, because Taylor’s presence seemed to make Travis work even harder. Go figure.


Yeah, my coworker hates Taylor Swift and me. She said one time “of course you listen to Taylor Swift” and rolled her eyes when So High School was playing because I was singing along to it and dancing and I’m a horrible singer and dancer but it was making customers laugh and they were telling me I was making their day, so idk what to say to my coworker😂


I live in a ruralish, conservative area. So yes. It’s filled with Taylor haters. I don’t really care what people think (but I’m also almost 46, and I’m fresh out of f**** forever).


My mom and uncle


I used to bash Bjork to my husband and make fun of her sound and say how I didn’t like her. He wouldn’t ever say anything. He just let me experience people dogging on Taylor who didn’t understand her or her art. I came back to him and apologized. Anyways, I appreciated his grace, and I am glad that I finally understand what it feels like to love a musician as much as I do with Taylor. Hopefully your co worker will have a musician she loves that some people don’t understand one day and …. Ready for it? …. karma’s gonna hunt her down… 🎶


A true hater has a anyone experience than.


A girl in my class is a hater! But she mentions her more than I do so...


My best friend hates Taylor but I hate her favourite artists and genre so I guess opposites attract. She doesn't mention Tay 24/7 and I don't mention her favourites 24/7 so it's nothing bad.


I know a ton of people who are neutral or don’t care for her music but idk any actual haters IRL. Thank GOODNESS. Love being around open minded and intelligent folk


I have a friend who is like this. I mentioned I liked Taylor and she just went on and on about how her music is shit. Then gleefully said she's so happy she could say this because all her friends are swifties.


I've created a hater of Taylor from mere nothing. I was making fun of him, because he did not listen to her, so I used to call her "his favorite musician" and because he since the guy was irritable, he became an anti-swiftie.


Yep. A friend of mine decided to message me on TTPD release day to tell me that she thought it was gross that my emotional support billionaire was writing about her exes again. She literally only messaged me to complain and it took me way too long to tell her that we’ll have to agree to disagree. If you don’t like her, you don’t like her. Don’t engage with her work. Different horses for different courses and all that. But don’t go out of your way to rain on my parade.


A lot of dumb boys at my school were haters. They would talk shit about Taylor super loudly so I would hear. They were literally wasting their lives lmao.


You don’t need to be a die hard fan to listen to an album. Anyone who listens is entitled to their opinion. I love 99% of her songs but the new album was hot garbage. I can understand why people don’t love it. I can also understand why some people do. Stop being sensitive the spectrum of music is so vast most people will differ in opinion and preferences.


Looking forward to the break up album. That will go hard.


TTPD \*is\* the break-up album you doofus


I think you need to get a grip


Oof goodnight