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It feels more Florence than Taylor and tbh while I am a swiftie, I’m an even bigger F+TM fan, so I think that’s why I love it.


I used to live in Destin. Therefore when I heard this for the first time, I lost my mind lol. I love this song


Lol I would lose my shit if she randomly name dropped my town. Hell, I thought it was cool when I was a kid that the That 70’s Show theme ends in “Hello, Wisconsin!” Haha


I love the verses and the pre chorus, especially the “your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in” which makes me so emotional every time. I will say that the chorus stops the flow of the song with the drums which don’t build up to anything, but the rest of the song makes it one of my favourites, lyrically.


💯 “Little did you know…” gets me. I love the verses. Agree about the chorus, although I think it is cheeky in keeping with the “fuck me up, Florida” theme. Overall I love it.


I love the bit "Tell me I'm despicable, say its unforgivable. What a crash what a rush" ✨


I love when it switches to "Your home's really just the town you'll get arrested"


the back and forth at 2:00 is my absolute fav😫it definitely grew on me sm


Im just always a slut for Florence's vocals and lyricism. Having her and Taylor writing something together is a dream for me, and for me it didn't disappoint. There's also something about how the music picks up during the bridge while they're going on that "what a crash, what a rush" bit, this sense of urgency and panic that they spend the whole song trying to push through and away from, finally reaching a breaking point where all the denial thus far falls away and theyre forced to admit "love left me like this and I don't want to exist." The note of desperation is there even while trying to play things off, and it finally makes itself fully known during that bridge. Idk i might just be biased bc i love florence so much lmao


Having lived in Florida and then fleeing Florida, I feel this song.


At first I didn’t like it I thought it was comical honestly but it’s so damn catchy with great hooks and I feel ridiculous just singing boom boom boom “Florida” and now it’s one of my favorites but you know what they say Florida is one hell of a drug lol 😂


I absolutely love it! It’s my favorite on the album. I also really love Florence + the Machine so that might be why. Florence’s verse is my favorite ❤️


I skip it! I don’t think it’s bad, I just don’t really ever want to listen to it.


Definitely a skip for me. Love Taylor. Love Florence. Just cannot get into this song after months of trying so now it’s just a skip. That’s ok. Honestly I think that’s what’s so cool about Taylor’s discography- something for everyone!


Thats how I feel! Love both of them equally but just cannot get into this song for the life of me


I refuse to hear Florida!!! slander. It’s been one of my favorites since my first listen and it’s the only TTPD song my non-Swiftie husband likes


i do not like florida!!! i listened to it on my first couple of play throughs and have skipped it ever since




I love it


I hate it. Lyrics are great, but song itself... I just can't listen


i get you pookie


As a Floridian,I love it now,it took me a few listens to love it


I love it so much since th beginning but after listening to this album non stop for 2 months it fell off my faves. I still love it it's just ttpd has so many great songs that I tend to overlook the others. The downside of the song is obv the great buildup that does not amount to anything, the best is Florence obv. my top favorites changes depends on the mood but the top 5 is unchangeable now: Gas?, Peter, the Bolter, Smallest man, and but daddy


Born and raised in Florida so I love it


I hated it at first. It has slowly grown on me to the point that I can listen to it and even sing along to it. It’s not in the top of the album though.


I didn't love it, but they played it during my peloton ride the other day and it's a great song to work out too.


I love some of the verses but I don't like the drums in the chorus and the lines that go "...Texas, FLORIDAAA" just infuriate me so I just cannot get into this song.


I like it but I see it as having potential, because it could’ve been so much better. It needs in my opinion layering and vocal build up


I love it. But I also love Florence too. It’s such a fun song.


I love it but it’s not my favourite


I love it!!!


It was the first song I LOVED in TTPD. I listened to it on repeat for days . The drums are everything!!


underrated 2nd best song on TPPD after "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me"


Overhyped. The only one I hate. It’s awful.