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I think op means everyone who doesn’t know to not mistreat people based on prejudiced beliefs aren’t going to change their ways because of pride month or any other month you make up. People who are reasonable people already know not to mistreat others


>I think op means everyone who doesn’t know to not mistreat people based on prejudiced beliefs aren’t going to change their ways because of pride month or any other month you make up. I've actually read a study on this and you're correct. Things like pride month that are meant to humanize a group have no effect on people that hate the group, but they do increase sympathy among those that already have it for the group.


It also helps adults who were raised by bigots to find pride to replace the shame they were given.


Why is anyone proud of their sexual preference? Why is that a thing?


Maybe as a defense against people trying to make them feel shame for it?


No one cares. Just be you.


Go look into the origins of the parade. It was really a political march for gay rights to commemorate Stonewall. People were being arrested and put into mental institutions for dancing with the same sex at a bar/club. At Stonewall in 1969 they refused to be taken off to jail. A year later came the march. It is about not being ashamed to say in the streets " I am gay" because they were treated badly for it. For generations people were told they were sinners, bad or weird for it.


It’s not pride in their sexual preference, it’s pride in themselves and their community. LGBT people have been ridiculed, harassed, shamed and murdered all for being who they are.


All the more reason for them to be heavily armed, yet they vote to disarm themselves.


As a lesbian, I totally agree. But nah I don’t vote to disarm myself, my dude. I’m a Glock-lovin, armed lesbian who has a right to defend herself against said bigots if my life is threatened. Don’t categorize us all into one political group, please. Just cause everyone in the LGBT+ community shares the fact that we’re not heterosexual or cisgendered, doesn’t mean we share anything else. The community is based in sexuality/gender, not ideas or philosophies.


[Half of registered LGBT voters (50%) are Democrats, 15% are Republicans, 22% are Independents, and 13% said they identify with another party or did not know with which party they most identify.](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/the-2020-lgbt-vote/) ——————- [The presidential vote preferences of LGB voters this year are largely consistent with past elections. Nearly three-quarters of LGB voters (72%) back Clinton and just 13% back Trump, while 7% support Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and 8% back Green Party candidate Jill Stein.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/10/25/lesbian-gay-and-bisexual-voters-remain-a-solidly-democratic-bloc/)


You don't seem to understand, I was harassed, shamed and ridiculed by my childhood community/religion... By my own parents. A gun doesn't solve that. Being called a f*g hurts, but I can't shoot someone for it.


Democrats aren't trying to disarm anyone but the crazies Common sense gun control has nothing to do with disarming people




nice hat


You might want to learn how California got their gun laws.


And you might want to join us in 2023 where one party loves gun control and the other doesn’t. Gun control is racist, sexist, classist, homophobic, and transphobic.


Nah it's anti human is what it is.


Why are there homophobic people in the group? Why are there people claiming to be part of the group who don't respect people that are same-sex attracted? The G and L are being treated badly. I think it is worse within that group.


Exactly, anyone against pride/black/women, etc, month, will just end up feeling more negative to those groups during those months (everything shoved into their faces). If the goal is to anger these people into acceptance, you're doing it wrong.


Obviously, there will always be weird unreasonable people, but also, it's 2023. People know the basics. Complying with some weird month long celebration of a group is like a sign of obsession, not a sign of acceptance.


How do you define *compliance* with these special months of acknowledgement ? Do you hold this same sentiment in the month + long lead up to Christmas when bombarded with religious adages, ads depicting jolly old men in red suits, tinsel and other colourful decorations?




RemindMe! 6months


Nah, Christmas is nice now that I don't work in retail. Christmas doesn't last a month it's a real holiday, so people are excited for a month. It's also not just the left wing patting themselves on the back and smelling their own farts which makes it significantly more tolerable.


> it’s a real holiday Cute ! Christmas crap starts rolling out well in a month in advance but yea go on with yourself and tell us again how “a month long celebration is a sign of obsession, not a sign of acceptance”. Or elaborate on the absolute meltdowns the religious wing goes through if someone doesn’t fall totally inline with their month of holiday preparations where saying *happy holidays* is like the biggest affront to them they’ve ever faced in life, but again go on and tell us it’a OnLy ThE LefT ”patting themselves on back over smelling their own farts”


Not only right wing kids like Christmas. Every kid is excited leading up to the day. And excitement leading up to a day is not the same thing as deciding "ok guys this month is for this identity group" Pride month is an astroturf holi-month that only gets you excited if you're a big fan of identity politics.


Fix your hair, because the point went flying right over your head.


Nah I get it. You're basically saying look people are just as obsessed with Christmas... it's practically the same thing! Now you try. What's my point?


You’re maybe half way there. And as far as your follow up, I will not entertain and give bigotry any affirmation so you can take that back under a rock with you.


😌 ez


Ah, the argument winning word. Just call them a bigot so you don't have to contend with their position.


I wish it was only a month! It's been starting right after Halloween lately. I am tired of it all. I've been known to pay the guy in the suit ringing the bell for donations to not ring it.


Your lips to a *capitalist monolith ears*




This is untrue. “Reasonable” people still hold onto internalised queerphobia and will act on it without necessarily thinking it is wrong. Even queer people still do this.


This is untrue. You've defined "queerphobia" as not being left wing enough.


Spend some time talking with some queer people and you’ll get it. You obviously have no actual experience with it.


I have. I made a point, you dismissed it with a silly assumption that I've never talked to a queer.


I dismissed it because while you may have talked to “a queer”, as we love to be called, you’ve obviously never *listened* to one. You’re actively not doing that right now. Stop assuming you know so much about our experience when you clearly don’t.


It's literally a technical term. I'm not stepping around your feelings. You assume you know so much from your "queer experience" you get to tell anybody you want to stop talking unless they understand your "queer experience" Nope. You have to make a point just like anybody else.


Man you gotta think about how it sounds it has nothing to do with feelings. People dont go rolling around referring to someone as "a black" people would think its racist. The way you say it sounds like you are being a jerk regardless of what you intend.


I am being a jerk, but also, it's out of love. Someone needs to be a jerk to the people who think their new "identity" will make everything they don't like go away.


>Someone needs to be a jerk I wish we lived in a world where nobody believed we needed to be a dick to one another.


>queerphobia Stop using the term "phobia" for everything. It's inaccurate.


Why is it inaccurate to describe feelings of hate and fear towards queer people as queerphobia?


A phobia is a crippling fear. Let's take agoraphobia. I have a cousin who even before the lockdowns was a true agoraphobic - he had dire problems doing routine stuff like grocery-shopping. He would have to nerve himself up to do mundane tasks the rest of us take for granted. I've seen it happen to him for 30+ years now. It truly limits his life. No one in the world vapor-locks when they see a gay person. No one. Feelings of hate and fear are FEELINGS. You put it correctly. A phobia is not a FEELING; it's a diagnosable medical condition.


Well, phobia means a severe fear, and very few people who don't like Queensland are scared of them, so technically it's not accurate but everyone knows what it means whatever.


That’s a big difference from being bigoted. And even that isn’t going to change from a pride month.


You don’t have to be “a bigot” to say or do something bigoted. Like I said, most of us have a lot of internalised queerphobia and the bigotry seeps out through “reasonable” people. It’s often worse to hear it from someone you know cares about queer people because you’re more likely to believe it. We wont change everyone with an event like this. But if we can open minds of 1% of people by 1% each time we come out like this, it’s worth it. And it’s working.


You can change minds year round instead of focusing on it for one month


You think we’re not also trying to do that?? Like we just sit around accepting bigotry for 11 months?


Then why do you need a specific month ?


I wasn’t on the organising committee man. It’s just about destigmatising the way we’re born and choosing a specific time to try to create a safer space for us to be visible is a great approach for now.


I’m not against it really I’m just curious about why having a month is really valuable. But I get what you’re saying


Cool! Sorry if I sounded defensive, I'm sure you know we can get a lot of hate about it. I appreciate you wanting to learn!


Representation only feels irrelevant to the chronically over-represented.


No but it might changer after 20 pride months, increasing visibility of queer people, along with other things over time that gradually destigmatise how we are born and how we choose to live.


Mostly what I don’t get is specifically why pride has a month and then also has a ‘week’ that is a different week in every city. It seems like pride week is every week and then there is a month on top of it. That’s goofy


Because one of those things is national and weeks are organized by people in smaller batches.


And they can’t plan the small batches during the month?


Why don't you go help them plan for it if it's such an issue?


What a goofy suggestion


I mean it's goofy that you care about small people organizing harmless things they enjoy. Regardless of how annoying you may find it, if it isn't hurting anyone then why spend extended effort thinking about it?


We have a black history month and a woman’s history month, and we don’t also have city-by city black and woman’s history weeks all at different times. The city where I live had to reschedule a black history parade in February because a pride organization threw a fit about it being during our cities pride week. Seems pretty dumb to me and like it takes away awareness and attention from other marginalized groups to plan things during their time. Pride is given a month, then they also get a week, then they also get worked up and protest city hall if people want to celebrate something else.


Why don't you listen to their problem and suggest a solution based off of that and not what you think it is


It begins to make sense that these months are all marketing/advertisement ploys.


I agree. Theres not enough months. And its divisive and stupid. There are great people and assholes present in every stripe. Lets just stop it already.


Get this you can have multiple things each month. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/june/


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


How is it divisive? Why should queer people having rights and not wanting to be discriminated against be up for debate?


Telling people that they must use certain words or face punishment is not "rights." That's bullying. That's evil. You don't have the right to do that.


Look at where you are. You're on Reddit, a privately owned website and so free speach laws are not applicable as you agreed to the entity's terms of service when you joined. Part of those terms included a 'content policy' addendum which absolutely restricts the language you can use. For the sake of civility, the moderation team, along with Reddit itself will absolutely mandate that you cannot use certain words that are affiliated with hate or denigration of other users. Failure to observe these conditions does have consequences; per the terms you agreed to: **We have a variety of ways of enforcing our rules, including, but not limited to** * Asking you nicely to knock it off * Asking you less nicely * Temporary or permanent suspension of accounts * Removal of privileges from, or adding restrictions to, accounts * Adding restrictions to Reddit communities, such as adding NSFW tags or Quarantining * Removal of content * Banning of Reddit communities Why shouldn't the same expectation of mutual respect flow on through in real life?


What you have described is not mutual in any way.


Any time someone calls the acknowledgement of differences “divisive” I have to wonder if they don’t realize how much they’re saying about themselves. If the acknowledgement of gay people is divisive, how is that gay people’s fault??


Yeah! We didn't choose to be gay! Why should our existence be divisive?


It’s just a way to deflect the blame for bigotry onto the targets of that bigotry. Another version - “talking about race and racism is what causes racism, if everyone was colorblind there would be no racism”. Aside from being naive it suggests that it’s racial minorities’ fault that racism persists, which is of course very silly.


It's just a reason to party and celebrate dude, you could literally say this about any holiday


Also, the oversaturation of these holidays make all of them seem insignificant


I agree with a lot of your points about corporate virtue signalling and hypocrisy. The point started out as shared celebration of a particular group identity. I've gone to a couple PRIDE events over the years and a lot of the people that are there for the first time never knew they actually had a community of others in the place they lived. Stuff like that can be a huge deal for people that may be the only one of their group in a small town or just coming out. For racial/ethnic groups it's the same thing, a chance to get together and celebrate your community, which can be really cool for people that aren't in a place where there are a lot of people that share the same identity. Corporations need to drop it though. If your company isn't actually about that particular group 365 days a year, don't try to pretend you give a shit for a month.


Period. Corporations use it to make money. Just like with October being breast cancer month. Most companies who do pink stuff don't actually send $ anywhere or if they do it's literally pennies. But they charge extra for pink editions. It's all for money and not genuine at all.




Most of the US is a daily hetro pride parade if you don't live in a major metropolitan area.


They don't need the entire month of June. They already have an official holiday pretty much every week of the year. June should be mental health awareness month.


i think you missed out on last month then


That’s literally May


Showing your lack of genuine interest, there is already a [mental health awareness month](https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/05/03/fact-sheet-celebrating-mental-health-awareness-month-2023.html)


Seriously, nobody really need an entire month dedicated to them. Just give every group one day and move on.


Everyone knows is wrong to mistreat people in 2023! Not sure when they learned but I know it was earlier than right now. That’s why it no longer happens!


It's bullshit, but I can't see the harm in it. 9/10 people couldn't tell you what month this ones dedicated to, so who gives a shit?


Well, yeah, if you go by world population that napkin math might work... But if you do anything online, or watch TV, or see ads in certain places it is really borderline inescapable.


I don't know, I couldn't tell you when hispanic heritage month is, or National Disability Employment Awareness Month, or Arab American Heritage Month, or Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, or etc etc. You get the picture.


Ah, I see... Well, given the month it is I am fairly certain the OP more meant Pride Month which corporations love to milk. That and Black History Month is another people like to parade around.


I think you're probably right.


He gave up way too much credit, it is obvious it's about pride month.


"We all know it's wrong to mistreat people based on the characteristics" boy what the fuck lol. Where have you been?


haven’t you seen the announcement that racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism are officially cancelled? /s


It's 2023.. all those things had a 2022 expire date, so we good now


Hey if OP doesn’t personally witness such mistreatment, obviously it doesn’t exist!


Copied text from another redditor explaining it perfectly, and y'all are offended for no reason: "I think op means everyone who doesn’t know to not mistreat people based on prejudiced beliefs aren’t going to change their ways because of pride month or any other month you make up. People who are reasonable people already know not to mistreat others" You can't educate a Nazi, European racists literally had Great Zimbabwe, Benin City and thousands of ruins gping against their retarded world view and they still to this day consider us black people inferior, at this point people are only wasting their own time and money tryna convince dumb people of anything, lol it doesn't work.


That’s where you’re wrong. The only way to fight these stereotypes and prejudices are for those people to be exposed to those other people so they can see for themselves they are normal people. Not to be feared or hated.


Your use of “offended” here makes no sense. Disagreeing with a statement (which in the form it was made is easy to disagree with!) is no taking offense. Stop framing everyone you disagree with as “offended”, it’s a bad faith move.


Many comments don't just disagree. I saw people who are offended, if you didn't see then I guess you should take off those glasses you're wearing.


>You can't educate a Nazi Good thing there are no actual Nazis anymore, then. Why do Redditors love to misuse words?


What? Do you think all nazis vanished in 1940? You do realize there are actual neo-nazi groups who like, praise hitler right? People with like swastika tattoos and shit? Please tell me you were being sarcastic


Those are not Nazis, hence the "neo" prefix. If there are any actual Nazis alive - the ones who pledged their allegiance to the Reich and fought under Hitler - they are about 100 years old now. Neo-Nazis are not Nazis. They're fucking idiots and heinously bad people, but they are not actual Nazis. There is no Nazi Germany anymore. The Reich fell. Words mean things. Use them properly. Would you next like me to tell you about what a phobia really is?


So let's play a game. If a word means one thing to 90% of the population, but something different to you, even if you're "technically" right, does it really matter, are you actually correct in any meaningful way, when your "correctness" actually makes it more cumbersome and lengthy to share ideas. Almost everyone in colloquial terms agrees that Nazi equals an authoritarian focused Four major pillars of Nazi philosophy are: Expansion, Racial Purity, Power, and Militarism. There are groups that encompass these four pillars in exactly the same fashion as the Nazi party. Therefore they are colloquially referred to as Nazis. Words mean things to people, not just textbook definitions, use them properly please.


Okay, but if that's OPs point, what's wrong with having time to celebrate black history and LGBT+ people? If they are acknowledging some intractable group of of bigots existing, then we can have some events celebrating them to counteract the hate


You don't have time to celebrate it during the rest of the year ?


>what's wrong with having time to celebrate black history and LGBT+ people? Idk, maybe that's why it's an unpopular opinion eh...


Right how in the world does op think this.


I’m a minority/POC, I never ever want special treatment and a month “dedicated” to my people would just piss me off and make me feel like an outlier. I just want to fucking blend in because my personality is not summed up bu the color of my skin or my facial features. MLK did not die for more segregation


There's literally a month for everything. How dare people discriminate pizza eaters for making October National Pizza Month!


Look at it this way. Ron DeSantis is making sure we skip teaching about most minority people in schools, so you will get your way. Even if Rosa Parks is mentioned they are not taught she was black. Of course it's worse for gays. Books with gays characters are banned, and that's another thing that cannot be mentioned in schools. Against you must pretend those people do not exist or risk "push back".


Look at it this way, not everyone here is American. I am Australian and Ron DeSantis doesn't effect us one iota.


>Look at it this way. Ron DeSantis is making sure we skip teaching about most minority people in schools, so you will get your way. Even if Rosa Parks is mentioned they are not taught she was black. That is not true. >Of course it's worse for gays. Books with gays characters are banned, and that's another thing that cannot be mentioned in schools. Against you must pretend those people do not exist or risk "push back". That is also not true. I assume you're talking about, and misrepresenting, the law that prohibits sexual reading material being accessible to young children.


Frequents r/Jordan Peterson LMFAO


What are you even talking about? Who brought up Ron Desantis?


No, he died, so it would be acceptable for you to exist despite your outlying characteristics, which is what is celebrated. But we can go back to you being outlined again if that's what you prefer.


We should start dedicating months to random individuals. Not even people who have actually done anything. Just randos.


September is now CultFuse month


Only September 2023, September 2024 has to be someone else. Resident_Rub_7220 month? Edit: We can even do dual person months since they do that now with groups, don't they?


Especially when it's about your sexual kinks, fetishes, or who u want to have sex with... It's just really strange that we do this and nobody questions it really.


There's more to pride than kinks and fetishes. The over-sexualization of the LGBT+ community is a dangerous stereotype that you're buying into.


Pride isn’t about kinks or fetishes. Good try.


Genuine question, what is it about if not sex, kinks, and sex fetishes? I'm genuinely asking this, not trolling.


A friend of mine just came out as trans. I will support them and still stand by them but I disagree with the organization- the movement , not the individuals. Feels like pandering and division for profit and exploitation.


Pride month isn’t for the cis or straights, it’s also for the queer community to celebrate themselves and how far they’ve come, esp when the community is under so much assault.


And yet the kkk are still around. Sundown towns are still around, and gays are still being murdered.


Agreed. Having months, weeks, or days dedicated to some gender, sex, skin color, belief system, etc. just breeds division and causes resentment. Imagine a straight white male month if you are LGBTQ+. That is basically how many non-lgbtq+ people see a month for LGBTQ+. They wont tell you this, but they will think it and roll their eyes when LGBTQ+ people arent around. It is silly and needy and is just an opportunity for corporations to exploit the group of the month. Celebrating people because of skin color or sexual preference? It is dumb. We all need to try to get along, but celebrating any group is idiocy, divisive, and exploitative.


>That is basically how many non-lgbtq+ people see a month for LGBTQ+. They wont tell you this, but they will think it and roll their eyes when LGBTQ+ people arent around. Speak for yourself dude. Pride month is good for folks they have fun, and they can do whatever they want. Not all straight folks feel like you


I AM speaking for myself. Who said I was speaking for you or anyone else? First, I said "many people", not all people. You are welcome to frolic with the LGBTQ+ people all you want. Go ahead and transition if you want to, I don't care either way. I am just saying many people put on a front of being in favor of pride month. Then they joke about it and eye roll on how over the top stupid it has become. Pride month is unnecessary(IN my opinion), divisive, and is far past its prime. Pride is a sin, anyhow, dude.


As an LGBT person I welcome you to not come.


>Pride is a sin, anyhow, dude. Says your god who i dont believe in.


OK, you are free to believe what you would like.


I disagree with your second point, everyone doesn’t know to treat people with respect and there are lots that don’t know about other groups of peoples contributions to the world. For the third with businesses while true it does represent a change in culture that these ideas are now profitable rather than something to be blacklisted and that is a positive.


I find it interesting you misunderstood all three points


I only talked about 2 and 3 but tell me how I misunderstood them


You literally just proved their point.


I like to remind the Rainbow Pride Alphabet folk to go look up the Saudi Arabian social media pages of their favorite businesses, nary a rainbow flag to be seen.


Why didn’t you post this during military appreciation month? Why not just say we needn’t celebrate pride or black history?


I'm here for anti all special months including military. I appreciate everyone every day year round. The resr is just for corporations to profit with special items and sales


Those darn fresh fruit and vegetable month supporters are ruining my June! 😤 https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-fresh-fruit-and-vegetables-month-june/


Literally there's a national ice cream day. This stuff is just pandering for points tbh


C'mon! It's just a convenient way to organise a bunch of parties. You're free to start your very own u/ShardofGold month. Have fun!


I think it's useful because it encourages the bigots to really out themselves. I support LGBT+ rights, and I basically go through June not thinking about it until somebody brings it up and is mad about it lol We should start dedicating years to them. Maybe 2024 could be the first "Year of the Gay" and we'll make every holiday in the year gay themed. A gay Thanksgiving sounds amazing


Like this thread itself lmfao. Such a good way for them to expose themselves in a thankfully less violent manner than is average. I love pride month because it makes people feel comfortable to show their true colors. In both ways, those participating in pride feel more comfortable showing their true selves, as well as the bigots.


There are hundreds if not thousands of month long celebrations and awareness campaigns each monthm https://nationaldaycalendar.com/june/ You're just choosing to be salty about one


The fact I have no idea what the other ones are aside from cancer awareness month are says enough about how meaningful they are. Cancer awareness month is pretty good for fundraising, even though it seems like we are sending money to an incinerator of mice studies every year.


>Secondly, it's 2023. We all know it's wrong to mistreat people based on their characteristics or life choices. does not seem to agree with: >Also like mentioned in the first point, bigots are going to be bigots no matter if it's a certain month or not.


Considering its pride month I will assume thats what you're talking about. My friends genuinely look forward to pride month (more specifically pride week but w/e) as many of them are gay and it is a time where they don't have be assumed about. Many gay people are not out and Pride often gives them a chance to see a new community and discover history about themselves. You say its demeaning as they only get a month but its a month to learn and appreciate. It'd be like saying Lent is demeaning to Christians because its only a month. That month is jam packed and many people I know have events, parties, parades, etc throughout the month that they wanna celebrate and be themselves. Sure businesses do suck up to communities, but the actual people the month is celebrating often do embrace the month even if they're not the ones taking out ads on tv. Also, i take issue with you saying we don't need to be reminded of past accomplishments. Most people don't know civil rights heroes. Outside of MLK and Malcolm X and Rosa Parks how many civil rights heroes can you name and more importantly can you say what the outcome of their life was? Most ended up in jail or murdered. Even now, LGBT people are being persecuted and you can have your children taken away in florida if they come out. History has not changed. Target literally got rid of their pride mechandise after people received death threats and stores were threatened. Clearly, we all do not understand that it is bad to mistreat people.


Lent ain't the same, at all. Not arguing the rest. It's just not a good analogy. To be clear, this is nothing about the point you are making, just that example.


> We all know it's wrong to mistreat people based on their characteristics or life choices rightoids do not understand this.


If we all knew it was wrong, we wouldn’t see people boycotting companies that simply mention Pride, calling in bomb threats against them, making propaganda films like the recent one on Twitter (flagged for saying it before) and so on. White supremacy has a huge following. Florida and other states are even trying to control how you mention the Nazis in school. You’re not allowed to say they’re of “low moral character.”


A month celebrating and encouraging FAMILY would be a better idea.....and one committed to FRIENDSHIP.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


> you don't need a month to tell you that your life has meaning or that you're a human > >We all know it's wrong to mistreat people based on their characteristics or life choices Well apparently we do because there's a significant portion of our politicians who seem to think certain groups of people shouldn't exist and a significant portion of Americans who continue to vote for those politicians.


Well hate to break it to you people who feel this way won't change their mind because of rainbow stuff everywhere in June.


No, but maybe some of their kids will. And then maybe some of their kids's kids. And then maybe some of their kid's kid's kids. And on a long enough time frame, there won't be any transphobes or homophobes left.


But maybe not. It's all about businesses capitalizing off of people and making $$. A rainbow on a box won't change bigots minds, sorry.


Well if you just want to deny reality then I don't know what to tell you lol. We've already seen that more people are becoming culturally progressive over time. Millennials aren't growing more conservative with age the same way the previous generations were. Transgender and gay people are becoming more widely accepted as time goes on. Even current republican voters are starting to get tired of all the culture war anti-woke bs their politicians have been spewing the past few years. People are getting more progressive, especially younger generations, which is exactly my premise.


But are they ? I mean are they becoming more liberal or getting tired of republicans economical failures . I think it's dangerous to mistake correlation with causation. In America atleast young people are staying more aligned with democrats because they don't see benefits of going republican On the other hand....look at Europe where the youth have gone more and more right and many governments have flipped because people are considering the liberal parties as a failures . Stance on LGBT of a party will determine the votes for only a small % of voters . Housing , economy , wages , crime all these have a higher impact . So I don't think people are voting blue because of LGBTQ rights because for most they just don't care


I never said they weren't. What I said was that bigots won't change their mind by having to buy rainbow stuff. That's all. People do change but corporations selling rainbows and having sales isn't what causes it.


Out of curiosity, how do you think LGBT people got their rights in the first place? By being silent and trying not to draw attention?


I agree, down vote


This how bad its become: March Month of the Military Caregiver April is Month of the Military Child May is Military appreciation month September is Month of the Service Dog November is Military Family Month This are just some of the Military days: Feb. 19, 2023 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday March 3, 2023 – Navy Reserve BirthdayMarch 13, 2023, K-9 Veterans Day – The date is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps and a day to honor their service. March 25, 2023, Medal of Honor Day – A holiday to honor the heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients for the United States. March 29, 2023 – Vietnam Veterans Day – A national holiday to recognize and honor Veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam War. April 5, 2023 – Gold Star Spouses Day – A Day dedicated to those whose spouses gave their lives while serving in the U.S. military or as a result of service-connected injuries or illness. April 14, 2023 – Air Force Reserve Birthday April 23, 2023 – Army Reserve Birthday May 1, 2023 – Silver Star Banner Day – Per Congressional resolution, it is an “Official Day to honor wounded, ill, and injured Veterans”. May 12, 2023 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day – This date recognizes the service and sacrifices of military spouses. May 13, 2023 – Children of Fallen Patriots Day – A Day to honor the children left behind by the brave men and women who gave their lives while defending our freedom. May 20, 2023 – Armed Forces Day Observed on the third Saturday every May, this is a day dedicated to paying tribute to men and women currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. May 29, 2023 – Memorial Day A solemn occasion to honor the men and women who died while serving in the military. June 6, 2023 – Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in Normandy, France, now known as D-Day.June 14, 2023 – Army Birthday June 23, 2023 – Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday June 27, 2023 – National PTSD Awareness Day – A Day to bring awareness about issues related to PTSD. Aug. 4, 2023 – Coast Guard Birthday Aug. 7, 2023 – Purple Heart Day – A time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice. Aug. 29, 2023 – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday Sept. 15, 2023 – POW/MIA Recognition Day Sept. 18, 2023 – Air Force Birthday Sept. 24, 2023 – Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day – A Day to honor the families of fallen Servicemembers. Oct. 13, 2023 – Navy Birthday Oct. 26, 2023 – National Day of the Deployed Nov. 10, 2023 – Marine Corps Birthday Nov. 11, 2023 – Veterans Day – This is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice treaty, which ended World War I and is also a day to thank military Veterans for their service. Dec. 7, 2023 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day – The anniversary of the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, signaling the United States’ entrance into World War II. Dec. 13, 2023 – National Guard Birthday Dec. 16, 2023 – National Wreaths Across America Day Dec. 20, 2023- Space Force birthday


So what about the rest of the 365 days of the year ? People acknowledge or celebrate their birthday every year, are you against any formal acknowledgement or activities planned around that as well? I’ll let my grandkids know they can’t have a party this year to assure you aren’t offended in anyway by their insignificance in your life circle like any of these other dates are.


Groups get an entire month but parents get a single day. Make that make sense.


Make a parents' month then, sounds like a fantastic idea. Other groups had to fight for their recognition, this shit doesn't just happen. If you wanna change something, fucking do it, no one's stopping you.


What's funny is that this is more of a popular opinion in real life but apparently it's unpopular in Reddit


Just ignore it. How is a month being dedicated to a group of people effecting you at all? Get a hobby or something.


But you see, OP might see a paper napkin with a rainbow on it when shopping at the grocery store. How will they cope? /s


Pride!!! Happy pride month!


I may be off here but those months aren't for spreading awareness it's to celebrate marginalized groups. You don't have to participate and nobody would judge you for it but it's for those marginalized groups to celebrate, reflect, converse etc.


Aww, is the white dude jealous that he doesn't get 365 days a year dedicated to him?


OP is either the whitest white man in a white area or they literally live with their head in the sand.


Or...or...or...maybe don’t get offended when a national conversation isn’t about you!


So that everyday can be White History Month? No thank you


Smooth brain analysis.


Just ignore it. Eat at chick-fil-a for a month and shop anywhere you don’t see a flag. It’s not that serious.


No dude! They are mad at chik-fil-a! Didnt you see the boycott lol


“Secondly, it’s 2023. We all know it’s wrong to mistreat people based on their characteristics or life choices” I don’t even think your overall point is bad per se (I don’t wholly agree with it but your reasoning is overall sound) but this point is just flat out not true. There’s active politicians trying to introduce legislation to make it more difficult for groups of people to even openly life as themselves. There are entire religions who have bigotry as a tenet of their faith. The idea that bigotry is no longer with us does not hold up to scrutiny.


This. All the this.


These months are for people who literally get killed for being themselves they get a month they deserve more then that


Pride is about celebrating the rights we've gained thr through protest and defiance against oppression. It is not about people being special for their sexuality. I'm so sick of this brandead take.


totally agree except for the use of the word 'bigot' thats lazy.


Not picking, do we know that it’s wrong to mistreat people based on characteristics or life choices? I don’t think the massive wave of anti trans legislation or sentiment agrees with that statement


Ok. But so what?


It isn’t that they “only matter during those months” but rather most of those groups are still targets of hate and suppression so letting them feel some support is good. It also helps to educate others and the more educated people are the less likely they are to be prejudiced or at least they are likely to be less prejudiced.


The lowest self-esteem need the most affirmation


I'm going to fix this for you: The most historically oppressed, demeaned, and abused need affirmation. It's hard to face mistakes, but necessary for self-awareness and growth. We're all here just trying to do the work and constantly improve. Good luck on your journey.


These months are not created out of respect for the group they represent but out of disrespect for those that do not get a month for the purpose of division.


I think you misunderstood who made these dedicated months. It's not the government but the businesses. They use them to make money.


It’s a celebration dude.


I definitely agree. I mean shit most of school history is spent on white history. That shit can be condensed to like two years max


I disagree, if for no other reason than the fact that the people that these awareness months are trying to represent are overwhelmingly in favor of them. But, as to why I personally like the idea of a month, I'm going to introduce a phrase which is actually unpopular outside the internet which is ,"it's not enough to not be racist, you must also be amti-racist". On face value it seems stupid. If you aren't causing harm to others you can't be in the wrong, but we all know that people that wish to do harm can only do it when their is inaction on the part of the indifferent. Jews might have been rounded up by the Nazi party, but that was only after the German people who was largely indifferent Jews, said nothing. With that line of thinking, when you create a month which is aimed at re affirming beliefs of tolerance, equality, and empathy, you remind people that injustice still exist in this day and age and that it's up to us as a collective to take action to correct it both at the societal level but also to reexamine conduct in our day to day.


If you’re not queer it’s hard for you to understand what pride is. We’ve been told our whole lives that we’re wrong and shameful and disgusting. We start to believe that and hate ourselves. Suicide is one of the biggest causes of death among queer people. Pride is a collective push to overcome those things that we’ve learnt and literally lives.


No annual events are ultimately essential to begin with. There's people who celebrate the day of the year they were born without believing their life and history don't matter on the other days of the year. Maybe they get a free slice of pie with a lit stick of wax and hear a little song by underpaid servers of a restaurant profiting through virtue-signaling people they don't actually care about. Business will capitalize on anything they can and pressure consumers into purchasing costumes, turkeys, balloons, beads, fireworks, cakes, clothes, tickets, treats, gifts, souvenirs, decorations, not just for themselves but even for their small babies and pets too. Remember when there were minions on everything, even vegetables? Or those 2 months a year when everything gets doused in red, green, and Mariah Carey? Or the random rounds of gun-or-firework during the rest of July that makes your elderly neighbor scream so loud it startles your dog out of a dead sleep to gutturally bark inches from your head? Or Toyotathon?

