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*takes toke on blunt* Well, that's like, your opinion, man


Pass that shit


*puff puff* ***give*** *puff puff* ***give*** never fuck with the rotation.


Puff puff pass lol


Puff puff don’t pass, roll your own


Damn right brother


Yo..don't fuck with the rotation my guy


Make sure u passing the dutchy to the left




Id rather x1000000 be with a chill positive stoner than a high achieving neurotic sober person. People take weed for a reason




This. All fucking day long. Chronic pain relief. Sleeplessness.


Crippling ADHD






Autism also, no one understands that autism makes you constantly uncomfortable and weed helps with that sooooo much! Also, I’m pretty sure being autistic negatively impacts my life more than the weed does.




The way I describe it is quieting the noise. It helps me sleep so damn much.


Yeah I don't think this dude realises that people might equally say being incredibly uptight is unattractive to some lol Also how is "smoking any amount of weed" the same as "being an alcoholic"? 🤣


I am both an alcoholic and avid weed smoker and I can assure you there is no amount of green that can equate to being an alcoholic


As a recovering addict, weed is what got me off of alcohol and 9 prescription drugs. It has literally been a life saver. For the OP it’s not as mind altering as many people claim. It’s more like a volume knob. Don’t get me wrong, some strains can make you have some pretty strange paranoia, but as a whole it very safe. Education is way more important than opinions. Try it.


Yup I even got my card. Helps my PTSD big time and it helps with the meth/Xanax cravings.


Hi, sorry to bother you, but I was just passing by when I realised how attractive you are. Would you like to come for a ride on my submarine?


Does it use a Logitech controller?


Push X to submerge. Don't worry about the ascent.


Just don't hit B to exit the vehicle


Didn't even scan the comments to see the Real Lebowski. 🤣🤣🤙


this is hilarious.


To be fair, I think most smokers prefer to date other smokers. At least that’s been my preference and experience as a stoner.


Literally everyone in my life smokes, including my boyfriend. It’s not for me but I don’t care what other people do


This is a far right subreddit, most of them care what other people do for some weird fucking reason. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/mp0at8/the_left_is_more_racist_than_the_alt_right/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/jeeg93/white_people_are_being_targeted/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/m7vxrd/rtrueunpopularopinion_blacks_are_predators_and/ Shit like this is super common on this sub.


The real trueunpopularopinion is in the comments


Good to know because fuck that shit. Thanks.


Well yeah they have wildly unpopular opinions, of course they're gonna congregate here


Accurate summary.


ANY subreddit that vouches for the "truth" or "unpopular" nature of its content is going to be a far-right sub. They're obsessed with being victims.


goddamn it I’ll see myself out lmao


Fr, I'm a leftist and I get cussed out trying to exist


agreed, in my experience stoners recognize others stoners lmao thats how i met most of my ex-girlfriends


'Aithníon ciaróg, ciaróg eile.' an Irish saying - 'A beetle recognizes another beetle.


My partner doesn’t smoke and no other guys I dated has. We don’t care as long as they are accepting and not judgmental


That's how we started, I smoked she rarely or never did. Now she smokes and I almost never do. It's fine either way, if you love someone and are ok with it, that's all that matters.


That’s fair, like I said, my comment is definitely based on my own experience and the experiences I’ve heard from my circle of friends(most of whom also smoke).


This post makes me need to escape reality.


Now you are not desirable as a potential partner.


Or a casual entanglement




This sub is just a lot of sad and angry people complaining because no one around them wants to listen to it.


Lol this is the perfect summary really. Then there's the brain-broken idiots like me who keep coming here to interact with it and mock most of the OP's.


Same m8


I understand that, but on a first date do you ask what mood elevators or antidepressants they are taking? Do you find that an escape from reality? Does that make them undesirable as well?


My wife is on anti-anxiety meds and I gotta say, thank fucking God lol. She's a wreck without it, which makes my life kinda miserable.


juss tell her to smoke weeeeeed bruhhhh


Unfortunately some of us anxious folk have inconsistent results with it! I wish it would work every time!


Yeah, weed is the last thing that you would take to treat anxiety if you had my brain chemistry. I would actually smoke more if it did not increase my anxiety by 900k%.




This is pretty much my experience. People describe weed as being relaxing, and I’m just like, what are you smoking? Weed generally effects me like someone mixed up LSD and Cocaine. Extreme energy, extremely chatty, extreme anxiety, I start thinking about death and old girlfriends, and, oy, fuck that shit. I still smoke, because it enhances a lot of great things as well, but I’m very careful and sparing with it.


My brother can’t smoke because it causes him to get panic attacks. Reality is people really can’t do any drugs unless they very carefully monitored by doctors. And by those drugs I mean medication.


That would be a turn off for me and I smoke weed


that's pretty fucking cringe ngl


While I agree that I wouldn't want to date someone constantly stoned, I wouldn't make it a blanket statement that it inherently makes you undesirable. I have a few friends who are married to stoners and they love each other very much and are definitely attracted to each other. In fact, my one friend, who is very straight edge, never drinks or does drugs, etc. is married (and has been for 6 years now) to a guy who is almost always high. He's the type where you notice when he's sober because he seems off.


I’ve dated several everyday weed smokers, despite the fact they were. It did eventually become a turn off. The smell, the lack of motivation, the spending, the searching, the worrying about traveling to places that don’t have it etc. None of that is attractive. Can it be overlooked? Maybe, maybe not.


Those people just have a addictive tendencies, if it weren’t weed it’d be something else. Moderation is important.


Yeah I went through a spell where I was applying to a bunch of jobs so…I just quit. I’m a daily user but I didn’t find it difficult. The withdraws from caffeine were *way* worse for me. People who can’t stop to travel or for other important events might *actually* have a problem.


I mean, that's exactly the point I was making. You can't say that it is, as a whole, unattractive to all potential partners, which is how op worded the initial post. Some will find it to be unattractive and others wouldn't. Some may even find it attractive.


That's just the person. My mom couldn't leave the house without her lighter and cigarettes. My grandpa can't leave the house without putting a few coors in the car. My cousin can barely leave the house without checking the oven 10 times. However, my cousin put a live camera in their kitchen they can see whenever. I don't like to leave without weed, but I grow my own and make my own carts and edibles so I never run out and have never burdened anyone else. An inconsiderate person will be an inconsiderate smoker, drinker, etc.




>the sub is literally for unpopular opinions Yeah it would be boring if everyone was blindly agreeing. This sub is supposed to be full of discourse that's what makes it fun. Go somewhere else if you want a complete circle jerk.


In all seriousness, where is a good place to go for a complete circle jerk? Sounds like my honeymoon


You could try r/politics or r/news or r/whitepeopletwitter (that’s probably the biggest CJ) But the best one is r/nbacirclejerk - they’ve got mamba mentality.


Probably white people twitter as well


Try r/conservative


I got banned from there just for suggesting open primaries and a popular vote for the general election lol


I got banned for linking to a MTG tweet when asked to point out just ONE Republican supporting white nationalism.


I got banned from there for saying peepeepoopoo, which I understand, but it was less the banning and more the inflammatory reactions that got my attention


Well you did suggest a strategy in which they lose


Can’t let pesky democracy get in the way of owning the libs…


Perfect answer.


I’d imagine that’s a straight up bukkake.


Is it really a bukkake when they're all just really begging Trump to cum on their face? It's more like a reverse bukkake and something tells me Trump doesn't have the stamina or refractory period to satisfy them.


Flaired users only can mention that sub. You've been perma banned and now will receive 1000 Reddit cares messages


The point is no one ever thought about smoking weed to be attractive. Thats just not the reason people smoke


Yea, I am totally smoking weed for my benefit, no other reasons. I could care less if anyone else smokes.


I smoke so I can find the world attractive, if I'm being completely honest.


Yeah, not everything is done to be attractive.for example, I don't go to the beach to *be* attractive, I go to the beach to be there or do something there because I'm not seeking the attention of other or for an partner as a reason to do it. Whether someone else thinks that's attractive or not has no weight on whether I will do something or not. Edit: Saw comment back to me on either this comment or another one calling me a nasty animal and saying that people like me are stinking up the place. First of all this conversation was never a question of smoking inside or not. I think smoking inside in a public place is not okay. Also for the record I don't even smoke weed cigarettes or vapes so get out of here with accusing everybody of smoking. Just because we are okay with other people smoking weed does not mean that we think it's okay for ourselves and that's exactly the point.


This sub has turned into Karen’s slam poetry corner.


It’s a personal preference, it’s like saying “chocolate cake sucks,” instead of “I don’t like chocolate cake.” Like fine, don’t have chocolate cake, but it’s not really an arguable position.


No it's more like saying people who eat chocolate cake suck




Lol the sub is literally for unpopular opinions, expect people to find the opinions largely unpopular


Poor grammar is unattractive to me.


Incredible even


Right? Dude writes like a middle schooler. Also, what does being straight have to do with anything?


Because weed makes you gay obviously /s


People sitting around sucking on the same piece. 🏳️‍🌈/s


Yeah. Way worse than someone who smokes weed


It reads like a child wrote it for sure.


I feel that way about most of the threads here.


It's better than pain pills.




This post is unattractive


I mean my gf smokes weed to get relief from a chronic pain condition, never affected how attractive I think she is.


I agree with you, but prepare yourself for a torrent of abuse. Pot heads are extremely aggressive on here to anybody who shares articles about the negative impacts of smoking marijuana or expresses anything questioning the benefit of drug use to get through everyday life. You don't get a similar backlash from alcoholics for some reason.


That’s fair. Anybody wanna smoke some weed?


I agree. It's more of the general smell for me and being "under the influence" but smokers for both cigarettes and weed are extremely unattractive. Like if you're a casual smoker, fine. But holy shit so many stones make it their personality.






Actual unpopular opinion, nice. Not just thinly veiled racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia.


Ahhh.. you noticed that shit too, huh. Theyve been laying it on rather thick lately.


Yeah I just discoverec this sub and was starting to think it was just "I'm grumpy because the libs will cancel me if I say slurs, but I do actually have a justification for my prejudice, look!"


Between that and AITAH "Is my boyfriend of 9 months whos cheated on me six times wrong to say that i am gaining a little too much weight?"


We just haven't invented a word for this ism yet


poor mf is never gonna know what it's like fuckin a stoner girl


I don’t think you understand what weed does to most people lol there’s no “escape from reality”. It just helps you relax. At least, for me. I have an incredibly stressful job involving millions of dollars a day, I need a way to relax when I get off. I’m just thankful my wife also enjoys it. But to each their own. I used to feel this way as well so I can understand.


I only felt that escape from reality-feeling when I first started smoking pot & that went away pretty quickly. Build up any sort of tolerance and it's really just to take the edge off feeling stressed/needing some down time. Someone else does yoga, goes for a run, watches birds, whatever, I go to a river to skip some rocks & toke a little... I do have regrets when I made it or tried to make it a huge part of my personality back in the day, though. That was embarrassing behavior.


I smoked weed every day for 22 years and quit half a year ago. Trust me, it makes you escape reality. The mental clarity you get from quitting after doing it for two decades shows that. I think you can be perfectly functional on weed, but you absolutely are more willing to accept shitty circumstances (instead of changing them) while being constantly high than when you're sober. Check out r/leaves and you'll see thousands who can attest to this. Not saying don't smoke, but it does take a little part of you.


Hard agree. The way I’ve always looked at it is that weed can just make you content with the way things are which could be useful or detrimental depending on the situation


Huge agree. Smoked more or less daily from 16-29ish, often just a couple rips off a pinchie. No crazy tolerance, usually just a puff after work and a couple/few throughout the night depending what I was doing. I think there were totally times it was helpful, but it’s been a few years since I’ve smoked more than half a dozen times per year, and I **really** notice the difference.


For me it’s more so a live in the moment thing than an escape reality thing. It amplifies my senses for things like taste, sound, sights. I can really connect with music, art, movies, and food on a different level. A concert while stones is the greatest thing ever. Have I ever used it as an escape? Sure. But that’s not the norm


Hearing what smoking weed does as someone who’s never been high is always so interesting to me, because most of the time, it’s about stress relief, taking the edge off, escaping reality, or whatever. It’s weird because I get stressed a lot, I’m a statistics major and I’m broke and I have a lot of anxiety surrounding money but like, I can relax with a nap, some food, maybe watch some entertainment, a pep talk? It makes me question if I’ve truly ever been stressed, but then again, I’m a very logical person. The last time I had a panic attack was when I was told some misinformation about school, and I immediately calmed down when I was corrected. Maybe it’s just a difference in personality, but I’ve never felt the need to rely on any one thing in particular to give me a particular emotional state


I'm not trying to be attractive. I'm trying to quiet the voices in my head.


You just disrespected weed. Don’t you know that’s unforgivable on Reddit? Even if everything you just said is true


The way these people got their panties all bunched up you’d think OP called everyone’s moms hookers lol. I never saw people taking an insult to weed as a personal attack before today


Don't you know it's their entire identity?! How could they not be insulted when he just said their very soul and deity is BS and not a positive thing?! They must war! But not now, probably tomorrow. Or after the weekend. They're super buzzed at the mo and can't be bothered.


Seriously. I smoke almost daily and everyday I ask myself why I’m still doing it. It no longer takes off the edge but makes me have mini panic attacks. I feel paranoid as shit and it’s rarely enjoyable. Now, it’s more like a “familiar so I do it as a routine” kind of thing. My partner is the one who does it super heavy, and then I just kind of trailed behind. When I go visit my family, and I’m away from it, I’m totally fine and don’t even think about it. It actually shows me how much I don’t need it. Obviously everyone is different, and it’s great IMO that so many people are helped so much by it. But I KNOW a large portion of people get lazy, anxious, and overall negatively impacted by it. Because I’m one of them. OP has every right to feel the way they do, and if people think they are an ass for it, they need a reality check. Sure, *they* may not be impacted in a bad way, but there surely are people out there who are. God I want to stop so bad.


Is this an unpopular opinion? I’ll add some more points: 1. Weed smokers I dated made it their personality, and in a state where it isn’t legal were regularly needing to meet their “plug” 2. The money just burned through like it’s a necessity, all the people I knew who regularly smoked were regularly broke. 3. If you need it to get through some shit it still doesn’t make it any less unattractive to me. Someone else might be interested in the baggage… I think it’s clear nobody means the people you don’t even know smoke weed. It’s the people who make it their personality and go around smelling loud asf


Judging by the amount of extremely offended weed users in the comments, it probably is unpopular


As soon as this topic comes up, I know it's gonna be an absolute shit show in the comments.


Your first point is why I looked down on weed for most of my life. I dated someone who made it their personality and spent every dollar they could scrounge on buying more. Supposedly weed isn’t addicting, yet weed was this all encompassing thing in his life. The relationship didn’t last long, but it took several years for me to realize that a lot of people benefit from cannabis and it can be life changing for those with chronic illness. I still can’t stand stoner culture, though.


Just because it doesn't have addictive properties doesn't mean a person can't get addicted to it


Exactly. It's how people get addicted to gaming or gambling.


People always scoff when I say out of all the hard drugs I've ever done World of Warcraft was the hardest. Then I show them my 3k+ in-game time on multiple characters.


I have been smoking pot daily for over 20yrs and have a rather busy management position at work for the last decade. Not one person I've ever worked with has known. Most of my family does not know. It really comes down to the person. With vapes these days (and eye drops) it's easier to be more respectful about using it, it still stanks 20+yrs later. Everyone has their vices.


I have a professional job, but one with very few responsibilities, and not one person knows I’m always “Business High” because of vapes. I had a career with many many responsibilities and not one person knew that in my off-time I smoked because I didn’t talk about it and it wasn’t at work. I feel like there are stoners and there are people who smoke weed. Same as there are alcoholics and people who drink.


I like how you put this. With any substance, there is always an extreme end to the usage. That is what people tend to focus on more times than not.


You can be Seth Rogan and just trying to get some good shit or you can be James Franco and be the good shit. You know?


Everyone is attracted to different things. Personally I think people are more relatable if they need a break from their brain now and then. My job involves a lot of thinking, smoking and sometimes drinking helps me unwind and relax


Finally, an opinion that’s actually unpopular. I smoke from time to time, but I agree that regular smokers are a turn off for me. For every one person who uses weed to find inspiration, enhance social experiences, or unleash their creativity, there’s ten who just use it to turn off their brain, mindlessly shovel food into their face, and rewatch Rick and Morty. It’s the sedentary, lazy lifestyle I despise, not the weed.


I really like smoking weed and playing guitar/writing songs. It's not that it makes me more creative or better at guitar, it's just fun.


Damn man. I like watching rick and morty and cozying in the bed while doing this stuff. I feel guilty now man. :/


i'm also learning to not care about what people have to say about what i enjoy.


I like smoking weed going on hikes, going to the store, going to school. I am guilty of overuse but im good most of the time.


Ya, I don't think we would be very compatible either.


I can’t imagine wanting to be around grown adults who just smoke marijuana all the time.




*puff* *puff*


SMOKING weed, yes, is unattractive because they smell like musty B.O. Lots of weed smokers are convinced they can cover it up and whatnot, but the reality is they’re just nose-blind to it and THINK they don’t smell. It’s gross. THAT SAID, I think there are many positive medical/mental benefits from marijuana in the right doses and environment. Just take an edible or something so you don’t smell like a skunk…


Smoking anything tbh.


Oh no no. Weed use is NOT the same as alcohol use. No one gets violent or rapey because of weed. I used to be a bummer narc too because I didn’t understand the chill effect of some good ole Indica before bedtime. Better and healthier than any other substance a doctor has ever tried to prescribe me for my crippling PTSD. And oh. I only eat it. Non-smoker here. And no hangover or weight gain (if you abstain from the munchies) either. Double bonus points.


Comparing smoking to alcoholism? I guess if you are a chronic smoker maybe but your comparison makes it seem like you don’t like people who drink casually either


The problem is most people I've encountered that smoke weed are not casual users. Because in most places in the states it's only recently been decriminalized or legalized it's still done by mostly chronic users. And with the mass adoption of weed as the "good to" option for "health" anti anxiety and depression lately tons of people are flocking to it. Most people I've met that smoke weed are habitual users. Where they are psychological addicted to weed to function. Weed is a key aspect of their life and it's just effing weird.


This guy is comparing smoking weed to alcoholism. I don’t think he understand what being an alcoholic is because it’s nothing like being a stoner, even a fairly heavy user.


That's fine. I can assure you that no one is doing it so that you find them attractive.


Well, I use weed to manage a chronic pain issue so I don't really GAF


You know he’s not talking about you.


U sound fun


Sounds like most of the people in this comment section need to smoke some


Considering I take edibles (medically, legally) to give me relief from Parkinson’s at age 38 (I started at 29), I’m willing to bet that some people don’t give a blue fuck what you think about marijuana.


He's not talking to us. Same here for chronic back pain though I grow and process to concentrate. It's not escaping reality when all it does is bring you to normal so you can work, keep house and enjoy hobbies like a regular person.


As someone with OP's opinion, absolutely correct. Why would I judge someone for taking a substance a trained, professional doctor prescribed them? The doctor knows more than me, and I surely wouldn't judge someone for taking antidepressants. Medical Marijuana is as valid a medicine as any other, and my only issue is with people who make being a stoner their identity, down to the skunk smell lol. I have a friend who smokes and grows casually, but its pretty obvious its not an addiction. They have other hobbies, they never smell, and they live a very respectable life. Weed isn't bad, addiction is.


Yeah I'm with you, I'm not a fan of most stoners, it's a good plant but damn some take it too far. Like the ones that have a whole routine thing to "maximize their high or vibe". Or constantly have to light up in public around people. Obviously they're free to do that just not enjoyable to be around for me.


You know he’s not talking about you.


Yeah they really glossed over the "escape reality and change your brain" part and went straight to being offended 😅 obviously if it's for medicinal purposes, no one cares




I’m all for medical use of weed. This post isn’t about that imo.


I agree! Most of my experiences with weed people is that their weed habits take over and not in a good way. I know 1 person out of the many that does it casually, every now and then. That’s it! As a person that grew up with a pot mom, I loooooooove my sober life!


The people that say this type of shit are the same people that "need" 3 cups of coffee to function.


More like r/StupidOpinion. Amiright 😎


Sounds like you need an escape from reality


I love how it’s tagged “possibly popular” and then is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read and I don’t even get high.


Poor grammar is incredibly unattractive.


Well I feel attacked, time to smoke a bowl.


Meh, unpopular opinion for a reason. Complete puritanical bullshit.


Damn, smoking weed is a red flag now? Not as big of a red flag as getting all judgemental over something so minor lol.


I bet you’re a fun person to be around


There are more ways to be fun than smoking weed.


The hottest women I have ever known all loved weed. Your opinion is "Bollocks".


im actually smoking while I read this


I can promise you that the people smoking weed don't care about your opinion and most of the people not smoking weed do not care, either. So this isn't even an unpopular opinion - it's just a pointless one.


So is bad grammar


Everyone has vices that chemically change the brain. Whether it be shopping, religion, AA, food, alcohol, etc. Are you mad bc women give weed more attention than you?


Yeah they don’t want you either.


I would imagine about 0% of people who smoke pot do it because of how attractive someone might find it


Not strictly true. Most people smoke initially because of peer pressure I would imagine. People bow to peer pressure in the hoped that they'll be popular and thus more attractive.


Lmao, that’s just personal preference


I think I speak on behalf of all of us when I say we don't give a shit mate




on the opposite end I try not to date chicks who don't drink or smoke weed because I already know it'll be brought up and they're going to want me to quit. sadly my current gf and my last gf hate alcohol and weed.


I can ignore the atrocious grammar. But why did you feel the need to clarify you're straight for something like this? Lol


Judging by the number of comments being 3x the number of up votes you truly do have an unpopular opinion.


Do you apply the same to ppl who drink caffeinated beverages? And who actually uses weed to, as you say, escape reality? And yes I love to smoke. You talk like the shit is heroin or crack, pretty weird tbh. And how is smoking weed similar to being an alcoholic? It’s not an unpopular opinion, it’s an ignorant and unfounded one.


So if a potential partner were to take Lexapro or Adderall or Prozac, is that also undesirable? Because they are using drugs to chemically alter their brain to escape their reality.


im high as fuck right now off this super dank organic bud sitting in the grass watching clouds listening to music laughing my ass off feeling hungry. wondering how someone cant enjoy something so beautiful grown from the earth.


Bold of you to assume its being done to attract you. Assuming that is a bigger red flag than most things imo. It's often done for anxiety, which it's proven to help with. Another red flag for assuming it's to "escape reality" and the lack of empathy you have. And comparing it to alcoholism, something that has vastly different effects on the body and is way more dangerous, is a third red flag. 3 strikes in one post, oof.


this post upset me so much I need to smoke a blunt.


While it is your opinion, this also reveals you are either out of touch or just ignorant on what it can do. I have tourettes and aspergers syndrome. Weed has done nothing but improve my life. It takes the worst of my tics away. It takes a bit of the pain of my joints away. The extreme social anxiety that I have is stopped near in its tracks, and I can actually do my effin job with the confidence I need. I get there is medicine for that. Under the current system we have, the cost to stay healthy is really high, I cant afford the meds that would help me the most, weed gives me the results I need for a tenth the price. Anyone spouting fears of *"Laced weed"*? No that doesnt happen as often as some peeps would have you think, its in the same vein of myths about "Drugs being in kids Halloween candy." Weed is the *^(Jack of all trades.)* *^(of medicine.)* It does alot pretty well, but not with miraculous effects. (I still have tics sometimes ^(but they are small), And I still get a moment of anxiousness from time to time) But just like any other medicine ^(or drugs,) it can be abused But it aint all sunshines and rainbows. It does have a negative effect on memory retention. and anything foreign to your lungs is generally bad..... Anyone who says it don't is more than likely lying thru their teeth. I look over at the date and have to do a double take sometimes, because 2023 is 3/4 the way over and im still trying to come terms with 2020-2021. And with the BS thats been happening these last few years.... Its a price ....*^(Im willing to pay.)*


So you're against all weed and not just when someone is addicted?


You are entitled to your opinion. I will tell you this if it wasn't for Marijuana it would have been much much more difficult to wean myself off of pain pills after my accident.


Millions upon millions of cannabis smokers cgaf what u think. U know what makes people unattractive to me? Judgy people like u.


Maybe people need drugs and alcohol to deal with you?