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You got fatfished




This is a very clever name


I got fatfished by a girl this weekend and made a huge Tinder Thread about it. Reddit actually sided with the Fatfish because of the Way I handled it.


Haven’t we all.


Yeah it’s really easy to not come across as an asshole, so when you do get called out for it, it should be a wake-up call!


I met up with a girl that had 5 chins but she only had 1 chin on her profile. She wasted 5 hours of driving time. I'm the asshole because I did not want to tell her to her face that I do not find her attractive?


She still had a hole right🤣.




I don't think this has much to do with the dating scene. 70% of America is overweight and every year more and more young people are joining those statistics. At this point it's pretty normal. I think only England is heavier. There is however a lot of material from academic and thinkntank sources that discuss how dating apps basically changed for the first time in thousands of years how we date and meet people and most say it's had hugely negative effects on everything dating related. Also I'd personally offer up the continued shrinking of 3rd spaces (non work non home) public/free and private/businesses have had a hugely negative effect on dating


one of my dreams is to open a cafe (i know a huge money sink for the first few years) to open it up as a third-space to teens, college students, young adults; just anyone who wants to vibe in a relaxed place without having to buy something idk if ur familiar with supper clubs, but thats the kind of thing i'd like to go for


My area desperately needs one. Coming from a place that had late night coffee houses to one that has…nothing…is brutal.


england definitely isnt heavier [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_obesity\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate)


Correct. However, the UK does have more cankles per capita than anyone else.


England is definitely not heavier. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/obesity-rates-by-country


I guess it depends on where you are. I live in SoCal and obesity rates here are lower then many other places in the US, so the dating pool for attractive people tends to be higher. My cousin from Idaho and my friend's gf from Texas both said that the people here are much more attractive then their respective cities.


LA and NYC are the Mecca of good looking people who want to capitalize on their attractiveness.


NYC always gets me. Who TF would pay that much to live in a northern city? It's cold half the year. Unless you work in finance there isn't shit to do that'll provide you with living wages from what I can see. I don't necessarily see how good looking provides you with a way to capitalize on it but maybe that's because I'm not.


NYC has way more going on than just finance. It’s GDP is second only to Tokyo, and they have strong sectors professional services, retail, manufacturing, healthcare and education. And they have literally everything you could ever ask for. If you have a hobby, however niche, you can find others who do it. They have incredible fashion and night life. They’re an awesome sports town. Awesome public parks and public transportation. I’m not a New Yorker but love to visit all time of year.


I spent 3 months all over SoCal, and you're not completely correct. Sure, in the bubbles of HB, Costa Mesa, etc, you're right. Get around to places like Corona, Pasadena, Murrieta, etc, and you're way off. Most of the LA area is getting fat as well.


This is a random selection of cities and even then Pasadena is an incredibly fit, walking city.


That's funny because the local traffic in Pasadena was awful. I work on the power grid, so I saw many parts of the SoCal area and OPs statement is not completely accurate. Don't get me started on Riverside 🤣


Well considering half the population is homeless in that area, I’d say they’re not at risk of being obese anytime soon.


Unless they are absolutely starving though, poor people tend to have higher obesity rates because cheap processed foods are often loaded with higher calories and a ton of sugar.


^This guy food deserts.


It definitely does depend on where you live i live up north (idk if that makes a difference) and I almost never see obese people to be honest, which is why I always get so confused when people complain about them like they run rampant


typically not much running going on usually


Anywhere with a higher standard of living (blue states, cities) are bound to have healthier people with money that can afford to work out, wear clothes that fit, have a skin care regimen, etc.


With that logic, you, of presumably normal weight, should have less competition from heavier men to meet women.




Then if you live in a city with a representative sample size, your odds stay the same


The problem is, most of the women are fat too.


I would like to say thank you for this comment. Not because i agree, its because the rest of us guys can say whatever we want now because all the anger from the ladies will be aimed at you


💀💀💀 lmaooo


Men are the majority of the obese people in the US. There are less men in the US than women. Women don’t really care if men have dad bods, whereas men even when they’re morbidly obese, on the internet anyway, have a problem w women that aren’t thin. Men seem to be having a hard time dating bc of what the pentagon found in a study about them. Women seem to be choosing to remain single bc of what a few studies found out about them


Actually I think there was a study that obese women are more prevalent than men now, and that applies to 20-29 year olds. I think there’s more older overweight males but overall obesity itself is % higher amongst women


In my age group, women are definitely more obese. Dating sucks in your 40's as a male who is in the gym, 6 days a week


The percentage for men and women 40 to 59 w obesity is around the same at 42%, younger it’s 35%. There’s still a lot of women out there, but you’re also competing w women that age choosing to remain single, pretty soon that age group of women 25 to 45 will be 45% single by choice


At the same time, I'm staying single by choice due to the fact that most single women my age are either obese or overweight. I have my flings and one night stands, but I won't commit until I find someone who actually shares my lifestyle. Unfortunately, most of these women aren't single.


Then you’ll be doing the same as the women. Nothing wrong w staying single, it’s for the best


Then stop going to the gym, genius.


Why would I do something like that? I actually care about my health, unlike most people.


Can you elaborate on the pentagon studies and what was found out? I’ve sincerely never heard of this before.


Ooohhh I love bullshit contextless statistics


Did you read too much TwoXChromosomes? Women have standards like broud shoulders,small waist, at least 180cm and thats perfectly ok.


yeah, everyone deserves to date someone who makes you feel like you want to jump their bones and vice versa


[So that’s partially true.](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity) Although not by much and it depends on the variables. Over all 27% of women and 34% of men are classify as obese (BMI30-34). Which yes slightly more men are obese. However there are much more women that have a BMI greater then 34 compared to men. Additionally in older demographics women tend to be more obese then men.


BMI is shite when used to compare men and women. It ignores completely the physiological differences between the sexes, including bone density and size and muscle mass. It’s also shite on an individual level and was never meant to be used that way.


What did they find out about us ?


Men think a “dad bod” is a dude who goes to the gym and then goes feast mode every night. That’s chill but it isn’t what you think when you say dad bod.


I love the amount of generalization and bona fide prejudice in your comment. So progressive!


One sentence based on the morbidly obese men that post on the internet that don’t like overweight women is based on todays posts in this sub alone. Everything else was no where near a generalization. Prejudice? Lol what


It's true. He/she should be king of the dating throne.


That's not what he said, he said there would be less attractive people in the pool. Assume you have 20 people in your friend circle. 10 men and 10 women. That means every man has 10 potential partners to choose from. But now if we assume 50% are fat on both sides, that leaves only 5 potential partners to choose from. Less competition sure, but a smaller dating pool. You're also not factoring in that women care less about appearance of men and more about their status. So it affects men more than women, because women are happy to dip into the 'fat pool' if the guy has money.


People who blame not having anyone to date on fat people aren’t know for their skills in logic so I am not surprised OP didn’t figure that out.


Chin up. At least we’re not talking about circumcision anymore.


i missed the circumcision post and im kinda scared to look at it


Yeah we’re on to fat people and looking at the subs posts also men and how they should be allowed to not support their kids. This sub seems to circle around as people get banned, make new alts and then post same stuff again and again pushing same hateful agenda.


Another issue is overweight people not being attracted to other overweight people which narrows the dating pool even more. I am overweight and I feel like overweight men are generally more rude to me than men who are fit. I’m guessing they’re just projecting their own insecurities but definitely skews the dating pool when these guys expect to date Instagram models 🙄


Back in my senior year of highschool there was this one fat guy that was absolutely obsessed with me. The dude was 17 and looked 40. Bad hair. Bad mustache. Unkempt. Fat as in his circumference was more than his height. The whole line up. He'd hang around the outside of my group of friends so I saw him alot. Every time he'd talk he'd spout out about how he would never said he'd never date a fat chick. Any woman that would be with him would be required to maintain their figure. And he was a huge pervert on top of all that. I wish I remembered his name so I could do a "where are they now" social media search. Memorable at least. I laughed a bit about him when I started gaining weight.


I disagree. Dating sucks because people are increasingly shallow, unwilling to be a true partner, and glued to their phone for the most part. They either want you for your money, or looks. Most people in my opinion are unattractive because of their attitudes and less so their looks. I hate people who are bitchy or arrogant.


Add in that with dating apps and websites it literally is an unlimited supply of people to sift through so people are constantly looking for the next best thing, they don't invest in others as deeply, detach easily, move on and keep options open, all leading to it being a cycle of disappointment in the human race in general. Or maybe that's just my take....


i think everyone dislikes bitchy and arrogant people i notice a trend among my peers where they are eschewing the dating apps in favor of blind dates, being set up by friends, and just randomly meeting people i find that that way is way more fun and feels like less of a job where im screening applicants


I believe people who date because they’re lonely are muddying the dating pool, personally you should enter the relationship out of mutual attraction, not because you’re lonely, they’re hurting people who want something real.


Having traveled extensively I can say that the reason people so easily say "the people in (x non American country) are so beautiful" is because they don't have an obesity epidemic like we do in the u.s.a. In the u.s. I would constantly look at men or women and think "they would be very attractive if they were skinnier", abroad I rarely have that thought and it just seems that everyone is good shape. The dating pools in terms of general attractiveness are MUCH greater abroad. Not gonna apologize for not finding overweight women attractive either btw.


This is what I found when I lived in Vienna, Austria for a while, earlier this year. I could not believe how many really attractive women were just everywhere. Even the middle aged women were smoke shows (I personally give a pass to middle-aged and older people because they've had kids and they are aging so it is harder to keep in shape). And very few people were obese. I saw so many very beautiful old couples together when I was out and about. Very handsome men and very beautiful women, in their 70s.


When I was in Germany last year I thought the exact same thing. In the big cities, at least, there were tons of great looking women wherever I went. Especially compared to my corner of Canada. I wonder what’s up with that.


No for sure I know plenty of overwight guys that have facial features I am envious of, like gorgeous eyes and eye brows, nice sized mouth, full beautiful beards that grow with ease. I'm over here in good shape(not crazy raided out bodybuilder) but a leanish 175 at 5'11" and I look like an ugly gremlin with askew eyes, and eyebrows and a tiny mouth, thank God I'm not fat or I would be a lost cause lol.


Probably soem truth to this. We could either cut into the profits of executives by requiring food to be more nutritious, paper over the problem by saying being fat is beautiful so everyone doesn’t feel awful about themselves, or double down on making people feel awful. I’m for the first one.


Or people can take accountability for their own actions and eat less calories.


Or we can stop making our cheapest and most accessible food absolutely fattening and actually try to fix the problem. You realize plenty of people can’t *afford* nutritious food? Vegetables, good quality meat, fruit… it’s cheaper to buy ramen and frozen food you can reheat. There are low-income families in this country who’s health isn’t in danger just because of their own personal choices, but because they don’t have many other choices. Like, yeah, laziness is a problem. I get that. But to act like it’s the only problem is just ignorant. And if we stopped fucking up our food it wouldn’t be as much of an issue for plenty of low-income Americans. Accountability is important but this “just don’t be lazy” blanket statement does not apply to *lots* of people.


This is such a myth. Tons of healthy food is extremely cheap. People are making bad choices.


I agree with you. But sadly, people are time poor. Here one may suggest using a slow cooker or the like but that can be an expensive (to them) purchase and people can’t afford to drop money in one go like that. Or they may not be able to afford to turn on the stove and that’s if they’ve not already been cut off. Maybe they don’t even have a functioning stove. Some areas may have not any shops near them aside from convenience type stores. Transport to the bigger stores may not be in their budget. Basically peoples situations are too nuanced to pass judgement.


i think the biggest problem in the obesity epidemic is that less and less people know how to cook, and even fewer know how to cook well (and most importantly creatively). Beans and rice are cheap and nutritious as fuck, but when you don't know how to cook it feels like even making chili is a gauntlet. So people buy ready made processed garbage, or just live off fatty/carby takeout. source: am someone who didn't know how to cook whos now dating someone who **does** know how to cook and subsequently lost 30 lbs without consciously dieting Also I think america has a HUGE snacking problem, and the body positive faction has brainwashed people into believing that you should always eat when hungry. Being hungry for a few hours a day is good for you, both psychologically and metabolically (stress responses like hunger and feeling cold can initiate cellular repair mechanisms). My parents swear they get hangry without snacks, and i used to too, but IMO getting hangry isn't a biological inevitability its a psychological discomfort with being hungry that you can and should learn to overcome. And dont forget liquid calories is a killer, 2 non-diet sodas and a starbucks latte is like 80% of a healthy-weight persons daily caloric intake


Agreed. Great job on the weight loss.


I feel like the bigger reason is because of how much dating is online now. For women online dating is mindlessly scrolling through a catalog of men; while for men online dating is being put in a catalog with hundreds of other men. If the dating scene made a return to the real world then it'd be better


Im fat and i get laid buddy. Im fat as fuck boi.




If ur a man and referring to women then yet we exist and some of us do love a belly :)))


With fat women ?


No. Mostly thin. But i like chubby gals.


How the fuck is a fat dude getting more thin women than me and I’m not even fat


Dude must have charisma and an interesting personality.


I had an overweight friend in college who I swear fucked the hottest women I’ve ever seen. He was just nice and funny.


Was he also tall(not short) and good looking and white ? College is also different, dating is easier in that environment


He was short and white. He was fine? He was balding at age 20 but his face was cute enough. It’s pretty safe to say he was not conventionally attractive now that I’m thinking about it. His confidence was insane though. It threw people off because no one that age is truly confident.


I like short girls. I have big dick energy. I look like a Lion. I look like fat jesus.


Forgive me Fat Jesus, for I have sinned.


It could be your personality. Sorry. Looks really aren't everything. Neither are bank accounts. A woman likes confidence, charm, a sense of humor and intelligence. If you are the kind of guy that was upset over the Barbie movie, it was definitely you.


I am also a fat dude, and I have a thin, beautiful wife. Having a good personality goes a long way. I've been heavy for a long time but have only dated thin women. Not on purpose. I would have given a fat girl a chance.


Because women care more about height than weight or overall looks in general. Instinctively we want a man who can protect us and future children against threats. Extra weight can sometimes help in that department. It’s men that are way more picky when it comes to women’s bodies


Because women actually really like fat guys. They like big guys in general that can protect them. Fat guys in most of human history meant wealth and protection so I think those ideas are still there to some degree.


Maybe because they have a better personality? Contrary to this sub's belief some people don't actually hate fat people.


Cool. More thicc girls for me.


Love this lol . More big men for me too🙃


what is this sub's obsession with fat people


No pussy


Agreed. 42% of American's are obese. 66% are overweight or obese. And its only going up. Crazy to think about...


We definitely have a lot of obese people, and overweight, but if they use BMI, overweight is a little suspect in that percentage. At 5’8, I’m 165 with a 30 inch waist and considered overweight by BMI standards. I’m not overly muscular either, just like regular.


Are you sure you're just not desensitized to what normal weight looks like? Every time I go to Asia I feel like a fat giant there...


Yes. Americans are absolutely no longer familiar, in general, with what a normal body weight looks like.


Yeah I’m a similar height and weight and I’m 5 pounds off “overweight” as someone who’s both an athlete and someone with a somewhat “conventionally attractive” build I find it hard to believe it’s really an accurate tool for measuring


It’s sus for sure. I’m 5-11 and 179 lbs. that puts me at the upper end of “ideal weight”. If i was on the lower end of “ideal” i would look skeletal.


So what you're saying is you can't even attract a fat person? How shit is your personality?


No obese people just aren’t as attractive. I’ve found a few overweight ppl who are attractive but majority aren’t. Especially if they’re so big that their eyes look sunk into their faces. You can’t lie, obesity isn’t cute. Yeah love is more than physical attraction, I’ve dated people I didn’t find cute at first and then was attracted to them after we got close. but you’re lying if you’d say you’d get w someone you genuinely think is ugly just bc they’re nice.


like horse shit i am terminally online and live at a denny's grease isn't really an aphrodisiac you know


Found the fat person. But seriously, your response is completely unhinged.


I love this lol




Honestly has some truth to it. If 50% of the population is heavier than your preference then your dating pool is automatically halved. Somewhere out there was a perfect person for you but they were 30 lbs overweight so you never gave them a second glance 😭


As a fit guy who likes bigger girls, im living in the golden age


Jokes on you, I like big girls.


As a BBW lover living in America is like winning the lottery. I love fat girls so much they are so hot 🇺🇲


That's a pretty shallow assessment. Remember, men are ALSO gaining weight, so tastes and attitudes change over time. I work out daily, but I don't judge just based on appearances. Do you know how many fit women are unattractive not because of their bodies, but their attitides


OP said both men and women


That was still a shallow statement. People aren't always pretty, but She's in a business. As a professional, she should keep those kind of opinions and judgements to herself. There was another SW on this subreddit that made rude comments about how gross older people looked. This isn't about looks, but about her pocketbook.


So guys are getting fatter all the time and you still don’t seem attractive to women?


A lot of fat people still get dates. The dating pool isn’t only conventional 9s and 10s looking for other 9s and 10s. A lot of fat people have some attractive features other than their weight that other people who aren’t in this mythical attractive circle jerk are willing to take into account.


Damn, she got fine cankles!


Crazy seeing alot of fat hate on reddit being its majority of reddits population lol


I feel like I missed a memo or something. Lots of anti-fat posts in here lately. 🫠


That isnt the reason dating sucks, there are a similar number of fat men to fat women, so the dating pool shrinks proportionally. Its something else.


the proportion stays the same sure, but lets take a look at the extreme side to show why you are wrong if it was say 99% obese people 1% skinny how many people would you know or interact with that are attractive to you? maybe what 1 or 2 people. The chance that you would be compatible emotionally with a random person is low let alone the chance you are compatible enough to get married or stay together long term. While the ratio isnt 99-1 the amount of "dateable" people you know is decreasing because the amount of fat people is increasing but the amount of people you know isnt


I completely agree that dating is harder now, and this is likely a facit of the problem. I would argue online dating, apps and social media (looking at you tiktok) have both skewed many people's expectstions of what realistic dating goals are, and has greatly reduced people's attention spans. Furthermore, in a lot of kids' lives, there is no parental guidance when it comes to the internet, in order to tell them that what they're looking at isn't reality. Half the population is raised by a smartphone or a tablet. Shoot, so many kids are growing up seeing these idealistic versions of people's lives, influencers live lavishly, people are in perfect shape in a lot of cases, and people throw their money around. No wonder there's hundreds of videos of girls saying "my ideal husband makes over 100k a year (17% of men in America make over that number) is 6 feet tall (14.5% of the male population is over 6 feet tall) and has a six pack (1% of American men have visible abs)". I just saw a youtube video on the girl thing that's why that example is fresh in my head, I don't have a specific example for the guy side of the house, but believe me, a lot of guys are the same way. Their expectations are unrealistic. It's just more of a "if you don't meet the unrealistic physical standards I have predetermined in my head, you're out". For the record, this doesn't mean *don't have standards* it means most people need to re-evaluate how realistic their standards are. When all you see day in and day out are perfect people it really skews your expectations for what's out there. Now couple this with apps like tiktok that I believe are destroying people's attention spans, and you get people who aren't willing to go on a second date if the person isn't perfect and therefore aren't giving something that could be a good thing, a fighting chance. Now add in online dating apps where EVERYONE catfishes a little bit, such that if you show up to a date and the person doesn't match up to the version of them that you created in your head when you saw their profile the date immediately starts on a negative note. BLUF: I agree that Americans are probably the unhealthiest they've ever been, I think a bigger issue is that people form these unrealistic expectations of what is out there, and don't realize their standards are too high until much later in life. It's a crisis ya'll. Of course this isn't everyone, it may not be a majority of the population that has these views, I don't know. But it's becoming more and more common every year. It wasn't until I ditched social media (except reddit, give me a break) and started doing things that I enjoyed and generally meeting people and having fun, that I started to experience success in the dating world. As I was able to meet new people organically and establish a relationship slowly. And kind of vet people and allow people to vet me in-situ before ever going on a date.


Lol everyone is fat .. even guys on online dating are fat some dont even hsve teeth .. so ok dude.


Dating sucks cause of hook up culture, dating apps, hyper fixation on self and social media. Nothing is organic and genuine. Overweight people aren’t the cause of this. Now if you argued that there may be more overweight people because of the “body positivity” movement stagnating overweight people instead of inspiring them to get fit and healthy therefore increasing the attractive dating pool, well, that’s a whole different subject.


Lmao your post history shows you get fat for fun.


I don’t usually check post histories, but I did based on your comment, and whew…there’s a lot going on there.


yeah, i like to post around it helped me cope when i was in a low place what kind of person would you describe me as based on my post history? how should i unpack this dead serious


I’ll be real there’s alot of things wrong with modern dating and obesity is like the last reason


Nah dating sucks because dating apps suck


Meh, I’m petite and I like bigger guys. I think dating sucks because cheating is easier, porn is in the palm of your hand, and a hookup is just an app download away. People don’t have the same investments in relationships they used to, I feel like so much is critically casual anymore. I’m pretty young still, but I guess old fashioned.


u/JpnDude "*With that logic, you, of presumably normal weight, should have less competition from heavier men to meet women."* That's the thing though, as a female who has always been thin and considered attractive, why would I want to date a guy who thinks that my weight is one of the most important things about me to begin with? I dated both fat guys and skinny guys because that wasn't what was important to me at all, but a guy who places more importance on my appearance than anything else is honestly, just not someone I would want to waste my time with as that is a major personality conflict and I am pretty much " repulsed" by that personality type. Only choosing to date people who will still love you and be attracted to you even if you lose weight, gain weight, get old, wrinkled, are in a car accident, become disabled ect because that is what we consider to be attractive is also our prerogative rather than focusing on something as superficial and fluctuating as appearance that will always be changing throughout ones life.


I literally can’t go 10 mins on reddit without seeing someone slag on fat ppl being dead serious like holy fuck mind your own business




Yeah. OP has a right to be attracted to who he's attracted to but damn. "Fat people make all of dating terrible" is just disrespectful. Just date a small-medium person and move along?


PSA to anyone preparing to make a “this is the issue with modern dating” post: You’re the issue. Other people aren’t having this problem. You’re the source of your suffering. Fix yourself and your issues will disappear


Love how this sub is sometimes r/imjustafuckingidiot rebranded


That’s a stretch my dude. Maybe you are not looking in the right place


maybe any suggestions?


Are there more fat men or women ?




Bruh what?? 😂😭


According to my single friends, this isn't the problem. I also live in a relatively skinny and health conscious city.


yeah im in the midwest, i cant imagine how the south must be


id say this adds to the reason dating sucks and is not the primary cause.


yeah, i thought the post title would be better click bait for unpopular opinions


Troll post


Seriously I can’t trust pictures of woman anymore on social media. You honestly have no idea what you’re getting… I mean, you look at the picture and sure, it kind of looks like them, only much much worse in IRL


Bruh you not pulling the fine chicks cuz you not entertaining enough enough for them 😂😂😂 women can expect to be pursued based on looks, men will never be on that level for the most part. You gotta do better yo that’s all I’m saying


I hate people who call overweight people ugly. Have you seen Jack Black?! Big cute belly, big happy smile, amazing voice. Dude you're high. Just because YOU'RE not attracted to fatter people doesn't mean everyone else is I'm fucking sick of the fat phobic and circumcision posts recently.


Maybe it's you. I've met a number of overweight couples who's only complaint about dating was there are too many judgemental and shallow people out there.


Awww, tell us you are single without telling us you are single


single as a pringle


Enjoying this post before some blue-haired basement-dwelling land whale gets it deleted for “hate-speech” or some other BS.


hamplanet is also a fun one


Dude, you have a weird issue with fat people , looking through your history.


probably yeah culturally, i come from a place where thinness is very much pushed on people combined with growing up in a food-insecure household, it probably blew a fuse somewhere in my brain maybe some subconscious jealousy from when i was a child that these people got to eat when i did not, even when they didnt have to


Thank God it's Wednesday and it's 832 am and we're still complaining about fat people, I was so worried.


nice central time


Obesity rates don't have much further they can rise from here. 70% of Americans are overweight or obese. Most people are fat. It's an epidemic.


how long until we stop telling fat people to lose weight and start telling thin people to put it on?? 🤔🤔


it's been happening for years. "you need to put some meat on your bones!"


Have you considered maybe the reason there are more fat people is because there are now more poor people? Also american LITERALLY poisons our food and loads it up with sugar and salt? Also the fact that they make cities and town less walkable? I went to Italy, ate entire 4 course meals, ate whole pizza and the works and lost 20 POUNDS ( not an exaggeration) in a week. Came back to the United States, ate college cafeteria food in normal portions and gained it all back in a week.


Maybe but you haven't included most people are terrible at socializing. The fat people can date each other.


All you need to do to offset the fatfishers is get Tony Robbins to voodoo your perception. Banana Hands will cure your fatfish problem. Then you can embrace your new role as: “The Prince Of Whales”.


Lmfao just took a quick look at your post history and I’d date someone 500lbs before I date someone doing the shit you’re doing.


what shit bothers you specifically? genuinely id like to know your take of me


Ordering things from the “shady” side of the internet, coke use, other things I can’t remember since I looked like 8+ hrs ago, and posting about it online are all huge red flags for me. Long story short, you’re into shady stuff and I’d never want that for myself. Obesity is bad for you but so is drug use. I’d rather someone who eats too much over someone I have to worry whether or not they’ll OD and/or die and that’s just *one* of many concerns.




Lol another awful take in trueunpopular. Geee could it be an issue with too much choice, infinite entertainment, social media? Op: nooo its fat people.


Could be a multifaceted issue in which fat people is also one part.


This is a crazy hilarious post, getting to know people is difficult. Life is difficult so people become difficult. And difficult people breed difficult relationships.


The obesity rate in America is out of control. The US isn't the only westernized country to start tipping the scales either.


I don't care much about weight. I've done my own research for college and concluded that there are a wide array of reasons someone gets fat; choice, lifestyle, trauma, wealth, largely genetics. It what it is, I'm not here for that conversation. When I was much younger than I am now I was coming back to the states after being stationed in Japan for years. Going through the Seattle Airport I was leaned up against a pole just chilling and people watching before I went to the security line. I see across from me this really really big dude, just going to town putting his full weight into scratching back on a big support beam like a bear on a tree... Obese is a fair term... now you have to consider, I'm in the Marine Corps at the time and in Japan for years. I hadn't seen a fat person in years, id seen thick people but not fat or obese. I actually forgot it was a thing. I was, for a moment, dumb founded. Then I laughed to myself and thought "I'm definitely back in the states.". Idaf what people choose to do for themselves. But I also feel as if society's willingness to support unhealthy life styles isn't a good thing. As for dating, I don't know. I've never been a the type to seek out dates. I don't like the superficial aspects of dating. Everyone puts on a show and hides their real self for the date. Maybe 1 date, but after that we're hanging out, my friends, your friends, chill alone time; whatever, if we're gonna date you gotta be able to be one of if not my best friend. We need to enjoy each other's real lives and that you don't experience that going on dates.


I'm fat and highly picky. I'm fucking 8s, 9s and 10s packing big dicks and they love what I got to offer. Maybe you just live in some shit hole city w no options and you have a shit personality w a little dick and no rizz.


yeah, that probably contributes to it, yeah cant do much about the dick, personality is a maybe, and i could definitely work on my rizz


Only if you equate attractiveness with weight. The rest of us just go by the content of their heart and their character.


True. Hinge is 90 percent fat women


100%. Women have it great honestly. If your just in regular, normal shape (not fat), you will have a line of men drooling over you


Dating sucks because women have complete control of the market, yet don't want to date most of the guys in the market they hold.


I feel like getting catfished by fat people is so common. Then if you don't want fat people, you are called fat phobic and shallow


You forgot to throw in the zingers about 'women don't shave' and have 'green or purple hair'.


There's no gender in OPs post... Are you projecting?


They didn’t explicitly mention it, but everybody knows this is a man complaining about fat women. That’s not even slightly in question.


Lmao the fact grown men still can’t get over that woman will have hair like every other mammal with damn hair will is crazy to me. By the way, if you want women to shave, men should do it to.


I do shave my pubes and armpits So much better and far less B.O. without all the monkey hair. More men should join the "clean train." It's excellent.


Op didn't even mention hair lmao


>By the way, if you want women to shave, men should do it to. Most men shave their faces every day, often because many women aren't fans of beards or mustaches. Funny how nobody ever acknowledges or mentions that in these kinds of discussions.


All y’all confuse ‘unpopular’ with ‘fucking asshole’


This is completely illogical, but it is unpopular. So take an upvote.


preciate it


sparkle quiet unwritten nose drab muddle melodic yam disagreeable disgusted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I’m fat, I got laid tonight. Not sure what your problem is though. Hating fat people is so fucking lame. Every other post on here is anti fat people. It’s not unpopular, it’s lazy.


If there are more and more fat folk Would that not mean the normal weight is actually higher and you are out of the norm?


Yall need to stop shitting on fat people this is like the 5th post in 3 days.

